Lords of the Earth

West Rome No More
Turn 45
~ 1225 Anno Domini
583 ~ 587 in the year of the Hegira
New for T45
New Rivers: I’ve added in some new possible rivers onto the map.
These are rivers that were once passable by light traffic (remember Cogs cannot
travel on rivers) and have now become silted up. You can dredge a stretch of
the river (along one region border edge) as a 0.5 level project.
Agro as conversion –
this has restrictions (see which I will be enforcing from now on.
Rivers can only support
light ships – as far as I know Cogs cannot travel on rivers. This also includes
Cogs built for trade.
New Primates: We have two new Primate positions
this turn. Jumal Skyfather,
which is an Estonian god and the Coptic Church based out of Axum.
New for T44
Minor islands and City States: I’ll be allowing minor islands (Corfu, Jerba, Wight etc) and
city states to be used as locations from T44. Just let me know the rationale
behind why you want it separate and if reasonable I’ll add it in. Once they are
created as locations, they obey all the rules of islands etc. However, their Gpv cannot go above 0.
Flooding: The last few turns have seen a massive increase in the
amount of flooding that has occurred. It appears that the years are getting
warmer and wetter. As a result of this some of the minor rivers on the map are
once again becoming passable to river traffic.
Following on from the Minor Islands stuff, you can see that Denmark is now separated out to Jutland and Syaland (Zeeland).
Announcements and
items of note
General Stuff: Please use my Paypal
account (stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk)
for all Lords’ 24 payments. If you cannot use this facility then please let me
know and I will see what I can do about filtering US funds to my account. I may
also stop using the throneworld email address due to
the mass of spam I’m getting!
Order Form: Please use the
standard excel order form from now on. I’ll update the site with a link
to it next week when I get some time. This is important as it helps me process
the turn more quickly. THIS IS NOW MANDATORY.
Non-Payment: some of you still owe me some
cash. Although it may come as surprise that this is not my main source of
income, I see it only polite that you pay for the occasionally night out. So,
if you’re under zero next turn I’ll not process you orders.
Version 6: Lords 24 uses version 6 of the
basic rules
The Map: The map now includes India as well as Europe, Central Asia and Africa. I’ve greyed out repeated areas on the maps to
make my life easier. However, this means some player nations are split across
more than one map. I may increase the size of the main map but I’ll have to
think on this.
Tithes and Tribute: I think these are automatically
updated by the stats program, so no need to declare them in your orders.
of the Papacy and Religious Orders: In Lords 24 we will not always have a player Pope (or Caliph
etc for that matter) and the following rules are used to determine which player
faction controls the Pope’s actions, Papacy
Rules. I’ve also added some stuff about gaining support from their armies
to make your GM happy (PLEASE READ! REALLY!):
Please send any and all Lords24
correspondence to lords24gm@ymail.com
or stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk .
The Lords Twenty-Four homepage is
All of the on-line resources, including
order forms, mailing lists and web-sites for Lords of the Earth are summarized
on this page:
You can subscribe to the Lords 24 mailing
list by pointing your web-browser at:
…and following the
instructions on that page.
At the moment the turns cost $5 – please
pay up of you owe
We are using the latest v6.3.5 of the
basic rule book that can be found here
Turn 46 Orders due by: Wednesday 7th January
Without further ado, the news for these
years in Lords 24 history...
The Varangian
Rus of Kiev
(Orthodox Civilized Open Empire)
Izyaslav, King of the Rus

The sacked city of Moscow
was rebuild with loyal Kievans and walls raised
around its outskirts. Novgorod in Seversk and Saratov
also benefited from newly built walls. The postal road between Kiev and Izyaslav’s lands east was completed when the bridge over
the Dnepr was completed. The princess Sofia was promised to Lars Wulfson of the Orkneys. The marriage further cemented the
good relations between the two nations when she travelled to Kirkval to meet
her betrothed. Peter of Muscovy promised a full alliance with Izyaslav when
the able Wladislaw and Vladimir persuaded him that
his small province would benefit from Kievan
protection. King Izyaslav took command of the Kievan
infantry, over sixteen thousand men and marched into Kostroma with Joseph. One thousand infantry
were given to Peter before the Kievan army marched
on Kostroma.
The Cossacks were beginning their assault on Suzdal
when they met the Kievans in battle. They were
greatly outnumbered but relied on the quality and strength of their elite
infantry. However, three thousand men could not stop the Kievian
storm and the Cossacks were slaughtered before the might of Izyaslav’s army. Only a few hundred men fled from Kostroma in panic. The
Magyars caused some damage to Kiev
from their raids from Pechneg.
The Western Roman
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Basil of Ochrid, Emperor of the West Romans
fell to the Uighur host. Although valiant to the end, Basil and Dimitir were cut down and the Empire was no more.
The Western Uighur Khanate
(Sunni Islam Civilised Open Empire)
Khagan Selim
three thousand light infantry wee raised in Thrace to complement the Khagan’s army. Trade was set up from Heraclea
to Vidin and
the Fratelli d’Italia and
the Sons of Islam. Gold was the deciding factor in the deal done with the Fratelli d’Italia and they moved
down through Greece to
muster at Heraclea.
The Fratelli, led by Claudio met up with the Khagan as he moved out towards Serbia. Serbia
was easily taken as it had no defences and the Uighurs began their assault of
the city of Ochridia
aided by the Italian mercenaries. The Buwayids mercenaries under the comamndof the Turkish Gaurds had
also arrived at this point but took no part in the assault of Ochridia. The city was not long captured when Selim was struck down. His son and heir Barjik
was quick to claim the throne and the succession passed without dissent.
Ochridia was to be sacked but without Selim to
command the army the Uighurs were content to wait for Barjik.
However, in the fight for Ochridia, The Roman forces under Dimitir
and Basil were wiped out by the Uighur army of eight thousand. The Western Roman Empire is no more. Uighur diplomacy on the
city state of Thessaloniki
backfired when the Uighur leader was imprisoned for supposedly insulting Theodotus. He was later released but relations were soured
by the event. Celil took stock of the Uighur lands
and a census was recorded.
The Ests
(European Pagan Barbarian Open Empire)
Andrus, Kings of the Ests
The cult of Jumal Skyfather (Jumal was the name of the god of the sky. He was
believed to make the earth fertile through the rains of the summer's
thunderstorms. Among the south Estonians, he is represented by a wooden statue
in their homes – seen on the map as a triangle with a line through it)
start to hold formal ceremonies in Estonia and the religion gathered
support throughout these lands. Fortifications were raised in Veposkava in
anticipation of a Cossack attack. Indeed, Gcarson of
Livonia was aided by Vilnus in defending the region
after the Livonian’s army was increased by nearly one thousand new infantry.
Over two thousand spearmen, light cavalry and some engineers were raised in Estonia for the
King’s army. King Andrus also moved down to Veposkava and directed his defence
against the Kalinin
border. He was aided by Jaagup before returning to
sire a son in Estonia.
The Latvian garrison of two thousand men was added to the Estonian army along
with a few hundred brought by Jaagup from Libau. The Cossacks were mauled by Kievian
forces before the Estonians could arrive and Gcarson
moved his men into Kostroma
to meet up with Izyaslav.
Elsewhere in Eastern
The Cossacks were
thrown out of Patzinak when the Ademid
Khanate regains the region. The Magyars raid throughout Eastern
Europe. Bochnia, Walachia,
Dubruja and Ludgorie all
fell to the Magyar raiders. Galich and Goryn were taken and held but the Magyars as was the lands
of the Romanii. The Kingdom
of Hungary managed to repel the
raiders from Banat and Alfold inflicting loses
of two thousand on the Magyars. The raiders, now numbering some six thousand
horsemen, pulled off two daring raids into Kiev. The Amir Al’Bahri set sail for Thrace
and land their forces in Heraclea.
Once in Heraclea
they take a defensive stance against any invaders onto Uighur sol.
Heyrenik'un Armeniam
(Roman Catholic Barbarian Open Empire)
Anisha Amirspalar
times for the mountain kingdom.
The Buwayid Sultanate
(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Hamzah, Sultan of the Buwayids

Hamzah ordered the construction of a new port in Kuwait called
Al’Kuwait. The fortress in Persia was heavily fortified to protect the
eastern frontier as was the frontier town of Qom. Two thousand infantry were raised in Abadan and another two
thousand cavalry for the Edessan army. Twelve light
warships were commissioned in the dockyards of Antioch. Mustafa’s son and the Turkish Guards
were re-hired and after aiding the Uighurs to take Serbia,
moved down to Attica and Athena. The unprotected
province and city fell easily to the mercenary captain. The old postal road
from Cilicia to Isauria was upgraded and linked in the new city of Al’Adana.
Buwayid missionaries made some gains in Crete
with the Moslems becoming yet another minority in the polyglot island society.
Hamzah marries a young bride from amongst the Baghdad elite while he
ruled his Sultanate. His uncle Nadir moved to Qom with Imad where
he gained a valuable alliance form the city. Prince Haythan
patrolled the Aegean, now a virtual Moslem
lake, looking out for French or Salernese shipping.
Ghiyath made some gains in converting the elite of Hastor to Islam. Some progress was made by Abdul-Hafiz in
persuading the emir of Raqqa to have closer ties
with Baghdad.
Harig of Edessa patrolled the eastern frontier from
Diyala. Khoury of Fars
travelled from Isauria to Fars after
discussing the Koran with the elders of that province.
Al-Khulafa'ur Rashidun
(Sunni Islam Civilized Primacy
Shiraj of the Buwayids, the Righteous
Mosques were built
by Moslem devouts in Macedon and Thrace. Forty
warships were commissioned in Basra and another
eight in Antioch.
The port city of Al’Adana
was built in Cilicia. Shiraj
ordered the construction of a great wall in the Levant; it was built facing
West towards the Mediterranean. Shiraj also increased his personal guard by four thousand
light cavalry. Rashidun missionaries were active in Galacia, Sicily and Torki
and converted the latter to Islam. Shiraj travelled
with the entire Al-Khulafa court throughout Asia Minor. Monasteries were raised by Shiraj and his followers in Lydia
and Aleppo. Shafiq Hiba escorted the princess
Farida Safawan to Alexandria where she was
to be married to Harun of the Ayyubids. Qadir of the Akramds was married
to her twin sister Fariha when he arrived in Antioch. Qadir then pledged his allegiance to Shiraj.
Annas Safawan also became
part of Shiraj’s court when he came of age.
Negotiations to improve relations with the Farubids
came to nothing, despite the huge amount of gold offered as gifts by Shiraj. Sadly the two Imams, Shafiq and Ghassan, passed away
with a fever during these years.
Elsewhere in the Middle
The Farubids take control of Syria.
The Ayyubid Sultanate
(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Saladin, Sultan of the Ayyubids

The island of Sicily was heavily fortified as was
Saladin’s new acquisitions in Adulis. Four thousand
infantry were raised in Alexandria
along with one thousand cavalry. Forty cogs were commissioned in Al’Qadi to be used on internal trade routes. Kurman was settled by Egyptian colonists to provide
Saladin with a friendly government in the city. The royal road from the Sinai
to the Levant was completed, linking Alexandria
with Jerusalem.
Egyptian agents foiled attempts by the Assassins to infiltrate the government
in Alexandria.
Saladin himself married Alimah of the Al’Bahri. The marriage brought a defensive alliance
between the order and Saladin. He was blessed with two sons, one from each of
his wives. Prince Jabril continued to defend Sicily against Salernese attack. Prince Harun
married Farida Safawan of
the Rashidun. The marriage brought a joining of the
clergy between Alexandria and Baghdad. This was put to great use in Sicily where Rashidun missionaries enjoyed successful years. Prince Osman was married to a Dongolan
princess. Sadly, she died in childbirth. Emir used the ill-fated marriage to
Prince Osman to good effect as the region drew
closer to the Sultanate. Imam Hosseini and Agman of Alwa were successful in reducing the resentment
amongst the Sicilians to Ayyubid rule. Saladin could do little to stop the Sharif raids in Alwa and Dongola from far Alexandria. The
ineffectual Emir of Dongola tried and failed to stop the Sharifs
from raiding his lands.
Ummayad Sultanat
al Oran
(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Abbas al Basha ,Sultan of the Ummayad
Abbas ordered hat the lands of Merrakesh
be improved and the irrigation systems upgraded. Taking nearly two thousand
elite cavalry from Farid he spent these years ruling
his Sultanat and overseeing the nation’s merchants.
Valiant Farid al Basha set
out time and again from Oran
to attempt to push back the Adjou Aba
as they raided across the Sultanat’s lands. Zirid, Kabilya and Tunisia were
all badly mauled by the raiders and numbering nearly twenty-four thousand
fierce warriors Farid’s men could do little but to stop
them. Al-Zubayr patrolled the Ummayad
lands around Santa Maria while Uthman ibn Qusai
was based in Oran
and was tasked to protect the Sultanat’s coast. Abd Munaf saw some success in Catalonia with the elite there but some Ummayad missionaries caused a scandal in Catalonia and set back the Islamist cause in
that region. He escaped an attempt by a disgruntled Spanish nobleman to throw
him from a balcony. Abd Munaf
struggled with his assailant and cast him from the balcony instead. The
Christian region of Aragon
saw some Ummayad missionaries preaching during these
years, with some success. Unrest amongst the poor of Algiers saw that city rise up in rebellion
against it Ummayad rulers.
Elsewhere in the North
The Adjou Aba come up
from the Western Sahara and take
the Oases of El’Golea, Hassi
Talieb, Ain Salah and Gademes. The Ummayad regions of Zirid, Kabilya and Tunisia were
raided from the desert before the Adjou took Gefara. The Ayyubid Bedouin, although few
in numbers, threw in with the Adjou. Gefara fell to their combined forces.
Heiliges Romisches Reich
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Brandork, Holy Roman Emperor

Brandork dismissed his heir Laresial
from the German court. Laresial was to travel to
the Knights in Malta
and become a soldier for God. Unfortunately, Laresial
met an untimely death on the road to Cannes
and never made it across the sea to Malta. Heinrich was appointed
heir in Laresial’s place and Prince Gerhard was
presented at court. A fortress was built in Bavaria
to stem the Magyar raids and the region heavily fortified along with the
other border province
of Meissen. Grain was
sent to the Orkneys in exchange for gold. Brandork
himself rules the Empire and sired three children, two of them sons. The able
Hans von Matrunco moved to the newly built fortress
in Bavaria
and patrolled the eastern frontier in case of further Magyar raids. None were
forthcoming as the Magyars had moved east in search of easier pickings. Alfons von Lausatia was
unsuccessful in gaining more influence from the Knights when he spent these
years in Malta.
German agitators tried to stir up trouble in Thrace but the overwhelming
presence of the Uighur army kept the small German and Czech minority at bay.
The Bishop Joseph von Ratz had some success in
convincing the recently settled Magyars in Austria to reduce their ties with
the Magyar host. Brandork’s attempt to hire the Fratelli d’Italia met with no
success when he was outbid by the Uighurs.
Jarldom of Orkeneyjar
(Roman Catholic Seafaring Open Empire)
Wulfgar Bjornson, Jarl of Orkney

Wulfgar Bjornson ordered that the region of Trondheim be better
protected and new fortifications were constructed. Gold again flowed to the
Rus in Kiev in
exchange for assistance in training Orkney spearmen. Gold was also sent to Germany for
some much needed grain. Orkney agents were active in Hordavil,
trying to determine the strength of the relationship between Norway and
the Svear. Wulgar himself attempted to raise the
status of the Marteau de Dieu
site in rural Okney but fell short of funds for the
intended Preceptory. He later spent many months in feasting with his son and
heir Lars and his new bride Sofia of the Rus. A deal that brought increased
prosperity to the Orkney’s merchants as favourable trade deals were signed.
Hekla Wulfdatter gained some influence in the Marteau when she travelled to Brest with much gold. Gretal
was unlucky in Fjordane with Lief
as the region stubbornly refused to gain closer ties with the Orkneys. Poor
Erik died in captivity before the Kingdom
of Munster was
destroyed. His body was later released to the Orkneymen. Bjorn moved
throughout Ireland with Stal Fericson, garrisoning Dublin, Lienster and Connaught. He man managed to raise a Preceptory for the
Marteau de Dieu in Ulster.
Severe flooding struck Iceland
in 1223 but caused minimal damage.
of Svear
(Roman Catholic Seafaring Open Empire)
Arnold Erikson, King of the Svear

Quiet times for the Svear and their Norwegian allies.
Norman Kingdom
of France
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Louis VII, King of France
The city of Bruges was built in Flanders
and Peronne in Vermandois.
The region of Limousin
benefited greatly during these years. Prince roger was presented to the
French court in Paris
and the Prince Guillaumette named as Louis’s heir.
Louis ruled his kingdom from Paris
and as blessed with three new children with his new Parisian wife. French influence
with the Vatican was
increased and Paris
saw the influx of many priests and clerics to help with Louis’s government.
Prince Fulques raised an army of fourteen hundred
mercenary cavalry before passing away in 1223. It was left to Guillaume and
Prince Guillaumette to ship the troops to Petropolis. Guillaume
returned to Marseilles
with the French fleet and presented Princess Anne to the Count of Auvergne.
The region was fully integrated through marriage to the French Kingdom.
Princess Jeanne was left in Burgogne, apparently
waiting a suitor that never arrived. Alain, prisoner of the Rashidun, was released on terms that he would never again
fight in the conflict in Thessaly and made his own way back to Paris. The city of Aachen was struck by a
severe earthquake which destroyed the city and its ancient walls.
Principality of Salerno
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Ricardo II, Prince of Salerno

The city of Calania was increased in size
and a new city built in Spoleto called Pescara. Cogs were
built in the dockyards of Taranto and Ravenna and put to work on the trade routes throughout Italy. Nearly
four thousand cavalry were raised in Calania and put under the command of Enrico Porro. Some forts were
built to defend the valuable region of Verona.
Salernese agents were active in stirring up unrest
in Sicily and Palermo but their actions backfired when Salernese missionaries were blamed for the trouble and
killed by the mob. Ricardo II rules the Principality from Campania and married his daughter Paulina
to Renato Anselmi on her
fifteenth birthday. Renato was active in Spoleto
were he gained an alliance from the province. The old Duke of Romagna died
during these years and the province dropped back from a full alliance with Naples. Matteo Tagliariol pulled out of
Naples with
fourteen triremes and forty cogs. Skirting around the Italian coastline he
entered Venice
where he picked up a further twenty one triremes. Akramid
scouts had been watching for Christian ship movements in the Eastern Mediterranean and set sail to intercept the Salernese. Matteo barely outran
the Akramid fleet before pulling into Calania. Once
in the port he gave over the ships to Enrico. Enrico himself was massing an army in the port when the
ships were joined to his cavalry and the six thousand infantry, half of which
were Italian mercenaries, under his command. The new Bishop from Rome was dispatched to Savoy to determine why Salernese
diplomacy was so ineffectual there. His only findings were a strong anti-Salernese sentiment amongst the Savoyard elite.
Saxon Kingdom
of England
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Domnall I, King of England
plague ravaged city of London
was partially rebuilt, its walls being removed to make way for the new housing.
The walls of Diva were also removed and a new port fortress built against the Irish Sea. English missionaries were active in Dyffed where the Welsh heretics were gradually being
converted back to Catholicism. Domnall himself was
blessed with two healthy sons, a third dying in childbirth. Lord Quinton
travelled to the break-away region of Cornwall
but was unsuccessful in persuading them to rejoin with England.
Meanwhile, Lord Montague worked with King Domnall to
protect the Kingdom from London.
The Akramid
(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Caliph of the Akramids
One thousand elite
cavalry were raised in Seville and the same
number of light cavalry in Andalusia. The
region of Granada
was greatly improved. Prince Qadir travelled to Antioch with Prince Obrahim. Once in the city he took Farha
Safawan as his bride and cemented relations between
to Rashidun and the Akramids.
As a result of the marriage the Imams from both nations could freely operate
throughout their lands. Akramid agents found and
stopped an attempt by an organisation called the Fratelli
del Nord to infiltrate the highest reaches of the Seville government. Tiroman himself took two further wives and was blessed with
further children. Badr and the Iman
Dabir split the Akramid
fleet between them; each leader had command of roughly 190 ships. They sailed
out of Madiera to the Aegean
where they were tasked with interdicting any Christian fleet in these seas or
nearby. Alerted by Salernese movement up the Adriatic
the Akramids almost caught the Italians before they
harboured in Naples.
The Papal States
(Roman Catholic Civilized Primate)
Clement IV, Pope
influence was gained during these years amongst the nations of Christendom. Pope
Clement was disappointed when many new sites he had envisioned failed to be
built. At least an Abbey was built in Swabia
by Cardinal Colonna. Cardinal Bearne suffered
greatly at the hands of the Savoyards when they branded him a heretic and
burned him at the stake. The holy site there was burnt to the ground.
Elsewhere in Western
The Duchy of Poland begins the cultivation of Polotsk. La Milice du Anacletus builds a new Order House in Lorraine
and Le Marteau de Dieu a
House in Dublin.
Colchis is now friendly to the Oriental Roman
Empire. Gascony becomes an ally of Aragon. Prince Euthenius of the Western Roman Empire and Thessaloniki dies a prisoner of the Uighurs.
The Knights of Malta raise Houses in Naples
and Calania.
Usama-Yoruba Onium
of Ibo
(African Pagan Civilised Open Empire)
Bhatamai, King of the Ibo

were built in the newly acquired western regions to improve communications
with Ife. Bhatamai himself rules the vast empire and was blessed
with yet another daughter to his growing brood. Prince Palamba
was unlucky in Goroul when negotiations took a
backwards step. However, Jamba proved successful in
improving relations with the Sudanese. Itogo waited
with the might of the Iboan army. Twenty three thousand
spears were under his command in case of raids from the upstart Adjou. No sign of the enemy was seen as they had set
their sights on easier targets to the north. Ubaya
also had a quiet time in Khalem when his force of
fourteen thousand cavalry was on standby for the Adjou.
Despite the newly built roads, the Onium was
becoming increasingly harder to manage and it was only the bloated government
of Ibo and the skills of Bhatamai himself that kept
things running efficiently.
The Mwene-Mutapa Empire
(African Pagan Civilised Open Empire)
Jafar Bikoi,
Emperor of Mapungubwe

Jafar was saddened by the loss of his wife Ayalla Biko in 1222. The army
of Mapungubwe continued to increase with four thousand men recruited in Rozwi
under the command of Amechi Abate. More followers
of Unkulukulu left the religion as the pity of the
nation decreased yet again. Binta Chango completed the integration of Kafue
into the Empire
Elsewhere in Africa
The proests
of Unkulukulu build Churches in Tswana and Matopos. The
Sharif meet the Ogaden in Adowa. Although
outnumbers, the Ogaden inflict great losses on the Sharifs after killing their Emir. The Sharifs
then take Kassala and raid into Alwa, Soro and Dongola. The Kanem force
them back from Soro. Four thousand Ogaden then raid into Djibuti and
Zeila after taking Lalibela.
Djibuti was heavily defended by the Yemenis and the Ogaden lose over one thousand men. They were also pushed
out of Zeila by the Adenese.
The weaker lands of Sennar and Atbara
yielded some loot for the raiders.
Central Asia
Elsewhere in Asia

from India, the Mongols
fall upon the fragmented kingdoms of China. Ningsia
falls to the horde and pledges tribute in gold and grain. The Chugachak are forced to reaffirm their allegiance to the
Khan. Uzebek becomes cultivated and Khazakh is now Sunni. The Avar
continue to raid out of the steppe but find Ilig
too well protected. Their raids into Khwarzim see
them gain a large booty in gold and grain. They also raid the regions of Frunz, Balkash and Turgay.
Pratihara Kingdom of Kaunaj
(Hindu Civilised Open Empire)
Kumarapala, Raja of Kaunaj
Ramapala passed away during these years and his son
took control of the kingdom without any conflict. His son Davarapala
was declared his heir and Prince Janda was presented
to the court at Kaunaj. More shipping was assigned to
the valuable trade routes along the Ganges and
Kaunaj itself benefited from increased investment
from Kumarapala’s treasury. Further trade routes were
established from Jodphur to El’Aqabah
of the Farubids. Kumarapala
was left to rule the Kingdom while Ramapala reclaimed
the Mongol ravaged lands of Uttar Pradesh before his death. Two thousand
infantry were left to guard the deserted farms and towns. Timgyadeva
was assisted by Vaidyadeva in gaining closer support
from the Nadavarians. Vaidyadeva
passed away during these years. Ananda continued the
integration of Thanesar into the Kingdom before his
death in 1225. Th Hindu priest Singalapu
brought Mandvi into the Kingdom. The massive city of Benares was also
integrated into the Kingdom during these years.
The Order of the
(Hindu Civilised Religious Order)
Angada, Lord of the Order of the Dagger
sites were built across the sub-continent by Angada’s
men with valuable Oratories in Kaunaj and Chitor as well as lesser sites. His plea for new recruits
was met by Tripuri and Bengal
as new Princes travelled to the Order’s Fortress in Rajput. The region of Surashtra saw many converts away from Islam by the Order’s
priests. More of the orders transports were put to use on the trade routes
along the Ganges from Benares. The region of Nadavaria benefited from Angada’s
largesse when new public works were built.
Elsewhere in India
basks in years of calm. The only conflict occurs in South
East Asia as the God Empire of Sri Vijaya
continues its expansion into the islands to its east. Yet too
small to bother the sleeping giants of Thaton and Annam.