Lords of the Earth

Mongols Defeated
Turn 44
~ 1220 Anno Domini
578 ~ 582 in the year of the Hegira
New for T44
Minor islands and City States: I’ll be allowing minor islands (Corfu, Jerba, Wight etc) and city
states to be used as locations from T44. Just let me know the rationale behind
why you want it separate and if reasonable I’ll add it in. Once they are
created as locations, they obey all the rules of islands etc. However, their Gpv cannot go above 0.
Flooding: The last few turns have seen a massive increase in the
amount of flooding that has occurred. It appears that the years are getting
warmer and wetter. As a result of this some of the minor rivers on the map are
once again becoming passable to river traffic.
Following on from the Minor Islands stuff, you can see that Denmark is now separated out to Jutland and Syaland (Zeeland).
Announcements and
items of note
General Stuff: Please use my Paypal
account (stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk)
for all Lords’ 24 payments. If you cannot use this facility then please let me
know and I will see what I can do about filtering US funds to my account. I may
also stop using the throneworld email address due to
the mass of spam I’m getting!
Order Form: Please use the standard excel
order form from now on. I’ll update the site with a link to it next week when I
get some time. This is important as it helps me process the turn more quickly.
Non-Payment: some of you still owe me some
cash. Although it may come as surprise that this is not my main source of
income, I see it only polite that you pay for the occasionally night out. So,
if you’re under zero next turn I’ll not process you orders.
Version 6: Lords 24 uses version 6 of the
basic rules
The Map: The map now includes India as well as Europe, Central Asia and Africa. However, Indian nations are not yet available for
play. I’ve greyed out repeated areas on the maps to make my life easier.
However, this means some player nations are split across more than one map. I
may increase the size of the main map but I’ll have to think on this.
Tithes and Tribute: I think these are automatically
updated by the stats program, so no need to declare them in your orders.
of the Papacy and Religious Orders: In Lords 24 we will not always have a player Pope (or
Caliph etc for that matter) and the following rules are used to determine which
player faction controls the Pope’s actions, Papacy
Rules. I’ve also added some stuff about gaining support from their armies
How to make your GM
Please send any and all Lords24 correspondence
to lords24gm@ymail.com or stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk .
The Lords Twenty-Four homepage is
All of the on-line resources, including
order forms, mailing lists and web-sites for Lords of the Earth are summarized
on this page:
You can subscribe to the Lords 24 mailing
list by pointing your web-browser at:
…and following the instructions on that
At the moment the turns cost $5 – please
pay up of you owe
We are using the latest v6.3.5 of the
basic rule book that can be found here
Turn 45 Orders due by: November 26th 2008
Without further ado, the news for these
years in Lords 24 history...
The Varangian
Rus of Kiev
(Orthodox Civilized Open Empire)
Izyaslav, King of the Rus
walls of Kiev
were improved and two hundred elite guards raised in
the city. A further eight hundred light cavalry were enlisted there and put
under the command of Peter. The fortifications Chernigov were also improved as the city
walls grew in size. The Princess Sofia was presented at court to help Izyaslav
while his son and heir Peter was still too young. The Orkneymen stationed in Kiev saw a leap forward
in the quality of the Rus sailors. Rus missionaries were active in Cuman and
Turov but had little success. Gathering his forces, which now numbered over
eighteen thousand infantry and a small contingent of engineers, Izyaslav
marched through Chernigov and Smolensk to Tver. He was accompanied by
Gustav and Peter, who commanded the cavalry force of two thousand men. At Tver
the Rus forces were met by the Estonians under Cimir.
Attacking down into Muscovy, Izyaslav was met
by fierce resistance from the two thousand strong Muscovite
army. Izyaslav himself became isolated and suffered grievous wounds in
the battle fighting off Muscovite spearmen. He escaped but his forces fell back
in disorder. Izyaslav recovered enough from his wounds to again lead the attack
into Muscovy. This time the Muscovites were no
match for the overwhelming number of the Rus and their Estonian allies. Both Jorvak of Estonia and Gustav were wounded and Gustav later
died of his wounds. The Rus and Estonian losses were light, a few hundred men
each. The allies then pushed on into Moscow
itself which although protected by stout walls was leaderless when Rus
assassins killed their duke before the assault. The attackers stormed into the
town, burning and looting at will. Moscow
was in flames and completely destroyed but Izyaslav and Cimir
saw none of its wealth. During the assault, Gcar of
Livonia was killed and his men returned home. The subdued province was given to
Peter who later failed to protect it from Cossack raids. With
the loss of Moscow, Kalinin,
Murom, Yaroslav and Kostroma rebel.
Only Suzdal remains loyal to the Duchy. Wladislaw was successful in bringing the city of Novogorod-Seversk
into the Kingdom.
The Western Roman
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Basil of Ochrid, Emperor of the West Romans
Empire was bankrupt and Basil could do little but try to keep his battered
nation together. News from within the Roman military showed that feared
infiltration by the Uighurs was not apparent when the homosexual Dalmatian duellist,
Alexander the Blade, used his contacts within the remnants of the Roman army to
determine the depths of any such infiltration. Basil attempted to rule from
Ochridia and was present when the Uighur force under Selim
stormed Serbia
and the city. He was forced in to Bulgaria for a while, only to
return when Kolman of Germany arrived at Ochridia
with the Fratelli d’Italia and much needed gold and
grain. Kolman and Claudio of the Fratelli
easily pushed out the small Uighur garrison and restored Serbia and
Ochridia to Roman control.
The Western Uighur Khanate
(Sunni Islam Civilised Open Empire)
Khagan Selim
Thrace was
fortified against further Byzantine aggression, although the event s of
previous years had seen the old Oriental Roman Empire battered and despondent. Four
thousand light infantry were raised in Thrace to aid Selim.
In Heraclea,
one thousand infantry were raised to man its walls and ten light warships commissioned
at its shipyards. Trade was started from Heraclea
to the Ademids and the Farubids.
Uighur assassins were not successful in killing Alain of the French army as he
had already been taken by Rashi agents. Selim gathered the Uighur host around him, five thousand
infantry and four thousand cavalry, the majority of which were battle hardened
elite. The force moved through Thrace
and Macedonia at regain Thessaly from the interfering French. The French general
Alain had been taken shortly before by agents of the Rashidun
while inspecting his troops. Leaderless, the French fell back before the
Uighurs and were cut down as they fled. The entire French army in Thessaly was destroyed and the province easily taken. The
Uighur losses were slight and unnoticed as Selim
pushed on into Serbia.
Both Serbia
and Ochridia were lightly defended and fell swiftly to the Uighurs. Selim left a garrison in the province and city and returned
to Thrace.
The gains in Serbia
were later lost when Claudio and Kolman re-took them
in their aid of the Romans. Belim was unsuccessful in
hiring the Turkish Guards as Buwayids gold proved more persuasive. He was later
killed in the battle for Thessaly by a French
The Ests
(European Pagan Barbarian Open Empire)
Andrus, Kings of the Ests
Fortifications were built
to defend Estonia and nearly
two thousand cavalry raised in Novgorod and Livonia. The region of Latvia was
greatly improved and Veposkava was finally cultivated. Trade was opened up with
the Norwegians from Riga.
As Oslo was
deserted the traders finally setup the route to Hordavil.
Cimir gathered his men in Novgorod, over six thousand infantry and two
thousand cavalry. Then together with Jorvak and Gcar of Livonia, who had two thousand men under his
command, moved through Veposkava and Rzhev to Tver. In Tver, Cimir waited for the Rus to arrive before aiding them in
their attack on Moscow.
With the Muscovites subjugated and now under Rus control, the Estonians looked
towards Kostroma.
The fighting was fierce but the Kostromans were
easily pacified although the province was later lost to the Cossacks who had
come up from Cuman. Yaroslav proved a harder task but
after nearly a year of fighting the province was captured. However, Jorvak was killed and his less able cousin Vilnus had to aid Cimir when the
King himself was wounded. The Ests had lost over one
thousand men. The wounded Cimir and Vilnus then pushed into Kalinin. This time the Kalinin king was more than a match for the
wounded Cimir and fought them off month after month.
After losing nearly two thousand men the final straw was when Cimir died of his wounds. Vilnus,
himself grievously wounded, pulled the Estonian army back to Veposkava to
regroup. Andrus was made king and continued to rule from Estonia. Jaagup had managed to convince Libau
in Daugava to fully join with the Kingdom and
following the death of Savivk of Latvia, that
province also joined with Estonia.
Elsewhere in Eastern
The cultivation of Lithuania is
completed by the Polish.
The Cossacks
From the wilderness
of Cuman, the Cossacks attacked the Torki. Their
sixteen thousand warriors should have easily defeated the Torki
but it took nearly a year for the Cossacks to gain the province at the cost of
over five thousand men. Into Patzinak the Cossacks
pushed and were met by Adem and two thousand elite
guard. Again, it took another year to capture the province with the battle
hardened Ademites holding firm time and time again.
The Khan of Cossacks was killed and replaced by his son and five thousand more
warriors perished in the steppe. Adem retreated to Taman and the Cossacks refused to follow, attacking and
easily capturing Urkel. From Urkel
the Cossacks attacked the Great Bolgar Khanate. The Bolgars had an army of four thousand men and forced the
Cossacks back towards Urkel. Attacking again the
Cossacks found a weakness in the Bolgar defence and
captured the Khanate when Great Bolgar itself fell to
them. The Cossacks had lost a mere thousand men in the battle. Swearing
allegiance to the Cossack Khan, the Bolgars became
their ally. Suvar and Nogai
took this opportunity to rebel for Bolgar control.
The Cossacks moved up to attack Kostroma,
wresting from its Estonian overlords. Their raid into Muscovy
itself had some success as the Rus were unprepared for the attack.
Heyrenik'un Armeniam
(Roman Catholic Barbarian Open Empire)
Anisha Amirspalar
quiet time for the Queen of the Armenians.
The Buwayid Sultanate
(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Hamzah, Sultan of the Buwayids
The ruins of Qom were rebuilt following
the earthquake a few years before. Persia was fortified when a mighty citadel
was built in the region. Two thousand cavalry were raised for Edessa. Hamzah, son
of Hasm, was crowned as Sultan when he came of age; Prince
Nadir making way for the young prince. Hamzah’s
brother Haythan was also appointed to the Buwayid
court. The old postal road from Aleppo to Cilicia was upgraded. Mustafa of Rum was hired in Hastor and the Turkish Guards began to muster around the
city. Attempts by Buwayid agents to cause a mutiny amongst the French troops in
Thessaly were unsuccessful, as was their attempts
to kill Alain. Nadir, and the Hamzah
rules the Sultanate from Mesopotamia. Imad travelled to Qom
and gained a greater degree of influence over the city when he oversaw the rebuilding
programme. Ghiyath hired the Turkish guards out of Hastor and then a further two thousand mercenary cavalry in
the city itself. Abdul-Hafiz offered the hand off the Princess Nashida to the Emir of Ahvaz, gaining tribute from the
region. With his newly raised cavalry, Harig of
Edessa looked towards protecting the eastern frontier from Media. More of the
nobility of Isauria were converted to Islam by the persuasive Khoury of Fars. Mustafa moved through Lydia and onto Macedonia
from where he launched an attack against the Roman forces in Serbia. Even
though his force hugely outnumbered the Fratelli d’
Italia under Claudio, he was pushed back to Macedonia
and Serbia
remained in Roman control for now.
Al-Khulafa'ur Rashidun
(Sunni Islam Civilized Primacy
Shiraj, the Righteous Caliph
Eight light warships
were commissioned in Antioch
for the garrison there. Large numbers of Cogs were built for use on fishing
fleets throughout the Caliphate. A minor tithe was out on the Farubids to gain more income for Kedar.
Kedar arranged to marry Nerise
of the Akramids in Antioch. This was largely a ceremonial affair
given Nerise’s advanced age. However, the marriage
allowed the relations between the Caliphates to be cemented with the grant of
nearly two hundred ships to the Akramids. Influence
on the Amir Al’Bahri was
exercised when they were requested to aid the Uighurs in their fight in Greece. The Al’Bahri began to pull out of Sicily around the middle of 1220. Agents of
the Caliph managed to capture Alain of the French army in Thessaly
before the Uighur attack; an action that cost the French dearly as their un-led
troops were cut down by the fierce Uighurs. Missionaries were active around the
Black Sea and the provinces of Patzinak, Levedia, Polovotsy, Moldavia
and Ialomita converted to Islam. Sadly, Kedar died shortly after his marriage and the Caliphate
fell to Shiraj of the Buwayids. Not the most popular
choice but the only Imam of standing amongst the Rashidun.
A new church was built in Hastor by Sahfiq Hiba, Rasheed
Malakai, Ghassan Salwa and Jabril Izdihar. Ten thousand cavalry were raised in Aleppo and assigned to the
Emirs of Al’Qamishli and Al’Cotra.
The two Emirs were then tasked with patrolling the lands of Syria. They
were aided by the Farubid army of some four thousand
guards. A small earthquake in Tyria sees some damage
to the city.
The Ayyubid Sultanate
(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Saladin, Sultan of the Ayyubids
routes were established from El’Gitar to France, Germany
and Spain.
The city itself was expanded along with Carsk in Cyprus. Carsk was ceded to the Al’Bahri
in exchange for Sicily.
Thirty triremes were commissioned in the Alexandria
docks along with twenty cogs. A fortress was built on the Nile in Alwa and a
further ten thousand infantry and four thousand cavalry raised in Alexandria. Large numbers
of ships were put to use on the internal trade routes of the Sultanate from Alexandria. The influence
of the Sultanate grew greatly in the Al’Bahri with
the ceding of Carsk and the granting of income from
Saladin’s treasury. Missionaries from the Sultanate were unsuccessful in Palermo but saw some
converts to Islam in Suakin. The isolated Catholic Church in Sicily was looted by Jabril
who maintained his defence against the Salernese in
case they attacked across the Stretta di Messina. Prince Harun returned
to Alexandria
with the Sicilian fleet. Prince Osman travelled
throughout North Africa and attempted to gain the support of Libya and Tripolitania.
Jeered and abused by the Bedouin natives, Osman
returned home to Alexandria
a broken man. His efforts had turned the desert regions hostile to the
Sultanate. To make matters worse is wife died during childbirth in 1220. The
old Sultana and sometimes regent, Haqikah, died also
in 1220. Pharnazes continued his diplomatic efforts
in Alwa and gained an alliance from the region. He then travelled with the Imam
Hoseini to Axum and Funj, offering friendship to the Sultanate. However, the Sharifs attack and take Axum
and Funj so their diplomacy came to nothing. The Imam
and Pharnazes travelled back to Alwa, they were
unmolested by the Sharifs. The Kingdom of Adulis easily fell to
Saladin’s army of nearly thirty thousand men, their army a consisting of a few
old men and boys.
Ummayad Sultanat
al Oran
(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Abbas al Basha ,Sultan of the Ummayad
cogs were commissioned for Abbas in Oran and one thousand infantry raised for Farid in Zirid. The region of Merrakesh was improved with new irrigation systems and
lemon groves. The long process of ending the age old practise of slavery began
in Oran and
started to spread outwards throughout the Sultanat as
new guilds were established in the city. With a new Pope in the Vatican, many of the people of Catalonia turned away from Islam. Sultan Abbas al Basha himself gathered
his army in Oran and leaving two thousand
cavalry with Farid, set sail for Sicily. He arrived at the docks in Palermo with nearly four
thousand men to aid against any Salernese aggression
across the Stretta di
Massina. Abbas
returned to Oran
in 1220 when no sign of the expected Italian invasion occurred. Farid al Basha married from
amongst the Oran
nobility and was blessed with a young daughter. The governance of the Sultanat was left in his hands. The seas of Oran were patrolled by Uthman ibn Qusai
and his fleet of thirty triremes. There were quiet time and no Christian
aggression was encountered. The Adjou Aba came up from Bir-el-Khazaim
and raided the province
of Idjil.
The province was poor and not much loot was gained. The Adjou
number more than fourteen thousand fierce desert warriors and ended these years
in Adrar. Despite the setbacks in Catalonia,
large numbers of Santa Maria’s
nobility were converted to Islam by the able Abd Munaf.
Heiliges Romisches Reich
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Brandork, Holy Roman Emperor
Brandork ordered that the walls of Cannes be expanded and much improved. Kolman was dispatched to the battered Western
Roman Empire with much gold and grain. He travelled via Venice where he collected the Fratelli
d’Italia under Claudia and moved into Serbia and
Ochridia. There was some resistance from a small Uighur garrison but this was easily
overcome by the mercenaries. An attack by Mustafa of Rum was barely repulsed
when he attacked from Macedonia.
The Western Roman Empire remained intact by
the smallest of margins. Brandork spent some time
with Heinrich showing the young heir the apparatus of government. He was
blessed with a young daughter during these years. Raids from the Magyars on the
Empire’s eastern provinces caused much damage. Storms in the North Sea see some
loss to the shipping on the German trade route to Norway.
Jarldom of Orkeneyjar
(Roman Catholic Seafaring Open Empire)
Wulgar Bjornson, Jarl of Orkney
Wulfgar ordered that the Hammer of God sites within the
Orkneys be expanded and built a new Oratory in Kirkval as well as a House in
the Orkneys. More expertise was sent to the Rus to aid in training their
sailors. Lord Ayken of Munster
was traced to the palace in Dublin
and Orkney assassins were told to keep watch on the Saxon. The piety of the
islands was increased during these years. Hekla Wulfdatter
used her extensive charms and a reasonable bribe to increase the influence of
Orkneys with the Grandmaster of Le Marteau de Dieu before returning to Kirkval where her brother Lars had
recently completed overseeing the new Oratory. The Princess Gretal
travelled to Fjordane on the Norwegian coast with Lief. The Jarl of these lands was happy to give the
islanders military support but reluctant to commit any further to the Orkneys.
Eric, sometimes called Efic, took command of twenty
light warships and moved to blockade Dublin’s
harbour. Ayken had other ideas and the Orkney fleet
was met by around twenty-four Munster
warships. Eric was defeated and lost eight ships to the Munster fleet. Eric himself was captured and
led in chains to a Dublin
dungeon. This was not the end of Munster’s
troubles when Stal Fericson
and Bjorn gathered the Orkney forces in Ulster
and Connaught and marched on Munster.
Their forces were swelled by warriors from Kirkval and twelve hundred mercenary
cavalry recruited in Armagh. The Orkney forces
now numbered some six thousand infantry and two thousand cavalry. A large
number of siege engineers also accompanied the Bjorn’s army. Facing the
Orkneymen were two thousand Munster
infantry and a few light cavalry. The superior numbers and leadership of Bjorn
and Stal caused the Munstermen
to flee and most were killed in the ensuing rout. Lord Ayken
of Munster was also cut down by Armagh
mercenaries as he fled to Dublin.
Although fortified, Dublin
was virtually deserted and the Orkneymen soon captured the city. Munster offered terms to
Bjorn and is king, Wulfgar. Dyffed,
Gwynned, Caer Dyvi and Berwick all rebel from Munster control.
of Svear
(Roman Catholic Seafaring Open Empire)
Arnold Erikson, King of the Svear
Helsingfors in Turku
was expanded and its walls greatly improved. Arnold
was blessed with a daughter during these years as he ruled the Svear lands from
Uppsala. Emil
travelled from Helsingfors to Skane
and managed to improve relations with the region. His Norwegians allies were
convinced to perform a Census on their lands and it fell to Ludvig
to undertake this. King Olaf of Norway
ruled from Hordavil whilst his fleet was moved from Hordavil to Oslo.
Norman Kingdom
of France
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Louis VII, King of France
The cultivation
of Aquitaine
was almost completed. Louis’s wife produced a son but died during childbirth. Fulques was successful in bringing Marseilles
fully into the Kingdom when a marriage to Constance
was offered. Guillaume was also successful in Limousin and the
region fully integrated into the French lands. Disaster stuck in far Thessaly when Alain was taken by Rashidun
agents whilst inspecting the French troops there. The army was virtually
leaderless when the Uighur struck from Macedonia. Over ten thousand
Frenchmen were cut down and the army scattered throughout the Balkans.
Principality of Salerno
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Ricardo II, Prince of Salerno
walls of Naples were expanded and the cities of
Calania and Taranto
grew in size. Missionaries were slightly successful in Palermo, operating out of hidden meetings and
gatherings within the city. Ricardo himself ruled the Principality from Campania. Antonio Soliesti was unsuccessful before his death in 1218 in
bringing Apulia closer to the Principality. Salvatorre Sanzo was also
unsuccessful in Savoy;
the northern region barely giving him any hospitality. Matteo
Tagliariol gathered the mercenaries of Naples and Calania together before handing them over to
the command of Enrico Porro
in Calabria.
The Bishop Benigni, aided by the Count of Petropolis,
was successful in bring Lombardy into the
Principality. Magyar raids in the east caused much damage in Illyria and Verona.
Saxon Kingdom
of England
(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Domnall I, King of England
Domnall was content to see how things transpired with the
rebel Ayken. One thousand elite cavalry were raised
in London and the walls of England’s
cities greatly improved. There was some success in converting the heretics of Dyffed to the one true faith. Domanll
married an Englishwoman from the Sussex nobility during these years
and took stock of his Kingdom, still the greater part of the old Saxon
holdings. Lord Quinton was dispatched to Wessex where he gained a military
alliance from the dread lord of that province.
The Akramid
(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Caliph of the Akramids
struck the Caliphate when Mohamed died late in 1216 but his son Tiroman took command quickly and without any dissent. Tiroman himself was blessed with two children by Mariam. Badr and the Imam Dabir escorted the ageing princess Nerise
from Madiera with the Akramid
fleet of 120 light warships and twenty triremes. Delivering the princess to Antioch, Dabir collected the dowry of granted men; nearly 180 light
warships and two triremes were added to the fleet. The Akramid
fleet then patrolled the Aegean for any Christian
shipping before returning to Madiera. The walls of Galacia’s port fortress were greatly improved and large
numbers of Christians converted to Islam in the province. The region of New Castile and Madiera were
The Papal States
(Roman Catholic Civilized Primacy)
Pope Clement IV
Abbeys were built in Campania and Verona and those
in Naples and Venice upgraded to Monasteries. The insane
Papal Inquisitor, Father Fabio Carlucci, was dispatched by Clement to do God’s
work in Thrace.
Posing as a horse dealer, the priest failed in his attempt to kill Selim of the Uighurs. Influence in Germany and the Western
Roman Empire was increased by Papal envoys.
Elsewhere in Western

The Magyars flood out of Bakony
and take Slovenia and Croatia. Carinthia also falls to the fierce Magyar horsemen. Raids
are undertaken against Illyria, Verona and Tyrol. The count of Tyrol managed to repulse the raiders
but much gold was taken from the rich lands of Verona. Slovakia
was invaded and taken and used as a base to raid Alfold
and Bochnia. The Mayars
settle Austria and take Vienna. Bavaria, Thuringia, Meissen
and Silesia
were raided.
Usama-Yoruba Onium
of Ibo
(African Pagan Civilised Open Empire)
Bhatamai, King of the Ibo

regions of Gambia,
Galam and Khalam were
cultivated by the Onium. Bhatamai
also oversaw the improvement of Garou, Niete and Zerma. From his
palaces in Ife.
Prince Palamba, unsuited though he was to arduous
travel, spent some time in Goroul convincing the
rulers there of Bhatamai’s good intentions. Itogo travelled throughout the western regions,
garrisoning them where required. He was present in Senegal when the Adjou Aba raided, preventing
them from gaining any loot from the region. However the regions of Ghana,
Khalem, Segu and Songai were badly affected by Adjou
raids and much wealth was lost to the horsemen. Jamba
and Ubaya also travelled to the outlying regions of
Sudan and Senegal to
gain more support in these lands. The Emir of Idjil dies during these years
and his men return north.
The Mwene-Mutapa Empire
(African Pagan Civilised Open Empire)
Jafar Bikoi,
Emperor of Mapungubwe

Jafar ordered the expansion of Arkur
and oversaw the completion of the road from the city to Great Zimbabwe in
Matopos. He was blessed during these years with a son and daughter by his
wife Ayalla Biko. The
regions of Rozwi, Vaal and Tswana were improved
and the garrison in Rozwi augmented with one thousand spears. Binta Chnago was successful in
gaining closer ties with Mavura Maobwe
of Kafue. However, the Emperor’s attempts to
increase the nation’s belief in Unkulukulu met with
failure with many of the populace beginning to doubt its teachings in light
of their new prosperity.
Elsewhere in Africa
The Raja Kingdom of
Malay Betis convinces the city of Sofala to follow Hinduism. The Yemeni Rassid Imamat complete the
cultivation of Yemen.
The Luba Empire of Malawi completes the cultivation of Nyasa and Makura. The
priests of Unkulunkulu increase their holding in Mapungubwe to an abbey and
found a Church in Kafue. The Ogaden tribes raid into Zeila and
gain much loot. They are repulsed from Djibuti by the
Yemenis and lose four thousand of their warriors to a quarter of that to the
Yemenis. The resistance in Shoa and Adowa
is minimal and the Ogaden easily capture those
regions. The Sahel Sharifs are bested in Soro by the forces of Kanem but
easily capture Kosti and Axum.
The Wadai Kingdom of Funj
also falls easily to the horsemen. As the Sharifs
push into Sennar they are met by the Ogaden moving northwards through Shoa.
At first the two forces are evenly matched but eventually the larger numbers of
the Sharifs force the Ogaden
back to Shoa. Sennar then
falls quickly to the tribesmen. The Sharifs lost by
far the greater numbers with fourteen thousand dead while the Ogaden lost only three thousand. The Sharifs
pull back from their intended target of Adulis when
they realise that the Ayyubids had already defeated them.
Central Asia
Elsewhere in Asia

times in Central Asia. Raiders from Avar enter Singanakh, Otrarsh, Frunz, Balkash and Turgay. The road
from Kophat Dagh to Khurasan was completed
Pratihara Kingdom of Kaunaj
(Hindu Civilised Open Empire)
Ramapala, Raja of Kaunaj
docks of Jodhpur were alive with activity as new
trade routes were established with the Thatonese, the
Buwayids, the Ayyubids and Aden.
A large contingent of elite cavalry were raised in Kaunaj and the city expanded down to the Ganges
once again. Missionary work in Jihjhoti saw that
region fully return to Hinduism. Ramapala himself
travelled to Jaunpur to gain a bride and closer ties
with the eastern region. The army was assigned to Kumarapala
who was left to rule the kingdom in the Raja’s absence. Vaidyadeva
and Timgyadeva continued to woo the Nadavarians while Anada was
dispatched to Uttar Pradesh. Anada and the Pradeshi were unable to stop the full force of the Mongols
as they streamed over the Himalayas from Nepal. Intent on loot rather than
conquest, the Mongols strips Uttar Pradesh bare, destroying the Dagger estates
in the process. By the time word had reached Kaunaj,
the Mongols had returned to Nepal.
However, Kumarapala was ready for them when they
descended into Rajput. He forced the
Mongols to fight him on his terms and forced them back over the mountains in
disorder. The Khans of the Silk Road Raiders and Western Jungaria were cut down by Rajput archers and
over twenty thousand raiders were killed. The Rajputs
lost seven thousand of their foot soldiers to the swift moving Mongols. The
Mongols never returned to Rajput lands and Kumarapala
continued to rule the kingdom. Singalapu managed to
bring Kutch Island into the kingdom with promises of
support from possible Iranian aggression.
The Order of the
(Hindu Civilised Religious Order)
Angada, Lord of the Order of the Dagger
new Order House was built in Tripuri but the Order
was not successful in building one in Jodphur. Isha increased the Order’s status in Bengal
when a Oratory was built in Tamralipti.
A prince from Tripuri was recruited into the Order on
the behest of Angada. After the Mongols had been
repulsed from Rajput, they descended upon Maghada
intent on more loot. Dagger spies had been active amongst the horde and the Yenissey deserted when their Khan was killed by a Dagger
sympathiser. Dagger attempts to kidnap the Mongol Khan came to nothing when his
elite guard stopped their agents. The Mongols still numbered over one hundred
thousand men and were faced by only twenty thousand Dagger cavalry and about
the same number of Bengali troops. However, the Mongols were mainly light
horsemen and once again they were out fought by the heavily armoured Indians.
This almost the entire Mongol force was destroyed to minor losses amongst the
Bengalis and Dagger stalwarts. The Mongols fled back into the Tibetan plateau
and never returned to India
during these years.
The Mongols
Mongols enslaved Nepal
and raided deep into Uttar Pradesh. Their greed was awakened by the massive
amount of loot gained from the rich region and tried the same in Rajput. This
time the Rajputs were ready and the Mongol raid was a
failure. Sikkim
was enslaved and Maghada attacked from across the
mountains. Again the Mongols were defeated. This time the combined Dagger and
Bengali forces almost wiped out the Mongol army. The Khans of the Chuguchak and Liao rebelled from Mongol control and the Khwarzim took this chance to throw off their oppressors.
Elsewhere in India
The God Empire of Sirivijaya attacks
Taira and defeats their fleet in the Nanshan Hai. Taira
They then invade Sarawak but Sarawak
fights off the Sirivijaya. So Sirivijaya
raids Sarawak, Sabah and Hainan successfully.
Then invades and takes Palawau from the Taira. Lampang and Samatata are now cultivated. A massive earthquake in Bihar sees some of the city destroyed and much damage in Maghada. Kollam grows in size.