Lords of the Earth 


Turn 86

1414 ~ 1417 Anno Domini

817 ~ 820 in the year of the Hegira

4051 (Wood Horse) - 4054 (Fire Rooster)


New for T73

Noble House rules have been added – please take a look at these here.


New Spreadsheet for the Renaissance has been created – this can be found here and must be used from now on.


Some tinkering with the Religious Order rules.


I’m going back to standard movement rules – sigh – as it is just taking too much time to rewrite these. Please continue to give your orders in year chunks though – The newly created spreadsheet should help with this

New for T59

Paths to victory: There are several options open to a player when an NPN has been defeated


  1. Take the victory conditions (see NPN rules) available for NPNs and allow the NPN to go its own way. This is a useful option if you do not want to increase your imperial size or bother with the NPNs internal affairs.
  2. Keep it as either Pacified or Pacified Tributary. You will not get victory conditions but will get income from the NPNs Homeland/Friendly regions and cities. Also, as the years from conquest marker goes up it may turn Friendly or Tributary. Using this option treats the NPN as a super-region.
  3. Old school, you will have to take the regions you want and conquer each in turn. If the capital is taken then some of the NPNs ratings will be added to yours if higher. The NPN will cease to exist.


Dealing with hordes: Hordes can be dealt with a number of ways rather than just an outright battle. These are


  1. Threaten them. Hordes respond to a show of strength and may leave you alone if confronted with enough force.
  2. Bribe them. They are looking for gold and lands to settle or pillage so if you offer them it on a plate they may well go away. They may also just take it and attack anyway.
  3. Use diplomacy. It does work and I suggest chucking in a royal princess or two.


You can also use a combination of the above. If the horde becomes a FA or A, you can direct its attacks or its path of migration.

New for T57

Non-player rules update: I’ve updated the NPN rules to fit better with the Lord’s system. Please check them out.

New for T53

Restrictions on Royal Marriages: Due to the complications arising from these rules only K, H or P leaders can benefit from a Royal Marriage. Members of the Royal Family that have not come into play are not considered eligible. Also, Primate, Order and Secret Empire positions are not eligible for marriage bonuses. These are meant to be diplomatic arrangements between sovereign states.

New for T52

East – West Split: I’m going to try to split the East and the West parts of the game so that I can process the orders quicker – don’t know if or how it will work yet but lets see if it’ll happen

New for T51

No Orders: If I don’t get any orders in for a position and the player doesn’t answer my emails then I’ll put the position back to a NPN and put aside the players cash (if any) until they pick it or another nation up again.

New for T50

Request Royal Marriage: Used to ask a NPN nation for a bride for one of your Princes or a suitor for one of your little Princesses. Cost is 6AP, Charisma based. The leader doesn’t have to be in the NPNs capital but if he isn’t then he needs to be in your homeland/capital.

New for T49

Naval Reaction and Blockade: Naval Reactions can only occur when there is action in a Sea Zone that the fleet is based at. The fleet has to be based from a port and not the Sea Zone. Also, the Reaction can only occur when your own lands or those of an ally benefiting from a Defensive Pact marriage bonus are attacked. It also applies to any merchant fleets you operate through the Sea Zone in the case of piracy.  Naval Blockade’s only work if your fleet is based in the same Sea Zone as the target port and you spend all (every single one) of your APs in the blockade. The fleet must be based from a port and not a Sea Zone.

New for T48

The use of fleets for Reaction and mitigating the effects of Pirates: My understanding has now changed since we GMs have had some discussion on the list. The use of Reaction has been explained on the Wiki and Patrol is no longer used in the Base Rules.



Trade Route Escorts



Updated NPN and Primacy rules: Yep, been tinkering again but I feel a almost serene sense of satisfaction with my latest offering. See what you think.


Added the ability to hire mercenary captain when there is no mercenary company available: See the mercenary tables

New for T47

Improved cultivation at TL5: If a nation has reached the dizzy heights of TL5 than it can benefit from improved cultivation. You can Improve a cultivated homeland region from 2GPv to 3GPv, or any other controlled cultivated region from 1GPv to 2GPv. This is a level one megalithic construction.

New for T46

NPNS: I’ve tweaked the NPN and Primacy/Order rules a little to make them fit better with the 24 game. I’ve also reduced their overall RRV to make diplomacy easier.

New for T45

New Rivers: I’ve added in some new possible rivers onto the map. These are rivers that were once passable by light traffic (remember Cogs cannot travel on rivers) and have now become silted up. You can dredge a stretch of the river (along one region border edge) as a 0.5 level project.


Agro as conversion – this has restrictions (see which I will be enforcing from now on.

Rivers can only support light ships – as far as I know Cogs cannot travel on rivers. This also includes Cogs built for trade.

New Primates: We have two new Primate positions this turn. Jumal Skyfather, which is an Estonian god and the Coptic Church based out of Axum.

New for T44

Minor islands and City States: I’ll be allowing minor islands (Corfu, Jerba, Wight etc) and city states to be used as locations from T44. Just let me know the rationale behind why you want it separate and if reasonable I’ll add it in. Once they are created as locations, they obey all the rules of islands etc. However, their Gpv cannot go above 0.

Flooding: The last few turns have seen a massive increase in the amount of flooding that has occurred. It appears that the years are getting warmer and wetter. As a result of this some of the minor rivers on the map are once again becoming passable to river traffic.

Denmark: Following on from the Minor Islands stuff, you can see that Denmark is now separated out to Jutland and Syaland (Zeeland).

Announcements and items of note

General Stuff: Please use my Paypal account (stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk) for all Lords’ 24 payments. If you cannot use this facility then please let me know and I will see what I can do about filtering US funds to my account. I may also stop using the throneworld email address due to the mass of spam I’m getting!


Order Form: Please use the standard excel order form

 from now on. I’ll update the site with a link to it next week when I get some time. This is important as it helps me process the turn more quickly. THIS IS NOW MANDATORY.

Non-Payment: some of you still owe me some cash. Although it may come as surprise that this is not my main source of income, I see it only polite that you pay for the occasionally night out. So, if you’re under zero next turn I’ll not process you orders.

Version 6: Lords 24 uses version 6 of the basic rules

The Map: The map now includes India as well as Europe, Central Asia and Africa. I’ve greyed out repeated areas on the maps to make my life easier. However, this means some player nations are split across more than one map. I may increase the size of the main map but I’ll have to think on this.

Tithes and Tribute: I think these are automatically updated by the stats program, so no need to declare them in your orders.

Control of the Papacy and Religious Orders: In Lords 24 we will not always have a player Pope (or Caliph etc for that matter) and the following rules are used to determine which player faction controls the Pope’s actions, Papacy Rules. I’ve also added some stuff about gaining support from their armies

How to make your GM happy (PLEASE READ! REALLY!):

Please send any and all Lords24 correspondence to stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk .


The Lords Twenty-Four homepage is at: 

All of the on-line resources, including order forms, mailing lists and web-sites for Lords of the Earth are summarized on this page: 

You can subscribe to the Lords 24 mailing list by pointing your web-browser at: 

…and following the instructions on that page.


At the moment the turns cost $5 – please pay up of you owe

We are using the latest v6.3.5 of the basic rule book that can be found here



Africa and Moslem Spain

The Akramid Caliphate

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Tiroman V, Caliph of the Akramids


The Caliph continued to rule from Andalusia with his new wife and dispatched his son Tiroman VI to Zirid to procure a wife. The young prince travelled with the substantial Akramid fleet to the Oran before returning home. It was shortly after arriving back at the royal palace that his Ziridi bride fell pregnant and soon after gave birth to a healthy baby girl. With relations between Andalusia and Zirid at an all-time high, Tomas and Hisham were able to complete the integration of the province into Akramid control. In Oran,  Kazim and Saladin were able to gain tribute from the city. More missionaries were sent to convert the Infidels of Liguria and Tuscany and the Imams managed to prevent the Ligurians from returning to the Christian faith.


Usama-Yoruba Onium of Ibo    

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)
Bunta, Oni of Ibo


King Bamadi continued his rule from Ibo and once again attempted to purge any presence of the Ogboni from the Onium’s populace. Prince Bunta was to travel to Tsofou-Birni to assist  Kin’Wala with diplomacy in the city when he received news of Bamadi’s death. The King had caught a fever and died quickly in 1415 with his son still too young to take the throne. Bunta saw his opportunity and with his loyal supporters was to murder Kin’Wala before rushing back to the capital. In Ibo, Kwame had already taken Queen Bipi into his care as he hoped to make a play for the throne himself. However, Bunta had foreseen this and had assassins ready to take the life of not only Kwame but also Kinza, a steadfast supporter of the late king. With his control of the capital assured, the rebellious Prince ensured his legacy by eliminating Bamadi’s young son and wife before sending dispatches to K’Tunta in Sudan. The old general could not bring himself to support the usurper and took poison rather than swear loyalty to Bunta, his army moved to Gorouol after Sudan decided to rebel from Iboan control.  Bunta had managed to replace all of Bamadi’s supporters with his own sycophants but could not stop several regions rebelling from his control. The Houses of Zerma and Nupe were also to withdraw their support but were not powerful enough to challenge his leadership. At least Akwanga remained loyal to his cause.





Arabia and the Middle East

The Buwayid Sultanate

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Lamman, Sultan of the Buwayids


With no outside threats to the Sultanate, Naj Muhammad continued to concentrate on improving on the already vast wealth of his lands. Cities once again grew in size and resources spent on improving the quality of life of their citizens. Agents of the Sultan continued to scour the western lands for any technological advantage they might hold over the Buwayids but with those nations now wise to Baghdad’s intentions they were also to look towards Egypt and Liguria. The death of Naj Muhammad in 1414 saw little desire for unrest and his heir Prince Lamman was able to take the throne without trouble. Sadly, Lamman’s first born was to die suddenly before his first birthday and the new Sultan was to remain without children. Ingar was able to gain a more formal alliance from Faras but Yamain Sa Iban had little success in persuading the Cilician ally to cede his lands to the crown. Whilst Omar Sin Abul continued to protect the Sultanate from Syria, General Hasham was dispatched to Persia to take command of the garrison there.




Western Europe


Norman Kingdom of France

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Philippe, King of France


In early 1414, the Regent of France Prince Louis succumbed to a heart attack and dies in his bed. King Phillipe was to mourn the death of his uncle who had governed France in the young king’s infancy. Phillipe was later blessed with another young daughter by his wife Eleanor of Burgundy. To support the Knights of Malta, Thibault travelled to Languedoc and Marseilles where Order Houses were founded. Gold was also shipped to the Order to enable them to improve their defences against the Moslems.  Enguerrand ended his days in the defence of southern France from Aquitaine . He was later replaced by the young Count Roger who took up his duties. Despite further attempts to convert the Moslems in Liguria by the French priests no more converts were made.  What little wilderness that was left in Vermandois was cleared from the province.

The Kingdom of Germany

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Sigismund, King of the Germans


King Sigismund was determined to eradicate any dissent in the province of Holstein and mobilised the full might of the German army against the defenders. To augment his already substantial force of over twenty thousand cavalry, the king added a further eight thousand foot. The Holsteiners put up a spirited defence against the German attack but in the end the attacker’s numbers made the difference. All resistance crushed in the province, Sigismund brought loyal supporters in from Saxony to replace the burghers and nobility with ones friendly to Hanover. Count Wilhuf travelled to Vienna where he was able to slightly improve relations with the city. It was left to Count Karlmann to continue his diplomatic mission in Lyonnais whilst the defence of the kingdom rested with Count Heinrich out of Cannes. Attempts to raise Preceptories for the Knights of Malta in Cannes and Provence were thwarted by local resistance to the Order. However, agents of the crown were able to secure the release of Albert from capture as Sigismund’s army marched north.





Scandia and the Out Isles

Kingdom of Orkeneyjar

(Roman Catholic Seafaring Open Empire)
Linnea I, Queen of Orkney and the Isles

The city of Kristiansand was founded around the newly built fortress in Agder and in the Hebrides another city called Stornoway was founded. In Thoshavn in the Faroes the old city walls were torn down to make way for its increasing population before being rebuilt. Queen Linnea continued her rule from Kirkval and once again sent vast sums to the Le Marteau de Dieu, some of which was to support training their warriors in the art of seamanship.  The Order was to also benefit from Preceptories built by Orkney priests in Thorshavn and Agder. Her consort, Prince Ewan, was to raise further mercenary cavalry in Kirkval to augment his growing force. Calder was sent to Caithness  enlist the aid of the indefatigable Fergus only to find the old warrior had died of a fever the winter before. Luckily for Calder his son inherited his father’s prowess in battle and was willing to accept an alliance with the Orkneymen. In London, Asvald was able to gain some influence with King Eadig of England after spending these years and providing copious gifts from the Baltic and the New World. The Naskapi chief Innu Spirit-Speak returned home to await the arrival of the Brothers from Le Marteau.



La Marteau de Dieu

(Roman Catholic Civilised Religious Order)
Tanguy, Hammer of God

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The death in early 1414 of Grandmaster Constantin meant that Brother Tanguy, Constantin’s chosen successor, became Grandmaster of the Order without contention. His succession was helped by the absence of Prince Latrell from the Order’s Fortress in Kirkval and Tanguy’s obvious popularity when compared to the other leaders of Le Marteau who were an obnoxious mix at best.  Some converts were made in far Viipuri and new sites for the Order raised in Burgogne and Gdansk.





Eastern Europe

The Varangian Rus of Kiev

(Orthodox Civilized Open Empire)
Peter, King of the Rus


In Atelzuko a new city was founded during Peter’s reign called Atelzograd.  The Rus sent more rutters to the Orkneymen, this time details the seas and rivers from the Dnepr to the Gates of Hercules. Gold was also shipped to the Roman’s and to the House of Byzantium to settle their affairs. King Peter was to marry from the Pereaslavl Noble House and continued to spend the remaining years in the province in order to improve relations with them. He was also to appoint Prince Harold to the Varangian court to assist him and Ragnar in the affairs of state. Prince Ragnar had travelled to Colchis to assist the Romans and the Knights in their invasion of the Ademid lands (see ORE) before returning to Pechnograd with Osberic and Smirnov of Smolensk.  Emboldened by the defeat of the Ademids, the Crimeans declared themselves a republic and threw off their Cossack overlords.



The Oriental Roman Empire

(Roman Catholic Civilised Open Empire)
Michael, Emperor of East Rome

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The Emperor ensued that the succession was secure when the young Prince Alexios was named his heir. Sadly, his wife of many years Zoe was to die giving birth to the Princess Theodora. The Emperor had assembled the combined forces of the Knights and the Rus in Colchis under the command of Duke Katakalon.  The Duke had travelled from Constantinople with a force of over three thousand infantry. The Maltese Knights provided a further three thousand foot plus a sizeable contingent of sappers. To aid in the transportation of the army to Colchis, the Rus provided several of their transports as well as a substantial cavalry force under the command of Stephen and Osberic. Having moved the army to Colchis and now under the command of Grandmaster Stephan, they spared little time crossing the Abasigian border into Kuban.  As the Emperor had guessed, the Ademid’s army had been badly mauled by the Khwarzimi invasion of a few years previous and consisted of a little over two thousand men. Barley ten percent of the combined attacking force, the Ademids could do little to stem the attack; although they were able to hold them at the pass for a few months before the Roman’s broke through, killing the Ademid general. With their army completely destroyed, the Ademids could do little to stop Katakalon taking both Kuban and their heartland of Taman.  The city of Bosporus was unwalled and also fell quickly to the invaders. However, the garrison left in Kuban was woefully inadequate to quall the tribesmen there and was to succumb to an uprising as soon as the main forces had left for Taman. The Kuban tribes declared their independence from not only the Romans but from the Ademids as well. Whilst Katakalon was occupied in the East, Duke Isaac was busy gaining the support of Attica secured an alliance with the province.  Imperial agents were active throughout Constantinople’s university as Michael attempted to thwart the Buwayid theft of the Roman’s technology.  Michael also ordered the construction of Order Houses for the Knights in Corfu and Colchis but found the local populaces resistant to the Order’s presence. It was left to Duke Stefans to ensure the security of the Aegean from any Al’Bahri pirates but thankfully the seas remained calm and his forces saw little action.



The Order of St Vladimir

(Roman Catholic Civilised Religious Order)
Dmitry, Grandmaster of the Order of St Vladimir

The cultivation of Goryn continued with the help of the Order’s bondsmen. Dmitry travelled to the province himself with the majority of the Order’s Brothers and was able to gain an alliance with the Count of Goryn.  The Order’s only setback was the death of Harald in 1415 from a fever. Missionaries from the Order were able to convert the pagans of Galich to Orthodoxy as Dmitry continued to exert his control over the Balkan region.


The Knights of Malta

(Roman Catholic Civilised Religious Order)
Stephan, Grandmaster of the Knights of Malta


The Knights poured resources into their host city of Valletta and saw the city grow in size during these years. Their expansion into Eastern Europe continued with a Preceptory built in Crete and Houses in Attica and Athens. Grandmaster Stephen joined the Roman forces in Colchis where he was tasked with overall command of the army (see ORE). After the defeat of the Ademids, Stephen travelled to Constantinople to review his forces. Brother Bertrand accompanied Stephen after being collected from Rhodes after leaving a small garrison in the city.


The Noble House of Byzantium

(Roman Catholic Civilised Mercantile House)
Anastasius Makrembolites, Chairman of the Noble House of Byzantium


Makrembolites travelled from Morea to the eastern lands of Pechneg and Atelzuko where he was able to establish some Agents for the Mercantile House.  Trade was established out of Constantinople to Al’Qairah in Egypt and to the Knights of Malta.