Lords of the Earth 


A New Century

Turn 40

1196 ~ 1200 Anno Domini
557 ~ 561 in the year of the Hegira

Announcements and items of note

General Stuff: Please use my Paypal account (stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk) for all Lords’ 24 payments. If you cannot use this facility then please let me know and I will see what I can do about filtering US funds to my account. I may also stop using the throneworld email address due to the mass of spam I’m getting!


Order Form: Please use the standard excel order form from now on. I’ll update the site with a link to it next week when I get some time. This is important as it helps me process the turn more quickly.


Non-Payment: some of you still owe me some cash. Although it may come as surprise that this is not my main source of income, I see it only polite that you pay for the occasionally night out. So, if you’re under zero next turn I’ll not process you orders.


Version 6: Lords 24 uses version 6 of the basic rules


The Map: The map now includes India as well as Europe, Central Asia and Africa. However, Indian nations are not yet available for play.


Tithes and Tribute: I think these are automatically updated by the stats program, so no need to declare them in your orders.

Control of the Papacy and Religious Orders: In Lords 24 we will not always have a player Pope (or Caliph etc for that matter) and the following rules are used to determine which player faction controls the Pope’s actions, Papacy Rules. I’ve also added some stuff about gaining support from their armies

How to make your GM happy (PLEASE READ! REALLY!):

Please send any and all Lords24 correspondence to lords24gm@throneworld.com or stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk .


The Lords Twenty-Four homepage is at: 

All of the on-line resources, including order forms, mailing lists and web-sites for Lords of the Earth are summarized on this page: 

You can subscribe to the Lords 24 mailing list by pointing your web-browser at: 

…and following the instructions on that page.


At the moment the turns cost $5 – please pay up of you owe

We are using the latest v6.3.5 of the basic rule book that can be found here


Turn 41 Orders due by:  July 4th 2008

Without further ado, the news for these years in Lords 24 history...




Mustafa of Rum M996


37c,10hec,30xc,23i,21xi, 4xei,3elm,2s.3ct,7rw,1rxw,1w


i5, c6, s5, w3


The Rum Khanate of Turkiye

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Crisias, Khan of the Turkiye

The depravations forced on the Khanate caused dire consequences. The great roads from Bithnia down to Isauria were left unmaintained and fell into disrepair. The Rum government saw unpaid officials retire to their estates and Crisias could barely keep the army together. With the loyal troops that remained, Crisias moved into Bithnia along with Philippus and Alp Arslan. The Turks numbered five thousand cavalry and about one thousand elephant archers. The Buwayid force in Bithnia was large, Prince Ayub himself and his aides Khair al Din and Farukh commanded and army of thirty-four thousand cavalry. The losses were heavy on the Turkish side and only two hundred of the Turkish elite cavalry survived to return to Paphlagonia. The Buwayids also suffered heavy casualties  and Prince Ayub was captured by the Turks but later died of his wounds. The Buwayids dead numbered eight thousand cavalry. The dread Bishop Asculias managed to repel an attack on Bursa.

The Western Roman Empire

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Theodotus, Emperor of the West Romans

Gold arrives from the Armenians and the Holy Roman Emperor but too late to raise any troops. However, Theodotus managed to raise two thousand cavalry to aid in the battle against the Uighur. His efforts to gain the mercenaries of Eastern Europe came to nothing as he was out-bid by the Buwayids. The great general Peter the Bulgarian was cut down by Uighur assassins prior to their invasion into Macedonia. In the ensuing battle the army of West Rome was eliminated and Euthemius Porphyrogenitus, heir to the Empire, was captured (see the Uighurs). The city of Athena was built in Attica by refugees fleeing the conflict in Macedonia.

The Western Uighur Khanate

(Sunni Islam Civilised Open Empire)
Khagan Ahmet

Loans were sought from the Jewish bankers but Ahmet still had a massive shortfall in the Khanate’s accounts. He managed to persuade the majority of his army to stay with him but suffered some desertions in this troubled time. He married Jirghiz’s widow and adopted the old Khan’s son Selim as his own, healing some bad feelings between supporters of the old regime. Ahmet waited for the Roman attack and when news came of the death of the Bulgarian general at the hands of his assassins, pushed into Macedonia. The Uighur army of eight thousand cavalry and ten thousand foot stormed into Macedonia to be met by the Roman army of six thousand cavalry under Peter’s replacement. The Roman’s were crushed and Euthemius, heir to the throne of Ochridia, was captured. The Uighur’s losses were also high, twelve thousand lost against the might of West Rome.


Elsewhere in Eastern Europe

The Duchy of Poland makes gains in Polotsk and Prussia, Silesia and Pomerania. The Oriental Roman Empire continues to regain its lost status in Chrysopolis and looks for new lands in Abisigia and Colchis, poor recompense for Thrace! Floods and heavy snows over these years see the Volga expand its reach further north. While Muscovy gains a foothold in the lands of Kalinin and Yaroslav. The rebel Uighurs under their Adem pushed north into Taman and taking the province and Bosporus for themselves claimed these lands for themselves. The Ests colonise Kymia and Kiev converts its remaining pagan provinces to Eastern Orthodox. The Eflak tribes settle in Alfold and after defeating the Venicians in Verona declare themselves the Kingdom of Hungary. New cities are raised along the banks of the Danube and in Carinthia








 25c,8xc,18i, 2hei, 5ct,5rw


 i5, c6, s5, w3


Heyrenik'un Armeniam

(Roman Catholic Barbarian Open Empire)
Anisha Amirspalar

Anisha Amirspalar dispatched Philipikous to Ochridia to pay there respect to the West Roman Emperor and provide aid in the ongoing struggle against the Moslems. She continued to oversee the Kingdom from Thedyarbekir. Work continued on the Great Kars road between Armenia and Lazica.

The Buwayid Sultanate

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Hashm ibn Sufyan

Sufyan fortified the newly gained provinces of Lydia, Bithnia and Isauria. Forts are also built in Cilicia for good measure. The cities of Antioch and Hastor gain walls to increase their defence. A postal road is built between Isauria and Cilicia to link up the Sultanate. Sufyan remained in control of the Sultanate’s army, patrolling his domain from Mesopotamia until his death in 1198. His son, Hashm, took control of the Sultanate without a hitch. The army in Bithnia was put under the command of Prince Ayub and following his death at the hands of the Rum Turks, fell to Farukh. Yahyah’s diplomatic efforts in Lydia saw that province pledge a full alliance with the Sultanate. Qumri of Edessa successfully persuaded more of the lay of Cilicia to give up the Catholic Faith and embrace Islam. Walid of Ahvaz moved his eight hundred infantry and four thousand sappers against the city of Bursa. The Bishop Asculias commanded a force of one thousand in the Turkish capital and successfully repulsed the attackers. Walid and his men died together for minimal losses to the Turks. Mustafa, hired by the Sultan during these years, was more successful in Antalya as the city easily fell to the mercenaries.

Ar Rassid Imamat as Sa'Na

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Sheik Farouk of Sa’Na

Farouk dispatched Hussein along with six hundred foot and elephants to the African campaign while he remained in Sa’na. Hussein was picked up by Admiral Sinbad and along with the Adenese fleet over thirty light warships and about the same number of transports, set sail for the African province of Kilwa. Hussein’s force was met by the Imam Tereq and Rakman with their contingent of over four thousand infantry. These forces easily forced surrender from the port of Kilwa Kivinje, without hardly any losses. Disturbances were felt in Aden when some local holyman roused a rabble against some Egyptian merchants accused of spreading the Shi’ite heresy.

Al-Khulafa'ur Rashidun

(Sunni Islam Civilized Primacy
Kedar Safawan, the Righteous Caliph

The Caliph commissioned ten light warships in Basra and a force of one thousand sappers in Baghdad. A large number of Cogs were built in Antioch, destined for use on internal trade routes within the Caliphate. Kedar also ordered that the righteous send the Imam’s a fitting tribute and set tithes on the Alramids, the Ilig, the Uighurs and the Yemeni. Stored grain was sent to the Uighurs, the Akramids and the Ummayads. Great effort was spent in converting the Eflaks and their old homeland of Walachia was converted to Sunni Islam. The King of Hungary was also very receptive to the persuasive arguments of Islam. Satisfied with his edicts, Kedar took Thana Safawan as his wife and settled to the affairs of state. His many thoughts and poems were put into print and saw a great flourishing in religious activity within the lands supporting the Caliphate. Latif abd-Gabr supported the Emir of Al’qamishli in his persuasion of the Eflak Hungarian King. Rasheed Malaika, supported by Ghassan Salwa, led an expedition to the south east where mosques were founded in Aden, Mansura and Edrosia and the sites in Zeila, Djibuti and Abadan enlarged. His efforts to create a monastery in Sa’na met with no success. Rasheed was also successful in gaining rutters for the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Bab-al-Mandab. The Emir of Al’Qamishli, besides his conversion attempts on the Eflak King, was successful in improving the mosque in Aleppo. New mosques were founded in Cilicia and Lydia.

Elsewhere in the Middle East

The Ogaden tribes make gains in Kefa, Adal and Walaga





Abu Benadin al’Gefara M544




 i5, c6, s5, w3


The Ayyubid Sultanate

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Haqikah, Regent to the Sultan of the Ayyubids

The Sultan squeezed his subjects hard to gain the required gold to outfit his new army. A massive thirty thousand cavalry were raised in Egypt along with six thousand infantry and one thousand sappers. The burden of taxation was too much for some of the Sultan’s subjects to bear and Dongola, Levant, Sinai, Suakin, As’diffah, Alwa, Aswan and Axum rebel. Thebes tries to pull away as well but the revolt is quickly crushed. Not deterred from his course, Jel-al-laddin commissioned twenty-four biremes in Alexandria and sent letters to the mercenary leaders of North Africa and the Middle East requesting their services in the forthcoming battle. Imran Abdul Nazir was hired in Jersusalem along with four thousand mercenaries. Abu Benadin came to Alexandria with ten biremes. Further fortifications were built in Lebanon. The hated rebel Faruq Dharr was tracked to his army camp in Bithnia and brutally cut down by Ayyubid assassins. Meanwhile, the Sultan set off for Syria with his newly raised army, collecting a further eleven thousand troops from Mansura. The force marched up through Sinai, Petra and Jordan into Syria. There they met with minimal resistance. The Farubid army was in disarray. The death of Faruq almost caused the rebels to give up but they were eventually rallied by Faruq’s son, also called Faruq. The Farubid army eventually regrouped and moved down along the Anatolian coast to regain its lost lands in Syria. At this point Jel-al-laddin realised that he had no stomach for battle! Cosseted since birth, the sight of the Farubid army caused him to flee from the battle. A rout started and the Ayyubid army turned and fled. The outnumbered Farubids could not believe their eyes and descended upon the hapless Ayyubids with merciless abandon. Jel-al-laddin was cut down as was Prince Zal. Imran managed to escape to Lebanon along with the remains of the Ayyubid army, numbering four thousand only! The Farubids lost only two and a half thousand in the battle and pushed on into Lebanon against the disordered Ayyubid forces. Imran was quick to gain the support of the Lebanese Emir and set about a quick defence of the province. His quick wits prevented the Farubids from taking Lebanon but he paid for the victory with his life. The losses were high for the Ayyubids and nearly three thousand heavy infantry were killed. The Farubids lost over three thousand infantry in the battle. Retreating to Syria, the Farubids were faced with a new enemy. The Sultan of Tyria had moved up from Suakin and was preparing to join with the hapless Jel-al-laddin when he heard of the destruction and swore verngence on the Farubids. His force of seven thousand men faced the twenty thousand Farubids. Faruq was more than a match for the Sultan and the Tyrians were routed and fled to Lebanon. The Tyrian force was wiped out by the pursuing Farubids whose losses were minimal. The Ayyubid army of the north defeated, Faruq set up his domain in the Holy Lands. His next years were spend subjugating the Lebanese and gaining Jordan and Petra.

Amir al-Bahri

(Sunni Islam Seafaring Religious Order)
Abd Al-Aziz, Grand Commander

A quiet time for the sea lords.

Ummayad Sultanat al Oran

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Sultan of the Ummayad

Improvements were made in the lands of Algeria and Chelif and new trade routes started out of the Sultanat’s many ports. The Sultan himself oversaw some of these mercantile affairs and was blessed with a young daughter. Ishtmar moved to Santa Maria and gathered up the Sultanat’s Spanish army before patrolling their lands there. Qid died during these years as did the able Sharouf Ben Gazi.







Odo of Aachen M85A




 i5, c5, s4, w4


Heiliges Romisches Reich

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Brandork, Holy Roman Emperor

Brandork enters the Empire's court and is quickly has to adapt to his new life when Barbarossa dies of a heart attack at the age of 59. Brankoening's perseverance pays off when he successfully persuades Eudes of Burgundy to join forces with the Holy Roman Empire. Provence decides to go its own way, as do the Rhine ports of Aachen and Metz. Papuchultran manages to persuade Holstein to pay tribute to the Empire while Matrunco fared better in Bavaria when a mutual economic alliance was signed between the Bavarians and the Empire. Marwin again moved with vast quantities of gold down to Thessaloniki for the West Romans. Many pilgrims began flocking to Burgone in Burgundy when a local child began speaking in tongues and showing the stigmata. It was reputed that her very touch cured any ill.

Jarldom of Orkeneyjar

(Roman Catholic Seafaring Open Empire)
Wulgar Bjornson, Jarl of Orkney

Wulfgar, King of the Orkneys, commissioned another two transports in Kirkval and raised another two thousand infantry for the royal garrison there. Forts were built in Trondheim to protect the islanders Norse possessions. A massive project was begun to clear the Scottish Highlands a provide more grain for the growing Kingdom. Wulfgar then augmented the garrisons of his Scottish holdings before ruling his Kingdom from Kirkval. Sven accompanied Wulfgar on his travels before returning to Kirkval and being blessed with two daughters from his wife Colleen. The fierce Princess Gretal moved with Harald to far Gronland where they were promised military support from the small population there. Strom and Feric were successful in gaining an alliance from Princess Hildegard, now the ruler of the province. The death of the Lord of Armagh saw that province become friendly to the Kingdom.

Kingdom of Svear

(Roman Catholic Seafaring Open Empire)
Erik Gustafson, King of the Svear

Erik was cntent to oversee the expansion of Segervik. Svear missionaries were successful in bringing the last Norwegian province to the joys of the Roman Church.

Norman Kingdom of France

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Louis VII, King of France

Loyal Prince Fulbert dies shortly after Louis came to the throne. The new king's first act was to expand the French road network with links between Anjou and Limousin and order the cultivation of Limousin and Auvergne to begin. Louis then married and was blessed with a young daughter. Philippe's efforts in Vermandois were rewarded when the province became friendly to the Kingdom. Alain travelled to Aquitaine and persuaded the rulers there to abandon plans to join the Spanish Kingdom and gain closer ties with Paris instead.

Principality of Salerno

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Ricardo II, Prince of Salerno

Ricardo took control of the Principality from his mother Amadora upon coming of age. The marriages of Ricardo's sisters to the Savoy and Tuscany saw these provinces become friendly to the Principality. The captured Cogs were re-crewed with men from Naples and the Egyptians sent to help in the olive groves of Calania. Salernese infiltrators roused the Sicilian peasants against the Ayyubid rulers and the subsequent revolt saw the province declare its independence from Egypt. The city of Bologna saw an outbreak of Scarlet Fever and the death of many of its citizens from the disease.

Saxon Kingdom of England

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Richard, King of England

Richard raised more cavalry for the English army when sixteen hundred horse were outfitted in London. The cities of the Kingdom were greatly improved and much gold spent on internal trade. A royal road was built north from London to Wymeswold in Mercia. English missionaries were active in the Welsh marches and had some success in Dyffed. Following an outbreak of the dread plague in Diva, Morgan and the Earl of Diva die and the city reduces its ties to the Kingdom. Lancashire however sought a closer alliance with England.


The Akramid Caliphate

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Mohamed, Caliph of the Akramids

Mohamed ordered the construction of a royal road between Andalusia and Estremadura. The cultivation of Christian Galacia was started. Despite this, Akramid missionaries were less than successful in the province and even reversed the earlier successes. Akramid diplomacy also met with little success during these years with Santiago, Talavera and Galacia all spurning the efforts of the Caliph’s men.


Elsewhere in Western Europe

Spain makes gains in Gascony and Asturias. Their approaches in Aquitaine were rebuffed in favour of France. A new port was built in Asutias called Santander. The Knights of Malta build houses in Attica, Valenica, Olbia and Castellon. In Norway, gold rush fever in the province see a new city called Oslo being built. The Papal States’ missionaries were active in the Aegean coast and new sites were built in Salerno’s lands.







Magabune of Kilwa M5A6


 20i, 13c, 5s, 5w, 5t


 i5, c4, s3, w1


Usama-Yoruba Onium of Ibo

(African Pagan Civilised Open Empire)
A'Damana, King of the Ibo

A’Damana raised another nine thousand heavy infantry in Ibo. His 14 year old son was presented at court and named his heir. A’Damana then moved to Ibo and set about ruling his wide domain. Tyano was active in smoothing over relations in Sudan while Ubaya tried the same in Songhai.

Elsewhere in Africa

The Adjou Aba move into Takrur, Galem and Adaware. No londer under Wadai control, the Sharifs set about their own actions. The Wadai themselves settle in lands below the Nile.



Central Asia



 10i, 5c, 5s, 5w, 5t


 i5, c4, s3, w1

Elsewhere in Asia

The Mongols mass on the border with Khwarzim, threatening the rulers of that nation and demanding tribute.