Lords of the Earth: Code Listing
A Aircraft
C Cavalry
G Gunnery
I Infantry
M Mechanized
N Nuclear
R Rocketry, Spacecraft
S Siege
W Warship
A Administering
B Being Besieged
C On Campaign
E Sneaking Around...
G In Garrison
M Mutinious!
N Normal
P Prisoner
S Besieging A City
C Closed
D Defaulted
O Open
# Capital, Port city on Road
$ Treasury City
/ Normal City
+ Port City on a Road
B Besieged City
C Capital City
H Holy City
P Port City
R Royal Road City
S Silk Road City
U University City
B Barbarian
C Civilized
I The Ice Tribes
I1 Industrial One
I2 Industrial Two
I3 Industrial Three
I4 Industrial Four
N Nomadic
P PreColumbian
R Renaissance
S Seafaring
AG Agrarian
FE Feudal
GU Guild
OP Open
SL Slave
AM Army Mutiny
CW Civil War
NE No Random Event
F Fishing Fleet
I Internal Trade
L Loaned Out
T Sea Trade
ALL All Geographic Zones (used for Events)
AMZ Amazonia
AU Australia
CA Central Asia
CH China
CNA Central America
EA East Africa
EE Eastern Europe
ENA Eastern North America
ESA Eastern South America
IA Indonesia
IN India
JP Japan
ME Middle East
MN Manchuria
NA North Africa
PA Pacifica
PR Persia
SA South Africa
SEA South East Asia
SI Siberia
SSA Southern South America
WA West Africa
WE Western Europe
WNA Western North America
CM Centralized Monarchy
CO Constitutional Monarchy
DC Dictatorship
FD Federalized Democray
FM Feudal Monarchy
IM Imperial
MC Mercantile Combine
OL Oligarchy
RP Republic
TH Theocracy
TRI Tribal Councils
B Bad Harvest
G Good Harvest
N Normal Harvest
AKK Akkadian
ALB Albanian
ANG Anglo-Saxon
ARA Arabic
ARH Aramaic
ARM Armenian
ASH Ashante
BAL Baltic
BAN Bantu - Xhosa
CEL Celtic
DAN Danish
FRA Frankish
HEL Hellenic
HIN Hindic
IBE Iberian
IRO Iroquois
ITA Italic
JAP Japanese
JAV Javanese
KHE Khemer
LDO Langue d'Oc
MAS Maasai
MON Mongol
NAH Nahuatl
NCH North Chinese
NOR Norse
OHG Old High German
PER Persian
POL Polynesian
PSH Pushtu - Urdic
QUE Quechua
SCH South Chinese
SCY Scythian
SLA Slavonic
TOL Tolteca
TUR Turkic
VIE Viet
VLA Vlach
XHO Xhosa-Bushman
YAQ Yaqui (Yoeme)
ZUL Zulu
A Full Allied Leader
B Papal Legate
E Regent
F Feudal Ally Leader
H Heir
K King or Emperor
L Lieutenant
M Mercenary Commander
P Prince of the Realm
Q Queen or Empress
R Rebel Leader
S Senate President
C Trade Cartel
M Merch Monopoly
NA M/T Not Active
ST Secret Tithe
T Religious Tithe
I Empire of the Ice
M Mercantile Combine
O Open Empire
P Primate Relgious Authority
S Secret Empire
/ Normal Region
F FurLine Region
H Hostile Region
S Silk Road Region
AC Aztec Christian Church
AFP African Pagan
AP Asiatic Pagan
BH Buddhist
CC Culdi Christian
CP Coptic Christian
CTH The Great Old Ones
DA Daoist
EO Eastern Orthodox
EP European Pagan
HAC Lencolar Christian Church
HC Hussite Christian
HI Heretic Islam
HN Hinduism
JD Judaism
MA Mesoamerind
NA North Amerind
NC Nestorian Christian
OP Church of Oro
RC Roman Catholic
SA South Amerind
SH Shi'a Islam
SN Sunni Islam
ST Shinto
BST Blockaded Sea Trade
INT Route Under Interdict
LTD Land Trade by Difficult Terrain
LTH Land Trade by Hostile Terrain
LTO Land Trade via Open Terrain
LTR Land Trade By Road
NST Normal Sea Trade
WAR Route Blocked By Warfare
C Closed Route
L Possible By Land
S Possible By Sea
CA Caste
CL Clan
FE Feudal
OP Open
A Full Ally
AB Abbey
AW At War
BO Branch Office
C Claim
CA Cathedral
CC Cultic Cell
CI Cartel City
CL Cultic Lodge
CS Cultic Stronghold
CT Cultic Temple
EA Economic Ally
F Friendly
FA Feudal Ally
H Hostile
HC Holy City
HM Homeland
HO Home Office
MCL Merchant Colony
MF Merchant Factor
MN Monastary
NT Non-Paying Tributary
OC Occupied
P Pacified
PT Pacified Tributary
T Tributary
UN Uncontrolled
S Supervisor Access
C Census In Effect
D In Loan Default
F Famine
H High Taxation
L Low Taxation
N Normal Taxation
R Ruinious Taxation
T Thin Government
001 Nomadic/Tribal - Sticks
002 Barbarian - Precolumbian
003 Barbarian
004 Civilized / Seafaring
005 Civilized / Seafaring - Stirrup
006 Civilized / Seafaring - Crossbow
007 Civilized / Seafaring - Gunpowder
008 Renaissance
009 Renaissance - Printing
010 Renaissance - Balloons
011 Renaissance - Steam Engines
012 Industrial One - Railroads
013 Industrial One - Carbon Steel
014 Industrial One - Electricty
015 Industrial One - Internal Combustion
016 Industrial Two - Aircraft
017 Industrial Two - Pharmacuticals
018 Industrial Two - Rockets
019 Industrial Two - Fission
020 Industrial Three - Computers
021 Industrial Three - Transistors
022 Industrial Three - Lords of the Earth
023 Industrial Four - Fusion
C Cultivated
C2 Intensive Cultivation
D Desert
I Island
J Jungle
M Mountain
O Oasis
S Steppe
T Tundra
W Wilderness
No Trade Center
A Silver Mine Trade Center
G Gold Mine Trade Center
M Mercantile Trade Center
P Spice Trade Center
S Salt Mine Trade Center
Regular Wall Points
E Elite Wall Points
I Inexperienced Wall Points
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