Lords 91 - Turn 1

ESI List

RankNation MSI ESIITVPlayer
1Kingdom of Morwen77.811.5Christopher Ozdoba
2Kulland33.321.7Ken Larsen
3Cebu53.331.3Marcus McKinley
4Vanga71.241.9Steven Legge
5The Mighty Country of Ichi49.252.0David Bishop
6Kingdom of Ukurania40.263.5Darren Quinn
7Blutland39.871.2Robert Hanson
8The Mighty Fishermen of Nara43.082.0Adam Hewitt
9The Kingdom of Anatory29.791.2Todd McDonald
10The Duchy of Arkan50.6102.0Dave Salter
11The Nation of Catota59.6113.7David Welches
12Bielsk63.0121.0Liam McGucken
13Grand Confederacy of Sydland31.7132.3Helmer Jensen
14The Kingdom of Xanth45.4142.5Charles Hurst
15The Sphere of Fichtel59.7151.3Donald Patterson
16Nevrast Empire51.4161.7Scott Nolan
17Vyborg46.7171.4Dean Patterson
18Des'Unarri41.0181.9JJ Martell
19Kingdom of Tavoy43.3193.0Shawn Molstad
20Leviathan42.0201.6Matt Holy
21The Draconis Combine49.8212.1Paul Chapell
22United Clans of Dubba22.8222.6Bob Chase
23The Ice Kingdom of Neko46.1231.4Andrew Webb
24Siberia43.3243.0Bill Jarrell
25Hiram50.2251.7Tim Finton
26The Sea Kingdom of Tearsh30.4262.7Matthew Taylor
27Luvia32.3273.0Al Weier
dThe Church of the Anhk
[The Defenders of the Pristine Woods
eOrder of the Holy Messenger
^The Ancient Order of the Dragon
iHarbingers of Chaos
aThe Blood Cult of Tarq