Lords 51: Siri, The Age of Awakenings
Year 386 (D.R.) Daeran Reckoning

Turn 7 My Lords & Stat sheets completed by April 9, 2002
Turn 8 due date Saturday, April 27th, 2002

Main website for Siri at www.throneworld.com/lords/lote51/
My Lords Nation Link found here
LOTE Homepage for all the campaigns.

Campaign Notes, Rules to watch for.
NFP Support
This rule will take place on turn 8's stat sheets.  I want to make sure and give every player a turn or two of having that "Army NFP Support" line listed on their sheet  before I finalize using it.
Army Agro Consumption
At present there is a good deal of discussion about Horses, Wolves, etc having an added Agro Consumption cost factoring in that a Mount will need to eat as well as the Rider.  Once I figure out a decent way of doing this, perhaps by doubling the amount used to calculate Agro Army Conspumption for those units I'll let you know.
Just a note of caution on how far away the King is from the Capital and how far a nation can spread.  The BL along with the Kings own (unknown rating, but a minimum of 1, could be up to 6 however) rating determine his effectiveness as far as revolts, loyalty checks and all that fun stuff.  If the King is out of range of the Capital and Leaders are out of range of both the King and the Capital expect trouble at some point.
Fractional Investments
Its not the most convenient thing to keep track of the .1 gp invested into a QR.  To this point any investments made like that will either be put into your saved gold or rounded up if they are close to a whole number and you have a specialist in a related field.  I'll do this for next turn as I've already completed this one.  As a player I've turned in probably 100 turns or so and have yet to invest .1 or even .5 into a QR.  Much appreciated.

The Rumor Mill for Turn 7
Northern Geographic Region:
Elven Ships
King Woagan and a company of Dwarves in Pudin see ghost like Elven ships several times in the Deeps of Repli.  Their origin is a source of intrigue for many weeks and a topic of local villages.  "Better that than Goblin ships" most say.

Shrunken Lizard Heads
A fad takes place amongst several Goblin tribes with shrinking Lizardman heads.  The largest ones seem to make perfect sized helmets for some while smaller ones make for good decoration and Maces.

Whelps and more whelps
In and around the Juxto Basin a population explosion takes place amongst the Goblinoids there.  Many perish as always, but many continue to reach what is considered adulthood for a Goblin.  Something appears to be feeding on small groups of them playing on occasion but so little is left that its diffuclt to tell exactly what that would be.

Free Cities oil merchants
The seas provide opportunity for many exotic oils.  With small towns sprinkled from the Yemne Drift through the Hie Shores the humans have had plenty of time to investigate a great deal of useful extracts.  Alchemists find their services in demand by the wealthy in the hopes of creating something new and exciting.

Central Geographic Region:
Dwarven Engineering
In a considerable display of effort the Hilanda Clan had been laying out plans for a Royal Road Network for a couple of years.  Now with some Goblin refugees to be persuaded to help out a little the project was built.  To persuade the Gobs not to return to their previous homes patrols with blunt weapons took to the mountains for a couple of months.  Dwarves just knew that those stupid Goblins were not that stubborn when persuaded with a heavy blow from a mace.  Some complained that they should have been killed outright but King Thorin was feeling rather forgiving.

Of Villages, Towns and Cities
All throughout the human lands urban growth took place.  Anything that resembled a village had plans drawn up.  Carpenters found themselves working extra hours each day just to keep up.  Even a few Halflings were hired to accomodate some of their people as the Knights of Fortune expanded.

Giant Eels
Squid Lake may not hold its name sake, but Lizardmen have reported seeing several large, thick snake like creatures surfacing briefly on the lake.  With a bit of investigation the eels were seen as they were scouting out the Lake.  One Lizardman reported recieving quite a jolt from a beast.  He figures its length to be at least twice his own, its coloration was brownish with tan spots.

Eastern Geographic Region:
Orcs submit to Goblins
The Dehlven drift is home to many tribes of Orcs.  Unusually they seem to have recognized the strength of Goblin Nations in the area instead of forming one of their own.  Sea creatures preying on them along the shore might have something to do with it as well.

Mae Island
Upon the shores of the Island a fairly substantial settlement of Man has made itself comfortable.  Fishing has been passed down for several generations and the people prosper in relative isolation.  With the encroachment of large nations it was time for some decision making in the hopes of preserving as much of  their society as possible.

Old Empire offensive
Orcs might be submitting to Goblin will, but the Elves and Men on the great plain would have nothing to do with them.  Raids of any sort were getting tiresome and a large army was committed to the task.  Several large Tribes fell under the hooves of horses and the steel of foot soldiers.

Degh Express
The King of the Dar was most pleased with the works completed this year.  Hand a messenger a note in the lowlands of Vuvdaq and they were carried all the way to the Elves of Jachu'n in two weeks or less.

Candle Carving
From somewhere deep within the Elven forest came magnificent creations of wax and handiwork.  They were selling to some of the finer establishments in Emolvay, Dar-en Dar, and Greyhawk for close to a years wages for the average person.  Various forms of trees seemed to be the most popular and some said they had a calming effect when they were lit.  Whatever wax was being used it burned many times that of a comparable human made wax.

Western Geographic Region:
Reigning Death
Out of the hills came news of a mighty struggle.  Some 4000 or so Halflings opposed about an equal number of Goblins.  The Goblin leader said to be the size of a Liardman held the field and demonstrated the intelect of a Nu'jree tactician and the guile of a Wee Folk merchant.  Regardless of the telling the outcome was the pounding of the Halfling army at the hands of the Reigning Death Army.

Stained Glass
With the establishment of trade out of the Desert of Despair comes excellent works of colored glass.  Some of the pieces have made it all the way to the Kingdom of Avalon.

Tricky Orcs
A Halfing diplomat in Timiris was looking foward to at least one good argument amongst the Orcs just to see who would end up with a broken nose.  His time however was spent running for his life from bandits.  Once that was over he hardly found a sign of any living Orc in the region.  Perhaps it was some kind of plague.

Dwarven prosperity
With the mineral riches so nearby other craftsmen began to show up in numbers as well.  Distillers of potent Potatoe Vodka and other popular drinks and Weavers of fine wool from mountain sheep amongst the more prevalent

Southern Geographic Region:
Vanishing ideas
It had been a number of years that the thought behind a great Empire along the Serpent River be reborn.  Those that brought the concept up layed real low or they were dead for no one heard any such talk this past year.  In fact the Heralds of Huahn had also gone into seclusion and were rarely seen except by those seeking knowledge and instruction from them.

Sailors haven
As far as a seafaring man is concerned this was the area to be.  Green Field employed more sailors, captains, and shipwrights than any other nation in Huahn or so it was said.  Even a strange cooperation of Lizardmen and Wee Folk fishermen worked together in the area.

Zlavez, need more zlavez
No one was spared from the powerful tribe of Amsun.  One force rolled over a small human settlement along the Zeno Deep while another attempted to work with the Nu'jree of Girangi but they would not listen.  Oh well, shackes and hard labor would hopefully teach them to be more cooperative in the future.

Wrong turn
A shipment of the finest of Tobacco produced in the Wee Folk lands accidentally was delivered to a large festival in Serpent Head.  It was appreciated and many spoke of the goodwill it displayed from one people to another.

Notes on "My Lords"
NRR is actually roughly the ESI in a typical LOTE campaign.
MSI is modified for the values of the various units and such, but is also a fairly accurate measure of your nations Military Strength vs that of the other nations in the game.
Rank on the Home page is for your Military Strength in your Geographic region.  What might be 1st in one region would be 6th in another section of the world.

Fun Stuff - Getting another turn out, and in reasonable amount of time even.  Also adding brand new players to LOTE has been great.  International players now come from Australia, Scotland, the Netherlands, Guatamala, and a few others I'm sure to have forgotten.

Contacting the GM:
Turn Fees:  $4
Overseas Players: $2 - my conversion rate is a killer and I like having new players typically not seen in the U.S. LOTE games

jnmj@dwave.net (alternate)