Lords of the Earth

The Rise of the Classical World

225-221 B.C.                                                                                                                                                Turn 8


Turn Cost- $5.00

        If you reach a point of owing $10 without speaking to me about arranging a payment I will be holding your turn until you speak to me about it and arrange payment.  This will not matter until next turn, but I do not want to be a bad guy so please at least speak to me. Thanks.

Rule Book:

        We will be using 5.10.0 for the base rules of the game.


        Although it was not common there were some female leaders of nations. But this was very rare as most men of the time would have trouble following the directions of a woman no matter how strong or talented.  So I will not disallow the use of women as heirs, BUT know that there is a chance your nation will not take kindly to one of the gentler sex leading a nation.


        Auto-rule is on for now. I am not sure how long I will keep it on. It will be removed on Turn 10.

Megalithic Constructions:

        To build any Megalithic Construct you must have a Tech level that is at least 2 levels higher then what you are trying to do.

        Example: The Kiel Canal from Skaggerack to the North Sea is a level 1 Megalithic Construction. So Denmark, who just reached Tech 3, can now build it. This is only the base cost. Any multipliers for region or something else are not counted in the Tech level requirement.

        *Note: The Grand Canal of China is not really there. I will be removing it from the map. When the nations in China reach Tech 5 they can replace it.


        For any region to be made cultivated you must be at least Tech 4. For those regions that are capable of being C2 you must have a Tech level of 6+. Cultivation is a level 1 Megalithic Construction which is modified by the regional cost.

        Example:  Macedonia, a Tech 4 nation, decides to cultivate their lands. Since Macedonia is a Wilderness region and they are Civilized they have to do a level 1 construction with a multiplier of 1.5 for a civilized nation operating in a wilderness area. This costs 38 NFP (25 * 1.5 = 37.5 and you Round up to 38) and 75 GP (50 * 1.5 = 75).

Feudal Leaders and Allied Leaders:

        Feudal leaders only receive a Combat stat. You may call them up to defend your nation or fight for you, but they are not willing to do anything other then assure the mutual defense and well-fare of your combined areas. Allied leaders receive all the stats and can do pretty much any action. If you assign them to Diplomacy the action will be for your nation but they will not be able to get the region about Allied level.

Troop Conversions

                Infantry (500 men = 1 point), Cavalry (500 men = 1 point), Siege Engineers (500 men = 1 point), Warships (2 ships = 1 point), Transports (2 ships = 1 point).

National Transformations
            In time period we are in there are many ideas which do not exist. Things such as Free societies or even Guilds were unknown and more often then not unwanted. To show this the game has placed tech level advancements on when you can reach things such as Free societies. These are in place in the system and not determined by me. I have been and will continue to use these as a guide for when you can reach a National Transformation. I know there are examples through history that may seem to contradict this rule, but please remember that these examples through history of free societies are more often the exception and not the rule. Because of this most National Transformations are at this time not allowed.

Mass Conscription

            Mass Conscription is no longer allowed in the game. It makes very little sense for the time frame. It means you give every able bodied man in the nation a weapon and in a time of slavery, fuedalism and caste systems that would not happen.

North Asia

                    Mercs: 10 C, 10 I, 5 S

                                  Merc Leader: None

Qin Empire

 Xiaowen, Emperor of the Qin

Diplomacy:  Hupei (+15 YfC), Miao Ling (UN)

        The region of Miao Ling. which had become Buddhist in recent years and was distant from the far off capital of Chang'an finally rebelled and refused to send taxes to the Qin. The regions representatives had to travel through dangerous, uncontrolled mountains and valleys that were rife with bandits who remembered the grand Chu Empire and hated the Miao Ling for opting to join the Qin. These foul men took great pleasure in attacking the Miao Ling whenever they left the region. To save themselves from further attacks the region declared its independance and sought isolation.

        Meanwhile the workers of Xiaowen continued what his great father had started. The royal road spread south into Anhui and a bridge was created over the powerful Yangtze river into Taiping. Taiping saw thousands of workers arrive and begin clearing away the marshes and preparing them for vast rice paddies. Forests were cut back as man worked to remove the wildernesss from the area and create a haven for the men and women of the Empire.  In Hupei the diplomatic envoys of the Eternal Emperor of the Qin found him a bride in the beleagured region. This was meant to do much to soothe the regions anger over the land still dyed red with the blood of thousands of men. Many years had passed since those brutal battles though and the people were coming to forgive the Qin and move on. The Unity of the Empire appealed to many who hated the times of the great warlords which would rampage from one region to another. But the region was still not fully over the losses they had suffered.

        In 222 BC, Prime Minister Lu Buwei died. Xiaowen quickly took hold of the massive armies of the Qin. The soldiers, who had loved the old Prime Minister, quickly moved to follow the King as they knew Lu favored him. A great funeral was held for Lu Buwei who was a hero of the Chinese wars of Unity.

The Kingdom of Yan

Phan Chen, Lord of the Yan

Diplomacy: Yen (NE), Hopei (F)

        Chen decided it was time to find out how many people bowed to him as lord and master so he spent the year of 225 BC counting his people. When he was satisfied with how many he ruled he turned and traveled to the region of Yen which was one of the richest in his lands. There he tried to persuade them to further join him. Unfortunately Chen was only average at such talks and so he was not able to accomplish anything of note by 221 BC. But in Hopei, Yan Wei spoke at length with Yao Hu, the local leader. He made many good points with led the region to fully unite with the Yan. With the end of the great wars of Unity Yan had begun to prosper.



Diplomacy: None

        The Tartars looked over the wind swept plains and thought back to the verdant valleys and lands of the Qin. They had lost because their forces were scattered and weakened from fighting their neighbors. In 224 BC Hwang died and Changhatai came to power. He declared that it was time for his people to let go of the lands they held and prepare to move. He traveled to all of the lands surrounding his and spoke to the locals about joining. Soon he had a huge army of some 54,500 cavalry of various types and 15,500 light infantry under his banner. With his troops gathered and the people willing to leave packing he looked around to see where he would best strike. (Needs a Player)


Kwanto Japan

Kwanto Ran, Daimyo of the Kwanto

Diplomacy: Hokkiado (FA), Akita (OC)

        Ran, still fearful of invasion and realizing that it could come from any corner had many new forts built through out his realm. Several groups of assasins attacked him. The first was during his breakfast where they attempted to poison him. Those who tried the act were captured and slain for their acts. The second attack came while inspecting the defenses. A man dressed as a peasant warrior tried to knife him, but the diligent personal guard of the Kwanto quickly intercepted the attack and stopped it. The war in the rest of the lands was handled by others .

        In 221 BC Ran's wife gave birth to twins. First was a daughter and then a son. At that time word came back that Fujimato Jiro, who had been trying to get the Akita family to strengthen their allegiance with the Kwanto had been forced to flee the region when the forces of teh Yamato overran it. The men of Kwanto fought bravely, but the forts which had just been placed in the area were over run (See Yamato for more). Jiro had fled north to the island of Hokkaido where he had sought new allies to retake the Akita lands. He did well considering how little time he had and managed to find a lord who swore his allegiance to the Kwanto and promised troops should the need arise.

Yamato Japan

Yamato Ayame, Daimyo of the Yamato

Diplomacy: Akita (P), Saga (NE)

        Yamato Ayame stayed in his capital and ruled. His wife gave birth to a daughter in 224 BC and grew ill after. Many feared that she would never give birth to another child, but in 221 BC she gave birth to another daughter. Ayame ordered his most trusted general, Aichi Akira and Yamato Akina to ensure that no invasion would come from the north and then to invade and conquer the northern most region of Akita. Akira waited for some time while Akina went looking for troops to aid them before they set off. While the war continued to the north Yamato Horitoshi traveled to the lands of Saga. There he tried to get the local lord to fully align himself with the Yamato, but the local lord was unhappy with the constant warfare and Horitoshi was unable to get him to take the last steps in uniting with the Yamato. 

        Akira and Akina again traveled north through Nigata to reach Akita. They managed to deftly evade the forts which seemed to have multiplied in the time since they had last traveled. They came with 8,500 regular infantry, 2000 heavy infantry, 6,500 light infantry and 4000 cavalry. When they reached Akita they found that Kwanto Jiro was in the region and that a row of forts had been placed on strategic spots to halt raiders or invaders. Jiro organized the defense of his forts and held against the invasion. In the first assault the forts held and with the leadership of Jiro who knew the terrain better then Akira and who had slightly better trained troops he managed to hold fast. One fort fell as did many of the Yamato invaders which surged against the walls. Both sides fell back as winter fell. With the coming of spring Akira again assaulted the walls of the forts and was again beaten back although one of the central forts in the region was breached and burned by the troops. Seeing his chance Akira moved to cut the forts off from each other and with the lack of communication caused by his move the next assault was enough to destroy the forts. Jiro was able to escape the region and fled north. Akira left Akina with a large garrison and snuck what was left of his forces south to Yamato lands.


South Asia

                   Mercs: 10 C, 20 I

                                Merc Leader: None


Nguyen Han, King of Nan-Yue

Diplomacy:   Taiwan (EA), Fujian (T), Nanling (FA), Lingtung (FA)

        It was discovered the Nguyen Han and his family had all come down with a severe form of epilepsy. With their attendants to take care of them they were ok, but the chance of dying should they ever be left alone or should their attendants not be swift grew with the sudden disabling disease. But for all of that Han continued to rule his nation with little troubles. The capital was moved from Hainan to Lingnan and placed in the city of Nanhai.

        Nguyen Vien remained in Taiwan working on diplomacy with the island people. He managed to arrange some economic plans to aid both peoples. He also had a son in 222 BC and a daughter in 221 BC. Trinh Dao traveled from Kwangtung to Fujian to try and gain a stronger allegiance with the people there. Following the orders of his King he gained a tribute from the region, although they would have consented to a stronger union had it been allowed. Quac Tran traveled first to Nanling and then to Lingtung to do his diplomacy. In both regions he managed to gain a loyal warlord to promise to march to the aid of Nan-Yue should it be needed. He had hoped to gain a tribute from both regions but they did not wish to be that strongly tied to Nan-Yue at this time.


Tak Rang

Diplomacy: Cochin (NT), Mon (A)

        Tak Phan died in 224 BC. Tak Rang, his brother, quickly moved to secure the troops in Khemer and the support of Kosal. Kosal realized that with the child of Tak Rang so young it was important to get a leader on the throne. So although Kosal was reluctant he agreed to support Rang for the throne. Rang decided that he could not leave the son of his brother to oppose him later so he had the boy and his mother killed. This upset many in the realm but what could you do? Only Cochin balked at taking orders from Rang and reduced their ties to Khemer.

        Kosal, who stayed in Siam to preach had only moderate success. Slightly more then half the leaders of the region now favored the Hindu beliefs over the others, but in Mon the new Buddhist religion continued to spread and filled the region. In Mon, Ngoma continued the diplomatic effort even though Rang returned to Khemer to hold the nation. He had a huge success and the region agreed to a very strong alliance with Khemer. If his diplomatic efforts continued the region would surely join fully with Khemer soon.

Pacific Islands

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Huyana, Lord of the Great Blue Seas

Diplomacy:  Marianas (F)

        Huyana spent the years living in his capital and ruling his empire. He also had several children over the years. In 224 BC he had a son, followed by a daughter in 223 BC and another daughter in 222 BC. In 221 BC he had another son. Nahamiya spent his years in Marianas speaking to the locals about the value of joining fully with Moluccas. To aid his diplomacy Yuthaja was tasked with sailing ships to the island with workers ot make farms to fill the island. The new farms were a great boon to the island people and they soon all looked to Moluccas for leadership.Yuthaja returned to Moluccas. While waiting for new orders he went swimming and was attacked by a great shark. He was never seen again.


Yiridala, Defender of Samoa and Hawaii

Diplomacy: Fiji (NT), Tonga (C )

        Yiridala stayed in Pago Pago and oversaw his kingdom as his son traveled ot the nearby islands to try and unit them. In Fiji he got some consideration for his words but the men of Fiji refused to send anything tangible to show their support of Hawaii. In Tonga things were even worse as the people agreed to only the slightest claim of unity between the two islands. Kohpeh, heir to the Samoa and Hawaii, thought that if he had stayed longer in either place a greater alliance could have been formed. but by going to both islands so close to the same time and then rushing home he did not have enough time to finish what he hoped to accomplish, but he was young and there were many years left.


India & Central Asia

                             Mercs:  None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Bahagada, Emporer of Maurya

Diplomacy: None

        Bahagada, who had seen the sorrow in his fathers eyes over the many wars he fought, decided it was time to strengthen the resolve and faith of his people. He called upon his brother, Chandragupta, and requested that he take control of a new church that he wished to form in Maurya. Chandragupta seemed pleased with the idea and together the two formed the new faith in the order of the Holy Brahmins who were dedicated to aiding and improving the lives of all Hindu's. This went well and soon there were Cathedrals to the faith located throughout the lands. None rivaled the great temple built only a few years before, but each was exquisite none the less.

        Bahagada also decided that since he was setting his brother Chandragupta up with something for him to do he could not leave his even more skilled brother Sri Gupta with nothing. Sri Gupta was a talened leader and had gained a small following. Bahagada ordered many boats built for transport and war. These he gave to Sri Gupta and ordered him to go and prosper in some distant land. Sri Gupta, who knew he would never have another chance quickly seized it. He armed his followers and set sail (See South Africa).

        More farms were built in Tarain but all other resources were invested in the new church and sending Sri Gupta off to distant lands.

The Holy Brahmins

Chandragupta, Most Holy of the Brahmins and Defender of the Faithful

Diplomacy: Uttar Pradesh (CA), Tarain (CA), Rajput (CA), Guar (CA), Maghada (CA), Jaunpor (CA)

        Chandragupta joined with his brother Bahagada and formed the church of the Holy Brahmins. Based mainly along the mighty Ganges river the great Cathedrals were formed. Chandragupta, known for his great works in the newly converted nation of Meroe, swore that he would defend the faith and take it on to aid all those who had yet to see the light of the Hindu traditions. He thanked his brother Bahagada and gave great praise for the Emperor of Maurya who would do so much to ensure the Hindus would prosper.

The Indian Alliance

Torugah II, Lord of Pandya

Diplomacy:  None

        The Alliance stopped and looked around. Torugah was pleased with what he saw. His nation was prosperous, so he took a break to enjoy the fruits of his labors. (No Turn)

The Middle East

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None



Diplomacy: Khwarzim (NT), Turkman (NE)

        Aeneus traveled first to Turkman and then to Khwarzim to speak to the people of those regions about uniting with Bactria. This was mildly successful in Khwarzim even though the region refused to send tribute, but the men of Turkman refused to bow to the Greeks. They were part of the Parthians who had rebelled against the Seleucid Kingdom and they would not bow to Greeks so easily after fighting off the Seleucid yoke. He then returned to Bactria to check on the state of the country. He did not have time remaining to truly take over the reigns of the government, but he was pleased to find that the work on the road between Transoxania and Balkh was going well. Work had also begun to make Bactria more habitable by the people of the region.

        Oractryon took his warships from Caminia and sailed into the Persian Gulf. There he raided the region of Dharan for slave girls. Unfortunately for him the  region was more prepared then he had anticipated and quite venomous to any who would try to take their daughters and wives. He was beaten back and one of his ships was lost when it could not escape before the wild horsemen reached them.

        In Otarsh, Arandreus was busily preaching to the people. He was very succesful this time and more then a third of the lords of the land began to worship the Greek gods.

Seleucid Kingdom

Antiochos III

Diplomacy: Cyprus (F)

        Massive amounts of funds and troops were given to the Spears to aid in their task. Antiochos ruled from his capital and tried to have children although this failed to happen in the intervening years. Farms were built in Mosul and Jordan was cultivated to make room for more farms and better lives for the Greeks in the area. The city of Alexandrettos grew cleaner as work was done on the city. Many ships were built to defend the gulf with the departure of the Spears to the Mediterranean. Heracles the Elder, prince of the realm, traveled to Cyprus. There he met with the leaders of the island and spoke at length with them. They were impressed with how the strength of the Seleucid Kingdom continued to grow and welcomed them to the region. In the end the island fully supported the Seleucid Kingdom in all things.


                             Mercs:  15 HI, 15 I, 15 S, 5 W

                                                Merc Leader:  None


Ptolemaic Kingdom

Ptolemy III

Diplomacy: Sinai (A)

        Ptolemy III continued to rule in Alexandria while he recalled many of his aides from the east who had been conquering the lands of Arabia. With the losses to his troops Ptolemy decided to strengthen his nation by calling for mercenaries. Thousands of armed men were paid to come to Alexandria and follow Ptolemy's orders. Marcus was sent to Sinai to speak to the locals. He did a fairly good job at this and the region was soon strongly allied with the Ptolemaic Kingdom. One particular warlord in the region came forward and offered his men and himself to Ptolemy to use as he will. He would act as liason between the Kingdom and the region of Sinai and aid Ptolemy however he could.


Raman, Chief of Meroe

Diplomacy: Kassala (F)

        Amunhotep continued to live and rule from his capital until 224 BC when he passed on. Raman was made king while he was in Kassela working to bring the region fully into the nation. This was successful and soon the region fully backed Raman. Arjuna, a good friend of Amunhotep and Raman was sent over the bright burning deserts of central Africa to the lands of Kanem Bornu. There he told the tribesmen of the Hindu Gods. This intrigued the tribesmen who lived in the village of Orugata. Many in the city began to follow the new teachings brought to them by Meroe. Other then that things remained quiet in Meroe.



Diplomacy: Zirid (F), Sardinia (F)

        Cannibal, who was heir to Carthage died in 225 BC while sparing with some of his men. Although they used blunt weapons he failed to deflect a blow to his head and it laid him low. The foolish man who killed him fled but was caught and slain for the act. To further the poor year for Carthage, Harthor was ordered to wait in Zirid for Valentino to do a diplomatic action, but while he was waiting he decided to hike through a small valley and view the lands. While taking a break he was bit by a snake. By the time he was taken to someone who could help him the fierce venom had spread to far and he was dead by nightfall.

        In 224 BC Tyris died of a strange cough which wracked his body. While in Sardinia on a diplomatic mission with Domar. Domar continued the talks and led Sardinia  to be fully united with Carthage. Valentino, who arrived in Zirid to find Harthor dead, continued on with his own diplomacy the region grew to be friendly with Carthage and supported their actions thoroughly. 

        Hannibal put his slaves to work on cultivating Morroco, but quickly realized that he would need more troops to finish the cultivation. So he had Valentino bring him 3, 000 infantry from Andalusia and gathered another 2500 cavalry from Algeria. He had hoped for Cannibal to bring him more units but with the boy dead he did not get those units. Deciding his strength was enough he launched an invasion on Merrakesh. He marched before 11,000 cavalry and 7,000 infantry with 2,000 engineers to support his army. In Merrakesh he found a force numbering some 7,000 cavalry led by a brillant general who quickly manuvered his cavalry to exploit Hannibals bulkier army. Hannibal had more cavalry, but they were slowed by the infantry and engineers which marched with him. Yahadaga, leader of the men of Merrakesh was a feirce warrior and met Hannibal in battle. It was fierce and after the first day it appeared that the men of Merrakesh would hold off the armies of Carthage, at least for a time, as the battle was fought to a standstill. The men of Merrakesh paid dearly for the stand still, but they hoped that Hannibal would leave if they made him pay to much in blood, and with their unbeatable leader they were assured of victory. The first stroke of luck for Carthage came late in the battle when a group of their cavalry moved to flank a few thousand light horse of the Merrakesh. Yahadaga saw this coming and made an expert shift in his lines to meet the attack, but at the same time a rain of arrows came down on his position. His light shield took two of the arrows, but the second hit with enough force that his shield arm dropped slightly and a third arrow hit him in the neck. This was a devastating blow to the army as no one could compare to Yahadaga in experience or skill. Carthage, seeing their chance struck hard forward at the people and beat them off, destroying much of the force arrayed against them although they paid dearly for the victory. Hannibal, enraged at the losses his army suffered, ordered that the whole region be enslaved. The region, with many of its' greatest warriors already dead had little chance of defending themselves, but they did at the battle of Mt Yurian. The Carthaginans gave them no chance here though and without the stunning leadership of Yahadaga the few defenders were quickly destroyed. With the people enslaved colonists quickly moved in to fill the region. Hannibal, with the new slaves, traveled back to Morroco and put them to work on the project to cultivate the area.

West Africa

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None

The Desert Raiders of Kanem Bornu


Diplomacy: Daza (F)

        Yukunah stayed in Kanem Bornu and prepared a defense of his nation should anyone attack. He was getting older and as many older men did he grew paranoid. But it was good for his men to be ready should they need to ride out. In the end no one attacked them though. Medhat, his aide, was sent to Daza to see that the people there came to fully join with Kanem Bornu. He sent a daughter to marry one of the local lords and tie them more to Kanem. This was successful and the men of Daza pledged themselves and their swords to Kanem Bornu in all things. Word of a new religion to the east had reached Kanem through the desert trails. Yukunah was intrigued by this new faith and welcomed the followers of it to come and speak with him.

The Kingdom of Ife

Ulani, Chief of the Ife

Diplomacy: Oyo (F)

        Ulgani returned to Oyo and spent the next several years speaking to them. He worked to ease the tensions caused by his father who raided rapently through the region. He had great success and Oyo soon came to fully support Ulani and Ife in all things. Under the wise rule of Ulani the city of Al-Karas continued to grow and troops were built to defend the capital. Other then that the years passed quietly and easily for the tribe of Ife.

South Africa

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None

                                                South African Cav Count: No Horses Yet

The Raj of Nyasa

Sri Gupta, Emperor of the Southern Lands

Diplomacy: Nyasa (HM), Kilwa (P)

        Sri Gupta set sail with his followers and traveled to Nyasa. There he set about conquering and converting the people. The battle was incredibly lopsided as the men of Sri Gupta were among the greatest infranty in the world. Their armor easily turned aside the rough weapons of the natives. The leader of the natives also knew little of the tactics of the great forces from Maurya. After they did that they quickly forced the people in the area to believe in the Hindu Gods. Once they were converted Sri declared that this was the new land for his followers to settle in. But before they could do that they surged north into Kilwa again easily taking the natives and forcing them to follow the Hindu gods. Sri left a garrison in Kilwa and returned to Nyasa to decide how best to continue forming his new Empire.

Eastern Europe

                             Mercs: 5 I

                                                Merc Leader: None



Grodur, son of Yagar

Diplomacy: None

        Things in Suzdal were very quiet. Grodur worked to rule his nation with the aid of his aide Damar. Money and men were conserved for later uses as the need to watch ver what his father had taken grew more important then expanding at this time. A son was born to Grodur in 223 BC and a daughter was born in 221 BC. Other then the occasion cries of new born children in the palace to keep them awake things in Suzdal went smoothly.         


Arsaces I

Diplomacy: None

        The Parthians worked on staring at the distant horizons and dreaming of a grand empire. Someday they may even try and form it. (No Turn)


Theseus, Regent to the Heir of Pontus

Diplomacy: None

        Pontus held its breath as the messiah finished his work in Crimea and set sail across the Black Sea. He continued to preach in Pontus and huge crowds were drawn to him. Many challenged his words and he calmly answered each question. In Pontus, as in Crimea and several other regions before it, people were left with a strange calm after listening to his wisdom. Many declared him a simple Sophist, but no one was capable of arguing effectively with him. A few tried to harm him, but he was guarded by barbarians from the north sent to watch over him. From Pontus he traveled to Galatia where his words were listened to with great admiration and then he traveled south to Psidia. In Psidia he was generally ignored by the locals.

        The rest of Pontus continued along with their daily tasks. (No Turn)

Antigonid Kingdom of Macedonia

Cascius, Regent of Macedonia

Diplomacy: Bulgaria (-2 YfC), Ludgorie (+3 YfC)

        Cascius ruled over the nation and began putting the resources of Macedonia into build a leader for the far spread religion of the Greeks. Shipments arrived from Athens to aid in the process. Diplomatic work continued in Bulgaria and Ludgorie. In Bulgaria there was a large mishap where the representative of the Macedonians requested work done on a sacred day of the people. The request was taken so badly that it actually hindered the relationship of the two people. In Ludgorie there was more progress as the representative there worked more with the people to learn their ways. Missionaries were sent to both regions although Ludgorie saw more converts then Bulgaria. Three-fourths of the Ludgorian people converted to the Greek faith, but less then a fourth of the Bulgarians converted.

The Hellenic Alliance

Galinthias of Athens

Diplomacy: Lydia (F)

        Massive fires broke out in Crete when a terrible storm struck in 224 BC sending lightning crashing down throughout the area. Many whispered that the gods were furious at something but few cared to question what that was. Many of the farms and villages were ravaged by the fires that swept over the island.

        Ariatis continued his talks in Lydia, but he died in 223 BC before the region had fully forgiven the other Hellenic cities for conquering them. With the death of Ariatis the last of the gloom seemed to pass and the people fully joined with the Alliance. Galinthias took over control of the Alliance and finished overseeing the shipment of a great deal of gold and people north to Macedonia in order to try and create a more structured religion. The Alliance also tried to create a temple in Rhodos, but there were not enough transports available to handle this task, especially since Amphion died in 223 BC so the supplies were unable to reach the island.



The Spears of the Isle

Idonus, Lord of the Spears

Diplomacy: None

        Idonus ordered a massive movement of his troops which he oversaw from his base on Isle Port. Rumors of the Messiah causing trouble and the Spears being sent to stop him drifted out but for now it seemed that most of the troops were just moving into positions along the Mediterranean. But since many were coming back from the east this was not to surprising. Some men bearing the flag were seen around the Messiah (read Pontus for more). The numbers of the Spears continued to grow as they passed through the lands and various youths flocked to join their ranks.

Western Europe

                             Mercs: 5 HI, 10 I, 5 S

                                                Merc Leader: None


Julius Magnus Scipio

Diplomacy: Switzerland (NE), Tyrol (FA)

        Julius remained in Rome and saw to the affairs of the state. Another son was born to him in 224 BC while he was touring the continued construction of the Via Romagna which would lead from Rome to the northern provinces. By 221 BC the road had spread from the northern gates of Rome all the way to the middle of Lombardy. Trade was approved and started with the barbaric Celts and Guals whose kingdoms bordered Rome's lands.

        Flavius Peganus Scipio was ordered to travel to the barbaric lands of Switzerland by his brother Julius. There he tried to reason with the local Celts and make them see the light and join more strongly with Rome, but with the differences in language, religion and culture there was no real affect on the status of the regions loyalty to Rome. Titus Quinticus Flaminus, son of the previous Titus, traveled north as well returning to the lands of Tyrol where his father had died the previous year and began working to finish his farthers task of gaining the regions full loyalty for Rome. Although he was not successful yet, he did get them to pledge troops should Rome ever need it to defeat their foes. Tiberius, who was already in Switzerland, continued to preach to the local chieftains. Almost half of the ruling memebers of the Celtic tribe now at least gave lip service to the Gods of Rome.



Diplomacy:  Auvergne (F), Limousin (A)

        Andreas returned to his capital to rule his nation. While there his wife gave birth to a son in 225 BC and a daughter in 224 BC. He spent the rest of the years working on holding his empire together. In Auvergne, Akhnaton spent a great deal of time talking to people. He was an eloquent man and soon the region had agreed to fully support the Massalians. In Limousin things did not go as smoothly. Ulysi died in the year 224 BC. His death stopped the region from fully uniting with the Massalians, but they did agree to strongly support them before Ulysi went on to Hades.

        Work began in Catolina to cultivate the region so that it could better feed and support the people of the region.

Bohemian Empire of Westphalia

Jaro, Son ofUlgar

Diplomacy:  Friesland (EA)

        The most powerful of the cheiftains of the Freisland decided that his father was such an amazing man that surely he would become a god when he died. So he declared that his father was now the head of the Gods. This started a rift between Friesland and Westphalia. Jaro, who traveled there to take a bride spent a few months speaking to the locals and finding a bride. She was a daughter of the lord who had declared the shift in the religion. Jaro had planned to work with Garthor on getting the Flemish people to embrace Westphalia, but Garthor had grown to old and died before Jaro had even reached the region. That left Jaro alone to deal with the rogue chieftain who claimed that his father was now the greatest of the gods. Jaro was a talented speaker and he managed to still push through many economic deals to go along with his marriage to the chieftains daughter, but the matter of religion held the region from becoming fully allied with the Bohemians.

        Jaro decided that he did not have time to stay and speak with the Flemish leaders. Instead he returned to Ulgario with his wife and started ruling his nation. When he arrived in Ulgario he worked on consumating his marriage with the young noblewoman of Friesland. This led to a son being born in 223 BC and a daughter in 221 BC. 


Sebastian, son of Mylguard

Diplomacy:  Bavaria (F), Moravia (NT)

        In Swabia a small fishing village grew as trade began to flourish down the river. The small town of Frieburng was soon flourishing as the trade between the towns that were growing in Europe reached it. Sebastian stayed in Bavaria where he had a daughter in 221 BC. Over the years he was there he spoke at length with the people who would agree to fully join with Franconia. The attacks by the Parthians on most of the surrounding area had been heard of by all around and the fact that the Franconians had faught them off, even if just by luck, meant that it was wise to join with them. In Moravia, a region which had faced some of the attacks by the Parthians, Hans went and spoke to the leaders. They agreed to some small lipservice to the Franconians, but as they had faced the armies of the Parthians more then many of the others they were cautious about doing anything that might attract their anger.

        Word reached Sebastian that some of his money in his treasury was missing. Unfortunately, the culprit had already fled with the money he had taken. He had been a clerk in the infrastructure of the Franconian government for sometime and had decided that since Sebastian was away he could take some of the money and flee to another land where he would have the money to set himself and his family up in a lavish lifestyle. Luckily, most of the money had already been spent so he was unable to take to much before he fled.

Parisii Gauls

Albriorix, Chief of the Parisii Gauls

Diplomacy:  Flanders (EA), Normandy (FA)

        Albiorix traveled to Champagne where he spent some time and had another daughter. The Gauls were fierce warriors whose women would travel with their menfolk if they could and since Albiorix was the chief his wife was always able to come with him. He named Didier his heir. Didier who was new to being the heir was still figuring out the ropes and was not given any official orders from Albiorix and thus he was able to spend a lot of time with his wife who gave birth to a son in 221 BC. Pierette traveled to Flandars. There he met with the local lords and discussed the possible economic treaties which Albiorix hoped they would take. The locals had hoped for something a little more significant between the Parissii and Flanders but they accepted the new economic status they shared with the Parisii happily. In Normandy, Balfor spent a great deal of time hunting and speaking to the local lords to get them to offer more of their strength to the Gauls. Unlike Flanders, the people of Normandy were unwilling to do more then what was asked for them so troops were provided should the Parisii require them but nothing else was offered.

        Guards were posted in several cities throughout the Gaulic Empire. The city of Veraclia was declared the home of the Gauls university and the money was put into starting up a small but decent place of learning in the wilderness of the northern lands.


Conan, King of the Bretons and Pendragon of the Isles

Diplomacy: Cornwall (NT), Mercia (C)

        Conan gathered up his troops and set sail to Brittany again. The region was already hostile from previous raids, but with lightning quickness Conan raided and gained a great deal of wealth for his people. But hewas tired of raiding regions so instead he turned and instead of simply leaving with his new wealth he assaulted the region. He had a mere 1500 light infantry and 1000 elite infantry to aid him against the 6,000 rugged celts which held the land. Although Conan was a better leader then the chieftain of the men of Brittany, he could not begin to handle  the vast superiority in numbers. His men were quickly cut off from the warships which transported them. Conan barely managed to escape by stealing one of the small ponies used by the celts and racing back to his ships which immediately set sail leaving the region. The rest of the forces of Breton were destroyed by the angry celts. Deciding that this was only a minor, if painful, setback. Conan turned and moved to the Irish Isle to take on the tribes there. In Munster he found out how painful it was to raid without any foot soldiers as one of his ships was burned. In Leinster he showed how he could adapt as he managed to successfully raid the region. He moved onto the island of Man which was poor and it gained him a small take to distribute with his men. He followed this up in Ulster where he provided a fair booty for him and his men. He finished in Connaught where he managed to take a few chickens before the warriors arrived. He then rushed back to Camuldon.

        Diocain moved to Mercia where he spoke at length to the people. Some of the people remembered when they had agreed to join with Breton in the past, but they had been let go and so they were reluctant to join with such a fickle nation, but they did allow some claim to be placed upon them by the Bretons. He then traveled south and brought the daughter of Graynor to the lands of Cornwall where he offered her as a bride to one of the local chiefs as a way of gaining support. This was somewhat successful as the religion agreed to some small terms with the men of Breton, but they refused to send any tribute.


The Ilyrian League


Diplomacy: Bakony (F)

        Phylocles named his son Hephiston heir and proceded to show him how to run the country. Ilyria was in some tough times as the expansion passed what they could easily hold. But diplomacy in Bakony continued and the region soon was fully united with Ilyria. In 221 BC Phylocles died and his son Hephistion took over the nation. Peace had become the normal status in the Ilyrian lands and so no one really was overly concerned by the change in leadership. Farms were opened in Ilyria and the work on cultivating Slavonia continued, even if it was somewhat slow.


Aureliano, Chief of Leon

Diplomacy: None

        Aureliano stayed home and watched his children grow older and had another son in the year 222 BC. He saw many improvements done on the city of Burgos. He tried to see that the government was expanded but the process was slow and by 221 BC it was still dependant on him to keep the nation going. His allies continued to watch the borders lest anyone try something against Leon and their allies.

Northern Europe

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Valdek Eestigard

Diplomacy:  None

        Valdek decided it was time he knew how many people depended upon him and his family. So he conducted a census in 225 BC. When he was finished with the census he went on a small vacation with his wife which led to the birth of a second son for him. After that he set about watching out for his nation. More ships were sent to fish the great Baltic Sea so that the people could have more the wonderful fish to eat. Defenses in Virumaa were increased while Valdek was watching over his people to make it easier for him to do so.

The Danes

Thoradin II, Son of Thoradin

Diplomacy: Adger (EA), Norway (NE)

        Thoradin ruled from Denmark. He continued attempting to have children, although his stewards were having trouble to find places for all of his royal cousins and children. His son came of age and was named Thoradin III, heir to the lands of the Danes. Cort, who had served long and hard was given a job working around the palace and helping direct the nation. But apparently after so many years of living on the edge and being poked with sharp sticks and swords he could not stand to live in the quiet palace and he grew distant and pale. In 221 BC he died in his sleep. Havn grew larger with time and the defenses of Denmark were strengthened. Permission was granted for the Spears to send troops to set up shop in Denmark.

        Prince Thorin was sent out to Adger and Norway. In Adger he managed to have some small success in getting the region to agree to things which would aid both the locals and the Danes economically. But the men of Norway were not interested in what he said and came very close to renouncing some of the things they had agreed on. They seemed upset that Thorin had seen the men of Adger first and that he had spent longer there then in Norway.

North America


Lonalitia, Chief of the Anasazi

Diplomacy: Navajo (F)

        Lonalitia and his heir spent the years in the lands of the Navajo gaining their friendship. They managed to get the region to fully unite with them. A great road was started between Anasazi and Hohokam (Needs a Friend).


Jualiapta, Chief of Atakapa

Diplomacy: Chitimacha (F)

        Athypata died and his son Jualiapta continued his diplomatic efforts in Chitimacha. Chitimacha fully joined with the Atakapans after the talks had concluded. Investments were made to increase the schools in the land so that the children would know of the gods and the ways of the world. (Needs a Player)



Ailapatoh, Lord of the Mounds

Diplomacy: Kaskinapo (F)

        Chief Ailapatoh stayed home over the years to ensure that the Great Lacrosse Games would be as spectacular as ever. He was well rewarded in this when the team from the Moundbuilders came out with a stunning last minute victory. It was a glorious victory that showed the true worship that the Moundbuilders had for their Gods. Iuyatha, a cousin of the Chief, was the teams leading player and was presented with the award for great victory outside of the Great Mound of Chillicothe. Ailapatoh also spent time with his wife who bore him a son in 222 BC and 221 BC.

        Prince Hota traveled to the region of Kaskinapo and spoke to the local ally who was a strong supporter of the Moundbuilders. With the great victory by the Moundbuilders in the Great Lacrosse Games the region decided to fully united with the growing Empire of the River.

Central & South America



Diplomacy: Chontal (A), Quiche (F)

        Yuthuhaia stayed in Maya and saw after the day to day running of his nation. While he did this he had a son in 225 BC and another son in 224 BC. Ships were built and sent to trade with the northern Atakapans. A fishing village in Yucatec grew large enough to manage trade, it was known as Xumal. In Chontal, Yahajtapa was busy speaking to the locals. He found a local cheiftain there who was willing to throw all of his might behind the Mayan hegemony and thus the region grew in its support of the Mayans. In Quiche, Hatajaka had even greater luck. As the heir to the throne he was given great honor by the peopel and his words were listened to attentively. The people saw the wisdom of joining fully with the Mayans after listening to him and soon the region was fully united with their neighbors.


United Tribes of Peru

Macario, Lord of Chavin, King of the United Tribes of Peru

Diplomacy: None

        Mapoea died in 223 BC. The nation mourned the passing of the great leader as his son took office. Little else happened.(No Turn)