Lords of the Earth

The Rise of the Classical World

190-186 B.C.                                                                                                                                              Turn 15


Turn Cost- $5.00

        If you reach a point of owing $10 without speaking to me about arranging a payment I will be holding your turn until you speak to me about it and arrange payment.  This will not matter until next turn, but I do not want to be a bad guy so please at least speak to me. Thanks.

Rule Book:

        We will be using 5.10.0 for the base rules of the game.


        Although it was not common there were some female leaders of nations. But this was very rare as most men of the time would have trouble following the directions of a woman no matter how strong or talented.  So I will not disallow the use of women as heirs, BUT know that there is a chance your nation will not take kindly to one of the gentler sex leading a nation.

Megalithic Constructions:

        To build any Megalithic Construct you must have a Tech level that is at least 2 levels higher then what you are trying to do.

        Example: The Kiel Canal from Skaggerack to the North Sea is a level 1 Megalithic Construction. So Denmark, who just reached Tech 3, can now build it. This is only the base cost. Any multipliers for region or something else are not counted in the Tech level requirement.

        *Note: The Grand Canal of China is not really there. I will be removing it from the map. When the nations in China reach Tech 5 they can replace it.


        For any region to be made cultivated you must be at least Tech 4. For those regions that are capable of being C2 you must have a Tech level of 6+. Cultivation is a level 1 Megalithic Construction which is modified by the regional cost.

        Example:  Macedonia, a Tech 4 nation, decides to cultivate their lands. Since Macedonia is a Wilderness region and they are Civilized they have to do a level 1 construction with a multiplier of 1.5 for a civilized nation operating in a wilderness area. This costs 38 NFP (25 * 1.5 = 37.5 and you Round up to 38) and 75 GP (50 * 1.5 = 75).


        Due to the effects on certain nations I have decided to allow for Natural Cultivation. It has taken effect immediately, but I will not go backwards so the effects will start from this turn forward. Also, because of this I will no longer be starting regions with PWBs as they can now all be cultivated given time.

Feudal Leaders and Allied Leaders:

        Feudal leaders only receive a Combat stat. You may call them up to defend your nation or fight for you, but they are not willing to do anything other then assure the mutual defense and well-fare of your combined areas. Allied leaders receive all the stats and can do pretty much any action. If you assign them to Diplomacy the action will be for your nation but they will not be able to get the region about Allied level.

Troop Conversions

                Infantry (500 men = 1 point), Cavalry (500 men = 1 point), Siege Engineers (500 men = 1 point), Warships (2 ships = 1 point), Transports (2 ships       = 1 point).

National Transformations
            In time period we are in there are many ideas which do not exist. Things such as Free societies or even Guilds were unknown and more often then not           unwanted. To show this the game has placed tech level advancements on when you can reach things such as Free societies. These are in place in the           system and not determined by me. I have been and will continue to use these as a guide for when you can reach a National Transformation. I know       there are examples through history that may seem to contradict this rule, but please remember that these examples through history of free societies are more often the exception and not the rule. Because of this most National Transformations are at this time not allowed.

Mass Conscription

            Mass Conscription is no longer allowed in the game. It makes very little sense for the time frame. It means you give every able bodied man in the                 nation a weapon and in a time of slavery, fuedalism and caste systems that would not happen.

Royal Children

            There are consequences to having too many children with ties to the throne. Some nations have more then 5 candidates already for the position of                 heir and a few look to be heading for the 10 mark. This can tear your nation apart. This it the one warning I will give to doing this.

North Asia

                    Mercs: 10 C, 10 I, 5 S

                                  Merc Leader: None

Qin Empire

 Xiaowen, Emperor of the Qin

Diplomacy:  Anhui (F)

        Xiaowen ordered many new defenses added to his northern lands. Great fortresses were placed in Wu Hai, Kansu and Yangzhi. A new royal road was started between the region of Kansu to Yangzhi and soon the workers would finish plowing through the thick mountains to finish the road. Farms were started in many of the lands and more cavalry was commisioned to the join the Imperial Army lest the hated Tartars push into the lands of the Qin again.

        Xiaowen toured the new roads on his return to the capital. There he ordered the head of his information office killed for not knowing that the horde was preparing to attack Wu Hai. His replacement was given a chance to improve the situation. Meanwhile his son, Zichu, had a daughter in 190 BC and a son in 189 BC. Xiaowen turned over thousands of Imperial troops to Li Si and sent him to the border to patrol for raiders. While Zhang Han was left in Anhui to try and talk to the people and make them understand their place in the Celestial Cycle. He was very successful in this and the region came to terms with the old war and became fully supportive of the Qin.

The Kingdom of Yan

Phan Ping, Lord of the Yan

Diplomacy:  Chejudo (EA), Parhae (NT)

        Ping declared Buddhism to be the royal religion. Most of the nation converted to the new faith but Silla and Chejudo refused to accept the strange new faith. Chejudo pulled back on some of the times it held with Yan due to this. Luckily Silla was not so strongly tied to the Yan kingdom that it felt a need to back up on old promises due to this change in policy.

        More farms were started in Lu'an and forts were placed on the border to stop raiding.  Yang Wei was sent to Parhae where he managed to gain some small level of oaths from the people but they wouldnt send tribute to the Yan.



Diplomacy: Merkit (F), Altai Horsemen (A), Jungaria (HS), Silk Raiders (NT)

        Changhatai ordered Khasar off to raid some more but he died shortly after they parted. The men eventually choose a new leader who marched them off to meet with the great Changhatai. Meanwhile Changhatai and his son with several allies turned and marched to collect more men to swell the ranks of the troops. They started in with the Merkit tribe where Changhatai II sought a wife. This led the tribe to join under the banner of the heir. They then went to Altai Horsemen which agreed to ally themshelves with Changhatai. After that they traveled to Jungaria where the fierce warriors there refused to join them. A fierce battle was had and the Jungarians were slaughtered by the huge Tartar horde. They did manage to do some damage before they were defeated though.        After that they traveled to the lands of the Silk Raider who consider Changhatai a worthy leader but did not wish to leave and so simply gave them passage. The tribes all gathered together in Turfan.

Kwanto Japan

Kwanto Ujiro, Daimyo of the Kwanto


        Ujiro was busy training some troops when word came of an invasion. He quickly gathered it and moved to meet it. The region held 20 mighty forts, 5,000 regular cavalry, 14,500 heavy cavalry, 2,500 heavy elite cavalry, 4,000 infantry, 6,500 light infantry, 5000 seige engineers, 2,000 heavy infantry, 1000 light elite infantry, and 3,500 light cavalry. The Yamato came with 7,500 infantry, 10,000 light infantry, 10,000 cavalry, and 4,000 seige engineers.  With such a difference in cavalry it wasn't until Ujiro sprung the trap that the Yamato realized how badly they were outnumbered. Their leader, Jiro, did his best to retreat to safety but almost all of his forces were destroyed by the cavalry of the Kwanto while the Yamato withdrew from the field. The Kwanto suffered some losses but nothing compared to the unprepared Yamato invaders.

        In the capital Manauka Akira was poisoned, but survived it. The culprits were not caught.

Yamato Japan

Yamato Ayame, Daimyo of the Yamato


        Ayame sent the forces of the north against the Kwanto. When word returned of the results he was most displeased (See Kwanto). With the stunning loss to the northern army Jiro requested permission to commit Seppuku.

        Things remained quiet for the most part in the rest of the lands.

South Asia

                   Mercs: 10 C, 20 I

                                Merc Leader: None


Nguyen Trin , King of Nan-Yue

Diplomacy:  None

        Trin continued to rule and ordered a new road built between Lingtung and Nanling. Tribute was sent north. Much was invested in training the troops to be better.


Tak Lang

Diplomacy: None

        Tak concerned himself with matters of the mind and left his nation mostly alone. Some thought this was wise and honorable. Others thought it would be best to worry more about the physical world he was in. (No Turn)

Pacific Islands

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Anhuan, Lord of the Great Blue Seas

Diplomacy:  Sarawak (T)

        Anhuan had the heir marry. He then sent him off to see about getting the next heir to the throne. In 187 BC an heir was born to the throne followed by a daughter in 186 BC.  A huge effort was poored into converting the nobles of Sabah. This was largely successful and only about a fourth of the regions leaders continued to follow their old Hindu traditions. In Sarawak, Tocklin was left to get the region to unite more fully with Moluccas. He was able to gain a level of tribue each season from the region but little else was offereed.

        Work was done on both Ana and Dula to improve the roads inside the cities.

The Isle Nation of Samoa & Hawaii

Malama, Defender of Samoa and Hawaii

Diplomacy:  Vanautu (NT), Bora-Bora (PT), Tonga (NE)

        Malama went to talk to the lords of Tonga and give them money, but Lui, their leader had been ordered to go to Ventuatu so the rest refused to listen to him. He took his funds and in a huff sailed off to find new lands which he did. In Ventuatu there was more success as the land agreed to be lightly tied to the conglomerate of Isle Nations. In Bora-Bora Lil Malama felt he was put upon at having to even try and be nice so he simply assaulted the island. He was an incredibly poor military commander and his small force of 2,500 marines, 20 warships and 16 heavy transports all took bets as to how fast they would all die. Luckily an ally showed up with 2 warships and slightly more common sense then Lil Malama. With his aide they set up an almost plausible trap. When they arrived in Bora-Bora the defenders were not really surprised but they thought it was so funny how poorly organized the troops were that they launched an assault without much planning. With the help of his aide Malama managed to get his men facing the right way and broke the undisciplined charge of the islanders and crushed them. It cost many of his troops but the island was subjugated.

The Aborigines of Taree


Diplomacy: None

        The waves washing up on the shore can be most hypnotic. The Taree found this out as the years past and the waves kept them occupied. (No Turn)

India & Central Asia

                             Mercs:  None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Ghatokacha, Emporer of Maurya

Diplomacy:  Karnata (A), Kakatiya (A)

        The Mauryans send people to the Olympic Games (See Macedonia).

        Rama ordered all of the princes and leaders to bow and accept Ghatokacha as the king when Rama would be no more and his son Jaganath as the heir to the empire when that day came. Within the year Rama had passed on. Ghatokacha moved quickly to secure the army and ensure that no one revolted. With the great army under his command no one dared to revolt against the Empire. Jaganath was then married and in 188 and 186 BC his new wife gave birth to sons.

        Mohandas was sent to Kakatiya and Karnata with two of the Emperors daughters to increase the ties the regions held to Maurya. He had good success at this and soon both regions were fully allied with Mauyra. In Kashmir several raiders crossed the border and raided the region. Ghatokacha seemed shocked and declared that his men would do no such thing. He excused it as simply being a large empire that housed the occasional bandit.

        More farms were started in Tarain to help feed the growing populace as nine of the empires cities grew. Internal trade flourished as many new ships were built and sent between the ports.

The Holy Brahmins

Mohatma, Most Holy of the Brahmins and Defender of the Faithful

Diplomacy: None  

        The Brahmins considered the glories of the Hindu faith as time slowly drifted by.

The Indian Alliance

Torugah III, Lord of Pandya

Diplomacy:  None

        Ungola was built on Maldives and the cities of Maduri, Vanchi and Uraiyor continued to expand as the people prospered. A royal road was also started betweein Maduri and Vanchi. (Needs a player)

The Middle East

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Sophacles II

Diplomacy: Ferghana (EA), Sistan (A)

        Euthydemus stayed home to rule his nation but in 188 BC he died. His heir was in Feghana where he gained severl good economic deals to aid the nation. When he was finished he rushed back to Bactria where he gathered the army but no one had made a play against him so things remained quiet. In Sistan, Archon Phrataphernes led a diplomatic mission. He was aided by Oractryon from the Satrap of Carmania. They managed to gain a strong alliance with most powerful of the local lords who promised his cavalry and his life to the king of Bactria.

Seleucid Kingdom



        Many difficult years struck the Seleucid Kingdom. Antiochus died in 198 BC and his death was followed by the death of his son and heir, Heracles, within a few months. Cauis, the oldest son of Heracles had been declared the heir but some wondered if his younger brother would cause trouble. Luckily his brother was loyal to him and the entire nation did not dissolve into internal wars. Still...many wondered at the quickness with which Antiochus and Heracles died even if all who were around claimed the deaths were both natural.

        A royal road was built to connect Syria and Jordan. The cities of Alexandrettos and Damascus both grew and the city of Apollonus was improved.


The Eastern Greek Church

Polybos, The Will of Zeus, Apostle of the Great Ophilius

Diplomacy:  Jordan (CH), Syria (NE)

        Polybos worked quickly to build a church in Jordan before returning to Mosul to rule over the church. His aide, Xylon, was sent first to help boost the influence the church had with the Seleucid Kingdom so that he could later seek a tithe. He then traveled to Syria to see about the formation of another Cathedral but this was not successful.


                             Mercs:  15 HI, 15 I, 15 S, 5 W

                                                Merc Leader:  None


Ptolemaic Kingdom

Ptolemeos Atrides

Diplomacy: Rhodes (F), Levant (NE)

        A massive earthquake hit the region of Faiyum, utterly destroying the city of Memphis. Much of the land was affected by the quake which destroyed many of the farms along the river. The quake was felt as far away as Alexandria and much of Luxor. In other areas farms were doing well as Mansura had many new plantations start. One of those who got rich off of these new plantations was dining with the King when he made a light suggestion that Atrides should take on the title Ptolemeos after the great leader who first started the nation. This greatly pleased Atrides and so he promptly took on the title of Ptolemeos Atrides. In Yemen a port grew large enough to be considered a city. It was known as Mukha.

        Imbasis was sent to Rhodes where he managed to convince the leaders to fully unite with the Ptolemaic Kingdom. In Levant Petranicus and Asperidies were sent to convert and bring about a stronger union with the kingdom respectively. Unfortunately the people did not seem very interested in converting to the Greco-Roman faith. This halted any chance of the diplomatic actions working with the people not paying a whole lot of attention.

The Spears of Ares

Atreides, Lord of the Spears

Diplomacy:  None

        Atreides had many difficult choices on his mind and so he thought long and hard on them. Before he knew it time had passed and nothing was done.

(No Turn)



Diplomacy: Andalusia (T), Catalonia (T)

        Dargen sent his leaders off to convert the regions which had not taken Bhaal to heart. In Andalusia only a fourth of the nobles failed to convert to the new faith where as Catalonia seemed more resistant and only a little over half changed to the bloody faith. The regions still pulled away as not enough yet worshiped Bhaal to ease the religious tension.

        Kabilya was cultivated and work began to cultivate Cheliff. The port city of Dimmidi in Zirid grew large enough to be recognized as a city.

West Africa

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None

The Desert Raiders of Kanem Bornu

Matzu, Lion of the Shifting Sands


        Matzu ruled with his son. His son's wife gave birth to a son which would one day follow as the lord of the sands. Later she gave birth to a daughter as well. The cities of Orugata and Yokuta both grew larger as people migrated to the cities and a new farm was started in Soro. Ahiram was sent to Jos where he set up several deals which would economically benefit both the region an the Raiders. He thought they may have gone further but rising tensions about religion halted further talks and he was growing ill. Ahiram then returned to Kanem Bornu where he died of a strange cough.

The Kingdom of Ife

Alim, Chief of the Ife

Diplomacy:  None

        Life on the coast was a sweet one. and the men of Ife decided to enjoy it while they could. (No Turn)

South Africa

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None

                                                South African Cav Count: No Horses Yet

Mauryan Raj of Rowzi

Sri Gupta II, Emperor of the Southern Lands

Diplomacy:  Mataopos (C ), Matabele (HS)

        Sri Gupta ordered his brother, who was to inherit the throne should Sri die, to go south and speak to the locals. He did this and spent about a year and a half in Mataops where he gained a small claim to the region. In Matabele things did not go nearly so well and he was forced to flee the region to save his life. The people had heard far to many tells of the horrors of the Mauryan Raj to trust them.

        Meanwhile Sri had armed another 10,000 men to fuel a force of 5,000 infantry and 20,000 light infantry. He then turned and marched north into Lulua. There he set about again to take and then subjugate the region. Taking it proved very easy but the people were not willing to easily be enslaved and they managed to kill or injure a fair number of troops before he had them all enslaved.  Undaunted by the loss of a few hundred men he turned sought into Tongah which was a sparsely populated region. Sri expected it to fall easily but the people were beyond tenacious. For too long they had stood up to tribes which were much larger and more powerful then them and they had grown very fierce. In the fight to conquer them Sri lost about half as many men as he had in the entire campaign for Lulua. Deciding that he had to enslave them quickly he set to it and had another tough fight on his hands but he was able through sheer numbers to subjugate them and then drag them in chains to Kariba where they were put to work making the region cultivated for more farming.

The Nguni Alliance

Hyutha, Defender of the Cape

Diplomacy:  None

        Hyutha stayed home and enjoyed time with his wife while ruling. She gave birth to another son in 189 BC. Things were fairly quiet although many wondered if Sri Gupta would march south or not. Hyutha with his Minion managed to keep things well in order though.


Eastern Europe

                             Mercs: 5 I

                                                Merc Leader: None



Yammar, son of Grodur

Diplomacy:  Chernigov (T)

        Yammar sent his trusted aide down to talk to the tribes of Chernigov with settlers to improve the port of Rostov in the region. This led to the city fully joining him  and the region becoming a tributary to his people. (No Turn)


Urud I

Diplomacy:  None

        After several years of wondering where to spend their time Urud ordered the expansion of a port in Danzig and named it New Bachustan and sent more people to inhabit Little Poland. They took over a village there which quickly grew to be a city and was named Urdisburg after their feared leader. A great deal of work was put into converting the people of Danzig to the Asiatic god. This was most effective although some of the leaders in the region still held out for their old beliefs. (Needs a Player)



Mithridates III, Lord of Pontus and Ruler of the Black Seas

Diplomacy:  Crimea (T), Moldavia (T), Dobruja (T), Galatia (T), Phyrgia (T), Psidia (T), Taman (UN), Lydia (F)

        Mithridates took command of the army and ordered that no more missionaries be allowed any. Any that came in were to be escorted politely from the kingdom. Missionaries from Macedonia came and aided in the conversion of regions which had left the Olympic Primacy and the heir with several helpers went to convert the last of the nobles of Pontus back to the Greco-Roman faith. Many regions did not agree with this stance and pulled away from Pontus but still sent tribute to the capital to appease Mithridates. Work continued apace to cultivate Thrace, although some clerks thought the funds were to go to Bithnia which made little sense as it was already cultivated.

        On the diplomatic front Lydia was brought to fully support Pontus and Taman was released from any oaths to the throne. Pontus also became the only nation to willingly start tithing to the Olympic Primacy which showed how strongly they were still willing to support the church even as many of the aides sent to help Pontus were returned as unnecessary at this time. The Bishop Minos was asked to remain which he gladly did to aid the king.

Antigonid Kingdom of Macedonia

Argeia, King of Macedonia

Diplomacy:  Attica (F), Morea (FA)

        Argeia was shocked to hear that a ship flying the Mauryan flag arrived in Athens claiming to come to compete the in the great Olympic Games. This was most unheard of, especially since the Greeks hardly paid attention to these games anymore. But deciding it was humorous, and no one could find rules against it, Argeia allowed them to compete. In 190 BC the Greeks easily defeated the Mauryans. But each year they continued to arrive. In 189 the Mauryans took the most victories but were pushed back in 188 BC as the Greeks came in force and defeated the best the Mauryans had. In 187 both groups were ready and a total tie was achieved between then the two groups. In 186 BC the Mauryans arrived again and this time managed to win several more competions in areas they had done poorly in the past years in. With these wins the Mauryans claimed total victory, even if they didn't win all of the events, and challenged the Greek states to come to Holy Kanauj and compete against the Mauryans to retake the games.

        Erebus and Ocealus were sent to Attica and then to Morea to gain new allies for Macedonia. In Attica they managed to get the region to fully support the Macedonians in all ways. In Morea they were able to gain a strong nobles promise of troops should they ever be needed. Support was sent to Pontus and an open invitation to build in their lands was sent to the Olympic Primacy. New troops were formed to support the defense of the growing kingdom.

The Olympic Primacy

Eutropius, Voice of Zues and Speaker of the Gods

Diplomacy:  Nova Fokia (CH), Athens (CH) in Attica (CH), Rome (CH) in Latium (AB), Morea (CH), Mansura (CH), Verona (AB), Savoy (NE)

        Eutropius sent several leaders out to form churches in many of the places that needed them to support the church and the flock. He sent missionaries into several places in Pontus and he had an aide see many nations about increasing the influence they had somewhat. This went far in trying to improve the church. (Needs a Player)

Western Europe

                             Mercs: 5 HI, 10 I, 5 S

                                                Merc Leader: None

Roman Empire


Diplomacy:  Provence (+9YfC), Tyrol (T)

        With the troops from the forces arrayed against Rome going home, Rome reopened all of its trade routes and sent its new generation to farm the northern regions and make it into the beautiful lands it once was before the foul Franconians marched in and burned it. The armies were readied for battle still and troops were massed for the incursions which may follow but the treaty by the church held and so they were left in the barracks. Tiberius spent the years convincing the citizens of Provence that they were better off now to some small amount of success, while Flavius went to preach to the Tyrollians. He managed to get about half of the leaders to begin worshipping the Greco-Roman gods but the region still refused to be as close to Rome as it might have been if not for the religious strife. (Needs a Player)



Diplomacy:  Burdigalos (F) in Gascony (T), Lyonnais (F), Aquitaine (T)

        With the war ending trade was resumed with everyone that Massalia could reach in the hopes of filling their coffers. The Olympic Church made deals with Leon to see that Burdigalos and Gascony were both returned to Massalia. Endridos, heir to Massalia, moved to Gascony and spoke to them at great length to try and gain their old services to the throne, but due to the religious strife between the regions and the rulers of the nation both Gascony and Aquitaine lowered their level of allegiance to the king. In Lyonnais many refugees were settled which brought the region firmly under the control of Massalia once more.

Bohemian Empire of Westphalia

Aldabert the Black

Diplomacy: None

        Bohemia was quite as Aldabert, incredibly paranoid after the coup he did, looked under everything to make sure he was safe and his throne secure. Peace held which gave him some small comfort though. (No Turn)


Freibott, son of Hans

Diplomacy:  None

        Friebott worried about invasion but the Romans did not turn on them and the Bohemians seemed content to let matters stand so Franconia did like wise. (No Turn)

The Gauls

Daric, High Chief of the Gauls

Diplomacy:  None

        Daric hunkered down and waited to see if the war would finally end. (No Turn)


Thaco, King of the Bretons and Pendragon of the Isles

Diplomacy:  None

        Thaco dreamed of dragons and the great fights he could have with his great sword. Sadly this ate up all his time and he was not able to get much done on the isle. (No Turn)

The Ilyrian League

Diplomacy: Bakony (C), Bosnia (NT), Slovakia (T)

        Diplomats were sent to the regions along the Danube river as that was deteremined to be the new course of Ilyria. Diplomats were sent to Rome to renew their terms of peace and Rome seemed willing to forget that Ilyria came close to invasion. Meanwhile a new city named after Hephiston was built along the Danube in Bakony. This helped cement what little claim they had to the region, and would allow trade to the east. (Needs a Player)


Gargoris, Chief of Leon

Diplomacy:   New Castille (F), Estremadura (NE), Talavera (NE)

        Gargoris traveled to New Castille where he married his daughter off to a local lord and worked to convince the people to fully join the kingdom. He was successful in this and soon the region fully backed him. Roderigo was sent to Estremadura and Talavera to see if they would join. He was given some bad advice before going which hindered his efforts and he spent very little time in either place which didn't help to make the people like him so they didn't opt to side with Leon.

        Under the guidance of Primo new farms were built in both old and new Castille. He also had a son who would hopefully one day follow him as the heir and then king of the nation.

Northern Europe

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Valdek Eestigard

Diplomacy:  Novgorod (A)

        Valdek took his younger son Johan and traveled to Novgorod where he married him off to a widow in one of the clans which held more power. He then managed to convince that leader to become a strong ally of Virumaa. With this accomplished he returned home.

The Danes

Thoradin II, Son of Thoradin

Diplomacy: Smaland (A)

        Thoradin II had his heir Thoradin IV get married to a noble woman of Smaland. They then were sent off to have kids while the boy took care of the nation. They had a daughter and a son over the years. The diplomats sent to Smaland were embarrased when they were unable to do the tour of the region as fast as their king had demanded but they still managed to make the region an Allied region before the final winter of 196 BC came to a close. Some trade ships were ordered to become fishing vessels.

        The city of Havn grew larger and a small amount of work was done to fix it up. Several light warships were built and sent off to the ally from Uppsala as gifts from the throne to help protect the kingdom.

North America


Ahapita, Chief of the Anasazi

Diplomacy:  Patwin (F)

        Ahaptia sent his aide, Kayenta, to continue the talks in Patwin. This worked well and soon the region fully supported the Anasazi. Farms were made in Yokuts and Serrano to help feed the people and bring more into the royal coffers.


Jualiapta, Chief of Atakapa

Diplomacy:   Creek (C )

        Jauliapta sent his son, Kahaba, to speak to the tribes in the land of Creek. There he met with foul times and managed to lay only the smallest of claims on the region before he was taken by a sickness. His brother was made the new heir although little was known of him. The people didn't even know his name. But there was high hopes that he would live long and make the kingdom prosper.

        Farms were started in the region of Chatot making it much more properous and improvements were done to the city of Opelousa.



Ailapatoh, Lord of the Mounds


        The Great Lacrosse games were moved to the site of the new Mound in Kaskinapo. There they had a month long celebration as the new Mound was opened for worship to the great spirits. Many sacrifices were made and the culmination of the celebration was the Games which were won by the team from Chillicothe which seemed to play as if the very spirits had lifted them up with great powers. It was a most holy time and the peoples who lived in the Moundbuilders land were pleased.        

        Prince Nogeksum and Wanigas his brother traveled far to the west exploring all of the regions they could as they sought new trade partners. They saw many beautiful sites and reached the great deserts once inhabited by the Anasazi. They viewed the great chasm some weeks journey north of those lands. Near here Wanigas died and Nogeksum returned with somewhat of a heavy heart to report to Ailapotah what they had seen and of the death of Wanigas.

Central & South America



Diplomacy:  Nahuatl (T), Zapotec (F)

        Huncame stayed home and ruled through most of the years. He had a son in 188 BC late in the year. He also took time to take his troops out and run practice drills on how they would guard the capital although no one in a few hundred leagues at least could contemplate attacking the powerful city. Prince Xbalanque was sent by the king to Nahuatl where he spoke to the people for several years and managed to get them to send tribute to the Mayans. Ah Cuxtal and Ixtab were sent to Zapotec where they managed to get the people of the region to being fully supporting the Mayan Empire.  The small port of Copan in Totonac was also growing but it was not yet big enough to be considered a city.

United Tribes of Peru

Sinchi, Lord of Chavin, King of the United Tribes of Peru


        Macario's oldest son came of age in 189 BC and was declared the heir. Less then a year later Macario went to live with the spirits his body old and wasted after so many years guiding the Tribes. His son was a charismatic leader who was instantly liked by the majority of the people in the nation. For the most part the kingdom went on as normal. The Shaman council all helped the new king rule. Some work was done to improve Lima. Most of the workers and gold were put into the many royal roads which the Tribes were forging through the wildernes and mountains to further unite them.