Lords of the Earth

The Rise of the Classical World

200-196 B.C.                                                                                                                                              Turn 13


Turn Cost- $5.00

        If you reach a point of owing $10 without speaking to me about arranging a payment I will be holding your turn until you speak to me about it and arrange payment.  This will not matter until next turn, but I do not want to be a bad guy so please at least speak to me. Thanks.

Rule Book:

        We will be using 5.10.0 for the base rules of the game.


        Although it was not common there were some female leaders of nations. But this was very rare as most men of the time would have trouble following the directions of a woman no matter how strong or talented.  So I will not disallow the use of women as heirs, BUT know that there is a chance your nation will not take kindly to one of the gentler sex leading a nation.

Megalithic Constructions:

        To build any Megalithic Construct you must have a Tech level that is at least 2 levels higher then what you are trying to do.

        Example: The Kiel Canal from Skaggerack to the North Sea is a level 1 Megalithic Construction. So Denmark, who just reached Tech 3, can now build it. This is only the base cost. Any multipliers for region or something else are not counted in the Tech level requirement.

        *Note: The Grand Canal of China is not really there. I will be removing it from the map. When the nations in China reach Tech 5 they can replace it.


        For any region to be made cultivated you must be at least Tech 4. For those regions that are capable of being C2 you must have a Tech level of 6+. Cultivation is a level 1 Megalithic Construction which is modified by the regional cost.

        Example:  Macedonia, a Tech 4 nation, decides to cultivate their lands. Since Macedonia is a Wilderness region and they are Civilized they have to do a level 1 construction with a multiplier of 1.5 for a civilized nation operating in a wilderness area. This costs 38 NFP (25 * 1.5 = 37.5 and you Round up to 38) and 75 GP (50 * 1.5 = 75).


        Due to the effects on certain nations I have decided to allow for Natural Cultivation. It has taken effect immediately, but I will not go backwards so the effects will start from this turn forward. Also, because of this I will no longer be starting regions with PWBs as they can now all be cultivated given time.

Feudal Leaders and Allied Leaders:

        Feudal leaders only receive a Combat stat. You may call them up to defend your nation or fight for you, but they are not willing to do anything other then assure the mutual defense and well-fare of your combined areas. Allied leaders receive all the stats and can do pretty much any action. If you assign them to Diplomacy the action will be for your nation but they will not be able to get the region about Allied level.

Troop Conversions

                Infantry (500 men = 1 point), Cavalry (500 men = 1 point), Siege Engineers (500 men = 1 point), Warships (2 ships = 1 point), Transports (2 ships       = 1 point).

National Transformations
            In time period we are in there are many ideas which do not exist. Things such as Free societies or even Guilds were unknown and more often then not           unwanted. To show this the game has placed tech level advancements on when you can reach things such as Free societies. These are in place in the           system and not determined by me. I have been and will continue to use these as a guide for when you can reach a National Transformation. I know       there are examples through history that may seem to contradict this rule, but please remember that these examples through history of free societies are more often the exception and not the rule. Because of this most National Transformations are at this time not allowed.

Mass Conscription

            Mass Conscription is no longer allowed in the game. It makes very little sense for the time frame. It means you give every able bodied man in the                 nation a weapon and in a time of slavery, fuedalism and caste systems that would not happen.

North Asia

                    Mercs: 10 C, 10 I, 5 S

                                  Merc Leader: None

Qin Empire

 Xiaowen, Emperor of the Qin

Diplomacy:  Szechwan (F), Anhui (+8 YfC)

        Many new and wonderous works were done in the center of the Empire. Hubei was brought under control and made a fully cultivated regions so hundreds of new rice paddies could supply food to the peoples of the Empire. Roads were built to link Funiu with Hupei and Chiennan with Szechwan. The Emperor traveled from his recent conquest to the region of Szechwan where he found a bride for his son and worked many days at currying the favor of the local lords so that they would be a stronger part of his nation. His teachers had long told him of the Great Ba kings which had at one timed ruled the area. They were known for their wealth and fighting prowess. Xiaowen sought to add such strong blood to his and thus found a comely young lass from the Ba bloodline to marry his son. He was successful in his diplomatic actions and soon the region fully supported his rule. Two of his aides, Zhang Han and Marquis Po, were sent to the conquered region of Anhui to soothe the regions nerves. They were moderately successful in this and now the majority of the lands were coming to accept their new plight. 

The Kingdom of Yan

Phan Ping, Lord of the Yan

Diplomacy:  Hsuing Nu (NT)

        Famine swept the lands and the leaders of Yan were at a loss of what to do. Chen ordered that taxes be reduced to improve the mood of his people. Sadly, his death occurred shortly after the decree and his son, Phan Ping took over the state. He thought it was wiser to leave tax rates alone as they could then buy what they wanted. Monies were sent to the Qin to honor their alliance and Yang Wei was sent to continue his talks with the Hsuing Nu tribes of the north. This had some success in that the region grew slightly closer but it was not yet tied enough to the Yan to actually send tribute.  In the southern provinces the Buddhist religion began to take hold. Not that it mattered much to the Yan who cared little for any faith. 



Diplomacy: Yenisey (NT), Nestorian Uighur (A), Tartars (HS), Liao Tribes (A), Grand Khitan (HS), Khanate of Kutai (NT)

        Changhatai and his son, Changhatai II, traveled around looking for allies. This was a process with some ups and downs. The Yenisey and the Kutai both decided to play along with the Tartars but refused to actually go anywhere.The Nestorian Uighur and the Liao tribes were bored with sitting on the steppes and joined with the Tartars packing up many of their belongings and troops and following the lead of Changhatai. The southern Tartars and the Grand Khitan were not impressed with the show of force that was generated by the northern Tartars. The southern Tartars fell quickly to Changhatai, but Grand Khitan proved a tougher foe as their leader, Hyun Than, was a charismatic leader who shook men with a look. Changhatai II was able to hold his forces together though and beat the Khitan shattering what forces they had at the time and placing Hyun's head on a spike high in the air for all to see.

        While the tribes sought to expand they also sought wealth. Khasar, stout ally of Changhatai , was sent to raid the regions of Hovsgol, Henyitin, Khrebet, Higgan, Ch'in, Manchou, Sungari, Harbin, Helionkang, and Humahae before stopping in Chitin to meet up with Changhatai and his son. Although not all of the raids were successful, it did produce a large sum of money for the Tartars to use later. 


Kwanto Japan

Kwanto Ujiro, Daimyo of the Kwanto

Diplomacy:  None

        Taro was dismissed for his cowardice and failure in sneaking around Yamato lands. This did little to save him though as he was shot over the border in pieces. Fearing an invasion Ujiro called forth many troops and set up a massive defense against the expected attack which never arrived. Other then that things remained quiet in Kwanto lands as the people went about their lives. Some government buildings were attacked but the attacks were easily thwarted.

        Jaro was dismissed for his failure. But even though Ujiro was most angered by the brutal killing of a man who, although really inept, was once so very loyal to the Kwanto family.  

Yamato Japan

Yamato Ayame, Daimyo of the Yamato

Diplomacy:  Toyama (EA), Saga (F), Kagoshima (EA)

        Yamato Ayame had the spy Taro taken to Toyama, cut into peices and tied to arrows. He was then shot over the border to show the disdain that the Yamato held for spies they caught. Prince Dai then spent time telling the people how powerful the Yamato were and managed to gain some strong economic agreements through which would greatly benefit both people. In Saga, Yamato Etsu worked to get the region to fully unite with the Yamato and he was successful in this. Soon all of the blades in the region were fully dedicated to the Yamato cause. In Kagoshima, Yamato Jiro managed to gain some new economic treaties into place which tied the region ever more strongly to the Yamato.

        For the first time in decades no warriors crossed the borders. Many people throughout the land had hope that the war would stop, at least for a time.

South Asia

                   Mercs: 10 C, 20 I

                                Merc Leader: None


Nguyen Trin , King of Nan-Yue

Diplomacy:  None

        Nguyen Vien ordered a postal road built between the capital and the province of Lingtung. Soon roads would likely spread througout the realm making it easier for the Nguyen dynasty to rule their kingdom. Tribute was sent north to the mighty Qin Empire. Shortly after Nguyen Trin came of age to aid in ruling his father died. Trin quickly gathered up the royal armies and announced that he was king. He was not a very charismatic man but he was skilled with the armies and he held the strongest forces so everyone bowed to his wishes. Beyond that the realm was quiet and life went on much as it had for generations.


Tak Rang

Diplomacy: None

        Rang named his oldest son as his heir when he came of age. This did not entirely make his son happy because a daughter was born in 200 BC and another son was born in 198 BC which also was the year that he came of age. Missionaries were sent to Siam, but they were of little use. In Surin though there was a large amount of converts among the nobles thanks to the efforts of Koiarv. A great many fishing boats were built and sent to fish in the Mekong River to bring in food for the growing city of Angkor Wat. Improvements were also made to the city to make life easier on those who lived or traveled to the capital.

Pacific Islands

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Anhuan, Lord of the Great Blue Seas

Diplomacy:  Sabah (EA), Mindinao (NT)

        Anhuan continued to rule over his lands while his son was busy trying to continue on the family dynasty. His wife gave birth to a son in 200 BC, another son in 199 BC and a daughter in 196 BC. This influx of kids made the royal family truly large. Mulkano, the first aide to Anhuan, was busy on the island of Mindinao. For all the time and skill which he possessed he was not able to get the Mindinoans to send troops when Anhuan called, but he did strengthen the alliance some. In Sabah things were much better off as Yuthaja was busy at getting the people to fully unite with Molucca. He was considerably more successful at this then Mulkano had been in Mindinao. He made some powerful treaties to bind the trade betweent he two peoples. Sadly, late in 196 BC Yuthaja died while working to strengthen the ties even more then he had.

The Isle Nation of Samoa & Hawaii

Kohpen, Defender of Samoa and Hawaii

Diplomacy:  Tonga (A)

        Trouble struck early for the Isle nations as Kamesh died en route to the island of Tekutea which slowed Kohpen's bid to finish yuniting the isles in the area. Kohpen went to work though and arrived in Tonga shortly before word of Kamesh's death reached him. In Tonga he managed to find a strong ally who had the loyalty of many warriors and ships on the island whou agreed to join with Kohpen. The whole island was not  yet united behind Kohpen but this was a strong begining. In Fiji more farms were started to feed the masses which flocked to Kohpen's flag.

The Aborigines of Taree


Diplomacy: Taree (HM), Goolbora (F)

        Tafar, a powerful leader from the tribes in Taree, managed to gain a full alliance with the tribes in Goolbura. This quickly led to his rise of power in the area.

India & Central Asia

                             Mercs:  None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Rama, Emporer of Maurya

Diplomacy: Ghazni (UN), Surashtra (A), Kakatiya(NE), Karnata(FA), Und (F), Punjab (F)

        Once more many builds were started in Maurya. Roads to link Maghada with Sikkim, Kakatiya with Vengi, and Und with Sahis were all started although none of them were close to completion. The region of Ghazni was banished from the Empire as being a worthless region. While cities were given money in Gaur and Malabar to make them grow larger and more grand thus making the empire ever stronger. The region of Surashtra was put to the plow and was soon ready for many new farms to cover the landscape in order to produce food for the great numbers of people living under Mauryan rule. Another shipment of gold was sent off to far off Rowzi to aid the growing empire there. Tall tellers traveled througout Maurya telling of the great victories over the barbaric, uncultured people of the area which helped drum up support for sending aid to them so that they could continue to spread the great learning and wisdom of the Hindus with the might of their prowess. In 199 BC the heir produced a male offspring to continue the dynasty's line. Several other daughters were born in later years but the coming of a son was what brought true joy to the Empire.

        With the loss of Ghazni, the Emperor sent his people off to talk to many of the other regions in order to better secure their union with Maurya. Gokatchaka traveled to Surashtra where he managed to locate a local lord who thought much of the Mauryans and who was willing to aid Maurya however he could. Sabu, who was traveling with the ally from Tripuri, went through the regions of Karkatiya and Karnata. In Karkatiya he grew very close to damaging relations with the local lords but the ally from Tripuri managed to soften him somewhat and they soon left before matters grew worse. In Karnata Sabu managed to hold his tongue in check and an alliance was formed in which troops would be sent  should the Mauryans ever need them. Meanwhile, far in the north west of the Empire, Harsha was busy traveling with the new ally from Afghan. They visited local lords in Und and Punjab and here success was found in plenty. Both regions listened to their words and soon they were both fully allied with Maurya.

The Holy Brahmins

Chandragupta, Most Holy of the Brahmins and Defender of the Faithful

Diplomacy: Marata(CH), Seylan (AB), Polonarva (CH), Palauk (CH), Und (NE), Afghanistan (NE), Kashmir (CH)

        Chandragupta traveled through Marata and worked to put up a church. Even though he was getting old he was still a man of incredible will and soon the city had a new church. He then journeyed into the region of Seylan and worked to increase the church there up to an abbey which was soon accomplished. He then journeyed south to the city of Polonarva where he spent a brief amount of time getting a church set up before he turned and boarded a ship that would take him to Khemer. Once he arrived in Khemer he sent missives back ordering many new ships built to help send supplies and goods east to aid the followers in the region. He also worked to start up yet another new church in the port city of Palauk which would allow him to aid the people of the small but growing nation.

        Work was started to try and form an abbey in Und but it was not successful. More trouble was hand in Afghanistan where Yobnas was sent to make a church. the people were not that interested in seeing one built and Yonbas was not able to convince them so he journeyed north to the region of Kashmir and saw to putting a new site in that region which was slighly more compliant.


The Indian Alliance

Torugah III, Lord of Pandya

Diplomacy: None

        Torugah ruled over his realm and was happy. The cities continued to grow and prosper. (No Turn)

The Middle East

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Euthydemus I

Diplomacy: Turkman (NT), Ferghana (C ),  Siahan (NE), Firoz Khsi (NE)

        Several region were renamed as Euthydemus I, once known as Aeneus, decided that even if the Bactrians now followed a different Pantheon they could ill afford to forget their past. Several cities were renamed accordingly and Euthydemus took on a new name to show his true heritage. He then spent the rest of the years ruling and spending time with his wife. This led to a son being born in 199 BC, a daughter in 197 BC and another son in 196 BC late in the year. The final child birth was too much for Kumardevi, daughter of the Mauryan Emperor and she died shortly after childbirth. With the new wave of acceptance for religious difference the fervor for religion in Bactria dropped to an all time low.  The capital city, now called Bactra, continued to grow under the easy hand of Euthydemus and the city was walled to prevent nomadic raids.

        Many diplomatic envoys were sent out. Prince Sophacles was sent out to Turkman and then Ferghana. In Turkman he got a small level of control even though the region was not willing to send tribute or even troops to the Bactrians. In Ferghana Sophacles took a bride and tried to use that as a wedge to get into the nation. But he was perssed for time and so even with a bride from the lands married to him he was able to do little more then get a claime to the lands of Ferghana. Phrataphernes meanwhile was sent south to Siahan to try and convince them to unite more strongly with the Bactrians. This failed spectacularly as Phrataphernes, even with the aid of Oractyron of Carminia, was not the most diplomatic of leaders in Bactria and he was also rushed in his talks with the people. Most of the region generally chose to just ignore him. He then turned and quickly traveled to Firoz Khsi where he met very briefly with the leaders. These talks also failed as they took place over only a few months time and the people of Firoz Kshi saw no reason to unite with any nation and thus bow before some distant overlord.

Seleucid Kingdom

Antiochos III

Diplomacy: None

        Gold was sent to Ilyria while Princes Olympia was sent from Ilyria to marry Prince Appolonus in the Selecuid Kingdom. Ctesiphon grew even larger and many works were done to make the city nicer although more works were planned thne there was money to pay for but some clerk would surely pay with his life for the mistake and life would go on. Farms were spread in Carhae while troops were built in Aleppo. The great road was expanded from Hahamar to Ahavaz. Antiochos placed almost all his leaders on ready in case of an invasion but many wondered where such an invasion would possibly come from.


The Eastern Greek Church

Aeneus, The Will of Zeus, Apostle of the Great Ophilius

Diplomacy:  Media (CH), Ahvaz (AB), Hahmar (MN), Nike (CH), Abadan (CH), Alexandrettos (CH), Fars (CH)

        Aeneus continued traveling through much of the Seleucid Kingdom with his aide, Polybos. They built churches in Media, the city of Nike, Abadan and the city of Alexandretos and in Fars. An Abbey was raised in the region of Ahvaz and Hahmar saw a new monestary go up. Many of these works were accomplished only because Aeneus and Polybos worked well together to get the converts to build the sites before moving on to new locations. It was truly the Will of Zeus that the new religion flourished in the Seleucid Kingdom and that it was once more spreading into Pontus. Many of the followers if the Messiah were upset that Pontus was turning its back on the new faith. For surely the importance of the Messiah coming from his lands could not be ignored. This sent many people deep into Pontus to preach the faith and battle back the heretical teachings of the Olympic Primacy.



                             Mercs:  15 HI, 15 I, 15 S, 5 W

                                                Merc Leader:  None


Ptolemaic Kingdom


Diplomacy: None

        Troops were recalled to Egypt and given greater training. Many ships were built and most of the allies were summoned to return to Egypt with the exception of one left to defend Luxor. Many thought this was to try and limit the chances that the Spears would invade the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Atrides continued to rule over his nation as his fathers before him had done while his officers trained his men. Sadly, over the years many of his officers died and new ones rose to replace them. Luckily for the kingdom, these new officers appeared to understand the tactics of battle. The army returned to the command of Atrides while he considered who best to give the troops to. Money was sent to the Olympic Primacy again. This annoyed many at court who saw little reason to support a church of any type, but Atrides was firm in his belief of the gods and so it was decreed and so it was done.

The Spears of Ares

Atreides, Lord of the Spears

Diplomacy:  None

        Work was done to cultivate the lands of Funj. Small investments were made in the university. The city of Idonus grew and trade was initiated with several eastern nations. Many of the lords who had agreed to move here were angered that although the Ptolemaics had pulled most of their troops out of Luxor, they had not yet relinquished control of it. After the Spears had cleaned the area out and decided to create a nation of their  own they considered it a cold reception indeed when some of the finest land was taken by their allies. (Needs a Player)



Diplomacy: Catalonia (EA)

        Dargen continued to rule. He sent his ally, Praxyltes, to the now uncontrolled region of Catalonia to try and claim it. He had him arrange for a wedding with his son, Dargen II, in order to try and bring the region more quickly into the fold. Catalonia agreed to have one of their noble's daughers marry Dargen II and this helped seal a deal which greatly tied the economics of Catalonia with that of Carthage.

        On the war front, many new troops were built and sent north (See the war entry). News of the death of Domilcar brougth great sadness to Carthage as he was a beloved leader of the military. Many wondered if Domar, his replacement, would be capable of filling his boots and winning the war. Bisaltes was sent off to try his hand at piracy again. This time he gave no quarter. Ships from Rome, the Olympic Primacy, the Ptolemaic Kingdom, the Seleucid Kingdom, Macedonian, and Pontus were all sacked by the Carthaginian fleet. The spoils were divided and several ships were claimed and added to the Carthaginian fleet which ruled the waves of the Mediterranean.

West Africa

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None

The Desert Raiders of Kanem Bornu

Matzu, Lion of the Shifting Sands

Diplomacy:  Ikego (EA), Jos (T)

        Matzu and his heir, Jahzeel, stayed and ruled in the capital. Matzu sent his friend and ally, Ahiram, out int the countryside to drum up support for his rule in the regions which were held by Kanem Bornu. In Ikego, Ahiram gave the older daughter of Matzu away to be wed and this led to an economic alliance with the region of Ikego. In Jos the younger daughter was given away to be married, but she was not as charming as her older sister and so the men of Jos agreed only to send a small tribute each season rather then uniting their economics with Kanem Bornu.

The Kingdom of Ife

Alim, Chief of the Ife

Diplomacy: Kafin (A)

        Alim stayed in Al-Karas and ruled his nation. As the center of the flourishing nation the city had a great deal of money poored into it to make it cleaner and better for the inhabitants. Trebuni, the trusted aid of Alim spent the years in Kafin and there he found an ally who had several thousand warriors who was willing to support the alliance with Ife. This ally led to a stronger alliance between the tribes in Kafin and the Ife leaders of the kingdom.

South Africa

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None

                                                South African Cav Count: No Horses Yet

Mauryan Raj of Rowzi

Sri Gupta, Emperor of the Southern Lands

Diplomacy: None

        Sri once more put his armor on to take him out to battle. He had several more battalians formed for his son and sent him off while he took his own battle hardened troops and marched them north into the regions of Melele and Makura. To save having his men bogged down some he slipped through Melele at first and struck at Makura. The region had been struck by famine and so it was excessively easy pickings for the great general. The leaders of the tribes tried to use tactics which had worked in the past, but their men were tired and weakened by famine and their make shift weapons were useless against his troops. So with few losses he took the region and enslaved the populace. He then turn south into Melele hoping for a similarly easy fight, but there he found something far different.  The people had been waiting for them to come and although the tribesmen were not as skilled in combat and did not posses the great armor and weapons of the Rowzi forces, they made up for the deficits with knowledge of the lands and planning way in advance. The first fight was a stalemate and only with superior numbers was Sri able to push through the trap set for him. A great land slide which struck hard on his flank and disrupted his ability to command his forces. The people rose up again when Sri went to enslave them and this time they made him come at them in a narrow ravine which led to a valley where many had fled to. This left Sri's men open and allowed only a fewe in at a time. But the Rowzi forces were displined and soon they broke through even though the losses were among the greatest that Sri had seen yet. Still, his losses were minor compared to what other leaders saw regularly because of his great skill and knowledge in the field.

        Sri Gupta II led his forces north to Luangula where he assaulted the people there. He was not as skilled as his father but the people here seemed surprised. Tales of the fierce new warrirors were considered myths and so when they assaulted them they quickly fell as disbelief overwhelmed them for surely only gods could give men such keen weapons and powerful armor. When the Rowzi forces when to enslave them they again fought back, but the situation was much the same and in sort order the people were stripped and the march south began. They stopped in Lenje so that Sri could again enslave the region. His forces found a march harder fight this time as refugees had fled to warn the region. The Lenje people refused to stand up and fight and it took Sri several months to pen them down. When they did Sri faced some losses as the Lenje people fought until even hope was lost. The rebellion following the enslavement was a similar trial as the people did hit and run attacks. The knew that Sri's forces were too strong to face in the field and so they struck at his back and flanks as often as possible. Eventually, Sri managed to corner them and defeat them but not before they bled his army some.

        After the campaigns the slaves were brought to Rowzi and put to work on the farms to grow more food for the Indian overlords. A shipment of gold arrived from Maurya to further finance the burgeoning state.

The Nguni Alliance

Hyutha, Defender of the Cape

Diplomacy: Nguni (HM), Cape (F), Xhosa (F)

        Word of pillaging to the north caused the southern tribes to ban together. Many forts sprang up throughout the lands to try and hold off invaders.

(Needs a Player)


Eastern Europe

                             Mercs: 5 I

                                                Merc Leader: None



Yammar, son of Grodur

Diplomacy:  None

        Grodur, Son of Yagar, died. His son, Yammar son of Grodur, became the new cheif of the tribes. New trade routes were started to the east. Yammar's wife gave birth to a daughter in 197 BC and a son in 196 BC. Other then that things remained very quite in the nation.


Urud I


        In the winter of 200 BC Arsaces I, great leader of the Parthian tribes died. His son, Urud I, quickly gathered up the troops and continued to rule the nation. He was a skilled politician and through that, and the troops he held, he managed to keep anyone from revolting. It helped that he was the only living son. His son, Xerxes, was made the heir. Xerxes' wife chosen from the tribes gave him a strong baby boy in 196 BC. (No Turn)


Mithridates III, Lord of Pontus and Ruler of the Black Seas

Diplomacy:  None

        Mithridates sat and brooded over what to do. With the waves of missionaries now streaming north from Seleucia it posed a serious problem. Although they had not targeted Pontus yet some of the work done to rejoin the Olympic Primacy was already being lost. So he sat and brooded over what to do.

(No Turn)

Antigonid Kingdom of Macedonia

Argeia, King of Macedonia

Diplomacy: Attica (T), Athens (EA), Thessaly (F)

        Argeia stayed in his capital and ruled while his allies went about trying to unify his lands. Argeia spent some time with his wife who gave birth to a son in 198 BC. She grew weak from the birth and died a year later in 197 BC. . Erebus, the ally from Thessaly, traveled with two of Argeia's aides to speak to the lords of Attica and Athens. In Attica little was accomplished but the region did agree to pay tribute to Macedonia in the future for their protection. Athens on the other hand was quick to make economic pacts which they hoped would aid them. Especially as many ships from Athens were sunk or captured by the Carthaginians. Even though these bore the markings of the Primacy, they were manned by Athenians who disliked Carthages actions greatly. Erebus then returned to Thessaly where he married Alexis, daughter of Argeia. This fully united the region with Macedonia

The Olympic Primacy

Eutropius, Voice of Zues and Speaker of the Gods

Diplomacy:  Petra (AB), Tuscany (NE), Savoy (NE)

        Eutropius traveled to Rome where he spoke to the people and offered comforting words in the time when Rome was besieged from many sides. This gave him more influence in the region. But in the provinces of Rome which lay to the north things did not go nearly so well. Pheidipidies was not a charismatic man, but he was still sent to the lands which had suffered at the hands of the Franconians to try and increase the church structure there in order to help the people get through their difficult times. In this he failed as he was not able to offer the people enough comfort for them to turn to the gods in their troubled times.

        In the Ptolemaic Kingdom a new Abbey was founded in Petra, but the religious fervor of the region remained dismally low and little could be done to improve it. It was so poor that even with Antipater there to try and comfort the people it did nothing to raise the influence of the church in the region. The Ptolemaic Kingdom and Ilyria did send money to aid in supporting the church.


Western Europe

                             Mercs: 5 HI, 10 I, 5 S

                                                Merc Leader: None

The War of the Western States

Rome, Bohemia, and the Gaulic Tribes Vs. Massalia, Leon, Franconia and Carthage

200 BC

March-    Roman Cavalry is pulled from the main forces and sent towards Apulia though even they will take awhile to reach the region through the mountains.

                Carthage begins pulling troops out of Calabria across the strait to Sicily.

                The Gauls begin massing troubles as Daric plans out the distribution of troops and leaders between the armies.

                In Franconia, Prince Gustav marries and takes command of the forces.

                In the south Leon also prepares to march once more with the aid of mercenaries. Their forces pledge to return the lands of Massalia and set out to do    that. Vincente, a loyal retainer from Galacia dies before the march can begin and his troops fail to leave with the rest of the Leonese forces. The Massalian                general also fails to travel with the forces as he dies in Janurary of 200 BC before preparations for the retaking of Massalia can even begin.

                In Bohemia forces begin to join together and more are marshaled as King Jaro calls for his retainers to return to him.

April-      Roman forces are marshalled in Latium head through the mountains by road and reach Romagna.. In Campania, the bulk of the Roman forces begins      the march south to retake Calabria.

                Carthaginian forces complete the move to Sicily. Domilcar grows weak during the hard months of moving the troops to safety. His failing health

        does little to prevent him from doing his job though and the Carthaginian forces are safe well before even the scouts of the Romans reach Calabria.

                Leonese forces begin the march through Leon.

                Bohemian forces begin to march into Thuringia.

                Gustav takes to the field to defend Franconia. He chaffs at the restrictions placed upon him as he thinks he should be able to react to any attack         rather then huddle in Franconia while the Franconian kingdom is nibbled away at by enemies.

May-       Roman cavalry reaches Apulia and declares the region Rome's once more. The bulk of Rome's southern legions continues towards Calabira. In the         north Roman forces led by Julius begin the march into Verona.

                Carthaginian forces settle back into Sicily and wait.

                Gaulic forces gather in Nivernais as they split troops between King Daric and Bheathen.

                Leonese forces begin to move int Asturias.

                Bohemian forces complete entering Thuringia.

                In Franconia Prince Gustav hears of their affront and gathers his forces and debates going after them. He decides he can not wait and moves to attack

        the Bohemians.

June-       Roman forces begin resecuring Calabira. In Apulia, the cavalry turns north to meet up with Julius who finishes marching his forces into Verona late in      the month of June.

                Carthage waits to see what Rome will do now that they hold Calabria.

                Beohemia begins to try and secure Thuringia.

                Leonese forces arrive in  Asturias and gather the troops from the region.

                In Gaul, Prince Bheathen moves east to Champagne while King Daric moved south to Orleans.

July-        Julius reaches Verona and sets to freeing the people while forces move to join him. In Calabria the Romans hunker down to wait for attacks from the   south. Without ships  they decide Sicily is not ready to be taken.

                In Gaul, Bheathen moves to gather troops in Dijon. Meanwhile, Daric watches the south carefully in case the Massalians or the Leonese decide to         strike back in retribution.

                King Jaro dies. Adalbert who had for some time plotted to take the throne takes the time to secure the armies of Bohemia.  Ballor reluctantly agreed      to what Alderbert said as the armies turned to follow Alderbert. But by then it was too late to do anything other then turn and fight the oncoming         Franconians. The battle was fierce as both sides had about equal numbers. In the end the advantage in skill came down to the Franconians who had 10,000     cavalry and 10,000 infantry. The Bohemians, though less skilled, had 9,000 cavalry of various sizes, 22,000 infantry of various sizes and 3,500 seige        engineers. At first the battle was a stalemate as both sides collided. The superior skill and anger of the Franconians gave them strength to face the superior   numbers of the the Bohemians. But in time the superior numbers of the Bohemians became telling and in clean order the Franconians were forced to retreat                 back into Franconia. But as they held superior cavalry the Bohemians were unable to gain an advantage.

August-   Julius begins moving into Lombardy. He is met by the cavalry.

                The Franconians regroup in Franconia and go fully defensive watching the north. The victory that seemed so close when the battle was started in         July turned into a very painful moment for the nation.

                Adalbert decides that since he had won in Thuringia that he should finish by taking the town and so he begins to move against it.

                The Gauls begin to cross into Alsace.

                The Leonese begin their march into Gascony.

September- Julius reaches Lombardy and continues onward.

                The Franconians complete a fast attack against Liepzig which was undefended with the defeat of Gustav.

                Reinforcements arrive in Syracuse for the Carthaginian army.

October-  Adalbert turns his forces back towards Westphalia after securing Thuringia and Leizig.

                Carthage tries to send some light cavalry to see whats happening in Calabria but stop when they see the Roman defenses set against attack.


199 BC   

March-    The Bohemian forces cross out of Thuringia (SEE BOHEMIA FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THEM)  

                The Leonese arrive in Gascony.

April-      Julius and the Roman's Northern army begins to move into Savoy.

                In Sicily, Domilcar finally succumbed to the sickness which had plagued him for sometime. With word that the Romans waited and his men safe

        Domilcar went to his tent to rest and never again walked among the men who would die for him. Many feared Rome would move against them but by the

        end of April Rome sat firm.

                Now securely in Gascony the Leonese begin the attack to retake the region. They faced a mere 1500 troops outside the city.

                The Gauls reach Alsace. Word of the fighting in Thuringia reaches them and the retreat of the Bohemians after they conquered Thuringia. Bheathen is             at a loss of what to do. Unsure of the forces remaining to Franconia he opts to return to Champagne and watch to see if Bohemia returns.

                Piracy begins as the Carthaganians employ their ships against the Roman trade cogs and any others which pass through the area.

May-       Julius begins the long march through the mountains into Provence.

                After a small amount of time scouring the region the Leonese forces managed to pin down the Roman legionnaires. The Roman forces had a relatively                 young and untested centurian leading them while the Leonese forces had their great chief. The battle was almost over before it began  as the sheer numbers   of Leonese troops led by mercenaries swarmed over the Romans.

June-       With the region firmly under their control the Leonese head for the city of Burdigalos.

July-        Julius and the Roman legions arrive in Provence.

                The Leonese forces swarm the city of Burdigalos which held no walls or ramparts for defense. The Romans were tenacious but in the end the mere        500 troops were destroyed by the Leonese troops, although this time the Romans were able to stop themselves from being swarmed so badly and were        able to take out a like number. Fortunately for the Leonese these mainly were mercenary forces ordered to march in first. A garrison of several thousand                 men is left in Burdigalos.

August-   Julius sets up a defense in Provence against invasion from the west.

                With Burdigalos and Gascony held the Leonese began the march towards Aquitaine.

October-  The Leonese end the year in the outskirts of Aquitaine.

198 BC

March-May-           The Leonese attack once more. This time they face some 2,500 Romans. But the Romans lacked any areas of great protection and again the   forces of the Leonese which numbered about 7,000 cavalry, 35,000 infantry of various sizes and 5,000 seige engineers. Against such odds the Romans had little chance and they were quickly swarmed over. Once the region was firmly in hand it was returned to Massalia.

June-October-         The Leonese continue by marching into Langudoc and attacking to take the region. There were a mere 2000 infantry holding the region and again the sheer numbers of the Leonese forces swamped the defenses the Romans set up. With the region taken, control was given to Massalia.

197 BC

May-July-              Leonese forces turn and assault the city of Nova Fokia as soon as the weather warms. The city has only 500 defenders which are quickly                    wiped out, although the fighting is fierce once more.

August+                  The forces from Leon pause at the border to Provence and set up defenses. For months both sides stared at each other before the Leonese                   turned and returned to Navare midway through 196 BC.

Roman Empire


Diplomacy:  None

        Defense and retaking what was lost took up the majority of Rome's attention. Forts were placed and walls fortified many of the cities. New forces were built and sent off to take lands and defend what was taken. (Guest Turn)



Diplomacy:  Nova Fokia (F) in Langudoc (HM), Aquitaine (F)

        Andreas was finally able to return to his capital. Endiros, brother of Andreas, was made the heir to the kingdom. Trade was reestablished with nations that were friendly to Massalia and who Massalia could afford to trade with.

Bohemian Empire of Westphalia

Aldabert the Black

Diplomacy: Liepzig (PT) in Thuringia (PT)

        When Aldabert returned with the army it didn't take much for him to sneak it right up to the gates of the city and then he and a few others snuck into the castle and dispatched the son of Jaro. Ulrich had also died early in 200 BC which left Aldabert, now known as the Black, to take the throne without opposition.


Freibott, son of Hans

Diplomacy: None

        Sebastian gave the troops to Gustav in order to defend Franconian and built up the defense in the region and around his capital. He was most upset when Gustav left the region and lost at the Battle of Thuringia. He named his grandson, Freibott, heir to the throne in 197 BC. Freibott was a charismatic leader and he took the throne easily as Gustav felt shame over his loss and took himself out of contention for the throne when Sebastian died in 196 BC.

The Gauls

Daric, High Chief of the Gauls

Diplomacy: Normandy (NT), Poitou (NT)

        Daric sent his son to aid the Bohemians and then turned south to defend his lands. He sent Odran out to Normany and Poitou to gain some nominal allegiance from them. He ws a skilled diplomat and managed to gain some small level of control in both even though they were not yet willing to send tribute to the Gauls. Several major cities gained walls to see that they were defended in case of invasion.

        While Daric was off defending the realm, Donahum was left to rule the nation. He married in 200 BC and tried to have an heir of his own. In a few months his wife grew pregnant but less then halfway through the pregnancy she grew weak and soon died. After a suitable time of mourning he remarried and his new wife grew pregnant and gave him a daughter in 196 BC.


Conan, King of the Bretons and Pendragon of the Isles

Diplomacy:  Gwynned (NT),  Lothian (C), Strathclyde (T)

        Conan sent Prince Diocain to Gwynned to try and convince the people there to unite more strongly with the rest of Breton. This was hampered greatly when an edict came down declaring that Conan only wished Gwynned to be in the realm but that he did not wish them to even send tribute. This lowered their standing on the isle and made all of Prince Diocain's work useless.

        In other areas things went more smoothly for Breton. In Lothian, Johan spent the remainder of his life trying to get the region to unite with Breton. He had some meager success in this but his death in late 197 BC ruined much of his work and in the end only a small claim upon the region united it with Breton. In Strathclyde things went even better and Uhar soon had the region sending regular tribute to Lundyn. this influx in money helped make the capital of the isle nation grow larger as more people flocked to the center of the nation.

        Conan himself traveled to Sarum briefly with his son to arrange a marriage. This led the region to become fully united with Breton. Thaco, the heir to Breton, returned home with his father and new wife. While Conan continued to rule the nation Thaco went off to the family estate and spent several years there with his wife. This led to a daughter in 199 BC, a son in 197 BC and another son in 196 BC. 

The Ilyrian League


Diplomacy: Kyklades (A)

        Hephistion stayed home and ruled with his son. His ally, Protesilaus, was busy in Kyklades working to forge an alliance with the region. He managed to find an ally in the area before his death in the middle of 196 BC. The city of Epidamus continued to grow as the lands expanded. A great effort was made to convert the barbarians in Croatia. A small amount of success was seen from this. Other then that things remained peaceful in Ilyria.


Gargoris, Chief of Leon

Diplomacy:  Gascony (+3 YfC)

        Gargoris led the charge into what once was Roman lands. The small garrisons fell with simple ease against the might of Leon. He turned over two of the three regions he conquered to the Massalians but kept Gascony and Bordigalos for himself. Armando and Izarna stayed behind in Gascony to try and get them to accept Leonese rule and he had some moderate success in this. Armando of Asturias died in 197 BC while on the diplomatic mission to Gascony. His troops returned to Asturias.

Northern Europe

                             Mercs: None

                                                Merc Leader: None


Valdek Eestigard

Diplomacy:  Novgorod (EA)

        Valdek ruled in his lands while his son watched for invaders. Timo, a young noble in the court, was sent east to Novgorod to speak to the people there which he did well and several new treaties were signed to allow for better trade between the two regions. More fishing boats were added but the sole port of Reval had trouble keeping up with the demand which hampered the new fishing boats and the trade ships coming from the western nations.

The Danes

Thoradin II, Son of Thoradin

Diplomacy: Uppsala (A)

        Thoradin II moved to Agder to collect some troops which had been guarding the region and returned to react to any danger. The city of Kalmar began to grow but it still needed some time to fully grow larger. Thoradin III ruled over the nation and continued to spend time with his wife even though he had an heir and he produced two daughters over the years.

        Prince Thorin was sent to Uppsala where he sought to gain a strong ally. He was successful in this and soon he had found a local lord that could put many boats in the water and had men who were ready to board them and sail where they were needed. New ships were built for Sten of Norway. 

North America


Ahapita, Chief of the Anasazi

Diplomacy: Patwin (T)

        Ahapita and his aide, Kayenta, traveled to the lands of Patwin where Ahapita took a bride. He then turned and returned to his new capital with his bride to rule over his nation and see about the settling of his people. Kayenta stayed in Serrano and contined the diplomatic talks between the two people. In the  end Patwin offered to send tribute south as their blood would soon run through the veins of the next heir to the kingdom.

        A new city named Pueblo was built in Serrano from the settlers who remained from the migration. A great number of farms were started in Yokuts and some in Serrano near the new city. The city of Anasazi grew larger as the people settled into the rich new lands. Ahapita's new wife from Patwin gave him a son in late 196 BC.


Jualiapta, Chief of Atakapa

Diplomacy:  Chatot (A)

        Jualiapta stayed home to rule his nation while his ally worked hard in Chatot and managed to find an ally there who would support Jualiapta in all of his decisions and pledged his troops to his cause. Jualiapta's family increased as a son was born in 199 BC and a second was born in 197 BC. A great investment was placed into finding someone who could assist Jualipata in his daily tasks and this succeded which led to a growth in the local government.



Ailapatoh, Lord of the Mounds

Diplomacy:  None

        Prince Nogeksum was sent far to the north east into lands which had little if any population. While deep in the north exploring these regions they came upon a huge waterfall. They feel the great Spirit in the trembling of the earth and Nogeksum marked the spot carefully as he decreed to his men that one day a mighty Mound would adorn this spot in celebration to the obvious power of the Spirit.

        During the great Lacrosse games, Prince Wanigas proved himself to be very compentant. He was a most charismatic leader and although his team lost to the team from Witchita, he was still most adored by the people. After the games he was promoted to being a prince of the realm to aid his father and brother in making sure that the gods were honored and that the people were safe. Work on the religious Mounds continued a pace and the people of the region were happy. Some thoughts of new increasing trade were proposed, but Ailapatoh was too busy to help with it and his aide was not powerful enough to see that it was done.

Central & South America



Diplomacy:  Totonac (A), Zapotac (FA)

        Yuthuhaia gave much of the army to his sons. His heir recieving the bulk of the troops in the nation. He then took his remaining guard and traveled north to the region of Totonac where he spent his final days seeking to finish uniting the region with the empire that his family was forging for the later generations. He managed to find a great ally who was willing to support Yuthuhaia and his future generations. With this final success the gods called Yuthuhaia to him and late in 196 BC he died. Huncame was already ruling in the capital and as he held the majority of the army and his brother was loyal to him little was said of the new king even if many did not find him all that likable.  Huncame had married a local noble woman but

        Xblanque, second son of Huncame, and Ah Cuxtal were sent off to Zapotec to try and strengthen the relationship with the local tribes. While crossing the mountains between Zapotec and Popoluca Ah Cuxtal slipped and plummited to his death. This left Xblanque and his guard to complete the task. Shortly after he arrived in Zapotac and began working to find allies to support the union. After a great deal of work he found an ally who agreed to send troops to support the Mayans in excange for protection, but little else was gained in the expedition.

United Tribes of Peru

Macario, Lord of Chavin, King of the United Tribes of Peru

Diplomacy: Pucara (F)

        A great many new projects were started as many workers were sent to start building roads for between the lands of the various tribes. New roads would one day go between Chavin and Ataura, Chavin and Inca, and Inca and Pucara. The city of Lima also grew in size while the city of Lomas saw many new works to clean up the city.

        The Shaman Cantuco led a group with the Shamans Aliel and Hector to go and see the Pucaran tribe in order to convince them to fully unite with the rest of Peru. Within two days of leaving Chavin Hector grew extremely ill and died before anyone could reach the city of Lima for aid. The rest of the party continued on towards Pucara with a heavy heart. But when they arrived they spoke fiercely of the importance of uniting the tribes as thoughts of Hector and all the works he had done led them to do their best. In short order the region was fully united with the rest of the tribes.