Newsfax Turn: #16 ( 2055 - 2051 BC )
January 24, 2018

ANNOUNCEMENTS: New or changed from previous turn will be in red.
My Stats program only accepts whole gp for University investment, and only stores whole nfp leftover at end of turn.
Progress in metallurgy & literacy will be in green and is the situation at the start of the turn.
If your University level is 2 or less you probably aren't producing tech points.
The rules for migrating tribes and animal domestication are deferred until I have time. Treat elephant sites as ivory trade centers.
A ghost player does the move for unplayed positions involved in war and/or multi-nation events.
1. On Royal Family list "(deceased)" for a dead parent will gradually be replaced with "(d)" to save space for other notes.
2. Combat losses are more realistic by now having more of the wounded die (infection, disease, etc) or be permanently disabled.

QUICK SCROLL if you know where you want to go:
Iberia/Southern Gaul
Central Mediterranean
Aegean Centered
Nile Valley
Red Sea Centered
Greater Mesopotamia
Iranian Plateau
Oxus Valley
Indus Valley
Southern India
Ganges Valley
Tibetan Plateau
Irrawaddy Valley
Southeast Asia
   Elephant Polo Results



fortified Settlement of Los Millares in Granada

Knowledge of bronzeworking has not yet reached this area unless otherwise stated below.
Literacy has not yet reached this area unless otherwise stated below.

Lusitanian Tribes Civilized Metalworking Oligarchy
Uxentio, Chief of the Council of Lusitanian Clans
    Uxentio's Chiefdom remained larger than his administrative ability could handle thus had little wealth left for investment. What was available was spent attempting to devise a writing system and to create a messenger service - and both efforts were successful!
    A group of scholars adapted the Tartessian syllabaric alphabet to the unique Lusitanian tongue1 while a landowner watching a foot race got the idea for relay runners to carry messages. The chief asisted by Heir Turibas then administered the land with court officials instructed to learn and use the new writing system.

1 historically the Lusitanians did not develop a written language of their own (what few inscriptions exist use Latin characters) and their tongue was distinctly NOT Iberian or Celtiberian. So Tartessian seems a reasonable option.

Kingdom of Tartessos Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (Tartessian syllabaric alphabet)
Gorgio, King of Tartessos
    Gorgio invested in attempts to transmit news quickly as well as experiments with alloys of copper. Stung by the humiliation at Ses Paisses by Nuragic warships due to lacking any of his own, he ordered pentaconters built in Huelva's shipyards.
    The king's twin brother Jose had sought refuge in Los Millares after fleeing Ses Paisses. In gratitude he absolved its strongman Alamzora from henceforth paying tribute. Jose then returned home with his bride from Ses Paisses and (rather than casting her aside as the court expected) enjoyed her resulting in a son and a daughter.
    open for a player

Celtiberian Tribes Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy
Zeru, Chief of the Council of Celtiberian Clans
    Zeru again invested in military quality and devising a writing system. Groves of citrus trees were planted in the homeland. Zeru then journeyed to the west to Leon where he obtained tribute from the hill tribes in exchange for royal marriage. Returning to Cortes he sired a girl in 2052 but grieved when his bride died soon afterward of a high fever.

Artenac Culture Barbarian Metalworking Oligarchy
Vascons, Chief of the Council of Artenac Clans
    Vascons spent small amounts on devising a writing system and experiments with copper alloys. He then ruled his lands and enjoyed wife Marie, producing sons in 2053 and 2052. Meanwhile Heir Carvilius persuaded the forest chiefs of Orleans to join fully with the Artenac, returning with a chief's sister as his bride.
    open for a player


Central Mediterranean
(Corsica, Sardinia, Italian penninsula & Maghreb area of North Africa)

typical Nuraghe field fort for defense of Sardinia

Literacy has not yet reached this area unless otherwise stated below.

Nuragic Civilization Seafaring Bronzeworking Oligarchy
Pasquale, Navarch, Lord of Albucci, de facto leader of Nuragic Civilization
    Having negotiated a wary peace with the Minoans, Pasquale invested in military quality and the continuing (for decades!) efforts to devise a writing system. Olive trees were planted in the mountainous interior of Sardinia. Thereafter the Navarch held court.
    In late 2053 a merchant trading with Herakleopolis reported his ship missing amid rumors of Minoan piracy. The furious Pasquale promised to investigate this latest outrage.

    Meanwhile elderly Prince Ignace headed west to the Baeleric Islands where the clans of the interior had pledged fealty, hoping to negotiate closer ties. Alas, Ignace was a middling diplomat frustrated by differences in language and religion. In 2052 he clutched his head and keeled over dead during a particularly intense discussion.
    After decades of effort scholars announced in 2051 adaptation of the Etruscan alphabet to record the Nuragic language.1

    ghost move -open for a player

1 historically the Nuragics did not develop a written language but there are many similarities between proto-Sardinian and Etruscan. So this seems a reasonable option.

(Proto-) Etruscans Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Etruscan alphabet)
Vulca Ulthese, King of Etruscans
    Vulca spent gold hoping to hire more scribes for government work and so the University could purchase supplies. Six hundred men were trained to the sword. The king then travled north to Liguria where he preached to the ruling class of his europagan gods. Despite middling charisma he was persistent and made a good start converting the elite.
    Once again Heir Abramo was left in charge despite having no interest in ruling. He spent his time on tournaments, fishing, feasting, drinking and enjoying his wife Pasqua, who also lived the pleasure-seeking, hard-drinking lifestyle. After multiple miscarriages she birthed twin girls in 2054 and a sickly, stunted girl in 2051.
    The warrior Ignasco stood ready in Luni with nearly two thousand swordsmen but no more adventures awaited. Perhaps the king felt little had been gained for the risk.

Apennine Culture Civilized Bronzeworking Oligarchy - literate (Etruscan alphabet)
Crassus, Lord of Scoglio, de facto leader of Apennine Culture
    Crassus spent much gold helping agricultre in rural Spoleto. Six hundred infantry were added to the Scoglio garrison to the sword and eight hundred archers to the king's army. Crassus was determined to teach former vassal Victor Secundus of Verona that his defiance had consequences. Marching north, the king reached the encampment of Prince Euripedes in Lombardy by midsummer 2054. The Prince's invasion of Verona serveral years earlier had ended badly so this time Crassus would lead the army.
    After wintering in the spring of 2053 the king led over 3,500 mixed infantry and 800 archers across the border with Verona and drove Victor back with both armies taking heavy losses. It took a year of hard fighting afterward before the Veronans were crushed and their leader's stone keep reduced to rubble. The Apennine army suffered a thousand battle dead including Euripedes who was on a scaling ladder that toppled backward. As many men again were wounded badly enough to die of infection or disease, or be permanently disabled.
    Word reached Crassus from Scoglio that his daughter Fausta had been drawn out to sea by undertow during an outing of royal children and his adult cousin Eunice had drowned trying to rescue her.
    Also in late 2053 a merchant trading with Herakleopolis reported his ship missing amid rumors of Minoan piracy.

    By 2051 the charasmatic leader who called himself Bihac had attracted enough followers in western Verona to finance a shrine to the great serpent-dragon Phython.

City-State of Herakleopolis Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (hieroglyphic pictographs and hieratic script)
Tetmoses IV, King of the X Dynasty, favored of Heryshef
    Following the Minoan destruction of the Herakleopolitan navy in the harbor of Tunis, King Tetmoses IV considered Herakleopolis at war (again) with Crete. He ordered more pentaconters built in the naval arsenal and put under command of experienced leader Ramses IV who scattered veterans among the new crews and began intensive training in the harbor.
    The king also ordered walls and harbor defenses built hoping to complete them before the city was attacked again. Alas, invaders arrived while construction was in progress. [see More Mediterranean Mayhem ]

    ghost move -open for a player


2055 BC
    In May 2055 nearly fifty Minoan galleys under command of Second of the Council Fteriku and lieutenant Arkalokri anchored in the harbor of Mycenae. Five thousand Achean and Epriot warriors plus their supplies were loaded aboard the empty Minoan trade galleys serving as transports. This army was led by Heir Asaeus assisted by various lieutenants and feudal vassal Deipyrus of Epirus. The fleet was augmented by five Achaean light trade galleys and soon departed bearing due south.
    In July off western Crete the force sighted merchant ships. As anticipated they proved to be ten trade galleys from Ugarit and two light galleys from Middle Kingdom Egypt; both contingents of empty vessels joined the armada which now headed west.

    By September the force had reached Tunis, capital of the Herakleopolitan Egyptians. Scouting detected five pentaconters in the harbor and the Minoan warships - eleven pentaconters and six biremes - moved ahead to engage, running a gauntlet of Herakleopolitan archers positioned on either side of the port's entrance. Casualties aboard the closest galleys caused some to foul oars and wallow but one pentaconter ran aground. Arkalokri was among the dazed crew taken prisoner.
    Egyptian commander Ramses IV had drilled his men extensively in harbor defense and they managed to sink two Minoan pentaconters while damaging a third plus a bireme. However the ships of Crete rammed and and sunk all five Herakleopolitan pentaconters. Ramses IV again vowed revenge against Fteriku the Minoan.

    With the harbor cleared the Minoan and Achaean transports were ordered ahead to unload the Greek warriors they carried. The narrow frontage of the docks limited the rate at which the attackers could disembark and advance, putting them at a disadvantage against King Tetmoses IV with nearly three thousand Herakleopolitan infantry. After hours of close-quarter combat the army of Asaeus finally established a beachhead. When a random arrow wounded Tetmoses the exhausted defenders withdrew into Tunis. The equally fatigued invaders did not pursue.
    Over five hundred Achaeans had died and twice that many had been wounded. Losses were particularly heavy among the unarmored seige engineers who (lacking walls to seige) had fought as infantry. The 600 Epriots were almost all casualties. The Herakleopolitan dead and wounded were hundreds more than the Greek total, losses the defenders could ill afford.

artist's rendition of King Tetmoses IV (large figure on left) leading the defense against seaborne invaders

    In a few days winter1 arrived. The invaders built an encampment ashore and the defenders remained in Tunis. The galleys from the Middle Kingdom and Ugarit anchored in harbor with the other ships; their crews turned pale seeing what was being scrubbed off the docks.

2054 BC
    Over the winter combatants with minor wounds healed2 enough to return to duty.

    Meanwhile the Heir and his lieutenants led the Achaeans and a few score Epriots against Tunis itself. The defenders, now commanded by Ramses IV, had built barricades in the streets and were ordered to hold at all costs. Greek heavy infantry forced their way over them while their archers fired covering volleys. After days of house to house fighting the Herakleopolitans collapsed with near total losses. Ramses IV surrendered the city and a few hundred men still on their feet.
    The Acheans had suffered another 500 slain or injured. The shocked priests of Heryshaf - who'd given frequent blessings to the defenders - withdrew grieving to their temple complex
    Asaeus moved to secure the key buildings only to discover the royals and bureaucrats had left once the fighting began. However Akralokri and a half-dozen crewmen were found in the city prison emaciated but alive, and the University was captured intact. Its pompous scholars (who kept insisting they were above events outside the campus) and its library of scrolls were turned over to the crews of the waiting Middle Kingdom galleys who departed shortly thereafter.
    They were followed by Fteriku who took seven pentaconters and five biremes out for piracy in the Bay of Tunis with orders to target any vessels trading with the Herakleopolitans.

    The occupying army lived well that year, taking the food, wine, wives and daughters of the dead Herakleopolitan warriors as they wished - in essence a leisurely sack. The phrase to live like a god in Tunis entered the Achaean language.
    A more traditional pillaging befell the temple complex whose clergy watched helplessly. Achaean warriors found little of value and more than one priest or layman was beaten before the troops grudgingly accepted the clerics were as poor as the citizens.

    Vassal Deipyrus of Epirus had been despondent since the loss of so many Epriot warriors and had taken to drinking heavily of the wine found in various captured waterfront taverns. He was killed one hot July night during a drunken brawl in camp.

2053 BC
    Over the winter the crews of the damaged Minoan pentaconter and bireme had completed repairs3. Acheans with minor wounds healed enough to return to duty.

    In May while imprisoned a half-starved Ramses IV received a rat bite which became infected resulting in his death.

    The Minoan warships finally returned late autumn with disappointing piracy results. The Herakleopolitans were poor and merchants seldom bothered to trade with them. In two years only five light trade galleys (msp) were captured and their contents seized: three Herakleopolitan (one of which sank from damage) with cargoes of Tartessian silver or Celtiberian wool, one Apennine (whose stunned captain asked is this how Minoans treat their friends?) and one Nuragic (whose angry captain asked is this how Minoans keep the peace?).

2052 BC
    Once spring arrived Asaeus ordered the city's population enslaved. After two years of occupation the people were too impoverished, hungry and victimized to resist. Thousands of slaves - prisoners of war, civilians and even temple priests - were loaded aboard Minoan and Ugaritian ships in harbor along with salvaged battlefield equipment and loot from the city.
    As the armada put to sea the last Acheans to leave put the torch to the harborside buildings. The flames spread unhindered throughout the city. When the conflagration eventually burned itself out naught was left but charred stone, debris and ash.

    In late summer the armada reached Mycenae where about 2,400 Achaeans and 150 Epriots debarked. The populace was aghast that so many did not return, and a parade of enslaved prisoners and wagons of loot did little to mollify their grief. Asaeus hastened to the palace where he learned he was king, Opites having died the year before when a cold worsened to pneumonia. Now the angry citizens were his problem but at least Fylla seemed pleased to see him. He ignored palace rumor of her affairs during his long absence - four years is a long time.
    The ten Ugartian trade galleys departed, their crews clearly dismayed, leading to speculation the sailors received little reward for their efforts.

2051 BC
    The Minoan armada returned in the spring with four extra light trade galleys (msp) from their piracy along with unhappy Herakleopolitan, Apennine and Nuragic sailors as prisoners. Alogys, engrossed in debriefing Fteriku and Arkalokri, carelessly granted all light trade galleys on hand to Council members for mercantile use - including those pirated from Apennine and Nuragic captains.

1 Tunisa does get cold in winter although I don't know about Tunis itself. But when you're out of APs that's it for the year. Winter is as good a reason as any.
2 casualties due to minor wounds will no longer heal while an army is moving. They require at least a month of rest. In this case it was during the winter months.
3 in L38 damaged ships that are in a controlled port of at least settlement-sized are assumed to be repaired over winter.


(Balkans, Aegean Sea littoral & Anatolia)

Achean capital of Mycenae

Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.
Hittite and Minoan temples - both religions qualifying as "organized" - exist on the map but do not have Priesthood positions.

Illyrians Barbarian Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Etruscan alphabet)
Cabar, King of Illyrians
    Cabar successfully attracted more citizens to government service among them an organizational genius who improved efficiency in record filing and the scribes' work flow. A new dormitory was built for the University and hillsides terraced in the homeland. The king left holding court to his advisors and was not seen in public afterward.
    Surplus population - given draft animals, wagons to haul their worldly goods and tools for building - were led by Heir Pavla over the mountains to Croatia. There rafts were built to cross the Sava to Gomalova which they expanded into a full city.

Achaean Greeks Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Linear B glyphs)
Opites, King of Achaeans
    An uneasy truce had been negotiated with Troy so Opites decided his nation would join the coalition against Herakleopolis, to the astonishment and displeasure of a war-weary population. He poured the wealth of his kingdom expanding the army with hundreds of spearmen, swordsmen, archers and engineers but also diluting its experienced units. Five light transports were built in the shipyard of Mycenae.
    In late spring 2055 nearly fifty Minoan galleys anchored in the harbor of Mycenae. Among the passengers was Fylla, daughter of Tavrys (a previous Minoan First of Council). She was wed to heir Asaeus in a hurried ceremony while warriors and supplies began loading aboard the empty Minoan trade galleys serving as transports. Soon Asaeus accompanied by various lieutenants and feudal vassal Deipyrus departed with his troops while Fylla watched sadly from the city wall. [see More Mediterranean Mayhem ]

    In early 2051 the royal males decided to celebrate the 29th birthday of Leonteus - likely next in line to the throne - at a brothel. It proved to be his last when he was stabbed during an argument with a drunken patron. His brothers killed the murderer on the spot, but Leonteus bled out before a healer could arrive.

City-State of Troy Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Luwian hieroglyphics)
Ibrius, King of Troy IV
    An uneasy truce had been negotiated with Mycenae so young Ibrius (son of the late king Antenor) invested in almost everything. Paphlagonia and Isauria were fortified plus rural improvements begun. Merchants were given approval for trade with distant Egypt and Hazor. Surplus population was equipped with draft animals, wagons and tools and dispatched to expand Tyras in Moldavia to a real city. The original inhabitants - Europagan in belief and Thracian in speech - regarded the newcomers suspicously.
    The charasmatic Ibrius "the Charming" then left Troy on a whirlwind diplomatic tour. First to Miletos where he wed the Minoan princess Kiata [see Minoans] and obtained tribute from the port now shared by both nations. Taking his bride with him, the king next tried but failed to improve relations with Isauria whose lord pouted he deserved more of the monarch's time than a few months. However a few months in Paphlagonia were quite sufficient to charm the young daughter of its recently deceased lord to agree to full alliance.
    Kiata was not pleased by Ibrius's seduction of the naive noblewoman even knowing it was how diplomacy was done. Fortunately for marital harmony the couple returned to Troy in mid-2053. Once home they learned of the death of Caletor "the Scarred" who'd loyally served Trojan kings on numerous battlefields; Ibrius allocated a generous pension to his family. The king proclaimed Prince Kterifu, a Minoan who'd married into the Trojan royal family, to be his heir. Ibrius also elevated his layabout younger brother Poludamus to be a Prince of Troy. Poludamus hoped his new title wouldn't require actual work.
    Having dealt with the issue of succession, the energetic young king next collected light galleys from the capital's shipyards and headed north into the Mare Negri taking his Minoan bride with him. The force returned late 2051 with some damage to the ships but apparently having had a successful journey given the enthusiasm of the crews heading for taverns and brothels.
    Meanwhile Prince (now Heir) Kterifu had redistributed garrison troops then spent time with wife (and aunt of Ibrius) Andromanche, siring two daughters. Alas their joy was crushed when their fearless 9 year old son died in a fall from an old palace tower he'd been climbing.

Hitties Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Luwian hieroglyphics)
Sapalulme, King of the Hittites
    Sapalulme invested mostly in attracting citizens of many skills to government jobs. A large number of scribes joined the bureaucracy including some with ideas to increase efficiency. In Hatti ditches were dug to capture winter snow melt from the mountains. Priests of Arinna met indifference when they traveled urging greater faith in the gods. The king then ruled his realm and spent time with wife Khepa-Hadayu. She remained barren for years until priestesses of Aserdus, goddess of fertility, spritually clensed the royal bedchamber. A son was born less than a year later.
    Sapalulme sent Heir Khattasulis (self-named "the Great") on a diplomatic mission to distant Abasigia. He was joined by vassal Urassil of Pontus who spoke their language. Khattasulis was a master diplomat and very handsome and when he offered himself (through Urassil) in marriage the strongest chief became a Hittite vassal so that his daughter could be wife of the Heir and someday a queen.
    Lieutenant Leranata crossed the Euxeinos Pontos to the Crimean settlement of Kamenka. He was an average diplomat facing language differences and religious hostility; with sheer persistance he obtained an oath of fealty from the elders.

Minoans Seafaring Bronzeworking Oligarchy - literate (Linear A glyphs)
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Ugarit
Alogys of House Tavlaris, First of the Council
    The year 2055 began badly for Alogys when his son Tiloz went missing. His body and those of his retainers were found some days later in a refuse heap in an unsavory part of Knossos, having apparently fallen victim to a gang preying on those staggering home from taverns. After an emotional funeral the First resumed work as much needed to be done. He funded efforts to hire more scribes and in Malta the first agricultural improvements were begun. Ten trade galleys were ordered built in the shipyards of Knossos. In the Baelerics the port village of Ses Paisses (shared with the Etruscans) had an encircling wall constructed.
    The First then collected sister-wives Malia and Melisa and along with daughters Kiata and Gomania they traveled to the port settlement of Miletos. Feudal vassal Pseiru hosted Kiata's wedding to the young Trojan king Ibrius "the Charming" [see Troy]. Alogys and family next brought the Kyklades islands fully into the Minoan realm by the First taking the local lord's teen daughter Jezsana as another wife. Malia and Melisa - in their forties - were not pleased by their husband's acquisition even knowing it was how diplomacy was done. The party returned to Crete in mid-2053. Jezsana quickly became pregnant - to no one's surprise - and birthed a girl. Melisa also became pregnant - to everyone's surprise considering her age - and birthed a healthy son.

    Meanwhile the Council, determined to bring the conflict with Herakleopolis to an end, assembled a fleet of nearly fifty galleys: trade vessels serving as troop transports and warships as escorts. It was by far the largest fleet in Mediterranean waters. Under command of Second of the Council Fteriku and lieutenant Arkalokri the armada departed Knossos in early 2055 taking Fylla, daughter of Tavrys (a previous Minoan First of Council, now deceased) with them.
    In late spring the fleet anchored in Mycenae's harbor. Fylla was wed to Achaean heir Asaeus in a hurried ceremony even as warriors and supplies began loading aboard the empty Minoan trade galleys serving as transports. Soon Asaeus accompanied by various lieutenants and feudal vassal Deipyrus departed with his troops while Fylla watched sadly from the city wall. [see More Mediterranean Mayhem ]

    Achaean royal brothers Melanippus and Drakomaxos were on Crete to learn of the Minoan religion. They accompanied local priests hoping to increase the piety of the citizens. Alas, the disinterested populace valued secular pleasures over religious obligations. This is bull muttered Drakomaxos, the less spiritual of the two.
    Meanwhile vassal Karfi of Kythera shuttled settlers from Knossos to the island of Korfu, making multiple trips over five years. Among them were priests, scribes and many varieties of craftsmen to ensure Minoan culture flourished in the new port settlement of Kardaki.



Egyptian capital of Memphis on the Nile

Knowledge of bronzeworking exists throughout the Nile Valley.
Literacy exists throughout the Nile Valley as shown below.

Egyptian Priesthood Civilized Bronzeworking theocracy - literate (hieroglyphic pictographs and hieratic script)
Mabaharek, High Priest of Osiris
    Mabaharek sent word from Yemen back to Egypt commanding that funds be spent on pretty much everything: military quality, attracting civilians to work for the Priesthood and building a new library for the University. He then crossed the Red Sea to Meroe's port of Sawakin where he supervised the upgrade of its simple temple shrine into a temple enclosure. During 2051 news of the events in Tunis reached the construction site. Mabaharek was outraged; enslavement of priests and destruction of a holy site were unforgivable insults to his gods!

    Ptahman, newly annointed High Priest of Ptah, undertook a lengthy journey by sea from Memphis to the Herakleopolitan port of Cap Serrat. He saw to the building and blessing of a temple shrine in Kabilya for those living in its harsh wilderness. During 2053 news of the events in Tunis reached him and he, too, was outraged by such unforgivable actions.
    Mindful of his orders he continued attending to the spiritual needs of the peasants, this time in in equally harsh Algeria. To the poor inhabitants the extremely charismatic priest seemed like Ptah himself, a veneration Ptahmon did nothing to discourage.

    Priesthood evangelists returned to the Punt homeland of Danakil where they converted nearly a third of the population while local shamen who'd previously inflamed mobs against them were distracted by internal rivalry. Other missionary priests preached in the Sabaean capital of Sa'na and convinced 1 in 6 of its citizens to worship the Egyptian gods, although not without incidents of violence.

Middle Kingdom Egypt Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (hieroglyphic pictographs and hieratic script)
Ipu, Queen of the VIII Dynasty, favored of Ptah
    Although Ipu was nearly 70 she continued to rule wisely. Gold was spent on military quality, trying to establish a seminary and enlarging the University library. A large surplus of wheat was stored for the future. Cultivation of Middle Egypt was begun by its settlers and significant progress was made.
    Feudal ally Pentu was assigned a mission and a pair of light trade galleys. He left Heliopolis downriver then headed toward Crete upon reaching the sea. [see More Mediterranean Mayhem ]

    The Queen's younger brother (and Heir) Kanefer oversaw the start of cultivation of Middle Egypt and spent passionate nights with young wife Tiye resulting in twins (girl, boy) followed by another set of twins (two boys) followed by another boy. Tiye was worshipped as the avatar of Isis, goddess of fertility, and barren women asked for her blessing. (A chief's daughter from Ghebel Gharib, she was flustered but honored by the attention.) Kanefer was not to see the project to completion, dying in his sleep at age 62. The Queen named her half-Minoan son Manetho as Heir which left her sisters - pure blooded Egyptian, they pointed out to anyone who'd listen - furious they'd been bypassed.
    In late 2051 the dowager queen Henutwati finally died at the age of 96. Ipu and her sisters reconciled in their shared grief.

    Meanwhile the rather poor diplomat Meru spent yet more years in the Eastern Desert still trying to persuade the nomads (who were pretty tired of him) to a closer relationship with Middle Egypt. He offered Manetho (who suddenly became Heir during the talks) in marriage. A chief's daughter was suddenly eager to marry him and someday be queen; the nomads agreed to pay tribute in copper bars.

Kingdom of Nubia Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Old Nubian pictographs)
Maraga II, King of Nubia
    Maraga lavishly funded experiments in building larger galleys - surprising his advisors since nothing larger than a light galley could go up- or downstream past the cataracts. The king also paid for additional University buildings and works to improvce rural life in Aswan. The army was modestly increased by two hundred each of skirmishers and swordsmen. Trade was authorized with the Land of Punt and the Sabaeans from the newly built Red Sea port of Suanos.
    Next Maraga proclaimed royal female Lenerifi to be a Princess of Nubia. His sisters - both older than Lenerifi and therefore anticipating a title - were furious he bypassed them. The king then ruled his realm and enjoyed his queen Terufiya.

    With the population (other than diehard shamen and a few fanatic followers) now completely secular, charasmatic lieutenants Taraga and Keraja were tasked by the king to begin converting the people to the Egyptian religion. The men began in Kerma preaching a sophisticated religion was needed by a nation to be viewed as civilized rather than backward. It was a practical message that resonated with the capital's citizens who already considered themselves enlightened and cosmopolitan; nearly half were open to learning more.
    During this time the queen inexplicably suffered multiple miscarriages, finally dying in childbirth in 2053 leaving Maraga grief-stricken. Shamen pointed to this as proof enraged spirits were punishing the king for his sacrilege. In late 2051 when Keraja appeared to choke to death at a feast the shamen declared anyone worshipping the so-called "gods" of foreigners would also suffer the spirits' wrath.

City-State of Meroe Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Old Nubian pictographs)
Arakamani, King of Meroe
    Arakamani successfully recruited civilians of an analytical mind for government service. The river port of Soba received its first water and sewer pipes (no more emptying chamber pots into the streets!) and had a paved central market square built, thereby changing the city from filthy hellhole to more habitable than the capital itself. The king then ruled his lands and cavorted with the palace concubines.


(including Horn of Africa)

yes the Land of Punt really existed!

Knowledge of bronzeworking has not yet reached this area except as noted below.
Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.

Land of Punt Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Old Nubian pictographs)
Finja, King of Punt
    Finja invested in military improvements and once again offered recruitment bonuses hoping to attract more scribes for government work. Additional dormitories were constructed for the University. Surplus rural population, given tools and the means to move their possessions, expanded the capital of Adulis. Finja thereafter ruled his kingdom and doted on his children. After several years he was invited to witness the infantry practicing new tactics. Woe to any who would threaten his lands!
    In 2052 his son Alina came of age and was proclaimed his Heir. Several months later tragedy struck when his daughter Asir was among those trampled during a performance by an acting troupe when their "tame" bull elephant suddenly ran amok.
    Egyptian missionaries returned unbidden to Danakil. Finja was a staunch animist who had encouraged shamen to resist foreign influence. While the shamen were currently distracted by internal rivalry nearly a third of the homeland was converted to worship of the Egyptian gods.

Sabaeans Civilized Metalworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Zabar script glyphs)
Shu, King of Sa'na
    Determined to see progress, Shu continued funding military quality, experiments with alloys of copper and recruiting scribes for government work. With Asir cleared of wilderness a program of digging wells, fencing pastures and building barns began. Surplus urban population was provided with tools, wagons and draft animals and sent to colonize distant Hadramuht. Eldest royal male Sabis was proclaimed a Prince of the Realm.
    Turning to mercantile matters the king licensed merchants in Jizan to trade with Nubia, Middle Egypt and Meroe since all had ports on the Red Sea. The king then ruled his lands with assistance from his Heir (and nephew) Ramman. In the years that followed the army developed the concept of seige engineers and local metalworkers finally perfected a strong alloy of copper. Life is good thought Shu.

    Meanwhile lieutenant Haubas headed to the semi-desert of Madina hoping for diplomatic talks. He offered King Shu in marriage which did much to overcome the innate mistrust of the nomads for civilized folk. The daughter of the strongest chieftan was betrothed to Shu and henceforth tribute would be paid. At the celebration that followed Haubas was killed by a drunken subchief, ending events on a sour note.
    Elsewhere missionaries from Egypt preached in Sa'na although not without incidents of violence. At one such young royal male Nikrah was brained when converts and believers in the old faith engaged in a rock-throwing brawl.


(Eastern Mediterranean shore then west to Subartu)

City-State of Ugarit on the Eastern Mediterranean

Literacy exists throughout Greater Levant (cuneiform).
Levant & Naga Pagan temples - both religions qualifying as "organized" - exist on the map but do not have Priesthood positions.

City-State of Hazor Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy
Ibiranu, King of Hazor
    Ibiranu invested in infantry tactics, government hiring and the University. An enormous harvest surplus was dried and stored for future needs. The city of Hazor was doubled in size and its encircling wall rebuilt to accomodate the growth. The king then ruled and enjoyed his wife Pudukhepa. Meanwhile the king's brothers Niqmepa and Yaqarum switched from preaching to Petra's ruling to preaching to all the people. The common folk were so receptive that now a majority of Petrans follow the Levantine faith.
    Lieutenant Sisera - who'd waited for years until the Minoans arrived to collect the elephants he tended - returned to Hazor. He had received a robe from the Minoans with an elephant embroidered in purple which he presented to King Ibiranu. The king bestowed upon Sisera the royal title "Keeper of the Elephants".

City-State of Ugarit Civilized Bronzeworking Oligarchy
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Minoans, mutual defense with Subartu
Ibarinum, First of the Council
    Ibarinum obtained Council agreement for resources to the complete the gilded structure known as the Great Palace of Yaqarum the Mad1 and continue post-earthquake repairs in Ugarit. Experiments in naval architecture were funded and ten trade galleys were built in the municipal shipyards. Another two hundred men were trained as combat engineers.
    The First then ruled while Second of the Council Agaliba stood ready in Palmyra with the army to repel any invasion from the east. Lieutenant Ammurapi returned to Ugarit where he assumed command of the new galleys, leaving port and heading due west.
[see More Mediterranean Mayhem ]

1 noted as Golden Palace on the map due to limited space.

Kingdom of Subartu Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Ugarit
Vahan, King of Subartu
    At Vahan's decree surplus rural population was relocated to Nagar where they doubled the size of the capital. The defenses were rebuilt around the larger city. Rural improvements were made in Edessa. The king's 6 year old nephew (son of Vahan's deceased brother Caregin) was proclaimed Heir when he comes of age. Vahan then ruled his kingdom.
    Word arrived in 2054 from Mosul that lieutenant Harun, serving as military governor, had been killed in a duel with an officer from a garrison unit over the affections of a comely servant girl.


(Mesopotamia & Persian Gulf littoral)

City of Kish on the Euphrates River

Literacy exists throughout Greater Mesopotamia (cuneiform except for Elam which uses Elamite Linear script).

Mesopotamian Priesthood Civilized Bronzeworking theocracy
Shuruppak, High Priest of Innana (Ishtar) at Uruk
    Shuruppak's allocated nearly all the wealth and labor of the Priesthood into expanding or founding temple sites to serve the spiritual needs of the greatest number of believers. The High Priest then attended the court of Nam-mahazi the Golden in Uruk and by midsummer was successful in obtaining financial support for the Priesthood. Celebrating afterward in the temple of Innana he drank heavily, staggered unsteadily toward his quarters, tumbled down the main staircase and broke his neck, thereby ending the feast on a sour note.
    High Priestess Salabikh attended the court of Jushur II of Kish but was unsuccessful in obtaining a tithe from its king. He banished her after her faux pas suggesting Zababa was less important than her goddess Inanna. Despite being in her late 60s she managed to supervise the expansion of the shrine in Ahvaz to a temple enclosure although the effort exhausted her.
    Half the population of the port of Kudashan already worshipped the Mesopotamian gods. Mid-level priests successfully converted most of the remaining Elamo-Dravidian faithful. However missionaries failed to gain followers in Susa and in rural Elam the clerics fled for their lives from a mob of devout peasants inflamed by local priests.

City-State of Kish Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Uruk-Lagash
Jushur II, 2nd King of the VI Dynasty, favored of Zababa
    Jushur II spent gold freely and successfully attracted scribes for government work. A port fortress was built adjacent to Eshnunna across the river from an identical bastion, giving Kish effective control of the central Tigris. Eight hundred men were trained as heavy infantry and Selucia received its first fixed defenses. The king then held court but infrequently as he was in his 60s and in declining health.
    The king's elder son (and Heir) Jushur III traveled to Mari and Babylon acquiring garrison troops. In Babylon he also acquired a nasty cough which worsened until he was coughing blood, dying late in 2054. After the funeral the distraught king proclaimed his grandson Jushur IV to be his Heir despite the teen's reputation as self-centered and arrogant.
    The year 2053 proved horrific when three of Jushur IV's half-sisters perished when a fire swept their wing of the palace.
    In early 2051 age and infirmity apparently caused King Jushur II to fall in the royal bath, cracking his skull. Jushur IV proclaimed himself king even before his grandfather's funeral.

State of Uruk-Lagash Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Kish
Nam-mahazi the Golden, King of Uruk and Lagash, favored of Inanna
    The year 2055 began badly when young royal Lugalzagesi was among those crushed in an accident in the market square. A display of pottery toppled, the crash spooking the team of an empty battle cart nearby, who stampeded into the crowd pulling the cart behind them.
    After the funeral at Uruk's temple of Inanna, Nam-mahazi got to business. He ordered the University expanded with an additional dormitory and lecture hall. Surveys were begun for a royal road linking Uruk and Lagash. However most of the State's wealth however was spent building 30 pentaconters in the major shipyard at Lagash and re-equipping three thousand heavy infantry with armor and spears. The war galleys were added to Prince Utu-Hengal's surviving ships from previous Persian Gulf fighting while the spearmen were already part of Puzur-Ili's army.
    Some years ago Nam-mahazi had decided the Traders of Dilmun had grown over-mighty but his first attempt to crush them using both army and navy ended badly. The king resolved to keep the army home and - after the raw crews were trained for several years - use the enlarged navy to sweep all Trader ships from the seas.

    In March 2053 a Uruk-Lagash fleet of 36 pentaconters and 8 merchant galleys commanded by Prince Utu-Hengal departed its training grounds offshore Kudashan bound for the Trader island of Bahrain. The Prince, heir Puzur-Ili and lieutenant Ilum-Gamil had orders from their king to "search aggressively for the Dilmun fleet and destroy it."
    The Dilmun navy of 3 pentaconters and 16 biremes under command of Tanurah was already patrolling around Bahrain. Again the two fleets mutually scouted each other. Most of the crews were newly recruited but had had several years of training so their seamanship was essentially equal. In terms of leadership Sword of the Council Tanurah was a military genius (think Horatio Nelson) while Utu-Hengal was an average leader. The Mesopotamians effectively outnumbered their enemies 2 to 1 however most Trader galleys were biremes which were individually faster and more powerful than pentaconters.

Dilmun warship on patrol offshore Bahrain

    Sails were lowered and masts stored as the two fleets accelerated toward each other line abreast, the Uruk-Lagash merchant galleys lagging behind due to far fewer oarsmen. As the war galleys met head on their orderly formations were replaced by the chaos of wood splintering and sailors crying out in agony. In that initial melee seven Mesopotamian pentaconters and two merchant galleys (basically ram fodder to distract enemy warshps) were sunk while one Dilmun pentaconter and three biremes disappeared beneath the waves. Both sides had as many ships again suffer varying degrees of damage, usually oars sheared off resulting in crushed bodies strewn among the rowing benches.
    In the following hours small groups of ships hunted each other and desperately manuvered for advantage, their crews increasingly weary. A squadron of Uruk-Lagash pentaconters under heir Puzur-Ili scouted a bireme flying the flag of Tanurah; to eliminate him would be a game-changer. Several slipped past the flanking biremes and rammed the Trader flagship simultaneously, causing it to keel over, the impact flinging its crew overboard like rag dolls - an astonished Sword of the Council among them.
    Confused fighting continued in the gathering dusk with several more broken ships settling into the sea until darkness prompted each side to regroup. It was only upon the return of the biremes tasked to guard the Tanurah's flagship that most of the survivors learned their admiral had perished. So had a thousand fellow sailors; hundreds more were injured but fortunate to have served on ships that did not sink. Just three biremes remained seaworthy - only the proximity of the port allowed the five damaged biremes to reach safety. First of the Council Talal was found dead the next morning in his quarters, the shock of events was apparently too much for his aged heart.
    The forces of Uruk-Lagash had suffered as heavily as their enemies in both crew and watercraft. Just eight pentaconters and two merchant galleys remained operational. Many of the damaged ships - 14 warships and 3 merchants - were shipping water and unlikely to survive the voyage to Lagash for repairs. Despite the demise of so many comrades, as word spread of the sinking of Tanurah's bireme there was a newfound sense of optimism for future engagements.
    The Mesopotamians had mauled the haughty Traders and eliminated their talented admiral. Prince Utu-Hengal saw no reason to remain near Dilmun and risk being attacked by its repaired fleet while so many of his own ships were unfit to fight. Resolving to quit while ahead he ordered the fleet to Lagash, the sound vessels assisting the unseaworthy as best they could.
    It was ironic that having survived the carnage a few weeks after returning Ilum-Gamil was bludgeoned to death along with his retainers by thieves working the Lagash waterfront preying on celebrating sailors.

Traders of Dilmun Seafaring Bronzeworking Oligarchy - literate (cuneiform)
Talal, First of the Council
    At war with the powerful (and predatory) State of Uruk-Lagash, Tilal obtained Council agreement for the construction of another 11 bireme war galleys in the arsenal at Dilmun. Funds were allocated to attract needed scribes to government service and a census was taken of all peoples and possessions for more equitable (and higher) taxes. Captains were forbidden to trade with the Uruk-Lagash enemy. From past investment the army finally improved its infantry tactics.
    The Trader war fleet was put under command of the military genius Tanurah. The First then saw to the day to day running of the nation while Tanurah - "Sword of the Council" - patrolled ready to react to any enemy ships. [see Uruk-Lagash above]

    Chaos reigned for several days in Dilmun until the Council assembled and voted young Tegrin, son of a previous leader, to be the new First. He promptly sent the army to restore order and hang any looters. Abdullah, another young Council member, was chosen as Second.

    ghost move -open for a player



Silk Road marketplace in Gutian capital of Borahshi

Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.

Kingdom of Gutia Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (cuneiform)
Gazsi, King of Gutium
    Gazsi lavishly funded the University and ordered a small surplus of grain be stored. However most of the kingdom's wealth and labor was spent on extensive improvements in rural Persia to boost agriculture or installing water and sewer lines for better sanitation in the Silk Road city of Tepe Sialk. Gazsi settled back to rule and enjoy his wife Roshanak from Zagros.
    Heir Samu headed for Kurdistan with splendid gifts for the chiefs of mountain tribes. In the summer of 2054 came word his father had died peacefully in his sleep and he was now king. Trusting the bureaucracy to keep the nation running he continued negotiations and after endless bargaining persuaded the chiefs to grant Gutian merchants special trade benefits. Meanwhile lieutenant Shapur met with greater success in El'Burz. After years of discussions feudal vassal Kir swore the oath of full alliance.

Kingdom of Ganweriwala Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Indus glyphs)
Vihana the Magnificent, King of Ganweriwala
    Vihana ordered the surviving wilderness in Baluchistan cleared and so resources from throughout the kingdom were devoted to its completion. With homeland now more valuable several stone towers were built at strategic locations. The king then remained vigilant to defend his realm.
    The king's widowed son (and Heir) Lakshmana married Chitarath, daughter of a Baluchistani chieftan. He then ruled and spent time with her, siring a daughter in 2054. Later than same year his young son Tago died of a flux that was common in the capital since it lacked clean water or rudimentary sanitation. Several years later while still in his 30s Lakshmana perished in a similar way along with 10 year old daughter Pameela and a half-dozen palace servants.
    Meanwhile Prince Dhaval and lieutenant Sandip continued preaching to the elite of Bandar and after years all had accepted the faith of Ganweriwala. However the peasants - the vast majority of the population - continued their Elamo-Dravidian rites.



City of Namazgadepe in Turkmen - foreground slopes downward to Oxus River

Knowledge of bronzeworking has not yet reached this area except as noted below.
Literacy (pictographic symbols) exists throughout this area.

City-State of Namazgadepe Civilized Metalworking Centralized Monarchy
Nilichi, King of Namazgadepe
    Nilichi saved the wealth of the city-state for future investment, then held court attended by his middle brother (and Heir) Zenithar. Late in 2055 while the royals were viewing a demonstation of new infantry tactics their younger brother Stendarr insisted on participating. He was too slow in parrying a sword stroke to the chest, dying almost instantly while his sparring opponent looked on with horror.

City-State of Gonur Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy
Pudha, King of Gonur
    Pudha continued to offer recruitment bonuses for government employment and was successful in adding additional scribes to the bureaucracy. Supplies were provided for the University and wells dug in the harsh grasslands of Kophat Dagh. (These were to placate the pastoral nomads who were angry that colonists had claimed the natural waterholes for farm irrigation.) The king remained with nearly six thousand mixed infantry to ensure the region remained calm. In 2052 a messenger brought tragic news: Pudha's teenaged son Kaosha was among the dead from an avalanche while hiking with other young noblemen in the southern mountains.
    Meanwhile Bangha, Pudha's twin brother (and Heir) was left in Gonur to rule. He had no desire to hold court, preferring tournaments, feasting, drinking and the pleasures of wife Forozendah. The last activity produced a girl and two boys.



City of Harappa on the Ravi River (a tributary of the Indus)

Knowledge of bronzeworking exists throughout the Indus Valley civilization.
Literacy (Indus glyphs) exists throughout the Indus Valley civilization.

State of Harappa-Rupar Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy
Abhinabyu, King of Harappa Abhinabyu spent more gold hoping to attract citizens into government service. The city's small seminary graduted its first class of missionaries and a new lecture hall was built on the University's campus. The streets radiating from Harappa's central plaza were paved and shade trees planted while Rupar - lagging far behind on civic improvements - received water and sewer lines. Clearing of wilderness for agriculture was ongoing in Afghanistan, Sind and Kashimr. The king then stood ready to defend his lands.
    Although royal daughter (and Heir) Asha was ordered to rule she spent her time at parties and excursions instead. Fortunately Prince Ritpara again helped with administration. Manjima the "Golden Tongue" diplomat aided by lieutenant Rakesh traveled to the river port of Banawali where they offered the king's daughter Mridu in marriage in exchange for a treaty. The local lord was smitten with her and signed a treaty allocating prime marketplace locations to Harappan merchants.

Traders of Dholavira Seafaring Bronzeworking Oligarchy
Harvan, First of the Council
    The First obtained Council agreement for substantial construction in the newly-expanded capital including additional water and sewage lines, docks and warehouses for the waterfront and paving many of the new streets. Prior attempts to interest citizens in government employment paid off with many scribes joining the bureaucracy. Harvan thereafter attended to the daily decision-making while Second of the Council Bahadar commanded two squadrons of pentaconters patrolling around Kutch.
    By the end of 2051 Bahadar was in clearly in declining health despite only being in his 30s.

City-State of Lothal Seafaring Bronzeworking Monarchy
Cherasan, King of Lothal
    At Cherasan's orders the University campus received several new buildings. Surplus population was rounded up, given wagons, beasts of burden, tools and supplies and sent overland to Nasik where they settled alongside the indigenous (and friendly) Neolithic clans. The port of Surkotada was finally provided public fountains, sewers and other infrastructure to cut down on the spread of disease.
    The king then ruled and having not yet remarried enjoyed bedsport with the servant girls; two of them fell pregnant resulting in sons. Heir David helped administer the nation and likewise enjoyed his Nasiki wife Drusa who produced a girl and a boy.
    Meanwhile master diplomat Goran (another "Golden Tongue") traveled to sparsely-populated Anhivarta with gifts for its Neolithic clan leaders (especially feudal vassal Avam of the largest clan) and offers of marriage to King Cherasan and Prince Ethan. Despite Avam dying in a duel with another clan leader concerning whose daughter would marry who, negotiations continued. The clan leaders sorted out the daughter issue and agreed to join their lands to the city-state. Goran returned with the brides who were wide-eyed with wonder at the sight of Lothal.


(Indian subcontinent south of Vindhya Mountain range, plus Ceylon)

Nagaraja "King of Naga" and Nagaramma "Queen of Naga"

Knowledge of bronzeworking has not yet reached this area.
Naga Pagan temples - the religion qualifying as "organized" - exist on the map but do not have Priesthood positions.

Kingdom of Chera Barbarian Metalworking Monarchy - literate (syllabaric Vatteluttu alphabet)
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Chola
Adu Kottu Pattu, King of Chera
    No sooner had the palace clerks mastered the new art of "writing" than Adu Kottu Pattu ordered a census taken of all inhabitants, animals and property. He also funded experiments with alloys of copper stronger than the metal itself - dockworkers had heard traders from the north discussing tools and swords made of such. The king then held court.
    Prince Selva Kadumko and lieutanant Aricil Kilar traveled north to Belur to discuss closer ties to the kingdom despite being terrible negotiators (especially in another language) and bringing neither gifts nor marriage offers. To their own astonishment they managed to persuade the strongest chieftan to become a feudal vassal. A similar effort in Karnata failed but not badly enough to strain relations.

Kingdom of Chola Civilized Metalworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (syllabaric Tamil script)
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Chera
Vijayaliu, Regent for Urayur, son of late Kakatiya of Chola
    Vijayaliu saved the wealth of the kingdom for such time as Urayur came of age and could decide how to spend it. In autumn of 2053 he was crowned king in the local Naga temple; his mother stepped down as Regent but remained as an advisor. Urayur proved to be a gifted administrator.
    Meanwhile lieutenant Sangum used the army to sweep the capital for Karikala of the previous royal family. Sangum was brutish and his aggressive searching soon alienated the inhabitants who grew surly and uncooperative. Karikala's name began appearing having been scrawled on walls during the night. By late 2051 the tension in the city was unmistakable.



City of Kaushambi on the Ganges River

Knowledge of bronzeworking has not yet reached this area except as noted below.
Literacy has not yet reached this area except as noted below.

City-State of Atranjikhera Civilized Metalworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Elamite Linear script)
Sagara, Queen of Atranjikhera
    Sagara invested in infantry quality and saw a surplus of grain stored for later needs. The river settlement of Kampilya and rural Rajput were both fortified, and two hundred archers were added to the army. Merchants were given approval to trade with distant (and half-mythical) Zhang Zhung said to exist beyond the forbidding northern mountains. With all that set in motion the queen then ruled her lands. In late 2055 the army demonstrated to Sagara the new discipline of seige engineering. In 2053 a pair of light trade galleys of unknown origin passed by headed upriver and passed by downriver a year later, not stopping to parley on either occasion.
    Sagara was relieved when word arrived that the Cholan army mased across the border from the Atranjikheran region of Kakatiya had broken camp and departed south. Relief turned to sorrow when royals Yudhisthira and Maka-Lal - both in their 60s - were among the dead when influenza swept the palace in the summer of 2054.
    Meanwhile Heir Duryodhana spent all his time with his Rajput bride Rani resulting in no less than five sons. Thank the Earth Mother for palace nursery servants!

City-State of Kaushambi Barbarian Bronzeworking Monarchy
Jagadambika, King of Kaushambi
    The year 2055 began badly for Jagadambika when his wife Anjali choked to death during a royal banquet to the anguish of all attending. After her funeral the grieving king got to work. He again funded the scholars working on recording the Elamo-Dravidian language. The king stressed his patience was ended and it was either success or prison. Their concentration suddenly focused, the academics soon demonstrated using Elamite Linear script to "write" words. A courtier pointed out neighboring Atranjikhera had been doing just that for a generation which earned him dark looks from the intellectuals.
    Jagadambika also ordered the army increased by six hundred mixed infantry and the capital's main market square paved. All that underway he held court with his young son Dev at his side learning the art of ruling. In 2054 a pair of light trade galleys of unknown origin passed by headed upriver and passed by downriver two years later, not stopping to parley on either occasion.

    Since his raiding had gone poorly, the king's swordmaster younger brother (and Heir) Jaafar was instead sent on a diplomatic mission to Juanpur. Its elderly lord Aakash was convinced to give up the burden of ruling, dying in his sleep a few months later at age 73.
    Meanwhile diplomat Kabir "Silver Tongue" continued discussions with the lord of Maghada. The athletic noble was swayed to swap the tedium of holding court for a life of fishing, hunting, boating and hiking. Later Kabir was with his retainers celebrating his success and thinking life is good when he suddenly clutched his chest and crumpled over the tavern table, dying almost immediately.



Tibetan capital of Lhasa

Knowledge of bronzeworking has not yet reached this area.
Literacy has not yet reached this area except as noted below.

Kingdom of Zhang Zhung Pastoral-Nomadic Metalworking Monarchy
Cong, King of Zhang Zhung
    Cong provided funds for experiments with alloys of copper, attempted to recruit citizens for government work and provided the University with supplies. He then ruled his windswept realm and enjoyed his Nepali wife Pyuthan, siring four sons and a daughter.
    Meanwhile Jian, eldest son of late king Huan (and Cong's heir) although barely of age set out along the trade road to Alung-Gangri, south through the Lipulekh Pass and east to Sikkim, bringing his sister Mei with him. To the hill tribe leaders he offered himself (handsome enough their daughters would do anything for his attention) and the comely Mei in marriage to establish diplomatic ties. After years of negotiating he wore down the stubborn, suspicious chiefs and they pledged fealty to Zhang Zhung.

Kingdom of Tibet Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (syllabaric Tibetan alphabet)
Choenyi, King of Tibet
    Choenyi invested small amounts in military quality, government hiring and education. Laborers were sent to Gtsang to begin clearing the remaining wilderness. Lhasa received fresh water and sewer pipes to (hopefully) improve the city's sanitation. The lusty king then ruled and continued enjoying the palace servant girls, getting a son and a daughter upon unlucky ones. However as he neared 60 his vitality ebbed and by the end of 2051 he was obviously in declining health.
    Lieutenant Denghe escorted heir Jampa's betrothed Uma from Gtsang back to the palace. Denge then returned to Gtsang but was unable to convince its lord Tenzin II to retire. Meanwhile the Heir helped administer the kingdom and spent nights of pleasure with his bride, quickly siring a son. Alas, no more children followed despite fertility rituals by local shamen.


(Tibeto-Burman migration from north down the Irrawaddy Valley displaced original Mon-Khmer peoples southward)

Beikthano, oldest Irrawaddy Valley city

Knowledge of bronzeworking has not yet reached this area except as noted below.
Literacy has not yet reached this area except as noted below.

City-State of Halin Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Pyu script glyphs)
Kanyaza of the Shakya Dynasty, King of Halin
    At Kanyaza's decree large tracts of lowlands along the Irrawaddy were converted to rice paddies to boost agriculture in the homeland. The clearing of the remaining wilderness in Manipur was marked with harvest celebrations. Overland trade with Kaushambi was approved. Leaving his son (and Heir) Abhirej to rule, Kanyaza and wife Kuwerami traveled to Manipur where she reunited with her noble family who ruled the land. The couple spent much time negotiating the region's merging with Halin; despite Kanyaza's death in the summer of 2053 the effort was successful. Upon receiving word of his father's passing Abhirej took the throne and in turn proclaimed his son Shiyabu the new Heir.
    Lieutenant Pyuirej was yet again sent down the Irrawaddy with two light galleys to explore and returned late 2051 apparently successful given the mood of the crews headed for taverns. Alas, while celebrating with them Pyuirej stumbled out to relieve himself and was beset by thieves. His body was discovered in an alley the following day.

Kingdom of Maingmaw-Binnaka Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (Pyu script glyphs)
Thomanaya, King of Maingmaw (and Binnaka)
    Thomanaya again spent most of the kingdom's income on rural improvements in Ava. The University received supplies. The king then ruled his realm assisted by his son (and Heir) Tholomaya. His noble wife endured a succession of miscarriages and the common folk whispered a curse had befallen the royal family.
    Determined to expand the writ of Maingmaw further north Prince Thominba trekked to Tz'uk'an for discussions with the leaders of Neolithic clans. The locals were deeply suspicious of outsiders and Thominba was a middling diplomat who brought neither gifts nor marriage offers. He made no progress and - accustomed to the steamy heat of the Irrawaddy valley - he was miserable in the icy cold mountains. His escort of light infantry reported fingers and toes blackening and turning necrotic, rendering the afflicted warior helpless.

City-State of Beikthano Barbarian Metalworking Monarchy
Peshak, King of Beikthano
    Continuing past policy, Peshak ordered small investments be made in military quality, government hiring and education. The king then held court and enjoyed his Thatonese wife Mahn, at least until 2054 when both she was bitten by a saw-scaled viper in the palace gardens. So was his sister Wei when she came to Mahn's aid. Shamanist chanting and potions proved ineffective and within a few hours both women were dying.
    Meanwhile Peshak's half-brother (and Heir) Daw moved to Kayah escorted by eight hundred mixed infantry and began diplomacy with the leaders of its Neolithic clans, offering himself and royal daughter Wareru in marriage. In late summer 2054 King Chenru of Funan arrived with several feudal vassals and their combined army of four thousand mixed infantry. Rather than compete (as they had in Lampang) the two leaders jointly intimidated the agahst primitives who declared fealty to both kingdoms.


(Viet migration from China starting to displace original Mon-Khmer peoples southward)

Lam Ap royal palace at Tra Kiew

Knowledge of bronzeworking has not yet reached this area.
Literacy has not yet reached this area except as noted below.

Naga Pagan temples - the religion qualifying as "organized" - exist on the map but do not have Priesthood positions.

Kingdom of Langkasuka Seafaring Metalworking Monarchy - literate (Pallava script glyphs)
Sunisa, Queen of Langkasuka
    Sunisa decreed Lieutenant Benyapa assemble an elephant polo team to compete in the first "Battle of Preikuk" polo tournament. The queen also funded attempts to recruit scribes for government jobs. She then ruled her realm and ignored her "wife" (custom demanded the monarch - always a King until now - marry) Fai in favor of eating hallucinogenic Psilocybin mushrooms. Fai and most of the royal court spent their time tripping as well; it was amazing anything got done.
    In summer 2052 Neang Neak, seductive sister of the King of Funan, paid a state visit to the royal court. She stayed for several months indulging in both sex and  'shrooms with the queen and her courtiers.

Kingdom of Funan Civilized Metalworking Monarchy
Chenru, King of Funan
    Chenru funded another effort by scholars to devise a way to record the Mon-Khmer language and continued rural improvements in the homeland. Overland trade was approved with Beikthano and commerce with Van Lang was switched to seaborne. The king then traveled to Kayah with two daughters (now in their early twenties) of the late king and a significant escort. He was joined en route by several feudal vassals with their own guardsmen. By the time Kayah was reached in late summer 2054 the entourage had increased to four thousand mixed infantry but decreased by one royal lady when Attuzi was among those who died of dysentery en route.
    Daw of Beikthano had been in the region over a year negotiating with the leaders of its Neolithic clans. Chenru began his own diplomacy offering surviving princess Pram in marriage. Rather than compete (as they had in Lampang) the two leaders jointly intimidated the agahst primitives who declared fealty to both kingdoms. Chenru returned home autumn 2051 and introduced his new wife Thulfai - acquired in Kayah - to his first wife Funnah. Thulfai soon became pregnant and Funnah sought solice in her sister-in-law's special mushrooms.

    Meanwhile the king's sister (and Heir) Neang Neak had assembled an elephant polo team and led it across the Mekong to compete in the first "Battle of Preikuk" polo tournament. In autumn she made a state visit to the royal court of Lam Ap at Tra Kiew where her seductive beauty (think goddess Aphrodite but SE Asian) and charm made every male (and some females) fall in lust with her. She flirted most with Heir Ang Bai Bak whose wife Tam Cam, realizing she could pout or participate, joined them in several months of torrid threesomes.
    Neang departed early spring 2054 (leaving the royal couple despondent) by boat bound for Oc Eo and was dreadfully sick during the journey. In Oc Eo she met with its mayor to discuss closer ties to Funan. The man, besotted, agreed to resign and let the port settlement join the kingdom.
    In early 2052 the Heir left by boat for a state visit to the Langkasukan royal court at Pattani and by all accounts enjoyed the trip. To her dismay her usual sultry entrance had little effect since the lives of King Sunisa and most courtiers revolved around Psilocybin indulgence. Only by joining them was she able to enjoy bedsport with the king. With regret she took her leave after several months, arriving at the palace in Vyadhapura summer 2051. She eagerly introduced the Funan royal court to hallucinogenic bliss.

    Lieutenant Prasat took four light trade galleys to sea, returning to Oc Eo late in 2051.
To be held in Preikuk every five years i.e. the middle year of each turn

tournment logo

    With the entry of a team from Langkasuka the rules were changed from Funan vs. Lam Ap to a round robin format. Total wins and losses determined placement at finish.
   1st - Funan
   2nd - Langkasuka
   3rd - Lam Ap
The Lam Ap team was voted most professional having both uniforms and a name: Tusk'n Raiders
The Langkasuka team was voted most congenial for sharing their  'shrooms with players and spectators alike.

Next tournament scheduled 2048.

Kingdom of Lam Ap Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (Pallava script glyphs)
Ang Le Bak, King of Lam Ap
    Ang Le Bak ordered Lieutenant Uy Pham assemble an elephant polo team to compete in the first "Battle of Preikuk polo tournament. Much of the wealth of Lam Ap was saved for later use although some improvements were made in the homeland to boost agriculture. Leaving his brother (and Heir) Ang Bai Bak to rule, the king stood ready to defend his realm.
    In autumn 2055 Neang Neak, seductive sister of the King of Funan, paid a state visit to the royal court. She stayed until spring of the following year disporting with both the Heir and his wife Tam Cam and breaking several beds in so doing. When Neang departed the royal couple were despondent - after that everything else seemed boring.

Kingdom of Van Lang Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (pictographic Chu Nom script)
Bokchio, Regent for Hung Viet, son of late King Hung Vuong
    Bokchio financed attempts to set up a messenger service to move news quickly. A small library was built for the University. Surplus population was equipped with tools, beasts and wagons and sent to expand the settlement of Phung Nguyen into a true city. The Regent then held court and clearly enjoyed deciding the fate of petitioners and supplicants, and receiving the flattery of nobles.
    The year 2054 came and went without Hung Viet, son of the previous king, taking the throne. Indeed no one had seen him or his twin sister Hung Trinh since the previous year. The Regent claimed she knew nothing of their whereabouts and continued to rule the kingdom.

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