Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.
Hittite and Minoan temples - both religions qualifying as "organized"
- have been added to the map.
Barbarian Bronzeworking Monarchy -
literate (Etruscan alphabet)
Cabar, King of Illyrians
The year 2065 began badly when Audata, wife of heir Pavla, died along with several
others when her party was caught in an avalanche of snow during an outing. Fortunately
young Autarieus, her son with Pavla, was saved by several retainers.
After the funeral King Cabar addressed affair of state. He continued efforts to initiate a
messenger service and recruit more scribes to government service. Another scholar was hired for the University. Trade was initiated with the Etruscan port of Locri.
In the homeland small streams were bridged to allow wagons to reach market
faster. Two light galleys were built and outfitted for fishing.
Once again leaving heir Pavla to rule in his absence,
All that set in motion, the king together with
over a thousand archers and skirmishers crossed the mountains eastward returning to the river settlement of Gomalova. This time Cabar offered himself in marriage in exchange for closer
ties; after several years of negotiations the settlement leader gave his younger sister Teuta
as bride and ceded his holding to the Illyrian crown.
Bihac points towards Delphi where Phython is said to dwell
During those same years a charasmatic leader who called himself Bihac began wandering the countryside speaking of the great serpent-dragon Phython. He insisted only those who worship Phython (and his scaled
brethren) would be deemed worthy of an afterlife when judged at death. Bihac claimed to be
the divine herald of the serpent-dragon, sent to bring Truth to the populace and rule in
great Phython's name. After several years he'd gained a core of followers.
Achaean Greeks
Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy -
literate (Linear B glyphs)
Opites, King of Achaeans
Having halted the Trojan invasion (at least for the moment)
Opites spent most of the kingdom's wealth recruiting and training 800 men with spear and
shield and 600 men as archers. Lieutenant Agapenor moved to Mycennae, assumed command and
marched to Thessaly to join the previous battle's survivors led by heir Assaeus. He arrived midsummer along with a group of engineers with new tactics for fort garrisons to withstand a
siege. Everyone dug in expecting another Trojan attack from Macedon. While inspecting the
defenses Agapenor stumbled and fell into a defensive pit full of sharpened stakes.
All remained quiet in Thessaly; the Trojans had other plans. [see Troy]
City-State of Troy
Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy -
literate (Luwian hieroglyphics)
Antenor, King of Troy IV
From his military encampment in Thrace, Antenor sent his orders back to Troy. Extensive
resources were devoted to experimenting with siege engineering, and attempts to recruit
civilians - both savory and unsavory - into government service continued. Surplus harvest
was stored for lean times. Eight hundred men were recruited and trained as various infantry
types while another 400 trained as bowmen.
King Anteor and his nephew (and heir) Eurytion defended Thrace in case of a Greek
counterattack while
Lieutenant Caletor "the Scarred" brought the recruits from Troy to Thrace using the
Hellespont ferries. Leaving Eurytion and Caletor to handle the upcoming campaign, the king returned to Bithnia in August to react to any Hittite action. Meanwhile the heir and Caletor
led the army back westward into Macedon as planned.
In late September both Caletor and Eurytion ordered winter encampments built far enough apart
that foraging parties wouldn't be searching the same territory; depopulated Macedon was
desolate and food was scarce.
The soldiers knew come the spring they'd be invading Serbia for slaves rather than bringing the Greek War to a close. Morale was
especially low amongst the older men who'd been in the field away from their families for
15, 20 or more years. Rumors began spreading the heir planned to invade Illyria after Greece, then Italy after that, or perhaps the Levant.
One night as a group of long-serving veterans sat drinking and venting their anger
a brooding swordsman named Axylus abuptly stood and shouted they'd never go home -
unless they took action. At his comrades' cries of agreement the charasmatic warrior led them toward Caletor's quarters, the group growing in size as it marched through camp.
When the armed mob arrived they beheld Caletor holding Orthryoneus - a former
vassal of Troy whom all thought dead - at swordpoint calling him a traitor. Caletor "the
Scarred" was a grim, emotionless man and rather than talk the mutineers down he cursed them
too as traitors and ordered his guards to kill them. Before the
guards could obey (or not, considering how badly they were outnumbered) Axylus drew his
sword and led his followers forward. Bloody mayhem ensued.
Axylus, swordsman and spontaneous leader of the mutiny
In the confusion a brazier was upended and a badly wounded Caletor used the distraction of
the burning tent to escape into the darkness. By now the camp was in an uproar as scattered
fighting broke out between those loyal and those not. Orthryoneus urged the mutineers to
accompany him and take service with the Acheans, but they would have none of it; they were
going home. Those following Axylus - half the men in Caletor's camp - began the march
toward Thrace and the Hellespont ferries.
The news reached Eurytion several days later. His force was entirely heavy infantry and
unlikely to catch the mutineers; he sent a warning to the ferry point. A week later vassal
Iapyx III of Moldavia arrived with 800 skirmishers.
After wintering the Trojans broke camp. Eurytion headed towards Thrace with nearly 1,500
heavy infantry. He was a military genius and knew attacking the
mutineers - at least a thousand of which were archers - would be foolish. Being blunt and arrogant the idea of negotiating never entered his mind. He resolved to defend
Thrace so Axylus couldn't double back and join the Achaeans after all.
Meanwhile Caletor had healed (gaining another ugly scar)
and still retained a thousand archers and over a thousand
mixed infantry. Together with Iapyx's guardsmen they crossed into Serbia in April 2064
when the snow had
melted from the mountain passes. The Serbians were tough hillmen nearly as numerous as
the invaders and knew their lands intimately. The experienced Trojans were
better trained, equipped and led.
As usual the Trojan archers dropped volleys of arrows upon the hapless Serbians
inflicting hundreds of casualties while the swordsmen and skirmishers advanced. With
hard fighting the Trojans and Moldavians killed or wounded over 1,500 hillmen for the loss of half that many. The natives melted away and waged a war of ambushes, making a final stand at their chieftan's hill fort, which was taken using scaling ladders. The
Trojans and Moldavians dug in awaiting a Greek response but none came.
By late summer of 2063 the Achaeans still hadn't reacted so Caletor gave the order to enslave
the Serbian population. They
resisted but most of the able-bodied had already been killed or taken prisoner. Still it
took until early 2062 before everyone worth putting in chains had been captured. The armies
marched back through depopulated Bulgaria and joined Eurytion in Thrace midsummer 2061.
Word of the mutiny had reached the Hellespont ferries ahead of Axylus's column and the boats
had been anchored on the Bithnian side thus denying the mutineers the ability to cross.
As a result the mutineers ( M on map) were foraging in the
countryside between the
Trojan army and the ferry point thus cutting their supply line. Caletor's men joined Eurytion's already foraging in Thrace.
Woe indeed to be a Thracian civilian!
Meanwhile in midsummer 2062 a pentaconter commanded by Minoan vassal Ploion of Miletos arrived
at Troy carrying Kterifku, 15-year-old son of Alogys, First of the Minoan Council. In the
local temple he married 25-year-old Andromanche, daughter of the previous Trojan king. The
current king Antenor proclaimed Kterifku a Prince of Troy.
Andromanche was soon pregnant and in 2061 went into labor early and birthed a boy who was
small but survived.
Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy -
literate (Luwian hieroglyphics)
Sapalulme, King of the Hittites
Sapalulme shook off his lethargy and funded trials of new infantry tactics. A thousand mixed
infantry were trained along with 200 archers and an equal number of siege engineers. In the
long-neglected homeland ditches and retention basins were dug to channel and hold snow melt
from the southern mountains. Thereafter the king stood ready to defend his lands.
Heir Arnuwandas saw to the administration of the kingdom. He also married a local noblewoman
(the first royal celebration in over a decade) and enjoyed her, siring twin girls in 2065.
Alas, they were followed by a miscarriage and then a sickly, stunted boy in 2063.
Lieutenant Leranata traveled north to Galatia. Over the past 20 years between migrants and
survivors it had regained the population it had before the Trojan conquest and enslavement.
Leranata spoke with the various chiefs about restoring
old ties with the kingdom. After several years of talks the strongest chief agreed to be a
vassal. The lieutenant then crossed into Phyrgia which was still sparsely
inhabited. After due negotiation the inhabitants swore fealty to the Hittites.
ghost move - open for a player
Seafaring Bronzeworking Oligarchy -
literate (Linear A glyphs)
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Ugarit
Alogys, First of the Council
It was now Alogys's turn to guide Council decisions. Gold was spent on military quality and trying to attract more government employees. The campus for training Minoan missionaries
received funds for supplies and hiring support staff. Most of a large harvest surplus was
stored for the future, but some was set aside as aid to Cyprus.
Continuing the effort to diversify agriculture currants were planted in the north of Crete
while groves of date palms added in the warmer south. Pastures were fenced and barns built
to help a small import of Iberian Churra sheep multiply.
Another bireme was built (named The Bull of Malta) at the municipal arsenal in
Knossos and its sea trials went smoothly.
All that underway, the First collected his sons Horoz and Tiloz and along with lieutenant
Arkalokri hired a commercial galley that took them to the coast of Provence. Debarking, they
spent years negotiating with the local chiefs to overcome language differences and mutally
hostile religious beliefts. At one hamlet they crossed paths and shared a meal with the
Etruscan king who was also there for diplomacy. Vassal Ploion of Miletos stopped offshore
briefly late 2065 to show the inhabitants his pentaconter and rich garments
as evidence of Minoan wealth but only a few fishing hamlets were aware of his display.
Eventually the locals pledged fealty to
Crete. Horoz had paid close attention to his father's persuasive skills but Tiloz proved distractable and increasingly preferred flirting with local girls to Arkalokri's attempts to
educate him.
Second of the Council Fteriku patrolled the waters around Crete with a trio of biremes and a squadron of pentaconters. Upon his return home in autumn 2061 he hungered for his wife S'arini (hey, five years at sea without a woman...) and she soon became pregnant.
Meanwhile Ally Tobglak of Phylakopi had departed the Kyklades by pentaconter escorting five
light trade galleys to the Nuragic capital of Albucci, arriving in autumn 2065. While his men
enjoyed shore leave he hosted gatherings with Nuragic merchants and nobles where matters of
trade and cartography were discussed, continuing through 2064. Vassal Ploion of Miletos visited in mid-2064 to help impress the Nuragic elite with evidence of Minoan wealth and indeed they
were appreciative of his
purple-dyed robe knowing such dye cost a fortune. However differences in religion and more
importantly language - the Nuragic tongue being unlike any other encountered by the
Minoans - made any talks challenging.
In late spring 2061 the ships left Albucci (although some sailors remained behind having found
wives and/or better employment) and returned home. Deeply
disappointed that his visit to the Nuragic capital hadn't accomplished all he'd hoped, Tobglak
began drinking heavily.