Lords of the Earth 34
Newsfax for the year 56-60.
December 7, 2001
Turns will be due Wednesday, December 19, 2001.
GM notes:
1) There will be a slightly shorter turnaround time for the players, as we got off schedule a bit, and I am going away for the holidays and would like something to do in my spare time.
3) Those nations that welcomed the Jewish refugees from Mesopotamia and maintain a % of JD population in the capitals, may now take out Jewish loans. The amount allowed is (3 x tech level)% of your TOTAL BASE INCOME. Once tech 4 is achieved, national banks may provide loans up to (5 x tech level)% of TOTAL BASE INCOME. These loans are subject to a usury fee of 30%, due in 4 years (two turns). Those nations whose primates have decreed that usury is not permitted may not get national loans unless they try to legalize usury against the primate's wishes. International banking does not formally exist, and any gp transfers between players are up to the players involved.
4) Espionage ops: Remember that to link two or more ops that will be used on the same action must have an additional op as a special op to coordinate them.
ex. Ass op: Kill King, Int op: CF blame Kingdom of Smurfs would require a third op as an SO.
5) New leaders will not be generated until the following turn. If a spouse dies, the leader will not remarry until the following turn.
6) New players must have a positive balance before a position will be
sent to them. Current players will not get a statsheet if
their account is negative.
7) Statsheets have a "treaty relationship". Any trade partner has been
assigned non-aggression treaty. All others are No Treaty. This relationship
can be increased per the Treaty Rules found on the website. If past actions
have met criteria for a high level treaty, and both nations wish it, I
will assign that treaty level without needing to repeat the criteria (past
royal marriages mainly).
Troop Conversions
Infantry (200 men = 1 point)
Cavalry (200 men and 200 mounts = 1 point)
Siege Engineers (200 men = 1 point)
Warships (1 ship = 1 point)
Transports (1 ship = 1 point)
Field forts (1 fort = 1 point)
Walls (10 feet = 1 point)
Mercenaries available for next turn:
3i, 2xi, 1c, 1s, 1w, 2t (QRs: i5, w5, s4, c5)
Mercenaries hired for this turn:
Empress Ariko
Diplomacy: Toyama (a), Kagoshima (ea)
The Empress was not impressed with Prince Okida's administrative abilities. After many years of travelling, Ariko decided that she would personally have to take a hand in the day to day running of the nation. She worked tirelessly to hold the nation together. And in doing so, the Empire of the Sun had no overt signs of unrest for the first time in more than a decade. During this time, a new city was formed in Nigata called Sakata on the Tsugaru Strait. More significantly, the Empress spent significant sums from the treasury to complete the long standing project to do away with the agrarian based economy. People in the Empire were now free to move from one sector of the job market to another. An experiment to be sure, but one that the Empress hopes will improve the plight of the people. Trade began between the Empire and Beijing.
Okida was sent to the rebellious region of Kagoshima, with orders to do well or suffer the consequences. The Prince worked diligently to return the region to the fold. Basing himself out of the city of Miyazaki, he was able to make considerable gains. Prince Saga (husband of the Empress), with the aid of Daiymo Tomochi, was able to gain an alliance with the leaders in Toyama, as well. It is rumored that his poetic abilities swayed the negotiations (GM note: you be the judge of which way the Toyamans were swayed):
Oak uncovers, light
crying hermits abandon
rapidly, wetly.
The striking, the palm
love leaves, cloth waving
Blacksmith returns to shop.
Rumination howls
frantically, maidens flailing
mottled silent eyes.
But the most significant episode to take place in the Empire was the final journey of Daimyo Hoja, the Explorer. Hoja, a hero from his previous ventures exploring to the South, was given command of a great fleet of the best of the Empire's Navy. He set sail to complete the exploration undertaken off the Marianas. He set sail with great expectations and the blessings of the Empress. But as time passed, no word was heard of the venture. As the years went by, the nation began to mourn the loss of their hero. In year 60, Empress Ariko pronounced the expedition a failure, and presented Daimyo Hoja the Gold Cross of the Empire (posthumously). She also began construction of a memorial to Hoja the Explorer in the region of Kwanto.
Late in year 60, a retched group of wanderer appeared in the capital
city. Word came to the Empress that these people had been part of a great
nation to the far West, but had been utterly destroyed by foreign powers.
They call themselves Jews. In a rare display of compassion, the Empress
allowed the Jews to settle in a small section of the Edo. Before long,
the Jews have established themselves as bankers throughout the Empire.
Grandmother Whispering Tiger, Eldress of the Tiger Clan
Diplomacy: Anshan (nt), Suifenhe (c), Mantap (ne)
Grandfather Golden Eyes was unhappy that the region of Anshan had spurned his decisions regarding the status of the region. So he sent Whispering Tiger to the region to try to discuss the issue. Golden Eyes remained in the capital, overseeing the final conversion of the nation from one dependent on farming and bartering, to one where people were free to move from one role to another. He also began working towards a new societal paradigm, where instead of the clanish family oriented way of things, each local landowner would swear an oath the ruler of the Animal Clans. He knew that this would face some stiff objections, but he felt it was in the nation's best interests. Things proceeded well until year 57, when Golden Eyes was found dead in his bed.
This would be the first true test of his previous edict on the succession of the clans. For his heir was his sister. Never before had a woman commanded the Clans. Whispering Tiger left the region of Anshan and returned home, having successfully brought the Anshans back into the fold. She immediately took the throne and announced her marriage to a man of her own Tiger tribe, keeping the Tigers in control of the Clans. This move was met with general approval, as it would keep the changes to a minimal. The rest of the nation was calmed. Even more so when Grandmother Whispering Tiger gave birth to a son in year 58. A remarkable feat at the age of 49. She doubts that she will have more children. As is the tradition, she made Gentle Rain Tiger heir to the throne, and Two-Swords Tiger a position in court.
But the changes were too much for some of the more Northern regions,
where the Clans were attempting to make some headway. For New Moon Snake
was completely unable to convince the people of Mantap to come into the
nation. And Gentle Rain Tiger was only able to get the Suifenhe people
to accept the Clans' claim over the nation.
THE JADE DRAGON - Oceanic Pagan
Emperor Shen Tso
Diplomacy: Kweichou (ne), Chiannan (a), Chekiang (f), Hwai (ne)
There is little doubt that there was no city greater than Tzu Lang in the entire world, but it is still in doubt whether Beijing to the North is not of equal size. The Jade capital again grew to bursting with people. Tzu Chi also grew in size. Emperor Shen Tso governed his Kingdom, and spent time with the Empress. In doing so, he personally added three fine sons in years 56, 57 and 59 to the Tzu Lang population.
There was a plethora of diplomatic activity in the nation, although most attempts ran into difficulty. Li Xan spent time in Kweichou, but could not entice the region to change its status with the Jade Dragon. Later, he travelled to Chiannan, and spent some time with the Chiannan feudal ally. Unfortunately, the Warlord was called away to travel with his small army, and the negotiations were interrupted. Still, he agreed to have his region become a full ally of the Dragon, under his cousins leadership (as he retired). Li Tian remained in Hwai, where he had fought to pacify the region so many years ago. But now he made an attempt to bring the region closer to the occupying nation. He was unsuccessful. In fact, the one shining diplomatic moment came on the end of a tragedy. The always faithful, Chekiang Warlord took ill. On his deathbed, he transferred all control of the region to the Emperor, and Chekiang became fully part of the Jade Dragon.
Shen Tso also focussed on the spiritual side of the nation. He sent
his pagan priests throughout the land, attempting to whip up religious
ferver amongst the masses. But surprisingly there was a harsh backlash,
and the priests reported that there was even fewer devoutees than before.
Regardless of this, major efforts were made in both Kiansu and Anhui to
convert the Asiatic Pagans to the Oceanic ways. The efforts in Kiangsu
were for naught, and Shen Kwan died after catching a fever in a remote
part of the region. In Anhui, Shen Tuan had greater success.
THE JINN DYNASTY - Asiatic Pagan
Emperor Wang Xu-Jinn, Fourth Emperor of the Jinn Dynasty, Guardian of the Forbidden City and Keeper of the Coral Throne
Diplomacy: Shan'si (ne), Huang (ne), Bao Ding (drops to c)
Emperor Wang ruled over the nation. He watched as Beijing became the largest city in the world (rivaled only by Tzu Lang to the South). He also saw the founding of a new city on the Huang Hai in region of Tsianan which he named Luoyang. These years were plagued with sorrow, however. In years 56 and 58, his wife, Jinn Ling, lost pregnancies. Then in year 60, she became pregnant again. She became sick early on. After enduring weeks of agony, she died in bed from bleeding. The Emperor and the nation mourned her loss.
While the new city afforded a shorter route for the Empire of the Sun
merchants to reach the Kingdom, that may be the one bright light in an
otherwise lackluster period in the Empire's history. For diplomatically,
things did not go well. Szu Shen-Do wnet to Bao Ding, but his skills as
an orator were not very good. Somehow, he must have offended the locals
with his short stay, as they decided to forego their previous relationship
with the nation, although they still recognized the Jinn claim over the
region. Shen Yuan split his time between Shan'si and Huang, making no headway
in either location.
King Sui-Juen, the Beloved
Diplomacy: Lingsi (f), Dai Viet (t), Fujian (t)
King Yiu spent a good deal of time overseeing his nation. The Queen had a miscarriage in year 56. The King was devastated the following year when, again pregnant, she took ill and died delivering a healthy son. The King's own health soon worsened, and he passed away within a month of the Queen. Sui-Juen, who was well thought of at court, and loved by the people, took the throne without difficulty. He took over running the country. He and his wife, now Queen, suffered through two miscarriages in years 58 and 59.
Prior to his death, King Yiu had decided to make a serious effort to
make diplomatic gains in Lingsi. He had sent Lord Man to the region with
his eldest daughter. She was to be married off while Man used the wedding
to his advantage to woo the leadership. He was successful beyond his wildest
dreams, as Lingsi fully entered the Sublime Kingdom. Prince Wai and Lord
Leung gained tribute from Dai Viet and Fujian, respectively.
Mercenaries available for next turn :
4i, 1c, 1s, 2w, 2t (QRs: i5, w5, s4, c4)
Mercenaries hired for this turn :
King Siduna, God-King of Chola, Lord of the Golden Mask and the Emerald Throne
Diplomacy: Vengi (revolts)
King Siduna continued to rule over his Kingdom. Yet the uprisings in the Golden Lotus was not yet complete. Again protests came from several regions that did not have the same attachment to the sea that was seen in Vishnayagara. This time it was Vengi that threw off the yoke of the Golden Lotus. But after that, things certainly quieted down. Siduna realized that he would have to bring future regions into the fold in conjuction with providing them some benefit of the seafaring nature of the Kingdom, perhaps a port area or port city would sway them. On a positive note, the peasants of Seylan returned to their villages after the Golden Lotus raids.
The King had Prince Saj help administer the nation, but quickly realized
that it was a mistake. Saj was completely underfoot. But at least his mistakes
were easily countered. There was much sorrow in the palace as the King's
wife had miscarriages in years 56 and 58, while the Prince's wife had two
in years 57 and 58. But joy returned with the birth of a son to the King
in year 59 and a daughter in year 60. Otherwise, things were peaceful in
the Kingdom.
King Marfuss Alhamehli
Diplomacy: none
Peace reigned in King Marfuss's domain. The treasury swelled. But unemployment
became rampant. Without jobs, the economy began a rapid decline. By year
60, the Kingdom was in a recession! The people demanded the crown take
King Rana, Rightful King of the Conclave of the Ganges
Diplomacy: Jihjoti (drop to c), Gujerat (f), Vatsa (f)
The King left Prince Saj, the heir, to rule over the nation, as he focussed on other matters. Several urban projects were completed, including the building of a fortress within the city of Calcutta with the increased safety causing a doubling of the size of that city. The capital of Kaunaj also saw a population boom. The port city of Delhi was built in Uttar Pradesh on the Upper Ganges, as well.
Meanwhile, the heir, in command of the national army, ruled over the land. His wife had a son in year 56, but then tragically passed away while giving birth to a daughter in year 58. The heir remarried a local noblewoman for reasons of state, and had another daughter in year 59.
In other news, Lord Tinuri travelled to Jihjoti, but was such a poor
negotiator, that rather than improve relations with the region, he caused
great damage. Lord Guta had better luck in Vatsa, bringing the region fully
into the nation. Similarly, Prince Apu was able to do the same with Gujerat,
despite developing pneumonia and passing away in year 57. Prince Fari took
over his responibilities.
THE GAUR NATION - Oceanic Pagan
King Sajvala II
Diplomacy: Palas (ne), Nadavaria (ne), Samatata (ne), Arakan (ne), Gtsang (hs), Manipur (aw)
Unlike his predecessor, Queen Matrika, King Sajvala II had little patience for details. He wanted... no demanded quick results. Leaving the national army behind, he made his way South to Palas, where he arranged for a marriage to the local leaders daughter. He then spent a brief time talking with his new father-in-law before going to Nadavaria. Here, again, he spent a brief visit. In both instances, his abrupt manner and apparent indifference to the intricacies of negotiation made the efforts fruitless. Upon returning home, he ruled over the nation. His new wife gave him a daughter in year 58, but had miscarriages in both of the following two years.
The King's wife was saddened by the news of the death of her father (Gaur's feudal ally in Palas) late in the year 56. He was replaced by his younger brother. The King also began construction of a postal road from Assam to Burma over the mountains. He also ordered Merdic, the capital, to be expanded, such that it now borders the Lower Ganges and is a port.
The King sent Lord Advaita Acarya to Samatata and Arakan. But despite
spending a good amount of time in the former, their streak of independence
kept them and the people of Arakan from committing to the nation. Most
concerning was the whirlwind diplomatic tour of Santosh Chandra. He began
by going to Gtsang, where his brief stay so angered the locals, that they
rose up against him. He barely escaped with his life, receiveing a dire
wound to his leg. But things went from bad to worse when he arrived in
Manipur. Again, he rushed through negotiations, and in the end, the region
declared war on the Gaur nation. The Manipuri people promptly separated
Santosh's head from his body, merely to keep from having to listen to him.
King Luito II
Diplomacy: Utara (nt), Luzon (t, then revolts)
King Toru Moru spent time with his wife. Unfortunately, she became ill in year 56 during the delivery of a baby girl, and died within days. The King remarried, and while his new wife had a miscarriage in year 57, she had a healthy son in year 59. The following year, she died in childbirth, although the daughter survived. During this time, there was a distict urban population boom, with both Sunda and Melaka expanding. The King also named Luito II as heir to the throne.
Captain Plutarch remained in Utara, making some headway in the region. Meanwhile, the ally from Timor passed 5 long years in Luzon, trying to keep get them to agree to send tribute to Java. While initially successful, the Luzon people felt that Java was too concerned with issues related to the sea to worry about their problems.
In year 60, there was great concern throughout the nation when King
Toru Moru died. Luito II took power without problem.
Mercenaries available for next turn:
1xei, 19i, 6xi, 10c, 12xc, 1hw, 2w, 2t (QRs: i4,w4,s4,c4)
Mercenaries hired for this turn:
King Nahen, King of the Scythians
Diplomacy: Und (nt, then revolts), Punjab (t), Bauluch (ea), Bandar (nt), Mand (ne)
For decades, the Kingdom has languished under insufficient resources to reach its furthest borders. Consequently, it has struggled to maintain control over large stretches of land. But under King Nahen, a road project has been underway. Now for the first time, travel to Sind from the capital can be accomplished in half the time. As one left the city along the road, there remained the blanched skull of the traitor, Garallen. Further expansion of the road to Sukkur is now ongoing. The Queen gave birth to sons in years 56 and 58, but had a miscarriage the following year.
Nahen sent diplomats far and wide. Prince Amiran was made stops in Bauluch, Und and Punjab. He made headway in all three locations. Lord Farinallan went to Bandar and Mand and while he was able to gain some control over Bandar, Mand was not interested in further committing to Indus.
The King spent countless hours governing the nation from Indus. But
even with the road, he knew his limitations. There was still trouble brewing
along the far West coast, although things remained calm. In the North,
however, Und did not have confidence that the road system would ever reach
them. They abandoned the nation in year 60. Nahen would need to have more
help. In an effort to shore up his administration, he elevated his son
to heir upon his 15th birthday in year 60.
King Orion
Diplomacy: Kophat Dagh (fa), Kashmir (ne), Kuldja (fa), Kush (fa)
King Orion realized that the wealth of the nation was not being used adequately to aid in the expansion of the Kingdom. In order to increase commerce between the capital of Samarhkand and the university city of Aktau, a royal road was built. Given the strong beauracratic presence in the capital, Orion did not even need to oversee the running of the nation.
He did sent Prince Zoltan to the desert of Kophat Dagh. He spent a number
of years (and a good amount of gold from the treasury) before his death
in year 58. But his efforts were not in vain. The desert people swore fealty
to King Orion. Similar results were obtained in the East where Prince Garth
travelled to Kuldja and where Lord Quon went to Kush. Lord Riff was unsuccessful
in making any gains in Kashmir.
King Ardavan
Diplomacy: Ahvaz (ea), Media (ea)
King Ardavan sent emissaries into the regions of Ahvaz and Media. Though both were of Oceanic Pagan faith, the Persian government was not so zealous that it did not recognize the economic benefits that could be gained from these regions. So Prince Zand in Media and Lord Kaspon in Ahvaz wooed the locals. At the same time, Prince Farzeen lived among the people of Media, and oft talked of the Asiatic ways. He was able to gain a number of converts in the region.
At home, King Ardavan continued work on a postal road from the capital
to Media, spending large amounts of resources to grade a trail through
the mountain passes. But a very disturbing series of events took place
at the palace. Queen Tofia had become pregnant in year 56. As was the Persian
custom, a woman was assigned to attend her needs during the pregnancy.
During the course of her confinement, the Queen was often ill, and approximately
half way to term, she abruptly began having seizures and died. The King
waited the appropriate mourning period, then remarried. Again his new wife
became pregnant in year 57. The same woman was assigned to attend to her.
And again the young Queen began having seizures and passed away. The King's
own surgeon questioned the woman, and found that she had been administering
the Queen (both Queens, in fact) a draught made from scrapings of sheep's
hide. This was known to the surgeon as a poison. Despite the attendants
insistence that it was a proven herbal concoction, she was drawn and quartered,
then left to rot in the sun, wrapped in sheep's wool.
King Alexander II
Diplomacy: Torki (drop to t), Levedia (nt), Cuman (ne)
For five years the Monarchy did not push out to the steppes to go raiding. In fact those areas that had been previously depopulated due to the actions of Patzinak, had slowly recovered. While this time of peace eased the minds of those residing in the surrounding regions, it angered King Alexander II's allies. While the ally from the cultivated region of Taman would often grumble, he would not rise up against his sworn liege. But the ally from Torki was a steppe nomad at heart. He would rant to any who listened of how the Monarchy had once been feared by all. Now it was laughed. It did not help that he was a charismatic speaker, who could easily stir up his war tribe to a frenzy. But the most significant problem was that King Alexander II had never rebuilt his maurauding army of horsemen back to its original levels. And the Torki army, while pledged to the King, outnumbered the defenses the King had arrayed in the homeland. And they would follow their local leader. The Torki ally began his march on Patzinak!
When he heard of the Torki treachery, the King sent word for the Taman army to come to the aid of the Monarchy. But they would not arrive in time to intercept the traitors. Upon reaching the homeland, the Torki leader did not attack the fortifications of the homeland. Rather he began visiting them with his raiders trailing behind him. He spoke to each commander of the fortifications, trying to sway them to his position. But Alexander II was not to be outdone. With his Generals, Julius and Brutus, he quickly travelled through the region as well, shoring up support for the loyalist cause. For a time, it seemed that Torki would be able to take control without a fight as he was well liked throughout the Kingdom. But with his aides' help, the King held on. It was a stroke of luck that ended the rebellion. For when the Torki army stopped for the night at the home of a sympathetic minor nobleman's house, he was siezed by the man's nephew, an Patzinak loyalist. The young man was honored by Alexander II, himself, and the Monarchy returned to some degree of normalcy.
As for Torki, the region's close ties to the Monarchy suffered somewhat. The rebellious ally was hanged, and his troops dispersed. The army of Taman remained in the homeland to guard against further attack.
Once the issue was settled, the King returned to running the nation. He married a woman from Druidic woman from Levidia. She gave birth to a son in year 57, but died from complications related to the delivery. Following on the heels of the royal wedding, General Julius arrived in the region and began an intensive diplomatic campaign in the region. But he quickly saw that the Levidian nomads were preparing for war. This distracted the settled population from fully concentrating on the talks. Additionally, despite the tolerance shown by the King, the Druidic people were hated by the traditional pagans in the Monarchy, and these led to only nominal status gained by Julius. On a more reasuring note, the commitment to Patzinak caused the nomads to move on, and no horde came forward.
General Brutus went to the European Pagan region of Cuman, where he
was unable to make any gains with the locals.
King Asher
Diplomacy: Cilicia (aw)
King Mathison continued to rule from Kadesh. He finally was able to complete the work on expanding the city. A sister port city was founded in Cyprus from a village called Madaktu. King Mathison made a major announcement. He named his young son, Asher, as heir to the throne. This sent shock waves through the nation, as Prince Matrik had previously been designated as the Crown Prince. There was an immediate response. Matrik declared the King mad, and made a bit (albeit a short one) for the throne. He was immediately arrested and put in chains. The Queen had a daughter in year 56, and after another miscarriage in year 57, had a daughter in 58 and a son in 59. But 59 was a sad year for the the Kingdom of Carchemish. For while overseeing the final touches to the expansion of Kadesh, the King fell from a newly constructed dock, striking his head on the rocks below. He died instantly. King Mathison who had ruled since the age of 15, was dead at 44. His newly named heir, Asher, was only 14. But with Matrik locked away, there were no other claimants for the throne, and the Queen acted as regent until King Asher ascended to the Kingship. She then took her daughters and retired to the country. Like his father, Asher became King as a young man.
Meanwhile, General Goliath had been sent to the region of Cilicia to
negotiate with the Amen-Ra followers. But his death in year 56 did not
allow him time to overcome the Amen-Ra hatred over all African Pagans.
The region declared war on the Kingdom.
King Agis
Diplomacy: none
King Agis' wife was expecting in year 56. Unfortunately, she took ill several months into the pregnancy and passed away. The King remarried and the new Queen gave birth to twin daughters in year 57. This was followed by a miscarriage in year 58 and a son the following year. The King ruled over the nation, and established trade with the Kingdom of Northern Punt. He then forwarded gold from Delphi to the rightful King of Punt.
But financial transactions were not the only support given to the Northern Punt Kingdom during their civil war. A great host set forth from Atlantis with most of the Rhodian navy, and a number of mercenary cavalry and infantry. This force set itself up in the temporary homeland of Northern Punt, freeing the Punt army to fight in the South. Once the Punt homeland was reestablished in Zeila, it was impossible for them to maintain the trade route to Atlantis.
The Seer assigned to the King's court was sent to Crete to convert the
local European and African Pagans in the region to OD. He was enjoying
moderate success until his death in year 59.
Mercenaries available for next turn:
2i, 2c, 2xc, 2w, 2t (QRs: i5, w4, s4, c4)
Mercenaries hired for this turn:
THE KINGDOM OF TROY - Oracle of Delphi
King Theseus
Diplomacy: Pontus (ne)
Theseus was concerned. For at age 37, he had no children to whom to pass on the crown of Troy. He named the 11 year old son of the dead King Hector as heir to the throne. Meanwhile, the King was married and over the next several years, his new wife gave birth to three daughters and a son.
The King watched the capital of Troy grow, as well as the Holy City of Delphi. On a sadder note, Lord Anticles, who had served the nation for many years, died in year 56 at the age of 62. Anticles had been attempting to improve relations with Pontus at the time of his death, without success. Upon a stone erected in his honour was inscribed the following:
Troy mourns the passing of Anticles of Lydia who served three Kings faithfully.
Reports began arriving from the distant conduit city of Baeler that
not only were outside nations showing some interest in the city, but crime
was rampant. In fact, a major political figure from the North was seized
by unknown persons, and later found dead in the Western outpost of the
Trojan Kingdom.
THE KINGDOM OF GREECE - Oracle of Delphi
Queen Delphinia Zecharias
Diplomacy: Bulgaria (ne)
Bulgaria was proving to be a difficult nut to crack for Greece. The region, at one time friendly to the nation, had renounced its ties to the nation. Queen Delphinia told her trusted aide, Zander, to go to the people of Bulgaria and talk to them. Softly she mentioned for him not to come back without some sort of agreement. Little did she know her words would be prophetic. For despite laboring for a number of years, Zander had little to show for his efforts. In year 59, while wintering in the region, he developed pneumonia and died.
That same year, the nation grieved for the loss of Prince Sampson who
died at age 59 from consumption. During this time, Queen Delphinia ruled
the nation. Her crowning accomplishment was the founding of a new port
city in Macedonia, called Xanthi. The port was on the Aegean Sea. While
taking a break from commanding the national army, Prince Robert, heir to
the throne spent some time at home. His wife did not, however, conceive.
Things were otherwise quiet in the nation.
THE ORACLES OF DELPHI - Oracle of Delphi
Oracle Stella Nifara of Delphi
Diplomacy: Constantinople (ne), Isauria (ch), Lashikopolis (ne), Morea (ch), Bulgaria (ne)
Oracle Stella Nifara quickly realized that she was not quite the same caliber of those that preceeded her. Nor did she have the support that her foremothers had. But still she knew she must press on. The Civil War in Punt was concerning, but she took solace that none of the faithful were taking active roles on either side. When word eventually arrived of the end to that conflict, she offered up thanks to the Gods. She sent some gold to the Kingdom of Rhodes, hoping to pay for this expenditure by receiving tithes from both Punt and Lorraine. The former nation began sending the funds, while the latter resisted.
Seer Helena Jafor was sent on a church building mission. She went to
Constantinople, Bulgaria and Isauria. But it was only in the latter was
she able to establish a place of worship. Seer Jessica Fadon initially
went to Morea where she established a church, then travelled to Lashikopolis,
where she intended to do the same. Unfortunately, upon arriving she realized
that the entire city followed the evil religion of Amen-Ra. Her efforts
were wasted, as no followers of OD lived in the City. Seer Justine of Rhodes
arrived in Egypt, where priests from Delphi had already tried unsuccessfully
to convert the Amen-Ra followers to OD. But her efforts were more successful,
and she did gain a small minority of Delphi faithful. Such actions put
her in good stead as the likely successor of Stella Nifara, despite her
King Nicholas II
Diplomacy: Rhzev (f), Novgorod (ne)
There was great joy in the Kingdom as King Nicholas II's wife gave birth to twins in year 56. This was followed by a daughter the following year. In a somewhat surprising move, Nicholas II named King Petro's son, Ivanov, as heir the throne, rather than his own son.
Lord Boris spent many years bringing Rhzev into the Kingdom. Lord Jorge was sent to Novgorod, but he was unable to make any diplomatic headway.
The King was greatly angered when he learned that a large shipment of
gold destined for the Druids in Himmelskstad was waylaid. The entire amount
was taken by thieves. The Church denied any knowledge of any gold exchange.
King Nikoli, Bearsticker
Diplomacy: Estonia (a)
Lorien was abuzz with the news. King Nikoli was to personally lead the UTFK army to the South to fight the Catholics. Troops were gathered and weapons sharpened. When all was said and done, King Nikoli set off with Prince Dalemir and 4500 infantry, under 1000 cavalry and almost 1500 siege specialists. With them was the formidable Lord Blade of Latvia, leading the Latvian force of over 1500 infantry and 500 cavalry. They travelled through the lands of Bavaria and Milan, guided by locals until they came to Tuscany in August of year 57. Here they waited for many months for the Wild Clans of Cuman. Finally in April of year 58 they arrived, and the march on Rome began (SEE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH).
At home, Prince Duran oversaw the government. A politically expedient marriage was arranged with a comely girl from Estonia. The heir and his new wife were blessed with a daughter in year 57 and a son in year 58, before a miscarriage the following year. The heir's wife happened to be the cousin of the Estonian ruler. After extensive talks conducted by Lord Baldic, including a visit by the heir, himself, the Estonians agreed to an alliance with the Kingdom.
With much of the national army in the South, the defense of the Holy City of Himmelskstad was left to Kirk of Daugava, the feudal vassal of Nikoli. Bromir, Marshall of the West March guarded the homeland.
After the victory against the Catholics in the South, King Nikoli returned
home. He had lost about 3/4 of his cavalry in the city fighting, but bolstered
by the tremendous size of the horde, the UTFK forces had a hard time finding
any Catholics to kill. Upon reaching the capital, Nikoli learned of the
death of Gimli, his trusted advisor who had unrequited love for the Druid
Jora. It was fitting that neither would survive the fighting in the South.
For Gimli had gone ahead of the King to make certain arrangements. It was
rumored that he died while traveling through Milan, never having reached
his final destination.
OF THE OLDE GODS - Druids of the Olde Gods
Lilith, Gothrithar of the Druids, beloved of the Gods
Diplomacy: Lorien (ab), Denmark (ab), Strathclyde (ch), Northumbria (ch), Anglia (ch), Poland (ne)
The dreams continue.
Every night, Lilith is racked with a similar dream – she is looking out over a great country, but it is divided by strife – evil men murder and steal, brother fights brother, and the dark cloud that covers them all is spreading. Above it all, the one-eyed god looks on and bows his head in sorrow – His ravens scour the land and return to show him even more rumours of the growing evil.
He turns and looks to Lilith, “You do not do enough!”
One morning, the morning of the Yuletide, she awakes to a knocking at her windowsill. Upon the sill sits a great raven. It drops from its claws a small animal, sick from the winter cold, before it gives a croak and flys into the winter morning.
“Ahh. Thank you my kindred being. You have shown me the way.”
The most loyal and devout of the Druids are assembled in the holy center of Himmelskstad. Each one of this devout group is given new robes and a staff taken from the Holy Oaks planted in the center of the city. These robes, unlike the normal robes of the druids, have been dyed black – and have the feathers of ravens sown to their shoulders.
“You are now like the holy ravens of the One-Eyed God. His ravens bring news to him of the happenings in the lands. You will now be my eyes and ears. I give you the great task to search out any evil that may threaten the faith of the people, anything that will bring the people away from the Code. You speak with my authority, and may request any action, any goods in the service of the Olde Gods.”
Each of these Druids is tattooed with the symbol of the Raven, and sent out to the Lands of the Druids.
And thus the secretive intellegence apparatus of the church was born. While the Ravens are never spoken of in public, nor are they ever discussed "officially", word of their exploits and deeds are told in taverns and throughout the dark corridors of power in the Druidic nations. Lilith is often seen in private discussion with numerous "Black Druids." What manner of discourse is unclear, yet they oft visit the primate and certainly have her ear.
But Lilith's attention was otherwise drawn in other directions. The first was to the South, where after many years of imprisonment, Jora was freed from the prison in Munich. As the seasons change, so do alliances. Jora was instructed to go South with the Bavarians and lead the Milanese and Bavarian forces against the Lombards in their Civil War. This she did, but became one of the many casualties of that conflict (SEE DUCHY OF LOMBARDY).
Another area that she focused on was in extending the Church's presence throughout the North. Minor druidic priests were sent to Lorien to establish an abbey. While successful in the port city, they were unable to build the planned church in Poland. The Druid, Katla was extremely successful, building an abbey in Denmark, and churches throughout the Western Isles. The importance of the latter can not be underestimated, as without a physical presence, it would have just been a matter of time before heretical ideas began emerging. Now with DOG priest amongst the people, the risk of such things is greatly reduced.
The final task that occupied Lilith was the mystical staff that Aelfgifu
of Durham had brought back from her quest. The question remained whether
it was an authentic artifact from the World Tree or not. Both Lilith and
Aelfgifu spent many years researching the item. A ruling on the Staff of
Aelfgifu by Lilith is expected in the near future.
Mercenaries available for this turn:
1xei, 3hi, 2i, 13xi, 1c, 1s, 1w, 2t (QRs: i5, w4, s4, c5)
Mercenaries hired for next turn:
King Haakan of Giantstock
Diplomacy: Norway (t), Saarema (t), Uppsala (revolted)
Queen Runa was rarely seen around the palace, leaving the day to day running of the nation to the heir, Prince Haakan. In a major effort to court the Norwegians, an arranged marriage between Haakan and a Norwegian noblewoman was arranged. While Haakan governed, his young wife gave birth to a daughter in year 56. Haakan showed his ability to command by not only overseeing the continued expansion of the capital, Ivarhold, but in building a port city, Stavanger, in Agder on the Viking Bank. This shortened the trade distance for a number of the Western trade routes, generating more income for the Svear treasury. Haakan took advantage of this by opening more routes to the South.
Riding the crest of the royal marriage, both Prince Ymir and Lord Gnur travelled to Norway and were able to secure tribute from the region. A similar arrangement was made in Saarema by Lord Torkell Dark Eye.
But in year 60, the nation mourned as the Queen was found dead at the
age of 67. There was some mystery to her death, for it is rumored that
her body was found in a local inn with the Queen dressed as a commoner.
The palace dismissed such gossip as nonsence, but did allow that the Queen
had not been acting normally for a number of years. Perhaps explaining
Haakan's hand on the reigns for the past five years. Regardless, she was
buried with much fanfare, and Haakan took control of the Kingdom. Shortly
after his rise to the throne, Uppsala which had long been a vital component
of the nation declared that the Svear nation had become so obsessed with
its trade and ocean going interests that it was neglecting the staunch
people that did not earn their bread on the seas. Uppsala declared its
THE KINGDOM OF FRANCE - Druids of the Olde Gods
King Chlodocech
Diplomacy: none
Chlodocech ruled the Kingdom. This period of time was one of great urbanization. The cities of Dijon, Paris and Gent all had population surges, as peasants moved from the countryside to the French urban centers. Representatives from the Holy City of Himmelskstad sent word that the nations of the Druids were marching on the Catholics to the South. Smelling blood in the water, King Chlodocech gave his General, Lotharin, orders to march into Provence to secure access to the Med for France.
Lotharin set out with almost 2000 cavalry and over 2500 infantry, many heavily armored to invade The Duchy of Lombardy. In May of year 56, the French forces began their attack. The militia of Provence responded, but all that could be mustered were 1000 cavalry and 800 infantry. In addition, with all the Duchy's forces worried about an attack from the East, no key leaders were assigned to the defense of Provence. The French decimated the Provencial army, taking less than 500 losses from the infantry, and none from the cavalry.
The army remained in Provence, garrisoning the region. Several scribes
arrived from Himmelskstad to assist the King with the paperwork required
to govern his expanding realm.
King Harold
Diplomacy: Westphalia (f), Champagne (f)
King Harold was concerned. War was in the air. He had heard rumors of the goings on to the South. Yet the fighting did not affect Lorraine. It was a time of plenty for the Kingdom. The city of Snits grew in size. The King ruled the nation. His wife had a miscarriage in year 59.
Efforts were also made to solidify the hold that Harold had over some
of the territory in the nation. Prince Alfred the heir was sent to Westphalia,
where he was able to bring the region fully into the Kingdom. Alfred, unfortunately,
took ill towards the end of year 60, and died in his sleep. Lord Theodemir
had similar luck in Champagne, as most of the nation was now friendly.
King Christian
Diplomacy: none
The word around the nation was that King Franz was not well. He continued to rule from Munich, but as year 56 continued on, he became less and less able to maintain the daily grind of ruling. Despite his fleeting health, the King maintained his faculties. He brokered a deal with the Druidic UTFK to allow them and the Cuman tribes to pass through his lands, in exchange for not attacking Bavarian interests. As part of the negotiation, the Druidic priest, Jora, was released from custody. She was last seen travelling South. In addition, the King named his son, Christian, as heir, removing Gustav II from that post. Gustav II was to be regent were Franz to pass away, as the young Prince was not yet of age.
The King also sent Prince Hans and Lord Otto to the South with 3000 horsemen to aid the Milanese in their bid to reunite their nation (SEE DUCHY OF LOMBARDY). The fighting was fierce, and Prince Hans died in the fighting. But Otto managed to bring home just under half the Bavarian fighters.
For aiding the Druidic onslaught against Rome (despite the Bavarian plea that they had no foreknowledge of the ultimate plan of the Druids), Franz was excommunicated by the Pope. Yet, Rome was far away, and the Holy See had little influence over the Bavarians. While the people were incensed at the attack on the Holy City, they did not agree that Franz was to blame. After all, the Druids are little more than animals, and if not Rome, it might have been Munich that was destroyed. In response to the Papal edict, Franz tried to push the nation towards a more secular bend, but the highly religious Bavarians remained commited to their faith. So while the Pope's actions brought him even lower in the eyes of the Bavarians, they still considered themselves good Catholics.
By November of year 56, the King could carry on no more. Prince Gustav
II was called away from his work training the military, and governed for
the King as regent. Within a week, Prince Christian was crowned King, as
Franz passed away. The transition went smoothly, although Gustav II was
not the administrator that Franz was. There were some rumblings from the
distant Southern region/cities, but all remained faithful to the nation.
During Gustav II's regency, the capital grew in size. Numerous trade routes
were started despite the fighting in the South. In year 58, Chrisian reached
15 years old, and took over the nation.
KINGDOM OF ALBA - Druids of the Olde Gods
King Hamish
Diplomacy: Denmark (f), Zealand (f)
King Hamish knew that it would not be long now. Decades after the revolutionary Danes had rejected Alban rule, they were on the brink of completely returning to the fold. The King had Prince Kyle, the heir, and Princess Moira press Alba's case in the region. Kyle had actually married into the nobility. The effect was startling. For Denmark became fully absorbed by the nation. Similarly, in Zealand, Lord Blaine and Awliff of the Shetlands were able to convince the Zealanders to give up all autonomy. Alba was truly becoming a regional power!
The King took a brief trip to the mainland before returning home with
to the Queen. While taking care of the day to day workings of the government,
he did spend some time with his wife. Unfortunately, she suffered a miscarriage
in year 57, and died in childbirth in year 58. The child, a boy, survived.
Otherwise, things were quiet in the expanding Kingdom. A fact that pleased
King Hamish.
THE KINGDOM OF AVALON - Druids of the Olde Gods
King Broon
Diplomacy: none
There was incredible activity in the Avalon capital of London. King Broon ordered housing to be made available for all the new petty beaurocrats sent from Himmelskstad by the Druidic Church. This was a distinct change from the norm, as typically those serving the crown had to fend for themselves. But as Avalon becomes more urbanized, the old barbarian ways seem to be left behind. The King, himself, had enough trouble trying to run the country with Prince Oak always underfoot. The young man had the makings of a wonderful leader of men, but his organizational skills were lacking. Hopefully he will gain some experience and improve. But for now, he made the King's job that much harder. There was also the unsettling issue of his numerous wives.
For while the King and Queen had been blessed with daughters in years 56 and 60 (with a miscarriage in year 58), the Prince had taken a local woman as his wife. She died in childbirth in year 56, although the baby, a girl, survived. As he would be King someday, another arranged marriage took place, but again in year 57, the new Princess died in labor, but added another daughter to the royal nursery. Finally, after a third marriage in as many years, things settled down. The entire nation held its breath when in year 58 the Crown Prince announced another daughter had been born. It was only when he then announced that his wife had survived as well that the collective breath was released in a sigh of relief.
In other domestic news, the port city of Southhampton was completed
in Wessex, allowing Avalon further access to the English Channel. Further
work was done on a royal road that will ultimately connect London and Oakham.
On a sad note, Lord Brinn, who had served the crown for many years passed
away in year 58. Prince Rupert was reported to be in Portugal attempting
to improve relations with the region after the suppression of the revolt
several years ago.
THE KINGDOM OF DURHAM - Druids of the Olde Gods
King Ian
Diplomacy: none
King Ian married a local woman from the Durham nobility. His new bride gave birth to a daughter in year 56, but had troubles following the delivery. She died within weeks of giving birth to a healthy daughter. King Ian continued to reign over the nation from the pacified city of Lindisfarne.
While doing so, he sent Earl Robert out amongst the people to try to assuage the bad feelings between the people of the city and their occupiers. His goal was to return the city fully into the nation. Earl Robert had some success, but took ill in the winter of year 59 and passed away.
Meanwhile, in Lothian, Earl Thiobalt Harland was actively converting
the pagans to the Druidic religion. Finally after years upon years of effort,
the region had more DOG followers than Pagans. Yet the margin was thin,
at best.
THE GREEN TRIBE - European Pagan
King Arthur
Diplomacy: Pontieu (t)
King Arthur again put resources towards increasing the size of Waterford.
He also sent Lord Kevin to Poitou to secure tribute from the region. In
other news, King Arthur's wife had twins in year 56, a boy and a girl.
This was followed by a miscarriage two years later.
Mercenaries available for next turn:
1hec, 1hei, 1hc, 2hi, 2i, 1xi, 5c, 2xc, 4s, 1xew,
1hw, 2w, 2xw, 2t (QRs: i5, w4, s4, c5)
Mercenaries hired for this turn:
2hi, 2i, 1xi,1c, 1xc, 2s (Duchy Lombardy)
THE KINGDOM OF GRANADA - Druids of the Olde Gods
King Phillip
Diplomacy: Baelar (ne); Gebel-Al-Tarik (nt)
War was brewing to the East. There was talk that the Northern Druids would enter into the Lombardy Civil War. But King Phillip realized that of all the Druidic nations, it was Granada that bordered the Med. And it was Granada who had already gone to war with a Catholic nation. And it would be Granada who felt the backlash if all did not go well. For these reasons, Phillip focussed his efforts on the defense of the realm. Phillip, himself, divided his time between spending some time with the Queen and making a series of journeys. His first was to Valencia, where he joined Prince Corum in trying to convert the locals. Neither of them gained any headway. The concerns for war between the RC and DOG, and the short time spent in the effort were likely to blame.
The King then went on to Gebel-Al-Tarik, where he was able to gain some diplomatic status in the small region. During this time, word arrived that Prince Alasayo, the heir to the throne, had taken ill and died. The King immediately sent word that Prince Corum would be named heir, and the young Prince, was recalled from his duties in Aragon to rule the nation in Alasayo's stead. Despite his frequent visits with the Queen, the King and his wife did not produce any further issue. In year 58, the Queen died while in labor. The King quickly remarried for reasons of state.
As part of the improved defenses for the nation, a massive fortress was ordered to be built in Granada. Also, several minor officials in the imperial treasury were hanged after a large shipment of gold, intended for Avalon was found to have been left unguarded at a dockside warehouse. As expected, thieves had gotten away with the entire sum.
But the most concerning news was that which came from the island city of Baeler. For Phillip had sent Lord Tabor IV to the city to try and convince the local city elders to foreswear the Trojan claim to the city, and join Granada. But upon entering the city, Tabor IV was reportedly met by men dressed in the livery of Baeler. He entered a coach to be taken to meet with the city officials. His retinue was instructed to continue on to the inn where they would stay. But as time passed, no word was heard from the Granadan leader. When one of the minor delegates sent a message to the city leaders, he was informed that not only did Tabor IV not arrive, but the city had sent no carriage to meet him. In fact, they were currently entertaining guests from Morocco. When it was realized that Tabor had been taken by brigands with foul intent, great effort was taken by both the city watch and the remaining Granadan contingent. The search continued for months, without success. It was only much later, that a body was found in the sewers of Baeler, wearing the emblem of Granada. While the body was modestly decomposed, and its hands were still bound, there was no sign of a mortal wound.
The deaths of both the heir and Tabor IV had an obvious effect on the
King. It was rumored this stemmed from both being younger than his Majesty
upon their death. The King began to regularly attend the Druidic rites
and was, in general, more short with the staff than the average monarch
of a major Kingdom.
Diplomacy: none
Pope Pious I was dictating a letter to the peoples of Spain. It read:
People of Iberia,
The church extends its apologies for the actions that Pope Richelieu. Specifically he made a deal with the Druids that neither primacy would take an active roll in the past wars. He however did, and thus at the very least lied. The Roman Catholic Church offers its sympathy for all the families his deeds hurt.
Pious I
Prior to it being sent, he heard word of the Bavarian and Milan betrayal of Rome. He immediately tore up his previous missive and began writing anew. He wrote two new messages to the Kings of Bavaria and Milan.
The first read:
King Franz of Bavaria,
For thine actions against your brothers and sisters in Christ you are hear by banished from the Church. All your goods and possessions are here by striped from you and your family. You title as king is revoked and from no on you are known simply as the “Betrayer of Light”.
Pious I
The second:
King Ademar ,
You promised me that you would NOT attack Lombardy. You broke your word and attacked your brothers and sisters in Christ. For your evil deeds you are striped of property, title, and gold. No longer may you call yourself a king, from this day forth your known as a “Scoundrel Ademar”.
The Pope then issued excommunication orders for the respective Kings of those nations. However, Rome's influence in the world was not great, and it was well known that the Holy See would soon be hard pressed to survive, let alone dictate to the secular powers. Neither action had the desired effect. In fact, Catholics throughout the world found the ineffectiveness of the Papal decrees representative of Rome's general inability to sway them. The church lost prestige throughout the Med.
But the Pope had more pressing matters. With the Duchy of Lombardy's permission, he strengthened the fortifications in Savoy, and sent Cardinal Mario to aid in the defenses. Prior to the fighting, he was able to establish a church in the region. Thankfully, Mario did not survive to see the ultimate fate of the Primacy (SEE DUCHY OF LOMBARDY).
Cardinal Scipio was sent throughout the South to extend the Catholic reach with churches. While he was remarkably successful, the structures eventually collapsed due to the events in Latium. Scipio died while finishing his work in the South. When the Milanese and Bavarians attacked Lombardy under the banner of a Druidic priest, and the Druidic forces were aligned North of Rome, Pious I made one final bid to stir the hearts and souls of Catholicism. In a scathing dispatch to Himmelskstad he wrote:
Despite my advisors I came to you in peace for the common good of our followers. In front of me and Oracle Stella Nifara of Delphi, you agreed to peace while we worked together to form a more lasting trust and peace. Is this your idea of peace? When I was elected, I found a memo from a nation who is no longer around as to the deal you struck with the horde in the pile from my predecessor. I discounted it as rumor and tried to get peace, and I trusted your lies. Well no more. Time has come for you to pay the piper.
Pious I
He called on the people to rise up in a Holy War against the Druids. But again, the people were already looking past that which was Rome, trying to see their future in a Europe dominated by Druids. The Pope called, but no one answered.
The Pope spent much of his remaining time in this world readying the defenses of Rome. He had a number of sailors from the small Papal navy. When Prince Axeres II entered the harbor after his defeat in Savoy, the Pope personally vested him with the rights of the King of Sicily, the previous King having died in Genoa. King Axeres II had previously sent Bishop Gregory with some Sicilian troops, and the King arrived with the Sicilian navy and the remnants of the battle weary army. In all, the Catholic forces numbered 29 warships, 1200 cavalry, 4000 infantry, with an additional 8 mercenary warships and 800 siege engineers.
In July of year 58, the Druidic forces composed of UTFK and Cuman horde
troops entered Latium. There was a token Sicilian force present that was
quickly overwhelmed. The invaders spread out endlessly across the fields
of Latium. They briefly stopped to consider the walls that had hastily
been built around Rome. But with a combined force of over 45,000 men, the
Druidic juggernaut would easily take the city. And in the ensuing assault,
that is exactly what happened. Outnumbered over seven to one, the Catholics
were decimated. The losses to the Druids were minor. Pope Pious I was killed
defending the walls, as was Bishop Gregory. The only survivors of the fall
of Rome was King Axeres II and several hundred sailors aboard the supply
ships of the Sicilian navy. With the loss of the Holy City, the Pope and
the few most influential Cardinals, the structure of the Roman Catholic
Church collapsed. Those RC nations were now free to determine their fates
without the guidance of God's messenger on Earth. It was dire times indeed
for the Papist Catholic nations.
Diplomacy: none
Word reached King Gunther in Savoy that the Kingdom of Milan (he refused to refer to them as the Kingdom of Lombardy) was marching with the Bavarians. Incredibly, both nations marched behind the banner of a Druid General, and a woman to boot! Luckily, some clever bargaining purchased a number of mercenary soldiers, and Gunther began to dig in to await the battle. Rome had supplied one of their own to aid in the defense. King Gunther assigned Cardinal Mario to oversee the mercs, while he managed the national troops. All told he had 1000 horsemen, 1000 siege engineers, and just under 1000 infantry, but they were heavily armored and the cream of the Lombardy army. He arranged them around the 7 fortifications throughout the region. The Cardinal had almost 1500 mercenaries roughly 1/3 cavalry, 1/3 infantry and 1/3 siege troops. He hoped for additional men from Sicily, but he did not know when they would arrive.
In October of year 56, enemy was sighted to the East. The Bavarians were about 3000 strong, all cavalry and led by Lord Otto of Bavaria assisted by Prince Hans. The Milanese were slightly more, with no cavalry, but about 2000 equipt for siege warfare. The battle was engaged. There was fierce fighting all along the front. The Lombardy army was being beaten down by the Bavarian cavalry, while the Milan siege troops hammered away at the forts. Most disturbing was that the mercenary army under Mario was being decimated. In fact, the Cardinal was taken prisoner when the flank he was leading collapsed under a charge by the elite Bavarian heavy cavalry. But things were not all in the attacker's favor. For while the Lombard lines bent severely, they did not break. And a counter strike by the well armed elite infantry of Lombardy, aided by skirmishers from the light cavalry managed to push all the way to the command tent of the enemy. There the Druidic woman general and Prince Odotheus of Milan were engaged. The Druidic general was killed in the fighting, and the Prince taken. With the loss of their leadership, the Milan contingent became less effective. Yet the Bavarian horse continued to press. Eventually, with the loss of the entire mercenary army, including Cardinal Mario, and tremendous casualties, Gunther was forced to flee into the capital.
For several months, both sides tried to rally their remaining troops and prepare for continued conflict. While King Gunther remained in the city, the Milan army was able to regain Savoy for Milan. But with no walls to defend them, Gunther knew that the fighting was not yet done. And in May of year 57, the battle for Turin began. But challenging King Gunther for the city was only the Bavarian army, the Milanese were disheartened by the loss of their Prince and would not follow the Bavarian leader. But the Bavarians were still formidable. Where Gunther had managed to get away with several hundred infantry and a few hundred siege engineers, the Bavarians still had over 2500 cavalry. Within a few short weeks, the city fell. King Gunther died on the steps of his palace. The Bavarians were forced to slaughter all the defenders, as they refused to yield to the conquerors. Prince Odotheus was freed. Despite the death of the King, the remaining Lombardian faithful pledged to fight on. It was rumored that Prince Reinhart took the throne from a secret secure location. The Civil War raged on.
As Prince Odotheus returned to his troops in Savoy, savoring the return of both Savoy and Turin to Milan control, the Sicilian reenforcements arrived, bringing with them over 8000 cavalry, including 1000 heavy elite and some hired siege engineers. The Bavarian horsemen quickly took position, and Prince Odotheus gave orders to his men. But now it was invader's turn to be outnumbered and at the disadvantage. But the Sicilians were coming into the conflict after crossing the mountains from Liguria, and they were somewhat isolated from their island home. While both Prince Odotheus, Prince Hans and Lord Otto were fair generals, the Sicilian leader, Quo Validar was exceptional. Quickly seeing the situation, he sent his lighter cavalry to engage the Milan flank, while he personally led a charge into the center with his elite cavalry to challenge the Bavarians. But fate was not on the Sicilian side. While riding in the vanguard of the charge, Quo Validar took an arrow to the chest, and fell from his horse to be trampled by those that followed. There was a quick, bloody engagement, then the Sicilians fell back. Luckily, Prince Axeres II of Sicily was able to bring some order to the retreat. In the final tally, about 600 losses on the Bavaria/Milan side, and over 3000 for Sicily. Axeres II returned with the army to Liguria.
But now the momentum had again shifted to Milan and Bavaria. They began to press their attack South, pursuing the Sicilians. They crossed the mountains into Liguria, and found themselves now attacking after coming out of the mountain passes. And now the Sicilians were better supplied. But although still outnumbered, the odds were not as bad. Plus, they did not face Quo Validar, but rather Prince Axeres II, who was not known for his military prowess. The Lombardy forces had a few field forts, but no leadership.
The battle for Liguria was bloody, pure and simple. The Sicilians were unprepared for the Bavarian horse. Despite their numbers, the heavy elite Bavarian cavalry cut through the light cavarly from Sicily. Every time Prince Axeres II would try to bring his own heavy elite cavalry to bear, the Bavarians would retreat behind the fixed positions of the Milanese heavy elite infantry. Yet there was attrition on both sides. For a brief moment, the Sicilian believed that they may turn the tide. For in another charge of the Bavarian horse, Prince Hans was killed by a sword cut to the neck. The Bavarian forces fell into disarray, and even the able hand of Lord Otto of Bavaria could not keep them in the battle. But by that time, the Sicilians had lost too many men. The Sicilians had only 1200 horsemen left, although the merc siege troops had come away with only a few injuries. And the Milan army was fighting for their own land. They pushed the Sicilian army back to the city of Genoa. There the remaining Sicilian army boarded ships and fled to the safe haven of Rome (?!?).
When word arrived of the fall of Provence to French forces, the last vestige of fight left the Lombardians. The Lombardian Civil War had ended. The city of Genoa fell to the Milan army. Only small pockets of resistance remained, and these were quickly quelled. The final death toll from the fighting was well over 14,000, including Jora of the Druids of the Olde Gods, King Gunther of the Duchy of Lombardy, Cardinal Mario of the Roman Catholic Church, Prince Hans of Bavaria and Quo Validar of Sicily. [GM note: this conflict was a two Scotch and 4 Advil engagement <BG>].
In an inn just over the border of Savoy in Lombardy, Prince Reinhart
(King Reinhart, but King of what?) sat glaring into his mug of ale. He
visibly blanched as numerous armed guards burst into the inn shouting about
a plot to kill King Ademar of Milan. Reinhart's sword was half out of the
sheath when he realized that the guards were dragging away a man at a table
several meters from him. He quickly settled into his chair and continued
about his business.
THE KINGDOM OF LOMBARDY (Previously Kingdom of Milan) - Roman Catholic
King Odotheus
Diplomacy: Liguria (f), Genoa (f), Savoy (f), Turin (f)
At the beginning of the year 56, the Kingdom of Milan reaffirmed its unconditional acceptance of the '5th Ecumenical Council of Ravenna', held in YOOL [Year Of Our Lord] 9. The opening of the Council by Lombard Cardinal Tarasius, "Et sic synodum istam, secundum nostram ordinationem, fecerunt" was regarded as the approval of the northern laity to the Canons.
When King Ademar convened a commission of church elders of Milan to study how well the preceding Canons have been followed, they found disturbing evidence that many of the Canons had been flouted with increasing regularity.
A tide of anger arose against these practices, as the common folk of the northern Catholic provinces felt the nobility of the southern provinces were taking massive liberties in regards to promoting church positions and misusing church postions for personal gain.
The Milanese Priest Marto Luderic summed it up when he said, "For this reason we now see Italy a very wilderness -- monasteries in ruins, bishoprics devoured, the revenues of all the churches drawn to Rome. Cities decayed, land and people laid waste, because there is no more worship or preaching. Why? The cardinals must have the income. No Druid could have so devastated Italy and suppressed the worship of God. Now that Italy is sucked dry, they come into Bavaria, and begin oh, so gently."
The king realised it was his duty as lord of the new realm of Lombardy to confront the church on all these issues and to find redress for his subjects.
The preceeding represented a summary of the spiritual issues facing King Ademar. But secular concers were high on his list as well. The King was not fully secure in his position as King of Milan. For there were several outside interests putting pressure on the King. The Catholic Church had issued stern warnings. There were contacts from the North from the Druids as well. The King knew full well that if he did not tread carefully, then it would be his Kingdom that would be sandwiched in between the Druids and the Catholics.
When Bavaria offered to aid Ademar in his bid to reclaim his throne, he accepted. Ordering the conscription of all able bodied men and boys, the ranks of the national army swelled. Large numbers of Bavarian cavalry came South and met up with Prince Odotheus, the heir, who led a force of loyal soldiers. In August they began the march into Savoy (SEE DUCHY OF LOMBARDY).
But the Druids presented another problem. They had offered one of their Church leaders to help in the fight to unify the nation, but in exchange, they planned to send a vast army of nomads into the peninsula. Ademar was able to negotiate for their safe passage, in exchange for leaving the assets of his Kingdom untouched. When subsequent events in Rome unfolded, Ademar was concerned when the excommunication order came from the Pope. Yet Papal authority did not have very much effect in Milan. And not much was made of the announcement. The people of the nation were simply happy with the King's ability to regain the Kingdom. And they did not want more strife within.
With the end of the Civil War by winter of year 57, King Ademar was not seen much about the palace. It was rumored that he had gone into hiding. This was made more likely after an episode that took place at the border between Savoy and Lombardy. A troop of palace guards had apprehended a man in an inn on the border. The man had been seen sneaking across the border and acting suspiciously. He put up a small struggle, but was apprehended. When searched, several documents were found detailing the King's itinerary. In addition, a Duchy uniform was found among his belongings. The man was taken into custody and is presumed to have met a gruesome fate.
This obvious attempt on the King's life drew Ademar's ire. He issued a decree that the Duchy of Lombardy was a breakaway rebellious state, and that the current nation was the true Kingdom of Lombardy, and the name was subsequently changed.
Yet, this was obviously not the only attempt on the King's life. For
a few weeks after the border incident, the King in one of his rare appearances
at the palace was cruelly murdered in his sleep. The assassin was not captured.
This triggered Prince Odotheus to return to Milan to take the throne. With
all the recent fighting, there was no objection to his rise to power. But
the events of the last many years have left the nation with less internal
leadership than it required. The recently reclaimed region of Liguria and
the city of Genoa had numerous reports of Duchy supporters agitating for
independence. Nothing came of it... for now.
THE WARRIOR CLANS OF CUMAN - Druids of the Olde Gods
Clan Chief Ahman
Diplomacy: none
The Clans were on the move. Word had come from Himmelskstad that the Druids were to go to war with people in a warm, distant land who called themselves Catholics. For the most part, the horde did not care who it plundered, as long as there was plunder.
As the tremendous mass of warriors marched through the lands of the UTFK, they saw for the first time how those who tilled the lands lived. They saw the ordered rows of crops, the settled villages, the weak, staring eyes of the men and women. For many it was confirmation that the wandering life was paramount to paradise. For others, a disquieting sense of something missing in their lives. But they continued on past these people who, while different from them, shared a common set of Gods.
Upon passing through Bochnia, Clan Chief Ahman knew that he had again entered place inhabited by wandering clans. It was not long before a challenge was issued to Ahman. For the ways of the wandering barbarians was one of tradition and ritual. The tribes in this area were extremely small. But they were fiercely protective of their lands. They saw Ahman and his followers as likely usurpers of their domain. When the Clan Chief tried to explain that they were heading to the South, he was scoffed at. The Bochnian Clan Chief was a petty man, who could not endure the idea of any other horde passing through his region. The battle was joined. Ahman and his allies numbered almost 40,000 fighting men. The Bochnian hord was a mere 3200. Clan Chief Ahman discussed it with his allies from Tver and Suzdal. It was decided to allow the clans to whet their appetite for blood. So when the fighting began, the Cuman Clans utterly destoyed the small Bochnian tribesmen. The Clans lost about 2500 men in the fighting. But more importantly, it delayed them somewhat from joining their UTFK allies.
The path South caused them to move through the lands of Bavaria and Milan, where they were allowed to pass, and they did not pillage and plunder the riches they found there. At last they came to the region of Tuscany, where they met up with the UTFK army. Together they moved South into Latium (SEE R0MAN CATHOLIC CHURCH).
The assault on Rome cost Ahman less than 2000 men. With the sacking
and burning of the Holy City, the horde was left to further wring what
riches it could from these fertile regions. From Latium, the Cuman Clans
raided Tuscany, Campania and Latium, itself. With the coffers filled, the
warriors were content. The Cuman Clans remained in Latium, Clan Chief Ahman
married and had a son in year 60. Ajold, the heir, also married, but had
no children.
Mercenaries available for next turn:
10c, 1xc, 11i, 2xi, 9s, 9w, 9t (QRs: i5, w6, s4, c4)
Mercenaries hired for this turn:
4s, 8w, 8t (Sicily)
9c, 1xc, 10i, 2xi, 4s (N. Punt)
Sultan Ghalib
Diplomacy: Baelerics (fa), Baeler (ne), Kabilya (p, then revolts), Annaba (p, then revolts), Tunisia (p, then revolts)
Tensions were running high in the Med. Rumors that the Granadans and their Druidic allies would enter into the Lombardy War were rampant. The Sultan decided that he would take to the sea to secure the waters for the Roman Catholics. Despite spending several years, he found no incursions into the Med. Yet, the Druids did come, but not from the West, but rather the North.
In a surprise move, given the growing hostilities between Druids and Catholics, the Sultan demonstrated a remarkable degree of religious tolerance, when he allowed the refugees from Mesopotamia to enter the Sultanate. Numerous Eastern Jews made their way to Tingis, where they now make up a small minority. With their arrival, money lenders have become more prevalent in the Kingdom. While the presence of some Jews in the Kingdom did not appear to bother Ghalib, he did send numerous lower level priests to the region of Al' Hauts to try and preach the gospel to the pagans. But these men did not do well in the hot desert climate, and were unable to gain any converts.
In a surprise move, Morroco purchased all of the Northern African holdings of Sicily for a sizeable amount of gold. There was great anger in the regions of Kabilya and Tunisia, as well as the city of Annaba. For these people saw themselves as Sicilians, not some chattel to be bought and sold to the highest bidder. Violence erupted throughout the area. It was not helped by the distance these regions sat from the capital. Surprised by the people's response, the Sultan did not have time to send a military force to deal with the problem, for he had the bulk of the mobile military force, and they were engaged in searching the waters for Druidic ships. Kabilya and Annaba revolted from Morrocan control. Interestingly, while things were reaching a head in Tunisia, a drastic series of events took place that calmed the rebellious region for the time being. In the course of six nights, 27 of the most radical leaders of the region were found dead in their beds. A message had been sent that the Tunisians should think twice before following the lead of Kabilya. But even closer to home, numerous regions were agitating that the seafaring traditions of Tingis were ignoring their voices. Perhaps the events in Tunisia kept things in check, but Morroco was seething with dissent.
Not too surprising, when Prince Zaahir courted the Baerleric Isle leadership,
these domestic issues were not raised. The island region agreed to an economic
arrangement with Tingis. Despite significant efforts, the Prince was not
able to gain control of the city from the Trojans. Perhaps his normal aggressive
diplomatic tone was muted by the mysterious disappearance and death of
a Granadan diplomat.
King Axeres II
Diplomacy: Rome (ne due to the Fall of Rome), Kabilya (to Morroco), Annaba (to Morroco), Tunisia (to Morroco)
Sicily mobilized for war, preparing to defend Rome and Christianity. In order to fund this epic struggle, King Axeres agreed to sell Sicily's North African holdings to Morroco. The King set sail to the region to remove the garrisons from the regions prior to giving up the lands. He travelled with Quo Validar, the great general who would lead the Sicilian army in the defense of Savoy, Bishop Gregory, on loan from the vatican, and his son, Prince Validar Syracuse.
While the King was gathering the errant troops, the heir, Prince Axeres II, began a march towards Rome, with a number of cavalry. In addition, he had tried to hire several mercenaries, but he found that many had been hired in the Punt Civil War to the Southeast. But with what he had, he moved North. In Latium, he left several hundred men in the region and moved on to Genoa. There he awaited the arrival of the King's fleet.
The King did not arrive in Genoa until April of 57, having dropped Bishop Gregory off in Rome to pick up the Sicilian defenders and aid the Pope. Quo Validar and Prince Axeres II immediately set off with a large force to help defend Savoy. But they arrived after the battle had been fought and lost. They tried to retake the region from the combined Bavarian/Milanese army (SEE DUCHY OF LOMBARDY).
Within days of the Sicilian army leaving the port of Genoa, both the King and his son, Prince Validar, became deathly ill. The fevers came upon them, and they died while still in port. This was somewhat timely, as the ill-fated Sicilian army limped back to Genoa and was able to retreat back to Rome on board the King's fleet. When he arrived in the Holy City, Axeres II was crowned King by the Pope without difficulty. There he combined the Sicilian force with that led by Bishop Gregory, and awaited the attack from the Druids. In July of year 58, they came (SEE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH).
In the aftermath of the fall of Rome, King Axeres II was able to slip
out of the city and bring his non-combat vessels back to Syracuse, all
the warships being lost in the siege. With the Primacy in tatters, the
governmental support given to Sicily could not be maintained. While no
regions revolted, there was some tugging at the periphery, especially with
the Cuman nomads raiding the peninsula liberally.
King Nashish, the Lion
Diplomacy: Ghebel Gharib (aw), Aswan (ne), Suakin (aw), Adulis (drops to c for Southern Punt, then revolts), Danakil (f), Zeila (hm), Sabae (aw)
Baki and Falilikish watched their uncle pace before the former Egyptian throne. Nashish had inherited his father’s temper, but unlike his brother, Lashik, he directed his anger only at those who deserved it. Thankfully.
"KING Kikilish demands MY surrender, does he? By the bloody Oracle, he has balls, I'll give him that much! A pity he hasn't the brains to match. What's the state of Egyptian troops?"
Baki sighed inwardly. Watching the Egyptian archers trying to maneuver in concert with the Punt phalanx was like watching a hippo trying to dance. "They make progress, uncle, but it is slow."
"By the Oracle's bloody tits man! If we don't get this right the Buffaloes will carve them to pieces, the traitorous swine! Give them three extra hours of practice a day, and ten Shekels for every man in the best performed unit each week. Now, is there any word from Philip [of Rhodes]?"
"Not yet, Nashish, but it has only been a month". Actually, Baki doubted the Pirates would respond at all, let alone send troops to their aid, but Nashish seemed to place great stock in this 'Philipidees of Rhodes'. Perhaps the comradery of the battlefield was stonger than pledges declared in the Palace court? Time would tell. All Baki knew for sure was that all those who had underestimated his uncle so far were now food for worms. He hoped for the thousandth time that he had chosen correctly...
When the Rhodian navy finally arrived in May of year 56, King Nashish, the Lion, set off to the South with almost 4500 Punt infantry. In addition, he hired another over 2000 infantry, 2000 cavalry, and an additional 800 siege specialists to aid in the fight. This force began the slow march through the deserts of Ghebel Gharib and Aswan. The King had sent Prince Baki ahead to smooth the way with diplomatic talks. He passed Baki while moving through the desert. The steppes proved no easier passage for the seafaring army. Yet, again, promises of a visit by Baki allowed safe passage for the army. It was not until October of year 57 that the Northern Punt force began to enter the region of Adulis (SEE PUNT CIVIL WAR).
Meanwhile, Prince Baki was having a difficult time. Despite allowing the army through, the desert tribesmen wanted nothing to do with the seafaring people of Northern Punt. Once they heard Baki's offer, they declared that were he or the Punt army to set foot in the desert again, they would destroy them! The Prince was able to slip out to the South before he became a statistic. In Aswan, the negotiations did not go as poorly, but Baki could not get the region to commit to the nation. In Suakin, Baki found a large amount of sentiment for Southern Punt. Despite desparate talks, Prince Baki again had to flee for his life. When last heard, he was in hiding in the region.
Lord Shekelek was ordered to Adulis by sea. He began a long series of negotiations in an attempt to turn the region back to the North. While the region had initially sided with the South, they were convinced to reconsider their position. In the end, they severely reduced their ties to Southern Punt, but would not completely renounce King Kiki's claim to the region.
GM Note: With the end of the Civil War, and the return of Zeila as the
homeland of the nation, the Kingdom of Punt returns to the Southern African
Mercenaries available for next turn:
3hi, 6i, 4xi, 2w, 1hw, 1xw, 2t (QRs: i3, w4, s4, c3)
Wemusa of Takrur (M5A9, age 39)
Mercenaries hired for this turn:
3hi, 4xi, 1hw, 1xw (Ife)
8i (Timbuktu)
The army of Northern Punt crossed into the familiar territory of Adulis. There, the locals who had been loyal to King Kikilikish of Southern Punt were being actively wooed by Northern Punt diplomats. The army did not engage the local militia, and pushed further South. In May they entered Danakil. Finding no military resistance in the region, the King talked with the local tribal leaders. When it became apparent that the King would not seek retribution over the regions taking the rebellious side in the civil war, the local government returned to the fold of Northern Punt.
When the Northern Punt army prepared to enter the capital, they found that the city was surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall. While he had a number of siege engineers, King Nashish had not prepared for the need to assault the city. And not having any naval forces at his disposal, he could not lay siege to it. Plus, he learned from the locals that the majority of the Southern Punt forces were holed up in the city, including the Buffaloes, the heavy infantry units of the Southern Punt army. He decided to press on South, hoping other events would hand him the city intact.
When the army moved to the homeland of the Southern Punt rebels, Nashish
met his first resistance. A mere 600 men arrayed in a few field fortifications.
In the end, the battle (if such carnage could be called such) was short
and decisive. The Southern Punt forts were overrun. No rebels were left
alive. Nor were any losses taken by the Northern army. Zeila was returned
to its rightful King. Zeila was reestablished as the homeland for the Northern
Kingdom of Punt. The King returned to Danakil, and considered his options
for the city. He heard rumors that all was not well within, but he could
not take the city by force, and despite the end of the war, the only part
of the full Kingdom of Punt that could not be resecured was the capital.
King Kikilikish
Diplomacy: Adulis (drops to c, then revolts), Danakil (un), Zeila (un)
King Kikilikish ruled over his new Kingdom. He knew that the Northern faction in the war would try to reclaim the capital and homeland. But with limited resources and not willing to be to aggressive, he opted for a defensive strategy. He ordered the homeland fortified, and built a wall around the capital. Then he waited.
He soon began hearing reports from the field that region after region was being reclaimed or negotiated away from his control. When the homeland was taken, he realized that he had not prepared adequately to hold the city without any influx of food from controlled farmland. He was a man with a large military and a hungry city, but no way to pay for them, nor feed them.
It was then that his downfall began. His general, Davish had been assigned to defend the walls of the city against possible invasion. Late in year 59, Davish approached the King with several armed guards. He told Kiki that he was going to seize the city from him, and that he had the backing of the military. But before Davish or the guards could react, Kiki drew a daggar and drove it into Davish's abdomen. Driving the blade upwards until it struck his General's ribcage, Kiki said through gritted teeth, "Allow me to present you with the key to the city."
The guards returned to their posts. No more was said regarding who was
in control of the city. Kiki began to plan. He wrote to the Primate, asking
him to recall his governmental support for the nation. But he would still
not be able to save enough money. Swearing to continue the fight against
the North, he began disbanding his troops, applying them to various occupations
about the city. The brief story of Southern Punt faded into history.
THE KINGDOM OF IFE - African Pagan
King Bu 'wagu, Lord of the Niger
Diplomacy: Oyo (liberated), Nupe (p), Gagnoa (revolts)
King Bu 'wagu could not let these Northern invaders simply come and take from Ife! He would show them the might of the Great Kingdom on the Niger. He hired a number of disreputable cutthroats, and built a tremendous navy. Then guided this force along the coast, until they came to Oyo. There, Bu 'wagu expected to meet the Timbuktu army. Yet all that was there was a few fortifications, with about 1000 men defending them. The Ife force numbered well over 6000 infantry with 24 ships. Not to mention the 1500 mercenary infantry and a couple of hired ships, as well. The defenders had little to no leadership, and the region was quickly liberated. The King heard rumor that there were people traveling about Oyo preaching the Northern religion, but nothing seemed to come of it.
But now the King had tasted blood. He wanted to track down the woman general of Timbuktu. He also wished to reap vengeance on the people of Nupe. So he crossed over the Niger and into Nupe. There he was surprised at how prepared the defenders were for his arrival, but began the battle nonetheless. For he certainly had numeric superiority (SEE TIMBUKTU).
While the conquest of Nupe was a great triumph for the King, his battle wound was more than a simple injury. Over days it began to fester. By weeks end, he was with fever. There was nothing that could be done. He died on the shores of the Niger River in the region of Nupe, having reclaimed his Kingdom. The army remained in Nupe to garrison the region, while the navy limped back to the capital, bearing the dead King.
But this created immense problems. For not only was their no one in North Gate running the government, but the King's heir was still only 13 years old. With Lord Malagar in the clutches of the Timbuktu nation, would the nation fracture?
After a brief regency, when young Prince Moncalo took the throne at
age 15, there were some tense moments. But in the end, the nation remained
intact. The region of Gagnoa did not recognize Moncalo's claim to the region.
And there was a revolt in Nupe, but the remaining army subdued the peasants
with brute force and the help of the remaining mercenaries. Although several
hundred of the garrison were lost.
Primate Tuhara
Diplomacy: Hausa (ch), Takrur (ch)
Tuhara, leader of the Madregaist faithful, knew that King Lasaka Mansa II would need assistance in fighting the Pagans to the South. So he sent a large shipment of gold from the church's treasury to Timbuktu. But then leaving such secular acts as conducting war to those better suited for the task, he continued to minister to the people.
There was great rejoicing when the tremendous efforts of the Primate
were rewarded in Takrur with the conversion of that nation to MD. Tuhara
personally oversaw the building of a church in the Seahold's homeland.
He then travelled to Hausa where another place of worship was built. Finally,
he moved to Galam, where out of his small church in the region, he preached
the word of Madregaism to the people. He was successful in converting a
large number of followers to the faith.
King Lasaka Mansa, the Second
Diplomacy: none
Timbuktu was a nation at war. Yet such things did not overly concern Lasaka Mansa, the Second. For he was content to leave the fighting to his heir, Princess Minsa Mansa. She was one of the most talented commanders of current times. So the King busied himself ruling the nation. He received gold from the MD church, which he quickly put into the war effort. His wife had a miscarriage in year 59. The King also tried to hire a number of mercenaries for the war, but he found that many of them had taken work elsewhere. Alas, the 1500 or so infantry that he hired would have to do. Lasaka Mansa also sent missionaries to the region of Oyo to convert the Pagan believers. They reported no success due to the changing political scene. The King did not know exactly what that meant until later. The King did recieve a prisoner of war, Lord Malagar, who was delivered to the capital by Lord Hakeem. Hakeem then left with the mercenaries to the front lines.
Back in Oyo, Princess Minsa Mansa ordered numerous fortifications to be built in the region to garrison it. For she realized that her current army of less than 1500 men would be in a better defensive position if they pulled back to Nupe and dug in on the far side of the river. After seeing about 1000 men installed at 5 key forts in the region, she began her withdrawal, getting to Nupe in April of year 56. Word reached her in July that the newly installed garrison had been completely overrun by a huge Ife force (SEE IFE). She knew it was only a matter of time before they crossed the river.
The Princess reviewed her defenses again. They had had plenty of time to prepare. She focussed her defenders to prepare for an attack from Oyo, across the river. This would give the most advantageous tactical position. She was happy to learn that Hakeem had returned with the mercenary infantry. But when she found out that he had only brought half of those expected, she again became nervous. She had only 3000 infantry and 200 siege engineers (also brought by Hakeem from the capital). But she had position and would be able to pin the attackers against the river.
Out of the fog on an early morning in May of year 57, ships began to appear on the river. Her well placed scouts counted 23 heavy vessels with one light runner. They landed and secured a beachhead for the Ife army to cross from Oyo. At least she had determined their path. The attackers outnumbered her drastically. Again her scouts reported 7000 infantry, plus the sailors from the naval vessels. She would have to depend on skill rather than brute force to win this battle.
By mid morning, the fighting had begun in earnest. The Ife commander
seemed driven to gain a quick victory. Had she had more men to fight with,
Minsa Mansa could have used this to her advantage. As it was, she saw her
army taking horrendous losses and being forced to withdraw from their carefully
selected defensive positions. Hakeem, who was second in command for the
battle, led a quick sally with the light infantry to buy some time to pull
back the heavy troops. During this feint, he met the enemy commander in
direct combat. Hakeem managed to wound the general severely, before returning
to friendly lines. Despite this good fortune, Princess Minsa Mansa's army
continued to lose ground, until what had become a pull out, turned into
a rout. As her forces turned and ran for the relative safety of Gorouol,
they were cut down by the Ife army. In the end, all the mercenary troops
were lost, and 600 of the Timbuktu infantry and all the seige troops were
killed. Minsa Mansa and Hakeem remained in Gorouol, until the King deigned
to send more troops.
King Sekani
Diplomacy: Senegal (f)
King Sekani governed the Seahold from the homeland. He continued to pour resources into irrigation for the farmlands of the region. Sekani's wife became pregnant in year 56, but after giving birth to a son, she took ill with fever and passed away.
But two other events were sure to be remembered as some of the most significant in Takrur's history. The first was the intensive diplomatic effots which took place in Senegal. The Senegalese were already quite partial to the Seahold, but such a display, including a visit by the heir and his Senegalese wife, cemented the relationship.
The second event was that the King, after discussions with his Council of Captains and Elders, proclaimed that the official Faith of the Seahold shall henceforth be Madregaist. In his proclamation, which was to be read out in all the dominions of the nation, the King spoke of the honor the Madregaists had shown to Takrur, when their Most Revered Primate, in the midst of the turmoil in the East, had still valued the people of Takrur so highly as to undertake the long journey to the Seahold. The King's proclamation closed with the words, "Now Takrur will become part of something Great and Holy."
With the recent visit by the MD primate and the solid hold that Sekani
had over the Kingdom, there was not much dissent. But Wemusa, who had led
the diplomatic delegation in Senegal, was a staunch Pagan. He refused to
convert, and left the Seahold for points unknown. Some say he has put his
sword up for bid in the war to the East. With the conversion to the faith,
an MD church was created in the homeland.