Lords of the Earth 34

The Dawn of Civilization


Turn 6

Newsfax for the year 26-30.



March 20, 2001

Turns will be due April 9, 2001.

GM notes:

1) From this point on, only the order forms on the website will be accepted for LOTE 34. Any other form of submission will not be processed.

2) The free INFRA point is gone. Most people dealt with this with ruling. Still there were some people with thin government, because their Kings were poor administrators. Time to invest in infra!

3) Unplayed positions will not be entirely inactive. They will allocate funds based on a matrix known only to the GM. They may respond to attacks, and may expand their borders. They will not launch attacks on other nations (unless required by Holy War, etc.)

4) There is a mailing group for LOTE 34 (LORDS34@yahoogroup.com).

5) New seafaring rules are in effect. Players have until turn 11 to meet the criteria or face revolts. Seafaring nations that currently meet criteria may use conduits.

6) NFP can be saved. If you save greater than your nfp replacement value, there is a chance for a recession (too many unemployed people milling around). If you have a second recession while still suffering from recession, you will go into a depression (very, very bad).

7) Need for exploration: A nation will automatically know all the regular seazone that they could reach with trade. If you wish to go further, you must explore. All inter island arrow, hostile seazones and open open arrows must be explored.

8) I had previously ruled that Queens who married into the Royal Family could not be made heir, as they are not of true Royal Blood. Yet, it has been pointed out to me that the allied leaders who marry princesses and are made heir are not of Royal Blood either. This is an inconsistency that gnaws at my very being. Therefore, any Royal (by blood or marriage) can be named heir. There will be a decreased risk of df if the leader is actually the same bloodline as the King.

9) It is possible for stats to go both up and down. Charisma is particularly vulnerable to shifts. Do not be surprised if success adds to your leaders, while failure subtracts.




Mercenaries available for next turn:
4i, 1xi, 1c, 1s, 1w, 2t
Tan Szu of Jinn (M6554)

Mercenaries hired for this turn:


Emperor Miyoshi

Diplomacy: Shikoku (ea), Saga (fa)

Emperor Miyoshi pushed on with his efforts to improve the life of his people. Kwanto is considered a paradise by the locals. The Emperor and Emperess were greatly saddened by the loss of a pregnancy in year 27. But sadness made way for joy in year 28 with the birth of a daughter. Later the same year, the Emperess developed fever and passed away. The Emperor mourned.

Princess Ariko was married to the son of the Shogun of Shikoku. This political arrangement allowed for closer ties with the region. Saga also pledged to support the Empire. The Empire's coffers were overflowing, and Miyoshi was fast becoming ruler of all he surveyed. Despite this, there was still some snickering over "The Empire", but never in front of Miyoshi.

THE JADE DRAGON - Oceanic Pagan

Emperor Shen Fong

Diplomacy: Hwai (ne), Jiangxi (nt), Chekiang (a), Taiping (f), Hunan (ea)

The Emperor of the Jade Dragon ordered  the Imperial Capital to be made larger still. Tzu Lang would soon be the envy of the known world! Shen Fong was somewhat perturbed to learn that Beijing in the Jinn Dynasty was still the largest city in the area, but he knew in time Jade would triumph over Jinn. Shen Fong remained at the capital dealing with the day-to-day affairs of the Empire. "There has to be a better way to do this," he thought to himself. Alas, the better way continued to elude him.

Once again, the Jade Dragon was a Tsunami of diplomatic activity. Nobles of hte court were sent to Hwai, Hunan, Chekiang and Taiping regions hoping to expand current agreements to more permanent status. No easy tasks to be sure, but Shen Fong was confident in his emessaries (and the bags of gold they carried). In addition to trying to strengthen ties in areas already part of the nation, the Jade Dragon also made inroads to the South.

THE JINN DYNASTY  - Asiatic Pagan

Emperor Sung Lei, Third Emperor of the Jinn Dynasty, Guardian of the Forbidden City and Keeper of the Coral Throne

Diplomacy: Kansu (ea)

Since becoming Emperor, Sung Lei had made it a habit of touring his capital, Beijing, each week on foot. It came as a shock to him to realize that the great city had expanded to such a great size that he was no longer able to traverse the city without a horse. It is rumored that Beijing is the largest city in the world, although the Jade Dragon capital is not far behind. Jinn-Ling also grew in size. The King made an effort to gather his forces in the capital before settling down to rule over the vast Kingdom. There was considerable concern that the King showed no interest in marriage (a fact that stimulated several rumors that do not deserve mention here), for there was no heir to the Jinn Dynasty.

But Sung Lei did not pay any attention to the rumors and rantings of the common people. He sent the Shentung ally to Kansu, where he was able to secure an economic alliance. As the leader from Shentung was getting ready to leave the region, he suffered a bout of chest pain. He died before a local physician could be called. The son of the Shentung ally had always had nationalistic sentiment, and declared Shentung formally part of the Jinn Kingdom.

One issue that was brought to the Emperor's attention was a growing sentiment amongst the people against the local clergy. There were demonstrations and burning of local shrines. Sung Lei put Szu Shen-Do, his advisor, in charge of overseeing this. Unfortunately, Shen-Do was terrible at such things, and it quickly grew more widespread. Sung Lei had little interest in the goings on of the Asiatic Pagan clergy, and as he predicted, this issue burned itself out despite, rather than due to, Szu Shen-Do's actions.


King Yiu

Diplomacy: Annam (nt), Ganzhou (ne)

King Minh-Wei named Prince Yiu to be heir to the Kingdom upon his coming of age. This occured none to soon, because at the end of year 26, he succumbed to pneumonia that had ravaged the area. The young Prince was quickly placed on the throne. Before he knew it, he was married and ruling over a growing Kingdom. Yiu's first crisis came when he heard of a volcanic eruption in the province of Nanling. Yet, there was little he could do about it. He offered to take any refugees into the homeland, but there was not much in Nanling and the effects of the eruption were not great. Meanwhile, the new King and his wife suffered through a miscarriage in year 28, but had a son in year 30.

General Man traveled to both Annam and Ganzhou. He had some success in the former provence, but could not convince the latter to support the young King.



Mercenaries available for next turn :
4i, 1c, 1s, 2w, 2t

Mercenaries hired for this turn :

THE LAND OF THE GOLDEN LOTUS (previously Kingdom of Pandya) - Oceanic Pagan

King Siduna, God-King of Chola, Lord of the Golden Mask and the Emerald Throne

Diplomacy: Maduria (ea)

A series of strange and marvelous things have happened in the South of India. King Sunratta, after engaging in all night celebrations to welcome the coming of the Spring rains had a dream in which the Gods of the Eastern Ocean spoke to him. In his dream, the Gods infomred him that he, himself, was descended from the Gods and that to be closer to his origins, he must move the Royal House to Chola. There he was to found a new city, Vishnayagara, at the place where he found a golden lotus.

Coincidently, the next day, the King received word that a huge emerald, the size of two men, was found in the province of Chola. True to teh words of the Gods, when Sunratta and the court traveled to Chola, they found a golden lotus growing by the bank of  a river. It was there that he founded a new port city, Vishnayagar, on the Palk Straight. The golden lotus was enshrined within the palace, as befited a message from the Gods. The emerald was carved into a throne. After a lavish ceremony in which the King announced his son, Siduna, to be Heir, the Sunratta donned a strange golden mask and proclaimed himself, God-King of Chola, Lord of the Golden Mask and ordered the name of the nation to be changed to the Kingdom of Chola, Land of Golden Lotus. Perhaps all this was the result of some strange lotus blossoms smuggled in from the land of Punt, and burned in teh King's incense braziers... but who would have done such a thing?

Despite the King's assertion of God-like status, not much else had changed in the Kingdom. The people still followed the old ways, although all called the King by his new title (to do otherwise would be pure folly). The King moved his personal residence to Vishnayagara. Soon after arriving in the new city, the King-God dropped out of sight. The people believed that he was communing with the Gods, but those closer to the Royal Family knew that Sunratta had taken ill. Knowing that his time was soon to be complete in this world, he named Siduna heir. And in year 27, Siduna ascended to the Emerald Throne. The young King ruled over his nation, assisted by Lord Savabhuna. Unfortunately, Savabhuna was a miserable administrator, and the young monarch had to learn much on his own to keep the Kingdom intact. Emissaries sent to Madurai were successful in bringing the province closer to the crown.


King Tajir Alamehli

Diplomacy: none

King Tajir died in year 26. Besar Alamehli took the throne without difficulty. He ruled over the nation. He and his wife had a miscarriage in year 27, but subsequently had a daughter and 2 sons. Two of Besar's cousins were promoted to prince and heir.



King Sudakkar, Rightful King of the Conglave of the Ganges

Diplomacy: Chitor (f)

King Sudakkar ruled over the nation that was fast becoming one of the most affluent in the world. Despite the wealth coming into the coffers of the King, the Kingdom had mainly an agricultural base. Realizing this, Sudakkar embarked on an ambitious project of improving the irrigation of the region of Rajput and instituting a rotating crop system. By dedicating massive resources to this, he was able to transform the region to a farming paradise. The Rajput farmers were able to produce twice the harvest of previous years. The timing could not have been better, as the overall crop harvest was poor in recent years. In contrast, the future heir harvest was quite good, with two sons being born in year 28 and 29.

In other news, Chitor was fully brought into the nation, encouraged by the marriage of a local noble to Princess Reina, Sudakkar's granddaughter. This was despite the death of the main diplomat, Lord Marari.


King Sajva

Diplomacy: Nadavaria (ea), Gtsang (t); Mandalay (p), Pegu (pt, then revolts)

King Sajva had often commented to King Merdic III that the Conclave was not a threat. Yet the previous King had built a massive army to defend against any possible action taken by the Western neighbor. When Sajva seized the crown, he realized that The Land of the Tiny Fingers had anything but a tiny army. The King decided to send the troops on campaign to gain furture riches for the Kingdom. He ordered General Palax to take 16,000 infantry (about half light troops) and around 1000 horsemen and move to the Southeast.

Palax moved through the independent regions of Samatata and Arakan. Although they were not happy to see such a large force traveling uninvited through their territory, the sheer size of the force precluded any action. After entering Pegu, the army fell upon the few defending forts and troops. The army lost 200 men in total. Briefly setting up a puppet government, the army went on to the unwalled city of Mandalay, easily taking the city from the few troops present. Again the losses were minimal. A Mandalay leader was captured. The army remained in the city on garrison detail.

Meanwhile, King Sajva spent a brief time with his wife, but did not father any more children, before going on to the region of Gtsang. There he was able to secure a tribute from the province. Prince Tripti traveled to the rebellious region of Nadavaria. He came offering a marriage contract with Prince Sajvala, and over 5 years was able to gain an economic commitement from them. Hopefully, this time it will last longer than previously.

Unfortunately, with all the major nobility away, there was no one overseeing the running of the government. Gtang and Nadavaria (always willing to distance itself from the monarchy) remained loyal, but the recently forced tribute on the Pegan homeland was abandoned. Palax, who had strict orders to stay in the city and oversee the sacking of Mandalay, did not send any troops to quiet the locals. He figured he would have another chance soon enough.


King Haumsan Za, King of Pegu, Voice of the Holy Winds, Hands of the Faithful

Diplomacy: Mon (revolts), Thaton (revolts)

Airlangga Za returned to Pegu and began ruling over his nation. He had dispatched 400 cavalry to Prince Haumsan Za, leaving the homeland defended with 200 men in fortified positions and 800 mobile troops, half mounted. The King had a daughter in year 26. But at the end of the year, evil tidings came to the King's ear. A massive host had come over the border from the North. He called his heir Airlangga Za II and together they mustered the local garrison to hold off the coming invasion.

As the two of them looked over the battlements at the size of the foe spread before them, they realized the futility. Yet the Za line was not one to turn and run. Ordering one of the generals to take charge of the infantry, the King took the cavalry and the heir commanded the infantry. Over 6 days, the battle raged. But while the mounted troops were of roughly equal skill, the invading infantry used tactics that had never been seen in Mandalay. After less than a week of fighting, the region was effectively in the hands of the attackers. The heir had been slain in fierce combat early on. The King lay on his deathbed in his tent. The Mandalay general retreated to the temporary safety of the city of Mandalay, while the invaders proceeded to wipe out the remaining defenders. Airlangga Za was killed in his tent after his position was overrun by the enemy.

There were only 200 infanty in the city, and as expected, they fell in short order. The defending general was taken prisoner, and the Royal Family, including the 1 year old daughter of the King were killed.

The shock waves of losing both the King and the Heir rippled through the Kingdom. Thaton and Mon revolted. The new King, Haumsan Za realized it would take a miracle to keep his people, his traditions from falling to these Northern barbarous devils. The beginnings of that miracle occured when the people of Pegu rose up against a puppet government set up by the invaders and returned the region to Mandalay control. It did little to ease the mind of the new King.



Queen Nam Outang

Diplomacy: none

The only news of note is that drought struck the Island Kingdom. But the massive agricultural yield was not affected to such an extent that a crisis occured.




Mercenaries available for next turn:
13i, 4xi, 11c, 11xc, 1hw, 2w, 3t
 Pilbee the Jordanian (M736) w/ 12i

Mercenaries hired for this turn:
 Pilbee the Jordanian (M736) w/ 11i (Rhodes)
1hw, 2w, 3t, 11i, 5c, 9xc, 3xi (Rhodes)


King Kellar II, King of the Scythians

Diplomacy: none

In year 26, both King Kellar I and the wife of the heir died. King Keller II took the throne without difficulty.



King Zengi

Diplomacy: Khwarzim (f), Otrar (a), Bactria (ea)

Again, King Zengi moved to bring a number of the peripheral regions closer to the crown. He sent Lord Arslan to Khwarzim, where he was able to convince the regional leadership to give up all autonomy to Kara-Khatai. Prince Zoltan, a very gifted speaker, was able to convince the Otrar people to agree to a full alliance with the Kingdom. Finally, Lord Riff gained significant economic concessions from Bactria.

Closer to home, the King ruled his nation. His wife gave birth to a daughter in year 27. After a difficult pregnancy in year 29 which resulted in a miscarriage, she had a son in year 30.


King Cambyses

Diplomacy: Zagros (ne)

Cambyses ruled over the nation. He tried to introduce Mithras into the day to day functionings of the Kingdom, but the 24 year old heir did not seem to grasp the fundamentals of government. In fact, had Cambyses not been checking up on him, Mithras would have cost the Kingdom dearly. The King only hoped that when Mithras ascended to the throne, he would gain some insight.

The King sent Inayat and Farzeen to the region of Zagros. Despite spending almost 5 years negotiating, they came away empty handed. The King could not complain much (he was too busy cleaning up after Mithras). He also had a number of screaming children in the palace, as he had a son in year 26 and a daughter in year 27. Mithras obviously had other talents, as he had sons in years 29 and 30. The entire Kingdom mourned the loss of King Cambyses 8 year old son in year 8.


King Jafar

Diplomacy: Kuwait (t), Diyala (ne), Hahmar (f); Abadan (pt), Furs (pt), Ahvaz (pt)

King Jafar called on several of his closest advisors. Present were the heir to the throne, Prince Raziel, General Halim, and the allied leaders from Kuwait and Hahmar. His orders were simple. Mesopotamia needed to secure its Eastern borders. They were to take an army and install governments in the East that would be sympathetic to the wishes of the Kingdom.

The three gathered their forces and set off. The army consisted of over 3500 national cavalry and another 1000 cavarly each belonging to Kuwait and Hahmar. They first entered Abadan. Here they were met by 3000 cavalry, a third cavalry and about 500 behind fortifications. Under Raziel's able command, the defenders were slaughtered. They took 80% losses by the end of a month, and routed. The Mesopotamian forces took only 400 casualties. Raziel personally selected local rulers to control the region. Men he knew would respond to the will of King Jafar. A similar fate befell Furs then Ahvaz, with no further losses taken by the army. They then returned home victorious.

While the army was away, the King made a brief stop in Diyala, were he discussed politics. His words fell on deaf ears. Upon returning home, he ruled the nation. He also sent Dehelia to Kuwait to await the return of the feudal ally from his excursions to the East. Upon his return, he gladly agreed to provide tribute to the obvious might of Mesopotamia. Raziel and Halim spent some time with the ruler of Hahmar, as well, convincing him to cede control completely to King Jafar. In all, the future looked bright for Mesopotamia. The King was so pleased, that he ordered the construction of a port city, Basra, in Kuwait. This would allow the Kingdom access to the Persian Gulf and the possibility of sea trade!


King Stephin Onishchanko

Diplomacy: none

King Stephin ruled the nation. He was saddened by the loss of his advisor, Pasha. Of note, there was a brief period where the nation as whole underwent a return to basics. Fewer and fewer people, especially the young, were interested in the histories of the people and the rites and customs of Patzinak. Stephin knew that this episode in the nation did nothing to advance his Kingdom to greatness.



King Mathison

Diplomacy: none

King Matho began the long drawn out reconstruction of his nation. He ordered the construction of the city that had been planned so many years ago, before the vile Jordanians soiled his lands. The port city of Kadesh was built in Aleppo on the Gulf of Cyprus. Unfortunately, Matho would not live to see the city completed. While riding out to the shore and looking out to the West, he was felled by a apoplectic fit. His servants carried him back to the palace, where he was placed in bed. For a number of months he languished there. But in June of the year 27, he died. At the time, there was no declared heir to the throne. In fact, the King's eldest son was only 12 years old. But the strain of the recent past had taken its toll on the people, and they did not wish to see Matho's line end when the future looked so bright. Lord Goliath acted as regent for a number of years, until the eldest son of Matho, Mathison, could take the throne. Mathison was able to begin ruling the nation, and despite his youth, he was able to correct many of the mistakes poor Goliath had made. For while a great leader of men, and a gifted diplomat, Goliath had difficulty with the day to day rigors of government.


King Gorgidas

Diplomacy: Egypt (p), Faiyum (pt), Onn (pt)

The spread of the Eye of Amen-Ra into the Med was a plague upon the land. At least this was the sentiment among the average Rhodians. For while Delphi partially sprang from the same roots as Amen-Ra, they had twisted the true meaning of faith and the Gods. King Gorgidas had sent many messages out to the other OD nations. Yet when he received word from a distant nation to the South, he knew the time to strike was now. His first act was to hire Pilbee, the Jordanian, and his troop of men. He also hired a number of independent mercenary ships, cavalry and infantry. He placed Prince Justin in command of the Rhodian forces. They then loaded the men and horses upon the able ships of the Rhodian fleet and set sail for the Gulf of Cyprus. All told, Rhodes had 18 warships, mostly heavy, 5000 infantry and almost 3000 cavalry, between the national and mercenaries. They met up with the Greek and Trojan forces and began searching for the Nile navy in the Gulf of Cyprus. They then sailed up the Nile and landed in Ghebel-Gharib, where the forces of the mysterious Southern Kingdom were waiting for them.

By agreement, the leader from the South (from a land called Punt), was selected to be in overall command of the forces. The army charged North into Mansura in May of year 28. The battle was brief (the attackers outnumbered the defenders 30:1), and the attackers wiped out the Nile defenders. The Rhodian forces were charging to overrun one of the Nile fortifications, a stray arrow struck Justin in the shoulder. He immediately fell from his horse, striking his head. His men, worried that he was dead, dragged him back from the battle. It was Pilbee the Jordanian who completed the charge against the Nile fort and won the day. Justin, while wounded severely in the shoulder, had been knocked unconscious by the fall from his mount, and was able to continue to lead his troops, albeit less effectively.

After securing the region for Punt, the combined army crossed the Nile into Egypt and engaged the Nile forces in May of year 29. Here the defenses were even fewer than in Mansura. Again, the Rhodian forces were put to the task of ferreting out the fortified positions. Justin's wound was so great that he required a litter to be moved from point to point on the battlefield. After sending a number of his troops forward, Justin's small guard was surrounded by a few Nile warriors. The Rhodian leader was captured. While being carried away, a contingent of his army returned and freed him. It was a sobering situation to realize that despite the tremendous advantage in numbers, the loss of Justin could have ended the Rhodian assault. The region was conquered in relatively short order. Prince Justin placed a garrison of warships along the Nile to maintain control of the region. While rumors began arriving that there was trouble back across the Nile, Justin and the other leaders agreed to push on.

In September of year 29, they engaged the Nile troops in Faiyum. Here they met greater resistance. There were over 3000 cavalry and infantry with some fortifications. Yet against the combined might of over 27,000 men, they defenders were easily overrun. Pilbee in a personal act of heroism stormed over the walls of one of the fortification with a handful of men. While they were quickly subdued and captured, this act allowed the rest of the forces to take the position. Pilbee was freed unharmed. They found the body of a Nile leader among the dead. Again, the army suffered minimal losses. Initially there was some dispute over whether the region should be given to Troy (as per the Punt general's opinion) or to Rhodes. As Troy made no claims, it was Rhodes who set up a government that would provide tribute to Atlantis.

May of year 30 found the massive army moving on the Holy City of Onn. The city was not very large, nor were there any walls surrounding the seat of power of the Eye of Amen-Ra. But 2600 cavalry that made up the Amen-Ra military was present, as were the High Priest and the Nile heir. Justin felt well enough by this time to lead his men personally, although he still remained weak. The city fell quickly, and all the defenders were put to the sword. The High Priest himself was slain by Prince Justin outside the most holy of shrines to Amen-Ra. As the princes sword ripped through the body of the Amen-Ra holyman, a second priest rushed at the prince and struck him a terrible blow to the neck. Justan's last view of this world was the priest falling at his side with several arrows in his breast.

In the end, the city of Onn was sacked by the army, and the Holy City was looted. The city, what was left of it, was given to Rhodes. The Rhodian portion of the army retired back to Egypt, where they awaited word from Atlantis. While the campaign was a success, the loss of the prince was a high price to pay.

Closer to home, the King sent representatives to Cilicia and was able to convert a small proportion of the population to OD.



Mercenaries available for next turn:
3i, 2c, 3xc, 2w, 2t

Mercenaries hired for this turn:
3i, 2c, 2xc, 2w, 2t (Greece)

THE KINGDOM OF TROY - Oracle of Delphi

King Hector

Diplomacy: Zealand (ea)

King Paris knew that this new religion to the South would only bring strife to the region. He therefore agreed to send an army to aid in the invasion of the Nile. He ordered Anticles to take the navy and load them up with a number of troops and join with the Rhodians and Greeks plus another nation, Punt, to the South. Anticles set sail with 13 warships, 2400 infantry and a number of transports to meet up with the allies in the Gulf of Cyprus.

Despite looking for the Nile navy, no battle was fought on the seas. When the combined army landed in Ghebel Gharib, their numbers swelled close to 30,000. The first battle was fought in May of year 3 in Mansura. They faced less than 1000 men behind fortifications. The battle was quickly won, and Anticles was pleased to see his army completely intact. They then crossed the Nile into Egypt, where the resistance was again light, and easily subdued. It was not until September, year 29 that Troy suffered its first major setback. For at this time, the combined army had entered Faiyum and had been whittling away the enemy positions. At one point, Anticles was leading a charge against an entrenched Nile position, when his horse was struck down by an arrow. The Trojan leader fell to the ground, and broke his leg. The Trojan troops quickly pulled him from the melee, and retired from the field, but the day was still won by the OD and Punt forces. He was still able to enter the conquered city of Onn several months later and claim his share of the gold from looting the Holy City. The army returned home as heros.

Back at home, King Paris had been busy. His wife had a daughter in year 26, a son in year 27. And despite a miscarriage in year 28, managed to have another daughter in year 29. The King also named Hector as heir to the throne. The King also sent Octorius Pogue of Thrace, son of the first Oracle of Delphi, to the distant island of Zealand. Here Octorius talked the island inhabitants into an economic alliance with Troy. But the lure of the North was too much for Octorius. Never before had he met such people. And the winters were blessedly cold, unlike back in Thrace. Being so far from home, Octorius took advantage of the situation and renounced his ties to Troy. He eventually settled in a city called Runhavn on the Northern Baltic.

The nation mourned when in year 29, King Paris passed away. King Hector took the throne at the age of 24.

THE KINGDOM OF GREECE - Oracle of Delphi

King Alexander Zechias

Diplomacy: Epirus (ne, then revolts)

Greece too joined the fray in the South. King Alexander ordered Nathaniel to gather the army, and hire mercenaries. This done, he had Prince Peter accompany Nathaniel to the war, although Peter's role was to take over only if Nathaniel was to fall in battle. Luke was sent to provide protection on the sea journey. The Greece contingent met with the allies in the Gulf of Cyprus, and finding no opposition made for the agreed upon landing site in Ghebel-Gharib. The events of this massive campaign are told elsewhere, but the Greeks carried themselves well, and had no major losses.

King Alexander was blessed with two sons in years 26 and 29. He had expected some scribes to arrive from Delphi, but when they did not show up, he was forced to oversee the running of the nation himself. He also sent Cantia Pogue, the Macedonian ally, to Epirus to convert the locals to OD. Cantia died in year 28, and did not make significant headway. The new leader of Macedonia did not see any reason to change the current relationship with Greece, and it remained allied.

Alexander traveled to Epirus to meet with the Epirus feudal ally. He was unable to convince him to bring the region closer to the nation. When the leader from Epirus died in year 30, there were vague rumors of foul play on the part of the Greeks. This sentiment caused the new leadership to sever ties with Greece, and announce Epirus' independence. One final note, over time, the people of Greece have turned further and further from the sea. It was only a matter of time before they finally lost all vestiges of a life intimately connected to the water. As the nation casts its eyes inland, they leave behind their salt water past.

THE ORACLES OF DELPHI - Oracle of Delphi

Oracle Atlante of Rhodes

Diplomacy: Bithnia (ne), Attica (ch), Thessaly (ne), Rhodes (ne), Lydia (ch), Isauria (ne)

"No, no... NOOOOOO!", Atlante shouted as she woke.

Attendants rushed into the room. Even at this late hour scribes were on call for the possibility of a vision.

"I see... I see a black sight. An eye filled with such hatred that it must trample its own to feed itself... It must be...". Then blackness and calm as the floor rushed up to meet her.

For two days she slept a fitful sleep. Upon the third day, Atlante awoke.  "There is someone here, in Delphi, I must meet."

"But Oracle, the only supplicants are representatives from the Daughters of the Nile, and the Kingdom of Punt. Surely they can wait until you feel better."

"No, I must meet them. One at a time, separated by a day. And they must not know the other is here."

"At once, Oracle."

The representative from the Nile was presented first. The Oracle felt a chill as she met with the man. Perhaps it was his manner, but she felt certain it was the pendant with the flaming eye that hung from his neck. The main purpose of the visit was to open trade, etc, etc.

When she met with the Punt diplomat, she was surprised to see that he carried signed messages from Rhodes and Greece.

"They do what?", she demanded of the Punt diplomat.

"Yes, and more... They have turned their back on everything they held close. All people that do not follow the Eye are enslaved, murdered or tortured until they see "their" path. So repugnant are their ways that some in my own country have been whispering of outlawing of slavery."

"To follow the ways of the Oracle, that will need to come to pass," she gently reminded the man from Punt, "but more about the eye..."

They spoke at length. Eventually, the Oracle motioned for him to stop, "You must go now. You have the help you need. I must make preparations."

After he left, she summoned a scribe, "Attend me now. I need a letter written to Raymond and all the countries that follow the Delphi. Then ready my bags. I am traveling to Rhodes."

She wrote to each of the OD Kings the following message:

"Brothers and sisters of Delphi. We have walked this path together for some time now. We have been blessed with the ability to find each other in the time of darkness. To shine as a new sun of others to follow our beacon. Now it is time to test our conviction, to test our very worthiness. To the South an infection is spreading. An infection of greed. Of intolerence. Of destruction. We stand at the brink of turning a blind eye to this disease or standing up for our beliefs and showing this afront to the Gods that it will not be accepted. It will not be easy. The path is rough at times, and the future is fogged. But with our faith to guide us, we will prevail. Go with the blessings of the righteous. Go with knowledge of the truth. Turn the misguided from the ways of evil and let them be reborn."

The Oracle arrived in Delphi two months later. She addressed the generals of the combined armies and blessed them all, kissing each on the forehead. Seer Raymond was sent with the combined OD army to act as a spiritual guide. Once the army departed, she focused her attention on spreading the faith in Rhodes, Bithnia, and Attica. But the prospect of war weighed heavily on her heart, and she was unable to have any success outside of Attica. She realized that she simply must put aside secular concerns and spend more time with the spiritual tasks at hand.

Seer Hilde, Atlante's sister, traveled through Thessaly, Lydia and Isauria. Perhaps it was her inexperience or her aggressive schedule, but she was only successful in opening a church in Lydia. Agents of OD were unable to convert the people of Constantinople. They were very well set in their pagan ways.


King Petro

Diplomacy: Smolensk (ea), Moscovy (hs), Seversk (nt), Kirovich (t), Tver (hs), Chernigov (ne)

As part of a diplomatic arrangement with the region of Kirovich, King Petro was married in an elaborate ceremony. The political move paid off in more ways then one, as Kirovich agreed to pay tribute to KULU, and the King fathered sons in year 26 and 30. The King officially named Nicholas II as heir to the throne, and arranged a marriage with a young woman from Smolensk. This certainly sealed the ecomomic ties that developed from the region.

In other diplomatic efforts, KULU was less successful. In Seversk, Prince Geoffrey was able to make some headway, but after his success in Smolensk, Nicholas II angered the people of Moscovy. Similarly, the Tver region was not enamoured of Dominic during his visit. Both escaped without harm.

Of great note was the formation of a city in Latvia called Himmelskstad. This population brought together the peoples of KULU, Kingdom of the North and UTFK. The city has access both to the Baltic Sea and the Dvina River.


King Nikoli, Bearsticker

Diplomacy: Daugava (ea), Courland (f), Lausatia (f)

Today is a proud moment for King Vaspar. His first born son, Nikoli is to be given his first command. Possibly ht emost important undertaking in his reign is about to unfold. Teh Druidic Council is meeting in Latvia, and all the nations of the wilderness are invited to attend. Nikoli will be representing the Forest Peoples. As a young lad, he had shown himself to be both cunning and brave. During his right of manhood, he slew a bear with little more than a sharpened stick (earning his tribal name of Bearsticker). Vaspar is sending a contingent of over 1500 men with Nikoli to demonstrate the might of the Kingdom.

Young Nikoli rode proudly through the village of his birth. Characteristically, he ran his fingers along the scar which disfigures the left side of his face. A mark that has gained him a reputation of bravery and cunning. In truth, it was only the pride in his father's gaze that kept him from soiling his clothes. In the cart following the procession was Kauyavian gold. This gold and a number of the troops accompanying him would make up a goodly portion of the new city of Himmelskstad that was to be built in Latvia. The port city would be made up of UTFK, KULU and Kingdom of the North peoples.

After sending Nikoli on his way, Vaspar continued to rule his nation. He ordered a massive undertaking in the homeland, which involved the clearing of land for farms and an extensive irrigation process. In the end, Poland became cultivated land! The King lost his wife and unborn child in year 26.

Vaspar solidified his hold on a nuumber of regions. Other than the founding of the new city, the most significant events were the deaths within weeks of each other of King Vaspar and Kodoss, the Kauyavian ally. When Nikoli heard of his father's death, he immediately returned to Poland and was crowned King. His coronation was attended by the new leader from Kauyavia. During discussions after the ceremony, Kauyavia agreed to formally join the UTFK.

THE KINGDOM OF THE NORTH (previously the Kingdom of Novgorod) - European Pagan

King Varjo

Diplomacy: Estonia (f), Livonia (t), Latvia (ne)

King Varjo ruled over his nation. Unfortunately, his wife died in year 26. He sent his heir, Prince Varis, to meet with a number of other national leaders to form a port city, Himmelskstad, in Latvia. The city would be controlled by the Kingdom of the North, UTFK and KULU. After bringing the required supplies, Varis spent time with the local leadership. Apparently, they were so busy with the construction of the city, that Varis was unable to convince them to strengthen ties with the nation. As he tried to press his case, the Latvian feudal ally became ill. He eventually passed away.

Meanwhile, Sotori and Valoa journeyed to Livonia. While Sotori discussed plans to send tribute to the Kingdom, Valoa was smitten with a local noblewoman. He took her for a wife, and that cemented the tribute for the KOTN (Kingdom of the North).



Mercenaries available for this turn:
4i, 1xi, 1c, 1s, 1w, 2t

Mercenaries hired for next turn:


King Thorfinn Ivarsson of Giantstock

Diplomacy: none

Since his wife, Helga's, death, Thorfinn has not been the same. He continues to carry on ruling the realm, but he constantly pines for her company. His grief was shared by that of Halfdan when Heidi, Thorfinn's daughter, died at the age of 35. Despite these difficulties, the Kingdom thrived. The capital doubled in size over the past five years, and trade flourished.


King Childeric I

Diplomacy: Burgundy (f), Maine (nt), Ponthieu (f)

Childeric I ordered a sizeable portion of the national income to be dedicated to educating the noblemen's sons. This would assure the Kingdom a strong future. The King sent out Chlodocech to Burgundy, where he brought the region fully into Frnace. Next, Prince Lantechilde and the Duke of Normandy went to Ponthieu. While there, he was able to entice the local leadership to see the benefits of joining France. The offer of marriage to one of the royal princesses certainly helped. Unfortunately, after a long night of celebration, he began coughing up blood. Despite his death, Ponthieu became part of France. Advances were also made in Maine.

The King spent time with his wife. She had miscarriages in year 26 and 28, but gave birth to a daughter in year 29 and a son in year 30.


King Gearald

Diplomacy: Hainaut (f)

It was a wedding celebration that was as lavish as it was symbolic. For King Gearald was wed to a local nobleman's daughter. Gearald ruled his Kingdom from Drusenh, and had a son in year 27. His new wife developed problems during a second delivery in year 28. She succumbed giving birth to a son. The child lived. The King ordered shipbuilding to commence in both Graanderen and Drusenh.

Prince Edelmar also was married to a woman from Hainaut. Lord Angus and Edelmar spent significant time convincing the Hainaut ally to transfer full control of the region to Lorraine. Despite Angus taking ill and passing away, the Prince was able to gain Hainaut for the throne.


King Gustav

Diplomacy: none

Gustav and his wife had miscarriages in year 26 and 28, but had a healthy daughter in year 29. The queen succumbed to pneumonia in year 30. The King remarried. Despite the King ruling his nation, the region of Thuringia made noise about how distant the capital was.

KINGDOM OF ALBA - European Pagan

King Dougal

Diplomacy: Shetlands (ea), Highlands (ne)

TRADE!!! This was the buzzword in merchant houses across Alba. For in a plethora of mercantile activity, Alba entered the international scene. Ships came from the Baltic and the South. Dougal hoped that this would bring in much needed revenue.

King Dougal ruled over the nation for several years, with the aid of his able heir, Malcolm. The King did not have any children during this time, but Malcolm had a son in year 28. The King traveled to the Highlands, but due to his rather poor negotiating skills (Dougal was proof that a sword in the right hands could cleave a pen wielding scribe in two) and the independent nature of the Highlanders, was unable to gain any improvement in the tributary status. The King sent Aongus to the North to the Shetlands, where he was able to secure an economic commitment from the Shetlands.


King Mordred

Diplomacy: Galacia (ea), Dyffed (f)

Mordred and his wife, Fiona, suffered through a miscarriage in year 27. But in year 29 they had a healthy daughter. The major talk of the nation was the political marriage of Mordred's son, Prince Hargus to Princess Flora of Durham. This union was said to have been arranged to cement the relationship between the two nations, yet happily they fancied each other and were quite happy.

The King sent Prince Bragga and Lord Rincewind with some gold and the hand of Princess Bridget to Galacia in Iberia. They came away with close economic ties to the region, immediately benefitting from the wealthy province. Gawain was able to bring Dyffed fully into Avalon, as well.


King Ethelred, Dragonslayer

Diplomacy: none

Since his victory over the Serpent, Ethelred has enjoyed a significant degree of fame throughout the region. Internationally, this has led to the marriage of Princess Flora to Prince Hargus of Avalon. Thus sealing the fates of the two nations as their royal bloodline intermingles. But the national effects of the dragon legend were more strongly felt. Earl Ifor ap Morgan was the first to declare openly that he would wear the image of a dragon on his crest. Other knights quickly followed. In short order, a following developed. They became known as the Dracusnaggen, with Ifor ap Morgan at their head. So taken with the idea, Ethelred adds the symbol of the dragon to the national pennant, and declares the Dracusnaggen the King's guard.

The King and his wife had sons in year 26 and 28.

THE GREEN TRIBE - European Pagan

King Seamus II

Diplomacy: none

King Seamus II ruled his nation. Only significant thing to report was that storms off the coast of Waterford caused damage to shipping from Morocco.




Mercenaries available for next turn:
2i, 2c, 2s, 2w, 2t

Mercenaries hired for this turn:


King Dropan

Diplomacy: Navarre (a), Aragon (ne, then revolts)

King Dropan tried to open trade with Lombardy, but there appeared to be internal strife within the nation. The King took a wife from Navarre. Meanwhile, the King received more and more information about the new religion in Rome. It was rumored for a period of time that Dropan and his new wife were practicing Catholics. The King eventually made a public announcement, and declared Roman Catholicism the official religion of Catalonia. This was generally accepted throughout the nation, although the region of Aragon where Prince Dropie had been negotiating, revolted upon learning of the King's proclaimation.

Navarre which had some RC sympathies agreed to a formal alliance upon hearing the news. A port city, Valencia, was built in the region of Valencia. The King and his new wife had a daughter in year 28, but the Queen died in year 30 during a difficult pregnancy.


King Sanchez

Diplomacy: New Castile (a)

With all his neighbors declaring for this new faith from Rome, Sanchez has been the one hold out in the Western Med. Despite a personal visit from Cardinal J. Scipo, Granada remained true to its pagan roots. The King focussed his attention on ruling his nation, but despite herculean efforts, was not able to father anymore children.

He sent Tabor to New Castile to try to improve relations with the region. This he did admirably, despite taking ill in year 30 and succumbing to a febrile illness.

ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (previously the Imperial Republic of Rome) - Roman Catholic

Pope Gregory I

Diplomacy: Latium (ch), Campania (ch), Tuscany (ch)

Rome was abuzz with activity. P. Scipo took the name Gregory I. His first actions were to secure tithes from both Bavaria and Sicily. That being done, he traveled to Lombardy, where he gave first communion to King Petrik of Lombardy. He then traveled back to Rome. He sent words of sorrow when he learned of Petrik's death.

Meanwhile, Cardinal J. Scipo moved along the Western half of the peninsula, setting up churches. He was well thought of throughout the land, and had no problems building a base for the RC religion. In fact, his efforts improved his standing in the Catholic world. Next he traveled to Granada and Morroco to bring the word of God to the heathens. He was able to convince the Morrocans to convert.


King Heinrick

Diplomacy: Tuscany (nt), Verona (revolt), Liguria (revolt)

Petrik was troubled by the changes taking place in the world. Troubled by the death of his wife in year 26 while giving birth to a daughter. Troubled by the shortness of breath and weight loss that had recently plagued him. It was with a desparate sense of hope that he granted an audience with Pope Gregory I from Rome. After talking for a number of months, King Petrik agreed to take communion from the hand of Gregory. Word of this act spread throughout the nation. While most of the regions welcomed the stability of Roman Catholicism, there were two peripheral regions that declared independence from the Kingdom. The problem was these regions were Verona and Liguria which housed the two port cities that brought in all sea trade to Lombardy. So for the time being, all sea routes were closed due to turmoil in the nation.

The King, although ailing, remarried. The King's health again took a turn for the worse when his new wife passed away while pregnant. In year 30, King Petrik, himself, was ushered to the gates of Heaven. Prince Heinrick assumed the throne. The prince, now King, had been aiding Petrik in the day to day running of the government. It was Heinrick who had sent Lord Adamar to Tuscany to improve relations. Heinrick also had Prince Otto spread the word of RC to the people of Liguria (perhaps foreseeing the religious problems). Otto was very successful, making RC vie with AFP for the souls of the locals. Only a handful of people followed EP. The new King had a son in year 28.



Mercenaries available for next turn:
12i, 1xi, 9c, 1xc, 7s, 8w, 8t

Mercenaries hired for this turn:
7c, 9i (Nile)


Sultan Hamir

Diplomacy: none

The Sultan again tried to stretch his trading reach. He built another city. This time in Algeria. The new port city, Algiers, borders both the Bay of Tunis and Gades. He also sent Prince Faisal to Senegal, but the journey across the desert was too much for the young royal, and he died when he ran out of water.

The Sultan was visited by Cardinal Scipo of Rome. They spoke for many weeks. In the end, Hamir realized that the Roman religion answered a number of issues that tugged at the Sultans brain. He ordered the conversion of the entire nation. There was some question of the pagans of Zirid being unhappy at the change in national religion, but an amazing event took place that quieted the opposition. When a number of elder pagan worshipers came to Tingis to complain to the Sultan, they were seen by Abdullah who had been administrating the city quite well. Rather than throw them out for having the audacity to question the word of the Sultan, Abdullah broke bread with them and invited them to share his home during their stay. This act of Christian kindness so impressed the zealots that they returned home content to be the minority religion, and full of praise for Hamir's advisor.

Despite the new city, news along the trade front was concerning. Trade with Lombardy was cut due to problems in that nation, and merchants complained of losing large numbers of vessels off the coast of Waterford due to weather.


King Axeres

Diplomacy: Calabria (f)

King Axeres ruled over Catholic Sicily. Despite a miscarriage in year 26, his wife had a son in year 27. A port area was built in Calabria to allow easy loading and unloading along the coastline. Sicilian representatives were sent to the region to improve relations. They were able to gain full control over the province.

There were rumors of funds being passed from the coffers of Sicily to the Holy City. A few voices raised the possibility that Axeres was trying to curry favor with the pontiff, especially with a number of neighboring converts. But this did not develop into anything of any great concern.


Queen Khapri

Diplomacy: Thinis (ne), Levant (revolts), Petra (liberated)

Queen Khapri negotiated for a number of mercenaries to accompany the Sinai ally on a slave raid of Levant. But the raid was thwarted by a large contingent of Jewish rebels. The rebels, 2200 strong, defeated the 5400 soldiers in the Nile army, forcing them to return to Sinai to regroup. Levant declares independence.

But in May of year 28, simultaneous attacks were made on Mansura and Chethosk. In the region, an army of over 25,000 men swarmed over the 800 defenders. The region was pacified by the Kingdom of Punt. Queen Khapri had just marshalled her forces within the city when the attacks came. She was unable to defend the homeland, as the capital faced an assault by sea. Warships flying the Kingdom of Punt banner sailed into the harbor. As the city was unwalled, they attempted to land and engage the Queen's army. But she had almost 3000 troops against the men of 6 light warships and 800 infantry. One of the Punt leaders was wounded in the fighting, and while 5 of the ships escaped, none of the infantry did. The Queen's forces lost only 200 men.

As the invading force left Mansura and crossed the Nile into Egypt, word reached the Sinai ally that the homeland had been attacked. He immediately marched across to attempt to liberate Mansura. Upon reaching Mansura in August of year 28, he engaged the 2400 Punt garrison with a slight advantage in numbers. But more to the point, the garrison was unled. The fighting continued for 2 months, but in the end Mansura returned to Nile control. There was some damage to the region due to the fighting.

By May of year 29, Egypt was being overrun by the massive invading army. Only 400 warriors took behind fortifications to hold off the tide of the enemy. Despite losing the region, the defending forces briefly held a Rhodian prince prisoner, and managed to kill a Punt leader. But in the end, Egypt was pacified by Rhodes.

September, year 29 saw the fall of Faiyum. Although the local militia put up some of the strongest resistance yet, their 3200 soldiers led by Prince Iufri of Nile were no match for the conquerors. A Jordanian mercenary was captured, and a Trojan leader was wounded. But in the end, all the defenders, including Iufri, lay dead in the field of battle. Faiyum fell to Rhodes.

But the worst was yet to come. For in May of year 30, Onn was attacked. At the time, Hori, the Nile heir, was in the city, as was the High Priest of Amen-Ra and two major priests of the religion. The city was not walled, and the primate's personal army of just over 2500 prepared to hold the city against ten times their number. It was a massacre. Hori was killed early in the fighting. The city was sacked, and the holy city looted.  A man claiming to be the rightful heir of the Kingdom of Thinis was freed from the dungeon of Onn. Prince Narmar eventually traveled to Thinis and entered the lucrative trade occupation.

At the same time as the Onn attack, the 5 light warships that had attacked Chethosk invaded Petra. There the local militia mustered 2000 troops of mixed horse and foot, and some fortifications. But they were unled, and in two months the region was liberated.

EYE OF AMEN-RA - Eye of Amen-Ra

High Priest Djoser

Diplomacy: none



The sacking of Onn and the looting of the Holy City led to the death of the High Priest and other leaders of the Primacy. A Holy War has been called to the faithful against the Oracle of Delphi barbarians. The target is the reclaiming the city of Onn. While the Eye of Amen-Ra still exists as a religion, the formal primacy does not.



Mercenaries available for next turn:
8i, 1xi, 2c, 1xc, 2s, 2w, 2t

Mercenaries hired for this turn:
2c, 1xc, 6i, 2s (Punt)


King Lashik

Diplomacy: Ghebel-Gharib (ne), Aswan (nt), Aden (revolts)

Prince Mishamish strode up to the servant outside King Lashik's chambers. "I must see the King," he said to the man.

"But your Highness," stammered the servant, "I assumed that you were already taking council with the King. He has been talking for hours."

Mishamish opened the door to the chamber to see King Lashik in his nightshirt muttering to himself, "It never blinks. It just stares at me. Damn it! Stop staring at me!"

The prince cleared his throat. The King stopped and turned to Mishamish. "We must rid the world of the evil Eye. It casts its gaze across the land. It watches me when I sleep. Take what troops you need. Find allies in the North. Rid me of this terror!"

With that the King dismissed the Prince.

Despite these occasional outbursts against the Eye of Amen-Ra, King Lashik was able to rule the nation effectively. During that time, he had a daughter and two sons. It is possible that at times he was not the most vigilent of monarchs. In year 28 there was a scandal involving several high ranking members of the government. It seems that they had been pocketing the funds that had been allocated to pay for a number of scribes. In truth, the scribes did not exist. This put a signficant strain on the infrastructure of the nation.

But left to his own devises, Prince Mishamish sent letters to the Oracle of Delphi and several OD nations. The responses were favorable. He made arrangements for mercenaries to gather in Sabae. Tarik was sent North to Aswan to gain passage for the Punt army. He was able to do so, but in year 27, he developed cyclical fevers and passed away. Mishamish himself took several warships to Ghebel-Gharib to prepare the invasion site. While the desert people would not join with Punt, they agreed to allow the armies access through their lands.

Prince Nashish was charged with collecting the army and journeying up the coast. He was delayed by several months going through the desert terrain, but arrived shortly after the armies of Rhodes, Greece and Troy were assembled. Prince Mishamish and Lasai, the feudal ally from Aden, set sail to assault Chethosk from the sea, while the Nashish leads the combined army against Mansura.

In May of year 28, almost 30,000 invading troops enter Mansura. They face less than 1000 men behind fortifications. The battle is over quickly, but not before the allied leader from Adulis was wounded. Nashish leaves a garrison of almost 2500 men, thinking that the bulk of the Nile army was dealt with. Mishamish entered the unwalled city, but faced surprisingly well defended position. Outnumbered, he was barely able to get away with the majority of his ships. Lasai was wounded, and his entire army lost. This had not been the first time Aden had taken such losses. But it would be the last. Lasai returned home, and renounced his oath of fealty to Lashik.

Almost immediately after the main army had left for Egypt, and force of Nile troops entered Mansura from the East. They fought against the garrison forces and defeated them, taking Mansura from Punt.

In the ensuing battle for Egypt, the Adulis ally was killed. His son was a fervent supporter of Lashik, and agreed to remain allied to the crown. The combined army then took Faiyum and Onn, where the Punt troops performed admirably. During the Onn attack, Prince Mishamish landed in Petra with his warships. They were able to free the region from the yoke of oppression by the Nile Kingdom.

THE KINGDOM OF IFE - African Pagan

King Krulda, Lord of the Niger

Diplomacy: Yoruba (ne), Akan (f)

King Krulda orders the building of a port city, Freeport, in Togo, on the shores of the Grand Bassam. He also sends Malagar to Akan to discuss their relationship with the Kingdom. Malagar is able to gain Akan for Ife. He also has Mubasu discuss similar issues with Yoruba without success. The Yoruba ally died at the end of year 26, but his son decided to remain allied for the time being.

In a bold move, the King orders Bu-wani, the heir, to gather a number of warships and infantry and pacify the peoples of Nupe and Kwararafa. Bu-wani initially enters the region to apparently negotiate with the locals. But he spends less time talking, and more time reviewing the defenses. So when he launches his attack, it is very effective. Ife takes only 200 casualties. The battle in Kwararafa was more difficult, but mainly due to Bu-wani being injured early in the battle. In the end, the region was pacified, with Ife taking 600 casualties. After surviving several months of combat, Bu-wasi returned home only to be struck down with fever. He died at the end of year 28.

King Krulda had a son and a daughter during this time.


King Lasaka Haru

Diplomacy: Araume (aw), Terhazza (ne)

King Lasaka Haru knew that the desert people had riches, and he wished to gain access to that wealth. He sent Kalimansi into the vast desert to deal directly with the people. But the Araume are a fierce group of nomads who do not appreciate dealing with a woman. Were it not for the 200 elite cavalry riding with her, Kalimansi may not have gotten safely to Terhazza. Here she just was not able to gain the trust of the locals. She remained with them for a number of years. Perhaps she was worried about returning through the lands of the Araume.

The King also built the port city of Patgao in Sudan. He directed Umme to slave raid into Adawa. A number of slaves were taken succesfully.

But the biggest event of the recent past was founding of Madregaism. African Paganism is a rich panoply of diverse and conflicting beliefs and ways. To one extreme is the Eye of Amen-Ra, so popular in the East. But in West Africa, Madregaism is held in high regard. Lasaka Haru has been a practitioner for many years. In order to further the cause of Madregaism, he declares it to be the official religion of the Kingdom. Moreover, he decrees that all religious direction will come from a ministry within the Kingdom of Mali-Wagadu. This is met with an explosion of interest up and down the river. Pilgrims begin to arrive in the Holy City of Cambuctu.

The basic tenets of Madregaism are:
1) All Madregans are to love and protect each other; all are equal under the eyes of Madrena (our mother).
2) All nonbelievers are to be punished for their non-belief by slavery, until they see the true way. Then they can be free.
3) Each person contains four aspects:
    a) earth = humility; happiness
    b) sky = idealism; creativity
    c) water = purity; clarity of purpose
    d) fire = emotion
The goal is to strike a balance between these.
4) Usury is the right of the Holy Churh alone.