Lords of the Earth 34

The Dawn of Civilization


Turn 4

Newsfax for the year 16-20.



Mercenaries available for turn 3:
7i, 1xi, 3c, 3s, 3w, 3t

Mercenaries hired for turn 3:


Emperor Miyoshi

Diplomacy: Aichi (f), Shimane (a)

Emperor Tadayoshi was a great negotiator. It was said that he could talk a fly away from a spider. So when he announced to his son and heir, Miyoshi, that he was going to personally talk with the leaders of Shimane and Yamaguchi, Miyoshi knew that things would be accomplished. In fact, his father had indicated that he would arrange a marriage for Miyoshi in Yamaguchi. So off the Emperor went, leaving Miyoshi to rule the nation. For two years, Emperor Tadayoshi travelled in Shimane. When he left, Shimane had agreed to a full alliance with the Empire. But as time passed, Miyoshi did not hear from his father about the trip to Yamaguchi, nor did any news of a wife appear. Messages were sent, and it appears that the Emperor did not arrive as scheduled. When search parties were sent out, they found the Emperor's diplomatic party near the border of Shimane. They had been attacked by bandits, robbed and killed.

Miyoshi took the throne without much fanfare. For he had been effectively ruling the nation for a number of years. He orchestrated a realignment of the military, and received word from Daimyo Naoyori that Aichi was to fully join the Empire (Tadayoshi had sent Miyoshi's sister to marry into the local family). There was a large effort to improve the life of the common man in Kwanto again.

THE JADE DRAGON - Oceanic Pagan

Emperor Shen Fong

Diplomacy: Anhui (ne)

The Emperor of the Jade Dragon ordered that the Imperial Capital, Tzu Lang, be made larger. The Jinn could not have a capital larger than the Dragon! He also improved conditions in Hupei province. Once again he sent an envoy to the region of Anhui to bring them further into the realm. Marriage to one of Shen Fong's daughters and a healthy dowry would likely have helped, except that religious differences made the Anhui leadership disinclined to change their current relationship.

Of greater concern was Prince Shen Tzu's orders to travel to a nearby region and bribe some locals to get closer ties to the Dragon. Shen Tzu was a bit confused as to whether he was to go to Hunan province which was to the South and hostile to the Jade Dragon, or Honan province which was to the North and a pacified region of the Jinn Dynasty. Either way, he felt it was a risky proposition, and would await further clarification from the Emperor.

Emperor Shen Fong and Chou Ling, his wife, were again pained at the loss of another pregnancy in year 16. But finally in year 17, she gave birth to a healthy son. Shen Lan came of age, and was made heir to the throne. Despite another miscarriage in year 18, things were looking up for Shen Fong.

THE JINN DYNASTY  - Asiatic Pagan

King Ming Che-Jinn

Diplomacy: Chinling (f)

King Lao Che-Jinn realizes that his defeat over the Middle Kingdom was complete. Now was a time for healing. With this in mind, he left Ming Che-Jinn, the heir, to run the government, and he went to Shentung to discuss the possibility of pursuing a peaceful means of bringing the nation into the realm. The King spent many years among the people, trying to let the hostility between them and the Jinn Dynasty settle down. He also announced that a new city called Jinn-Ling would be built in the region. In the end, he had some success. But in year 17, King Lao developed a fever. He began having painful outbreaks of blisters, and died painfully in the region of Shentung, where he had caused such pain himself years ago, and where he now went to heal those wounds. Prince Ming took over the throne without any difficulty.

Ming Che-Jinn, a bachelor, realized that he would have to eventually marry and continue the Jinn dynasty. But for now, he continued to rule the realm. He was aided by Tan Szu, but it quickly became evident to Ming that Tan's talents lay elsewhere. Ming had to hire so many new scribes and pages to keep up with Tan's mistakes, his governmental costs were rising. In the end, he decided to centralize the government in Beijing to more efficiently control the nation. This act caused massive influx of people into Beijing, making it one of the largest cities in the world. Significantly larger than anything in the Jade Dragon.


King Minh-Wei

Diplomacy: Nanling (nt)

King Minh-Wei again travelled to Nanling. But this time as King of the Realm. He met with the local leaders, and he agreed to make one of the local chieftain's daughter's his queen. Although he only spent a brief time in the region, this concession went a long way in the negotiations. Upon returning to Kwangtung, Minh-Wei commenced ruling the small nation. He and his wife had a son in year 17. They had a miscarriage in year 18, and in year 19 another son was born, but Minh-Wei's wife did not survive. Minh-Wei was left with his two new sons, and his young brother to look after. He did order an increase in the military in case of attack.



Mercenaries available for turn 3:
8i, 3c, 3s, 3w, 3t

Mercenaries hired for turn 3:


King Sunratta

Diplomacy: none

A calm settled over the Kingdom of Pandya. King Sunratta continued to rule from Pandya, and the other national leaders administered, with similar results. The Prince continued to make up for the mistakes of Lord Suvabhuna, such that in the end they had a net effect of zero. Obviously, such things were below the attention of the King, who had focussed his energy on the building of a city inland in the region of Chera called Kosala. The King also dedicated some gold to the university.

While ruling the nation, the King's wife had a son and a daughter.


King Tajir Alamehli

Diplomacy: none



King Sudakkar, Rightful King of the Conglave of the Ganges

Diplomacy: none

"To all the loyal members of the Upper Ganges Valley. Now unified, we shall endure to extend the greatness of the Conclave into never before seen prosperity. Together, under one nation, we shall forge our legacy into history, and our culture into tradition. The government of the Conclave shall be Centralized around our heartland of Rajput - thus serving as the basis from which to grow our thoughts and ideals. We shall not take the callenges before us lightly, for there will be vast hordes of barbarians wanting our hard-earned lands and other potential enemies, both near and far, unwilling to work in friendship and peace. But, there will also be allies to our cause as well, willing to share intentions and ideas, demonstrate compromise, and work towards the betterment of all our peoples. We hope that the initiation of trade and good intentions with our neighbors along the Ganges, The Land of the Tiny Fingers, will be but the first step towards the development of a great and powerful society in India. Go forth and prosper, increase productivity and enhance cooperation among your families and friends so that we shall overcome whatever obstacles are set between us and our Destiny."

(Sudakkar, in address to the people of the Conclave of the Ganges, year 16)

King Sudakkar announced his intention to centralize the government in Rajput, thereby making the running of the government more streamlined. It seemed to work, as he ruled his nation. There were tremendous dykes built in Rajput that allowed greater access to fresh water for irrigation. The King's wife had a miscarriage in years 17 and 19, the second one being too much for her. The King remarried a local woman. The heir and his wife, however, had to move into larger accomadations in the palace, as they had four sons in the span of five years. While the King ruled the nation, Susandra, the heir, stood ready with the national army. But it seems that Sudakkar's speech had its intended result, as peace reigned in the valley.


King Merdic III

Diplomacy: Palas (f), Nadavaria (a)

King Merdic III again built up his army, although he felt that the threat from further up the Ganges was lessened. He received word of the very conciliatory tone in the King of the Conclave's speech. The King delayed briefly to spend time with his wife before traveling to Nadavaria to secure an alliance with the region.

Lord Sajva travelled to Palas, were he was greeted with great friendship. He realized that the time was right, and he arranged for the region to give up all autonomy to join the Kingdom. There was some concern throughout the realm that the King and his wife had no children, and there was no clear succession to the throne. Sajva reported these murmurings to the King.


King Airlangga Za, King of Pegu, Voice of the Holy Winds, Hands of the Faithful

Diplomacy: none



King Luito di Toru

Diplomacy: Bali (f), Jambi (f)

King Ompong Bata made distinct efforts to improve the lives of people in the nation. He also ordered that significant efforts were to be taken to bring the remaining regions fully into the nation. But in the year 17, while taking a break from ruling the Kingdom, Ompong Bata was bitten by a shark while swimming just 10-15 yards off shore (which is actually where most shark attacks occur off the region of Pajajaran). While the King survived the attack, his wounds festered. He summoned his son and heir, Luito to his side. Luito had been with his sister Princess Nam Outang negotiating with the people of Jambi. But when he heard the news, he quickly returned. Upon finding the King in such a state, he quickly realized he would soon take the throne. He received his dying father's blessing, as well as giving his word that he would carry on in Ompong's tradition of fairness and strong leadership. Within hours the King was dead, and Luito di Toru sat upon the throne. There were no significant objections to the new King, as Ompong had always ruled fairly, and it was assumed that Luito would follow in his father's footsteps. Luito sent his young sisters to live in Kediri with relatives.

In Jambi, Princess Nam took the news in stride. For she knew her brother would be a good king. She sent word to him that the Jambi people would now be one with Java. Similar news came from Captain Xu in Bali. With all that needed to be done, King Luito di Toru continued ruling the country after his father's death. This pleased no one more than his wife, Nanamanda, who gave birth to sons in year 19 and 20.



Mercenaries available for turn 3:
10i, 2xi, 7c, 7xc, 3w, 3t

Mercenaries hired for turn 3:
6i, 3w, 3t (Rhodes)


King Kellar I, King of the Scythians

Diplomacy: Sind (f), Jats (ea)

King Keller I looked out over the Gulf of Oman from his palace in the city of Indus. He had devoted years to building the Kingdom of Indus up from nothing. Now he must bring the Kingdom into its destined greatness. He sent diplomats to the edges of the Kingdom. In Sind, the heir, Keller II, was able to bring the region fully into the nation when he married with the local chieftains daughter. That plus his very able negotiating skills secured greater glory to Indus. Prince Rahn went out into the deserts of Jats, and despite the previous failures, he too was able to secure close diplomatic ties by marrying into the local nobility.

The King sent his close advisor to Kutch Isle, to open negotiations with the locals. But he found the island without inhabitants. A closer look around indicated that it would be possible to support a colony on the island.

At home, Keller I spent significant time with his wife away from the daily grind of being King. Despite a miscarriage in year 16, she gave birth to two sons in years 17 and 19. While swimming near one of the royal palaces by the sea, the Queen was caught in the undertoe of the Gulf of Oman and drowned. The King while distraught, decided the Kingdom should not be without a queen, remarried several months later.

Again, the mountains separating Carmania from the homeland made Keller I's hold on the region somewhat strained. But now there were more voices raised in protest. Small scale riots occurred in the West. For with Keller I off on holiday with his wife, the outer reaches of the Kingdom were very tenuous. In the end cooler heads prevailed, but for how long...


King Zengi

Diplomacy: Khwarzim (fa), Otrar (ea), Bactria (ne)

Kara-Khatai was fast becoming a gem on the edge of the known world. King Zengi had orchestrated a rapid expansion, and had efficiently ruled his nation through the last several years since assuming the throne. Now he continued his efforts at building up the nation. Internally, he focussed on the day to day running of the country and building up the government. He married, but lost his wife in childbirth. Remarrying again, he was finally blessed with a son in year 20.

The King also focussed his resources on the continued expansion of the realm, sending Lord Arslan to Khwarzim to gain a feudal oath from the local lord. Prince Togetkin was able to improve ties with Otrar, as well. Unfortunately, Lord Riff was less successful in Bactria, as the locals were not willing to improve their status.

Lastly, King Zengi realized that the nations growing size would require increased revenue. He therefore arranged for merchants to establish trade routes via the silk road with the Kingdom of Persia. Kara-Khatai was moving along. Of course, there was always the threat of the hordes from the East...


King Cambyses

Diplomacy: Media (t)

King Cambyses decided to bring new life to the Kingdom. He realized that to do so would require more help. He made arrangements for his young brothers (like many Kings, his father Cyrus had children across a wide range of ages) to take up positions in court. His brother Mithras was named heir. And his other brother, Farzeen, was made a prince. He also ordered large investments into the government and opened a state sponsored university. The King also married a local noblewoman, and was blessed with sons in year 16 and 18, and a daughter in year 20.

The King sent his general, Inayat, to Media to attempt to bring the region back into the nation. The Medians agreed to send tribute to Cambyses. In another major change, the King thanked the Dassht Kavir ally for his service, and released him to be an independant region. Privately, Cambyses admitted to Mithras that the desert region was a significant drain on the Kingdom, and the Kingdom was better off without it. Goods began arriving from the Kingdom of Kara Khitai, as well.


King Jafar

Diplomacy: Palmyra (ne)

King Jafar would not make the same mistake again. This time he made quite sure that he would meet the Nile army, and Queen Amhosis and General Tamas would together ride into Aleppo. Again, he bolstered the army. This time sending out almost 6000 troops under the Mesopotamian banner. They marched across the steppes of Palmyra, and although there were several worrisome moments, the locals did not attack. Once in Syria, Tamas met up with Queen Amhosis, leading 5000 infantry and almost 2000 cavalry of mixed national and mercenary troops. There were a number of engineers as well. The Nile ally from Sinai also brought his retinue. Together they entered Aleppo at the end of September of year 16. Surprisingly, they found no resistance. In fact, there was no Jordanian presence in the region at all. The locals say that the Jordanian oppressors left almost half a year before. Tamas and the Queen conferred, along with the Queen's second in command, her daughter, Nehkbet. They decided that they would attempt to determine where they had gone in order to forever crush the evil Jordanians and prevent them from ever visiting such deprivations upon any other nation. It took about a month for Amhosis to determine that the enemy had moved to the North, into Cilicia. The allied army pursued.

In Cilisia, the Jordanians were nowhere to be found. The venture took a turn for the worse, when Queen Amhosis was found dead in her tent. There was a tense period, where General Tamas was concerned that Princess Nehkbet would take the entire Nile army and return home to take the throne by force from her sister, the heiress. But Tamas was able to convince Nehkbet that the better course or action would be to continue the pursuit, and she could always return to the Nile in triumph, possibly winning the throne by popular demand rather than force.

As the weeks passed by, the trail grew colder. But it was nearly impossible to conceal the passage of an entire people, and in time the truth was revealed. The Jordanian dogs had entered the Kingdom of Rhodes. Another conference was called. Again a decision was made to continue, with Nehkbet driven with a passion to destroy the Jordanians. The combined army invaded Rhodes.

As they pushed on to the coast, they realized that a large portion of the Rhodesian navy was in the area. They fought many battles with the local garrison, but the Mesopotamian cavalry was continually harassed by lightning type attacks, where when they turned to pursue, the attackers had run back to the sea, where the horses could not pursue them. Again and again, Tamas was hampered by this tactic. Finally, the Mesopotamian army was able to engage the Rhodesians in a pitched battle, where his cavalry made quick work of the sailors on land. The Nile mercenaries were also able to set fire to a number of the naval vessels. In the end, Tamas fought hard and both took and received a large amount of damage. But after two months of heavy fighting, word reached Tamas that Princess Nehkbet had succeeded in getting through the Jordanian army, and wiped out the last of the Jordanians. He was shocked to hear that Nehkbet was mortally wounded in the battle. It is at that point that the battle truly turned against them. For the Nile troops left the field, and the Mesopotamian army was left fighting a defending Rhodesian army in an invasion that was never supposed to happen. General Tamas realized that his men were not going to be able to maintain this level of fighting much longer. After a number of weeks of continued conflict, word reached Tamas that several of the men had routed from the field. He had no choice but to call the retreat. In the end, he would be heading home with 2000 fewer men.

On the return trip, he stopped briefly in Palmyra to discuss political ties between the region and Mesopotamia. While he was unable to secure any official relationship, they parting was congenial, and the army was able to pass through the region without incident.But on arriving home, King Jafar was not pleased. While both the Carchemish homeland was liberated and the Jordanians destroyed, the King felt that Tamas had disgraced the Mesopotamian army by being defeated. In a perverse repetition of 5 years before, Tamas took his own life. A career in the Mesopotamian military is a risky one at best.

The King simply elevated another to the post, and went about his business of ruling the nation. Domestically, things were going well. The King married, and his wife, despite a miscarriage in year 16, gave birth to twins (a boy and a girl) in year 17. Economically, the Kingdom prospered, and Jakal fast became one of the largest and most influential cities in the world. The King also sent Dehelia to Abadan to convert the locals.


King Stephin Onishchanko

Diplomacy: Torki (a)

Carving out a nation from the steppes is difficult. Yet King Stephin was determined. He left his advisor, Pasha, administering the nation, while he led a royal contingent to the North, to Torki, to conduct diplomatic negotiations. He brought with him his sons, Alexander and Nicklas. Between the three of them, they were able to enlist the local chief and his sizeable military capability into an alliance with Patzinak.

The King had also invested heavily into the government. And it is a good thing that he did, as in his absence, Pasha had shown that he was simply not cut out to be a paper pusher. In fact, had it not been for the King boosting the number of clerks and scribes in the homeland, Pasha's effects could have even been worse. The King was not happy to return to Patzinak and have to sort out the mess.


King Matho

Diplomacy: none

King Matho received word that another army, commanded by Queen Amhosis of the Nile, and a cavalry force from Mesopotamia would again attempt to free the nation from the yoke of tyranny enforced by the vile Jordanians. King Matho would like nothing better than to see the last Jordanian spitted on a sharp stick. Yet he was forced to remain in Cyprus while his people suffered. Nevertheless, he had a Kingdom to rule. One of his first orders of business was to marry a local woman. She bore him a son in year 16, and as the King ruled over his nation and fortified the defenses of Cyprus, he felt that things could only improve. At the end of the year, word arrived that Aleppo had been liberated. King Matho thought this strange, because the allied army was not due to arrive for a number of months. Regardless, he began making preparations to return to the homeland. But in April of year 17, the only ship that Carchemish had in the navy returned from patrol, with dire news. There was an invasion force of Rhodesian ships landing on the North side of the region!!! The captain of the ship reported that he had sunk 3 of the Rhodesian vessels prior to slipping away. Given this captains abilities, and the known prowess of the Rhodesian navy, Matho thought the tale unlikely. The King marshalled his forces, and sent his new wife and son home to Aleppo.

The defenses of Cyprus were fairly spartan. Matho had build up the fortifications, and he had about 1000 infantry. But when he heard reports that the Rhodesian navy had transported Jordanian cavalry to the region, he saw red. He would die before he let them take more of his country. So Matho led a desparate defense of Cyprus. He fought for weeks, living off the land with his troops. He would race to plug holes in the defensive line as the Jordanian horse pushed him further backwards. He would rush to the coast to fend off another sortie by the Rhodesian navy. In a desperate stand, he fought hand to hand with the last of his fortifications against an overwhelming cavalry charge. As the horses pressed in upon them, he felt a sharp pain in his side. Looking down, he saw blood. As he was pulled under by the weight of the onslaught, a young captain of his guard dragged him off to safety. For several days the captain tended his wounds, then carried him to a small village, where with the help of some loyal locals, gained a small skiff, and set out on the Gulf of Cyprus. For three and a half weeks, they sailed with little food or fresh water. But they finally arrived on the shore of Aleppo. Never had Matho been so glad to come home, nor so grateful for such loyal service.

King Matho resumed ruling the Kingdom from his rightful place in Aleppo. It was here that he learned of the death of Queen Amhosis and the pursuit of the Jordanian people to the North. This was also where he learned from the returning defeated Nile army that the Jordanians were no more. With their destruction, Cyprus again returned to Carchemish control. His wife gave birth to another son in year 20, and when his key advisor passed away, it was only fitting that he should reward the young captain who saved his life with the honor of becoming the key advisor to the crown. For now, Carchemish could again return to its prior greatness.



Diplomacy: none

The Jordanians needed assistance. King Phineas realized that without the support of another nation, he would inevitably fall prey to the relentless armies of Carchemish, Nile and Mesopotamia. So when messengers arrived from the Pirates of Rhodes, Phineas understood that this may be his best chance... his last chance to save his people. In a series of rapid exchanges with King Laius of Rhodes, King Phineas hatched a daring effort to not only strike again at Carchemish, but take his people from this cursed land for good. He immediately gave word to the remaining Jordanian people to move North.

There was some tension as Jordan marched with only 2400 cavalry escorting the last of the Jordanian women and children through Cilicia. But King Laius had sent representatives to begin talks with the Cilicians, and they allowed the migrating nation to pass unmolested. In May of year 16, King Phineas arrived in Isauria, a Rhodesian stronghold. There he was greeted by an immense fleet of the Rhodesian navy. Quickly, about three quarters of the Jordanian cavalry were loaded aboard ships, with the horses nervously stowed below. King Phineas, himself, was sick for days, as the Jordanians are not a sea people, and he had never sailed before. The leader of the Rhodesian force was a strange man who went by the title of Seer of Delphi. He was obviously a religious man, but like no other Phineas had ever seen. Yet, in planning their ultimate assault, the Seer always deferred to King Phineas. For when they landed, the King would take overall command of the Jordanian navy and the small contingent of 200 siege engineers sent by the Rhodesians. The Seer would command the ships and a small contingent of 1200 mercenary infantry. As they sailed through the Gulf of Cyprus, King Phineas spent many hours planning with his trusted General Pilbee and the Seer. Finally, in April of year 17, they landed on the coast of Cyprus. An initial skirmish with a light warship of Carchemish was uneventful, as the 18 ship armada of Rhodes (mostly heavy ships, at that) sent them off quickly. But they knew their arrival would not be a surprise.

As the Jordanian cavarly pushed into the island, they began meeting some mild resistance. It seems that Carchemish had recently improved the defenses in the region, building a number of fortifications. But the Carchemish military, while having adequate footsoldiers, did not fight well behind fortified position. Despite the efforts of about 1000 infantry, the Jordanian army and the Rhodesian navy were able to quickly advance through Cyprus. In the third week of fighting, Pilbee had been leading a charge against a well defended position, when he came across a number of soldiers led by King Matho, ruler of Carchemish. Shouting to his men, he charged forward to face the head of the Serpent that had displaced his people. The fighting was some of the fiercest of the battle for Cyprus. In the end several hundred Jordanian horsemen lay dead, and even more Carchemish infantry. Pilbee had seen King Matho go down under a mass of bodies, but when the battle had ended, his body was not recovered. After another week of fighting, Cyprus was in the hands of Jordan, and no survivors left the island.

About 2000 cavalry were kept in Cyprus to garrison the region, as sentiment among the locals lay strongly with Carchemish. The Seer of Delphi made ready to return to Isauria to shuttle over the rest of the Jordanian troops and the migrants, before continuing on with the grand plan. The ships returned to a joyous reunion in Isauria, as word of the victory spread. But this was short-lived, as more ominous news came from the Rhodesian sources in Cilicia. A large army of The Daughters of the Nile and The Kingdom of Mesopotamia had crossed the border into Isauria and were only days away. More worrisome was rumor that Queen Amhosis was again at the head of the army. While King Phineas had defeated the vile Queen in the past, he had just left two thirds of his army on Cyprus. He consulted the Seer over whether they could load up the Jordanian people in time. But with the army so close, they would be caught before getting everyone on board. There was no choice but to fight.

The local Rhodesian garrison came under the command of the Seer, although King Phineas retained overall command of the forces. He was not reassured by their numbers. For Jordan had under 1000 of their cavalry on hand, and the local garrison consisted of a several hundred horse, about 1000 infantry, some fortifications, and the Rhodesian navy. Phineas did not feel comfortable having to rely so heavily on the ships, but the Seer merely smiled and reminded him that the Dread Pirates of Rhodes did not earn their reputations by tying knots. Scouts reported the enemy to number almost 2000 Nile cavalry, many of which were mercenaries, and 5000 infantry, again with some mercenaries. There were also a number of hired siege engineers. In addition, a small army of almost 2000 cavalry from Sinai supported the Nile troops. The Mesopotamian army consisted of about 6000 cavalry. Of Queen Amohsis there was no word.

The forces met in July of year 17. King Phineas used his cavalry to form a ring around the remains of his people. For two months, the Jordanian cavalry sortied out to do battle with the Nile and Mesopotamian forces. And Phineas saw that the Seer was able to use the Rhodesian ships to great benefit, supporting his fortifications and small garrison. But time and overwhelming odds took its toll on the Jordanian horsemen. In August, Phineas looked out over his men, and realized that half were gone. It was then that he saw the banner of the Royal House of the Nile. Yet it was not the Queen, but rather Princess Nekhbet leading the Nile troops. With growing apprehension, he watched as she began advancing on the Jordanian wagons. He rallied his remaining troops and fought valiently. But the Nile warriors were determined, and King Phineas watched as his people were chopped to pieces. He was briefly separated from his troops, and found himself behind the lines. He caught a glimpse of Nekhbet's banner. Realizing that the Jordanians as a people were no more, he spurred his horse into a charge. Princess Nehkbet's personal guard did not expect an attack from the rear, especially by one individual, and King Phineas caught her off guard. He drove his sword through her chest as he shouted, "FOR JORDAN!".

In the confusion that followed, he escaped. But he would forever be plagued by the loss of his people. He wandered to the North over many months, finally settling in the city of Tepes. Years later, he would hear that the battle for Isauria had been won, and that the Nile troops broke after the loss of their leader, but it provided no comfort to Phineas, as he had failed his people. Upon hearing of the fate of their families, the garrison in Cyprus lost their will. Many remained in the region, but others sold their swords for hire. Pilbee survived the battle as well. He eventually gathered a large number of the old Jordanian cavalry and created a mercenary band of his own, swearing vengeance against the evil Nile Kingdom. And so ends the epic tale of the Kingdom of Jordan, who fought longer than most would have expected and died valiantly, on the brink of embarking on a brighter future.


King Laius

Diplomacy: Constantinople (t), Crete (t), Cilicia (t)

The Rhodesian people, and King Laius, in particular, were devout followers of the Oracle of Delphi. It was with great sorrow that Laius received the reports of the ordeals to which The Kingdom of Jordan had been subject. He called his advisor, a Seer of Delphi, to provide guidance. "You must provide for these people. It is a tenet of the Oracle that the faithful must save those oppressed by the Barbarian. Surely there is no more oppressed people than the Jordanians."

With these words, the Rhodesian King sent messages by his fastest ship to the region of Aleppo, where he last heard that the Jordanian King, Phineas had fended off his enemies. He offered to provide shelter for the Jordanian people, and strike back against the oppressive might of his enemies. King Phineas accepted, and a plan was launched. First, messengers were sent to Cilicia to negotiate both the passage of the Jordanians, and closer ties with Rhodes. Prince Gorgidas was sent on this task. Laius dispatched the Seer of Delphi to command an armada of almost 20 warships with a small contingent of 200 siege engineers and about 1000 mercenary infantry with their own ships. The Seer met up with the Jordanians in Isauria, and quickly loaded almost 2000 men and horses aboard. The Seer discussed a strategic assualt on their target with the Jordanian King (when Phineas was not leaning over the edge of the ship being sick). They decided that the Seer would command the ships and the mercenaries, while the Phineas would press the attack with the cavalry. It took a number of months to arrive at their target... Cyprus.

Upon their arrival on a more deserted edge of the region, a man in the lookout marked a sail on the horizon. As it came into view, the call came from the crows nest that it was a Carchemish warship. "Damn!", thought the Seer, "We are spotted." He ordered 2 light warships to give chase, but these were local waters, and the ship escaped. They had to assume that they had lost the element of surprise.

Over the course of the next several weeks, the Jordanian army crossed the region, as the Seer ran up and down the coasts and occasionally into inland riverine areas to support the cavalry. There was not much resistance, despite some evidence that the defenses were recently expanded. In the process, the Seer realized the benefits of sending the mercenaries inland on small raids, using the ships as a rapid escape. He would be able to use this tactic to his advantage in the future. The attackers had overwhelming numbers, but they were at the disadvantage of making a landing by sea. There was rumor that the Carchemish King had been killed or wounded, but these were not confirmed. In the end, Cyprus fell in less than a month, and the Seer made ready to return to Isauria to load up the Jordanian civilians and return them to the Isle. He took the mercenaries and only 200 of the Jordanian cavalry, the rest remained to garrison the region.

Upon arriving in Isauria, word arrived of a combined Nile and Mesopotamian army soon to fall upon the women and children of Jordan. After briefly convening with King Phineas, it was decided that the Seer would again use the ships and the local garrison to meet the brunt of the attack, and the Jordanian cavalry, most of which was still on Cyprus would defend the innocent Jordanians. The battle was joined in July of year 17. The Seer met the brunt of the combined army. The garrison troops under his command included some fortifications, under 500 cavalry and the warships and mercenaries. With this force, he tirelessly engaged the enemy. Numerous times, he would land the mercenaries on shore, allowing them to rapidly hit the Mesopotamian cavalry, then slip away to the waiting ships. In a pitched battle with a contingent of Mesopotanian cavalry and Nile infantry, several ship crews were caught on land, and were unable to get back to the ships. On another occasion, a surprise attack by the Nile mercenaries caused several of the heavy Rhodesian vessels to be put to fire and sunk. But despite these setbacks, the Rhodesians were able to fend off the advancing army for two months. Towards the end of August, the fighting took a turn for the worse. With the Mesopotamian cavalry holding off the Rhodesian troops, the Nile army was able to get inside the protective guard of the Jordanians, and slaughter the last of the Jordanian people. With this final blow, the Jordanian army crumpled and they left the field. It was only the death of the Nile commander, Princess Nehkbet, that saved the day for Rhodes. For with the loss of their commander, the entire Nile army, over 8000 troops, retired from the field. Over the next month, the bitter conflict grew worse, as both sides took heavy losses. Finally, the Mesopotamian forces, having accomplished their initial goal of finding the Jordanians, and losing their ally, routed from the field. Rhodes was victorious, but it was a pyrrhic victory at best. The mighty Rhodesian navy was severely damaged. The Seer realized that the several months of fighting had affected the region of Isauria as well. To say nothing of the loss of the ill fated nation of Jordan.

In other events, King Laius had sent his son, Oedipus, to Constantinople, where he was able to secure a tributary status with the region. The King had similar results in a trip to Crete, where Rhodes had done some previous missionary work. Both efforts were aided by the arranged marriages of the King's twin daughters, Dyonisia and Elissa, to nobles in those regions. In a further demonstration of piety, King Laius sent his eldest daughter, Atlante, to the Oracle of Delphi to study in the Holy City. The King was saddened to learn of the destruction of the Jordanian people, and prayed for a sign that would guide him in the future. It may possibly have come with the untimely death of Prince Oedipus, the King's eldest son. A tremendous funeral was held as befitting such a pious young man as he passes from this world. Laius was deeply saddended by the news of the death of the Oracle of Delphi, but he was truly shocked when he received word that the new Oracle was none other than his young daughter!



Mercenaries available for turn 3:
5i, 3c, 5xc, 3w, 3t

Mercenaries hired for turn 3:

THE KINGDOM OF TROY - Oracle of Delphi

King Paris

Diplomacy: Delphi (t)

King Alexander worked tirelessly at organizing his realm. He heard rumors that the Rhodesians were going to get involved in the Jordanian War to the South, and sent warships to patrol the coast of Bithnia... just in case. He took control of the national army himself. He never remarried, but was overjoyed to see witness the marriage ceremony of his son, Paris, who married a local noblewoman. The couple became pregnant immediately, but the young women had a miscarriage late in year 16. It looked as though this would spell the end for Paris' new wife, as she remained very weak from loss of blood. A young Rhodesian woman named Atlante, in Troy to discuss theological issues with some Svear merchants for Oracle Alexander, visited her night and day. The local physicians all believed she would die, but with the aid of the Atlante's prayers, she pulled through. As she left to return to Delphi, she pronounced a blessing on the young woman. In ten months time, she gave birth to a healthy son. Throughout Troy it was declared a miracle.

The King also sent merchants to the Kindgoms of Greece, Morocco and far off United Tribes of the Forest Kingdom. As for the Svear, they arrived in Troy, but had actually gotten lost looking for Delphi. But most significantly, he sent Octorius Pogue, the son of the Oracle, who had been given the region of Thrace and who was now allied to Troy, to the Holy City to talk to the secular powers there. Alexander, like many in his realm, was not a very pious man. Certainly not like King Laius of Rhodes. Yet, he well understood the political importance of protecting the Holy City of Delphi. King Alexander commissioned several statues throughout the city depicting Oracle Alexander and the founding of the Holy City. He took the news of the death of the Oracle of Delphi in stride, yet when he found that the new Oracle was to be a woman, and the daughter of King Laius, he was amazed. When the identity of the new Oracle was revealed to be the same woman who had blessed his house with a grandson, he was doubly so. Perhaps he had underestimated the power of piety... Nevertheless, despite his grief, Octorius was able to secure tribute from Delphi.

Late in the year 20, the King was visiting with Admiral Heracles while resupplying the navy patrolling the coast. The King and the Admiral were returning to the docks, when the horses pulling their carriage bolted. The footmen and coachman were thrown from their seats, and the King and the Admiral were left to the mercy of the startled beasts. As the carriage careened through Troy, the two men were buffeted about. The pins connecting the horses to the carriage separated as they neared the shore. The two were plummeted into the waters of the Aegean Sea. When rescuers arrived, they found both men dead. Paris assumed the mantle of King without difficulty.

THE KINGDOM OF GREECE - Oracle of Delphi

King Zechariah

Diplomacy: Malta (ea)

King Zechariah sent messengers far and wide, announcing that Athens was open for trade. But over the course of 5 years, routes were open with only Lower Egypt, Morroco, Rhodes, Lombardy and Troy. The King, himself, travelled to Malta to negotiate with the sparce settlements there. He was able to gain economic ties to the region, but realized that little of Greece's revenue would ever come from the Island. While in Malta, the King heard of the death of the Oracle. Zechariah was deeply saddened at the news, and felt for the Oracles son, Cantia Pongue, who was off in the mountains of Epirus spreading the word of the Oracle.

Cantia who only heard of his fathers death upon his return to Macedonia was unsuccessful at gaining any converts. He had even heard rumor of other missionaries in the region, but never ran across them. Cantia found that the Eprirus people held strongly to their pagan ways.

One major occurence was the arrival of Seer Raymond from Delphi. The Seer met with Prince Alexander who was administering the nation in his father's absence, and whose wife had had a miscarriage the year before. The Seer visited with Alexander's wife, and pronounced the blessings of the Gods upon her womb. Within two years she had a baby daughter. Alexander's wife became a devout follower of the Oracle of Delphi, claiming Seer Raymond to have lifted a curse from her loins.

THE ORACLES OF DELPHI - Oracle of Delphi

Oracle Atlante of Rhodes

Diplomacy: Bithnia (ab), Thrace (ab), Athens (ch)

Oracle Alexander Pogue had had a long day. He had just returned to the Holy City from the surrounding region of Thrace to officiate in the ceremony to found the first abbey of the Oracle. Then upon arriving at the Holy City,  he found a young girl awaiting his return.

"May I help you, my child", asked the Oracle.

"My father sent me to serve you and the Gods," said the girl.

"Who is your father?" asked the Oracle, "and how many summers have you seen?"

"I am 13 years old," she said, then proudly announced, "I am the eldest daughter of King Laius of Rhodes."

The Primate was amazed. For Laius was a pious man, but to send his own blood to serve the Church was an incredible boon. Of course, a thirteen year old would not be very useful. The Oracle smiled down at the girl, "What is your name, princess?".

"I am Princess Atlante of Rhodes."

"Well now you are simply Atlante of Delphi. Perhaps in the future, you will be Seer Atlante".

With that the Primate sent young Atlante off with one of his ministers, and began to ready himself for bed. But tonight would give the Primate little rest. For his dreams were vivid and shocking.

A cold winter wind swirled around the Primate. A winter such as the Med had never seen. Snow fell around him, as out of the mist came a great ship. Its rigging bearing torn sails and ringed with frost. At the fore was the head of a dragon. Standing at the tiller was a man so huge, that he must be a giant, golden blonde hair flowing over his leather armor. At his side was a sword that would take 3 normal men to lift. As the ship came upon the Primate, he had great fear, for he knew these huge warriors could destroy all that he had labored to build. When the ship came to a halt, the man at the tiller gently leapt from the rail and slowly walked towards Alexander, drawing his sword. Without a word, he knelton bended knee and offered up the great sword, hilt first, to the Primate. Alexander accepted the great weapon, surprised at how easy it was for him to lift the burden. Smiling he bent over (slightly) and kissed the forehead of the giant.

Alexander awoke with a start. The dream did not frighten him as much as confuse him. As the seconds passed, the dream became clouded.. when and from where were these giants to come? And there was a darkness in his mind that Alexander saw as a problem with distance. But there was something else. It was as if something was right there waiting from him, but just out of reach. Time would tell.

When he left his bed chamber, he ran into Atlante, the young Rhodesian girl, waiting for him. He offered for her to join him to break the nighttime fast. He spoke to her of his dream, as perhaps the thoughts of a child would be entertaining. She listened, then with a smile said, "If they started out last night, they should arrive in about six months." The Oracle was perplexed. What was the child rambling about?

Seeing the puzzled look, she went on, "The only giants that I know of come from the Kingdom of the Svear. It seems that the people of the North with to fight the Barbarian and the Nomad. By your leave, Holy Oracle, I would be happy to plan for their arrival." Leaving her, the Primate realized that he would need to keep an eye on this child.

But he had other things to do. Word arived from Seer Raymond Sartius that a second abbey in Bithnia was erected, and he had officiated over a royal marriage in the new church in Athens. All good works done in the name of Delphi.

In five months time, towards the middle of year 17, word arrived that a ship with a dragon at the prow had come from the North to Troy. The primate could not go to greet them so he sent the young Atlante. She reported that no where to be seen was the ice and torn sails, and, the primate smiled sheepishly, the men she described were of normal stature, not giants. But true to Atlante's interpretation, they were from the Kingdom of the Svear, and they wished to learn more of the ways of the Oracles of Delphi. With support from the religious infrastructure set up by Alexander, Atlante was able to coordinate the conversion of the Kingdom of the Svear. While there, she also helped care of the wife of the Heir to Troy, recovering from a miscarriage. As she left, she told the woman that she hoped that the Gods smiled upon her and granted her many children. Upon her return, the Oracle of Delphi personally presided over the ceremony making Atlante a Seer of the Oracles of Delphi. He then sent messages out to all the faithful announcing that the royal children of the faith would be welcome in Delphi as the future of Delphi depended upon them.

That night, Alexander's sleep was untroubled by dreams. When his servants came to arouse him, they found him unresponsive. They immediately called for the only person of pious authority in Delphi, Seer Atlante. The young woman, now 15, had spent her time in Delphi wisely, and performed the appropriate rights over the body of the First Oracle of Delphi, securing his soul a place amongst the Gods.

But now there was a pressing issue. For the new religion had no one to steer the faithful. To have their founder ripped from them so early was truly a shock to the followers of Delphi. There was great confusion in the city. Again, it was Atlante who brought calm to the situation. She sent messages to her father and the other King's of the faith, including King Thorfinn Ivarsson of the Svear. She also sent messages to Seer Raymond who had travelled to Epirus. Finally, she called together all the Underseers and per the Word of the Oracle, informed them that they must choose from among the faithful servants of Delphi who will serve as the new Oracle, confident that they would name Raymond. The Underseers realized that Seer Raymond had stood by Oracle Alexander from the beginning. He was a devout follower of Delphi. But he did not have the same magnatism that the dead Oracle had. After meeting for many hours, the Council of Underseers requested that Seer Atlante return. She was shocked to hear that they had decided to name her Oracle. Word went out among the faithful. The devout Kings of the religion did not flinch, but rather sent words of support for the new Oracle. Octorius Pogue, son of the old Oracle and now leader of Thrace and ally of Troy, attended the funeral, as did representatives of all the nations of Delphi (except the Svear, who could not arrive in time). The new Oracle noted with interest that the secular powers in Delphi had agreed to send tribute to Troy.

Oracle Atlante of Rhodes personally sent letters to Seer Raymond. She need not have worried about his reaction, as he sent word that he would serve her as she served her predecessor. She was more concerned with the later missives of Raymond travelling through the mountains of Epirus. For the terrain was difficult, and Raymond was unable to find an appropriate method of delivering the word to these mountain people.

THE KINGDOM OF UNITED LITHUANIA-UKRAINE (KULU) (previously the Kingdom of Kilotsk) - European Pagan

King Petro

Diplomacy: Lithuania (ne), Chernigov (fa)

King Petro understood that his Kingdom was going to have to hew out an existance in the difficult wilderness terrain around the Dvina/Dneiper River system. He also knew that one way to accomplish that would be to bring a number of the barbarian tribes surrounding the area under his banner. This would have the additional benefit of keeping them from rising up en masse against the settled populations. A second strategy was to build great centers of civilization. This would involve building cities and centralizing the government, which he did.. Lastly, he realized that as the furthest nation to the East, he was the first stop for any hordes entering the settled Western lands. With these things in mind, the King set out to build a second city in the realm, Minsk, in Polotsk on the Dvina River. He declared this city to be the capital of the realm. Tepes was expanded as well. He also hoped to get closer ties to his Western neighbor the UTFK.

Next he sent his son and heir, Michael, to Lithuania to improve ties with that region. While Michael was not the best diplomat, his efforts were further hampered by his taking ill on the trip to the North. While he met with the Lithuanian ally repeatedly, their talks were often shortened by Michael's bouts of fever and delirium. Petro received word from the Lithuanian Lord that Michael had succumbed to his illness towards the end of year 16. No mention was made in any change in the relationship between Lithuania and KULU. Prince Geoffrey had greater success in Chernigov. While he was later joined by Lord Dominic, by the time he arrived, Geoffrey had easily gained the local lords feudal pledge to King Petro.

It seems that Dominic's delay was justified. He had travelled with the King to perform a thorough counting of the Kingdom, spending extra time and dividing the work between them. They were able to get an accurate count that Petro is assured will reap dividends in the future. After completing the census, the King returned to Kiev to rule over his nation. The King remained a bachelor during these years of building, watching his son grow up.


King Vaspar

Diplomacy: Danzig (f),  Saxony (a)

King Vaspar was saddened by the loss of his first wife, but he thanks the Earth Mother for having met her everytime he sees his two fine sons. And what fine princes they will make. Young Nikoli, named in honour of the late King Nikodemus, has already shown signs of being a great leader. Vaspar makes arrangements that his young son would be named heir upon his passing, despite it being many years until his majority. And Kamal will be second in line. Even now he spends much time with the boys, teaching them the skills of rule and diplomacy as Nikodemus taught him.

Vaspar has decided to strengthen ties with the West, and has agreed to marry a woman from Saxony. A well brought up girl from the area will be of much use in tutoring his sons in the ways of the Western regions, where Vaspar seeks to expand. With any luck, she will bear strong sons as well to further strengthen the royal line. Vaspar's thoughts were prophetic, as he sent Gwido to Saxony to arrange the marriage and discuss the regions relationship to the UTFK. Gwido secured an alliance with the Saxons, and the young woman proceeded to give Vaspar 3 boys and 1 girl over the next five years.

During this time, Vaspar consolidated his military and ruled the nation. He sent Prince Vladjimir to the North to finally bring Danzig fully into the region. The King knew that Vladjimir and Bluto, who was the Knight Protector of Danzig, had been old drinking buddies, and he had the best chance of convincing Bluto to cede final control to the King. Vladjimir spent many years together with his old friend, flooding him with tales of his travels to the East, specifically the adventures he had had in Latvia. Bluto, on the other hand, seemed bored by the monotony of standing watch over the years in Danzig. He missed the days of travelling with Vladjimir. Prince Vlad took this as an opportunity to bring up the true purpose of his mission in Danzig. After serious discussion, Bluto agreed to give up the control of Danzig to King Vaspar, and travel as an advisor to Prince Vladjimir through all his future misadventures. They celebrated with copious amounts of ale, and in the morning, could barely recall their names, let alone the bargain they had struck. But in the end, Danzig fully joined the nation, and Bluto retired to serve with the Prince.

In other news, Vaspar was able to negotiate a trading arrangement with both the Svear to the North and The Kingdom of United Lithuania-Ukraine (previously The Kingdom of Kilotsk) to the East.



Mercenaries available for turn 3:
8i, 1xi, 4c, 4s, 4w, 4t

Mercenaries hired for turn 3:


King Thorfinn Ivarsson of Giantstock

Diplomacy: none

Thorfinn was troubled. Not only from the incredible noise coming from the innumerable children in the palace at Ivervold (including 3 sets of twins), but spiritually troubled. He had heard rumors of a man to the far South who had brought light to a great many people. Thorfin Ivarsson needed such guidance. And he realized that so did his people. He met with the head of the merchant guild, and told him to send ships to open trade with the center of this new religion. It was called the Oracle of Delphi, and it was centered in a city called Troy, across the Baltic Sea and down the Dvina and Dneiper Rivers far to the South. The guildmaster made arrangements to open trade with the Oracle in Troy. Of course, King Thorfinn also tasked him with finding as much out about the religion as possible. It did not occur to either man to think why the Oracle of Delphi would be in Troy rather than Delphi, but they were men of action, and ships were dispatched.

It took many months for the ships to make the long trek. Once arriving in Troy, the merchants made discrete inquiries into the Oracle of Delphi (in the city of Troy). But they were extremely confused. For while the people of Troy were indeed followers of Delphi, the Oracle had no regular presence in the city. They were reluctant to leave without gaining either trade nor information for their King. But one day, a young woman approached them and bid them welcome. She was Atlante, a Rhodesian woman, who told them that the Oracle had seen their coming in a dream, and she had been sent to guide them. For many weeks she sat with them discussing all sorts of topics, from the nature of the Gods to the nature of sailing the Dneiper (for it turns out she was the daughter of the King of the Rhodesian pirates!). This young girl was not over the age of 14, yet she was able to fully convince the merchant captain and his entire crew of the ways of the Oracle. When they returned to Ivarvold (all thought of the trade route gone from their minds), they were given an audience with the King. Thorfinn, son of Ivar, realized that if the words of this girl could be so compelling, this must be the true religion of the Gods. After briefly consulting with his daughter and son-in-law, he issued a proclaimation to be read throughout the Kingdom.

"From this day forth, the line of Ivar and the Kingdom of the Svear will follow the teachings of the Oracle of Delphi. Let it be known throughout the land, that the true word of the Gods issues forth from the mouth of the Oracle!"

Surprisingly (very surprisingly - GM), the people of the Svear adopted the new national religion, taking the Oracle of Delphi to heart. Never a very religious people, there was noticeably more pious behavior among the populance. Often times the symbol of a lightning bolt through a sun could be seen emblazoned on the walls of buildings or flying from flags. Runa, the heir to the Kingdom, began wearing a pendant of a lightening struck sun at all times. The King was so firmly set in his faith, that he agreed to set aside a portion of the national income to be sent to Delphi.

There were other tidings of joy for the Svear. Trade was opened across the Baltic Sea with the UTFK. Thorfinn announces that the government will center around Ivarvold. Helga, the Queen, gave birth to another daughter in year 16, and a son in year 18. But not all the news was good. For towards the end of year 16, Finn Gillisson, one of the King's closest advisors passed away. The Kingdom as a whole also mourned the loss of the Oracle of Delphi. King Thorfinn send messages of condolences, and was astounded to learn that the new Oracle was to be the very Rhodesian princess who met the Svear merchants on the docks of Troy. And in year 20, Queen Helga, again pregnant with twins, died during a difficult delivery. One of the twins survived.


King Childeric I

Diplomacy: Anjou (ea), Normandy (c)

With Flanders firmly in control, and Orleans also brought in by Audefleda, King Childeric I sent his able general to Anjou. Again, he was able to bring his experience to bear, gaining an economic alliance with the region. Unfortunately, in year 20, he developed sharp chest pains while drilling with his troops. The Anjou physicians applied poltices, but to no avail. Audefleda died in year 20. When word came to the pacified region of Flanders, there was subdued rejoicing, but the garrison quickly quelled any further demonstrations.

Childeric I also sent Prince Lantechilde to Normandy, where he was able to lay claim to the coastal region. The King gave orders to the Ponthieu ally to travel to Maine, but he got lost along the way, and was found dead on the road side in year 16. His son took over, and while he maintained the relationship to France, he was not the man his father was.

Meanwhile in the homeland, the King ruled over his nation. He was extremely happy when he found out that Queen Marie was again pregnant. But she developed difficulties with headaches during the pregnancy, and became paralyzed several months in. She and the unborn infant passed away late in year 16.


King Gearald

Diplomacy: Westphalia (a), Hainaut (t)

Lorraine was fast becoming nestled along the Rhine. King Gearald decided to reach out to those region nearby to enlarge his nation. He sent both Prince Micheil and Lords Angus to Hainaut, where they spent many years in talks, finally gaining tribute for Lorraine from the region. Prince Feargus was more successful, as he was able to formalize an alliance with the wilderness region of Westphalia to the East.

Meanwhile at home, King Gearald was ruling the nation from Drusenh, and his wife gave birth to sons in years 17 and 20. While away in Hainaut, Prince Micheil received word that his beloved wife had passed away.

Now, Lorraine has a firm border with France to the West and Bavaria to the South. There is only limited land for further expansion. How will King Gearald deal with his more restricted border? Time will tell...


King Ferdinand

Diplomacy: Bohemia (f), Thuringia (f)

King Ferdinand decided that he had spread out far enough for the time being. He travelled with Prince Freidrich to Thuringia to consolidate his hold on the region. After significant talks, the region agreed to be fully integrated into the nation. Lord Marcus was sent to Bohemia, the home of Prince Gustav's wife. While there, he spend considerable time listening as well as talking. As a result, he believes that he will be more effective in the future. But King Ferdinand could not have asked for more from him, as Bohemia also became part of the Bavarian nation.

It is widely known that the Bavarians consider education and breeding a valuable commodity. This was made evident in the conduct of Prince Gustav, who was left to run the nation. He proved to be a very able ruler, indeed. In addition, after a miscarriage in year 16, his wife gave him a son in year 18. She was to suffer another loss in year 20. Overall, the nation appeared strong. Ferdinand ordered some improvements to the local defenses. For he always feared that the tribes to his East could rise up against his people.

KINGDOM OF ALBA - European Pagan

King Dougal

Diplomacy: none



King Mordred

Diplomacy: Cornwall (a)

Mordred was concerned that his realm was growing so fast that he did not have an accurate assessment of what was truly under his control. And that meant losing vital income from taxation. He met with his trusted advisor, Merlin, who had advised his father, as well. Merlin suggested that after he finishes negotiations in Cornwall, that he conduct a census of the entire realm. The King agreed that it would be the best course. So while Merlin discussed improving ties with Avalon, King Mordred ruled his realm. His wife again became pregnant in year 17, but when she began having fits of convusions and biting her tongue, all in court knew that she would not survive the pregnancy. Nor did she. But the King realized that he needed to continue the line. He married a noblewoman of Sussex, close to his own age. In year 18 she became pregnant. Yet the strain was too much for her. After delivering a healthy girl, the woman had massive bleeding and expired. The King next married a much younger woman, believing her the best chance for future sons.

Meanwhile, in Cornwall, Merlin had great success in gaining a formal alliance with the region. Unfortunately, at the end of year 17, he began having headaches that restricted him to bed. They come suddenly, and no amount of potions or physic from the court physicians could ease them. Merlin took to visiting local herbalists, seeking some form of relief from the pain. One old woman was able to concoct a bitter solution that would ease the ache in Merlin's head for a time. But as the weeks passed, he began needing more and more of the solution to keep the pain at bay. Despite the old woman's warnings, Merlin continued to take larger and larger doses. One morning he was found dead with several empty vials of the herbalists remedy alongside him. The census was never done. King Mordred had the woman hanged.


King Egbert the Bald

Diplomacy: Isle of Man (t)

King Egbert was delighted to see his son and heir, Stephen, marry a young woman from Northumbria. The King was equally delighted to have his wife give birth to a daughter in year 16. But domestically, things would take a downward spiral, for first Stephen's wife in year 17, then the King's wife in year 18 would both die due to complications of pregnancy. It was a difficult time in the palace. But affairs of state had to be given their proper attention. It was a somewhat bittersweet day when King Egbert the Bald moved into the palace in the new port city of Lindisfarne on the North Sea coast of Northumbria.

But Egbert did receive good news from Prince Ethelred and Earl Ifor ap Mrogan, who had travelled to the Isle of Man. For they were able to arrange a tribute to be sent from the Isle to Durham.

THE GREEN TRIBE - European Pagan

King Seamus II

Diplomacy: none

After suffering through a decade of poor governmental oversight, King Seamus II realized that he must take charge himself. He returned to Waterford to rule the nation. Finally, he was able to adequately oversee the collection of taxes and the appropriate distribution of food, etc. He had Liam, his advisor, aid him, but it seems that whenever the King turned around, Liam was underfoot. He simply could not be relied upon to make a good decision on his own. The King spent a good deal of time simply cleaning up after Liam's mistakes. Nonetheless, the Kingdom finally was running smoothly.

Seamus II was further mollified when his wife gave birth to a son in year 20. The King again expanded the university. It should be noted that Waterford borders both the Celtic and Irish Seas.



Mercenaries available for turn 3:
5i, 3c, 3s, 3w, 3t

Mercenaries hired for turn 3:


King Pincho

Diplomacy: Aragon (t), Baelerics (f), Navarre (ne)

Tragedy struck Catalonia many times in recent years. First, in year 17, when the Queen died in childbirth, followed by the death of King Puncho. While there was little controversy over King Pincho taking the crown, there were some regions that were less enamored of the new King. Aragon, despite the negotiating skills of of the new King, pulled back from their commitment to the nation and became tributary. Pincho was unable to gain any standing in Navarre either. On the other hand,  Lord Poncho was able to bring the Baelerics fully into the nation. He capped this achievement off by organizing the building of a new city on the Island called Baeler.

One of King Pincho's first actions was to order Catalonian merchants to begin providing ships to the trade route with Sicily. One of old King Pandro's sons was made a prince.


King Sanchez

Diplomacy: none

For the first time in many years, the Kingdom of Granada did not face revolts and dissent. This is in part due to King Sanchez heavily investing in the government, and in part due to his active governing of the nation. Without either of these, the distant regions could still be on the verge. But despite the revolutionary history of the nation, Granada has maintained education to be of primier importance. It is often said that it's the scholars from Ipo are some of the most erudite in the world. In this Granada excels. In fact, the Granadans are considered some of the most civil people in the world today.

While holding his nation together, Sanchez and his wife had another son in year 18. King Sanchez declared his intent to name his 3 year old son as heir to the throne upon his coming of age. The King also gave consent for merchants from Ipo to open trade with Morroco, Sicily and Lombardy. He sent messengers to Rome, but received no reply.


King I. Claudius

Diplomacy: none

I. Claudius spent a good deal of time in the capital of Rome, running the country. During that time, his wife gave birth to twin boys in the year 17. He continued his investment in the university of Rome, and this has had significant effects throughout the nation.


King Hubrecht of the many, many nuptuals

Diplomacy: Romangna (t)

King Hubrecht and Petrik again were busy in the homeland governing the nation. They spent considerable effort to found the new port city of Venice in Verona. With cities on either side of the nation, Hubrecht obviously foresaw large amounts of revenue being generated by trade. While he did agree to open trade with a number of supplicant nations, Lombardy's own mercantile efforts were twarted by the lack of ship building capability.

Prince Fridrik had great success in Liguria converting the local heathens to the true ways of the European Pagan Gods. Lord Ademar meanwhile extended the realm to the South.

At home, Hubrecht's wife died in childbirth in year 16. Again noble began hiding their children from the roving eye of the King. Despite being in the good graces of the monarch, the Lombardy nobility simply did not like the odds on their daughter's survival. But the King was able to find a daughter of a land owning Lombard who was willing to part with his 3rd daughter (the older two already having been married off), and a new Queen of the Lombards was crowned. She was a nervous thing of only 21 years, and her anxiety level is often given as the cause of her miscarriage in year 17. The heir, on the other hand, seems to not have inherited the family curse, his wife giving birth to healthy sons in year 16 and 20.



Mercenaries available for turn 3:
11i, 6c, 5s, 5w, 5t

Mercenaries hired for turn 3:
11i, 6c, 5s (Nile)


Sutlan Hamir

Diplomacy: Idjil (t)

King Hamir again extended the mighty merchant web of Morroco. This time adding Ipo across the water in Granada and distant Athens in Greece. He sent messges to Lombardy, but did not receive any reply. The rapid rise in commerce in Tingis caused large migration from the surrounding countryside into the city, although conditions in the developing mercantile center were spartan at best. This was commented on by the Greek merchants when they arrived. They were amazed at the complexity of things in Tingis. Their home in Athens was no where near as well developed as the city of Tingis. The roads were cobbled, there were raised walks to separate the people from the horse dung in the streets. While not beautiful, Tingis was still a wonder.

The King also sent both Prince Faisal and Sheik Abbas to Idjil. They crossed the harsh steppes to negotiate with the locals. Despite the difficulty in traversing the terrain, their many years of discussions payed off. The Idjil horseclans agreed to pay tribute to Morroco, hoping to cash in on what they recognized was a growing trade nation.

At home, Hamir spent time with his wife while he governed the Kingdom. She blessed him with sons in year 16 and 17. Unfortunately, she lost a third child in year 19. Hamir was happy to see more sons in the palace, with all the daughters that he had sired previously.


King Axeres

Diplomacy: Calabria (a), Apulia (t)

King Amherst announce with great aplomb that Prince Axeres would become the heir to the Throne of Sicily. He then sent his heir to Apulia, where previous attempts to negotiate have been wrought with failure. But this time, Axeres was able to provide significant assurances to the Apulian people that Sicily would support them in times of need. He was called back to Sicily, briefly, when he received word that King Amherst had taken ill. He arrived in time to receive the dying King's blessing before being saddled with the crown himself. Upon his return to Apulia, he was able to secure tribute from the tip of the peninsula.

Lord Arcam was able to resecure strong ties with the Calabrians as well, as it seems that they have been able to put the past behind them. King Amherst, prior to his death, had initiated trade with The Kingdom of United Lithuania-Ukraine (Previously Kilotsk) and Granada. Unfortunately, his missives to the Kingdom of Lombardy went unanswered. The dead King's wife left the capital to return to live with her family.


Queen Khapri

Diplomacy: Yemen (nt)

The Nile army again prepared for a long campaign. Queen Amohsis and Princess Nehkbet met in Mansura and set out to meet up with their ally from Sinai. A combined army of almost 3500 national troops composed of mainly infantry, 2000 allied cavalry and another 3500 mercenary troops with an additional 1000 engineers. This grand host set out to rendezvous with the Mesopotamian army in Syria, stopping in the region of Jordan only long enough to pick up the local garrison and remove the last remnant of Nile control over the region. The Nile army arrived in Syria in July of year 16 at the same time as General Tamas of Mesopotamia with almost 6000 cavalry. Together they armies entered Aleppo to begin the liberation process. By the end of October, it became apparent that the Jordanians had fled. The rage of Queen Amhosis was a wonder to behold. For too many times had she been embarrased by the Jordanians and their puppet King. She immediately began tracking the Jordanian army, who had almost half a year head start on her. But she was eventually able to determine that they had gone into Cilicia. She met with her daughter and General Tamas, and it was agreed that they would pursue their enemies to the North.

One morning, Princess Nehkbet entered the Queen's tent and found her still in bed. This was unusual, as the Queen always awoke before dawn. When she investigated, Nehkbet found Amhosis had died in her sleep. The Great Queen of the Nile, often regarded as the best military mind in the Middle East, and perhaps the world had passed on from this world, not in the heat of battle, but at peace marching for war. A thought crossed Nehkbet's mind. For her sister, Princess Khapri, was heir to the Nile throne, and, in fact, sat on it in all but name now when the Queen was on campaign. But Nehkbet had command of almost all the Nile army. The Kingdom of the Nile could be hers for the taking. She quickly slipped out of the dead Queen's tent and met with the Mesopotamian general.

Over several hours, General Tamas convinced her that to return home at this time would be great folly. For the Jordanian devils were still at large, and if the combined army did not eliminate this scurge from the world, it would come back to haunt them. And in the end, Nehkbet was convinced that were she to lead the Nile army in glorious battle against  the Jordanians, and defeat them, she would return to Chethosk in a year or two, and her sister may need to give up the throne by popular demand. If not, then force was always an option. So it was decided that they would again pursue the fleeing Jordanians.

Word eventually arrived that the Jordanians had crossed into the Kingdom of Rhodes to Isauria. Nehkbet gathered her host and began the invasion. They met occasional resistence at he border, but with great distress, Nehkbet realized that Jordan was heading for the coast. She believed that the Rhodesians were going to take the Jordanian people across the Gulf of Cyprus, where she could not pursue. While the Nile's skill in fighting at sea was great, they had no ships in their army, and would not be able to pursue Jordan into the Med. She relentlessly pushed on, driving her troops in battle. Nehkbet's one goal was to see King Phineas of Jordan's head on a stake. General Tamas continued to send messages that his army was taking significant losses from the hit and run tactics of the Rhodesian warships. She ordered the Nile feudal ally to join in a surprise attack on the Rhodesians that succeeded in significant damage. Separately, she sent the Nile mercenaries to perform a daring boarding maneuver that caused a number of ships to be burned to the waterline. But mostly, she focussed on pursuing the Jordanians.

Towards the end of August of the year 17, Princess Nehkbet finally had cornered the remains of the Jordanian people against the shoreline. They were protected by only a few hundred remaining Jordanian cavalry. The battle was joined and the fighting was fierce. The Nile troops went among the women and children of Jordan, striking with sword and spear mercelessly. Nehkbet realized as she halted a bit away from the battle that she would return to Chethosk with the title of Conquerer, and perhaps gain the title of Queen.

From behind her, she heard a voice full of pain and suffering scream,  "FOR JORDAN!". She felt intense pain and she collapsed as she struggled to breath. Her mortal soul left her body on the shores of Isauria. After the death of Nehkbet, the Sinai ally and the remaining Nile army were unable to maintain the intensity of the battle. Realizing that the primary objective had been accomplished, the remains of the army limped home. They were in no condition to deal with the troubles that had occurred in Levant, and the Sinai ally did all he could to return the remaining 3000 national troops to Mansura before going back to the Sinai region himself.

While the campaign was ongoing, Princess Khapri ruled over the nation. She sent her mother's advisor, Tety, to Yemen to negotiate with the locals. Tety was initially unsuccessful in this endeavor, until a small army from the South entered the region, and began to raid the local villages. General Tety, a very able tactician, was able to show the local chieftain how he could lure the attackers into a trap. Without ever getting involved in the combat himself, Tety allowed the Yemenites to wipe out the attackers. After that, the region was more receptive to the Nile Kingdom's advances.

In the beginning of year 17, she received word that her mother had died. Khapri assumed the mantle of Queen without difficulty, as she had been acting the role for a number of years. She received word from all the surrounding regions that made up the Kingdom of the Nile that all would follow her lead. It was therefore curious when later in the year word reached Chethosk that the people of Levant had revolted against the puppet government that paid tribute to the Nile for the local governor had assured her that the people did not take issue with her assuming the throne.. She had little concern, however, as the returning Nile army would be visiting Levant to claim slaves for the nation after destroying the Jordanians. When the remains of the once mighty Nile army limped back into Mansura, she was shocked to learn of the death of her sister and put the insufferable Levantians from her mind. Towards the end of year 20, she organized a census of the Kingdom of the Nile. Now she realized that she must marry and start a family of her own.


King Djoser

Diplomacy: Nubia (ne), Dongola (hs)

With his hand firmly at the helm of Lower Egypt, King Djoser began ruling over his  realm. Much rebuilding  needed to be done. For the turmoil of the past several years had fractured several of the peripheral regions from Lower Egypt's control. To mend this tear in the nation, he sent his advisor, Korann, to Dongola and Nubia with messages that the nation had emerged as a more powerful and stable Kingdom. But Korann was not an the best orator in the Kingdom had ever known. When closely questioned in Dongola about Djoser's takeover of the country, Korann, a strong supporter of the new King, made a cutting comment about how quickly Dongola had revolted. Such talk was not what the Dongolans wished to hear. They quickly sent Korann packing to continue his trek through the steppes to Nubia. Korann truly hated the steppes. His people were people of the river, not this wasteland of grass. It took him forever to cross, mainly because of his lack of familiarity with the terrain. Finally, he arrived. Although he was able to hold his tongue, he was not successful at getting any commitments from the Nubians. He returned to Onn with little to show for his time.

The King, however, had spent considerable effort at improving the conditions in Onn. He oversaw the construction of a ship building industry in the region. He also sent some messages to the North, looking to renew the bonds between Lower Egypt and the Daughters of the Nile, by seeking a political marriage. But things in the Northern nation were in disarray with the death of the War Queen, and the ongoing military operations. Djoser's messages went unanswered. He settled for marrying a local woman. Over the next five years, Djoser and his wife suffered through 3 miscarriages. It was a troubling time for the new King. Little had he thought that ruling a nation could be so difficult.



Mercenaries available for turn 3:
8i, 4c, 4s, 4w, 4t
Hogani Mtoto (M688) with 2c,2xc,2i

Mercenaries hired for turn 3:

THE KINGDOM OF PUNT (Previously The Kingdom of Askum) - African Pagan

King Lashik

Diplomacy: Danakil (f), Adulis (a); Yemen (hs)

King Ischmik orders a change in the name of the Kingdom to the Kingdom of Punt. King Ischmik again set out with his large army to the West to enslave the nearby regions. First, he crossed over the mountains into Adowa. His army of over 4000 infantry was immediately challenged by a poorly led native army of about 1400 infantry. The Punt army was better trained, albeit mostly inexperienced. The Punt army was somewhat disadvantaged by not knowing the local terrain. The defenders ambushed the Puntan army at every opportunity. Ischmik received a severe blow to the head during one encounter Although wounded, he was able to pacify the region in a month, losing only 200 men. He ordered his troops to begin rounding up the entire population as slaves. While there again was an uprising, this was easily put down by the Puntan army, as they had already established themselves in the region. Again, the losses to Punt were minimal.

The King them marched the new slaves North into Lalibela. While the slaves greatly slowed the approaching army, they arrived by the middle of year 17. Here they met slightly more resistance, but again were able to crush the regional forces with minimal losses. The King again ordered his army to begin rounding up slaves. But the Lalibela resistance was somewhat more significant, and although the King's army had only taken small losses each time, they were facing more troops than in Adowa. The King himself had to lead a number of charges against the insurgent regional forces. The King was a strong general and well loved by his troops, but his injury to the head in Adowa left him thinking somewhat less clearly. He led about 1000 of his troops into a small village, and was ambushed by the local militia. Perhaps had his troops been more experienced they may have been able to fight their way out of the situation. But they were still green, and while only 200 of the men were lost, the King was struck down. Without his leadership, the army immediately routed in the face of the Lilibela resistance. They took the slaves from Adowa and returned to Zeila.

Prince Mishamamish went North to the region of Adulis. He spent a significant amount of time in the region, talking with the local chieftain. In fact, he became quite fond of the chieftain's daughter, and married her. This obviously made the chieftain very happy, and he agreed to become an ally of Punt. Mishamamish then prepared to go further into the Northern steppes. He hated traveling through this terrain, for he was in no mood to deal politely with men who slept with their horses and simply were in the way of the Kingdom establishing dominance over the area. On the eve of his departure, he saw the remnants of Ischmik's army crossing back over the mountains. He immediately took command of them, and again led them back through mountain passes into the region of Lalibela, sending word to Prince Lashik that his father had died. He had under his command only 2000 men, and he knew from the army that he would face in Lalibela would be close to that number. Making the assault through the mountains was not the best plan, but he hoped to surprise them by the Punt army's rapid return. Upon entering the region, they indeed surprised the Lilibelans. For they were still celebrating their defeat of the enemy 6 months before. As Mishamamish fell upon them, he was able to direct his troops against the stronghold of the regional leader. After a brutal skirmish, where the Lalibela militia was severely beaten, and the local chieftain was wounded, the Punt army had again pacified the region. After so many months of battle, there was only token resistance during the gathering of slaves. Prince Mishamamish returned them triumphantly to Zeila. He much prefered fighting and slaving to slogging throught the steppes to talk to horse lovers.

When word reaced the homeland that the King had been killed in the field, Prince Lashik, who had been ruling in the King's absence, quickly took the throne. There were no major objections throughout the realm, and King Lashik continued his father's plans for the Kingdom. Upon the return of the army, he ordered the construction of a port city in the region of Danakil on the Red Sea and Bab-Al-Mandab to be named Sabae. He also ordered Lord Tarik to try to convince the Danakil people of closer ties to the nation. He could not have been more successful, as the Danakil region agrees to formal enter the Kingdom of Punt. It seems that they put more stock in young King Lashik than into his father.

While the Prince, now King, ruled, his wife who had had a miscarriage in year 16, had a daughter in year 19. She got pregnant soon after, but a complicated delivery was too much for her, and she passed away. Luckily, the child, another daughter, survived.

Across the Red Sea, Lasai, the Aden feudal ally, gathered about 800 infantry and raided into the region of Yemen. Initially, it appeared that they would be successful, but a surprise attack by the local militia overwhelmed them. Lasai barely survived with his life, having been severely injured. He had two questions. How did the Yemenites respond so efficiently? And why did he agree to ally himself with the Kingdom of Punt? He found out the answer to the first question upon arriving home. It seems that Yemen was now part of the Kingdom of the Nile, and a war general of the Nile had been in Yemen aiding the defenders. He returned home to nurse his wounds and rebuild his troops, and to contemplate the second question.

THE KINGDOM OF IFE - African Pagan

King Krulda, Lord of the Niger

Diplomacy: Kafin (f), Yoruba (a)

King Krulda gathered his royal court together and announced that Bu-wani would be named heir to the throne of Ife. He also elevated his son to princedom as he came of age. Having named Bu-wani, he departed for Yoruba to negotiate with the local leaders. While their he struck up a friendship with the local chief. Given the history of antipathy between the region and Ife in the past, Krulda was justified in his exuberance in accepting Yoruba as a full ally of the nation.

Lord Gimbasi also had success in Kafin. He wisely pointed out that King Krulda was likely to lead Ife to a great destiny, and were Kafin not closely tied to the Kingdom, they would be left behind. The local leadership agreed, and Kafin was brought fully into Ife.

At home, Bu-wani became familiar with ruling a nation. While this was not his best skill, he performed adequately enough to keep his father's kingdom together. He had extra incentive, now that it would eventually be his. He spent a good deal of time with his wife, who became pregnant in year 20, but lost the child during a febrile illness. Bu-wani's wife survived. Otherwise, peace reigned in the Kingdom. And Bu-wani oversaw a huge influx of gold into the university.


King Mansa Masu

Diplomacy: Segu (aw)

King Mansa Masu first act was to declare Prince Mansakali Mori as heir of the Kingdom. Next he moved with a large army to the West. He was gone for many years. When he returned, he brought slaves and a prisoner, although exactly what he had done, or where he went is unclear. Upon his return, the army was in tatters, and Mansa Masu looked thoroughly exhausted. Word got out eventually that he had travelled far to the West, but had to fight many battles. On the return, he invaded Segu with less than 2000 troops, albeit mostly cavalry. He faced almost 2500 mobile troops and some fortifications. The Seguns tore through the Songhai troops. Despite Mansa Masu being a better general, the Segu militia was of much higher quality. After the first month, all the Songhai troops were either dead or routed. It was all the King could do to rally 600 cavalry and 200 infantry, although several were now elite.

While the King was off campaigning, the heir, Mansakali Mori, had been ruling the Kingdom. He was an excellent administrator, and not only was able to keep the entire Kingdom in check, but oversaw the construction of postal roads throughout the Kingdom, extending from Songhai through Sudan and Gorouol. Unfortunately, while touring one of the new roads, he was thrown from his horse. He struck his head and never regained consciousness. The Kingdom mourned his loss, while elevating a daughter to a position in the government.

ISI List for Turn 00004

#  Nation Name                MSI    ESI   Player Name     TV    EMail Address

1    Duchy of Lombardy                       68.6          5        D. Salter                  1.7       salterdj@aol.com
2    Jade Dragon                                  63.1          6        K. Ditto                   2.3       shadowkitsune@earthlink.net
3    Kingdom of Bavaria                       62.1          7        M. Stadermann        2.7       staderma@email.unc.edu
4    Conclave of the Ganges                 59.9           1        R. Miles                  0.2       rmiles@dellnet.com
5    Kingdom of Lorraine                     60.2           3        T. Finton                 1.9        khan_tim@yahoo.com
6    Kingdom of Ife                             57.6            4        L. McGucken          1.6        liam.mcgucken@focusedE.com
7    Kara-Khitai Kingdom                   56.8          17        D. Inglis                   1.8        pugslote@yahoo.com.au
8    Kingdom of Greece                      55.3           21        R. Otts                    1.3        robertotts@yahoo.com
9    Za Priest Kings of Pegu                52.7           15        Open for a player!   0.7        None
10  Kingdom of Troy                          50.8             9       M. Bailey                 2.3        elinmrk@home.com
11  Sultanate of Morroco                    50.7           11       B. Karn                   1.8        waywatcher@sprynet.com
12  Jinn Dynasty                                 50.3           12        T. Joyce                  2.7        joyce_tim@hotmail.com
13  The Kingdom of Punt                    49.2           28        S. Mathers              2.2        stevenmathers@yahoo.com
14  Kingdom of Durham                     47.2           29         J. Browning            0.7        jb@syclone.net
15  Land of the Tiny Fingers               46.5           22         J. Marshall              1.1        james.f.marshall@gte.net
16  Kingdom of Granada                   45.8            31         R. Cash                  0.9       Granada034@hotmail.com
17  Kingdom of Songhai                    45.8            18         G. Hill                     0.7        hillg@ibm.net
18  Kingdom of Catalonia                  44.5            30          J. Cochran             1.8        jcochran@unique-software.com
19  Kingdom of Mesopotamia            45.2            32         P. Flinton                2.8       pflinton_lords34@hotmail.com
20  Empire of the Sun                         43.8              2         H. Jensen               0.7        hjensen@infernicus.com
21  UTFK                                          42.6            27         N. Inglis                 1.4       QCBC@optusnet.com.au
22  Kingdom of Indus                         42.2            25         E. Morgan              1.3       solar_imperium@usa.net
23  Kingdom of France                       42.1            13         C. Caliano              1.5       Khaosra@aol.com
24  Kingdom of Persia                        41.4            14          D. Garrison            2.5      morphium4@home.com
25  Pandyan Kingdom                        39.5             35         A. Novak              1.8      dreux2@home.com
26  Kingdom of the Svear                   38.7            23          J. Morrison            1.6       rebel@blclinks.net
27  Kingdom of Khemer                     38.3            19          Open for a player!  1.3       None
28  Island Kingdom of Sicily               35.6             16         (D. Patterson)         1.5       dpatterson@computertech.com
29  KULU                                         34.2              26         A. Fritz                   2.1       alarikf@disinfo.net
30  Island Kingdom of Rhodes           34.3              24          A. Inglis                 0.9       alex_i@optusnet.com.au
31  Daughters of the Nile                    33.3              37         M. Holy                 1.3       holyman@blight.com
32  Island Kingdom of Java                33.2                8          J. Chacon              1.3       globales1@hotmail.com
33  Kingdom of Alba                          33.3              36         Open for a player!   1.4      None
34  Kingdom of Avalon                      30.1               20         D. Vulcan               1.6       erekose@erinet.com
35  Imperial Republic of Rome           29.0               10         M. Helmsing           1.3       helmsing@coredcs.com
36  Sublime Kingdom of Wu              29.0               34         K. St Louis             0.3       kstlouis@bolt.com
37  Kingdom of Patzinak                    26.3               41         S. Bochenski          0.7       sboche@mindspring.com
38  Kingdom of Lower Egypt             26.1               33         B. Hampson           1.3       bhampson@cox-internet.com
39  Green Tribe                                 23.9                38         R. Olexsak             1.4       sakzilla@uswest.net
40  Kingdom of Carchemish               22.1                39         E. Allen                 1.0        tgroove@earthlink.net
41  Oracles of Delphi                         16.2                40         B. Terry                 0.3       amajaral@aol.com