Lords 27

The Dark ages

Turn 26

626-630 AD



200 men


200 horsemen

Siege Engineers

200 men


2 ships


2 ships

Field Forts

2 forts


General Information:


I will be bringing this campaign up to date with the rules.  You can download the new rules of the Lords home page.  This will include updating the Stats program to its current version.  This means that several things will have changed, such as, Hands Off Trade (MSP to trade routes are allocated automatically).  Also Primacy, RO, and SE incomes will likely change due to the new tables and max tax.  All Megalithic Constructs, including Societal and Economic changes, will be updated to reflect this.


There are a few other things that people will notice.  If most of your friendly regions are cultivated, you are Civilized.  So, many of you will notice that your nation is now Civilized, and not Nomadic/Barbarian. 


All Intel/Religious Ops done by a nation, must be on that nation’s order sheet.  Feel free to collude and co-ordinate your Ops, but each nation must do their own, or they will not be counted. 


I will be placing a new bribe resolution system into place.  I will post the table, and a few notes on the modifiers I will be using.  This is experimental, and is somewhat different than the one Thomas is trying out in L1, but the flavor is the same. 


Also, please be clear on what actions you are doing, and how many AP you have to do them with.  Not only will it make processing the turn faster, it will more likely ensure that what you want done, gets done. 


Thank you,











28i, 12c, 10s, 10w


16i, 58c, 5s, 5w


17i, 48c, 5s, 5w



Takeda Shogunate – Shinto – Seafaring – Tech 4,

Shogun Akira

Diplomacy: Luzon(un) [Bashi(f)]


Akira stayed home to train his troops and tend to his family.  Him and his wife gave birth to a baby girl named Uno.  Akira’s son, and his Heir, Kenji, also stayed home, just in case, and fathered a son named Akio before his wife died a few years later.  Akira also watched over the expansion of Edo and ordered several improvements in the new area of Edo as well as the countryside of Yamato.


The Shogunate took control of Luzon from the Sirivijayans, which eventually revolted, and then sent a diplomatic envoy to Bashi, which fully embraced the Shogunate, and many in the city even embraced the Shinto religion.  However, two of the leaders in that envoy, decided that they were no longer going to follow the orders of the Shogunate, and decided to pursue other interests. 


Hiro, the explorer, was sent south and discovered the Marianas Islands before returning home.




Kannagara No Michi – Shinto – Seafaring – Tech 4,

Tai Sho Hiro

Diplomacy: Kagoshima [Satsuma(op)], Yamato(oe)


Tai Sho Hiro, leader of the Samurai, went to Yamato to expand the training facilities.  He also ordered the expansion of Satsuma with a new fortress, and the expansion of Ueshiba.


Chosaan, a fierce warrior who is rumored to be the next leader of the Samurai, was given an interesting and difficult task.  The Shogun had asked the Samurai to investigate strange cultic activity that was reported in Nigata.  Chosaan was the best man for the job, so he left by boat immediately.  He spent several years investigating and eventually came upon a local village near the mountains.  The village elder told a story about a mysterious cavern in which people would enter, but never return.  Chosaan went to investigate further, and found several peaceful monks who mere studying the cavern.  It seemed there was a gate like structure inside that supposedly sent adventurers to another location, but none of the monks knew where that location was.  Chosaan, decided that with his bright future, he would not risk going inside, at least not with a direct order to do so.  He was ready to head back home.


Morihei Ueshiba was in the city of Satsuma to expand the training facilities there.  Upon completion of his 2-year project, he was on his way to build a few more new training facilities, but collapsed dead on his horse during the journey.


Mako was sent to Bashi to convert the cities people to the Shinto religion, and he met with little resistance, but little interest as well.




The Lu Kingdom of Korea – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4,

King Lu Shan

Diplomacy: None






The Hu Empire – Therevada Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4,

Emperor Hu

Diplomacy: Chinling(pt), Luzon(un)


Emperor Hu Gwei orders the mobilization of a vast army to take control of Chinling.  As it so happens, Wei Lu of the Black Dragons had the same idea, and their armies met on the battlefield within days of arriving in the province.  Hu Gwei’s army, composed of 20,000 mixed cavalry, vastly outnumbered Wei Lu’s forces of mostly infantry.  Emperor Hu was known for his military tactics, and quickly moved against the Black Dragon force, as he saw an opportunity to deal a decisive blow to his northern antagonist.  Wei Lu’s army was quickly routed and slaughtered, and he himself only narrowly escaped certain death. 


After extracting an involuntary tribute from the province of Chinling, Hu Gwei moved his cavalry to Funui.  That is where Hu Gwei met his match in terms of military tactics.  General Lui, with a spiritual leader named Sun, had arrived earlier with a sizable and well-equipped cavalry force.  As both military leaders relished this opportunity for glory, the horsemen from both armies engaged each other quickly, not leaving much time for strategy.  As a result, equipment and training was the decisive factor in battle, and Hu Gwei was defeated.  His army relinquished control of Funui to the Black Dragon Empire, and returned home to Hupei to tend to the wounds and moral of his troops who suffered a rare defeat. 


Unfortunately, there was not much time to rest as word was received that there was a hostile army composed solely of lightly equipped but highly trained cavalry from the West.  The horsemen wore turbans, and were later discovered to be members of an Indian religious order named Shiva.  Hu Gwei, upon hearing of these invaders, rushed his army to Kweichou where the raiders were spotted, despite their best efforts to conceal their arrival.  This time, with superior equipment and time for tactics, Hu Gwei completely annihilated but not before taking an arrow to the chest.  Hu Gwei lived long enough to see the destruction of the invaders, but in an incredible twist of fate, it was Hu Gwei, and not Gayaa, commander of the ill-fated raiding party, that perished in that battle.  The soldiers returned to Hupei, and were placed under the control of the new Hu Emperor, who had just recently come of age. 


Wang Shih, who controlled the warships, spent his time patrolling the rivers of China, looking for trading ships.  The rest of the leaders of Hu’s Empire spent their time on internal defense measures. 




Empire of the Black Dragon – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4

Emperor Wei Luu

Diplomacy: Shensi(oc) [Chang’An(oc)], Honan(un) [Pienching(un)]


Wei Luu, the next emperor of the Black Dragon, was sent to Chinling on a diplomatic mission, after having fallen madly in love with a beautiful young girl, who’s father just happened to be well connected.  Unfortunately, their love would have to wait, as the Hu Empire had its own designs on that province.  Wei Luu’s army was swiftly routed (see above), and he himself only narrowly escaped with his own life.  It was rumored that the death of his great uncle Wei Ki just a few months ago weighed heavily on his shoulders, and may have affected his judgement.  


General Lui and Sun, the Buddhist Monk, were sent to claim several provinces from the Honan Empire.  Their orders were to take control of Shentung, Tangchou and Funui.  General Lui, rode ahead of Sun each time into each province, as he led a efficiently organized group of light cavalry with a group of well-trained and well-equipped cavalry.  They met with little resistance from Shentung and Tangchou, and were able to exact tribute from those provinces.  However, when Lui rode into Funui, his scouts reported that a large cavalry army from Hu was approaching.  Although his army were ready to engage the Hu, Lui decided to draw his enemy to the battlefield of his choice, giving Sun’s Heavy Cavalry time to arrive and join the battle.  Victory was decisive (see above).  After the battle, tribute was claimed from Funui, and Lui and Sun stayed in the province to defend against any would be intruders. 


Wei Han, Wei Luu’s younger brother, was in Pienching with the goal of converting the city to his Buddhism.  However, there were many in the city who craved independence from the Black Dragon, and they managed to incite a riot large enough to take control of large parts of the city.  Wei Han sensed the danger, and attempted to escape, but the rioters were every where and surprisingly well organized.  The crowds cheered as Wei Han’s broken body was burned, along with several other officials, in the town center. 


The death of her second son, weighed heavily on the Empress, who was working steadily to rule her empire.  But as the years passed, she became increasingly ill.  On the fifth anniversary of Wei Han’s death, Wei Hesu herself passed away.  Wei Luu was prepared to lead the empire, and the government officials were making the necessary preparations for the transition.  However, General Lui, was disgusted with Wei Luu’s military abilities after hearing about his devastating loss in Chinling, in which he lost each and every soldier in his army.  General Lui saw a golden opportunity, and decided to take control of the entire Black Dragon army, which just happened to be almost exclusively in Funui.  However, in order to do so, he would have to dispose of Sun.  So he called upon Sun for spiritual advise, or so the monk thought, but as soon as Sun stepped into Lui’s tent, Lui greeted him with a sword through his chest.  Lui next move was to head back to Shensi and take over Chang’An to set up a base of operations. 




The Liu Empire – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4

Emperor Liu

Diplomacy: Shensi(hm) [Chang’An(f)], Funiu(pt), Shentung(pt), Tangchou(pt)


Open for Player!




The Imperial Realm of Honan – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4

Chu Won Su

Diplomacy: Honan(hm) [Pienching(f)], Funiu(oc), Shentung(oc), Tangchou(oc)


Chu Won Su regained his capital, to his surprise, when it revolted against the Black Dragon.  Unfortunately, he lost control of 3 important regions, as he just simply watched his empire crumble underneath him. 




The Khanate of Hsiung’Nu – Asiatic Pagan – Nomadic – Tech 3

Liao Chien, Khan of the Hsing’Nu, Imperial Governor of Liao Province

Diplomacy: Harbin(revolts), Kin(revolts), Parhae(f), Tumet(revolts)


Khan Liao Chien got bored of ruling, and decided to travel to Parhae with his Chamberlain Yuan Hung.  In Parhae, he convinced/bribed the local government to fully join his realm.  Unfortunately, Liao Chen hoped that his grand-son Liao Ku, would be ready to administer his kingdom, but he needed a few years to get himself up to speed. 


Liao Xi, Crown Prince of the Hsing’Nu, Tarkhan of the Realm, took his small army and his sidekick, Timur the Bright, along with the many mercenaries he hired, to join with his ally in Anhui.  They sat in the province preparing for an invasion, but none was forthcoming. 




Order of the Shaolin Temple – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4

Master Hsiang-Chih

Diplomacy: none


Missionaries were sent to Pienching to convert the entire population to Buddhism, but even with the help of another contingent of Buddhist monks, this spiritual war yielded no results for either side, as the Therevada Buddhists were actively preaching there as well. 


Apart from that, the monks seemed to be on vacation.




Mahayana Buddhist – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4


Diplomacy: none


Chow-Wu sent shipments of gold were sent to the Black Dragon, the Hsing’Nu and the Shaolin Monks.  Then, he spent the rest of his time administering with Hu Wang.  Si Lao died an uneventful death, while Si Yang was ordered to react to possible Hu invaders in Pienching with Tza Tao. 


Sing Li was asked to lead a small group of lightly equipped cavalry to loot several enemy provinces, starting with Tangchou.  He was successful in plundering Tangchou, but when the soldiers learned that Sing Li had no intention of sharing the loot they had collected, they quickly mutinied, and deserted the Buddhist with the gold in hand. 


Missionaries were also sent to Pienching, but were effectively countered by the Theravada monks. 




Theravada Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4

Tan Ri



An assassin successfully made his way to the chamber where Tan Ri was meditating.  He quickly threw a poison-tipped dagger at him, and before Tan Ri even knew what happened, one of his bodyguards jumped in front of him, so that the dagger grazed his shoulder, sparring his master.  The poison worked quickly, and within seconds, Tan Ri’s protector took his last breath.  In the confusion that ensued, the assassin escaped, with his identity unknown. 


However, despite the attempt on his life, Tan Ri and his followers continued to convert the citizens of Pienching, but were matched in efforts by the Buddhists. 


Dar Al’Harb Emirate – Sunni Islam – Nomadic – Tech 4

Isam al Hezim

Diplomacy: Jungaria(hm)


This horde from the Middle East went further to the East in search of a home.  They traveled the steppe regions looking for a place to settle.  Upon their travels through Osman, they met another small band of Nomads.  These tribesmen were impressed with Isam al Hezim, and decided to ally themselves with him, and join his search for a new homeland.  They traveled further still, and raided the wilderness of Kudia, before they finally came to a beautiful region known as Jungaria.  That would be the spot.  Isam decided to leave a few settlers to build huts, and irrigate the fields for his new civilization, and then shot off further East in search of wealth and new friends. 


The tribesmen traveled all the way to Yumen, where they met a decent sized horde.  Isam spoke of a new homeland that they were building, and invited the Khan of the Yumen to join them.  But the Khan just laughed at them, and when he finished laughing, he decided to attack these settler weaklings.  So the battle was fought, and both sides fought well.  However, in the end, it was the size of Isam al Hezim’s horde that won the day.  Both armies were facing significant casualties, but after seeing his horde decimated, the Yumen Khan decided to give the Emirate free passage.  He wished them well, having gained respect for the wearied travelers from the West.


The horde traveled further East, and carried out several raids on the rich lands of the Black Dragon.  Yanzhi, Wu Hai and Ordos were all hit by the raids which destroyed several huts and farmlands.  Then they traveled to Hsia-Hsia looking for more nomadic settles, but none were to be found. 









5i, 5w, 5t

Oceanic Pagan




Sirivijayan Empire – Hinduism – Seafaring – Tech 4

King Temazeya

Diplomacy: none


King Temazeya had an arrangement with the Japanese to take over Luzon from them.  However, the transfer did not go as smoothly as planned, as the people of Luzon decided that independence would be better for them.  Shortly thereafter, there were a few deaths in the family.  Of note, Prince Kandar died at the ripe old age of 93.  Amwea took over his duties.  The Heir Omahera and his wife, Pr N’ree, had a son, but she unfortunately died due to complications. 


In economic matters, P’Ingtung in Taiwan grew by a city level, while the capital city of Sirivjaya received many new improvements.  A good portion of economic resources also went to the construction of troops warships and transports. 


While King Temazeya ruled, and Omahera administered, Kalatu was sent to map the East Monsoon Drift.  He returned successful in his task.  S’Jama was sent to the coast of Siripti to join the siege with Khmer against Pegu.  S’Jama looked around for a while, but when the Khmer soldier were nowhere to be found, and the army of Pegu had returned home in force, he decided to go back home himself.









5i, 9c, 5w





Kingdom of Champa – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4

King Tri Utvaditya

Diplomacy: Laos(-nt), Pegu(un), Thaton(un)


King Tri Utvaditya stayed home to rule his empire, and as usual sent his underlings to do his dirty work.  He sent for his Heir, Ru Sisiwath, to return home from Pegu to conscript thousands of new mounted warriors after he finished collecting the cavarly troops from General Phu Vishnu, in exchange for infantry units.  The reason for this reorganization of the army was obvious.  The cavalry would return and defend the homeland, while the infantry units were sent to conquer the cities of Pegu and capture their capitol. 


However, the Champans made a tactical error.  The King thought that Phu Vishnu would need more foot soldiers to seige the walls of Siripti, so he removed the garrison from Pegu, and then from Thaton.  Both of those regions quickly revolted once they heard word that the Pegu army was returning home to reclaim their land.  The General Phu Vishnu as a result, decided to tuck tail and run, as per his King’s instructions.


The Korat Feudal Ally was to join General Phu, but on receiving word of the retreat, did nothing instead.  However, the Nam Pung Feudal Ally was given instructions to sack Bangkok before joining General Phu, so he happily obliged.  And although the task was easily completed, the soldiers were instructed that all the spoils were to be given to the Champan treasury, and they were not too pleased with that idea.  As a result, they kept all the spoils for themselves. 




Kingdom of Pegu – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4

King Srijivada

Diplomacy: Assam(un), Gaur(un), Nakhon(un) [Bangkok(sacked)], Palas(un), Pegu(hm), Thaton(f)


King Srijivada and his Lieutenant Altpan realized that their war against the Gupta alliance was not going well.  Although their victories to the north were pleasing, their homeland Pegu and Thaton fell to Champans.  As a result, they headed back to Pegu and Thaton.  Interestingly enough, the Champans withdrew their garrisons from both regions in hopes of using those armies to siege Siripti.  However, with the return of the Pegu army back home, the Champans decided it would be best to retreat and plan for the next stage of war.  (See below for the Gupta invasion)









24i, 20c, 18s, 5w



Empire of Asamakara – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4

King Bahudana

Diplomacy: none






The Temple of Kali – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4


Diplomacy: none


Inari Jubei passed away, and Gayaa took over his duties with little consequence.  Other than that, the priests spent their time meditating.




The Sword of Shiva – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4

Master Etaka

Diplomacy: none


Master Etaka spent five years working diligently to increase the status of his order with the Gupta Empire.  All his time and effort paid great dividends, as he now has full status within the Gupta Empire.  Jayavarman was given the task of administering the order, but he died before he could complete his duties.  Johohie was given the task to follow the steps of Lamizan in pursuit of a mysterious quest.  However, in order to make it to the Red Sea, he would need a ship, and likely plenty of them, as one never knows who or what might be waiting for him in those unknown waters. 


Gayaa, on the other hand, was given a simple task.  You see, Master Etaka was unsatisfied with the riches in India, so he sent Gayaa with over 4000 of his best trained light cavalry to China to conduct raids.  So Gayaa, with troops in hand, set forth to the East across many mountains, until he arrived in a region called Om’Chu.  That was to be the jumping point to Kweichou.  The plan was to secretly and quietly move into Kweichou and raid the neighboring provinces from there.  However, Gayaa, although a decent military tactician, was not the brightest star in the sky.  He and his men were excited about the prospect of nomadic style raiding in far-away China, that they all got drunk the night before.  As a result, they were lumbering rather slowly with massive hangovers across the massive mountain ranges into Kweichou, and in fact, they took one of the more traveled roads, as they didn’t want to wear themselves out.  Well it wasn’t long before Wu scouts spotted the Shiva horsemen, and reported their position.  The Wu army in Chinling was closest, and moved to Kweichou to intercept the raiders before they could do any damage.  Indeed the Wu made it in time, and quickly overpowered the small Shivan raiding party.  In fact, Gayaa barely made it out alive, even though his army was completely annihilated.  He heading back to Assam, not knowing how he was going to explain his failure to Master Etaka. 


In other news, improvements were made to Kalyani, which included increasing the heights of the city walls.  The fortress in Nasik also received higher walls. 




The Empire of Edrosia – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4


ELIMINATED – see below.




Gupta Empire – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4

Emperor Khali

Diplomacy: Assam(f), Gaur(f), Palas(f), Edrosia(pt) [Mansura(pt)], Surashtra(pt) [Somantha(pt)], Sind(pt), Sukkur(pt), Ava(n/e), Burma(n/e)


Hesharu, son of Khali, decided it was time for vengeance against the Pegu for imprisoning his father.  He set forth with a vast army to regain control of Assam, Gaur and Palas.  It was in Palas where Hesharu found his father, somewhat weakened from his imprisonment, but still alive, so he returned to Maghada to his throne to get re-aquianted with his empire.  Hesharu, however, would continued his campaign of vengeance, but first, diplomatic overtures were made to Ava and Burma, but to no avail.  Then, after chasing them for months, Hesharu finally met his enemies, who had returned to their native Pegu. 


Hesharu wasted no time, he immediately launched his mixed force of about 50,000 men in a fit of rage against Pegu.  However, even though Hesharu was a brilliant tactician, he was having a little difficulty managing such a large force.  Furthermore, Srijivada was no military slouch, and his general Altpan, was an equally brilliant tactician himself.  The Pegu army also had the advantage of knowing their terrain extremely well.  As it turned out, the winds favored the Pegu forces, and despite being outnumbered, they managed to repel the invaders while doing some serious damage to their invaders.  Hesharu was enraged, but he learned a lesson from his defeat, that next time he’ll need to better plan his assault and lot let emotion work against him.  In the meantime, he retreated to Arakan. 


In the meantime, Lord Eshasula, was sent to reclaim the lands of Edrosia, who had claimed independence from the Gupta.  Lord Eshasula, with a small army of his own, surrounded himself with many mercenaries.  In addition, he also had the Mongol Horde at his back (which he watched carefully), who were more than happy to join the fray as they were receiving plenty of food and gold from the Gupta Empire.  These armies met no resistance until they came to Edrosia, where a man by the name of Lord Raheem Jaffar stood by King Hattur and planned their defense.  King Hattur was optimistic, and believed that his empire would withstand the assault, but Lord Raheem Jaffar knew there was no way out of this mess alive.  Instead, like a lion backed into a corner, he and the King’s army fought valiantly, and struck an amazing blow against the Mongol Horde, the Mercenaries and the Gupta contingent.  However, that blow paled in comparison to the defeat that the sustained, for as Lord Raheem Jaffar knew, the best he could hope for is to kill as many of the Gupta and Mongol Horde alliance as possible.  That he did, and for that valiant effort, songs and stories will be written about his bravery and valor.  Lord Eshasula returned to Maghada, to tell his Emperor the good news and welcome him back.


Lord Narumi was given the task of conducting a census for the Gupta Empire, but once again, failed miserably.  He wondered “are there just too many citizens, or is there a better way to do this?”


Priest Khuderbha was given no concrete instructions, so he just sat around doing nothing. 




The Mongol Khanate – Asiatic Pagan – Nomadic – Tech 1

Khan Margun

Diplomacy: none


Khan Margun, in command of a staggering 100,000 horsemen, let alone what his allied forces commanded, joined with the Guptas to squash the Edrosians.  After that campaign though, he felt the best course of action would be to head to Gaur to make sure that his men remained well fed, as events in the East were not enticing at that point. 









16i, 33c, 8w




There was peace declared between the Eastern Orthodox, Zoroastrian and Coptic Christian nations.  The regions of Hellespontus, Asia and Phrygia stay in ERE hands.  The ERE cedes all other lands in Anatolia, including cities, fortresses, etc, etc to Persia or their designee.  This specifically includes the presently owned regions of Psidia and Cilicia.  Here are the complete list of the terms:


1. ERE keeps Hellespontus, Asia and Phrygia.

2. Persia or its designate receives all other regions in Anatolia and any structures therein. Cities, public works, fortresses etc. are not to be dismantled.

3. The EO populace of all of these regions shall not be murdered, displaced or militarily converted. Peaceful conversion using missionaries is allowed.

4. All EO church and religious order sites with-in the areas going to Persia, et al shall be forfeited.

5. HIM Xerxes shall be released to Persia unharmed.

6. Not less than 100 years of peace shall exist between Persia and the ERE and all co-religionists and vassal and satellite states of each. Peace shall extend past the 100 year mark until five years after either of the ERE or Persia shall notify the other that a state of war shall exist.

7. All current and future Zoroastrian and EO nations, religious orders, secret empires, etc are covered by the term "co-religionists and vassal and satellite states"

8. Hostile actions shall include outright military actions, any offensive or subversive intel, setting up an SE in the other parties lands and religious intel against the others lands.

9. Wars by proxy are to be avoided if this is to be a lasting peace. Signatories have the right to call a council of the other signatories to discuss any trouble spots in the world

10. The Coptic powers are included in this peace proposal as well. All hostilities between EO and Coptic forces shall cease.

11. The ERE, et al shall not expand any farther south or farther east than Patzinak and Crimea in the Caucasus region.




Greater Armenia – Eastern Orthodox – Barbarian – Tech 4

King Titus



King Titus, now finds himself without a home and without a war to fight.  He spent the years in Constantinople preparing for an attack should the peace treaty not hold.  Now he looks forward to the time that he can settle his people and build a new Armenia.




The Sultanate of Aden – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 4

Sultan Rasheed

Diplomacy: Madina(-nt) [Mecca (a)]


Sultan Rasheed oversaw the continued development of his nation, with the growth of 3 cities, namely Al-mukalla, Al-aqabah and Socotra.  In addition, Sa’na saw the addition of a new sewer system that made the region more pleasant. 


Ghalib, the Sultan’s son, went to Mecca, where he saw fit to loosen the grip on the region of Madina, to be able to more fully control the city therein.  As a result, Mecca has granted the Sultanate with its allegiance. 


Prince Husaam died of natural causes, and after a few years of mourning, Prince Mahdi stepped up to fill his role.


Ismaael was sent to Zanzibar to convert the population, and had moderate success.




Zoroastrian Church – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 4

Patriarch Aslan

Diplomacy: Abasigia(ch)


The Patriarch Aslan, devoted his time to converting the people of Ulaan-Baatar, the capital of Ulania, to Zoroastrianism, and he met with utmost success having converted them all.  In addition, he had his servants complete the cultivation of Lebanon, as well as a Royal Road from Shirvan to Georgia, and the start of a new Royal Road from Georgia to Abasigia. 


Cardinal Zaruth with Cardinal Angcur, Bishop Aaruhman and eventually Bishop Parsifel help the nation of Asia claim and colonize Abasigia, as well as establish a church there.  This must have been a lot of stress for Cardinal Zaruth, as he passed away shortly after completing the initial task.  


Bishop Shofshou was sent to Zanzibar to convert the island people, but met with strong resistance. 




Sassanid Persia – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 5

King Xerxes

Diplomacy: Isauria(p) [Adalia(p)]


The Peace that was reached between the Zoroastrian and Eastern Orthodox nations, allowed the Persians to refocus their attention on their economy.  They reconstructed the city of Tyre in Lebanon, and added various public works to Mesopotamia. 


King Xerxes, after being held prisoner for several years, was released none much worse for wear.  After reclaiming the throne and control of his troops, he decided to be festive, and took a beautiful wife from the local nobility.  Xerces brother was also in a festive mood as it turns out, as they had baby girl almost a year after the celebrations.  Unfortunately, Lord Sattar, died peacefully, after having made sure that if any nation were to break the peace, they would not get far.  Prince Daryush came of age, and took his position in the government. 


Bishop Narses was the only one not involved in maintaining the peace, he was given the task of converting Cilicia, and met with moderate success. 




The Kingdom of Asia – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 5

King Ardashir

Diplomacy: Abasigia(f), Pasidia(f)


King Ardashir, with his government in ruins, tried to pick up the pieces now that peace has been negotiated, although help in the form of governmental support did arrive from the Zoroastrian church. With the help of the church and the large amount of grain from the Kara-Khitai, Abasigia and Pasidia were colonized and added to the Kingdom.  Paphlagonia also received some new improvements. 





Mercenaries: 5c, 5lc


The Empire of Kara-Khitai – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 4

King Mongka

Diplomacy: none


King Mongka had great economic plans, but had failed to organize them properly and had a bit of a budget shortfall, preventing him from completing all of his projects.  But much of it did get completed, including shipping vast amounts of grain to The Kingdom of Asia, thousands of new heavy cavalry troops, many of them well trained, as well as the development of Ferghana and Singanakh, and finally the continuation of the cultivation project in Kashmir.  Not too mention the societal and economic changes that are brewing. 


Apart from that, nothing much happened except for Prince Baraq dying and Prince Baku taking his place.




The Parthian Empire – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 5

King Zarmihr

Diplomacy: none


Stopped to smell the roses.




The Farohars of Ahura-Mazda – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 5

Grandmaster Haezahd

Diplomacy: Georgia(op), Shirvan(oo), Pontus(oh), Azerbajian(un) [Tabriz(oh)], Parthia(un) [Firoz Kohi(oh)], Cappadocia(un), Isauria(un), Pamphyla(un), Vaspurakan(un), Carmania(un), Diyala(un), Media [Ecbatana(un)], Otrar [Tashkent(un)], Petra(un)


Things started off quite well for the Farohars with the advent of peace.  They made several upgrades to their training facilities Georgia and Shirvan, as well as adding a few new order houses in Pontus, and the cities of Tabriz and Firoz Kohi.  In fact, the Farohars decided to build Royal Roads from Khurasan to Kash via Firoz Kohi, and extending a Postal Road from Kash to Parndene. 


Everything was going according to plan, until Grandmaster Ormazd passed away.  Master Mashahd was prepared to take his rightful place as the new leader of the Zoroastrian Order, already in command of the Order Fortress and the troops within.  However, a young new whippersnapper by the name of Haezahd had other plans.  Being in control of the entire cavalry army, he decided that he himself should be made Grandmaster of the order.  So, he took his troops to Mesopotamia to take control of the Fortress.  Mashahd sent word to Yehlazd in Shirvan, asking for his support, not only to back him as the leader, but also to support his military position in Mesopotamia.  Yehlazd agreed, and made his way as quickly as he could to the Fortress.


Yehlazd made his way to the fortress and arrived within a couple of months of Haezahd cavalry assault.  Although Mashahd and Yehlazd had a slight military advantage due to defensive tactics, Haezdad had a force that was faster, better and twice as powerful.  Haezahd’s cavalry forces overpowered the inept line of mostly infantry and siege engineers rather quickly, and destroyed them all in the ensuing pursuit.  Mashahd was captured in the withdrawal, while Yehlazd was killed in the original assault.  Haezahd was indeed the true successor to Ormazd.  Anyone who thought otherwise soon found a sword through his or her belly.




Monopysite Church – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4

Patriarch Venedictos

Diplomacy: Tuscany(ch) [Capricia(ab)], Togo [Khaziptioples(ch)], Saukin [Damanhur(ch)], Sudan [Gao(ch)], Faiyun [Humanrapta(mn)], Levant [Jerusalem(mn)], Calabria [Catanzaro(mn)]


The Monopysite Church seized the opportunity these past five years to vastly spread its web, and to give back to its flock in the form of sewers, canals, etc. 




The Order of the Theban Legion – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 5

Grandmaster Sotutor

Diplomacy: Adulis(-un), Cyprus(-un), Levant(-oo), Shoa(-oh)


The Grandmaster ruled his web this turn, which he thought needed a little loosening.  He also sent two of his best leaders to follow their Coptic brothers as they expanded their web, just in case anything went wrong with the peace. 









5i, 5c, 5s, 5w


5i, 5c, 5s, 5w



The Christian Church of God – Arian Christian – Civilized – Tech 4

Patriarch Marsden

Diplomacy: Gefara(mn), Merrakesh(mn), Zirid [Melilla(mn)]


Patriarch Terbious died at the ripe old age of 88 while ruling.  Cardinal Helik took his place, but died a year later under the heavy burden of stress.  He was only 37, and many said that he was just not ready for the task, even though everything that he did was done exceptionally well.  Instead, an even younger Patriarch was named in Marsden, who now at 33, would have a chance to prove himself as Patriarch.  It was a stunning surprise that the church didn’t just fall apart. 


Before Helik died, he established a Monastery in Merrikesh.  Helseth, who would have become Patriarch after Helik had he not been so inept, had a very bad couple of years.  After failing to found two abbeys, and not being able to convert the Maltese people, he was told to investigate the Maltese to see if there was anything working against him and his church.  However, he was found dead in an alley, and no one knows who, how or why.


Marsden and Sabric each succeeded once and failed once in their attempts to canonize monasteries. 




Kingdom of the Vandals – Arian Christian – Seafaring – Tech 4

Emperor Valerius

Diplomacy: none


Emperor Simon, before he croaked, saw the completion of the Postal Road System from Carthage to Melilla, as well as the growth in the population of Carthage, which required the old walls to be torn down and new ones to be build to encompass the burbs.  A few troops and an addition to the walls of Fort Kassel in Carthage were also built.  Emperor Valerius ascended the throne without much difficulty, and maintained a defensive stance.




The Arian Knights of Carthage – Arian Christian – Seafaring – Tech 4

Tzaza the Alan

Diplomacy: Malta [Maltese(oo)], Merrakesh(op), Morroco(op), Zirid(oe)


Tzaza the Alan remained in Zirid to found an order estate there, while Theodoric the Goth stayed back home in Carthage where he ruled before passing away in his sleep.  Fritharik the Vandal, remained in Maltese to build an Order Oratory, and Tzaza the Younger, traveled to Morroco and Merrakesh to found Order Perceptories.




The Egyptian Empire – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 5

Emperor Norisus

Diplomacy: Adulis(f), Danakil(f)


The cities of Alexandria, Humanrapta, Agoruvix, Tokar, Zoskales, Nicosia and Heliopolis were all expanded, and the port city of Damanhur was founded.  Also, a bridge was built from Egypt to Mansura.  Yes, Emperor Norisus was busy as the ruler these past years, overseeing such growth and development.  Prince Calleceus and General Barintiulus were both successful in their diplomatic efforts in Danakil and Adulis respectively. 


However, not all went smoothly for the empire.  Dacutres died before he could investigate any unusual activities in Alexandria.  The famed General Rhoectus passed away in his sleep, and Prince Theopendrus died from disease after his tour of duty in the Gulf of Cypress.









6i, 4w



The Empire of Ethiopia – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4

King Zere

Diplomacy: none


King Zere ruled over his empire, watched the city of Soba grow, and continued to push through reforms to become a Free economy and an Open Society.  King Zere and his wife Temii also tried feverishly to have children, and she finally got pregnant.  But the pregnancy went horribly wrong, and both she and the baby died while giving birth, shortly after Prince Yelma died. 


Lord Ademe was sent to Walaga on missionary work, and met with moderate success.









5i, 5w

African Pagan




The Sheilds of St. Cyril – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4

Grandmaster Uzototlait

Diplomacy: none






Akan, Lords of the Gold Coast – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4

King Can Frou

Diplomacy: none






Kingdom of Kanem – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4

King Mawuli

Diplomacy: none


King Mawuli watched carefully over his kingdom and saw the birth of his third son.  Being inspired by this miracle, he spent many resources to cultivate the lands of Daza, so that he could observe the creation of life in those fields as well.  Nupe also saw plenty of internal economic development.


Jimi, the current Heir to the throne, ruled to make sure any administrative problems were solved, while Jekyll, with the help of Zaghawa and Mufasa thoroughly investigated Kanem Bornu.  They turned up nothing out of the ordinary. 









10i, 5c, 5xc, 10w

Roman Catholic


Arian Christian






Kristos Pantocrator – Eastern Orthodox – Civilized – Tech 5

Grand Master Panktos

Diplomacy: Dacia Rapenis(oh), Dardnia(oh), Rhodes [Rhodes(oh)], Achea(oh) [Varangiopolis(oh)]


Grandmaster Panktos, once he was satisfied that peace had indeed broken out, ordered a massive expansion of the Order.  However, his underlings rushed their work, and much gold was wasted on several failed attempts to build Order Houses. 




Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople – Eastern Orthodox – Civilized – Tech 4

Patriarch Pastor

Diplomacy: Crimea(ch), Polovotsky(ch), Epirus [Kluj(ab)], Kiev(mn)


Patriarch Pastor concentrated on internal defense measures, while his Monks were sent to continue building the infrastructure of the Orthodox Church.  The people of Polovotsky were also the recipients of missionary work, and they were mildly convinced of the merits of the Church’s religious views.  Monk Sergios died before he could attempt to consecrate a Cathedral in Hellespontus.




Eastern Roman Empire – Eastern Orthodox – Civilized – Tech 5

Emperor Heraklios Moezakios

Diplomacy: Isauria(un) [Adalia(-un)], Thrace [Heraclea(t)]


Emperor Peter ruled for five more years, overjoyed that no more people had to die in that senseless war.  He sent large shipments of gold to allies, built a large trading fleet, and expanded the city of Heraclea.  He saw the birth of two beautiful daughters before he suddenly fell in and collapsed one night.  Heraklios Moezakios succeeded the throne without difficulty.  Before Peter died, he made sure that the peace was kept. 


Part of the events that transpired in this new era, included Prince Eumenos Moezakios escorting the Roman Catholic forces out of Rome, and bringing them to the city of Variangiopolis.  Two diplomats were also sent out these past few years.  General Theodorus was sent to Taman, but his overtures were dismissed due to a total lack of decorum on the general’s part.  However, Prince Antonius was sent to the city of Heraclea, where he was able to secure a tribute from the citizens. 




The Order of St. Georgios – Eastern Orthodox – Civilized – Tech 5

Grandmaster Demos

Diplomacy: none


The Order continued its transition from a slave economy to a free one, and helped the Byzantines move the Roman Catholic Troops.  But more importantly, the peace allowed Demos and Demetrius to continue their quest to find the Greek Fire.  They talked to many individuals and discovered little knowledge of value, but it seemed that Thessaly was a location that was involved in many of the rumors. 




The Holy Caliph of all Islam – Sunni Islam – Nomadic – Tech 3

Ali al Mohammed






Matirid Emirate of Alfold – Sunni Islam – Civilized – Tech 4

Kedam al Mahir



The King died, and without a viable Heir, the Emirate collapsed.




Kingdom of the Goths – Arian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4

King Theodoric

Diplomacy: none


While ruling at home, King Theodoric saw the city of New Seville expand, and the birth of his first son.  His military also saw modest growth, and the cultivation project in Kirov was continuing.  Lord Vladimir was sent to Boguslav to investigate any cultic activity, but none was found.  Prince Ostric with a decent cavalry force of about 4,600 troops, ventured to Tver and Kostoma to gather slaves that would surely help the Kingdom grow.  The operation went smoothly in Tver, where the uprising was put down without much difficulty, but the warriors of Kostoma put up a good fight before getting whacked. 




The Kingdom of the Teutons – Roman Catholic – Barbarian – Tech 4

King Isbert



The Teutons completed the cultivation project in Sviria, and continued to rebuild the army with a few elite cavalry units.  Crown Prince Isbert stayed home to rule the Kingdom, and took over the throne when his father passed away.  Before he died, King Haduwulf tried to lower the religious strength of the nation with the help of Viletek, but the two of them were just unlucky in that attempt.  Prince Hastrulf and Princess Hastilda also had their funerals that same year.  Prince Herbend took the cavalry to raid a few regions to the east for slaves, and came back with a few groups in shackles. 




The Roman Catholic Church – Roman Catholic – Civilized – Tech 4

Pope Heravald the Teuton

Diplomacy: Latium(un), Thuringia(ch), Austria(ab), Bavaria(ab), Tyrol(ab)


Pope Heravald the Teuton went to the heartland of Europe to build new structures of worship.  He also tried to Increase the Church’s influence with the Alemani, which had no effect.  However, the efforts of Bishop Fortunas and the Roman Catholic priests did.  Cardinal Mardin went to Orleans, and converted a few peasants to Catholicism, while Bishops Pious and Godsword failed in their attempts to lower the religious fervor of the Church. 









10i, 10c, 5s

Roman Catholic

10i, 10c, 5s


10i, 10c, 5s



Alamanni Horde – Roman Catholic – Barbarian – Tech 3

King Hermann







Kingdom of Amorica – Celtic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4

King Cunemorus







Kingdom of Britannia – Celtic Christian – Civilized – 4

King Alesius







Kingdom of the Croats – Coptic Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4

Emperor Dalvigar







Kingdom of Merovongians – Nordic Orthodox Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4

King Dagobert







Kingdom of the Lombards – Roman Catholic – Barbarian – Tech 4

Emperor Zucchilon







The Western Roman Empire – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4

Emperor Claudius



Emperor Claudius Defended his empire and added some public works to Tuscany.  He and Queen Vespa also had a pair of daughters two years apart.




The Knights of the Black Rose – Roman Catholic – Barbarian – Tech 4

King Ivruhn







The Kingdom of Norway – Celtic Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4

King Iver Jarssen

Diplomacy: none


Prince Iver Jarssen was to deliver settlers to Denmark, all the costs were covered, and the arrangements made, but Iver couldn’t negotiate their settlement.  So, Iver picked up some troops, and went back home with the settlers, where he found that his brother, King Erik, had died.  Iver assumed the throne without difficulty.  Lord Skeld was sent to help the Croats, but they didn’t seem to need any help.




Celtic Church – Celtic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4

Patriarch Timothy

Diplomacy: Kent(ca)


Patriarch Timothy went to Kent to Consecrate a Cathedral, and to improve the surrounding landscape.  Missionaries were also successfully sent to Portugal and Jarnhafn.




The Kingdom of Ulania – Roman Catholic – Civilized – Tech 4

Empress Ariana

Diplomacy: Illyria(a)


Empress Ariana ruled her empire, and ordered many great improvements for the people of Karlovac.  Prince Leonus, Prince Magnulf, and Prince Michael were ordered to react to any invasions, and they were all relieved that none were forthcoming.  Lords Justinus and Marcellus with Bishop Dometius were sent to Illyria, where they negotiated an alliance with the nobility there. 








Amerind Orthodox Church – Amerind Orthodox Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4

Patriarch Caenwulf II

Diplomacy: Chavin(ch) [Marange(hc)]


The old Orthodox Church of the Norse was defeated.  As a result, the faithful sought to reinvigorate their beliefs, and spread the word of God in the New World.  So they packed up, boarded various boats, and ended up in the lands of the Huari where Patriarch Caenwulf II founded the Amerind Orthodox Church.  (see below)




Kingdom of the Huari – Southern Amerind – PreColumbian – Tech 2

King Tahual

Diplomacy: none


The man was clearly mad. His wild gesticulations and breathless babblings marked him as one not possessed of all his faculties. And yet... Saqalec looked at the man, and saw his eyes. They were wide, the pupils clearly ringed by white. Not the vacant stare of the lunatic, but the wide-eyed wonder of conviction.


The Incan explorers had happened across the Indian by chance. As was their custom, at the end of the day they had made camp at a shallow coastal inlet. A small party dispatched to gather game had returned later that evening escorting the man who had fallen in with them as they returned from their foray. This was not unusual, for the several years Saqalec had sailed across the waters beside the land his party had come across local tribesmen. They were accustomed to the natives approaching with the intent of barter and had assumed this was but another instance. But through the imperfect medium of sign language, the man had conveyed startling, nay, unbelievable, information. So it was that he was brought before Saqalec to again tell his incredible tale.


With increasing agitation and excitement, the Indian had conveyed his news to the Incan prince. Had his king not given firm instructions to investigate all unusual or new phenomena, the prince would have dismissed the tale as the product of a fertile imagination, if not a mind devoid of sanity. For the man bore tidings of a strange people, pale-skinned beings of stout stature, strange attire and incomprehensible tongue. Many reports and rumors of their existence had percolated from the north and been known to the explorers, but no one could claim to have set eyes upon the strangers. Yet the tales were now so common they had attained a degree of popular credence. It had even been said that these were no less than the gods themselves walking upon the earth.


The next day, as the Incan expedition once again set sail, the Indian’s story still preoccupied Saqalec. Incredible though it sounded, it had not been the first time he had heard tells of strange beings existing in the northern lands. Before, these had been only vague suggestions; the previous night’s account had been the first to add substance to the claims. He would remain watchful, even curious…


Several weeks later, having sailed further north than ever before, the expedition set out at an early hour. It was making good progress when, all of a sudden, a bank of fog descended around the vessels. Cautiously, Saqalec led the fleet to shore, there to wait for improved visibility. As his ships neared the shore, the fog suddenly parted. There, directly in front of him, the prince saw what he could not believe. For spread out on the heights rising lazily from the beach was an encampment the likes of which had never been seen by any of the Huari.


The Inca sailors hove too and gazed in wonder as their ships rose and fell on the gentle offshore current. Silence descended upon the flotilla as hundreds of pairs of eyes recorded what brains could not comprehend. Moving around the camp were creatures the likes of man, upright upon two legs. And yet not man, for they were of pale skin.  The seamen and their leader continued to watch as a small party of the creatures departed the camp and came towards the shoreline. Taking the lead was the strangest beast of all, one of whiteness of head and a full silvery-gray beard. As they reached the shore, the beast spread its arms wide and his escorts fell to their knees in the sand.


The initial fear and awe of the Americans was soon overtaken by curiosity when the strangers ashore showed no signs of hostility. Bracing himself, Saqalec took his vessel closer to shore until finally it beached itself. With his personal guards arrayed around him, he disembarked and stood on the sand regarding the other party. Neither moved nor spoke for some time. The impasse was broken when one of the strange beings stepped forward and placed some fruit upon the ground before returning to its group. One of the prince’s guards was sent to retrieve it. It was closely inspected, then tasted. For several minutes Saqalec waited to see if the taster would be struck down. When he wasn’t, he was both relieved and utterly bewildered. Such offering of food was not the act of a god, but rather that of one man to another. For surely no deity would so humble himself in front of mere mortals.


And so it was that the men of Huari first encountered the refugees from the great wars half a world away. Though their tongues were alien, Saqalec patiently learned that these were, indeed, men. They were a wandering people, cast out of their homes by a great war across the mighty sea on a distant land. Time and again their accounts alluded to a great and powerful god who had led them to this place, protecting them from further hurt and providing succor during their travails.


Saqalec ruefully admitted that this, above anything else, was a strange phenomenon. It must be reported to the Inca at once. He prepared a dispatch and sent it south by fast courier vessel. By the time it arrived in Ataura, Saqalec’s brother, Mexcatl, had been dead for some time, his place taken by Tahual. On receiving the message, the young Huari king could himself scarce believe it. Only his knowledge of his uncle’s level-headedness convinced him it was genuine. The king’s response was once to be expected of a master of the known world “Bring these people before me that I can see for myself”. So it was that Zope was sent north with many ships to bear the newcomers unto the lands of the Inca….


Before the arrival of the Europeans, King Tahual busied himself with building a road between Ataura and Chavin, and improving the countryside of Moche.  Upon the arrival of the Europeans, Maranga was expanded, with new homes and facilities being built, as that city would be the new home for the wearied travelers. 







Kingdom of Albion – Pelegian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4

King Drust ap Una ac Aidan

Diplomacy: none


King Brude ap Una ac Aidan died while sitting on the throne and ruling his empire.  His brother, Drust ap Una ac Aidan, proclaimed himself the next King, even though Brude had several sons that could, and likely will eventually take his place.  Despite the death of the King, the entire empire kept itself busy with the expansion of the city of Cooinaghtyn, and the conversion of the people of Colon to Pelegian Christianity.




The Holy Pelegian Church – Pelegian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4

Patriarch Talorc

Diplomacy: none






Kingdom of the Aztec – Pelegian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 2

King Montezuma

Diplomacy: none









Kingdom of the Five Nations – Pelegian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 3

King Patamon

Diplomacy: Muskogee(revolts), Taposa(revolts)


King Paco left for Chitimacha to preach the virtues of Pelegian Christianity.  He had a little success in his endeavor, but then fell terribly ill and died before he could return home.  When word of the King’s death reached Michigamea, ambitions flared.  Was the Kingdom was too large for one man to rule?  Perhaps, but Patamon wanted to be that man anyways, so he took the army under his control and marched it to the hut where Paco’s son Ahmik, the rightful Heir, slept.  Patamon took Ahmik prisoner, and proclaimed himself the new King.  However, Black Elk and Peter were loyal to Ahmik, and marched their troops against Patamon.  The battle was bloody, but Patamon was a superior military leader.  He defeated the infidels, and decided to execute all those who opposed him.  As a result, the tribesmen of Muskogee and Taposa decided to wash their hands of the new murderous King.




The Yokut Federation – North Amerind – PreColumbian – Tech 1

Chief Talking Parrot

Diplomacy: none

