Lords of the Earth 27

The Dark ages

Turn 22

606-610 AD

Infantry (200 men = 1 point)
Cavalry (200 men and 200 horse = 1 point)
Siege Engineers (200 men = 1 point)
Warships (2 ships = 1 point)
Transports (2 ships = 1 point)
Field forts (2 forts= 1 point)



22i, 21c, 5s, 7w, 5t
Denmark- 7w, 5t, 5i
Croats- 17i, 21c

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606 AD:  In Gildengard, King Sigmund looked out over the battlements. He was deep in thought, he had been forced into some drastic measures. Every able bodied man had been called up into arms, many looked far to young to be soldiers. He had ordered the Royal tax collecters to take double the normal levy. Merchants had immediately begun to hide their wares, a thriving black market soon sprang up. Economic depression was a certainty in the coming years.Yet that was not enough, the King ordered the treasure from the Monastery in Lorraine, and the Church in Gildengard taken....sigh, the choices a King must make. Sigmund had allies coming from the south, and even the powerful Teutons were sending a warhost. Time for the ravens to feast he thought. Not wasting any time when warm weather came, he marched his force into Alsace. The undefended region was quickly subdued. As summer came on the army marched west, crossed the Rhine and entered Hainaut.

The Croats were on the move as well. King Dalvigar returned to Paris, gathered his forces, then marched into Nivernais in May. The region was barely defended and the Croats were having there way. Late in the summer word came to Dalvigar as his forces were mopping up the last resistance. "Sire, a large body of Franks approach from Hainuit, they crossed the border two days ago and are advancing" the scout kneeled as he reported. Dalvigar waved the scout out of his presence then turned and huddled over a map with his generals. As the talk continued a smile began to come over the King's face. "Then its settled, we manuever and draw the lumbering Frankish host into battle here!" he said as he slammed his finger to a spot on the map.

The Frankish host was heavy cavalry, lacking any scout forces they were easily outmanuevered and drawn into battle at spot of the Croat's choosing in early September. King Sigmund was confident in his 11,600 heavy horse. No Croat rabble could stand against his men. He gazed at the 20,000 Croat warriors and mercs, scrutinizing them. No, they wouldnt hold his charge. All there infantry was in the front, the cavalry was afraid to meet his fierce horse, Sigmund thought. "Attack!!! Kill them, for God and mother Church!!! Kill them!" he roared as the ground shook as his heavy horse began to thunder across the field.

Across the field the Croat infantry began to beat their swords and axes against their shields as they roared defiance. Dalvigar waited till the Frankish charge was commited and then ordered his own horse to fan out and attack the Merovingian flanks.

Sigmund, at the head of the attack felt his spear drive through the Croat footman infront of him. He spurred his horse as he dropped the spear and drew his sword. "Forward men, drive them!" he bellowed. His men obeyed, they drove a bloody swath into the ranks of the Croat foot.

On the Merovingian left flank, Prince Dagobert was leading the Merovingian forces. He saw the Croat cavalry move out from behind the Infantry and swing wide. A poor commander, Dagobert didn't know what to do. Frozen with uncertainty he did nothing. Then the earth shook as the Croat horse slammed into his men. Croat spears drove into their enemies and the flank caved in. A fearful slaughter ensued. Dagobert and his reaming men fled.

Sigmund drove deeper into the Croat center. He saw the Croat royal standards before him and drove his men on determined to capture them. Prince Maridalv, with the Croate elite royal huscarls, defended them fiercely. The ground was soaked in blood as the days most intense fighting developed near the Croat standards. The Croat cavalry had not swung in from the flanks and was attacking the Merovingian horse from the rear. The Merovingians panicked and began to flee, hundreds were cut down as they fled. King Sigmund was felled by a Croat war axe. Laying on the ground, covered in mud, he coughed up a fountain of blood as his eyes glazed over. All told 7,200 Franks joined their King in death. Laying amongst them were 4,600 Croats. Nivernais was pacified and the Merovingian army limped back into Hainaut.

Other forces in Europe were on the move. In Italy, Athelstan had raised a large force for the Knights of the Black Rose. They then marched north east and then north, into Bavaria. There they waited for....unusual allies. The horsemen of Dar Al'Harb arrived two months later. They combined allied army moved west and moved through swabia and began to cross the river into Burgundy as winter came on.

In the wild forrest's along the Dvina, the Teutons were also on the move. They ended the long march in Kauyavia as winter came.

In Odinsmunda the Danes were busy at work rebuilding their fleet. Like their Merovingian allies the Danes had over taxed as well, though not to the extremes the Merovingians had. The assembled Danish host waited out the year in Odinsmunda, as if waiting.

On the Shores of the Black Sea the Alamanni assembled for war. Friendly tribes settled in Friesland. The army then marched into Holland where the small Danish garrison was overwhelmed. The region was settled by Alamanni. The host then moved back into Friesland.

In Armorica the Celts were working with their cousins in Britain. The powerful Britannian army began to be ferried across the waters to Brest. The Britannian navy also put to sea. Dux Octavis led it around the Danish Pennisula where it fell upon the unsuspecting ferry point between Denmark and Zealand, severing it completely.

In Gaul, another force of Croats, under Lord Vladigar, moved Croat tribes into the lands of Vermandois, Flanders, and Nivernais.

607 AD: In the Spring the Croat army marched into Hainaut, a bloody battle in April saw the demoralized Merovingian forces routed yet again, even the strong field forts in the region were not enough to stem the Croat tide. That would soon change...

Athelstan and his Islamic Ally, the Emir Mahir al Matir, had been waiting in Burgundy. So when word came of the Croat attack into Hainaut they marched their army north. They arrived just as the region was being finally pacified. 15,600 allied troops (6,400 Saxon Knights, and 9,200 of the faitful of Allah) faced 9,000 Croats. The allies immediately attacked. The heavier Saxons in the middle with the quicker Muslims on the Flanks.

The Croats send their own, and mercenary, horse at the Saxons. While the Infantry does its best to hold the flanks against the frenzied warriors of Allah. Heavy horse battle in the center. The ringing sound of blades on armor rose above the war cries. The Zeal and fire of the Saxons evenly matched by the large numbers of elite units in the Croat army.

On the flanks the lightly armored horse archers pour voleys of arrows into the shield walls of the Croat infantry. Then when gaps open the heavier muslim horse charges in, slashing furously only to be hurled back by the determined defenders. This cat and mouse game is repeated over and over again as the bloody grind in the center takes center stage as the hours of the day pass on.

In late afternoon exhaustion seperated the sides in the center. Gasping for breath, King Dalvigar takes in the field. In the center they were holding their own, but on the flanks his men were being eaten alive by the Islamic horse. "Sound retreat, and lets try and disengage." he orders his commanders to spread the word.

Athelstan saw the Croats began to retreat and ordered his exhausted men to charge, the religous zealots of the Order responded. The Muslims seeing the Croats retreat and the saxon charge, moved to attack as well. The retreat soon turned into a rout and the bloodied Croats fled back into Nivernais. On the field they left 6,800 dead. The wargod's bill for the allies was 5,200 (2,800 Saxons, 2,400 Muslims). The Croats retreated through Nivernais into Ile De France.

In march the Alamanni marched into Holstein, the region was easily pacified, a garrison left, and then the army returned to Friesland.

The Saxons and Muslims moved into Nivernais, and there waited for their Teuton allies. The Teurons hurried along and ended the year crossing the Rhine into Hainaut.

In Armoica the King of Britannia, with a large portion of his army now in Gaul, moved with the Armorican army, under the Command of Lord Foucet, into Anjou. More troops from Britannia were coming, but they would take time to get here.

Colm, the Baron of Ponthieu had orders from the Danish King to wait for a bit and then attack the Croats. He was finishing up his preperations for the upcoming campaign in early June when word came that a Croat force of over 4,000 men under Lord Vladigar had crossed the border. Baron Colm had barely a 1,000 men all told. In a short but spirited campaign Ponthieu fell to the invading Croats.

The war now turned to the north. The Britannian navy had moved back around the Danish Penninsula and was scowering the north sea looking for enemies. In Odinsmunda the Danes had judged the time right to move. King Walric tried to evade the Britannian fleet and make for the open seas to the west. Dux Ovtavis was a gifted warrior though, and he caught the Danish fleet in late July 20 miles north of the Rhine estuary. Walric had no choice but to turn and fight. "Besides," he realized "I outnumber them slighlty."

Dux Octavis was noticing the same thing, "hmmm they have a larger navy than we were led to believe.  Move the fleet into position and attack!" he barked. Soon the thunk of catapults filled Octavis's ears. The Danes replied in kind a short time later.

Ships intermixed and began to slam into one another, boarding parties attacking as the opportunity came. A chaotic melee settled in. No fancy manuever, no tricks, just bloody, viscious combat. Eventually the sides parted. Both were exhausted and bloodied. Neither side wanted, or could take, anymore. The morale of both sides was horribly broken. The Danes retreated to Odinsmunda leaving 20 ships and 6,000 men beneath the waves. The Britannians lost 18 ships and 5,000 men in the brutal affair, Octavis ordered his fleet to retreat to London.

In Scandanavia the recently Christianized Norse poured across the border of Kopparborg into Halland. King Jar was determined that the Danes should pay for decades of threats on Norway, and for the invasion of the Svear. The region was easily mopped up. The 11,000 Norse then marched on Smalland, and in a sharp October battle the region was conquered.

608 AD: King Jar finished off his campaign by taking Skane and the unwalled port of Jarnhafn. The focus of the war then returned to Gaul.

From March through April the Teutons moved into Nivernais and met up with the Knights of the Rose, and their Islamic allies. They crossed the border into Ile De France in the first week of May. The severely outnumbered Croats fell back before the advancing host. In the end they retreated into Paris and prepared for the siege, or perhaps assault.  The allies spread out and made sure the region was subdued. They then focused their attention on Paris...

King Alesius of Britannia, and Lord Fouchet of Armorica had been waiting just across the border in Anjou for any Catholic attack from the south, or failing that a Croat defeat and Catholic advance on Ile De France. "Well Lord Fouchet, it seems the Croats have been driven back, let us see to their aid" Said the King. Fouchet nodded and began to issue orders for the army to move.

Several  weeks later, King Dalvigar looked down from Paris's walls. Arrows flew up at his defenders, the Croats replied in kind. Scaling latters were being thrown up against the walls and thousands of Teutons were puring up them. For every one that fell, two or three more ran to take his place. Dalvigar knew the city wouldn't hold, then out on the plains he heard a sound...was it...could it be..yes it was! His allies had come.

King Haduwulf was cheering on his brave lads. His nest warriors were assaulting Paris. Then he heard the trumpet, and the Celtic charge. "Get your men out there!!!" he bellowed at Athelstan and Emir Mahir. They moved to respond, but the allied army was caught unprepared for a land battle, their attention had been focused on the city.

King Alesius roared with unholy glee as his Britannian heavy horse cut through the Muslim horse who had hastily moved to intercept them. The steppe horse of the Muslims was swepped aside. Emir Mahir was wounded, a nasty looking gath on the side of his head would leave a ugly scar. The shaken Emir was hurried to the rear by his men. The Armorican charge had burst through the outnumbered cavalry of the Knights of the Rose as well. The Celtic charge then carried into the rear ranks of the Teutonic infantry. The Teuton's outnumbered the Celts by 4 to 1, but being engaged attacking the walls, they were shaken by the impact of the Elite Celtic forces. A gory swath was cleaved into the ranks of the germanic warriors. Hermann roared at his men to reform, turn and face the Celts "kill them you bastards!!!" The attack on the city was halted and men redirected to try and stem the Celtic charge.

The gates of Paris were thrown open and the Croat forces poured out and attack the Teutons from the flank. Now the battle settled down to a bloody brawl. The Teutons were still out of position and had trouble forming any kind of shield wall, but their superior numbers somewhat negated that disadvantage. The lightly armed germanic foot was suffering horribly under the repeated attack of the heavy celtic horse however. The Celts and Croats were taking slight casualties by comparison. Although King Alesius did have three horses killed from under him during the battle.

Eventually the spirits of the Teutons could take no more. They broke and ran, the pursuing Celtic horse reaped a deadly harvest on the fleeing infantry, more died once the army routed than during the melee. All told the allies left over 48,000 corpses on the field (46,000 Teutons, 1,600 Muslims, 800 Saxons), the Celts and Croats had lost a mere 5,000 men combined. A stunning victory to be sure.

The demoralized Teutons marched home, King Haduwulf was very lucky, a near revolt had almost erupted in his warriors ranks. So far from home, many of their kin dead, the Teutons were utterly demoralized.

The Muslims started the long trek home as well.

In Paris, King Dalvigar dabbed at his wounded arm with a rag, he looked around. His army was in ruins. He had started the Campaign a few years back with over 20,000 warriors, he'd be hard pressed to muster out more than 600 effectives now. His lands were safe, and the enemy sent packing back to Hainaut, but his campaign had failed, only Nivernais had been taken, and that had to be retaken after the Catholic's and their muslim allies had retreated.

The Celtic forces of Armorica and Britain were in much better shape, in fact after the battle another force of Britannians who had been slow in getting ferried across the channel arrived to reinforce their King.

609-610 AD:  The dead are buried...



THE KINGDOM OF BRITANNIA -Celtic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

King Alesius

Diplomacy: none

King Alesius was in Iona, he married a bride from the noble family of the Isle then quickly returned to Britain and south, to war....

In 608AD, in London, Dux Octavis was making plans to refit the Britannian Navy when he died from food poisoning. Lamprey's, why do those crazy Brits eat that stuff?!?!


THE CELTIC CHURCH-Celtic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Timothy

Diplomacy:  shetlands (ch) Vesthavn (ch)

Father Martin praised God to no end. By God's grace the Norse had been convinced to convert to the true faith. Martin quickly sent off brother Rory and a contingent to Vesthavn where the first Celtic church in Scandanavia was established.

Martin died in 610 AD

-Celtic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

King Basil

Diplomacy: none

Old King Basil mustered the men of his realm, taking old and young alike into his ranks. Then he waited for his Celtic brethren from Britannia and the war that would follow....

THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY- Celtic Christian -Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3

King Jar Knutsson

Diplomacy: Kopparborg (f) Smalland (pt) Halland (pt) Skane (p) Jarhafn (p) --revolts--> Estonia, Gotland, Narvik, Svartsen, Kolozero, and Vadvet Jakko

King Jar had been convinced of the truth of the Celtic faith and so led his country into baptism, and the grace of God. The Wotanic norse of the North refused outright, such was their zeal for Wotan. The Pagans in the baltic areas of Gotland and Estonia also refused.

The King then took his men south to avenge some insults from the Danes....

THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Walric

Diplomacy: none

King Walric had a daring plan, but it would be undone when he was unable to skirt the Britannian fleet...

In Odinsmunda, enemy agents tried to stir up the garrison to revolt, one enely agent, a Celtic Priest?  was killed in an attempt to flee, but others were known to have escaped.

"Damn thrice cursed Norse!" Walric was heard to mutter.

THE KINGDOM OF THE MEROVINGIANS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Dagobert

Diplomacy: none

Overtaxation....depression, an army in ruins...the Merovingian throne had seen better days.

THE KINGDOM OF THE CROATS-Coptic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Dalvigar

Diplomacy: none

Holding their own, barely....

There were reports of a Catholic Priest caught spying and hanged in Paris...

THE ALAMANNI HORDE- Roman Catholic- Barbarian, Tech Lvl 2

King Hermann

Diplomacy: none

The Alamanni stay out of the main war in Gaul and secure lands for their people along the North Sea.


THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH-Roman Catholic-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Pope Sibinian, Patriarch of the true faith.

Diplomacy: none

"We call upon the faithful of the one true Catholic and Apostolic Church to rise up in this black time! The forces of Darkness seek to sweep us from the face of this land! As the Isrealites were tested, so are we. We shall overcome our enemies, as did they. We shall take up the sword and shield knowing that what we shall do is both righteous and blessed by God! We shall erase the dark stain of corruption from our lands! We shall bleed the body of Europe until the disease is no more! The Coptic infection has begun! The Croats have invaded our lands! Burned our churches! Sacked our Cathedrals! Holy places of God built by the hands of the devoted! They have murdered! They have pillaged! They have raped! We must put an end to this! We must put and end to this now! Go forth to every city, every town, and every village and tell them what I have told you today. Tell them that we need their strength, their faith and most of all their willingness to fight for what is right. Go now! And may God bless us all!
-Adress of Pope Sibinian to the College of Cardinals, May 606AD, as recorded by the Monk Vespacius

Pope Sibinian sold indulgences to finance the war in Gaul. In addition he had his priest preach loud and far that a Crusade was necessary. The Croats must be destroyed and the Celts as well for aiding those devils. The call for crusade fell on deaf ears.

More strange, and disturbing news came from the Western Empire and the Ulani. Something foul was a foot. His worries ended in 610 AD when he was called into his heavenly reward. Anastasius became Pope.

THE WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE-Roman Catholic-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Emperor Theodosius, Restitutor Orbis, Redditor Lucis Aeternae, Defender of the true faith.

Diplomacy: none

Emperor Theodosius had ordered his fleet north to war, so he was very suprised to see it return to port. Admiral maximus was quickly called before the Emperor to explain. "But your majesty, here are the orders you sent to return" Maximus offered in confusion. Snatching them and scrutinizing them "This isnt my seal, its a clever forgery! Summon my master of Intelligence, something must be done."

Theodosius waved the Admiral away and began to contemplate who had betrayed him.....

THE KINGDOM OF ULANIA -Roman Catholic-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Empress Ariana

Diplomacy: none

The Empress was in a rage "WHAT IS THIS ???" she shrieked at the top of her lungs. "The Pope has excommunicated me?" she threw the papal bull at Bishop Dometius.

The stunned Bishop took the document, looked it over, and replied in a shaken voice "I shall...check ..into ...it ..your highness" he bowed and quickly departed from the Empress's fury.

Letters were sent to Rome and an investigation was undertaken, the matter was soon exposed as a ruse. The Bishop sent messages throughout the realm assuring the land of the Empress's good standing with Mother Church.


THE KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK ROSE -Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Athelstan

Diplomacy: none

Resources from the Pope came flowing in, with only one message "Go smite the Apostate Croats"

Athelstan gladly obeyed....


THE KINGDOM OF THE LOMBARDS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Wacho

Diplomacy: none

King Wacho looked to his realm's defense. Rumors of war whispered in the wind, would the war widen to engulf his lands? He said a silent prayer of protection. Prince Agilof came upon the King whose head was still bowed. The Prince looked at the darkening clouds to the north "It looks as if a nasty storm is brewing somewhere up north father"

"Aye" replied the King "I was just praying it pass us by."


10i, 10c, 10lc, 5w, 5t
10i, 10c, 10xc - Teutons
5w - Orthodox Church

THE EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Romanos, Vasilevs, Avghoustos, kai Avtrokrator Romaion

Diplomacy:  none

The Empire was on war footing, the levy was called up, every abled bodied man. Laborers were put to work all through the land. City walls and  fortress walls were all improved, strengthened with the latest designs the Roman engineers could come up with.

Ship rights put down many new keels as the Imperial navy was also given a hefty increase in its yearly budget. All eyes turned to the east expecting a Sassanid attack, it never came.

THE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Tertulium

Diplomacy: none

Like the Emperor, the Patriarch of the Church, Tertulium was preoccupied with preperations for war. He expected a Persian attack any day now....

To raise money the Patriarch convinced the people that if they gave money their sins would be forgiven.

THE ORDER OF ST GEORGIOS-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Grand Master Spyros

Diplomacy: none

The warriors of the Order of St George worked closely with the Emperor. The Knights were building a mighty fine fleet and looked to become the sea power in the Orthodox world.

The combined St George and Imperial fleets vigilantly patrolled the Aegean.

Of interest was the new leader of the order, Dafydd of Powys. Last surviving exile of the Powsian royal family.

KRISTOS PANTOCRATOR-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Grand Master Lykaon

Diplomacy: none

WAR!!! well thats what was expected, so the knights of Kristos moved into defensive order along the border with Persia. Prayers were said...who knows if the Knights prayed for peace or a good brawl....they got peace, atleast for now.


THE KINGDOM OF GREATER ARMENIA-Eastern Orthodox-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Titus

Diplomacy: none

Like their allies the Armenians prepared for war, the Queen and the King's youngest son were sent off to Constantinople for safe keeping. The Queen died on the trip when some illness came on her.


THE KINGDOM OF THE TEUTONS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Hadawulf

Diplomacy: none

King Hadawulf sent Prince Farhulf and Prince Herbend off to raid and enslave on the steppes to the south. The slaving had returned it seems.

The real show was the war in the west, King Hadawulf would take the Teuronic war bands west personally....


THE KINGDOM OF THE GOTHS-Arian Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Dameric II

Diplomacy: none

The King sent his son Theodoric off south to make war on the heathen. Pereaslayl, Levedia, and Cuman were subjigated and then enslaved by the forces of the young Prince.

Meawhile King Dameric mourned the death of his eldest some, also named Dameric, who passed away in a tragic hunting accident. The King was stirred from his morbid mood when traders arrived from the vandals. The Vandals brought heirlooms, ancestoral keep sakes, and other momentos for the Goths. The merchants explained they were a gift from the Vandal King, and Arian Patriarch. They had ben brought out of Iberia by the refugees that had been ejected by the thrice cursed Lombards.

Dameric looked at the gifts and his mind wandered back to his youth, and his grandfather telling him about Iberia, and how he would speak of it with longing and fondness...the memories eased the pain of the loss of his son.

THE HOLY CALIPHATE OF ISLAM -Sunni Islam-Nomadic, Tech Lvl 3

Caliph Ali Al Mohammed, Arkhon Dacias

Diplomacy: Mecca (ab)

Ali Al Mohammed built up the fledgling churches site in Mecca then went off to war with the army. No warrior of Allah should die without a blessing to see him off to Paradise.

DAR AL'HARB EMIRATE OF ALFOLD-Sunni Islam-Nomadic, Tech Lvl 4

Emir Mahir al Matir

Diplomacy: none

Emir Mahir realized his realm was to far flung, so he ordered the tribes in Galich, Goryn, and Pechneg to move to Alfold. He would find them more appropriate places to settle in the near future. For now though he had to go north and aid some allies....



10i, 5c, 5s, 5w, 5t



THE KINGDOM OF EGYPT-Coptic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Emperor Anubis

Diplomacy:   none

In these troubled times, with war all around to the north, Emperor Anubis and his lords were vigilant. They watched the borders with care to ensure no enemies came upon them.

More chests of gold were carted off to Ethiopia.

THE MONOPHYSITE CHURCH-Coptic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Ignatius

Diplomacy: Buluguam (ch) Humanrapta (ab) Soba (mn)

Patriarch Ignatius, along with ArchBishop Eustachius, personally visited the newly converted lands in Akan. The first church in Akan was built in Buluguam by the Patriarch himself. In addition the Coptic Priests added significantly to Akan's already impressive library.


THE ORDER OF THE THEBAN LEGION-Coptic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Verena, Grandmaster of the Order.

Diplomacy: Soba (oo) Sennar (op) Shoa (op)

The Order spent its time in prayer and inner contemplation. A few sites were enlarged, other holdings were downsized.

THE KINGDOM OF THE VANDALS-Arian-Sea Faring, Tech Lvl 4

King Simon

Diplomacy: none

Sailing south along the coast of Africa, the Vandal Armada turned and began their trek up the Niger River, time to punish the Jackals in Kanem...

This was a strange land for Vandal Leader Cabalis, it was a far cry from the breezy coastal Mediterranean. He was deep in the heart of Africa, the air was hot and humid here on the River, and the noises emanating from the jungles/forests made his men restless and made their nights sleepless. Some men reported they feared they were being watched, Vandal Leader Cabalis shrugged it off as nervousness in this foul barbaric domain.

When they reached the Upper Niger River, Vandal Leader Cabalis thought it best to strike Port Gao during the night, when the Kanem
forces were sleeping. There were reports that Kanem had a sizable Navy, and rumors had it, that it was Kanem that transported the Croats,
not the Knights of Carthage, and Vandal Leader Cabalis came here on King Simon's orders to sink that fleet in the harbor. Up to this point there was no indication that any ships sailed these waters and Vandal Leader Cabalis was beginning to doubt the wisdom of the King...

Once night fell, the attack order was given. The Vandal  warships moved quickly toward the harbor of Port Gao. "My God", Vandal Leader Cabalis thought to himself, "That's a huge fleet", as the Kanem Fleet was spotted, moored in the harbor. "We must strike hard and fast before they man those ships! Attack!!" The Vandal fleet let loose its volley of catapults and began to board and set fire to the moored Kanem fleet, meeting minimal resistance at first. The sounds of battle quickly brought the Gao garrison to action and the fight began in earnest as each Vandal Catapult volley was matched by Kanem Catapults. The night sky was lit by the blazing ships and the screams of men rose up in the chorus of war.

"Sir!, there's more ships sailing up the river!" cried an officer to   Cabalis. He turned and cursed. "Damn, we're fully engaged, we can't break off to meet them... what flags are they flying? Persian?" "I don't recognize them sir!"

The Akan Navy had been lying in wait, and had long been shadowing the Vandal Navy as it had sailed along their coast and up the Niger River.

With a thunderous crash, the Akan  Warships, armed to the teeth with marines, smashed into the rear of the engaged Vandal Navy
and began to cut through them. Kanem and Akan warriors squeezed the remaining Vandals and broke both their morale and bodies. Vandal marines started jumping overboard and swimming for the shores, hoping to escape the slaughter. Vandal Leader Cabalis was seized and the remaining Vandals surrendered.

The Kanem and Akan warriors shouted in victory and the prisoners were rounded up and taken within Port Gao. Vandal Leader Cabalis
was scurried away to the Kanem capitol for interrogation.

THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD (arians)-Arian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Terbiuos

Diplomacy: Zirid (ca) Melilla (ab) Hassi Tolieb (ch)

Terbius found great joy in the dedication of the Vandals Great Library. Their vision had become a reality, and the world might now look towards the Vandals for enlightenment and knowledge. Oh to be a simple scholar, with the wealth of Carthage to peer into. Sadly Terbius lived in a world filled with ruin mongers, and barbarians who prefered battle to knowledge.



Tzaza the Alan, Grandmaster of the Order.

Diplomacy: Algeria (oo) Zirid (oh) Skikda (oh)

The Knights of Carthage expanded the orders holdings. In addition, brother Theodoric was sent south along the atlantic coast to bring the word to the heathen in Idjil. A small hand full converted, a very small handfull.



6i, 4w, 4t

THE EMPIRE OF ETHIOPIA-Coptic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

Emperor Samuel

Diplomacy: Kobowen (nt) Dongola (nt) Shoa (ea)

Emperor Samuel set in motion preliminary steps to bring about reforms in both the economy and society at large. To remedy some of the Empire's command control problems, more postal roads were built. This time from Soba to Wad Medani. Ofcourse more Egyptian gold poured south.

In Shoa, huge numbers of men went to work clearing the land. Their hard work was rewarded, and before long new farms sprang up in the land that had once been desolate wilderness.


10i, 5w, 5t



AKAN LORDS OF THE GOLD COAST-Coptic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

Tousala, Queen of Akan, Imperates of the Gold Coast

Diplomacy: none

Queen Tousala took a royal consort, Kwasi, and saw that the Kingdoms future would be secure. The nation saw a continued rise in interest in the sea, many began to think their fortunes would be found on the waves.


THE KINGDOM OF KANEM-Coptic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Mawuli

Diplomacy: none

Mawuli was glad the white devils had left. Now was the time to restore those lands to Africans. So he rounded up some colonist and they were escorted by Lord Mufasa into the fertile lands of Songhai, Segu, and Ghana. All of which now have small colonies for Kanem.

More interesting was the events in Gao    See: The Vandals




THE KINGDOM OF THE ZULU-African Pagan-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 2

King Trenka


no orders


10i, 10c, 12xc, 5w, 5t


THE SASSANID EMPIRE-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Hormizd IV, King of Kings, King of Persia, Media, and Babylonia, Sultan of Kuwait, the Overlord of Syria, and Lebanon, the light of the Aryans, the Holy Arm of Ahura Mazda, the Great King, the Sassanid, Heir to the Achaemenids. 

Diplomacy: none

The Sassanid army waited for the Romans to attack, and the huge Imperial navy was ordered to sea with orders to destroy any enemies entering the Gulf of Cyprus.

The attack never came, and the tensions along the Roman border grew as both sides prepared for war, but neither side attacked.


THE ZOROASTRIAN CHURCH-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Tashbar

Diplomacy: Carhae (ab)

The majority of the Church's priest were still in Arabia. Once again converts were won over most of the Penninsula, in Hijaz the region was now fully in the fold of Ahura Mazda.

In Mesopotamia the Church's expanding military arm received training from the warriors of the Farohars.

THE FAROHARS OF AHURA MAZDA-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Grandmaster Mainyu

Diplomacy: Antioch (oh) babylonia (op) Kuwait city (oh) Ur (oh) Chaldea (oh) Ahvaz (oh) Ecbatana (oh) Persia (oh) Bactria (oh) Ferghana (oh)

Mainyu aged gracefully, but grew restless. The road made travel to Antioch a speedy, and comfortable process. He went there to establish a small Farohar holding. Upon his return he went back to ensuring things went smoothly as far as collection the Orders grain and gold. He decreed that a large work force travel to Yemen and help clear the land so that new farming could take place.

Amesha travelled about building many small town houses and gaining minimal land grants for the order. Upon completion of these tasks he returned to Mesopotamia and took command of the much enlarged Farohar army.

Ormazd quickly travelled along the Zoro way to the east. Minor fiefs and order houses sprang up through out the land of the Khazars. Missioanries went to Parapvura and Karluk.


THE SULTAN OF ADEN-Zoroastrian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

Sultan Rasheed

Diplomacy: Yemen (f) Al-Mukalla (f)

Young sultan Rasheed married into the noble house of Yemen. Aden saw its economy transform, becoming more open. The Sultan's dilomats were blessed with golden tongues, and the realm was the better for their efforts.


5c, 5lc

THE KHANATE OF KARA-KHITAI-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Mongka  Khan, Emperor of the Khazars


The Khazar slept

THE PARTHIAN EMPIRE-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Emperor Mithridates

Diplomacy: Abarshahr (nt)

The fiery and hot blooded Mithridates waited for word from Ctesiphon "Why hasn't the Persian Emperor called for us? Are the Roman curs our enemy or not? BAH!" disgusted with the outbreak of "peace" Mithridates focused his attentions elswhere to help ease his anger. As a distraction he went and looked over the plans the Imperial architect had drafted for the construction of Kabul in the Empress's home of Afhganistan.

In Abarshahr, Prince Orodes started talks to restore the region to Parthian control. The talks had barely begun however when Orodes took ill and died.

THE MONGOL HORDE- Asiatic Pagan- Nomadic, Tech Lvl 2

Jagun Khan

Diplomacy: Horse, spear, death, pillage.....

Jagun had been receiving messangers all winter. In the spring his host set out for the west. Across the high mountains they travelled, shivering and cursing under their breath. Finally moving west through the more familiar steppes. Hardly any people (of size) were encountered in the steppe lands. Atleast not until they entered the lands north of the Aral Sea. There, the Scythians threw in their lot with the Mongol Khan. In the late fall, just before the onset of winter, in the year 610AD, they came to Saksiny. Ignoring the Armenian garrison, which fled before the Steppe warriors, the Mongol Khan visited the Sassanid fortress of Dur Caspia. There the Khan's son Margun married a Persian Princess named Purandokht.


5i, 5c, 5s, 5w, 5t



THE GUPTA EMPIRE-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Hettu, Emperor of the Gupta

Diplomacy: Kalinga (t) Gtsang (t) Pagan (f) Tz'uk'an (nt)

Hettu was accompanied by several lords as he travelled his realm strengthening his holdings. He was continually amazed at the wealth his ancestors had amassed, and he did his part to continue that route. 12 cities grew in size, public amenities were continually added, and trade expanded.

In Pagan the Emperor saw first hand the destruction, granaries had been fired. The local constable reported the fires were intentional. "Why attack here" Hettu thought, Pagan was poor by Gupta standards, just a back wash town. Then reports came in of another terroritst attack in Pukujujarti, that city was even poorer than Pagan. This didn't make sense to Hettu...some thought would be needed.

THE KINGDOM OF ASAMAKA-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

King Mocca

Diplomacy: none

Asamaka was peaceful. The Emperor was bothered constantly by scribes, but found some time to spend with his bride. In the Empire's African holding of Somali, missionary work went forward with somewhat mixed results.


THE TEMPLE OF KALI-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Inari  Jubei

Diplomacy: Jaunpor (ch) Pursatti (ch) Maghada (ch) Bihar (ch) Tamralpiti (ch) Rajput (ab) Malabar (mn) Nasik (mn) Uttar Pradesh (ca) Gujerat (ca)

The tireless holymen of Hinduism diligently continue to bring the faith to India. The people need places to worship after all.


THE SWORD OF SHIVA-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Grandmaster Surijarva

Diplomacy: Paalas (oo) Chola (oo) Vengi (oo)

Grandmaster Etaka and Master Gandharva focused their energies on squaring away the Orders chaotic record books. They sent brother's Gayas and Shabar off to expand Shiva's holdings.

Gayaa was a warrior, he was not skilled in these matters, so when Shabar died in early 606 the incompetent Gayaa did his best to perform the task, but he failed far more than he succeeded.


10i, 5c, 5w, 5t

10i, 5c - Champa

-Hindu-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Ru Vi Mingou

Diplomacy: none

Ru Vi Mingou was determined to take control of Annam and Dai Viet, this time he sent almost his whole army north under the command of Prince Tri Utvaditya. The column of 24,000 warriors moved north and came into Dai Viet in June of 606, the region quickly surrendered and promised tribute.

Next was Annam. The Golden Dragon army was in dissaray, their general had been assassinated and his underlings were not up to the job of command. The Dragon army was easily outmanuevered by the skillfull Prince Tri Utvaditya. Trapped near a small farming community the Dragon army was butchered. There were no survivors from the 10,600 man Dragon force.

In the south, a postal road was built from Khemer into Cochin. On the political front the regions of Nam Pung, Hmong, Preikuk, Leyte, Mindanao, and Lampang were gratned more local control.


THE KINGDOM OF PEGU-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Srijivada, King of Pegu

Diplomacy: Perak (a) Kedah (ea)

King Chandras took the Pegu army, 14,000 strong, and marched east to aid Champa in Annam. By the time the army arrived thought the battle was long over and Champa had won an easy victory without their Hindu allies. Chandras hung around, in case of any Chinese counter attack. When he died in 608 AD the army returned home.

Lord Srijivada was doing some paper work in Pegu when news of the Kings death arrived. Srijivada had the only troops in the area and so he moved to take the crown. Protests were heard, but no one had the nerve to challenge him out right.


5i, 5w, 5t

THE SRIVIJAYAN EMPIRE-Hindu-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3

King Kalendjaha

Diplomacy: none

The rumblings were getting louder up north. The Dragons of China were restless. Nations rose and fell in a blink of a eye...

"Shall we brother?" Temazeja asked intently.

"No, my brother, the price is to high. There will be another time, perhaps soon."

"As you wish."

Economic development continued to play a prominent role in the nations priorities. The Capitol grew, and many new water works created. That was only part of the Emperor's plans though, in addition the navy had a new commander and he saw his fleet grow dramatically again. His anxious eyes looked to the north.


26i, 9c, 8w, 5t, 8s

THE IMPERIAL REALM OF HONAN-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Chu Won Su




THE LU KINGDOM OF KOREA-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Lu Shan


Lu Han-Wu i in 606



GOLDEN EMPIRE OF THE  DRAGON-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Hu Yaoz, Emperor of the Golden Throne

Diplomacy:  none

General Chi Kung was going over the final preperations for the coming campaign. He often worked into the long hours of the night, like he was on this spring evening. He heard a shuffle outside of his tent, was it time for the guard to be changed already? ...no. As his hand went to his sword the tent flap flew open. Arrows whistled from the darkness. THUNK, THUNK, Chi Kung's eyes drifted in disbeleif to the shafts sticking in his chest. Dark red patches were forming on his chest, and his breath started to rasp. He tried to call out but his lungs held no air. A dark hooded figure strode into the tent with a drawn sword. Lightning fast, the drkmans blade snicked through the air and then the headless corpse of the general collapsed. The Dragon guards found the head placed on the map of Annam when the real relief for the guard showed up on schedule a few hours later.

With their southern army destroyed, the Golden Dragon waited for the Hu traitors to come north....

THE HU EMPIRE -Therevada Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Hu Syang, True Emperor of the HU

Diplomacy: Kwantgtung (Liberated) Lingnan (pt) Lingtung (liberated) Lingsi (pt) Gouangxi (liberated) Miao Ling (pt)

Emperor Hu Syang took the Imperial army north and the year 606 saw Kwangtung liberated and Lingnan subjigated. The following year the army liberated Lingtung, and subjigated Lingsi. In  608 Gouangxi was liberated, Miao LIng subjigated, then they moved north for the prize, Tii'dawn. The reinforced Hu navy came down and destroyed the defending Dragon navy, and the blockade of Tt'dawn began.

From early 609 till and on the city of Tii'Dawn remains under siege. The cities argo stores are exhausted, the people are starving but holding out for now...expectations are the city wont hold much longer....Rumor has it Hu Yao died in 610.


THE EMPIRE OF THE BLACK DRAGON (Toba Wei)-Mahayana Buddhist-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3

Wei Tian

Diplomacy: Hopei (p) Kaifeng (p)

The Black Dragon built a royal road from Yanzhi into Kansu. There army pull back into Shensi and waited for further orders.


THE MAHAYANA BUDDHIST-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Chow Wu

Diplomacy:  none

The Mahayana worked toward strengthening the faith. Brother Hu Wong travelled to the north to Chungmum and toured the facilities of the Shaolin. "It is good to visit after such a long voyage. After your last few skirmishes, Master Chow Wu sent me to tell you how impressed he is with your warrior monks and your loyalty. You have been our staunchest ally, and the most shining example of the Mahayana creed. I have come to witness your teachings first hand. You have been so loyal and successful that more support will be forthcoming from my lord. Master Wu wished he could come in person but other duties kept him busy.  Thank you again for your faithfulness."

THE ORDER OF THE SHAOLIN TEMPLE-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Seng Hu


The Shaolin spent there time engaged in some deep religious discussion and so little else was done...

THE THERAVADA BUDDHIST- Therevada Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Tan Ri

Diplomacy:  Chang'ling (hc) Koueichou (ch) nanling (ch) Jiangxi (ch) Taiping (ch)

With much ceremony and pomp, Chang'ling was blessed as a Holy City. Then new shrines were ordered built across the realm of the Hu.

In Hunan, Hubei, and Kwangsi Therevada missionaries explained the error in the Mahayana beliefs, they won some converts by their persuasive teachings.


THE KHANATE OF THE HSIUNG NU-Asiatic Pagan-Nomadic, Tech Lvl 3

Khan Liao Chien, Imperial Govenor of Liao Provence

Diplomacy:  Bao Ding (ea)

The situation in Northern China continued to work itself out in the years after the civil war of the Golden Dragon. The Khan made a deal with the Black Dragon. He transfered control over Hopei in exchange for rights to Bao Ding. The Independant minded folk of Bao Ding agreed to economic ties with the Hsiung'nu after the Khan travelled there and explained the realities of life, and how much better their fortunes would be if they would listen to reason.

Kuchlag, the Khan of the Parhae, stayed in Honan to defend the Mahayana Buddhist Primate.


THE TAKEDA SHOGUNATE-Shinto-Sea Faring, Tech Lvl 4

Shogun Akira

Diplomacy: Kagoshima (a)

Shogun Akira stood apon the walls of Edo gazing at the rising sun.  The people of Japan, his people, had taken to the Shinto faith like none of his ancestors had.  Why it had happened at this time was a mystery, perhaps it was the warring among the Buhidist Nations, perhaps it was the strange foodstuffs and objects increasing acquired from the mainland,  perhaps it was simply the product of decades of peace and prosperity.  No matter what the reason Akira knew now was the time to unite the Shinto faith and Shogun’s Authority.  Let the word go forth,

From this day forward the Shogun would be both the protector of the people and the shelter of the Shinto faith.

Akira called forth the holiest and most devout men of the land, "Come to Kwanto, follow the true path" with much zeal the sons of nobles descended on the land, and thus was born the Kannagara No Michi. The holy  Samarai of Shintoism.

In Edo the ship masters of the Shogun came upon a new design for vessels, this new innovation will greatly increase the ability of the powerful Takeda Armada.

Lord Sato set off for the north again, intent on exploration. He did not return this time...


THE KANNAGARA NO MICHI- Shinto- Sea Faring, Tech Lvl 4

Grand Master <to be announced>

Diplomacy: Kwanto (of) Edo (oe) Aichi (oo) Yamato (oo)

Beware peasants of the Earth....the Samarai have come.....





THE KINGDOM OF THE FIVE NATIONS - Pelegian Christian -Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 3

King John

Diplomacy: none

The men of the Five nations began to partially clear lands in Chickasaw for farming. Then King John sent his trusted lord Yuma south to preach the Pelegian fatih to the folk in Atakapa.


THE YOKUT FEDERATION-North Amerind-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 1

Soaring Eagle

Diplomacy: none

The peaceful Yokut worked their lands quietly. Centers of learning continued to grow as a focus on education remained one of the nations top priorities.



THE KINGDOM OF THE AZTEC- Pelegian Christian -Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 2


Diplomacy: Culhua (ea) Huexotla (f)

King Tutyetl had been listening to the strange white men from the Isles. They talked of God in all his forms, and how the Indian gods were simly extensions of the one true God. Tutyetl was convinced to convert to the Pelegian faith. Only the people of Huastec refused to convert, they declared their freedom from the Aztecs.

THE KINGDOM OF ALBION-Pelegian Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Brude, Lord of the Isles, defender of the Pelegian faith.

Diplomacy: none

Missionary work was continued in Atakapa with the help of FIve nation missionaries. In addition the King appointed UNA as patriarch of the Restored Pelegian Church

THE HOLY PELEGIAN CHURCH- Pelegian Christian -Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

Una, Holy Guardian of the Faith

Diplomacy: none



THE KINGDOM OF THE HUARI-South Amerind-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 2


Diplomacy: none

The Huari spent several years enjoying the fruits of their labors. Well the nobility did anyway. The rabble were sent off to build a road between Huari and Cuzco.