Lords of the Earth 27

The Dark ages

Turn 21

601-605 AD

Infantry (200 men = 1 point)
Cavalry (200 men and 200 horse = 1 point)
Siege Engineers (200 men = 1 point)
Warships (2 ships = 1 point)
Transports (2 ships = 1 point)
Field forts (2 forts= 1 point)



The GM will be switching ISP's my new e-mail is morrison@qix.net
My old e-mail addy will only be active for a few more days.






22i, 21c, 5s, 7w, 5t
Armorica- 15i, 19c, 5s, 5t

The Merovingian War

601AD: It was a very restless night for King Hermann. tonight, he had a dream that would change the Alamanii forever.

In his dreams, he saw his tribe gathered together waiting for battle. The sun was so intense that swords and armor glistened in the sun. From the background emerged a man, a man of strength. His face was unable to be seen, but something seemed familiar about this figure. He began to speak but his words were unrecognizable. The massive army that was gathered began to react to his words. His presence seem to energize the people to almost a frenzy like pitch. The mysterious figure then suddenly raised his hands and blue sky transformed into blood red. The soldiers seeing the sky as a sign of a new beginning started to run wildly towards a town. After a short period of time fires began to rage uncontrolably. These type of fires never before seen by any mortal man, surrounded the countryside. People screaming in terror! The walls of the city, the dying cries of the wounded filled the air. The rotten stench of death surrounded everything. The sounds and images seemed to carry on for what seemed like eternality. All was dark and there was silence. The fires and ashes and blood of the destruction disappeared and soaked into the ground. Then, a figure of a man came from out of the darkness and began to speak. This time his words were recognizable. He spoke of the one true King of the Germans. A Germany that will be united under one ruler. As the darkness turned to light the man's face became recognizable. The face was that of Hermann. The King of the Alamanii.

King Hermann, awoke from this vision and called forth his leaders. Prince Aerghent never arrived. His guards found slain, the heir missing. The King ordered the camp of the tribe searched for any sign of a struggle. In the midst of the search a assassin sprung at the King's back as he was distracted giving orders to his subchiefs. Seemingly from no where a spear thrust into the would be assassin. The would be protector was a shadowy man, plain of appearance, a man who would blend into a crowd. When he threw back his hood he had the look of a Gael however. The King spat on the corpse of the would be assassin. "He looks like a Frank,  no doubt Aerghent has been taken by the Merovingian Dogs, or one of their whorish allies." said the King.

Hermann loots the Catholic monestary  in Swabia then marches his horde north into Alsace. The Catholic Abbey there is looted as well. In mid summer the Alamanii cross the border into Westphalia, the small garrison is quickly ground up. The Alamanii winter there.

602AD: In May a large navy, 58 heavy warships, rowed into the harbor of Gildengard, blockading it. King Sigmund, and his warchiefs watched the fleet. "They look like Croats" Sigmund muttered. "No sire, more like Britannian's...maybe Armoricans? Hard to tell, they are not flying any banners"

The Alamanii pour across the border into Danish held Friesland, the small number of defenders are easily overwhelmed. The Catholic Church is looted.  Hermann then turns south west and strikes for his true objective, Lorraine, homeland of the Merovingians.

The massive earthen dyke that stretched along the borders of Alsace and Westphalia was in the process of being extended, fortunately the Alamanii crossed the border before the wall was finished, scattering and demolishing what had been started.

As Hermann moved farther into Lorraine he realized that the region was anchored thouroghly with field forts, 100 of them. "My God" thought Hermann. He hadn't come all this way for nothing though, besides, the Franks and Alamanii had old grudges to settle that went back over a 100 years to the times of Clovis.

From the wall of his fort, King Sigmund whistled as he watched the 36,000 Alamanii warriors launch their assault. The outer ring of forts quickly fell as a wedge was driven into the defenses. The Alamanii tried to burst through the center forts, divide and conquer.

Hermann heard the cries from the flanks of his forces as they began to take heavy missile fire from the flanks. Ahhh but before him he saw the standard of the Merovingian King, it waved high as if in challenge. The Alamanii huscarls followed their King in a charge up the slope of the hill fort, scaling ladders came up against the walls and the men began to climb. Arrows, bolders, and hate where thrown down at the climbing warriors. The Alamanii dead fell, even so a breach was soon made and battle erupted all along the summit, both in and outside the fort.

Ivruhn, master of the order of the Black Rose, watched as the fierce Alamanii stormed over the battlements "God be merciful, will they never run out of men?" he thought. Thousands had already died, yet more came on. King Sigmund and his honorguard were under fiece attack, and were falling back. Ivruhn and reinforcements charged home. A loud grunt exploded from his lungs as he drove his shoulder into the Alamanii shield wall. The force of his charge carried him into the second rank. His sword smashed down on the head of the Alamanii in front of him, brains and gore spread in a great mist. He could feel the Frankish warriors pressing into the wedge behind him, trying desperately to break the enemies line. Ivruhn felt a sledge hammer impact into his right side, he took the attackers head off with a backhanded slash of his sword. A quick mental check told him his mail had blunted the blow. Not hesitating he dropped into a crouch as a Alamanni axe slashed where his neck had been a second before. From the crouched positon he lunged forward driving his sword point below the Axeman's shield and felt it drive through muscle and bowel and thrust out the otherside.  He immediately let go of the blade as he felt it stick in the dead mans belly, as the deadman started to fall back Ivruhn lowered his shoulder and drove into him. Trying to drive the wedge deeper, and unarmed, he hoped to force the enemy off balance. He felt no resistance, the dead Alamanii hit the ground, Ivruhn tripped over him and rolled into the fort's courtyard. He expected death to come soon, falling in the midst of a line was certain death as the men in the rear ranks speared you while their comrades in the front did their best to tighten the shield wall. Ivruhn's fate was not to be that death. He looked up to see the Franks burst through the opening he had made. Alamanii fell as the line broke, panic spread. The Alamanii routed, out of the courtyard through the fort gates and down the hill.

King Hermann took the blow of a frankish axe on his shield and his arm felt the numbing impact. His counter thrust over his shield's edge ruptured the Frank's neck, blood gushed as the large Frank fell. King Hermann was limping and bruised  and he had several minor cuts, but he kept pressing his men on. He was sure the Franks would break. What was that...a cry of victory from the Franks on his flank....

A blur of steel, a sword swung with skill, and King Sigmund felt a crash on his helmet. He staggered back as all around him went dark for a second. He had a vague sensation of strong hands grabbing him and thrusting him back into the rear ranks. As his head swam, he felt the warm flow of blood run down his forehead and into his left eye. He reflexively wiped it, and shook his head, the pain told him he was alive, and the fog in his head slowly began to clear. As his eyes came into focus, he heard his men cry out in a victorius war cry. Had we won? He knew they were  on the verge of crumbling, had God granted them victory. Yes, even as he recovered he saw the Alamanii in flight. He moved on still shaky legs up to the battlements, looking out he saw the Alamanii began to retreat everywhere. As their Kings attack had been repulsed the rest of the Alamanii lost heart.

Ivruhn watched them go, the Frankish defenders killed a few as they fled. However, they where much to tired to give a vigorous pursuit.

The Alamanii retreated into Friesland, they had taken heavy casualties. Most from their light troops though. The Merovingian casualties had been heavy as well, they had lost a third of their forts, as well as most of their mobile troops. It had been a near thing.

603AD: The Mysterious navy blockading Gildengard lifted anchor and departed as they realized the Alamanii would not be able to conduct the landward side of a siege.

King Sigmund was hoping that things would stabalize for awhile after repulsing the Alamanii's attack on Lorraine. Yet, just as things calmed on the eastern bank of the Rhine they were about to heat up on the western bank.

King Dalvigar moved down the gang plank on unsteady legs, weeks at sea made him feel a bit uncertain on firm ground. He looked around. Cherbourg, small port in this cold land. He had been born in Africa, may in Normandy was to cold for his thin blood. Time to move, the thought of combat began to warm him.

Observors noted with Interest that the fleet that brought the Croats was the old alliance of Persia and the Knights of Carthage.

By midsummer the Ile de France's small garrison was butchered, the Catholic Cathedral was  looted, and the Croat army was marching on Paris...winter cam on first and the assault of the city would have to wait.

604AD: Hunald, commander of the Paris garrison, watched as the Croats formed up. The spring thaw had come and the ground was firm enough for war. Arrows flew out from the walls into the charging Croat ranks. "Why are they bringing their heavy cavalry forward to assault the walls" he said out loud to himself "My god.." he whispered and turned to race down the steps to the main gate. As soon as he turned he heard an alarm cry out "TREASON...WE ARE BETRAYED" and then the ring of sword and axe as melee erupted. Lunging down the steps, two and three steps at a time, Hunald watched in horror as the city gates were flung open. The gate area a wild melee, Frank against Frank. Then a thunder as Croat Heavy cavalry burst threw the gate. Big Horses, bigger men, fierce looking veterans, champions, their spears dipping and impaling those blocking the way, Franks falling, impaled or simply trampled under the armored hooves of the heavy horse. Hunald leapt from the steps and crashed into a Croat horseman, knocking him from his saddle, both falling with a thud in a painful heap on the cobblestone causeway. Hunald thrust his knee on the stunned Croat's chest. Gripped his massive battle axe with both hands and raised it over his head poised to cleave it through the cursed Croat's skull. A driving impact, the breath was knocked from his lungs, and then falling forward as if in slow motion, staring down at the spear head sticking through his chest. Then the release of darkness.

King Dalvigar reigned in his horse, his bloody sword in his hand. "Spare the Frankish gate captain who helped us" he bellowed "Now move the heavy infantry forward and take the city!"

Paris was pitifully defended, once inside the city it fell quick. King Dalvigar rode his horse into the monastery, ordered his men to loot it, slay the Catholic priests, and then he personally set it on fire.

Not resting on his laurels, the King of the Croats marched into Vermandois, a brief battle, more looting of Catholic sites. Meanwhile in Ile de France and Paris, the inhabitants were forced to accept new masters as Croat tribes settled in the area. They took the best Villa's and farmlands for themselves.

The Croat host crossed into Brabant as winter came on, but were unable to bring on battle before the snows ended the campaigning year.

605AD: Brabant was easily pacified, garrisoned and then on into Flanders. The Port city of Stormgard by passed. Perhaps in the future it could be taken. In Flanders the Croat host ended the year after another easy victory. Both regions again saw the Catholic Churches sites looted. The Croats were growing fat on Catholic gold.



THE KINGDOM OF BRITANNIA -Celtic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

King Alesius

Diplomacy: none

Britain was quiet, a little economic development. Some book keeping, and the entertainment of watching the war across the British Channel.

King Liggit passed away in 604 AD, his son Alesius became King


THE CELTIC CHURCH-Celtic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Martin

Diplomacy:  Bourges (ab)

The brothers of the Celtic Church threw all their efforts into winning converts. Archbishop Malcolm personally led a mission to the Shetlands. His faith was rewarded and the people fully accepted the Celtic Rite. He died shortly after (in 604).

Bishop Liam, with the help of clergy from Armorica, had similar good news in Anjou. He wasnt as lucky as Archbishop Malcolm and was not called home to his heavenly reward.


THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY-European Pagan-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3

King Jar Knutsson

Diplomacy: Gotland (ea) orkney (ea)

The wind howled in the frozen lands of Kolozero. Despite the bitter cold the village of Kron was turned out, the town commons packed. They were all listening to a large man, dressed in bear skins. The man was named Thorvin. He was telling the folk of the way of God, not the Gods, and not the milksop God of the Christians. It was Wotan, the all father. The people knew him, however, Thorvin was preaching that he was the only God, Thor, Freya, Loki, were all created by Wotan and thus not true Gods. Rather they were his helpers. Many shook their heads in disbeleif at first, but the charismatic Thorvin was pursuasive and before the end of the winter of 602 AD the region of Kolozero was completely in unison and following the new faith, a monotheistic Norse religion, Wotanism.

Now the old priests feared this, feared his message would take away their power. So they conspired against him. Thorvin was caught in a village in Vadvet Jakko, ambsuhed by the followers of the old ways, he was cut down. The priests thought this would be the end. Soon his message was taken up by others. Vadvet Jakko was converted to Wotanism before 602 AD was out. Narvik and Svartsen followed in the years after, the new faith seems to be growing as fast as a fire rages through a hay barn.

King Jar didn't concern himself, to much, with the strange tales of holymen and heretics from the far north of his realm. Instead he concentrated on strengthening his realm. Part of which involved the building of a new port city called "Vesthavn" in mordaland.


THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Walric

Diplomacy: none

Walric had just finished his most recent sermon. Teaching the folk of Holland about the true God, and his church in  Rome could be long slow work. It wasn't that however that now had his brow furrowed. He looked over at the messanger "The Alamanii invaded Friesland and then moved into Lorraine skirting the Merovingian Dyke?" he asked again. The messanger merely nodded, a grim look on his face. Walric waved him away, already deep in thought on what to do...


THE KINGDOM OF THE MEROVINGIANS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Sigmund


See the Merovingian War


THE ALAMANNI HORDE- Roman Catholic- Barbarian, Tech Lvl 2

King Hermann


See: The Merovingian War


THE KINGDOM OF ARMORICA-Celtic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

King Basil

Diplomacy: none

Armorican missionaries worked closely with the Celtic Churches priests in Anjou, and the region became fully convinced of the Celtic rites truthfullness. Meanwhile the city of Limoges was built in Limousin.

In the Spring of 603AD (as Croat troops and tribes were debarking in Cherbourg) King Basil sent forth a proclamation:

King Basil of Armorica is pleased to announce that the lands to the south of our great nation are here by granted to the kingdom of Croatia. Those regions are: Gascony, Aquitane, Auvergne, Languedoc, and Catalonia.

We welcome our new Croat neighbors to Europe. May God bless and keep them

There were some puzzled looks when the Croats didnt turn south, but plunged eastward into Merovingian lands instead.

THE KINGDOM OF THE CROATS-Coptic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Dalvigar

Diplomacy: none

The time for revenge had come. King Dalvigar recalled how in the days of his grand father his people had been forced out of europe. Now the day to return had come. He gathered his people, marched into the pacified city of Begho and sacked it visciously. They then marched north and sacked Timbuctu as well. Loaded with gold they marched west to the coast of Senegal where they waited for the fleets to arrive to take them north.....

See: The Merovingian War


THE KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK ROSE -Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Athelstan

Diplomacy: Provence (oo) Ulania (op) Istrian (oh)

The order endeavored to recover from the plague, while master Ivruhn traveled north only to be caught up in the Merovingian War.


THE WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE-Roman Catholic-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Emperor Theodosius, Restitutor Orbis, Redditor Lucis Aeternae, Defender of the true faith.

Diplomacy: none

The Empire, which had been at the heart of plague swept areas, began to recover. Defenses where improved as well. All in all in was a time of thankfulness for those who lived, and then mourning. Then word of war from the north...

THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH-Roman Catholic-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Pope Sibinian, Patriarch of the true faith.

Diplomacy: Sites that degraded: Denmark (un) Odinsmunda (un) Skane (un) Latvia (un) Riga (un) Livonia (un) Zealand (un)

The Catholic Church's entire focus was on the Alamanii. Archbishop Siricius traveled there in person, by the time he arrived turmoil was already in hand. The Church's attempts to win influence with the Alamanii was largly thwarted, Archbishop Siricius hoped to change that. As he moved into the forest path toward the Alamanii settlement a group of hooded men leapt out of the dark. The Archbishop's guard was quickly down. He turned to run. Arrows flew. The Archbishop fell, arrow in the small of his back and in his right thigh. The wounded holyman falls to his knees. Rough hands force him forward onto all fours. The Archbishop never saw the face of the hooded man who decapitated him. The head was piked and placed outside of the Catholic Monastery in Swabia, a short time later the monastery was looted and burnt by the Alamanii.

The loss of so many holy sites in Merovingian lands resulted in the loss of contact with the fledgling churches in the Baltic sea areas. They soon closed.

In 604AD., with word of the war flooding in, Pope Hononus had a stroke, he was dead within the hour. Archbishop Sabinian became Pope.


THE KINGDOM OF ULANIA -Roman Catholic-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Empress Ariana

Diplomacy: Savoy (f) Spoleto (a)

The Ulani had grown used to city life, the ways of the steppes were a distant memory, most of those alive never have even seen them. The people were used to the comforts of being civilized.

Queen Arianna married general Leonus. Such was her wisdom and wise rule that the nobles of her lands declared her not merely a Queen, but now an Empress.


THE KINGDOM OF THE LOMBARDS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Wacho

Diplomacy: none

The Lombards continued to displace the Arian population of Iberia. This time it was Salamanca. The people were again transfered across the straights into Vandal held Morroco.

Aragon was restlled by good Catholic Lombards.

In 605AD. King Alboin, his beard long grey and his hair thinned, died in his sleep. His brother, younger but no spring chicken himself, takes the throne. The King is dead, long live King Wacho.

Out of fear of the plague, all merchants were turned away and trade was temporarily closed.


10i, 10c, 10lc, 5w, 5t

THE EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Romanos, Vasilevs, Avghoustos, kai Avtrokrator Romaion

Diplomacy:  none

Constantinople was still rich, though the plague had ravaged the land, there was still a largesse to send out to allies. So it was that gold, grain, olives, oil, fruits, timber, and just about every other form of wealth flowed out to the allies of Empire.

King Basil caught the sickness in the lungs in 604AD, it was a slow painful death, in the end he was coughing up blood and chunks of lung before merciful death took him. His son Romanos became Avtrokrator.

THE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Tertulium

Diplomacy: Paphlagonia (mn) Phrygia (ab) Psidia (mn) Vaspurakan (ch) Lazica (ch) Kyklades (ch) Achaea (ch) Kluj (ch)

His holiness Tertulim prayed for the many who died of the plague, but then sent out missionies to the Steppe folk. Time to replenish the house of God.

THE ORDER OF ST GEORGIOS-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Grand Master Spyros

Diplomacy: Thera (op)

The order of St George expanded its armada, and tried to build some new order sites. However, the gent they sent to build them was...er...less than capable. To be nice.


KRISTOS PANTOCRATOR-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Grand Master Lykaon

Diplomacy: none

Days of quiet and reflection. The Grandmaster focused on restoring the order to financial respectability, he was often seen working late at night. Stacks of bills and scrolls of invoices cluttering his desk. The poor man.

THE KINGDOM OF GREATER ARMENIA-Eastern Orthodox-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Titus

Diplomacy: none

Ever vigiliant Armenia, constantly watching to the east. In their hearts all Armenians know the Persians will come again...and they will be waiting....


THE KINGDOM OF THE TEUTONS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3

King Hadawulf


Prince Farahulf sees King Gunther to get the details of his mission.  "I'm off to the east to gather more sturdy backs for the building of the nation.  Where exactly do you want me to go?" 

"We are not doing that slaving run for a while", corrects the King. 

"What?  Why not? 

"We made a commitment to the Mongols via the King of Ulania.  I am not sure I trust his motives, but if it helps keeps Europe secure, I guess we can live with it." 

Farahulf considers.   "Okay.  I'll just go explore the oceans then." 

"No, I already sent Lord Vilebar to do that." 

"You know I'm not going to just sit around the fortress here.  What do you expect me to do, join the priesthood or something?" 

"Um, no.   Prince Heravald is doing that, and one is enough at this time.  But it is something similar.  I want you to go and preach to the neighboring regions.  You do that well.  I especially like that line about how Catholics are too pure our slave's manacle."  

"Hardly my sort of adventure", Farahulf sighs, "but it beats sitting around here training troops."

King Gunther passed on in late 601AD. Hadawulf became King, Hamis was named heir.

Lord Vilebar never returned from his exploration. 

THE KINGDOM OF THE GOTHS-Arian Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Dameric II

Diplomacy: none

King Dameric sat in his hunting lodge, occasionally listen to the bleating of his scribes, and most often drunk large quanities of Ale. Life was quiet, peaceful, and he was content. His son, and name sake, was named heir.


THE HOLY CALIPHATE OF ISLAM -Sunni Islam-Nomadic, Tech Lvl 3

Caliph Ali Al Mohammed, Arkhon Dacias

Diplomacy: Mecca (ch)

The mullahs of the Imam went forth into Carpathia, there the stout pagan warriors converted in suprisingly large numbers. A good begining.

DAR AL'HARB EMIRATE OF ALFOLD-Sunni Islam-Nomadic, Tech Lvl 3

Emir Mahir al Matir

Diplomacy: Moldavia (t) Ialomita (t)

The Emir starts the long slow process of building a nation from nothing.



10i, 5c, 5s, 5w, 5t

Christian Church of God- 4s


THE KINGDOM OF EGYPT-Coptic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Emperor Anubis

Diplomacy:   none

Emperor Anubis was eager to do all that was  necessary to restore Egypt's fortunes after the plague. The answer was more lands in the south. Ethiopia and Egypt had been negotiating for years, and so a secong land deal was achieved. Adulis, the city of Tokar, Danakil, and the city of Zoskales all passed into Egyptian hands. Of course the gold continued to flow south to fill the Ethiopian coffers.

Economic reforms continued to progress as well. 

THE MONOPHYSITE CHURCH-Coptic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Ignatius

Diplomacy: Jos (ca) Zaria (ch) Heliopolis (ca) Djibuti (ch)

The Church's activities continued to be about building places of worship for the faithful in Africa. Then a real blessing occured, the Akanese converted to the true faith. Much celebration and worship occured to thank the father in heaven for such a gift.

THE ORDER OF THE THEBAN LEGION-Coptic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Verena, Grandmaster of the Order.

Diplomacy: Tiber (oh) Damascus (oh)

Grandmaster Verena went over the scribes reports again. He was still shocked by the effect of the plague "Nothing to do, but start the recovery." With that thought he sent off the brothers to help rebuild Egypt.

THE KINGDOM OF THE VANDALS-Arian-Sea Faring, Tech Lvl 4

King Simon


The price of freedom is constant vigilance. With this phrase held foremost the Vandals continue the business of nation building. The cities of Maltese and Algiers are girded and ships are built for trade amongest the people. Some of the slowest ever built roads are added to and the Great Library continues being raised up at Carthage with the addition of some flying buttress.

The Emperor dogged his government and military to improve the nation's innards and defensive abilities. Throughout the land the watchfires burned and the Vandals went about their business, woe hum, boring. "May the Blessings of Arias Shine on All".

THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD (arians)-Arian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Terbiuos

Diplomacy: Algiers (ab) Gefara (ab)

The Church's missionary activities in along the West Afrikan coast was amazingly unsuccessful, brother Grunseth was ineffectual but atleast he wasn't martyred like brother Tasious further south.



Tzaza the Alan, Grandmaster of the Order.

Diplomacy: Algeria (op) Algiers (oh)

The order built in Algeria, and watched the southern lands. Then other opportunities came along....



6i, 4w, 4t

THE EMPIRE OF ETHIOPIA-Coptic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

Emperor Samuel

Diplomacy: Illubabor (nt) Kosti (nt)

Ethiopia was a land that had outgrown its means. Emperor Samuel realized changes were needed. So more lands were sold to Egypt (Adulia and Danakil) and other lands were granted soveriengty (nt status), these included Adowa, Alwa, Atbara, Gezira, Kassala, Kefa, Kordofan, Lalibela, Nubia, and Shoa.

Postal roads were built from Sennar, through Adowa, into Zeila.


10i, 5w, 5t

Kanem 5w, 5t


AKAN LORDS OF THE GOLD COAST-Coptic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3

Tousala, Queen of Akan, Imperates of the Gold Coast

Diplomacy: Kwararafa (f)

In Akan the times were changing. Old Queen Lhas died at 60 years of age in 602AD, but before she did she converted to Christianity. Her people followed. The Coptic faith, as a result of years of effort by its priests, had adopted some of the forms of African Paganism anyway.


THE KINGDOM OF KANEM-Coptic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Mawuli

Diplomacy: none

Kanem was a quiet land, economic development as usual occured. However, even though they had been allies, many of the people in Kanem were happy the white devil in the west had left.




THE KINGDOM OF THE ZULU-African Pagan-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 2

King Trenka

Diplomacy: Banhine (t) Gorongo (ea) Shona (a)

Shakka built a great village as his capital, and named it Zimbabwe. The Zulu continued to try and unify the surrounding lands under their rule. In 603 Shakka died. Trenka became King.



10i, 10c, 12xc, 5w, 5t


THE SASSANID EMPIRE-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Hormizd IV, King of Kings, King of Persia, Media, and Babylonia, Sultan of Kuwait, the Overlord of Syria, and Lebanon, the light of the Aryans, the Holy Arm of Ahura Mazda, the Great King, the Sassanid, Heir to the Achaemenids. 

Diplomacy: none

In Mesopotamia the military advisors to the Emperor had just met and where now done with their planning. It was dusk as Lord Balash walked back to his estates. His head was in the clouds, the Emperor had just promised to make him the Feudal lord of Kurdistan. He was thinking of the steps that might lead to, power, wealth, greater apointments? Distracted as he was he did not notice the cloaked figure that moved in behind him in Mesopotamia's quickly darkening evening streets. Strong hands moved around him and covered his mouth, yanking him backwards and off balance. Before he could recover the assassins blade pierced his kneck at the base of his skull. One jerk of his legs and then he was still. The body left on the street as the assassin scurried off into the darkness.

The next day and the Emperor was listening to his master of Intelligence "It is as we feared your majesty. Enemy agents have infiltrated the city" Nodding, Hormizd gave his assent "Go ahead with the purge, root out the enemy." The Intelligence officer smiled, a dangerous smile, and then bowed and went off to seek the Empires enemies.

In suprising swiftness Imperial agents decended on the barracks of the Imperial army, hundreds of officers and men were arrested. The homes of their families ransacked, the people thrown into the streets. Fear gripped the city as the Imperial agents went about their business with ruthless precision. It wasn't long before the Imperial executioners were at work.

The Duke of Lebanon died in 604, he left his lands to the Empire in his will.


THE ZOROASTRIAN CHURCH-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Patriarch Tashbar

Diplomacy: Ardabil (mn) Firoz Kohi (ab) Aden (ab) Yemen (ch) Asir (ch) Sheba (ch) Ma'rib (ch) Bandar (ch)

Madina, Mecca, Qatar, As'summan, Hijaz, Zufar...all the site of intense missionary activity. The Church is determined that the penninsula abandon its beleif in Islam.

THE FAROHARS OF AHURA MAZDA-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Grandmaster Mainyu

Diplomacy: Kavadh (oh) Ashur (oh) Shapurbad (oh)

Mainyu did not care a great deal for the task at hand, but a shortfall in scribes threatened the collection abilities of the Farohars. He took a day to day look into things to hopefully put a stop to the short falls, and then invested funds to train some new scribes.

Amesha travelled to some local urban areas and acquired some new holdings for the Farohars. Upon his return to the Order's headquarters he took command of the military arm.


THE SULTAN OF ADEN-Zoroastrian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

Sultan Rasheed

Diplomacy: Qatar (nt) Oman (nt) Al-Mukalla (ea)

Rasheed came of age in year 603AD and took the throne. His uncle Hussam, who was acting as regent, stayed on as a prince of the Realm to help his nephew.

Adenese diplomats did their best to improve the realms holdings around the penninsula.


5c, 5lc

THE KHANATE OF KARA-KHITAI-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Mongka  Khan, Emperor of the Khazars

Diplomacy: none

The realm of the Khazars continued on its slow steady path. Economic development was encouraged, and in the region of Khazakh, on the shores of the Caspian sea, the port city of Urenech was established.

In the city of Parapavura, in far off Kashmir, many converts were won for Ahura Mazda.

Such was the power and respect that Mongka had from his sub khans that they recognized him as Emperor.


THE PARTHIAN EMPIRE-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5

Emperor Mithridates


no orders


5i, 5c, 5s, 5w, 5t



THE GUPTA EMPIRE-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Hettu, Emperor of the Gupta

Diplomacy: Samatata (t) Pukujujarti (ea) Kadarum (ea) Meshentra (ea) Kalinga (t)

A truly hurrculian construction project across the whole nation was undertaken, 8 cities were enlarged. Then 4 new ones built. Gold, employment was at an all time high. No skilled laborer, and few unskilled ones, went without work.

THE KINGDOM OF ASAMAKA-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

King Mocca

Diplomacy: Chola (f) Somali (fa)

Intense urbanization, like their northern brethren, was the way of it in Asamaka. In addition the crown was determined to regain a alliance with the Somali.


THE TEMPLE OF KALI-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Inari  Jubei

Diplomacy: Chola (ch) tanjore (ch) Paalas (ch) Somantha (ch) Surashtra (ch) Rajput (ch) Thanesar (ch) Uttar Pradesh (mn) Gujerat (mn) Pandya (ca)

The Church built up its holy sites, the faithful needed places to worship after all.


THE SWORD OF SHIVA-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Grandmaster Surijarva

Diplomacy: Anhivarta (op) Kayal (op) Gujerat (op) Surashtra (op) Somantha (op) Pawar (op) Paalas (op)  Vengi (op) Saravai (op) Madurai (op) Mandras (op) Chola (op) Tanjore (op)

Unbeleivable energy is the order of the day as the order continues to enlarge its holdings.


10i, 5c, 5w, 5t

Champa- 5c,10i



THE KINGDOM OF CHAMPA-Hindu-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4

King Ru Vi Mingou

Diplomacy: [Korat (nt) Nan Chao(nt) Gunzhou (nt)-then all revolt]

King Ru Vi Mingou had a decision to make.  The Hu Empire was willing to return Annam and Dai Viet to Champa.  The Dragon Empire had sent a polite ultimatum noting that accepting these provinces would be considered an act of war.   

He ordered Ru Sihanouk into his presence and told him to gather a force and move into Dai Viet and Annam.   Shaolin religious locations in the regions were to be looted.  Ri Shanouk's column of men crossed into Dai Viet in the spring of 602, they immediately marched toward the Shaolin Order's estate. Waiting were the Shaolin, Grandmaster Seng Hu himself, along with Master Kyung Min, amngst them. 12,000 Shaolin elite cavalry, a quarter of it heavy, lined up across from 15,000 warriors of Champa. Champa's force was largely infantry, nor were they elite like the Shaolin.

"By Shiva's eyes', why did the king demand the majority of our army remain at home" cursed Prince Ru Shanouk. "Because he did not think the Shaolin had anything like this force this far south...with things in China as they are maybe?" a captain offered, not realizing the Prince was talking to himself. "Order the Laotian and Kayahan infantry to form up with our own infantry in the center, then send orders for the Cavalry to protect our wings" he barked at the helpful captain. Then turned to watch the Shaolin begin their advance.

The Shaolin sent their cavalry out on a wide sweep to attack the Champan flanks. Grandmaster Seng Hu watched them charge forward, he personally commanded the heavy horse in the center, but had not given the signal for them to attack as yet. "let Kyung Min crush their flanks and drive away their horse, then we shall destroy their unprotected infantry in the center"

Kyung Min shouted a ferocious war cry as he felt his sabre slice through the Champan cavalryman's neck. All around him was chaos, Shaolin and Champans locked in deadly combat. The Shaolin had the edge in numbers and skill , so slowly the Champans were losing ground.

The flank fell back, Kyung Min wooped and bellowed for his men to drive home their advantage.

Prince Ru Shanouk gathered his reserve, 1,500 heavy cavalry and personally led the charge to save the left flank. One minute the Shaolin were driving their enemies back, the next they were hit hard by heavily armored horse. This Champan charge kills the Shaolin initiative, and for the moment the left flank stabalized.

Grandmaster Seng Hu had watched as one..then the other Champan flank caved in. He saw the Champan reserves moving behind the formed infantry in the center to try and hold one of the flanks. With no reserves left it was time to attack he realized.

The ground shook as the 3,000 heavy elite Shaolin horse stormed across the field. Lances drove home into the massed infantry and the infantry ranks were ripped asunder, scattered  like leaves in a strong wind. The Shaolin heavies drove the routing infantry, hacking over and over into their disordered ranks. The Chieftain of the Kayah watched his men flee "COWARDS!" he roared as Shaolin horse thundered past him. He turned, squated, and raised his shield to meet the Shaolin. A Shaolin monk saw him, veered his horse to ride him down. The lance punched through the Chieftain's shield and ripped into his upper arm. At the same moment the Chief had swung his sword in a powerful arc at the horses legs. Steel ripped through bone and the horse collapsed forward, the rider flung over his saddle and crumpled into a stunned and unmoving heap several yards away. The Chief of the Kayah's arm was numb and he looked down to see that the blow had shattered his sword. He started looking on the ground for a weapon amongst the fallen, head down intent on his task, he never saw the blow that decapitated him.

Kyung Min expertly wheeled his force to meet the attacking heavy horse of the Champan reserves. The Shaolin were winning but he knew this counterattack was trouble. So he moved to the front of the melee and standing in his stirrups he waved his blade to rally the Shaolin. Three Champans immediately attacked so brazen a target. Like a serpent strike, Kyung Min's blade slashed out to pierce the chest of the first attacker. He Parried the blow of the second attacker, defelcting the Champan's sword over his shield as the Champan horseman charged past. His blade then struck again, decapitating the third Champan. Before he could turn his horse about to face the last Champan he felt the Champan's sword pierce his armor and drive through his back. Kyung gasped and started to slump, coughing up blood. He fell dead. Yet his sacrifice was not futile, the Shaolin had rallied and even now the Champan horse were falling back in full flight.

Prince Ru Shanouk was furious, his men were fleeing, his country's ambitions in Dai Viet gone, atleast for now. He tried to rally what men he could to fight a rear guard but was quickly cut down as the Shaolin pursuit over took him. He joined the 11,000 Champan corpses that littered the field, the Shaolin lost 3,000.

On a more peaceful note the provinces of Siam and Khemer were partially repopulated by Khmer Hindus.  The Mekong River was bridged.  Conversion work was continued among the inhabitants of the southern Phillipines.

THE KINGDOM OF PEGU-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Chandras, King of Pegu

Diplomacy: Perak (ea)

Chandras stood for election by the senate. He knew the tide was going against his reelection. He also knew the army was loyal to him. So what was he to do? He over threw the senate, executed the lot of them, and declared himself King.


5i, 5w, 5t

THE SRIVIJAYAN EMPIRE-Hindu-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3

King Kalendjaha

Diplomacy: none

Life was quiet in Palembang.  Missionary activity continued in Moluccus. The King also sent 2 of his sons off to the Sword of Shiva in India to become acolytes.


26i, 9c, 8w, 5t, 8s

Golden Dragon Empire- 10i, 5c, 5w, 5t, 5s



[GM Notes: The Therevada and Mahayana are now considered seperate and distinct religions, as such the AL orders of the two factions were changed to A orders since the hostile faiths can no longer have F status in the opposite faith's regions.]

601AD: Emperor of Hu Syang knew the times were desperate. Every able bodied male was recruited. Taxation was increased to levels that were dangerous to economic stability. With these resources a large army was raised.

Trouble came early though, some of the Emperors guards came upon burnt wagons and butchered men on the road to Chang'ling "Imperial tax wagons, the shipment stolen. The Emperor will not be pleased." Riots soon threatened to break out amongst some of the troops as they weren't paid on time.  Arrears were made out of the gold saved in the treasury and the men mollified.

Once this host gathered the Emperor led it into Anhui, it was quickly pacified. The Emperor then ordered the port of Chiangning stormed, it was taken without to many casualties. Garrisons were left and then the Emperor marched his host back to Hupei.

In Hunan, Emperor Hu Yao also conscripted every able bodied male of military age. A large force was left to defend the capital, and then General Chi Kung was sent south with a large force of cavalry and infantry. Kienchou was quickly pacified, the fortress the Hu were attempting to build was prevented from being completed. A garrison was left and the forces of the Golden Dragon started to cross the mountains into Nanling as winter came.

602AD:  Hu Syang took his host west into Hubei, the region quickly fell. The large Hu army presented itself before Tii'fawn. No siege again, scaling ladders went up as the army surged forward. A sharp, bloody fight erupted, but the lightly defended city fell in short order. Garrisons were left, and the army again returned to Hupei as winter came.

In the south, General Chi finished the conquest of Nanling. Garrisons were left and then the army marched south, through Kwangsi and into Kwangtung. A brief battle and the region was pacified and then garrisoned. The Dragon host wintered there.

In June thousands of Mongol cavalry swarmed into Kiangsu, it was raided in advance of the main Mongol thrust. After the raid, the land was forced to submit and promise tribute in the future. Raids were then conducted in Anhui. As winter came on nearly 150,000 steppe warriors camped in Kiangsu and had visions of gold and plunder in the rest of Southern China.

603AD:  Emperor Hu Syang now focused on the real prize, Hunan. General Shan Tu left Chang'ling at the head of 40 warships, the fleet sailed down the Yangtze then down to Tii'dawn. In the harbor waited the outnumbered fleet of the Golden Dragon, 24 heavy warships commanded by the monk Sha Noyn. In a harbor where manuever isn't an issue the heavier galleys of the Golden dragon made their mark. The battle was bloody, ships smashed, men dying. Eventually the Hu navy could take no more and retreated. The Hu had lost 28 of their 40 ships, the Golden Dragon lost 16 of their 24 ships.

On the mainland, in the fields of Hunan, Emperor Hu Syang over ran the few Golden Dragon field forts and looked on as the outnumbered Golden Dragon armies retreated behind Tii'dawn's walls. He watched in fury as his defeated fleet limped home. So much for the passive siege he had planned. He took his host and started moving through the mountains into Hwai as winter came on. 

In the south General Chi Kung moved his forces out of Kwangtung, having left a garrison, through Kwangsi and then into Lingtung. The region was brought under control and garrisoned.

The Shaolin were on the move as well. After their victory over Champa Grandmaster Seng Hu brought his warrior monks north, through Lingsi, Lingtung, Kienchou, and Ghang'de. They then went forth and raided Szechwan, heavily looting the once rich land.

In the east the Mongols moved into Anhui and forced them to agree to pay tribute in the future. Once again the Mongols sent out raiders ahead of the main army. Taiping felt the blow this time, their lands trampled by raiders, then forced by the sword to pay tribute as the main army came. The horde wintered there.

604AD:  Hu Syang finished pacifying Hwai, a garrison was installed. The port of Tii was then stormed, and after a sharp battle it was taken. The army then marched back through Hunan, and then south where Kienchou was liberated.

General Chi Kung invaded Gouangxi, it easily fell. A garrison was left and then the Golden Dragon host moved into Lingsi, where they wintered.

The Shaolin made their way north over the mountains and eventually came to Pienching.

The Mongols flew west, raiding as they went through Hupei, Hubei, and into Szechwan. Pure raids here, no attempt to conquer.

605AD:   Hu Syang marched into Nanling and liberated the Therevada people there. Then on into Kwangsi, pacifying the region easily. As fall came the tired Hu warriors stormed Kwangchou, a bloody fight saw the city taken.

General Chi Kung marched across the mountains into Annam. The region was pacified, he considered sieging Tonkin, but his army was smaller after leaving garrisons behind. So he wintered in Annam and waited more orders from the Emperor.

The Mongols conquered Szechwan, then moved through the rugged mountains and into the wilderness of Ghang'de. Wintering there.


THE IMPERIAL REALM OF HONAN-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Chu Won Su




THE LU KINGDOM OF KOREA-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Lu Han-Wu


no orders received


GOLDEN EMPIRE OF THE  DRAGON-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Hu Yao, Emperor of the Golden Throne


See: The Southern War

THE HU EMPIRE -Therevada Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Hu Syang, True Emperor of the HU


See: The Southern War


THE EMPIRE OF THE BLACK DRAGON (Toba Wei)-Mahayana Buddhist-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3

Wei Tian

Diplomacy: none

Wei Tian gathered a host and marched south to Honan, and the Holy City of Pienching. He went at the request of the Mahayana primate, to protect the Holy City in these times of trouble. He also went to make an offer to the Emperor of Honan...

Lord Wu was saddled with the job of shuffliing paper and seeing the Emperor's will was done while he was away. Things to do....try and unify the realm..incorporate the Shensi lands...build some roads...sigh...so much to do he thought.


THE MAHAYANA BUDDHIST-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Chow Wu

Diplomacy:  none

Si Wei sent a letter out to the realms of the faithful:
I am happy to be building a new seminary in the city of Pienching. This new seminary will be a bastion of learning and growing in the ways of Mahayana Buddhism. I am also proud to name this after Chu Won Su, my good friend.

A delegation of Toba Wei, and led by Mahayana priests, visit with Chu Won Su of Honan. Alliances offered, bribes, promises, etc for Honan to join with the Toba Wei. The Mahayana desired peace in the north.

Emperor Chu Won Su bowed to the Buddhist Primate "Honorable Si Wei, I thank you for your prayers and kind words. I cannot accept your offer." He then turned and stared into the eyes of Wei Tian, Emperor of the Black Dragon. "Black Dragon are you now?" he drew his sword,  "You want my crown, by this sword I hold it, take it if you can. Depart from my lands at once or there shall be war." With that he whirled in anger and left his throne room, the audience was over.

Patriarch Si Wei passed away in 604AD.

THE ORDER OF THE SHAOLIN TEMPLE-Mahayana Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Seng Hu

Diplomacy: none

Trouble everywhere...Schism, Civil war, and upstart Hindu's. What to do...first side with the Mahayana, this was done. Then the army waited in the south .. See: Champa

then the host moves north..  See: The Southern War


THE THERAVADA BUDDHIST- Therevada Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4

Tan Ri

Diplomacy:  none

In the midst of the chaos surrounding them, Tan Ri and his priests sent missionaries into Funiu, Chinling, and Hubei to correct the flaase beleifs of the people there.

The Shaolin Estates in Hupei were siezed as well.


THE KHANATE OF THE HSIUNG NU-Asiatic Pagan-Nomadic, Tech Lvl 3

Khan Liao Chien, Imperial Govenor of Liao Provence

Diplomacy:  none

Khan Liao Chien hoped to remain neutral in the war now raging in China. This didn't stop him from letting the Mongols travel through his lands as they marched to the south. He also sent the Ilkhan, Liao Ang, south to Honan to protect the Mahayana Holy City. This was done to repay the past help the Buddhist had given in the war with Korea.

The Khan did let it be known that he has no intention of converting to Buddhism. "We will support our own shamans more vigorously, to keep the old ways alive, to not forget our roots."

The Toba Wei transfered control of Bao Ding, but when no garrison was sent the region declared its independance.

THE TAKEDA SHOGUNATE-Shinto-Sea Faring, Tech Lvl 4

Shogun Akira

Diplomacy: Shikoku (a)

The Takeda continued their exploring ways. Lord Sato went north into the cold seas, his ships were battered by strong storms and he was soon forced to return to port with only a third of his ships left.

Lord Kendaro was sent out into the great ocean of the south....never heard from again....

At home new cities were built, Awaji in Shikoku, and Satsuma in Kagoshima.

THE MONGOL HORDE- Asiatic Pagan- Nomadic, Tech Lvl 2

Jagun Khan

Diplomacy: Horse, spear, death, pillage.....

Jagun took his horde through the lands of the Hsiung'nu, then south into Tsainan of the Honanese. Amasinlgy they simply marched through Tsainan, no raiding, no killing, nothing, peaceful as summer tourist. ...but then they crossed into Southern China ... See: The Southern War




THE KINGDOM OF THE FIVE NATIONS (Mississippi)-Pelegian Christian-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 3


Diplomacy: none

The King of the five nations contimued to expand his realm. Adventurous tribesmen were recruited and sent off to colonize Ksinapo and Taposa. In addition a road was built from Yamase to Muskogee.


THE YOKUT FEDERATION-North Amerind-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 1

Soaring Eagle

Diplomacy: none

The land continued to prosper, irrigation ditches, and other public amenities were built. Times were good for the Yokut.



THE KINGDOM OF THE AZTEC-Mesoamerind-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 1


Diplomacy: Tarascan (f) Huastec (f) Tlapocoya (f) Tlacopan (f)

A huge unification effort bore wonderful fruit. The city of Tlascala was built in Tlapocoya, and the city of Ecatepec was built in Tarascan.

THE KINGDOM OF ALBION-Pelegian Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3

King Brude, Lord of the Isles, defender of the Pelegian faith.

Diplomacy: Ayoel (ea) Chitimacha (nt) Anza (ea) Chichen Itza (f)

King Penwyr passed away in the summer of 601AD,one minute he was telling his granddaughter Jennifer tales of the oldworld and the next his heart burst and he was dead.

The Heir Brude was away arrangin alliances and marriages to strengthen the realm. Lords Stephen and Vertengorix were able to find their way to some Isles they named Burmuda to the north.



THE KINGDOM OF THE HUARI-South Amerind-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 2


Diplomacy: Nazca (f)

The land of Chavin, site of a devastating earthquake in the past, was the focus of the Kings economic development. Irrigation ditches, roads, and aqueducts were all built. In addition the city of Maranga was enlarged.

In 604 the Kings eldest son, Tahual, was named heir.