Turn 3



Jeff Morrison
1019 Ossington
Flint, Mi 48507
(810) 238-6425


HAVE CHILDREN: this command has been modified, see the errata section below.

TITHE: this rule has been changed see Rule errata.

After some thought ive decided to allow Elite troops to be built by tech level 3 nations and up.

Let me AGAIN stress the importance of not letting leaders have to many troops in relation to your king. This can cause coups if the Leaders loyalty is low. This can even happen with Princes. Altho the likely hood is much lower. Friends dont let friends be the victoms of coups ?

Also, all new children and Leaders/princes need to be NAMED. Failure to do so may result in unfortunate sickness and death for the character. <G>


Turns: $2.00
 Maps: I prefer to send maps out via e-mail, however if you need a paper one, contact me and I will see what I can do.

Secret Empires are not being played, which means secret empire commands such as IL aren’t an option.
******* You must be Tech Level 3 to raise elite troops.********

Table of Religious interaction:

T= Tolerant
H= Hostile

RC= Roman Catholic
EO=Eastern Orthodox
CP= Monophysite (coptic)
CC= Celtic Christian
AC= Arian Christian
JD= Judaism
BH= Buddhist
HN= Hindu
OP= Oceanic Pagan
EP= European pagan
AP= Asiatic pagan
AF= African Pagan
ST= Shinto
ZO= Zoroastrain
DC=Druidic Christianity

Tithes are gonna be treated as “IN” effect once set, the primate need not try to establish them ever turn as long as the nation being tithed agrees.

Kings or Heirs doing a Rule action will be considered to be spending time with their wife (if they have one) while seeing to all that paper work so I will roll for child births during the period they are Ruling.

511-515 AD
Turn 3




Shogun Nagao

Diplomacy:  Heian (t)  Yamaguchi (ea)  Yamato (f)

Shogun Nagao sent his warlords to various parts of his realm to strengthen the ties to his crown, while he personally went to Yamato. General success was evident.

Meanwhile Prince Chuichi took care to the day to day affairs of running the realm. His lovely wife Kiriku bore him a son in May 515 AD. A huge festival in Edo was held to celebrate the birth of an heir.

Prince Kanoya was sent to Aichi for a dynastic marriage to the Shogun’s ally Fuchida’s daughter. Spending several years there Prince Kanoya began to fall in love with his would be bride and their love blossomed during the long courtship. They wed in the spring of 515AD and the Shogun personally through a huge feast for the occasion.  The court bard wrote a beautiful epic poem about the couple’s love.


King Ura

Diplomacy none


King Liao Xi, Yen King of Liao-Yang, Beloved of Heaven

Diplomacy: Parhae (ea)

King Liao Xi spends time with his lovely Queen while the army musters out and organizes itself for the planned campaign in the summer against Korea. He also founds the “Institute of the Reasoning Buddha” in Ta’ting. Lord Qi Zhui is sent off to Parhae to strengthen the bond between them and the crown.

As spring turns to summer the army of the Liao-Yang marches to war. The King, with Crown Prince Liao Ti and Prince Liao Wu, leads the army through Bandao then over the mountains into Anshan. Scouts report that the Korean army is reacting to meet the invasion. The two armies clash in the hilly terrain of northern Anshan.

The Koreans take up a defensive position as the Liao storm the up the Hill. Prince Liao Ti leads the Cavalry on the left flank and is met by the Heavy Cavalry of the Koreans, a bloody struggles erupts as sabers topple men from horses and confusion reigns in the swirling cavalry melee. In the Center the King Himself leads the Liao infantry. On the right flank Prince Wu With a mixed force of Cavalry and light infantry attack.

The battle rages back and forth for several bloody hours, the Koreans hold but at times it looks as if they could be pushed back, but every time King Ura leads a counter attack that stabilizes the Korean lines.

In mid afternoon the Liao breaks off the attack and rest and regroups while they think of what to do next. “We have more numbers, let us overwhelm one section of the line while pinning the rest” Suggest Prince Liao Ti “we must hurry though, for there are only a few hours left of sunlight” the Koreans muster all their remaining cavalry on the left, the Infantry makes a pinning attack on the rest of the line while the Cavalry tries its best to smash the Korean right flank. Seeing the Danger King Ura himself leads the remaining Korean Heavy cavalry in a counter charge. Another bloody melee erupts between the two cavalry forces as the fighting rages back and forth for several hours as darkness begins to fall the two forces separate. Exhausted the Liao gather their wounded and make preparations to continue the attack in the morning. In the middle of the night the Liao pickets report noises coming from the hill “There is movement up there lord” reports the Captain of the watch. Not taking any chances the Liao Commanders order their men into readiness for a battle incase of any suprise Korean night attack. All night they stay alert. As morning comes they realize the Koreans had been withdrawing the previous night, the hill is now vacant.

The Liao spread out and occupy the region as the Korean army move across the southern border into Kogurya

King Liao Xi sends messengers, under flag of truce, south. The message calls for a peace between the two lands-or else. The messenger returns with word that the Koreans accept the offer of peace.

The King returns to Ta’Ting, leaving Prince Liao Ti to finishing pacifying Anshan. He arrives in time to see the birth of his son in January 512AD. The month before Prince Liao Wu’s wife had given birth to a daughter.


King Xu Nu

Diplomacy:  none

In Shan’si the people were up in arms, first the legitimate royal family abandons the Kingdom for the cause of Buddha, then this upstart Xu Nu declares himself king and the people were misserable (when were peasants ever content really?) but some charismatic men had suddenly appeared on the scene and were helping the people “voice their anger” and so in early spring of 511AD (about the same time as the fight for Hopei region began) Shan’si erupted into rebellion. Unfortunatly for Lord Ku Pan he was in teh area at the time travelling North to Yun for diplomatic talks. The angry Mob falls upon him, dragging him kicking and screaming they hang him.

After the defeat in Tsainan, King Xu Nu, who was badly wounded, was taken back to Hopei with the survivors of his army. The king immediately orders the conscription of every available man for the defense of the Kingdom. While he recovers from his wounds the nation is at work, dozens and dozens of Field forts are built protecting the approaches to the capital Mercenaries are hired and soldiers trained. The Hu Chinese were not idle either, Xhi Shu, the butcherer, was on the march as well. Crossing the Huang Ho River, Shu traveled through the undefended region of Yen, moving west into Hopei.

As King Xu Nu Received reports of the Approaching Hu Chinese army, a second messenger brought word that another Hu Army was fording the Huang Ho River skirmishes had been reported and the reports said that the Vanguard of this new Army were Elite infantry scouts. The King of Hopei orders his army into the field as they take up supporting positions between the network of Field forts. Over the next several days the Hu Armies maneuver into position and make preparations to attack the Hopei defenses.

Seeing this King Xu Nu mounts up the top of the Central hill fort and addresses the assembled armies:

"The line is drawn, and the invading army must be crushed!"  I will not have one stinking Hunanese breath the sweet flowery smell of Kaifeng, nor do I want their broken dead bodies anywhere near the city.  Therefore, we will make our stand out here.  This will allow the dogs to feast on their dead.  Ah the dogs will grow fat.  Afterwards, we shall use their bodies as fertilizer for our crops, and build a tower with their skulls.
    Brave soldiers of Hopei, I exult you to fight to the bitter end.  Not for your families, not for yourselves, rather for the Kingdom of Hopei!

    Long live the people of the Hopei!
    Long Live the Kingdom of the Hopei!
    Long Live the King of Hopei!

The soldiers cheer.

Shu hearing the Hopei army cheer orders the assault.  The Hu Chinese swarm forward assaulting the forts (75 of them) flooding through the low valleys between them, trying to isolate and surround them so that the Siege engineers can storm them properly.  Intense fighting develops as missile fire falls on the packed Hu Warriors. Hit from missiles from above and then counter attacked by the Hopei mercenary Infantry and Hopei cavalry, the Hu take frightful casualties. The Butcherer leads forward Reinforcements himself and rallies his men and they began to force back the outnumbered Hopei. Hill forts began to burn as the Hu take the outer ring of forts killing the defenders; the smoke of the burning forts obscures the noon sun. King Xu continues to fall back inflicting as many casualties on the Hu as he can before he abandons a fort.  For 3 days the Hu storm the fort rings guarding the approaches to Kaifeng, the Hopei capital.

During this time refugees flee before the advancing Hu, some flee to the country side others to the capital. It was in one of these groups of Refugees that a group of men disguised as Buddhist monks attempted to enter the city, when stopped they claimed they were here to establish an abbey. Allowed to pass initially the Commander of the watch became suspicious when the “monks” headed off the opposite way of the Buddhist temple. Ordering a company of Guardsmen to follow him he sets off in pursuit. The “monks” see the guards approaching and quickly change direction and head toward the Buddhist temple, attempting to perhaps throw suspicion off. The guards stop them near the entrance to the temple “HALT don’t move, you all will come with me for questioning!” with that the “monks throw off their priestly robes revealing Swords and bows and many are even armored. They fall upon the guards killing many in the initial suprise. The sound of battle brings many more guards running as the Alarm in the city is raised....a brief fight ensues on the steps to the temple as the Infiltrators kill the initial guard company and fall back into the temple grounds pursued by the Kaifeng City guard. Battle rages in the compound and soon the courtyard is littered with dead. Fires break out and soon the Buddhist temple is on fire.  A final desperate battle in the temple itself results in the last of the defenders killed. It was later discovered, when his body was found amongst the dead, that Lord Ton Ki, a Hu Chinese ally from Hubei, was the leader of the infiltrators. Sadly the Buddhist temple was burnt to the ground and all of the “real” priests slain in the fighting.

Other infiltrators were more successful, many Beaurocrats were found slain throughout the city, and their killers never caught.

Back out in the countryside King Xu Nu was realizing that he might soon have to fall back into Kaifeng. He had just launched his last counter attack and while it gained some ground initially, it was now faltering and the Hu were again advancing. His last ring of hill forts was being assaulted, as he looked on..  It was then that a group of cavalry came riding up escorting a mounted captive.  “SIRE WE HAVE HIM!!!” Shouted the cavalry troops captain as he bolted from his horse, falling as he kneeled before King Xu. Shu the Butcherer had been captured. “We caught him as he was attempting to direct the Hu counter attack at Fort Ki” babbled the excited trooper.  Shu was thrown from his horse and forced to kneel before the King.  King Xu just laughed “Order a retreat into Kaifeng, lets see how the Hu do without their Butcherer to lead them” The Hopei fought a small re guard action as the sun set and retired into Kaifeng in good order.

The Hu Army, now under the command of Lord Wu Lei, was bloodied suffering over 17,500 casualties taking the well defended region, the Hopei army was nearly as bloody suffering over 16,000 casualties. Lord Wu still had enough men to press a siege. He orders the Hu army to begin digging trenches and field works surrounding the city.

“Ha!!! “ exclaimed king Xu as he watched the Hopei work from the vantage point of Kaifengs walls “They have no Navy to stop the flow of food into the city from the river, and our navy is strong even if they did! Let them rot in their trenches as disease kills them” Those words came to his mind as a large Navy was seen approaching down the Huang Ho River from the west a few short days later. “Whose navy is that? It can’t be the Hu navy? Is that the Shensi? Perhaps they have come to help us” that question was answered when the Shensi navy began to fire arrows and other missile weapons at the Hopei fleet guarding the harbor. 25 massive heavy war ships attack the 20 smaller warships of Hopei. King Xu watches as his fleet is battered and broken. Fire fills the harbor as the Hopei navy is crushed. 5 of the Shensi vessels sink, all of the unfortunate Hopei ships settle on the bottom of the harbor. The Shensi navy then blockades the harbor mouth, Kaifeng is now isolated.

King Xu was hearing council from his military leaders on what course they should take. The city had no food stored up for a long siege. Things were looking pretty hopeless. A messenger declared that the Hu commander asked a parley. King Xu stood atop the Gatehouse and shouted down “what do you want cur” Lord Wu pointed back at his men, their ranks parted as 500 Hopei prisoners were brought forward “These are some of your men captured in Tsainan” he turned back and nodded his head. At that signal all 500 were beheaded, their heads stuck on pikes and placed around the city walls.  Wu watched as King Xu turned away and spoke to someone. He couldn’t hear or see what was said. Shortly Wu saw that Xhi Shu was dragged to where the king stood, in chains he was forced to his knees and the king then personally decapitated him. His body was thrown over the wall and his head mounted atop the GateHouse. Glaring King Xu turned and started to walk away. “You have 4 months to surrender or the rest of our prisoner will be killed as well” Shouted Wu.

The months ticked away as hunger began to spread across kaifeng. The prisoners were duly executed; all 1,500 of them, when 4 months passed and still King Xu would not surrender. The summer passed and fall came and went and the people began to starve. Riots began to break out as people starved.  By spring no animal whether pet or livestock was left alive in Kaifeng. By summer there were even reports of cannibalism. In July the Army threatened to revolt so King Xu surrendered the city. The Hu Occupy kaifeng. King Xu Nu is executed, his head replacing Xhi Shu’s atop the gatehouse. With Kaifeng falling and King Xu Nu dead and several other realms of Hopei revolting, Hopei as a nation passes from history. Each region either occupied by invaders or trying to set up their own defenses. Chaos reigns.


King Si Lei

Diplomacy:  Honan (f)  Pienching (f)

King Si-Lei built a fleet of Heavy Warshps,a nd ordered the construction of a Fortress in the Honan region. Several of the kingdoms leading diplomats were also sent to the Honan/Pienching region to strengthen the Shensi hand. After the fleet was built King Si-Lei personally sailed with it to Pienching, there he married a Noble woman from the ruling family. He spent time with his new wife while he waited for news from Hopei, this time with his wife was rewarded when she became pregnant and gave birth to a son in June of 512AD. Word finally arrived from a Hu messenger and the King sailed for Kaifeng (SEE: THE FALL OF HOPEI)

While negotiating with Honan, Prince Si Ho became Ill and died in August 513AD, Similarly in 515AD Lord Wan Ri passed away while in Pienching.

Pricne Si Wan’s wife gave birth to a lovely daughter in May 515AD


King Wei Han

Diplomacy:  Yun (fa)

King Wei Han is a busy man these days, overseeing his new city and garrison, while trying to make his govnt run more efficiently. Growing somewhat paranoid of his Generals raiding success, successful generals make for ambitious generals, the king reduces their troops levels and puts them under his Command. Sadly the Kings wife dies in late 511AD in childbirth.

Meanwhile out on the wild nomadic steppes the sword of Buddha is again brought to the pagan nomadic tribes as Prince Wei Chu, as fire and death spread across the regions of Langshan, Gaxun-Nur, Suzhou, turnet and Kin. The younger brother of the King revels in the destruction he brings to the pagans, he himself having been caught up in the religious fundamentalism that has spread over the Kingdom.

Seeing a likely war between Hopei and Hunan King Wei Han sends some diplomats to Yun in the hopes of maneuvering that region into his fold. The leaders of Yun had been expecting a Diplomat from Hopei, the ruler wondered why Lord Ku Pan never arrived....

THE HU EMPIRE OF SOUTHERN CHINA (was the kingdom of Hunan)

King Hu Shi

Diplomacy:  Tsainan (t)  Kwangchou (a)  Lin’an (nt)  Chekiang(t)

King Hu Shi oversees the day to day affairs of state, in April 512AD the royal couple are blessed with the birth of a son.

Prince Hu Tii lives the life of luxury, having no official duties he spends all his time with his wife. They have 3 children 2 daughters and a son.

The King orders his generals to settle affairs with Hopei  (SEE: THE FALL OF HOPEI)

The Feudal ally in Chekiang was ordered to invade Taiping and by force extort tribute. The feudal levy of Chekiang wasn’t up to the task and after a struggle they were expelled from Taiping with moderate losses.



Pei Wu

Diplomacy. None

The Buddhist spend their time establishing shrines. No word was heard about Pei Wu’s response to the bloodshed and destruction of their temple in kaifeng do to the fighting there.




King Dei

Diplomacy:  none

No news was reported from Burma


King Tru Rhan

Diplomacy:  Annam (t)  Lingnan (nt)

King Tru Rhan was gathering an army into his capital. Training and outfitting these forces was his plan and then some manuevers perhaps for training purposes.

Prince Ru Vi was dealing with the day to day affairs of state while his father saw to the Defense of the land. He sent Lord Rhan Ni with an amry escort into Preikuk for talks with its ruler. Prince Ri Wen was sent north to Annam and Lingnan. They were having some success on the diplomatic front when news reached them of a battle in Preikuk.....

The diplomacy was long and tiring, but it looked as if it might finally start to have some nice results when messengers, July of 513AD, came in reporting that scouts had seen a large Siamese force entering the Preikuk region. Lord Rhan Ni had been hearing tales about what the Siamese army had done to his fellow Hindu’s in Khemer and their attacks on Surin, but he had hoped they wouldn’t dare come into Preikuk, it being so close to Champa and all. The ruler of Preikuk sent word to both armies that they wanted no part of any conflict and withdrew into a defensive posture guarding against the Siamese and the Champa.  Rhan Ni sighed “looks like I have to drive off these Buddhist alone if I’m gonna get on the good side of he Raja of Preikuk. He sends a messenger off to Champa to the king begging for aid, he then turns and orders his men into battle formations as they begin to advance toward the Siamese invaders....

Prince Havra was pleased. His Buddhist armies had been performing excellently of late. After the pacification and Conversion of the Khemer they had made short work of the poor defenses of Surin, and expected no less here in Preikuk, but what was this? A medium sized Champa army here as well? His first concern was that the Preikuk army and the Champa would fight together against him. But when the messenger from the raja of Preikuk arrived explaining Preikuk wished to avoid fighting and pursue the path of peace, Prince Havra laughed he would deal with them after he crushed the Champa dogs.

Seeing the Champa advancing Prince Havra orders his forces to charge “KILL THE HINDU DOGS!!!” the army roars as it rushes forward, the armies clash and men begin to die, screams fill the valley. The Siamese have a larger force, but the Champa have slightly better quality soldiers. The test would come down to generalship.

The carnage in the thick of the of the line was intense, here the Heavy Infantry of the Siamese was trying to rupture the Champa center, and they were doing just that. Lord Rhan Ni personally led the last Champa reserves into the gap in an attempt to plug the breakthrough. The effort was futile the gap continued to widen and Rhan Ni was hit in the thigh by a spear thrust, he was able to dispatch his assailant but by doing so he exposed his side and before he could turn back a second spearman had darted in and taken advantage of that momentary opening. The spear penetrated his right side, as blood gurgled in his throat his eyes rolled back into his head and fell dead. The spearman stabbed into him again to make sure. With Lord Rhan Ni dead the Champa line collapses and the retreat. The Siamese pursuit isn’t what it could be, but after marching and fighting over several regions they are tired and need a long period of rest. To bad they wouldn’t get it....

King Tru Rhan, having received the message calling for aid, had immediately set out with his large force. As he crossed into Preikuk his scouts began saying they were seeing leaderless men of Champa retreating across the mountains back into the homeland. “DAMN...we shall take our revenge for this defeat”

Prince Havra consults with his Ally, the Lord of Mon, “yes the Champa force approaching outnumbers us, but we can defeat them as we did before, trust me my faithful ally..Havent we been blessed in our endeavors so far?”  The Lord of Mon couldn’t argue with that but he still look concerned as the large Champa army began forming for battle.

The two armies both charged and the sound of the shield walls hitting was like thunder rumbling throughout the valley. Ever urging his men on King Tru Rhan was pressing the tired Siamese defenders. The champa also had more cavalry and were using it to harass the flanks.

In mid afternoon it looked as if the Champa might turn the Siamese left flank. King Tru Rhan was personally leading the Champa cavalry in this area. The Lord of Mon led his allied household Infantry in a counter attack the counter attack checked the Champa advance and a viscous melee ensued. King Tru Rhan saw the Lord of Mon and led his Honorguard in an attack on him. The Cavalry mounted Honorguard burst into the ranks of the allied household Infantry. Lance crashed into shields and spears toppled riders.  Tru Rhan himself drove his lance into the breast of the lord of Mon pinning him to the ground such was the force of the blow. The very next moment the Kings horse was killed under him and he fell onto the battlefield. Before his own Honorguard could get to him to protect him he was set upon by the Mon Household troops he killed 2 but a third thrust a spear passed his shield and wounded him in the shoulder. His Sword arm nerveless from the wound it looked as if he was a dead man, but at the last moment his Honorguard Cavalry was able to drive back the Mon spearmen, badly wounded and weak from loss of blood the King is taken to the rear. With this happening the Champa pull back to regroup. The battered and bloody Siamese sigh in relief.

As the sun begins to settle the Champa army retreats carrying their wounded King from the field.

In the Siamese camp the Surviving Mon Household troops mourn their slain leader. Carrying him aloft on their shields they march off from the field returning all the way back to Mon.

Prince Havra looks at his battered and much, much smaller army.  They had taken many casualties, and they still had to face the Raja of Preikuks regional forces. Seeing the Raja line up for battle. The Prince wisely orders a retreat back across the border into Surin. The Raja was happy, both the Siamese and Champa had left and he still was Independent.

In due time the King of Champa recovers from his wounds.


King Nikkon

Diplomacy: Phan Rang (nt)  Laos (a)

King Nikkon was happy with the recent course his Kingdom had taken. The Khemer had been crushed, and now they would be forced to accept the enlightened ways of Buddha.

Prince Jiwa was sent to Laos for talks, he also took the daughter of the local ruler as a wife. The talks were very fruitful as Laos agree to ally fully with Siam.

Lord Mumtan was sent to Phan Rang the Hindus there were very upset, and can you blame them? They were part of Khemer once and now they were hearing rumors of what the Buddhist were doing to their former countrymen in Khmer. It was only because they feared saying no that the Phan Rang nobles agreed to pay tribute, they however did demand to have control over all domestic affairs in their land.

Prince Havra had orders to outlaw Hindu practices in Khemer and the City of Angor he ordered the new law posted in every village and town. Some obeyed out of fear.  But others openly defied the new law and the Siamese army responded. Temples that were still used were burnt and the violators thrown in prison. This brought about open rebellion as Hindu’s all across Champa. Fortunately for Prince Havra and His Mon allies most of the rebel armies were made up of inexperienced peasants though there were a small number of men who had served previously in the Khemer army. The resulting rebellion was bloody but short. After crushing the rebels the Siamese army brutally destroyed every Hindu temple or monument they could find, whole villages were wiped out when they continued to resist. The countryside was filled with smoke and ruin. Some of the large numbers of public works were destroyed in this chaos. After 8 long months the rebellion was put down and the region pacified with Buddhism the only religion allowed by law. Khemer children were forced to learn the ways of Buddha.

Leaving a large Garrison Prince havra marched north into Surin where the small local army was crushed in a single battle and the region pacified. Again leaving a garrison, Prince Havra set his eyes eastward toward Preikuk (SEE: THE PREIKUK WAR)

With the Death of the Lord of Mon, the regions new Leader decided so close of ties were unhealthy for Mon and reduced their relationship to Non Paying tributary.

The loss of this ally was made easier to handle by Laos becoming a full Ally.




King Parjna


Things were quiet in Pandya. The people had peace and the King built a new city, teh port of Mandras in Mandurai.


King Rajma

Diplomacy: none

A few Public works were built and the Buddhist priests worked on the religious zeal of the people, other than that it was uneventful.


King Bindusara

Diplomacy: Vengi (f)  Anhivarta (f)  Kakatiya (a)

King Bindusara oversees the day to day affairs of state. Prince Maropi is sent to Vengi for talks and also to oversee the construction of the port city of Saravi.

Lord Pashi had been ordered to travel to Anhivarta for talks, he arrived but after a short while fell sick He died not long after.

Prince Hasharu again set sail to raid the Dark Continent; the King had been so pleased with his previous raids that he gave him large amounts of gold to elaborately deck out his flagship. This time they were after more than gold however. Slaves were the order of the day.  Raiding around the horn of Africa they gathered gold and slaves and brought fear into the hearts of the local inhabitants. The eastern Africans are beginning to fear the Foreigners from across the sea. Prince Hasharu returns home loaded with gold and slaves. Asamakara joins the slave trading nations of the world


King Erata

Diplomacy:  Sahis (f)  Lahore (a)  Peshwar (fa)  Punjab (f)  Sukkur (f) Mansura (f)

Tradgedy struck early and often, In May 511AD King Kumara died suddenly, discussing tax issues with his scribes he is reported to have shuddered, gurgled and fall over, dead before he hit the ground.

Prince Erata was Crowned King without any challenge to his legitimacy.  He ordered his officials to continue his fathers policies, which amounted to Prince Chandra continuing his diplomatic efforts to strengthen the Gupta Empire.

In early summer reports began to arrive to the capital talking of sickness in the Rajput region, the citizens in the city Kaunaj were reported to be suffering more. As the months passed word was brought back that the epidemic was getting worse. The king restricted travel into and out of the region as best he could and set what aid he could to his poor people. In the end the plague would completely wipe out the City of Kaunaj and much of the populace of the Region of Rajput.  Concern in the Capital was very high, would it spread?

Other, more happy, news was the Birth of 2 sons for the New King, one in 512AD, the other the following year.




Emperor Kavadh, King of Kings, King of Persia, Babylonia and Parthia, the Overlord of Arachosia, the Holy Arm of Ahura Mazda, the Sassanid, Heir to the Achaemenids

Diplomacy:  Abadon (f)  Mand (f)  Kuh’laleh’zar (f)  Bandar (f)

Emperor Kavadh Strengthened the military readiness of his eastern regions.

Khosru, his heir, handled the day to day affairs of the Empire.

Prince Cambyses led several other diplomats in the southern regions of the Empire, in strengthening the crowns control.

In May of 514AD Emperor Khavadh died. His body was transferred back to Ctesiphon for burial.

A proclamation by the Zoroastrian primacy, read by the Primate himself,
dressed in a rough cloth, with ashes on his head and tears in his eyes:

"Khavadh, King of Kings, King of Persia, Babylonia and Parthia, the Overlord
of Arachosia, the Holy Arm of Ahura Mazda, the Sassanid, Heir to the
Achaemenids, is dead.  The followers of the light of Ahura-Mazda weep with
sorrow, yet know that the cycle of life will move on.  In his honor, the
fires in the temples will burn twice as bright, twice as fierce, for 200

The Primacy also requests from his heir the privilege of building a
magnificent tomb, a monument that lasts the ages, where his body is to be
preserved for all to remember him.

It is indeed a sad day.  it is indeed a great loss for the world that such a
man had to pass on.  Listen, rulers of nations!  Pay attention to these
words!  Because a just and noble king has left this world and now is in the
world of the gods... do you think you will fare better?  Repent from your
evil ways, recant from your impure actions!  Remember that one day you too
must answer to each and every action in your life.

Khosru, his brother and Heir, assumed the throne with a heavy heart and ordered the Empire to observe thirty days of
mourning. All economic activity was shut down for the duration of one week for the State Funeral which was held in the capital of Ctesiphon. The transition period for the the new King of Kings should go smoothly as
Kavadh had already left the day to day running of the Empire to Khosru for the last few years.


Yakub Khan

Diplomacy: Ferghana (a)  Bokhara (c)  Uzebek (nt)

Yakub Khan begins the colonization of the Pacified city of Khiva, he replaces the nobles and rulers with his loyal tribesman. Some murmuring of discontent is heard but open revolt does not occur.

Yakub Khan himself traveled to Ferghana where he took a royal Bride and secured an alliance with the ruler of the region. The Great Khan has a son in the year 514AD.

Prince Osman, who was on a diplomatic mission to Bokhara, and his wife had a daughter in 514AD

A great fire in Tashkent destroyed nealy half of the city.



Diplomacy: none

The Zoroastrian Church continued its building program. The Priest Smerdis brought the light of Ahura Mazda to the Pagans in Trans-Oxania.

In the arabian regions of Oman and Qatar the people were less accepting of the Zoroastrain faith. In Oman no converts were reported. In Qatar a small number did convert however.


King Abdullah

Diplomacy: Madina (nt)

King Abdullah ordered diplomats north to Madina while at the same time he sent his Son (and Heir) prince Hamir, and the Kings younger brother Prince Momar, into Asir at the head of 5,000 troops. “By the pen or the sword we will control Arabia!”

Prince Hamir crossed the border in March 511AD, the local tribes retreated slowly, maneuvering for time.  The local tribes were gathering under one of the Chief Nomadic leaders. And by early may they stopped retreating and turned to fight.  Hamir was grateful and excited that the matter would be brought to a head, no more chasing wild nomads throughout the desert.

As the sun was rising the 4,000 Asir Cavalry lined up opposite the 3,500 Cavalry and 1,500 light infantry of Aden. The battle quickly became a swirling cavalry duel with the 1,500 light infantry of Aden forming a wedge in the Center of the melee. The Asir had more cavalry but half of it was light. All day the two sides slashed and charged. Weaving in and out of battle in frantic confusing cavalry duels. As dusk came the two sides pulled apart, exhausted.  Each side had taken about 2,000 casualties.  Sweaty and Exhausted the two Princes of Aden made plans for the battle that was sure to continue the following Morning. “Our father has underestimated the nomads of Asir, we are evenly matched” said Hamir. Momar just grunted acknowledgement, to tired to speak. “In the morning we must attack all out. You lead the Infantry and ill lead the cavalry...rest now and Pray Christ leads us to victory”

By mid morning the sides again were lined up, the Asir taking a defensive posture, content to let the invaders from Aden make their move. With a wild battle cry the Infantry charge across the sandy battlefield, while the Cavalry on both flanks spur ahead to attack the Asir. In a crash the two lines meet and men die in droves. The flanks again turn into a wild duel of cavalry but in the center the Adenese Infantry is overwhelmed and forced to flee, Prince Momar barely escapes with his life. With their center collapsing and the Asir cavalry turning to help the flanks the Adenese Order a retreat and flee. The Asir are content to let them go. Day 2 saw only 500 Asir casualties, while Aden lost 1,500 men.

King Abdullah was over seeing the construction of a new port city, “Al Muwassam” in Yemen when news reached him that Prince Hamir had returned safely, he thanked God for his sons safe return but was less than pleased with his armies defeat.




Anastasios, Vasilevs, Avghoustos, kai Avtrokrator Romaion

Diplomacy:  Jordan (f)

All was quiet in the Roman Empire, the Roman leaders were actively administering their vast Empire and the Legions remained on alert.

Orthodox Missionaries found some converts in Monophysite Syria



King Vahan, Arkhon Megalis Armenias

Diplomacy: none



Patriarch Romarius

Diplomacy: none

The monophysite Church continues its policy of bringing the true faith to the African pagans. With some success in Dongola, Kordofan, and Senanar.

The missioanries sent to Medina again reported the stubborn pagans there would not convert. In Djbuti they had better results.



Patriarch Milorius


Milorius, Primate of the true faith had been busy. Through his careful diplomacy the Danes had Converted to Orthodox Christianity and the Svear were seriously considering it.

Conversion efforts continued Wallachia and were started in Kiev and Estonia. A priest had been sent to Friesland, in case the pagans there refused to convert when the Danes did, It was not necessary.

In the Kiev Region the Orthodox Church had courted some of the Barbarian nobles and promised them aid and support if they converted to Orthodox Christianity. After some haggling the Orthodox Church agreed to pay for the construction of the Capital City and the New Kingdom of Boguslavia was born. The Capital City was named Boguslav.

With the conversion of the Danes, and now the Slavs in the kiev area, there was much rejoicing as the true faith spread to the barbarians. Christianized Feodorotti perhaps?






King Kaleb

Diplomacy:  Sennar (ea) Dongola (nt) Thebes (f)

King Kaleb moved to Sennar where he took a nobles daughter as a wife. The new couple then traveled to the Capital of Axum.  New Fortresses were ordered built in thebes and Danakil. The road from Axum to soba was completed and another one started from soba to sennar.

In june of 513 AD a major earthquake shook the Funj region, destroying public works in the area and the city of Soba.


King Amra

Diplomacy:  Djibuti (fa)  Harar (nt)  Loriu (nt)  Gama-Gofa (t)

The Kush explodes in a series of diplomatic activity. Urging by threat and reward, they try to get the tribal regions near them to come under the crowns influence.




King Anabornu

Diplomacy:  Hausa (f)  Zaria (ea)

King Anabornu marries a local noble women and welps a son and a daughter in 513 and 515 respectively. The only other news of import was the large delegation of diplomats sent to Zaria.


King Barang

Diplomacy:  Ife (f)  Togo (a)

The king spent his time actively ruling. Most of the other lords and Princes of the realm spent there time conducting talks with Ife and Togo.  They were rewarded with success.



Ghana Kunta

Diplomacy:  none

All was quiet in Akwar



King Kurr

Diplomacy: none

All was quiet in Mossi




King Tumba

Diplomacy: Rozwi (a)  Lenje (nt)

This emerging nation spent its time moving out and contacting the neighboring tribes. Talks were started. The king was busy ruling his new nation, and his Queen gave birth to a son in June 515AD

The Heir Prince Fujra travelled to Rozwi and married a daughter of the trbal chief. The royal couple had a Daughter in 513AD and a second daughter in 515AD.




King Wihtred

Diplomacy:  Sicily (a)  Paelrmo (a)  Cheliff (t)  Zirid (nt)  Morroco (nt)

King Wihtred travels to his western frontier to Algeria. Once there he dedicates the site and begins construction of a port fortress, Fort Defiant, on the Gades Sea. Not long after construction is began the Arian Primate, Taborus, arrived to dedicate an abbey in the new Fortress. While he was there King Wihtred died. The Patriarch spoke of spoke of the King as a Saint who through his good works had established Gods holy Church, the Arian Church, and the Church of the truly righteous. Saint Wihtred is returned to Carthage for burial. Patriarch Taborus travels to Sicily to continue Gods work

In Carthage Octa is crowned King. He continues to oversee the day to day affairs of state.

Lord Caewlin is sent on a trade mission to Barcelona, there he was to establish trade with the Visgoths. Arriving he found the city abandoned and weeds and such already beginning to reclaim the land. Cursing he sets sail again, this time for Egypt and a trip down the Nile to the Thebes region. The Ethiopians had promised to build a port city for trade.  There was a port all right, just not a city. The Ethiopians had built a port Fortress instead. “%#*%*%(#   damn Ethiopians” cursed Caewlin as he returned to Carthage.

In Sicily, Patriarch Taborus arrives and begins preaching the faith of the Arian Cause. He denounces Catholicism calling them Idolaters and Children of the Devil, wolves in Sheep’s clothing come to lead astray the Children of the true Christ. Naturally the Catholic populace and especially the Catholic nobility didn’t take kindly to this.  An influx of minor as well as major Arian Church officials began flooding into Sicily, as month after month passed the populace of Sicily became more and more Arian. By the spring of 514 it was said 4 of every 5 citizen was an Arian Then riots began to break out, Arian against Catholic, Patriarch Taborus was reported to be whipping the Arian faithful into a religious frenzy as they killed Catholics and destroyed Catholic homes and shops.  Baron Vespus, the leading catholic Noble, called out his forces to stop the killing. It was then that Prince Bassa and his 4,500 Vandal warriors stepped in and accusing Baron Vespus of rebelling, and causing the riots, he attempts to arrest the Baron a fight breaks out inside the city walls of Palermo. Prince Bassa makes short work of the Baron and his few loyal catholic followers. The Baron is hanged in Palermo square. All across Sicily Catholic nobles are killed or reported missing. Arian Sicilians are soon rewarded and take the Nobles places.  Before the winter of 514 AD Catholicism is wiped completely from Sicily. Patriarch Taborus held services in Palermo and gave thanks to God for the triumph of the true faith.



Patriach Taborus, defender of the true Christ

Diplomacy: none

Arian activities were primarily focused on Sicily (see the Vandals newsfax entry)





King Meirchon Gul

Diplomacy:  none

King Meirchon Gul defending the northern Fortress of Dyn-Baer in case the picts tried anything while most of the Reget Army was away fighting the Aenglish invaders. He need not ahve worried Albion had its own troubles. The king also welcomed some catholic Priests who brought large quantities of Gold to Caer-Ebrauc to help the war effort, the Catholic priests also stayed on and began trying to convert Northumbria and Cumbria. Some wondered if King Meirchon had sold his soul to the Catholics for the help needed to defeat the hated Aenglish.

Meanwhile Cynfarch Oer was assembling an amry for an invasion of Holland but had to wait for Lord Cynwyl to travel to friesland and take possession of the Danish transports they would use to ferry the Reget Army across the North sea.  When Cynwyl returned the Reget army loaded up and set sail. Landing in Fiesland they tanked the Danes for their help and headed into Holland...(SEE: THE CONQUEST OF HOLLAND)

Meanwhile Prince Elidir Lydanwyn led 13,500 men south into Anglia where they met up with a Powysian Amry led by King Cuneglas and they travelled southinto kent (SEE: THE BATTLE OF AYLESFORD)


Diplomacy:  none

The bulk of Powysian forces and leader went to Kent (SEE: THE BATTLE OF AYLESFORD)

Lord Brugyn continued to blockade London

Prince Perddul travelled to Iona with the intent of talking diplomacy with the secular rulers there, as his ship neared Iona he saw smoke rising from the Island and Pictish warships nearby blockading its harbor. He quickly did an about face and returned to Caer Swys.


Diplomacy:  none

King Artorius over saw the day to day affairs of state. Prince Gwydre spent time with his wife. And Prince Cadwy and Lord Derfel marched off to war (SEE: THE BATTLE OF AYELSFORD)


King Aelle

Diplomacy:  none

In Holland Prince Coelwulf had just recovered from the wounds he had taken in a failed assassination attempt when reports came in from scouts that a army from Reget had landed in Friesland and was marching toward the Holland border.....

Cynfarch Oer, Prince and Heir to the Reget throne had worked long and hard for this day. Ever since the Roman legions had left Britain his people had been harassed and attacked by these Germanic invaders from across the sea. He now had a chance to turn the tables and cross the sea and bring fire and death to the Invader’s lands. 8,000 Reget warriors marched into Holland.

Prince Coelwulf gathered what forces he had, 3,000 infantry, and moved them to the best defensive position he could reach.  The Angle axeman form a shieldwall as the Celtic Spearmen scream a blood thirsty war cry as they charge through the marshy ground and up the hill. The sound of weapons striking shields fills the air as the two sides’ clash. The Angle shield holds the center of the hill but the greater numbers of the Reget army results in the flanks of the angles being overwhelmed.  As the Angle line defenses collapse, prince Coelwulf leads the remaining Angle heavy infantry in a rush to the back side of the hill in an attempt to break out and avoid being surrounded.  In a running fight, that moves down the backside of the hill, the angle defenders are overwhelmed and killed. Cynfarch Oer is handed the battle standard of the Angle Prince as his men cheer from the top of the hill. He orders a search for the Angle prince to make sure he is dead.  After a half-hour of searching Coelwulfs body is found face down in the wetlands west of the battle, he and several of his Huscarls fought a last stand in the marshes.

Aelle, Bretwalda of the Aenglish was worried he had sent agents out to hire mercenaries and they ahd come back reporting that the Picts and celtic nations had offered far more gold and so no mercenaries would be forth coming. How was he expected to hold kent now, let alone break the blockade of London. Only Wotan knows.....

Prince Cadwy of Dumnonia crossed the border into Kent with an army of 20,000. His scouts reported that the Combined Powys/Reget force was only a few days, maybe less, behind. Across the border near Ayelsford, Aelle was waiting. Unable to hire any mercenaries the Aenglish army could only must out 18,000 warriors.  Aelle was trying to dig earthwoeks when the Dumnonian army came upon them. The Dumnonian Cavalry charged the flanks while the Infantry moved forward. The two sides battered one another for hours, men screaming and dying. Neither side could gain an advantage. The Dumnonians pulled back, both sides were exhausted. After a few hours of resting the Dumnonians again stormed the Aenglish lines. In the Center Aelle was beating back the Dumnonian Infantry and on the left Flank Lord Cerdic was holding his own Against the Cavalry led by Lord Derfel. But on the Right flank Prince Cadwy was in the process of Smashing the Anglish flank commanded by Prince Aelfric, the Kings Borther. The Dumnonian Cavlry broke through the flank and Cadwy led the charge through the gap. Aelfric led a counter attack and the most intense fighting of the day developed. The casualties were horrendous as neither side could form a line and the battle became a chaotic melee with the two side’s ranks intermixed. It was at this point, in the late afternoon, that tradgedy struck. Cadwy was to far out in front and his horse was killed from under him. Before his men could rescue hime a Aenglish axe man split his skull wide open. He was decapitated and his hea held aloft by the now Cheering Aenglish, with their prince dead the Dumnonains began to fall back. It was then that a small Army of “Crusaders” came into view. It was Aedan, Bishop of Caer_Ebrauc with 2,000 warriors/ These fanatical warriors, with the cross painted on their shield, Charged into the Angles and were able to stem the tide and allow Lord Derfel to rally the Dumnonians. As the sun set both sides pulled apart.

Aelle was confident, he had killed Prince Cadwy who had been a thorn in his side for over 10 years and had almost routed teh Dumnonian army. He told his men that Wotan was with them and that they would finish off the Celts tomorrow. The moral of the Aengles was high.

In the Dumnonian Camp Bishop Aeden was saying prayers, and even though the Dumnonians were nominally Catholics stressful times put aside any differences as both sets of Christians called out to God for aid.

Lord Derfel received messengers from the Powys/Reget forces that they were only a few miles away and would arrive sometime mid morning if all went well.

As the sun rose Derfel was hoping the Angles would be tired and wait awhile before attacking, no such luck. Aelle and his Aenglish warriors were eager for the days battle. Convinced they could win a great Victory. With a shout of “WOTAN!!!” the entire Aenglish line surged forward. The previous days struggle was repeated with neither side getting the advantage, instead a deadlock developed and men were ground under. The Gods of war were getting their fill.

As Cuneglas, King of Powys, creseted the hill he saw the dumnonian and Aenglish armies locked in a death struggle. He led his Powsian forces, 13,000 strong, into an attack on the left flank of the Aenglish. He sent word back to Prince Elidir Lydanwyn, of Reget, for him to circle around and try to take the Aenglish in the rear.

Aelle saw the Powysian army coming down into the valley and ordered some men pulled away from fighting the Dumnonians and shifted to secure his flank. He didnt ahve enough men hower and the Dumnonians began forcing the Aenglish back.

King Cuneglas leading his men charges into the hastely formed line of Aengles. The line buckles and begins to fall back.

With the Powsian attack under way and shielding the Reget forces, Aelle wasnt able to see them move to his rear until it was to late. The Armies of Reget burst into his rear areas slaughtering the baggage area and  then pressing into the main battle area. Almost totally surrounded now and outnumbered almost 3-1 Aelle and the Aenglish are in deep trouble. Aelle scrapes together what nmen he can and leads them and his Honorguard in a counter attack agaisnt the forces of Reget, hoping to prevent a complete encirclement. There are jsut to many Reget men and Aelle and his men are slaughtered, the Banner of Aengland is seen to go down amidst a rush of Reget Cavalry and Aelle dies with a lance through his neck and one through his chest.

Prince Aelric tries to lead some survivors through a gap still open on teh right but is hacked down by Dumnonian spearmen.

The entire Aenglish army collapses shortly after noon and flee as best tehy can, the victorious Celts pursue relentlessly slaughtering all they find. In the end Lord Cerdic and less than 1,000 Aenglish would be all that makes it back to London.

....Inside London complete chaos ruled, word had been snuck past the Powys blockade that Holland had fallen and Prince Coelwulf was dead. Lord Cerdic wanted to surrender and hope the Celts would allow the survivors to leave London peacefully if they gave up the city. Hengest the last surviving son of Aelle, had jsut come of age and would have nothing to do with it.  Cerdic was far more pursuasive and a better leader than Poor Hengist however and the majority of teh survivint troops joined him, this led to a short but brutal fight in the palace hall itself. Hengest and his loyal bodyguards died without much of a fight.

Cerdic surrenders London and the rest of the royal family, Burhed and Aelgifu, daughter of Aelle.


King Drust

Diplomacy:  none

Prince Talorc and Lord Fergus led a Pictish force to Man, they overwhelmed the first troops they met and the rest surrendered when they saw how hopeless further struggle was. Entering the defenseless city, Talorc hugged his daughter Arrul who had married Penwyr, the Baron of Mans son. He then orders a search for Columcille Patriarch of the Celtic Church. He is dragged from the Holy Site andescorted into Talorcs Presence “Ahh your holyness, you are here by required to accompany me to Scone where you have many things to answer for”  Installing a military govenor Talorc, escorting his daughter and her husband and the Patriarch, sets sail back to Albion. They arrived into a swirling controversy.....
Priest from the Celtic Church had been entering Albion in droves. They had spread out into the countryside attempting to lead the people away from the Druidic Heresey.  The Celtic Bishops Donngal and Echen were at Court trying to use Diplomatic means to convert the Court, and thus the nation, back to the true way.

King Drust was sitting on his throne, his sister and matriarch Aneila at his side, intently listening to Bishop Donngal. “your majesty, this Heresey must end. There is only one true God”  argued Donngal. “ofourse you are right good Bishop, we ourselves admit no other, we simply acknowledge him in all creation and in all forms”  Answered Aneila. Donngal opened his mouth to speak when a voice from the back boomed out “AND WOMEN SHOULD NOT SPEAK ON SUCH MATTERS” King Drust rose from his throne, fury on his face “you Dare?!?!”  The whole court turned to see who this brash man was. And there stood Columcille, Patriarch of the Celtic Church, between two Armed Spearmen being led in by Prince Talorc.

“I dare speak Gods truth, how could I do otherwise” retorted Columcille. Drust sat back down and said in a more calm voice. “You are accused of Perverting Gods laws by not accepting him in all his forms and by condemning what he has obviously created. You are further accused of being guilty of the sin of Pride for being intolerant of those who worship God in an equally righteous, but different way, than yourself. You are further accused of Denying God speaks to the rest of his creation, accept for those in the Scripture. How do you plead?”

“I am innocent ofcourse, and God will show me to be aproved” said Columcille confidently. Columcille was escorted out as Drust ordered the ecclesiastical court to meet the following morning. The court is to be made up of Priests from Albion and with Donngal and Echen as well. Columcille will defend himself, while the prosecution will be handled by Uetla a Priestess, and daughter of Aneila.

The Priest Aldair was the chief jurist. And ordered the the prosecution to present its case. Uetla spoke masterfully and scholarly as she quoted scripture and writings of respected Church scholars that dealt with Gods grace and mercy, she argued that "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" establishes that kindness and mercy must guide
our actions.  Intolerance of the ways in which our ancestors knew God is unmerciful and prideful, and thus a

Columcille defended this by pointing out that Sin is not tolerated by God, therefore any behavior deeemd Sifull by the Church must not and cannot be tolerated. That includes Druidism.

Murmers of unrest were heard and generally the court seemed to be swayed more by Uetla’s arguements.

Uetla went on to charge two, arguing that God is Omnipotent and Infinite.  There are no limits that
man can place upon God and God's creations.  To attempt to place such limits is the sin of Pride.

Columcille countered by arguing that the Church was charged by God wioth that very job, to judge what is his laws and to teach it to the faithfull.

It was hard to read what the courts view on the second charge was.

The last charge was next, Uetla argued God is merciful.  God in his wisdom chose the Israelites for his special attention and Moses as an early messenger.This does not mean that God abandoned the rest of his creation or spoke to it not.
She was very pursuasive.

Columcille weakely defended by countering that the Scripture is the only true judge of Gods laws and any counter to it must therefore be false.

The Court went out to consider the evidence. For 4 long days they argued over the matter.

When they came back into the Hall all was quiet. Donngal and Echen looked stern and angry, a bad sign for Columcille. Aldair rose “we find Columcille guilty of all charges and unworthy as a Patriarch or shepard of God. You are banished to Kyntreg Abbey in the Highlands to learn humility and grace and the peace of the true faith.”

In a burst of anger the court erupted as angry voices shouted and argued....in teh end the priesthood was about evenly divided. Those beleiving Columcille innocent left for Caer Swys.  The Celtic Churches attempt tpo crush the Druidic heresey had back fired. Not only had it not succeeded it had resulted in a Schism in the Church.

The remaining priests gatehred to the Council of Scone there the Druidic Albion Priests and the Sympathetic Priests from the Celtic Church established Druidic Christian Creed. Aldair was appointed Patriarch of the true Celtic Church.


Patriarch Columcille

Diplomacy:  none



King Riwal

Diplomacy:  Ponthiou (a)

Things were again peaceful and quiet. Some minor Diplomacy was reported. And Lord Tyngyr died in early 511AD


Pope Symmachus

Diplomacy:  none

The Catholic Church begins a massive building program; building quit a few monasteries.

With the Visgoths migrating the Church focuses on Converting the Celtic Kingdom of Reget, and continues its missionary work in the Slavic lands

The Pope tried to encourage tolerance toward the Arians but who knows if events in Sicily will change his view.


King Osoric

Diplomacy:  none

Osoric of the Visgoths, feeling his people are straying from the Arian faith, takes matters into his own hands and declares “We shall complete the migration of our Ancestors!” he orders his people an allies to migrate south.  The Tribes in Navarre and Catalonia come along. Even the newly built city of Barcelona is abandoned.

As this great host marches south, the regions behind them revolt, the Visgoth Feudal Allies of Aragon, Old Castille, New Castille, and Valencia all declared their independence. Arian priests moved from tribe to tribe during the long months-marching south. They were trying to remove any converts the Catholics had made amongst the people. They were very successful. Only a very small minority remained Catholic by the time they reached their new lands.

It wasn’t until September that this migrating host entered Murcia the local Rulers resisted this intrusion into their land but were heavily outnumbered.  The Visgoth and their allied tribes could put over 30,000 + warriors into the field. The poor Murcians could only muster about a 1/3rd of that. The defenders were crushed and the survivors fled into Cordoba. The city was put under a passive siege, and by March of 512AD they surrendered. Visgothic tribes colonized both the region and Cordoba.

In June of 512AD King Osoric and Prince Alaric led the rest of the tribes and army over into Andalusia. Another fierce battle ensued, but again the defender were overwhelmed and driven into the city, Seville, to resist a passive siege.

A mere week after the beginning of the siege King Osoric dies in his sleep. Alaric, his heir, assumes the Kingship peacefully and continues the siege. In the heart of winter the city of Seville surrenders to the Visgothic hordes. The visgothic tribes colonize the region and City and Seville is named the new Capital.


King Clovis

Diplomacy:  none

King Clovis spent his time ruling and shoring up the defences along the Rhine, he must be worried bout rumors of overpopulation amongst the saxon tribal federation and the Alammani tribal federation.

Prince Namus had a Daughter in 512AD.

Clovis sent messengers into Franconia announcing his claim to the land, the Baiovarri tribes there laughed. Clovis and the Catholic Church sent missionaries with some moderate number of converts.


King Raimon

Diplomacy:  provence (f)

King Raimon orders the construction of a Capital, Dijon, in Burgundy at the same time a diplomatic envoy was sent south to Province. The diplomats succeeded in getting province to join with Burgundy.


King CaenWulf

Diplomacy:  friesland (a)

King Caenwulf begins the construction of a new capital on the shores of the North Sea; Odinsmunda was to be the Stronghold of the Danes. At a ceremony to celebrate the event the King announced his intentions for the Danish nation to convert to Orthodox Christianity many were shocked, but reluctantly accepted the Kings decision.  News was sent throughout the Kingdom ordering the conversion and baptism of the people.

In April the King began marching south on a diplomatic mission into Germania. On the march messengers arrived telling of revolts in Danzig and Holstein. “By Wotan....”  The King checked himself “by the Christ Ill crush these Rebels!” he wished he hadn’t left several thousand troops in Denmark, but the army he had with him was large enough....he hoped. As the column of soldiers crossed into Holstein they began to see the signs of rebellion, some farms slaughtered and burnt, some not. Obviously some loyalist had remained, and paid for it with their lives. After several days of searching the rebels were still no where to be seen, however the king had gathered some information from some of the remaining loyalist who had survived by hiding. It seems that Caenwulfs own wife’s family were the ones leading the revolt. Her father and brother lead the Rebels but her father had been killed in the early riots. Now her brother was leading the Rebels and was rumored to be in the southern areas of the region recruiting pagans to resist the conversion to Christianity.  They King immediately set out in pursuit. A week later the rebels luck ran out as the two sides met. The Queens brother, Aesc, called for a parley and promised to stop the revolt if the King would allow them to worship as they saw fit. Without a word the King simply spit on the ground and walked back to his lines. “KILL THEM ALL!!!” he roared at his men, and the Danes charged the Saxon rebels. Aesc and his pagan warriors met the charge and a bloody battle began, Danish and Saxon axes felling men and blood soaking the ground. It wasn’t long before the superior numbers of the Danes, not to mention that the Danes were more heavily armored than he peasant Saxons, began to tell as the Danes began to outflank the smaller Saxon army. A feeling of panic began to spread through the rebel army, the Danes drove home there advantage and the Rebel line shattered. The rebels flee and the battle turned into a slaughter. Aesc was able to lead some surviving rebels across the border into Saxony in the hopes of sanctuary.  Restoring order, and executing a few remaining traitors, Caenwulf returns to Denmark. The Queen wept bitterly when she learned her family was now her enemy. She wept doubly so when she learned her new son (born in Nov 511AD) would never know his mothers family.

Meanwhile in Friesland Prince Hrothgar strengthened the Danish ties to the region, now more important than ever with revolt in the Kingdom. The Frieslanders agreed to become full Allies of the Danish crown. Hrothgar also welcomed Celtic troops from Reget into friesland and escorted them to the border as the Celts Invaded Aenglish Holland using friesland as a base of operations.

Danzig also had revolted and refused to accept Christianity and unfortunately the Pagan rebels killed Lord Wralgr.

Prince Ethelwulf had been ordered to travel through Danzig, but seeing the region in revolt and not having any troops with him he wisely returned to Denmark.


King Theodoric, the Goth

Diplomacy:  none

No news was heard from Ostrogoth Italy


King Thurl

Diplomacy:  Estonia (a)  Norway (nt)  Mordaland (a)

King Thurl was intending to stay in Adger for talks but, as spring of 511AD came, the King took ill, and within a week was dead.

Prince Ragnar had been ruling in Trondheim in his father’s absence, and now that he was King he continued as before. His father’s body was returned home and a funeral pyre awaited him where the Kingdoms holymen called on Wotan to take the King into Valhalla.

Ragnar, now king, had a son in 514AD

Lord Inar continued his diplomatic mission to the Slavic tribes and was rewarded when Estonia agreed to an alliance.

Prince Rolf engaged in talks with the Norse Chieftains near his homeland.


King Angantyr

Diplomacy: Kopparborg (a)  Livonia (ea)  Kirivitch (ea)

King Angantyr was considering converting to Orthodox Christianity, but he feared some of his associated Chieftains would balk at the Idea. So to ensure they wouldnt he spent large amounts of time in Kopparberg talking to them.

Prince Olaf travelled to the slavic lands to the east and was able to establish economic ties with several of the tribes there.  In 514AD his wife gave him a son.

Prince Asmund was sent to Kirivitch where he took a Slavic bride. The couple had a daughter in 514AD

Jarl Arinbjorn had been sent to Smolensk for talks but fell ill and died on the way.


King Fergus

Diplomacy:  Connaught (fa)  Mumu (fa)

In Ireland High King Fergus unifies the Island when the chieftains of Connaught and mumu pay homage.

Aengus, son of Fergus, takes his place as a Prince of the realm.