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 Lords of the Earth, Campaign 27

The Dark Ages

* * * * * Turn 53: 761-765 AD * * * * *

Troop Conversions
1 Infantry200 men
1 Bowmen200 men
1 Crossbowmen200 men
1 Cavalry200 horsemen
1 Mounted Bowmen200 horsemen
1 Siege Engineers200 men
1 Ballista2 war machines
1 Catapults2 siege engines
1 Warships2 ships
1 Longship2 ships
1 Trireme2 ships
1 Transports2 ships
1 Field Forts2 forts
Color coded Nation headers:

Tech 7

Tech 6

Tech 5

Tech 4

Tech 3

Tech 2

Tech 1

Table of Contents
Special Interest:

General Information: (***= New)

Welcome to Lords 27, I am your GM for this chaotic world set within the dark ages; my name is Chet S.

My Lords 27 GM address is: Lords27gm[at]throneworld[dot]com for orders and L27 stuff, and my L27 paypal address is: Lords27gm[at]throneworld[dot]com.

RULES: Starting in Turn 52 we will be using the newest version of V6 rules, please download new order form.

TURN FEE: $6.00 donation, and there is also a $6.00 donation for a startup fee for new players. Also I do not accept any personal checks as my bank charges me a $20 fee for any bounced checks that I deposit...(Cash, money orders & certified checks are ok.)

***TURN BALANCE: Any nation that reaches a NEGATIVE BALANCE OR DOES NOT HAVE AT LEAST A $6 BALANCE without making an arrangement with me will not be processed, and not sending orders in for three turns in a row (with or without payments and without a good reason), will force me open your country to a new player who has the time and money...

SWITCHING NATIONS: I have policy of no switching nations if your balance is in the red, until that negative balance is paid and you must also pay for one turn ahead so you're in the black.

***YET ANOTHER NEW ORDER FORM for Turn 53 and beyond (for v6.x.x rules) (old one used too much paper): Please use new orders form it has a for 6.x.x near the top, otherwise you are using the wrong sheet and need to download a new one from the file section of this site or at the L27 home site at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Lords-27/files/L27_Excel_orders_template.xls If you do not have Microsoft Excel, there is a free version of Office called OpenOffice that will open, edit and save Excel file at: http://www.openoffice.org/

E-MAIL ADDRESS & TURN NUMBER: Make sure your e-mail address is right in your orders, that is the address the program will send your stat sheet to... and make sure that it has the right turn number too!


***8.2 ACTION RANGE: You can conduct operations within (Action Range) Action Points of a region or city that you control at Non-Paying Tributary status or better. OR one of your Leader led armies may also serve as a base of operations (the Leader must have at least 1 point of troops). You can determine if a target area, person or object is within your Action Range by counting AP’s from your base of operations to the target as if a Leader of yours were moving through the intervening regions. Mountains and hostile terrain, therefore, inhibit action, while seas, rivers, roads help. In the case of Intel actions you do not have to pay an extra 1 AP for entering an uncontrolled region. PLEASE NOTE: For AO, DIB, DAB, etc, you must be with your action range of your enemy’s capital, not just their border, so in most case you must secret move a leader with at least 1 unit to within action range of his enemy’s capital and ES to locate the Intel or Assassin Op from him.   Before I was easy going with this, but with V6 rules I am tightening it up, if you haven't noticed. Consecrate Cathedral "A Cathedral can be established from a Monastery in a city so long as the Holy Site is within the Church's
Action Range from the Holy City or another Cathedral." (Note: Cathedrals may only be built in cities.)

***CULTIVATION & COLONIZABLE REGIONS RULES [see]: Starting in Turn 53 a region after cultivation can not be re-colonized 1gpv (from 1 to 2, or 2 to 3) unless that region started at ( / ) as in empty. {NOTE: A region enslaved to ( / ) does not count as started as empty, but it can be re-colonized back to it old gpv}.

PROJECTS: Do not put new or old projects in the builds section of the Order form; they only go in the new or existing projects section (with ID number),

***ORDER FORMS: Do not delete any part of the order form that you are not using, just leave the unused sections blank and do not add any page-breaks either, or write outsides the borders (your personal notes doubles the pages), you can add rows if needed and copy and paste if you need more space for leaders..

***TROOP BUILDS: If your leader is in the region already or will be in that region to pick up your newly built troops, don't build troops for the garrison and then have him pick them up, just build troops for him (NOTE: he still has to go and pick them up) BY PUTTING THE LEADER NUMBER IN THE ARMY NUMBER COLUMN IN THE BUILD SECTION!

ILLEGAL UNITS: In V6 of the rules you can only build certain units on the build list near the bottom of your stat sheet, if you build illegal units by mistake I will try to fix it the first turn, if you do it again in a second turn you will lose the gp and nfp.

***COMMAND CONTROL RADIUS: Is being enforced starting Turn 53, if your leader with or without troops (or fleet) goes outside it they will make a revolt check if their King is not with them, in L27 if they revolt they will become Mercenaries and you can DP them the next turn to try and get them back, the next turn after that they can be hired by anybody (Ruling will also extend your CCR and Crush revolt (CR) might keep a leader from revolting).

MERCENARIES: Remember that you MUST specify a city where you are hiring the Mercs. Failure to do this will result in no Mercs and the money being lost. Also, mercenaries may not be hired for more than one turn at a time. PLEASE put where you are hiring any mercenaries AND how many you are trying to hire AND how much you are willing to pay per point of troops in your builds section on the order form. PLEASE put this information in the notes section at the end of your builds. Otherwise you will not get the mercenaries and the GPs bid on them will be lost. ALSO Mercs must stay with a Merc leader that comes with them (M543) and goes in their own army section.

***CITIES & FORTRESSES: IN THE BUILD SECTION WHEN EXPANDING CITIES (AND BUILDING CPWBS) PLEASE PUT JUST THE NAME OF THE CITY IN LOCATION, YOU DO NOT NEED THE REGION NAME TOO. Also for WP for fortress always put the region in for Location and for WP for cities always put in the city name for location. Last but not least in the item column in the build section do NOT write out fully what your building please use the codes, for example: your building 10 elite infantry, do NOT write "Build 10 elite infantry", instead write 10ei and do that for all units and also put no space between 10 and ei (the lords program reads it this way.). Also please use the abbreviations in the rules for Intel commands (CI for counter intelligence, etc)

CLAIMED & SHARED REGIONS & CITIES: These regions and cities that are claimed will be noted by a dot in your color, not a full color shading of the region, shared regions have both of the colors of the sharing countries in a striped pattern.

HEIRS AND PRINCES: Unless stated otherwise in your orders, when a King's male child comes of age he is promoted to Heir (if he has none, then grandson, then any male child in royal family). Likewise when any male child comes of age he is promoted to Prince if there is an opening.

PWBs: Please let me know if PWB are for a city or a region by putting a “c” or “r” in fount of it like this: 10rPWB.

TRANSPORTS (or Cogs): If transports built in build section are to be used for MSP, please put 10xt MSP in the build column, thanks.

LEADER NAMES: From now on if your leader has NO name he or she gets NO action...

LEADER (& ARMY) ACTIONS & MOVEMENT: You must state your leaders actions (A, AL, R, Rule, Etc) and their AP cost (and extra ap put into it), and their movements (all the regions traveled through) and movement AP cost, you cannot say go to a region and vanquish my enemy. You can say follow another leader’s orders, but the other leaders orders must be spelled out!!! (Otherwise any vague orders will not be done, as I don’t have the time to do it for you.) Note: It costs leaders and armies an extra action point to cross an uncontrolled border, if you don’t put it in than I will penalize you 2ap.

NEWSFAX BLURB: If you have the time, it would help me write the newsfax if you write a sentence or two or even a paragraph, and/or a summery on what your country and its leaders are trying to accomplish during the turn...Please put newsfax Blurb in your orders, not in the e-mail as I print out your orders, I do not print your e-mail it was attached to.

MAX TAX: is 1.5 in Turn 49 and beyond, as the world gets darker and resources become scarcer.

TRADE CAP: is now 75% of total income (which affects only the large empires) as the world gets darker still and trade become harder and more dangerous as merchant ships and caravans are being robbed or are disappearing without a trace.

SHIPS: Must end the turn in a port, if not in a port they lose 10% the first turn, 20% the second turn, 30% the third turn, etc (also you should have two leaders with a fleet so you don’t lose part of it if the leader dies)...

HC (Have Children): can only be combined with RULE and ADMINISTER in L27, otherwise it’s a separate action for your leader.

FLAGS: BTW I could use some more flags as over half of you don’t have one... (No flag, no country, just joking...lol)

MAX FIELD FORTS PER REGION: Field Fort units may be built in any controlled region. Field Forts built in Allied, Economic Allied, Feudal Allied, Tributary or Non-Paying Tributary region belong to the region, not to the `national' government (but can be used as `national'garrisons and still require support costs to be paid, where applicable). The maximum number of Field Forts that can be built by a position in a region is limited to: (GPv of the region +1) x (Siege QR/2) x Control Status Tax Multiple (Note in L27, if result is zero, then a region can have a max of 1 field fort, as long as you control it)Fractional forts round up to 1. Zero forts remain zero. The presence of a Field Fort in a region adds a +1 Movement Modifier to any enemy moving through the region. NOTE: Any region with over the Max in Field forts, the extra Field forts will be converted to Infantry.

RUTTERS TRANSFERRED: You need to list all the rutters that you are transferring in your notes section of your orders in order for them to be transferred (so I can copy and paste), or none will be transferred.

MAXIMUM STATUS FOR A REGION: I will enforcing the max status for a region by religion and by terrain located in tables 2-21 and 2-22 on page 22 in rule book 5.10 starting Turn 50, please let me know in your orders if any region’s status needs to be fixed.

THIN GOVERNMENT: If your nation is suffering from thin government, all regions and cities that are NOT at friendly status will have a revolt check starting Turn 50...

NAVIGABLE RIVERS: Rivers with hash marks are non-navigable in the hash marked area except for trade (routes, and internal & fishing fleets), canals and unmarked parts of rivers are navigable by any size ship...

SEE (HOUSE) RULES: http://www.throneworld.com/lords/lote27/Rules.html


I think laughter may be a form of courage. As humans we sometimes
stand tall and look into the sun and laugh, and I think we are never
more brave than when we do that.

-- Linda Ellerbee (1944-  ) American Journalist

The GM’s take on above:

I think laughter may be a form of courage. As humans we sometimes
stand tall and look into the heart of darkness and laugh, and I think we are never
more brave than when we do that.



Mercenary units available for hire in this region
ShintoMerc Commander M543, 20i, 20c, 10s, 10xw, 10xt
BuddhistMerc Commander M543, 20i, 20c, 10s, 5xw, 5xt
HinduMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 10s, 10xw, 10xt
Asiatic PaganBandit Lord Sun Lu Ho M745;
Merc Commander M543, 20i, 20c, 10s, 5xw, 5xt

The Empire of the Nippon

Shinto | Seafaring |Tech 4
God-Emperor Tatshushi of the Golden Throne of Amaterasu the Sun-God, Exalted Lord of the Seas.
Diplomacy: Amgu [-un], city of Ada [-un, sacked]

The great and majestic God-Emperor Tatshushi issued no orders, and spent all day admiring himself in front of a mirror, yet sometimes in the dark of the night, the heart of darkness whispered to him...

The Kannagara No Michi

Shinto | Seafaring | Tech 4
Grandmaster Chewi died in 761, Kazino replaced him.
Diplomacy: Amgu [-un], city of Ada [-un, sacked]
Imperialism: Amgu ( / ) add small cater, remove religious symbol, remove fortress.

Grandmaster Chewi issued no orders again, became sick and died, while a small meteor clashed down and devastated the region of Amgu, and destroyed its city and city fortress.

The Empire of the Black Dragon

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Tuoba Xiao Ri
Diplomacy: Tangchou [ea], Lu’an [f] add BH religious symbol, Tangchou [-un], city of New Dragon [-un]
Imperialism: Trained 12,000 infantry, build PWB for a few regions, re-colonized Shangtung (2/5), Lu’an (1/4), Hopei (2/4), Houma (2/4),Yen (1/6), Chinling (1/3) and built a city fortress in Tiatmen, and regional fortress in Chinling. Also merchants built a royal road from Shentung to Funiu, and Black Dragon built a royal road from Hopei to Yen,

The mighty Emperor Tuoba Xiang Ri continued rebuilding his once proud Empire, and sold some real estate to Honan to pay for it.


The Imperial Realm of Honan

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Liu Chen
Diplomacy: Tangchou [t], city of New Dragon [t],
Imperialism: Trained 5,000 assorted troops and built PWBs for all its cities.

Emperor Lui Chen waited for guidance, and brought the region of Tangchou, and its city of New Dragon [t], from the Black Dragon for a large sum of gold.

The Order of the Shaolin Monks

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Grandmaster Qui Chang.
Diplomacy: Tangchou [oh], city of New Dragon [oh], Hupei [ct], Chinling [oh], city of Tii’Fawn [ct], Anhui [oo],
Imperialism: Expanded city of Shaolin and built a few PWB for the city and its region, and trained about 10,000 assorted troops.

Grandmaster Qui Chang built up and waited...


The Pirates of the Orient (Honorable Company of Oriental Seafarers)

Pirate’s Code | Barbarian | Tech 3
Lord Captain Hu Di II
Imperialism: Built 40xw, and 16ct, and trained 1,000xi, expanded capital and 2 other cities, and built PWB’s for the capital and an island.

Lord Captain Hu Di II rebuilt fleet and waited

The Snow Khanate of the Ta-Ta Mongols (was the Tatars Horde)

Asiatic Pagan | Nomadic | Tech 3
Kerasen Kha-Khan
Diplomacy: Yenisey (claimed dot), Ugria (claimed dot)
Imperialism: Trained 2,400 mounted bowmen. Move label and Horde symbol to Ugria. Hovsgol (1 /3 ), Tamarin (1 /4 ), Telmen (1 /5 ), Turkestan (1 /5 ), Oriot (0/5), Tanu {0/4), Zaysan (0/3), Ulan-Kum (0/4),

The Kerasen Kha-Khan and his horde headed west and had successful talks with a static horde in Ugria. Meanwhile his leaders enslaved and looted neighboring regions, just to keep the troops from getting too bored.

The Great Mongol Horde

Asiatic Pagan | Nomadic | Tech 3
Khan Mongu the Mighty
Diplomacy: Helionkang (claimed dot), Sungari (claimed dot)
Imperialism: Move label and horde symbol to region of Sungari.

The great Khan Mongu the Mighty led his people east and the stopped to rest in the region of Sungari. The Khan and his Heir both took wives and fathered many children.


Mercenary units available for hire in this region
BuddhistMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 5s, 5xw, 5xt
HinduMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 5s, 5xw, 5xt
Timur M5B3

The Hunan Empire

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Hu Ying Er, King of the Hu, Son of Heaven, Protector of the Enlightened, Emperor of the Middle Kingdom, Lord of Golden Dragon, Father of the Han
Diplomacy: Hmong [-un], Miao Ling [n/e], Khemer [-un], city of Angor [-un], Preikuk [-un], Surin [-un]
Imperialism: Finish building a road from Nan Chao to Korat (but no bridge), finish building a road from Kwangsi to Lingnan (but no bridge), finish building a road from Nan Chao to Guizhou (but no bridge), built walls higher for a city, and PWBs for a city, also built field forts in 3 regions, build 60 light warships, and trained 48,000 troops mostly assorted cavalry. The Hu sent some agro to the Buddhist and Honan, and captured a ton of MSP in Angor from Champa. Korat 30%BH.

Emperor Hu Ying Er took command of most of the Empire’s troops (still Asia’s largest army) and with 2 of his most trusted leaders, and they where ready to react from the homeland. Another pair of leaders with a good size army continued to help Tonkin and was reinforced with 5,400 HEC. Yet another leader failed in diplomatic efforts in Miao Ling.

The The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?]


At Sea a large Buddhist fleet led by a first-rate admiral collided with the Hindu fleet called Task Force Juggernaut led by just an avenge admiral, the sea battle took place in the Gulf of Tonkin during mid summer. The Buddhist had a fleet of 1,070 ships mostly light warships and 5,000 marines in light transports, while the Hindu’s Task Force Juggernaut had 1,440 ships with about a quarter of them transports, but it had only 2,600 marines, (both fleets had battle assistance). In the 1st engagement the Hindus pounded and drove off the Buddhists who took heavy loses, but in the 2nd engagement the Buddhist quickly turned and reengaged to the Hindus’ surprise and drove off the stunned Hindus, this time it was the Hindus who took more losses and also the Hindus also had a leader killed. Both battered fleets meet again for a 3rd time in a gulf that was filled with broken ships and floating bloated bodies and this time it was the Buddhist who are driven off for a 2nd time and final time in defeat and didn’t dare return (a Buddhist leader is also killed).

On land the Western Army of the Hindus liberated undefended Khemer and its lightly defended city (defended by Buddhist Mercs), while small armies from Champa and Kali liberated Surin and Preikuk, and diplomatic efforts brought Hmong back to Champa fold (after it was given to Tonkin by Hunan). Meanwhile the Eastern Hindu army staunchly defended the Champa homeland.


After the defeat of the Buddhist, the Hindus have their way up and down the Chinese coast, task force Dacoit breaks off from task force Juggernaut and they spend the year raiding Hunan and Honan regions. Task force Dacoit was unsuccessful in Honan as defending units drive them off. Task force Juggernaut also had no success in raiding northeast Hunan, while Task force Dacoit did had success in the southern part of Hunan. None of the nations in Task force Dacoit shared the raid gold with their crews so it lost some ships due to mutiny, in addition there was squabbling over the division of the gold between Kali and Sauras leaders (and a Sauras leader is accidentally killed in the squabble).


The Hindu Western Army proudly marched back to the region of Champa, as task force Dacoit continued its raids with task force Juggernaut watching over it. Task force Dacoit raids were mostly successful, but morale was tense with much bickering and even more ships mutinied.


At sea the task force Dacoit again continued its raids with task force Juggernaut watching over it. Task force Dacoit again was mostly successful, but morale was still intense and still more ships mutiny. Task force Dacoit was dissolved in the fall and what remain of its ships returned to their home ports.

One land the Western and Eastern Armies of the Hindus invade Mison unopposed except for a few lightly defended field forts and liberated it. The Western Army liberated the city of Indrapura while the Eastern Army led by good leader from Rajput named Prince Kamatke invaded Dai Viet according to plan and were met by a reacting combined Hunan / Tonkin Army. Each of the antagonists had an excellent leader; the overall commander of the two armies was Hunan Prince Hu Xiao. The Hindus outnumbered the Buddhist almost two to one, but the Buddhist had over a dozen field forts to fight from. The battle began furiously for Tonkin’s survival or Champa’s redemption (both sides had battle assistance). Survival won out! The Eastern Army lost! And it fell back in disorder into Mison having lost two troops for every one that they killed, and their leader Prince Kamatke was dead. Not surprisingly even the winners were in disorder in Dai Viet, but Hunan Prince Hu Xiao quickly rallied the Hunan / Tonkin Army and followed the whipped Hindus hounds into Mison.

The stench of defeat lingered in the air in Mison as what was left of the demoralized Hindu Eastern Army combined with the Western Army to defend Mison from the Buddhist. The combined Hunan / Tonkin Army poured over the border still outnumbered by the Hindus, by that didn’t matter as the Eastern Army soon panicked and tried to retreat and hindered the efforts of the Western Army so much that the battle soon descended into chaos for the Hindus, for they were out-fought, out-led and slaughtered by the Buddhist, the Mison rice fields became bloody red killing fields. Few of the once proud Hindu Eastern and Western Armies made it back into the homeland region of Champa, and also a Champa leader was taken captive by the Hunan. Mison’s city also soon fell back into Tonkin hands. The only thing that saved the Champa homeland from an attack by the Buddhist was that their excellent commander Hunan Prince Hu Xiao died from his wounds suffered in the battle.


All was quiet in Southeast Asia except that a Tonkin Army led by one of their excellent leader took over the region of Laos and defeated a Kali army that tried to liberate it.

The Buddhist Temple

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Primate Sin
Sites: City of Teiping [n/e], city of Hangzhou [n/e],
Imperialism: Again expanding navy by building 200 light warships. Kiangsu 0%ST, Tsainan 0%ST, Pienching 90%BH, Anhui 0%ST, Cheju Do 80%BH.

Primate Sin continued his predecessor’s grand plan of building the Buddhist fleet into the largest fleet in Asia by building another 200 light warships. While a bishop went and gathered a cavalry army left in Black Dragon lands. Meanwhile another bishop was killed trying to establish a site in the city of Teiping by an unruly mob.

[See The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?] for details]

The Seafarers of Tonkin

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Overlord Tri Utvadilya
Diplomacy: Hong Kong [f], city of Xiang Gang [f], Laos [p], Hmong [-un]
Imperialism: Trained another 5,000 assorted troops, expanded the capital, and colonized Hong Kong and rebuilt its city. Mison 60%BH.

Overlord Tri Utvadilya again worked with their Hunan ally and expanded their realm while awaiting higher guidance.

[See The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?] for details]


The Sirivijayan Empire

Hinduism | Seafaring | Tech 4
Emperor Kahilk
Diplomacy: Kedah [p], Sri Lanka [t],
Imperialism: Trained 31,000 assorted cavalry, expanded 7 cities, and built a royal road from Palembang to Jambi, and another royal road from Jambi to Utara, also started cultivation in Sabah.

Emperor Kahilk couldn’t wait for his son to come of age so he made his younger brother Prince Kanak his Heir; but the new Heir was killed in a sea battle against the Buddhist. The Empire’s cities kept expanding only adding to the famine problem which gripped the nation, but fishing fleets were increased and new ones built in with hope that they would ease or counter the famine.

[See The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?] for details]

The Empire of Champa

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Tri Indravarman
Diplomacy: Hmong [nt], Khemer [f], city of Angor [f], Preikuk [f], Surin [f], Laos [oc]
Imperialism: Built field forts for three regions, and train 11,600 assorted troops.

Emperor Tri Indravarman began a campaign leading the western army to liberate regions and wipe Tonkin off the map. At the same time a diplomat was able to convince the region of Hmong to throw off its captors and return to the fold. The Emperor, his army and his leaders were able to militarily liberated some regions and defeated some Buddhist Mercs in the city of Angor. After that the Emperor turned to the task of eliminating Tonkin which was a royal pain in the Emperor’s backside. An assassination attempt on Prince Hu Xiao by Sauras failed due to Intel, but he died of wounds received in battle anyway a few years later.

[See The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?] for details]

The Hindu Temple of Sauras

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 5
Primate Tri Subadar
Sites: Assam [–un], Phan Rang [ch], Preikuk [mn], city of Elumnarta [mn], city of Bihar [ca], the rest failed...
Imperialism: Built 136 ships, mostly light warships and trained 10,800 assorted troops. Annam 75%HTS, Samatata 65%HTS, Lampang 90%HTS, Surin 70%HTS. 

The Primate Tri Subadar was planning to take his fleet raiding in 762 after starting off as part of task force Juggernaut, but the task force met up with the Huge Buddhist fleet in the spring of 761. Elsewhere a totally inept archbishop cost the Temple a site in Assam, failed in establishing a site in Burma, before getting himself killed trying to establish another site in Gtsang. Other leaders were a little more successful in establishing site with a success rate of about 50%.

[See The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?] for details]



Mercenary units available for hire in this region
HinduMerc Commander M543, 25i, 25c, 15s, 10xw, 10xt

The Temple of Kali

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 5
Primate Dharuma
Diplomacy: Nadavaria [mn], city of Polonarva [mn], the rest failed...
Imperialism: Trained 10,000 xi as marines for 114 new warships that were built.

The Primate Dharuma with one of his leaders took the new fleet on a shakedown cruise to raid some Hu lands. Other leaders failed in establishing 4 of 6 new church sites. A pair of leaders took an army into Champa intending to on liberate the regions.  One of the leaders revolted: luckily it wasn’t the one with the troops.

[See The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?] for details]

The Empire of Asamakara

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Sanat died in 763, Natraj succeeded him
Diplomacy: Vengi [p], Seylan [n/e], Kosala [aw] (make darker color), city of Saravi [aw] (keep it a darker color), city of Kayal [aw] (make it a darker color)
Imperialism: Expanded 2 cities, built 140 ships, mostly transports, and also trained 40,800 assorted troops.

Emperor Sanat was in his seventies and fulfilled his wish for one more journey of adventure before Kali’s embrace, so with his Heir he journeyed to Vengi to deal with the Vengi rebels, afterwards upon returning home he passed away peacefully in his sleep. His Heir Natraj succeeded him with a little trouble and soon afterwards appointed his eldest son as his Heir. A diplomat arrived in Vengi before the Emperor, and tried to get the region to rejoin the Empire, but only succeeded in reducing it from at war to hostile (the diplomat then vanished in the Palk Straight on his was to his next assignment in Seylan), so the Emperor Sanat pacified Vengi soon after he arrived with no trouble, he then garrisoned it and then retuned home to die. Meanwhile since nobody was ruling the government it was spread quite thin, which caused 2 cities and a region to revolt (and by doing so it cancelled out the thin government). The new Emperor Natraj was troubled by rumors from the Far East that the Temple of Sauras was trying to convert Assamarkan troops in Champa to Sauras rites.

The Palas Empire

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Harsha
Diplomacy: Maghada [f], city of Polonarva [p], Seylan [p],
Imperialism: Expanded 2 cities, failed to build a new city (didn’t ship the gold and nfp to the island), and built 100 light transports, and trained 19,000 assorted troops.

Emperor Harsha was a little concerned about an outbreak of the black plague that devastated a region only claimed by his Empire; but more worrisome was the fact that the plague might cross the mountains into some heavily populated adjacent regions. The Emperor again stayed with his home guard ready to defend his Empire’s borders and other leaders were at defend or on react. Also a pair of leaders with a fleet and army invaded and pacified the region of Seylan and its city.

[See The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?] for details]

The Rajput Empire

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Birju
Imperialism: Expanded 1 city, finished cultivation in Jihjhoti, built 26 cogs, 100 light warships, and trained 22,600 assorted troops. Himachal 75%HN,

Emperor Birju also was worried about an outbreak of the black plague that devastated a heavily populated region and its garrison; but more worrisome was the fact that the plague might spread and devastate some heavily populated adjacent regions. The Emperor who was well into his seventies took a new wife from his harem that was in her mid-twenties and younger than his oldest daughter, nine months later a son was born. More leaders and troops were sent to Champa even although it was out of control range of the Empire.

[See The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?] for details]



Mercenary units available for hire in this region
CopticMerc Commander M543, 20i, 20c,10s, 10xw
ZoroastrianJacqui M844;
Merc Commander M543, 15i, 30c, 10s, 10xw

The Empire of Kara-Khitai

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Erchenai
Diplomacy: Betpak [nt], Dzungaria [nt], Turgay [nt],
Imperialism: Built new port city of Kundina in Balkash, new port city of Ozeno in Frunze, new port city of Ashgabat in Turkmen, built PWB in Kush, field forts in 3 regions, and a regional fortress in Balkash. Turgay 25%ZOR, Khazakh 40%ZOR

Emperor Erchenai sent his youngest brother Bazdeo to serve as a Prince of the Zoroastrian Primacy. Meanwhile the Emperor ruled from his stately palace, IMA, and added a son to his growing royal family. The Emperor’s leaders were either ready with their armies to react, or on diplomatic missions that had a little success. The Emperor also sent some food (agro) to his starving neighbors of the Volga-Kama Bolghar as a goodwill gesture.

The Volga-Kama Bolghar (was the Parthian Empire)

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Shah Ahmorad III
Diplomacy: Gurgan [aw] (make darker color), city of Ahmor [aw], Kophat Dagh [aw], city of Merv [aw],

The ruthless Shah Ahmorad II issued no orders again. A famine still spread across the land causing 2 regions and their cities to revolt, and in addition a bad case of measles plagued the nation killing many of the young.

No orders received AGAIN...

The Zoroastrian Church

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Patriarch Auga
Diplomacy: Socotra [ab], Yemen [ab], city of Kabul [ab], city of Trieste [ab], city of Rhagae [ab], city of Ecbatana [ab], city of Sa’na [ab], city of Mahajanga [ab] (in Madagascar) the rest failed.
Imperialism: Trained 2,000 HEC to guard the Patriarch. In Madagascar: Mahabo 50%ZOR, Sakalava 24%ZOR.

Patriarch Auga had food (agro) sent to Volga-Kana to fend off the starvation there. He also had 2,000 HEC trained to form the backbone of the Zoroastrian Lancers, to be his personal guard. An Archbishop disappeared crossing the Adriatic Sea on the way to Ravenna and was presumed dead, another Bishop who made it to Ravenna failed to establish a church. Another Archbishop died after establishing an abbey in the city of Trieste of some tainted soup. Also the Patriarch failed in establishing a monastery in the city of Kavadh because it was still under revolt, in fact the Patriarch barely escaped with his life thanks to his newly formed guard.

The Sassanid Empire of Persia

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Kavadh II, ShahanShah Eran Ud Aneran, King of Persia, Media and Babylonia, Sultan of Kuwait, Overlord of Syria, Lebanon and Anatolia, The Scourge of the Greeks, The Light of the Aryans, The Holy Arm of Ahura-Mazda, The Great King, The Sassanid, Heir to the Achaemenids
Diplomacy: City of Kavadh [a], city of Diaphenous [f],
Imperialism: Rebuilt port city of Diaphenous in Pontus, finished a new royal road from Edessa to Vaspurakan, built royal road from Diyala to Ahvaz, and another from Ahvaz to Fars, finished cultivation of Vaspurakan, built field forts for 13 regions, and PWBs for 5 regions. Built 20 Fortresses for regions or their cities: Ahvaz (port), Armenia, Asia {port), Babylonia (port), Bandar (port), Carhae (port), Cilicia (port), Diyala (port), Edessa, Fars (port), Lebanon (port), Mand (port), Media, Mosul (port), Neyriz, Persia, Selucia (port), Tabaristan (port), Vaspurakan (port), Zagros.
Al’Riadyh 30%Zor, . The Black Beast moved from o Elburz to Kurdistan (and destroyed some PWBs in Elburz).

ShahanShah Kavadh II strengthen the defenses of his Empire on a scale never seen before in the history of the world, 20 fortresses and field forts for 13 regions. In addition he had PWB built for 5 regions, a region cultivated, some new roads built and a city rebuilt; all in all it was quite impressive. Also his Heir was given a personal guard and ordered to work only on expanding the royal family. There was some success converting Dubai by missionaries, but missionaries from Aden totally screwed it up.

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Grandmaster Raschid.died in 762 and Master Chamrav replaced him.
Diplomacy: City of Mashhad [oh], city of Nishapur [oh], Gurgan [oh], city of Merv [n/e], Firoz Kohi [oh], Khurasan [oh], Abarshahr [oh]

The Grandmaster Raschid gave control of the Farohars’ army to Leader Aravaoshtra and with another leader they together were suppose to react to any attempt to stop or destroy new sites in Volga-Kama, but the Grandmaster soon fell ill and died. Aravaoshtra finished the orders and Master Chamrav became the next grandmaster after he founded an order house in Abarshahr. The Farohars with the help of their leaders and religious operations were able to reestablish a presence in Volga-Kama.

The Sultanate of Aden

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Sultan Kurav
Diplomacy: Asir [-t], Madina [-t],
Imperialism: Expanded 5 cities, built 20cogs, and trained 3,400 assorted troops. Add Sea Serpent symbol in sea zone of Seyschelle Sea.

Sultan Kurav was concerned and saddened about an illness that killed three members of the royal family.  His wife was one of those that died, yet he managed to bring himself to look upon his concubines and was thus be comforted. The Heir took a boring cruise down to Zanzibar to lighten the city garrison there, he was so happy to get back that he and his wife quickly added to the family line. There were rumors in the royal palace that a SE site was found on one of the Sultanate’s cities.



Mercenary units available for hire in this region
CopticMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 10s, 10xw, 10xt
African Hindu Merc Commander M543, 5i, 5c, 5s, 5xw, 5xt
African PaganMerc Commander M543, 3i, 3c, 3s, 3xw
Pirates (Pirate’s code)Merc Commander M543, 10xw, 10xt, 10xi (Med Only)

The Egyptian Empire

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 6
Emperor Merakh
Diplomacy: City of Zoskeles [ea] Island of Vulcan [c] (add control dot), city of Tokar [p], city of New Egypt [oc], Tunisia [aw] (make darker color),
Imperialism: Kept rebuilding fleet by building 66 warships and 122 transports, and trained 28,000 assorted troops..

Emperor Merakh, who was well into his eighties unfortunately had to postpone his retirement due to the death of his son and Heir Leveth at age 51. Regrettably his Heir didn’t die in glorious battle, but was brought down by a lowly fishbone (although many in the royal count thought that he was assassinated by that savage SE that has been plaguing the Empire, or maybe it was those pesky and barbaric Lombards). The Emperor quickly promoted Leveth’s son Marcus to be his heir and provided him with advice while being confined to his bed by very poor health (i.e. deathbed). Meanwhile a fleet with troops was sent to teach with the Lombards a lesson, while a leader with troops first tried and failed in diplomacy, and then resorted to force to take over a rebellious city. Hundreds of dead rats were found in the agro reserve and it was discovered that the reserve had been poisoned by St.George and was a total loss.

The Landing at Valencia (Coptics attack) [761]

In the early spring of 761, the Theban Legion as usual was ever ready to launch into battle (with an amphibious assault on the region of Valencia from the gulf of Lyons) and made no plans to wait for the Egyptians, so they took the barrage of all Lombards Intel and assassin attacks upon themselves. The results were two Theban leaders dead and one Theban leader with an army subverted. With two of his leaders dead before they even stepped off the ships, Master Tyrsus was furious. He ordered his 90,000 troops to crush the puny Lombard army of 7,400 with one field fort in Valencia. It looked like a sure victory until in the middle of the amphibian assaulted a Theban leader named Palmatius switched sides with 24,000 troops and completely surprised the Thebans. Incredibility the sure victory of an invasion failed and the attacking Thebans driven off in disorder and being down to only two leaders so the Thebans returned to port in Bonifacio without seeing a sign of the Egyptian fleet. The only good thing about the failed invasion was that the turncoat Palmatius died in the battle.

The Egyptians arrived in the late fall in the year 761 in the Gades sea zone off the coast of Valencia and were not happy to see no sign of the Thebans in the sea or on the shore of Valencia. None the less the amphibian assault began against the reinforce region even although the Egyptian fleet admiral Machina had a bad feeling about having the Emperor’s daughter led the invasion and he turn out to be right. For the invasion was a total failure with almost the complete loss of the invading force, it was like Lombards knew the Egyptians were coming and had set a trap. The Egyptian fleet admiral Machina wept into his bread at the sight of the massacre on the beach and cursed the Thebans for not being there. Then a midshipman pointed out that an Egyptian fleet of about 380 ships were approaching from the Bay of Tunis and Egyptian admiral Machina’s joy was short-lived as he realized that his fleet of 530 ships was the only fleet Egypt had. It turned out that the new-comers were flying the St.George flag and they were the Egyptian fleet that had mysteriously disappeared some years ago. Admiral Machina hastily had his ships turn about to engage the St. Georgians. Egyptian losses where not heavy, losing only 34 warships and 20 cogs, but admiral Machina perished in the battle and another leader was wounded so the fleet made port in Algiers.

The Order of the Theban Legion

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 6
Master Tyrsus
Imperialism: Built PWBs for 1 region and 2 cities for Egypt. Valencia 100%CP, New Castille 50%CP, Talavera 15%CP, Gained Tech Level.

Theban Master Tyrsus ordered PWBs built to bring relief to the starving brothers of the Order; he also hoped that some of his fellow Coptics would send the Order some food. In the meantime the Order’s armed forces joined Egypt in an invasion of the Lombards and sailed off to war.

[See Landing at Valencia (761)]

The Coptic Church

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Patriarch Paul died in 763, Judas replaced him.
Diplomacy: Latium [-un], Adulis [-un], city of Tokar [ca], Alwa [-mn], Danakil [-ab], city of Zoskales [ca], Darfur [-mn], Egypt [-mn], Faiyum [-mn], Jordan [-mn], Munsura [-mn], Salcmut [-mn], Thebes [-mn], city og Karnak [-ca],
Imperialism: Transferred huge gold amounts to Egypt and Thebans and also a large amount of NFPs to Egypt to lighten the treasury.

Patriarch Paul gave huge amounts of gold to Egypt and the Thebans and also gave a large amount of manpower (NFPs) to Egypt to lighten the bulging treasury and over piled supply of manpower. He also noticed that the Church was still trading with the ERE and cut the trade that had been going on for over two hundred years. The Patriarch then died in his sleep in Sicily at the age of 73, and the most charismatic Archbishop named Judas became Patriarch with his silver tongue and many said with 40 pieces of gold. The Church leveled a large assault of Intel against Lombards, lucky for the Lombards they were just out of range.

The Kingdom of Sicily

Heretic Christian | Seafaring | Tech 5
King Sarantino Gelan III
Diplomacy: Romagna [-un],

King Sarantino Gelan III issued no orders.

No orders received...

The Barbary Pirates

Pirates' Code | Seafaring | Tech 3
Barborossa Captain of the Seven Seas

It was troubling times for the pirates as the charismatic and daring Barborossa the Captain of the Seven Seas took no actions against a famine causing many pirates to starve to death.

No orders received...



Mercenary units available for hire in this region
CopticColusa M759
Merc Commander M543, 5i, 5c, 5s, 5xw, 5xt
African PaganMerc Commander M543, 3i, 3c, 3s

The Empire of Kanem

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Dafid
Diplomacy: Salamat [f],
Imperialism: Built PWBs in a city, and expanded 6 cities, postal roads were started through the desert north to the Med. Kreda 90%CP

Emperor Dafid ruled wisely and continued the expansion of his Empire’s cities by encouraging an urban over a rural society. Note worthy was the accidental death of a Prince in Daza (crushed by a runaway bread wagon in a market) that left a good size army leaderless, and also a story about brilliant diplomat in the region of Salamat that persuaded the region to fully join the Empire.

Akan, the Lords of the Gold Coast

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
King Kwaku
Diplomacy: Ikego [n/e],
Imperialism: Built PWBs for 5 cities and a region, and expanded 3 cities. Also finished cultivating region of Susu. Marampa 20%CP, Susa 25%CP, Gurma 80%.

Old King Kwaku continued to rule without any positive result (this time without help from the heir). The King's heart wasn’t in the everyday boring duties of ruling, instead he enjoy messing in the affairs of the merchants. A Prince on the way to the unclaimed region of Ikego was robbed and killed by some bandits.  In Marampa, the good work done by Minister Abubakar converting the region to the Coptic faith was undone by rude and arrogant missionaries.

The Empire of Axum

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Kosha
Diplomacy: Ain’Farah [t], Kordofan [f], Darfur [n/a]
Imperialism: Trained 2,600 assorted troops, and built PWBs for 2 regions and a city, and new region fortress in Zeila (at junction of 3 roads) and in Kosti. Started cultivation of region of Atbara. Gold discovered in Kefa, Adal and Chalbi. Wadai 90%CP, Loriu 100%CP, Luere 60%CP, Buganda 85%CP.

Emperor Kosha, a prince and three leaders perform a diplomatic blitz in the region of Kordofan, convincing the nobles there to join the Empire. News arrived in the capital that GOLD was discovered in the region of Kefa, Adal, and Chalbi, resulting in a rush of prospectors, speculators, camp followers and peasants to those regions. 

The Hindu Empire of Afriqan

Hindu | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Balraj
Diplomacy: City of Monbasattva [f], city of Kinara [f],
Imperialism: Built 80 light warships and 18 cogs for MSP, and finished royal road from Berbera to Djbuti and started building two roads. Also built Imperial Ivory Palace in capital, and rebuilt city of Monbasattva, and new port city of Kinara in Kimbu. (Make T trade center in Kimbu a G), Mison 25%BH, Hainan 45%HN

Emperor earnestly showed his son the ropes of administrating the Empire of Afriqan, despite not being very good at it. As the Emperor went through the motions, his Chief Secretary followed behind him, doing his best to fix the many royal mistakes made. The young Crown Prince Basar, wide-eyed as he wandered in the newly built Imperial Ivory Palace, certainly was learning his lesson and will undoubtedly be a better administrator for it. He could hardly be worse! Meanwhile the Emperor's twin brother, younger by minutes, has been freed of palace restraints and put in charge of the Afriqan expedition to bring pain to the Running Dog Buddhists. While sharing the Chandrid dynasties excellent Military sense, the Emperor’s twin brother abhorred the minutiae of actually commanding a fleet. He would allow Admiral Rajkumar to do the directing up until Hunan sails were sighted. At that point he thought that he wouldn't be able to resist giving the poor Admiral his insight. Unfortunately that was not to be as the Emperor’s twin brother died soon after arriving in the Far East of some malady he caught during the voyage.

News from the Far East arrived that attempts to incite the religious minority were successful in Mison, but the rebellion was brutally crushed by the Tonkin forces there.

[See The Hu vs Champa War [746 - ?] for details]

The Great Zimbabwe

Hindu | Civilized | Tech 3
King Gerard
Imperialism: Built PWBs for a city. Started cultivation in a region and built a Royal road from Barotse to Lunda. Mbundu 25%HN, Banhine 100%HN, Karanga 30%Hn, Gorongo 20%HN,

King Gerard got one of his leaders to help him with his inept rule and with the leader administering the thin government was adverted. Elsewhere a pair of leaders’ efforts at religious conversion again had some success in two regions, swaying them to Hinduism with impassioned speeches and fiery rhetoric

The KwaZulu Nation

Hindu | Civilized | Tech 3
King Shakasun
Diplomacy: city of Ulundi [f],
Imperialism: Built PWBs in a region. City of Mosselbaai 35%HN.

King Shaka Zulu in a lavish ceremony made his son Ganesh his Heir of KwaZulu. The King was very concerned about reports of madness in the streets of Mosselbaai, many small fires were set within the city, and many thousands dead. The madness also hindered the converting of the city’s inhabitants to Hindu. An exploration returned with the good news of a discovery of sea zone and half of another in the north that was led by a fearless leader with a ragtag fleet.



Mercenary units available for hire in this region
Celtic ChristianMerc Commander M543, 5i, 5c, 5s, 5xw, 5xt
Heretic ChristianMerc Commander M543, 3i, 3c, 3s, 3xw, 3xt
Pirates (Pirate’s code)Merc Commander M543, 5xw, 5xi, 5xt

The British Empire (Britain)

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Artorius II, defender of the Britain, light of the West, guardian of civilization
Diplomacy: City of Paris [ea], Holland [n/a], Lorraine [n/a],
Imperialism: Built 250xw, 44tw and field forts for 8 regions, and built a city fortress in Edinburgh and Agrisville. Also built a royal road from Nivernais to Burgundy and started cultivation in two regions. Bornholm 35%CC.

The Emperor Artorius II Proclaims:

“Free Peoples of Britain and Gaul, your Emperor speaks to you!”

“Dark forces gather their strength to assail not only the strength of our bodies and the wealth of our lands, but our god given souls! Vile cultists enthralled to diabolic artifice threaten from within while pirate horde and heretics intent on fire and sword assail the Celtic people! It is in an age of perils I, Artorius, second of that name and son of wise Octavianus, ascend the throne like valiant and noble Artorius I himself. I commend myself, my people, my throne, to God and pray myself worthy to bear the burdens of crown and country. Pirates, sea rovers fled to the Atlantic north at the Copt’s behest, treat our coasts with fire and sword, while a lord of bondsmen who calls himself Pharaoh, drives his subjects and allies alike to the meanest slaughter his caprice may devise. Much labor did our father put forth to bring peace to the world, but Pharaoh does not remember Moses, does not remember how God smote his supposed predecessor from the height of his vanity, and he hardens his heart – truly there is nothing new under the sun!”

“I say to you, war is not coming – it has come! - Its arrival heralded loudly with proclamations of red slaughter from the shores of the Baltic to the Calabrian marches – it comes to Britain, it comes to my people, and therefore, but do not fear – repose your faith in God and your King, for God will provide as He always has. God smote Egypt before, and He shall smite the asp again in the height of his pride – as to the pirates - they are all sound and fury – they signify nothing - like so many other hordes that came with proclaiming songs of war in their wake if they do not become civilized men. Great burdens and trials fall upon us, but we shall persevere, as we always have – let them try our hearts, these so called Kings of Egypt and for the life of me, they will learn once more to fear the resolve of free men!”

The Emperor first borrowed heavily from British Jewish Bankers to finance the rebuilding of the British fleet. He then journeyed back to Avalon and returned with a shiny new sword and streaks of grey in his black hair; lastly he finally married his true love from Lorraine and fathered an heir. Meanwhile 4,000 light cavalry were ordered trained to booster the army. And a scattering of field forts were built mostly on the British shoreline and two port fortresses were also built to fortify the British Empire from the horrible pirate menace. It was newsworthy that Princess Julia found some papers in a SE vault in London, but she and the lackey who found them died by some contact poison on the papers.

The Celtic Church

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Pope Peter
Diplomacy: Friesland [ch], Holland [ch], city of Kaiserstadt [ch], Lorraine [ch], Powys [ch], Norway [ch], Jamtland [ch], Vasterboten [ch], city of Limoges [ch], Auvergne [ch], Orleans [ch], Cumbria [n/a]
Imperialism: Built PWB for 8 Celtic cities. Region of Austria 95%CC, city of Vienna 70%CC, Lienster 75%CC.

The very charismatic Pope Peter continued to preach to the masses in Vienna. A Cardinal in Austria was so very close to converting the whole region. Meanwhile another church leader named Bishop Robin was founded gutted and hanging from the rafters of a proposed church site in Cumbria. Elsewhere the rest of the church leaders had an extraordinary amount of success in establishing churches.

The Danish Empire

Celtic Christian | Seafaring | Tech 4
Emperor Fils II died in 762, Sigurd succeeded him
Diplomacy: Lienster [-un], Ulster [-un], city of Sjomavagr [aw] (Make darker color), Halland [aw] (Make darker color), city of Gothenburg [aw] (Make darker color), Skane [aw] (Make darker color), city of Jarnhafn [aw] (Make darker color)

The valiant Emperor Fils II refused to grant some nobles’ representation and things went downhill from there when upon the Emperor mysterious death a civil war started and few regions and cities revolted. The Emperor’s Heir succeeded him with much trouble and then made his own son heir. The famine caused by the ensuing chaos left many starving to death, and those that survived were left begging for food in the streets

No orders received...

The Pirates of the North

Pirates' Code | Seafaring | Tech 4
Lord Captain August Marksum
Imperialism: Remove all Piracy symbols from Bay of Biscay, English Channel, Viking Bank.

Lord Capt August Marksum issued no orders and its fleets remained at home lucky for them as the British and St.George fleets were hunting desperately for them. And the only thing newsworthy was a baby boom expanded the capital.

No orders received...

The Ice Barbarians

European Pagan | Barbarian | Tech 3
King Hrothgar
Diplomacy: Iceland [Hm] (2/2), port city of Winter in Iceland, Nerwick [f] (1/3), port city of Ice Edge in Nerwick, Oppwick [f] (1/1), port city of Icecastle in Oppwick, Faeroes [f], Narvik [nt] (1/3), Thule [a] (1/2) {Make all EP religious symbol {the battleaxe symbol)}

From somewhere around the North Pole the Ice barbarians crossed the winter’s ice and settled in Iceland and surrounding Islands, and in the north most point of Northern Europe.




Mercenary units available for hire in this region
Celtic ChristianMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 10s, 10xw
Pauline ChristianMerc Commander M543, 5i, 5c, 5s, 5xw

The Teutonic Empire

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
King Rohrwulf
Diplomacy: Rzhev [f], Kalinin [a], Yaroslav [nt] Daugava [c, claimed dot]
Imperialism: Built new port city of Saint Petersburg in Novgorod, expanded a city, and colonized Rzhev (1/3) add CC religious symbol. Gained Tech level.

King Rohrwulf issued no orders for the third time in a row...


The Goths Empire

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Osoric II
Diplomacy: Kirov [+13 yfc]
Imperialism: Built PWBs for a region, Kirov 100%CC. Gained Infrastructure.

King Osoric II declared himself Emperor and ruled wisely, therefore still had some of his leaders guard against any further revolts, while one of his leaders did some religious conversion and successful diplomatic efforts in Kirov.

The Eastern Roman Empire

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 6
Emperor Basileus
Diplomacy: Walachia [fa], city of Bucuresti [nt]
Imperialism: Built PWBs for region, built 20 warships, cultivated region of Pannonia, and started cultivating Pechneg, and trained 9,000 assorted troops.

Even although he was entering is eighties, Emperor Basileus continued to command his army and was ever ready to deal with any revolts or invasions during his lucid moments. Tragedy his only heir was killed searching for SEs in the capital when an old building collapsed on him. Another leader searching the homeland found no sign of any SEs. The expansion north began with successful diplomatic talks in Walachia and its city.

The Empire of Brandenburg

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Astrid the Golden
Diplomacy: Danzig [f],
Imperialism: Cultivated Meissen and Pomern, and started a new royal road and bridge.

Emperor Astrid strategically aligned his well trained forces to counter any invasions or revolts. In addition he ordered the cultivation of Meissen and Pomern, and a new royal road and bridge project was started from Lausatia to Kauyavia. The Emperor was a very private man and he quietly grieved the death of his wife from a small outbreak of Pneumonic Plague.

The Knight Defenders (Mercenary Order)

Heretic Christian | Seafaring | Tech 4
Grandmaster Samuel

Grandmaster Samuel issued no orders and thus his Mercs helped none of those who had a contract for protection.

No orders received...



Mercenary units available for hire in this region
Arian ChristianMerc Commander M543, 5i, 5c, 5s, 5xw
Celtic ChristianMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 5s, 5xw
Heretic ChristianMerc Commander M543, 5i, 5c, 5s, 5xw

The Lombard March of Ispan

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Julian Lope, Mark of Ispan, Bretwalda of the Lombards died in 761, Pedro succeeded him
Imperialism: Latium 40%CC. Gained infrastructure from Celtic Church.

The pressures of the war became too much for Julian Lope the Mark of Ispan.  While he ruled the nation, he also started acting quite strange. Such as ordering 101 dogs painted white with black spots and a royal kennel built for them is the shape of a small castle, and then suddenly one night he jumped from his bedroom window to his death (Rumors insisted that he was being poisoned by the Egyptians).  Elsewhere Lombard troops helped St.George in Italy and at home a leader and troops were ready to react to any invasions of the Spanish coastline.

The War In Southern France And Italy (And Egypt) [746 - ?]:


761: First the main Golden Horde army advanced south into Campania and faced the Egyptian forces there. They outnumbered the Egyptians by 10,000 troops but the Egyptians had battle assistance thanks to the WRE. It looked kind of evenly matched but the Horde soon overwhelmed the Egyptian positions that lacked any field forts and they were forced to retreat south into Calabria (The Horde lost 18,000 troops to Egypt’s loss of 26,000). At the same time another small Horde army took over Romagna with no trouble. Next a St.George invasion fleet nearly missed running into an Egyptian fleet by only a month on its way to invade the undefended Egyptian city of New Egypt (And Egyptian garrison was incited to mutiny in Tunisia). Then the main Horde army back in Campania welcomed a joint Lombard / St. George army from the east and waited for it to take the city of Naples. The Horde was rewarded for its patience with the keys to that city.

762: In the spring the main Golden Horde army and the Lombard / St. George army advanced together into Calabria to expel the WRE and Egypt from the region. Amazingly the Egyptians drove the invaders back, but then they came back at mid-summer and the Egyptians were forced to withdraw into the city of Catanzaro. The Lombard / St. George army half-heartily besieged the city (but had no ships to blockade it, so the siege failed) before withdrawing back to the city of Diacira.

The Order of St. George

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 6
Grandmaster Sancho
Diplomacy: City of New Egypt [p] (remove city fortress),
Imperialism: Added walls to the city of Diacira, Latium 40%CC

Grandmaster Rodrigo continued putting the pressure on the crumbling WRE by ongoing attacks against them. Meanwhile, another St.George force daringly struck into Egypt itself, and Intel caused some of the Egypt defenders to mutiny and join the invaders..

The Empire of Celtia (was the Amorica Empire)

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Tristan II Protector of the Celtic peoples and Celtic civilization.
Diplomacy: Aquitaine [f],
Imperialism: Colonized Aquitaine (1/5) and expanded a couple of cities, gained tech level.

Emperor Tristan II was blessed with a vision from God and understood the he would become the Protector of the Celtic people, he renamed his Empire Celtia...About the same time a strange gem fell from the sky and landed in the capital, and was recovered by a one of his Princes..


The Western Roman Empire

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Justus died in 764, Ludicrous II succeeded him.
Diplomacy: City of Genoa [aw], Campania [oc], city of Naples [oc], Calabria [oc],

Emperor Justus died of heart failure at the age of 56, caused by what many said was a broken heart, for he had lived to see the ruin of a his once great empire. The New Emperor was named Ludicrous II, who was Justus’ heir and Ludicrous II inherited the crumbs of a once great empire. Meanwhile somewhere in an undisclosed location in a St.George prison cell a WRE Prince died of mistreatment. Also a WRE city surrounded by the enemy revolted due to lack of support or despair.

The Empire of Austria

Heretic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Rupert
Imperialism: Trained 4,000 infantry.

Emperor Rupert ruled with the help of his Heir and the help of two princes administering. He kept Otto and his troops on a short leash with orders to stand ready to repel any invasions and to swash any revolts.

The Golden Horde

Asiatic Pagan | Nomadic | Tech 3
Batu Khan
Diplomacy: Romagna [p], Campania [p], city of Naples [pt], Calabria [p],

The fearsome barbarian Batu Khan didn’t flinch when told of his wife and his heir’s wife’s deaths during a harsh winter back home, mainly because he was a little too busy taking over Italy.

[See The War In Southern France [746 - ?] for details]


NOTE: The Albions bought horses to the new world and the cavalry count has been completed and there are herds of horses roaming the Great Plains along with the buffalo ... (Completed for Central America too, but not South America)


Mercenary units available for hire in this region
North AmerindMerc Commander M543, 5i, 5c, 5s, 5xw

The Iroquois People

North Amerind | Civilized | Tech 3
Chief Tall Bear
Imperialism: Cultivated region of Wyandot, built some PWBs for it, and also built 6 light warships for the navy. With most of it regions cultivated the People became civilized.

Chief Tall Bear continues to rule over his tribe in a time of peace and growth. Focus turns to the small region of Wyandot where irrigation ditches bring water to the fertile farmland amongst the forest. The nation mourns the death of Prince Stands in Water and leader Thick Grass to a limited outbreak of Smallpox.

The Dakota Nation

North Amerind | Barbarian | Tech 3
Chief Wounded Hawk
Diplomacy: Chanute [t],
Imperialism: Built PWB for a region, colonized and cultivate Oto (2/5).

Chief Wounded Hawk rule wisely.  More fields were planted in one region and Oto was colonized with the offer of assistance to all who would move there. All was well in the Nation...


The Blackfoot Tribe

North Amerind | Nomad | Tech 3
Chief Golden Eagle

Chief Golden Eagle formed the Blackfoot Tribe from a gathering of the Plains tribes, where many games and contests of both martial skill and storytelling were held.


The Mississippi Federation

North Amerind | Civilized | Tech 4
Chief Ten Bears died in 763, Pouncing Lynx succeeded him.
Diplomacy: Chitimacha [ea], City of New Glasgow [ea]
Imperialism: Colonized a region of Caddo (0/4), built field forts for ten regions and light warships and troops for 5 cities, also continued cultivation in Quapaw and started it in Osage.

Chief Ten Bears died in 763 at the great old age of 86, his son and Heir Pouncing Lynx who was in his sixties became the next Chief. Ten Bears’ son Lone Buffalo died during a sea voyage of exploration, although leader White Elk returned with some success. A scattering of forts were built across the lands and the region of Caddo colonized. The villages of Quapaw and Osage expanded, slowly bringing the land under control with fields of maize and deep wells in the hills of the Ozarks.

The Great Yamasee Nation

North Amerind | Civilized | Tech 4
Chief Gray Hawk
Diplomacy: Calusa [f], Monacan [c] (claimed dot),
Imperialism: Built PWBs for a region, and a city fortress in Muskrat, finished cultivation in Cheraw, and colonized Calusa (1/5) and Catawba (1/5).

Chief Gray Hawk improved his nation while he waited.  Hundreds of the people flocked to Catawba and Calusa, forming new villages and farms in the wilderness.  Cheraw was finally cultivated, and fortifications in the western city of Muskrat were also completed.


The Yokut Federation

North Amerind | Civilized | Tech 4
Chief Hatawin V
Diplomacy: Yampa [f],
Imperialism: Expanded the capital again and another city, started cultivating Mono, finished a royal road from Moapa to Mono, and built PWBs for a region.

Chief Hatawin V began his rule by following in his father footsteps in rebuilding the Federation. Roads were built across the country and cities expanded.  Meanwhile the great military leader Cunning Cougar died of snakebite in the homeland; he awoke one morning to find his bed full of rattlesnakes! Another leader investigating in Hohokam found no sign of SEs but did notice that the temple wasn’t doing a very good job of keeping the sand out, and that a great wall would be needed to save the richly cultivated region..



Mercenary units available for hire in this region
Arian ChristianCharles the Bold M754
Merc Commander M543, 5i, 5c, 5s, 5xw, 5xt
Pelegian ChristianMerc Commander M543, 3i, 3c, 3s, 3xw, 3xt
South AmerindMerc Commander M543, 3i, 3s, 3xw, 3xt

The Empire of the Aztecs

Mesoamerind | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Mathew Pryzaka
Imperialism: Two Royal roads started, Finished Royal Road from Tarascan to Tepuztec, and built PWBs for a region. Trained 4,600 assorted troops, built 40xw and field forts for a region. Tamauli Pec 55%MA.

Emperor Mathew went searching for SEs (like the Old Ones). While he came up empty handed, it still it felt as if something was watching from the shadows. His Heir ruled and was filled with grief by the death of his young wife of smallpox. A pair of leaders returned home with maps of sea zones that reached the Yokuts, and the Lower Great Snake River, and there was hope that new trade would soon begin with the Mississippi Federation. Meanwhile trade was started with the Pirates, and the navy and army was increased as a precaution.

The Maya

North Amerind | Barbarian | Tech 3
K’uhul Ajaw Pacal

K’uhul Ajaw Pacal convened a council atop the greatest pyramid in Chichen Itza.  The Chiefs in attendance swore to follow the K'uhul unto their deaths and the nation of the Maya was formed..


The Pirates of the Carib

Pirates' Code | Seafaring | Tech 4
Lord Captain Magnus Troil Sparrow
Imperialism: Gained Infrastructure, became Imperial, gained tech level.

Lord Captain Magnus Troil Sparrow acquired tech from the Vandals and the ruins of the Albion Empire to raise the Pirate’s tech and his Kingdom expanded into an Empire. The Lord Captain’s young wife died of smallpox along with his brother, while the Pirates were celebrating their centennial.  Meanwhile trade was opened with the Aztecs.  Both sides were initially cautious, keeping swords close to hand, until the first few dealings went without issue.

The Vandals of the Southlands

Arian Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
King Stephan
Diplomacy: City of Caracas [f],
Imperialism: Built a few PWBs in two regions and new port city of Caracas in Caracas with walls around it. Also continued working on three projects. Caraca is 85%AC.

King Stephan ruled and was confronted by his own mortality he had just turned 82, for his younger brother Prince Sarsental died at the old age of 68.  The King could only hope that he lasted long enough to see his children come of age to rule the Nation.

Bishop Prizant disappeared without a trace in the Capital; a dark shadow was seen roaming the Capital’s streets on the night of the Bishop’s disappearance. The Church sent a new Bishop to replace him. The only good news was that a new leader had some success converting the former pirates in Caraca.

The Christian Church of God

Arian Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Patriarch Alphonse
Imperialism: ...

Patriarch Alphonse again issued no orders (and the church will be open for a new player if there are no orders for T54).

The Inca Empire

South Amerind | | Pre-Columbian | Tech 2
Emperor Atahualpa

Chief Atahualpa formed the Inca Empire out of the scattered city states of the Andes, all that which remain of the once great Huari Empire...


The Tribes of the Amazon

South Amerind | Pre-Columbian | Tech 2
Chief Tuvano
Diplomacy: City of Tapayana [f],
Imperialism: Built a new port city of Tapayana in Tapayos, and a few more PWBs in a region.

Chief Tuvano ordered a new city constructed in the region of Tapayos and had some PWBs built in Tirimcuru. Meanwhile a leader of his died of a strange jungle disease - wasting away in a matter of months, racked by strong fever and swelling pustules.

POSTSCRIPT: (For those who read the whole newsfax...)

The life of man is like a game with dice; if you don't get the throw you want,
you must show your skill in making the best of the throw you get.

-- Terence

Copyright © 2008 Lords 27