Lords of the Earth 


The Age of the Crusades

Turn 33

1161 ~ 1165 Anno Domini
521 ~ 525 in the year of the Hegira
1768 ~ 1772 years since the birth of Guatama Buddha Sakyamuni

Hi – almost gave up on this but I’ve decided to put some effort in and get the turn out. If you stay with me I will endeavour to get turns out at least monthly but hopefully quicker than that. Also, I’m not going to charge anything until we get to around 10 players or I feel that I’ve got grips with the game again – so you early starters will get it all for free. There’s also an issue with previous payments and that’ll have to get sorted out sometime.


Remember, I’ve initially cut the map back to just Western Europe with some Non-Player nations at the edges. If all goes well I’ll expand out from here and maybe add some other core areas such as China.

So if you’re up for it then drop me an email at (steve.brunt@wi-cca.com , stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk or the throneworld one) and we’ll get started. Old players of the open nations get first choice.


Oh, and one last thing, the Uighurs are here…


Announcements and items of note

Feudal Leaders: OK, it has always been my habit/policy to not list feudal leaders in your leader section, but, instead, insist that when you want to use them and their troops that you note in your orders that you are "calling them to service" and then and only then would you get to know their leader ratings and troops. Well.....the new STATS program that we use for Lords processing sometimes lists a FA leader in the leader section if a region turns FA...so, I am going to list FA leaders in this case and try and list all FA leaders...so, if you have an FA region but the FA leader isn't listed, just let me know and I'll correct the stats and list them. 

Leader army numbering: I will be changing the numbering scheme of leaders in the near future  (something like single digits for royal family leaders, 10-19 for lieutenants, and 20-30 for allied, or something like that...) 

Leader conditionals in case of invasion:  If a situation occurs in which a nation is invaded and the capital or homeland is threatened, and the leaders of that nation are off doing other stuff, what happens? Do they return to save the nation? To deal with this situation, and so as to avoid any chance I might resort to "second guessing" a player, I do the following: I make a combat stat check for each leader to see if they return with their troops to the capital to try to defend it. Otherwise, they continue on with whatever orders they had been originally given. The king will automatically return however. Note that all of this applies *only* in those cases where the player has not given conditional orders for their leaders. 

Leader precedence: In those cases where there are multiple leaders with armies fighting together, unless otherwise specified, the main leader will be determined by rank. Thus, the main leader will first be the king (if present), then the heir, then the princes in (descending) order of age. After that (if there are only Lieutenant type leaders) then the one with the highest combat rating will be in charge. 

Death of leaders during a turn: If a leader dies during the turn, I generate a new leader then and there right after they died, and have the new leader complete their planned actions. If it really matters, like during a war where every action point matters, I will have a delay of 1-12 AP (1d12)  for the replacement leader to come "on-scene."

Historicity: Sometimes, when you get new leaders, I will give them names that are historical. This can sometimes happen even if you give them names, since I feel it adds something to the game. If you *really* want to give your leaders non-historical names, that's fine, I guess, just let me know. Also, just so you know, names that are clearly dorky, well, I reserve the right to modify them slightly so the game just doesn't seem silly.   

New World Results: This is the news for the Old World. The New World is run currently not open for play. 

The Maps: The maps need to be updated. I know. I and others are working on it.

The Schism: The Schism in Catholicism is technically over, due to events this turn. This does not mean that the religion is monolithic once again, nor that its troubles are over, but the Paris Papacy has been forced back into the fold, so to speak. It survives as the Anacletan Order, which is, admittedly, somewhat hostile to Rome but has been forced to acknowledge that the Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. 

MAXTAX: MAXTAX is in effect, it is set at 2.5. this means that regions and cities with more than one owner (for example, if an Open Nation, a Religious Primate, and a Religious Order all have some status in the region or city) would proportionately share the tax and NFP revenues of the region/city up to the maximum tax setting.

Other campaign 24 Old World specific rules...Are listed on the website, under "Rules and Clarifications" at http://www.throneworld.com/lords/lote24/rules.html. I recommend looking at them, since although the L24 specific rules and clarifications are not listed on this newsfax, they all still remain in force and "not seeing them on the newsfax" is not an acceptable reason for not knowing about them.

How to make your GM happy (PLEASE READ! REALLY!):

Please send any and all Lords24 correspondence to lords24gm@throneworld.com .

Thanks go out to: 

Everyone for putting up with the long delay in getting this turn out.  


Turns are currently five (5) years long. Base tax rate is 100%. 
Infantry (200 men = 1 point), Cavalry (200 men = 1 point), Siege Engineers (200 men = 1 point), Warships (2 ships = 1 point), Transports (2 ships = 1 point). 


The Lords Twenty-Four homepage is at: 

All of the on-line resources, including order forms, mailing lists and web-sites for Lords of the Earth are summarized on this page: 

You can subscribe to the Lords 24 mailing list by pointing your web-browser at: 
…and following the instructions on that page.


At the moment the turns are free..

We are using the latest base rulebook whatever that is

Turn 34 Orders due by

December 3rd 2007

Here is what you need to do for your orders for this next turn:

Without further ado, the news for these years in Lords 24 history...

Scandia and the Out Isles



Saxon Kingdom of England

(Roman Catholic, Anglo-Saxon)

Court: Sussex

Spared the vicissitudes of conflict and famine, James of England took stock of his domain and enjoyed the fruits of peace. His two sons were married amongst much pomp and ceremony to the young daughters of the Earl of Northumbria.


Western Europe


Das Deutches Konigsreich

(Roman Catholic, Old High German)

Court: Saxony

The entire court of the Holy Roman Empire travelled south to Bohemia with the intention of bringing the powerful Dukedom back into the Empire’s secure embrace. Marriages of state and much gold were offered to the Czech’s and negotiations were well underway when the news everyone had feared was brought west from the scattered remnants of the Dukes’ army fleeing from Austria. The Uighurs had taken the eastern province and now pushed into Bohemia itself.  Even the prowess of Barbarossa himself could not stop the slaughter of the German army. Joseph fled north with his son and court and sweated out the inevitable.


Principality of Salerno

(Roman Catholic, Italic)

Court: Campania

Marco Silvio spent these years stating to pull the scattered remnants of the Princedom back together. Scungili the Younger took the opportunity to exploit the Savoy apathy to escape his jailors and return home. The docks of Calania were overrun by Salernese marines, liberating the town from the Venetian yoke.


The Uighur Horde

(Asiatic Pagan, Turkic)

Court: Horde camp

Thakir saw the rich lands of the west and smiled a grim smile. These lands would be his for the taking and the last thing the weaklings would see will be his men taking their wealth and daughters. First the tribes of Slovaks and their allies came under his control and before he turned Austria and the west.