Campaign Twenty-Four

Age of the Crusades



Turn 31

Anno Domini 1151 – 1155


Turn 32 Orders Due By           May 21st, 2003




For the time being please use stephenbrunt@yahoo.co.uk for all correspondence on the New World.


If anyone has some Americana pictures – pre-Columbus – I’d appreciate it for the website/fax.


Please read the Campaign Notes before plaguing the GM with questions.



The News



North America


Valley of the Yokuts (North American Pagan, Eagle’s Nest)

Shining Scales, Valley-Lord, Son of Bear-Killer

Diplomacy  Serrano (ne)

      Shining Scales was back in charge. A flurry of activity in the valleys of the Yokuts saw not only the new city of Scorpion Pass built in Serano but a road joining it to the Eagle’s Nest. Shining Scales saw to it that every village and town in his mighty nation was assessed and the value of every building, goat and squash farm counted.


The Hohokam (North American Pagan, Naco)

Tawa, Speaker to Thunder-beasts

Diplomacy  None

      Hunted, fished, planted some squash plants.


The Sioux People (North American Pagan, Bufalo)

Nawanda, "The First"

Diplomacy  None

      A time of consolidation for Nawanda and to reflect on the satisfying greatness of his domain.


The Dakota Tribes (North American Pagan, Mankato)

Crazy Dog

Diplomacy  None

      Minded their own business.


The Haudenosaunee (North American Pagan, None)

Chondote, Proud Chief, Stone-Stick, Lord of the Ongwehonweh

Diplomacy  None

      Minded their own business.


The Huron Canadians (North American Pagan, Oh Canada!)

White Wolf, Chief of the Guyandot

Diplomacy  Ottawa(t)

      Minded their own business.


The Moundbuilders (North American Pagan, Cahokia)

Crow-Horse, Lord of Illini, Master of Michigamea, Spear-master

Diplomacy  Scioto (ne), Adena (a)

      Crow-Horse was determined to bring Scioto into the fold but despite his endeavours little progress was made in the region. Running-bear had greater success in Adena, almost despite the assistance of the Erie chief.


The Atakapa Councils (North American Pagan, Ayoel)

Heap of Birds, Reed-Lord

Diplomacy  No Effect

      Minded their own business.


The Echota Confederation (North American Pagan, Echota)

Nottley, Wind-Holder

Diplomacy  None

       Minded their own business.


Central America


TzinTzunTzan (Meso-American, TzinTzunTzan)

Tz'yu, Huey Quetzl

Diplomacy  Tepuztec (t)

      Small investments were made in a postal road between Cuyutec and Tarascan – little more than a track in the forest at the moment. Some small effort was also made to clear the scrubland around the city of TzinTzunTzan itself. Tz’yu met with the envoys from Zapotec and finally decided to throw in his lot with the southerners – it would give him more time to hunt and anyway.


Zapotec Kingdom of Mitla (Meso-American, Mitla)

Tzintzunotzlin , Son of Sky-Wheel-Speaker

Diplomacy  TzinTzunTzan (incorporated)

      Now was the time, TzinTzunottzlin spent long hours with Pachamatl and Xamtlac on the issue of TzinTzunTzan. No longer would he stand for Tz’yu’s careless ways – his envoys must persuade the wayward ruler to join with the Zapotec once and for all. To his relief Pachamatl managed to bring it off and the Tzin would now be managed directly from Mitla. TzinTzunottzlin was pleased to be rid of old Maime – supposedly Tz’yu had decided not to marry the princess himself but had hoisted her of to some potentate in Cuyutec.


The Triple Alliance (Méxica) (Meso-American, Tiacopan)

Eight Deer, King of the Tiacopan, Lord of Texcoco and Tula

Diplomacy  None

      Minded their own business.


Chichen Itze (Meso-American, Chichen Itze)

Zerdan, Priest King of the Maya

Diplomacy  None

      Minded their own business..


The Inca Coast

Land of the Moon-Cult


The Moon Kingdom of Quito

Pocomoc II, Moon Prince of Valdivia, Lord of the Moon Cult, Listener to the Great Eye, Eater of the Moon-Pie


Diplomacy  None

      Minded their own business.



The Chimu Kingdom of Chanchan

Viracocha, The Young Sun

(South Amerind

Diplomacy  Ataura(t), Huari(a)

      Moche grew in size, the walls were torn down and reused in the expansion of the city. Nicaro was released to the Quito – who properly failed to take charge of the city and region of Nicoya.  Kuzal was blessed with a young son but at the cost of his young wife. Akkha-Nitak and Varne-Nazca headed to Ataura to persuade the local rulers to join with the greatest nation of all America!



Amehu the Fambly-Man, Lord of the City of Seven Walls

(South Amerind

Diplomacy  None

      Minded their own business.


The Araucania Warrior-tribes

Tiku, Master of Swords, Lord of Mapuch, the Uniter, The Potent

(South Amerind

Diplomacy  None

      Minded their own business.

