Lords of the Earth XXIII
(Turn 2: Year 1005 to 1010)
The Final Battle

Turn 3 is due:February 8th, 2002

GM Notes, Announcements and Rants:

1.) Thank you all for participating in this campaign and for your patience and for the educational experince this is and will continue to be.

2.) Before anyone asks, I have, and will in the future round up or down to the nearest whole number or .5 gp value. For example, if you have 1.7 gp value saved at the end of the turn, it will be rounded down to 1.5 gp. If you have 2.3 gp value saved at the end of the turn, it will be rounded up to 2.5 gp. This is down just for my ease of book keeping.

3.) Please, if you're going to make conditional orders, make them clear. If I'm given too much lee-way, my devious little mind wakes up, regardless of the level of medication.

4.) If any one would like to have material posted that they have prepared, please do so...once again, if I'm left to my own devises(see bullet point "3"), who knows...but you can ask the Hellespont Emperor what I mean.

5.) In this game wives are like they should be in real life, there, but not listed. If my wife reads this, one of you typed this in. Essentially, if you want a wife, you have a wife. If you need it listed somewhere, let me know.

6.) Thank you all again for your patience.

Clarification of some rule modifications or out right changes:
-Trade: Please see addenda on Suppliment Page, 2.16 for start up cost. IF these cost aren't paid, the route, while on paper, will not generate revenue.
-Mercenarys will become available after turn 5. Please see rule addenda 5.4.7 for any questions about this matter.
-Hordes will be delay past turn 10 for playibility.
-Tech levels v. Builds: Please review addenda 5.4.2.

Throne Enterprises Home Page can be found at: http://www.throneworld.com/lords/index.html
All Throneworld questions may be directed to our creator:
Thomas Harlan
4858 East 2nd Street
Tucson, AZ 85711-1207

The Far East:

Diplomacy: Kwanto - F
In the 7th year of Hamagoto's reign, Emperor Hamagoto was pleased to announce to his subjects that a male heir was delivered into the realm by his beloved wife, the Queen.
On onther note, an impressive display of governmental efficency culimnated in the complete incorporation of Kwanto into the Japanese Empire. Chroniclers would later note that possibly, the source of inspiratrion was from the timing of his first son's birth. Whatever the reason, there was no doubt as to the ultimate outcome and is possibly an example to come of the Raising Sun in the Far East.

The Khemer Kingdom:
Diplomacy: Champa - A, Siam - C.
A population explosion, resulting from careful administration ocurred in Khemer as the Capitol, Ankgor continued to grow, easily remaining the largest city in the world. Caught in the population surge, the king, Ieng Sary, did his part and brought into the kingdom a male heir.

On the international front, contiued efforts in Champa brought a full alliance, further binding the ties of national bonds between the two. Domestically, other than the near un-natural growth rate, some minor regional projects were completed. Ever the mindful sort, the Agricultural Minister reminded the king that large nations need to be feed. While there is no cause for alarm for now, he remarked that a watched pot never boils over. Fiscally speaking, the proud nation became truely enlightened when they threw off the spectre of a slave-based economy to a city-based economy, more focused upon guilds.

The Zhuang Kingdom
Diplomacy: Nanling - F.
Not to be out done by his Island neighbor to the north, or by his neighbor to the south, Cheng Huang-ti took a comely bride from the region of Nanling. While some observes held this action cynically, most in the area were pleased to be tied so closely to the throne. Finalizing the formal ties was the delivery of a male heir, and two daughters, each 10 months apart. Taken as a good omen from the God, Cheung-Ku celebrations of the union were enjoyed by all.

Enjoying the wave of support, trade routes were populated with merchants and revenues began to flow into the royal coffers, to help continue the regional agrocultrue program started. Unfortunately, an accountant made a slight error and the requistion for additional troops was abbreviated, as it was learned that there were too few funds to fill the order. The manpower alloted went peacefully back to the villages they were pulled from...this time.

The Jade Dragon
Diplomacy: Kendri - F, Tawain - NT.
Recipicating the trade from the Zhuang Kingdom, The Jade Dragon both allowed merchants from their neighbor across the seas and sent merchants to sell its wares to the grateful people of Kwangsi. Kendri was brought under the Ageis of the Jade Dragon and the people celebrated long into the night. Talks in Tawain, however, were not as fruitful. Some suspected that some agency attempted to bribe the renowned Jade, Diplomat of exceptional gift. Whether or not true, no bribe was accepted, Jade remained on task, but Tawain, at the far reaches of the Empire, was bulking the advances of the Jade Dragon.

Internally, some moderate improvements were engineered including some regional terra-forming enhacements. Ever diligent, the Defense Minister mustered some support for additional naval forces. Still no bride could be found for the Green Dragon, Heir to the throne. Responsibilities of his position make things at this time very difficult for such endeavors.

Northern China (Honan)
No turn received.

Central China (Szchewan)
No turn received.

The Republic of India
Diplomay: Madurai - F.
Practicing a philospohy based in secular foundations, the King encouraged a more lax view towards the Hindu dieties. More bemused than inspired, the people were none-the-less more than happy to have a 5 day work week and agreed to follow the king in his studies. Advisers close the the family however went off the record to insist that this "new thinking" was in fact divinely inspired in a Mono-theistic nature from several fitful dreams about a man named, "Donald?" and his vacation trip with or to his child? that the royal family jointly, well mostly, shared...in one form or another. Such is the nature of dreams and rumors. After completing an exhaustive construction project to enhance even more the already bountiful harvests recently experienced in Southern India, the Minister of the Interior remarked dryly to the wrong person that "The Republic of India" was actually a feudal structured governement and asked, "if we're a Republic, where is the senate then?" Not amused and already cranky about the lack of sleep at night, King Sanji Pantek employed an easily remembered teaching of the Hindu God of Law and had the hapless Minister summilary executed. A state-sponsered newspaper commented on the wave of examples being made of various Ministers in this SE Asia area and wondered if the government cleansing would carry over into the remaining regions of the world? This reporter's whereabouts are presently unknown.

Diplomatic efforts in Madurai were quickly settled and were gladly enjoined to the "Republic of India."

The Kingdom of Juanpar
No turn received.

The Middle East:

Diplomacy: Khwarzim - C, Bactari - NT, Ferghana - NT.
With the focus of establishing a royal line to inherit his life's work, King Kara Chethosk travelled into the rural communities to find a pure bride. He didn't travel far before as fate would have it; when a snaped axle on the royal carriage forced an unschedule stop. Staying in a local inn, the King became smitten with the daugther of the owner and made arrangements to marry the queen-to-be. In the typical storybook tale, the couple lived quite happily and the were pleased to announce that in the 3rd year of their marriage, after one misfortunate miscarriage, a strong, healthy baby boy was delivered.

Attempting to stretch the influence of Kara-Khitia, King Kara Chethosk dispatched Kegu on a diplomatic mission. The differing cultures caused for several obstacles and greatly hindered diplomatic ventures. Not disappointed, Kegu reported back that prosepts for the future were quite bright, if they remained diligent. There some rumblings of discontent that Bactria and Ferghana losing some court favor and looked to distance themselves from the crown.

The Babylon Empire
Diplomacy: Abadan - NT, Aleppo - FA, Kuwait - NT, Carhae - FA.
On his 15th birthday, the nation eagerly awaited the upcoming celebration. October 3rd, (a saturady) the boy prince was formally and officaly appointed the Crown Prince of the Realm. Annointed with this mantle, the Young Qirwash remained b very close to his father's side to learn the tools of the trade.

In the energetic attempt to acheive defensible bordes, Leaders were dispatched with a sense of urgency, North, South and West. Cosidering the far-flung excercise, the overall success was, well, successful. The western orienated efforts encountered the like-minded efforts of the Hellespont Empire. The Hellespont Diplomat decided that discretion was the better part of valor, lacking a alternative, handed over a hastily constructed border-agreement and alliance. Not having the premission to conduct such talks, the Babylon leader isntructed that this letter would be sent to the court in Mesopotamia.

.Talks of a trade route being opened initally drew much interests, but this interest faded with time as the local merchant block determined that there was no financial backing from the royal court, as of yet

The Hellespont Empire
Diplomacy: Dobruja - FA, Attica - T, Cilicia - NT.
Gallipollianus, the unrivalled king of the newly renamed, Hellespont Emipre (formerly known as the Byzantine Empire) decreed that he will from this day on, all recorded events will refer to his person as the "Wonderous Philospher King." When one less-than-savy minor court offical chortled briefly and rolled his eyes after hearing of the announcement, he, in the presence of the "wonderous philoshper king," was afforded the priveledge of being the first subject to experience an state-sponsored period of reflection of his folly...albeit while hanging upside down in a boiling pot. Long after the screams ended, the king, with several of his more seasoned advisors debated if the now deceased example of the "wonderous philospher king's" new approach in life would continue to reflect upon his folly in the after life. Conclusion of this opinion is not finalized yet, pending the dispostion of the king.

On hearing of the new enlightened imperial ruler in Troy, the people of Attica, Dobruja and Cilicia received the envoys of the Hellespont Emipre with varying degrees of success.

Realizing that the luxary of philosphing comes most often on the back of a well-trained army, the king placed an emphasis on developing a well-trained, finely tuned fighting force.

Sent originally to scout the area of Aleppo, Domitian, the talented diplomat from Troy discovered that Aleppo was already committed to the Babylon Empire, and in fact had largely completed the foundations of a new city, Hama, there. Domotian quickly determined that political sensitivity was required and sought an auidence with the local Babylon leader. Little time could be spared and Domotian, not to be distracted, hand-crafted a letter of exceptional eloquence stating that an agreement about the borders of the two nations be drawn here between Aleppo and Cilicia. Qiuckly arranged discussions in Cilicia gave the Hellespont Empire a position to negotiate from.

The Numbulan Alliance
Diplomacy: Djibuti - T.
Concentrating on only a couple issues, King No Name, looked to matters of domestic importance. However, knowing that a growing nation is a healthy nation, Djibuti was courted, and much success was realized. Look as though he might, affairs of the state really kept the king from finding a bride and no prince is on the horizion...yet.

The Kingdom of Egypt

Diplomacy: Sinai - FA
In the ninth year of King Alrek's reign, his queen bore him a son. His son, a strong healthy baby impressed the court with his loud cries to be fed. Overcome with the emotion of being a new father, the king displayed exceptional generosity in announcing a celebration to last throughout the flooding season. The people were rejoiced.

The only one not rejoiced however, was a fairly talent-less lackey cousin of the queen who got mantle of a national leader due to his relation to the court. Tasked with completing a census, a fact doubly difficult by not really knowing how to read or write, Jo-Dahk displayed amazing focus and by sheer force of will, remained on task and completed the census, despite himself and the celebrations.


South Africa
No turn received

Diplomacy: Malawi - T, Mombassa - NT, Makura -FA.
Not to be leave any matter unresolved, the Warrior-King (to be named later) married and quickly protected his line of succession and announced that his new wife bore unto him strapping baby boy.

With that off his mind, he set about putting his grand plan into action. First personally overseeing the additional regional agrocultrual projects, he engineered some moderate advancements as arigation ditches brought some much needed fresh water to the dry areas. Not finished with that, the King also requisitioned 500 guards to proctect his new projects. Also, needing to increase his governmental capacity, the King invested heavily into upgrading his staff to accomodate his plan for ruling his kingdom.

To give him land and subjects rule over, he sent diplomats bearing pledges of support for there alliegencies. He realized that such works were long in the making.

Diplomacy: Benin - NT, Yoruba - F, Ife - EA.
The love bug bit in Western Africa as the king (also to be named named later) took a (presumed) local bride and enjoyed, rather much, the honeymoon. Shortly afterwards, the couple announced a boy and girl were born. Looking to drag his kingdom into a urban based economy, the king order the construction of a city in Yoruba. The inhabitants, enjoying the opportunity to be able to call a city, Ouidah, theirs, they sent confirmation seeking full incorportation into the Kingdom of Togo. Obviously, they were accepted.

Sending his brother to Ife to develop stronger ties, the Heir took a bride and encountered similar marital bliss. The coupling of an Ife tribal princess further cemented the relations between Togo and Ife. Crossing the Niger River, a court diplomat was given an auidence to speak to the tribal elder. While talks went on amicably, the diplomat reported that they (Benin) would like to see a city constructed in their land too.

Diplomacy: Nia Nia - A, Leuru - T.
The King, Dargen, proved to be a charmingly inept diplomat, but a well meaning one as he searched for a bride in Nia Nia. While the search for a bride was unsuccessful, the people were charmed that the king personally took an interest in the lands and plegded loyalty to the King. He had a surprise in store for him upon his return though.

As irony would have it, while not looking and simply taking care of courtly matters, listening to peasants complaining, as they always do, a beautiful young girl came to speck on behalf of her ailing father. Evidently, her father's neighbor knowningly sold him some infected cattle and refused to refund the purchase. On hearing her pleas, the Heir, Mbala, ordered the arrest of the scoundrel and to have him brought to the palace to defend these charges. Not have done a credible job of defending the obviously true charges, the sly neighbor was ordered to payback double the cost as a lesson. Later that year, the Heir and the girl were married, and produced a baby girl.

Meanwhile, on another diplomatic mission, Qulu found a suitable bride from a weathy family and arranged for her to be ceromonously escorted to the palace. This assisted the talks of allegency to the throne. Affairs of the heart occurred before the bride-to-be arrived, but when she did, some quick thinking by Mbala worked nicely. Already hearing of the difficulty that the King had in Nia Nia, he informed the bride-to-be that she would in fact be Queen upon the return of the King. Not surprisingly, she was onlu too happy to be agreeable to the new arrangements.

Upon returning to the Palace, King Dargen, not looking the gift horse in the mouth, quickly staged a wedding, which went off with out hitch, but it was already too late in the year to consider children, maybe next year?


Diplomacy: Morroco - T, Estremadura, A, Valencia - H.
Taking literally from biblical passages (odd, since it's a Pagan nation...the one about going forth and be fruitful...?) King Hector I organized a massed merchantile movement and sent his merchants all over the Atlantic and far eastern Med coasts. If there was a port, the boys from Andalusia elbowed their way in and set up shop. All except the the expediation to Savoy, where they actually got there before a new city was completely constructed. As the contractor from Savoy discovered, there is nothing more irritating than an Andalusian merchant waiting to make a profit. Even with there offers to help.

On the Diplomatic front, the Crown Heir, Victor, the proud national hero what staved off their agressive Northern neighbor to secure Andalusia's national border was sent forth into Morocco and found a territory agreeable enough and who listened, uninterupted to his persausive words and found a local bride to claim as his. However, try as they might, no children were born unto the couple for the presence. Understanding that relations could be set back if he divorced, Victor was content to continue to try. Further efforts in Estremudura were very benifical as the King took a bride from the region, sired a male child and improved the relations between the two appreciatebly. A good day all-around.

On a side note, negotations with Navarre conceeded Andalusian interests in Valencia. This caused some confusion amongst the population. Families had lost members in what they were told was the defense of thier national interests. Valencia was especially angered as they sacrificed there army to stave off the uninvited intrusion. The remaining Valencian nobles pledged revenge.

Diplomacy: Valencia - PT, Gascony - FA, Aquitaine - NT, Languedoc - PT.
Well protected in the mountain fortress behind the tall walls of the Pyrenees Mountains on the side of Pic de Nethuo, the ever calm King Sancho Garces displayed an anazing grace in his disappointment. "How could the Valencians deny him?" Re-equiping his talented brother with 500 more highly trained Cavalry soldiers, he ordered Alfonso Garces to complete the task he set out on previously. "if they resist, eliminate the eldest son in each family." Fortunately, with no standing army, the Andalusion deseration of their lands, Valencians had no choice but to capitulate. After dispatching a small force to remain behind to control the potentially unruly population, Alfonso Garces travelled north in Languedoc and subjucated its people, with at much difficulty when it's small army was swept aside with no losses of their own. Leaving a small force behind, Alfonso Garces returned to the comfortable surroundings of home to a well deserved rest.

Baldomero Espartero travelled to the lands to Navarre's north and found some minor success in his talks with the people of these regions, developing stronger ties with those in Guscany, which swear fealty to the crown of Navarre. Word of his travels preceding him into Provence, which turned out to no more than a sight-seeing venture.

At the conclusion of his first ten years on the throne, Sancho was pleased, and smiled the slow, patient smile of a man seeing his destiny unfold in front of him, likeing what he saw. So much so, that two children were born unto him from his wife, a boy and a girl.

The Exarchy of Milan
Diplomacy: Liguria - A, Tuscany - NT, Latium - C, Romagna - NT.
King Cesare planned a busy schedule. Inspired by the introduction of the Catholic religion from the north, King Cesare pledged not to be slothful. He ordered a city built in Liguria and named it Genoa. This construction project was immesureable in his diplomatic efforts there. Staying there a little longer than he intended, it was decidedly benifical none-the-less. Taking the entire court on this whirlwind tour of the lands in the south, the size of his court, the length of time spent wisely in Liguria slowed his progress into the south, and the further that he travelled, preaching national unity, the less effective it was. Running short of time, he decided to leave the rest of the lands to future endeavors and returned home, exhausted, and somewhat satisfied. An untroubled monarch, is a happy monarch.

The Kingdom of France
Diplomacy: Anjou - EA,
Robert (pronounced Row-Bear) the Fair Spent his time seeing to matters of the court and while reviewing recent historical documents, he discovered that a trade route that was ordered and actively employed, but not listed amongst the economic minister's royal reports. However, some surreptitious investigations discovered yet another state minister quilty of something. Wanting to set an example that would carry over for the next generations, Robert the Fair displayed a wicked sense of humor, ordering the Minister to be tied to the stern of a trading vessel and "towed" the legnth of the route he was embezzliing from. His body was not recovered from the English Channel. With that down, Robert settled down into other matters, saving some time to turn that French Charm on his wife and continued to produce children, but no male heirs.

Henri, brother of Robert, traveled to Anjou, and engaged in discusssions about why it would be beneficial to develope a sense of nationalistic identity. Largely swayed, the people agreed to first develop strong economic ties and then see how much a benefit it would be to thier wallets before any thing else happened.

Robert the Fair ordered a local Lord from Normany to maintain a vigil over the nation, ever prepared for the unexpected, which never happened.

The Kingdom of England
Diplomacy: Northumbria: - A, Mercia - NT. Cornwall - NT
Travelling to Northumbria to personally oversee his newest pet project of New Castle, Christopher, King of England, spent his time wisely discussing matters of State with the landed Gentry there. Impressed with the construction of a major port in the pleasant lands, the Gentry agreed to an alliance with the King. Gregory, Robert and John, relations of the king were sent to bordering regions with the same intent, but met with much less success.

Major regional improvements were made through out Sussex, nearly maximizing its potential.

---- Northern England-----
Reports from fisherman going to Sweden and Southern England reported smoke and strange lights come from the Northen English coast, an area long known to be unpopulated. The events quite unsettled the seasoned sailors who had, they proclaimed, stared sea-dragons in the eye and walked (well sailed at least) away. What could it possibly mean?

Diplomacy: Alsasce - NT, Thuringia - FA
Messenger of King Wolfgang, Lord Baldric travelled attempting to locate the king a bride, ahead of his visits to the lands of Alsace and Thuringia, met surprising resistance to his natural charm. Only when the king and his court arrived were the people moved grudginly to accept some royal claim from the Bavarian Crown. A bride was secured for Wolfgang, the union produce only a single male hier. No bride was found for the King's brother, Lord Eric. The court collectively shrugged its shoulders, chalking the difficulty in establishing further relations to odd local quirks. Wolfgang, thinking of the future, ordered Eric to remain behind and learn more to ease negotiations.

While the king was travelling abroad, the specifications left to be completed in his absence, were confusing and overstated. Upon returning, he was informed about the difference in requests and realistically acheived goals. Surprisingly, the king accepted the responsibilty, sparing the life of the Minister of the Interior.

The Kingdom of Holland
Diplomacy: Denmark - FA
Sending messengers expressing apologies for the misunderstand in Demark between the gracious monarch in Sweden, when clear thinking was applied, the two glorius nations of Holland and Sweden mutually agreed to divide the region of the Baltic into spheres of influence. Sweden conceded the southern lands to Holland's control as the Dutch agreed to acknowledge Swedes sovereignty in the northern lands. With that sorted out, thankfully, King Axel travelled to Demark and spelled out the terms of this and future negotiations. Civil War was threatened by the faction peferring Swedish rule, but with a personal pledge to name the off-spring of the Demark/Dutch marriage of King Axel to a comely local noble lass, future heir and crown prince when of age did much to smooth over the troubled feelings. Several children were born to the newly married couple, but no male heirs.

Upon returning to his palace, King Axelwas able to witness the conclusion of the regional projects in his lands, and was assured that no further work could be completed here, not with out additional advances with techniques in farming. There as many windmills as could be built.

A less advertised event was the departure of a Lieutenant of the Realm, Wout. Of questionable talent and loyality, Kng Axel oily requested that Wout go north and charting and maping the many islands of the North Seas. While of questionable courtly talents and even more questionable loyalities Wout gathered materials seemingly inteding to comply with the kings wishes. Once the king was gone however, Wout, pilfered the royal treasury and convinced 500 followers to travel with him and set up an indepdent kingdom. Loading his followers on to ships, Wout was last seen on the stern of the last ship leaving the harbor, laughing manically, screaming his earthly revenge on the crown, by what ever means that he had available to him as he too faded into the English Channel fog travelling northwards. Upon returning, King Axel causually dismissed the actions and was simply glad to be rid of the corrupting influence on his fair court.

The Roman Catholic Church
Ecclesiastical Constructs: Savoy - Ch, Bavaria - Ch, Ille de France - Ab, Provence - Ca.
For the success that the church enjoyed recently, they did it with an economy of action. Backing up where the left off, Pope ? founded an Abbey, negotiated a small national tithe from the favored people of France and then travelled Bavaria, where a church was opened to praise God in his glory. The results were so completely impressive, a learned man was annointed by the Pope with the vestments of a minor Bishopric in the Papacy.

Undertaking a mission that could have destroyed lessor men, the Arch-Bishop of the Papacy travelled south, into the lands of Provence, and building upon the works already there, completed the most wondorous Cathedral known to man. After the exhaustive work in Provence, knowning that slothfuness is a deadly sin, he set about traveling to Savoy to start the ground work of ecclesiastical endeavors there by consecrating a church. The preception by the general public was that these two men were indeed God's representatives and there story seems to precede them where ever they go.

The Kingdom of Poland
Diplomacy: Kauyavia - FA.
With little going on, the King simply ordered a census to be completed, a small diplomatic mission to Kauyavia and some minor regional improvements. Settling down for the long race, the king listen often to an interesting fable about the Grasshopper and the Ant.

The Kingdom of Sweden
Diplomacy: Smaland - FA
Withdrawing from the confusion of Denmark, King Anders retreated back to his homeland to reflect about the dealings of nations, and decided it was best to pursue a course of isolationism. With that in mind, he simply focused upon matters of internal significance. His wife and he were pleased to announce their second male child.

The Russian Empire
Diplomacy: Kiev - FA, Kriviton - A, Pereaslavl - C.
Establishing traditions that would long be followed, the Czar, Pavel Provalov decided that home security was the call for today and he devloped a city militia force of 800 hundren young men. Appreciating that a feed army is a a happy army, Pavel order the regional projects halted by his father to be taken back up, by ordering the opening of several locations in Moscow that would feed, house and bath the new militia.

He sent his brother, Oleg and his first cousin, Sergey Golovko to the nearby lands to provide them the opportunity to join in the wave of nationalism sweeping Mother Russia. Seeing examples of the peaceful, if not oppressive rule of Pavel, and realizing that what was not his already could become his by force, never implied though, the regions of Kiev and Kriviton fell into line with more ties. The ground work for future diplomatic overtures was laid in Pereaslavl also.

The Latvian Empire
No turn received.

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