Dalai Lama
Katoomba Riders
Lu'an China
United States of Asia
Lords of the Earth
Campaign Twenty
ISI | Rulebooks
| Twenty-isms
| Maps
| Archive
| Background | Control
List | Free
Turn was |
(AD 1101-1105) |
40 shipped |
July 3rd, 2002 |
41 orders are due |
Orders are received |
News: Monday 10 October, 2002
Back at work on the turn. Extended delays due to a variety of events
from work to school.
My final research paper for Aircraft and
Spacecraft Development class for those who wish to see what caused two
weeks worth of delay on the turn.
Current Openings
See the latest ISI list..
Look for nations that say "OPEN FOR A PLAYER". Pick the highest one
on the list for a boost, the lowest one on the list for a challenge, or
something in between.
Lu'an China, Palas India, Angola, and Dalai Lama are all open.
Several secret empires available in various geozones.
A few horde nations are in imminent need of players.
All openings in Lords Twenty are filled on a first-come first-served
Contact Eddie Efsic, the GM,
via email.
Game Master's Address
Lords 20 c/o Eddie Efsic
1200 Ferrell Dr.
Jacksonville, AR 72076
Turn Fees and Other Costs
Make out all checks out to EDDIE EFSIC for player turns.
You can now pay for turns using PayPal
as well.
Make out all checks to THOMAS HARLAN for rulebooks,
or use the PayPal
on-line service to pay by credit card (in the US, or overseas.)

The Mailing List
Lords20 |
This page has the most recent list of all of the countries
in the campaign, who plays them, their contact information and a military
and economic ranking for each country.
(Campaign-Specific Rules)
The most recent addenda, GM decisions and other blatherings specific to
Lords Twenty are stored here. Please check it each turn to make sure that
nothing that affects your nation has changed.
JPGs of the e-maps are available from this thumbnail page.
This is undergoing major renovation. New maps of the world will
be up this weekend.
The |