Campaign 19, Turn: 00075 |
# | Nation Name | MSI | ESI | Player Name | Phone Number | TV | EMail Address |
1 | The Kingdom of Maghada | 536.1 | 1 | Sam Ullmann | 148.7 | sam/dot/ullmann/at/lmco/dot/com | |
2 | The Duchy of Bohemia | 343.4 | 3 | David Maher | None | 54.3 | eqjuan/at/earthlink/dot/net |
3 | El Reino de Navarre | 301.4 | 8 | (Jorge Chacon) | 54.6 | jorge/dot/chacon/at/gmail/dot/com | |
4 | Al Fatimid Caliphat al Qaira | 300.3 | 18 | John Kuo | 38.5 | kuo/dot/john/at/att/dot/net | |
5 | Le Royaume de France | 274.7 | 6 | Charles Hurst | None | 55.5 | charlesh/at/teleport/dot/com |
6 | Kingdom of Ghana | 269.7 | 5 | George Shrake | 118.8 | Shrake/at/asu/dot/edu | |
7 | Empire of Sri Vijaya | 268.9 | 2 | Kurt Fangmeier | 97.9 | kfangs/at/sbcglobal/dot/net | |
8 | The Toltec Hegemony of Chiche | 246.2 | 19 | Thomas Sleeper | 23.7 | thehornhunter/at/yahoo/dot/com | |
9 | The Veronian Empire | 245.1 | 11 | Shane Phipps | 60.0 | sandphipps/at/comcast/dot/net | |
10 | The Kingdom of Shan'si (Shan) | 235.0 | 14 | Open for a Player | None | 42.1 | None |
11 | The Empire of Nippon | 233.4 | 10 | Scott Nolan | 107.6 | nolan/at/erols/dot/com | |
12 | Golden Samarkhand | 232.3 | 17 | Joel Halfwassen | 23.4 | joel/at/interserv/dot/com | |
13 | The Kingdom of the Svear | 227.1 | 4 | Cameron Reid | 75.3 | creid/dot/mba2001/at/ivey/dot/ca | |
14 | The Oriental Roman Empire | 226.3 | 12 | Open for a Player | None | 40.0 | None |
15 | Kingdom of Hupei (Wei) | 215.4 | 7 | Open for a Player | None | 77.4 | None |
16 | California | 206.6 | 25 | Theodore P. Shannon | None | 57.2 | theodore/dot/p/dot/shannon/at/prodigy/dot/net |
17 | The Buwayid Emirates | 205.7 | 16 | Travis Hussey | 39.1 | send2travis/at/hotmail/dot/com | |
18 | The Hamadid Sultanate | 184.7 | 33 | Open for a Player | None | 12.7 | None |
19 | Maree Bundjalung Hegemony | 182.8 | 28 | Travis Hussey | 59.6 | send2travis/at/hotmail/dot/com | |
20 | The Maghreb Emirate | 166.3 | 9 | Francois Lasalle | 42.9 | francois/dot/lasalle/at/international/dot/gc/dot/ca | |
21 | The Anasazi | 157.3 | 32 | David Bishop | 12.1 | Elvisthetrueking/at/hotmail/dot/com | |
22 | Kingdom of Kwangsi (Kwong) | 154.2 | 21 | Open for a Player | None | 27.0 | None |
23 | Roman Anatolia | 143.8 | 35 | Open for a Player | None | 29.2 | None |
24 | The Kingdom of Honan (Wang) | 142.0 | 15 | Open for a Player | None | 70.6 | None |
25 | The Kingdom of Togo | 127.1 | 30 | Lorne Colmar | 19.9 | l19togo/at/googlemail/dot/com | |
26 | The Kingdom of Poland | 124.6 | 22 | (Lorin Bakke) | 26.6 | Lorinbakke/at/msn/dot/com | |
27 | The Khazar Khanate | 125.4 | 27 | David Cox | 31.0 | the/dot/cottage/at/talktalk/dot/net | |
28 | The Mighty Incan Empire | 124.4 | 34 | David Adams | 206-755-5158 | 18.6 | None |
29 | Saxon England | 122.6 | 20 | Adam Rautio | 26.9 | adamisky/at/hotmail/dot/com | |
30 | The Natchez Confederacy | 114.8 | 40 | Andrew Clark | 11.0 | andrewharmonclark/at/yahoo/dot/com | |
31 | The Duchy of Estonia | 107.9 | 24 | Shawn Molstad | 612-706-2589 | 32.0 | shawnmolstad/at/yahoo/dot/com |
32 | Principality of Muscovy | 107.9 | 26 | (Ralph Happshott) | 19.0 | ralph/dot/happshott/at/gmail/dot/com | |
33 | The Roman Catholic Church | 102.5 | 13 | (Keith St. Louis) | 4.3 | jormungandr/at/excite/dot/com | |
34 | Kingdom of Chola | 98.4 | 31 | Jeffery Smith | 20.4 | kaladan/at/zianet/dot/com | |
35 | Kingdom of Rozwi | 94.3 | 38 | John Kuo | 21.8 | kuo/dot/john/at/att/dot/net | |
36 | Emirate of Aden | 85.8 | 37 | John Petherick | 13.3 | john_e_petherick/at/yahoo/dot/com | |
37 | The Norse Kingdom of Iceland | 85.0 | 29 | Open for a Player | None | 21.6 | None |
38 | Kingdom of Kanem-Bornu | 82.8 | 41 | Keith Stuckmeyer | 8.5 | oaktree1101/at/sbcglobal/dot/net | |
39 | \Kingdom of Jungaria | 71.4 | 44 | Sean Harding | 3.9 | seanharding/at/mchsi/dot/com | |
40 | Kingdom of Pandya | 70.9 | 39 | Open for a Player | None | 21.1 | None |
41 | The Mapuche Nation | 61.7 | 36 | Jim Cochran | 11.2 | jcochran/at/unique-software/dot/com | |
42 | The Kingdom of Shokleng | 62.4 | 43 | Sam Ullmann | 10.7 | sam/dot/ullmann/at/lmco/dot/com | |
43 | The Kingdom of Nyasa | 60.8 | 42 | Ed Montgomery | 12.5 | avidgamer1970/at/yahoo/dot/com | |
44 | The Moluccas Seahold | 60.3 | 23 | (Bill Jarrell) | 334-265-2804 | 21.3 | blljarrell/at/yahoo/dot/com |
45 | The Kingdom of Vaal | 58.7 | 46 | (Bill Jarrell) | 334-265-2804 | 7.6 | blljarrell/at/yahoo/dot/com |
46 | The Mississippian Empire | 49.7 | 45 | Scott Nolan | 10.2 | nolan/at/erols/dot/com | |
47 | Xi-Xia Kaganate | 34.4 | 48 | Khan of the Hsia | 0.6 | hsia/dot/horde/at/gmail/dot/com | |
48 | The Tlingit People | 24.5 | 47 | John Kuo | 5.3 | kuo/dot/john/at/att/dot/net |