Lords of the Earth

Campaign Nineteen

Turn 58

Anno Domini 1186 - 1190

Turn 58 Orders Due By:     Friday, July 15th.  Orders will not be accepted after Midnight MST on Saturday, July 16th.



Contacting & Paying the Referee

I will no longer be taking money directly for turns.  Instead, players sending funds by mail should make all checks payable to Thomas Harlan and send them either to the 2nd Street address or to Thomas’ address, which is:

Thomas Harlan

3210 E. 23rd Street

Tucson, AZ 85713-2261

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4858 East 2nd Street

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Email: ancaric@throneworld.com

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        Please do NOT send payments to my Paypal account, use the one listed above.

Zero and Negative Credit: Consequences

Players at zero or negative credit at the time of deadline or will have a negative balance at the conclusion of processing will not have their orders processed, plain and simple.  So get your orders and payment in before processing starts or life will become very unfair very quickly.  Finally, players with a negative balance are liable to get their country reassigned without notice.  You have been warned.

Rule Changes and Clarifications

        The complete list of rules changes (including the happy stuff on Smallpox) can be found on the Lords 19 page on the Throneworld website.  If you haven’t read them, please do so.  Reading them will save you (and me) a lot of grief.

Japan & the Pacific Rim

The Taira Bakufu

Taira Tankokazu, Daimyo of Kwanto, Shogun of Japan.

Diplomacy    No effect             

        Work on the home islands continued with the postal road from Kwanto and Nigata upgraded to a royal road and Akita being put under cultivation.  A new port, Takaoka was built in Toyama and Edo grew to size 6.  Attempts by Japanese sailors to plumb a route to the Marianas continue to fail spectacularly.

The Moluccas Seahold

Rokaku III, Lord of the Spice Islands

Diplomacy    None.    

        People and materials continue to be shipped into Brunei, in Sarawak, raising the city to a size 2.  New Walls were built around the new port and siege engines were also shipped in.  The harbor in Buku Sulat received some rather odd visitors very late in 1190 when over 50 ships sailed in and their commander requested asylum and pledged loyalty to Rokaku.

The Kingdom of Java

Mingfa Tengku, Beloved of Ganesha

Diplomacy    Sirivjaya, in Palembang (t)

        Mingfa continued his diplomatic work on Sumatra and otherwise kept to himself.

The Maree Kingdom of Australia

Gelar Taree, Prince of Maree

Diplomacy    None     

         Australian colonists swarmed into Eha-Rana and Tih-ar-dha, repopulating them to their old levels.  The cities of Yarram and Kurrara both expanded to size 9 each.

        In late 1188, King Taree died and precipitated a crisis.  While the heir, Gelar was up in the north ensuing that the colonization activities there went smoothly, his younger brother, Kalti, tried to seize power with the help of some of the late king’s advisors.  Fortunately, General Dural remained loyal and retained the loyalty of the troops and Kalti and his co-conspirators were thrown to the Dingoes.  Unfortunately, General Lowan had declared for the rebels and was between Gelar and the capital.  Despite this, Gelar marched against the traitor and pushed him back into Ayr.  Upon hearing news that the coup in the capital had failed and Dural was marching north at the head of a rather large army, Lowan loaded his troops onto his transports and sailed off to the unknown seas to the north.  After quite a bit of mucking around and getting lost a couple of times, Lowna managed to make landfall off the Moluccas where he was quick to swear loyalty to Rokaku.  Meanwhile, Gelar marched into Wollogong in triumph and claimed his inheritance.

The Arikat of Maori

Ghorgon, King of the Southern Islands

Diplomacy    None

        In contrast to these violent events, life in New Zealand was peaceful and serene.


The Kingdom of Shan’si

Xoing the Merciless, King of Shan’si, Watcher of the Northern Marches

Diplomacy    None

        The postal road between Lu’an and Liao-tung was upgraded top a main road.  Parhae was repopulated with friendly Chinese to a (-/6) and two new cities, Xining and Tianshu were raised in Yanzhi and Huang respectively.  Finally, Golden Moon grew to a size 8; Jin’xi to a size 9; and New Inchon to a size 5.

The Kingdom of Hupei

Cao Shen Han, King of Hupei

Diplomacy  Kansu (ea)

        The Great Wall complexes on the western border and around the Kwangsi salient were completed.  In addition, Yantai grew to a size 10 and Quinn to a size 4.

The Kingdom of Kwangsi

Wu Juan, Prince of Kwangsi

Diplomacy    Hainan (f, following Allied leader death)

        Life in the south continued at its usual bucolic pace.  A new road link was built between Kwangsi and Lingtung and Kwangchou and Shantou both increased in size (to 10 and 3 respectively).

Southeast Asia

The Kingdom of Champa

Khavirhan, King of Champa, Lord of Vijaya

Diplomacy None

        Bao Dai decided it would be great fun to smack at his neighbor, little realizing the can of worms he would inadvertently open.

The Kingdom of Kambuja

Anucha, Deveraja of the Kambuja

Diplomacy    Johor (ea)

        The postal road links between Mon and Kedah and Kedah and Perak were upgraded to royal roads.  Angor grew to size 10 and Ranong to size 3.  The cultivation of Johor continued.

        In other events, attempts to enslave the inhabitants of Lampang and Nam Pung continued to fail, with operations in the latter region being particularly bloody.  No sooner had these events occurred, then worse news followed: the Champans were invading.  Bao Dai IV at the head of 46,000 troops swarmed across the Mekong.  The Champans also preceded their attack by sending assassins against officials in the Khemer government and Intel apparatus, reducing the Khemer BL in the process.

        Despite this, Khemer General Suriya was quick to react with his 13,000 troops out of Krug Thep, adding to his host 3,000 troops from the army of Crown Prince Issawa, fresh from his trouncing at the hands of the Lampang.  Suriya and Issawa’s troops met the invaders in battle and delivered a stingin reverse to the Champans.  Bao Dai found himself decisively outgeneraled and driven back across the river in rout.  One of the Champan leaders was taken prisoner (he died later in the turn) and the King himself was wounded, a wound that turned septic and killed him at the end of 1187.

        And then things got really icky.  The surviving Champan commander in Conchin, Jan Tam, had just finished rallying the remains of the army, when word came from the capital.  Seems that Bao Dai’s (the fourth) younger sons had decided to remove their eldest brother, Crown Prince Bao Dai (the fifth) from the throne and give him a new mouth, slitting his throat from ear to ear.  The brothers than fell out among themselves and the youngest, Khavirhan, came out on top, butchering his elder brother and three aunts in the process.  By the time, Jan Tam showed up outside of Vijaya, the city walls were festooned with the strung up corpses of the new King’s enemies.  Not really desiring a civil war at this point, the general duly swore fealty to his new master.  Back in Angor, Anucha giggled like a schoolgirl at the discomfiture of his enemies.  Serves them right!  He opined.


The Kingdom of Maghada

Chitra, Raja of Bengal

Diplomacy    Pundra (t), Bhutan (t)

        Vikram died in early 1188 and was succeeded without incident.  Tz’uk’ai was repopulated with loyal (if uncomfortable) Hindus, who didn’t particularly relish the idea of trading the semi-comfortable lowlands with these mountainous wastes.  The road link between Gtsang and Tz’uk’ai was finished as well.

The Kingdom of Chola

Varun, King of Chola, Lord of Tanjore

Diplomacy    Satava (f)

        Varun ordered a round of new urbanization in the Deccan, with the cities of Hyderabad, Solapur, and Chitradurga being raised (in Satava, Belur and Gangas, respectively).  A road link was built between Manyakheta (in Karnata) and Hyderabad and a fortress was built on the coast of Madurai.

The Pratihara Empire of Kaunaj

Mogli II, Emperor of India

Diplomacy    None

        No orders.

Central Asia

The Kingdom of Jungaria

Alp Arslen, Lord of Karakocho.

Diplomacy    Altai (f)

        Work began on a road link between Jungaria and Karluk.

The Emirate of Samarkhand

Hakim ibn Osman, Emir of Samarkhnad

Diplomacy  Tashkent, in Otarsh (f following allied leader death), Dzambul, in Turkmen (f), Kash (ea)

        The road links between Bandar and Carmania and Kuldja and Karluk (in Jungaria) were completed.  The death of Al-Haji Osman in late 1187 necessitated the return home of his heir Hakim for his coronation.

The Khazar Khanate

Balgitzi, Kagan of Khazar and Saksiny

Diplomacy    None

        Missionary efforts among the Bolgar continued and the postal road between Saksiny and Khazar was upgraded to a royal road.  For news on the Khazar forces in Anatolia see below.

The Near East

The Hamadid Sultanate

Salal al-Hasan, Sultan of Damascus and Protector of the Holy Places

Diplomacy    None

        Salal continued to try to think of new ways to annoy the Christians. 

The Buwayid Emirates

Tajir ibn Ibriham, Emir of Emirs, Protector of the Caliph.

Diplomacy    Azerbaijan (ea, following allied leader death), Basra, in Abadan (ea).

        Arbiliq was but under cultivation and that was about it..

The Emirate of Aden

Sulemain ibn Umar, Emir of Aden and S’ana.

Diplomacy    None

        Sulemain dispatched some 10,000 cavalry into Syria to assist his co-religionists.

Eastern Europe

The Eastern Roman Empire

Constantine Paulos, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Diplomacy    No effect.

        Constatine raised more troops for the rapidly deteriorating situation abroad.  On the domestic front, Varna grew to size 10 and Orthodox missionaries completed the conversion of Ialomita and Ludgorie to the True Faith.  They then began spreading the word among the Pechnegs.  See below for the war stuff.

The Principality of Muscovy

Oleg I, Boyar of Muscovy

Diplomacy    Kiev (a), Kyiv, in Kiev (ea)

        In a massive effort to win back the allegiance of the Kievans, Ivan and the entire Muscovite court descended on the region and city with bribes, inducements, and offers.  Although successful, the strain took a toll on Ivan, who died in late 1190 of exhaustion.  Despite this main effort, other endeavors were undertaken as well, missionary activity among the Atelzuko continued, as well as a welter of city expansions with Respublica growing to size three and Chakasiya, Bryansk and Igorgrad to size 2.

The Kingdom of Poland

Jerzy “The Stutterer”, King of Poland

Diplomacy    Pomerania (fa)

        The postal road link between Little Poland and Volhynia was completed and Gdansk, Brest-Litovsk, and Lodz continue to expand (growing to sizes 8, 3, and 3 , respectively).

The Duchy of Estonia

Konstantine Viikberg, Duke of Estonia

Diplomacy    Prussia (f)

        A quiet turn of diplomacy and city expansion (Riga grew to size 10).  Missionary activites continue in Kostroma as does work on the Ladoga Canal.

Western Europe


The Duchy of Bohemia

Martin Govner, Duke of Bohemia

Diplomacy    Silesia (a)

        As usual, the Germans were quite a-bustle.  Austria and Moravia were put under the plow, Trieste continued to expand (to size 10), and a new city, Magdeburg was built in Westphalia.  Finally, the Magyars of Bakony were converted to the Roman faith.

The Vernonian Empire

Valdemar Germanicus, Emperor of Italy

Diplomacy    None     

        Worked continued on rebuilding the Imperial Navy.  An attempt to rebuild the port of Tripoli in Tripolitania failed when it was discovered that insufficient funds and manpower was assigned to the task.  That and the fact that the natives were cheerily killing the Catholic missionaries sent there made landing problematic at best.  On the plus side, Massa-Carrera continued to grow, reaching size 9.

Le Royaume de France

Henri II, King of the Franks

Diplomacy    Brittany (f)           

        Gascony was put under cultivation and a new city, Dijon, was built in Aquitaine.  A royal road was also built between Anjou and Poitou.  Deciding that he didn’t like the naval balance in the Middle Sea one bit, Henri ordered a whole mess of naval construction.  By turns end, a spanking new French navy was sailing in the Gulf of Lyons, making sure that all those barbaric Greeks and Egyptians kept their noses out of the western Med.

The El Reino De Navarre

Joao I, King of Navarre

Diplomacy    None

        Things were fairly quiet in the sunny south.  Lisbon grew to a size 10 port.

Northern Europe

The Kingdom of Wessex

Eadric Harethson, King of the Angles and Saxons

Diplomacy:   Lothain (ea), Lancashire (a)

        Things were fairly quiet in the foggy north as well.  A postal road between Wessex and Cornwall was built.

The Kingdom of the Svear

Erik Gregorsson, King of the Swedes

Diplomacy    None

        Things were even quieter in the icy far north.  The peoples of Trondheim were converted to the Catholic faith.

The Norse Kingdom of Iceland

Gregor II Gregorson, King of the Norse

Diplomacy    None

        Gregor died in early 1190, bequeathing his realm to his son and namesake.  To the west, more colonists were ferried to the new settlements on Vinland.  Attempts to explore the Gulf of St. Lawrence came to naught as the expedition commander died before he could set out.  Around mid-1187, some strange red-skinned people showed up in Vinland, bearing some very nice cold-hammered gold trinkets and talking gibberish.  The locals received them politely and then sent them on their way.

North Afriqa

The Maghreb Emirate

Ishmael ibn Misr, Emir of Morroco

Diplomacy    Igiudir (nt)

        Moroccan missionaries continue to make the long dangerous trip south to Kongoese lands, where they make some headway.  Closer to home, another Moroccan princess was shipped off to marry an infidel French prince, after being required to convert to their barbarous religion.  A French princess was subjected to similar indignities.  On the urban front, Rusicade and Mahidia grew to size 7 cities, whilst Zuwarah grew to a size 2.  Finally, Misr died in early 1187 and was succeeded by his son, Ishmael.

Al Fatamid Caliphate Al Qaira

Muhtadi Mujahid ibn Fadi, Fatamid Caliph of Egypt

Diplomacy    Sinai (nt)

        See below for...

THE WAR (You know which one I Mean…)

The pushy busybodies versus the slack-jawed cretins…

Initial Intel Stupidity:  A whole bunch of failed assassination attempts and attempts to cause mutinies and assault governments and intelligence organizations.  In addition there were a bunch of half-witted attempts to send missionaries into areas that would not tolerate them (Mansura, Tripolitania, Levant and Cilicia).  In short, a great deal of sound and fury signifying NOTHING!  [There was one interesting operation that occurred later in the turn, it will be described later].

1186 A.D.:

Not much occurred this year aside from everybody moving forces hither and yon.  The only event of any significance was a Hamadid raid into Cilicia late in the year, which did no damage and withdrew before the vast Byzantine/Khazar host in Phrygia could react.  Constantine cursed the loss of the Anatolian road net, gone lo, these many years…

1187 A.D.:

Things now got slightly more interesting.  In April, with command restored to the great Egyptian host, Fatamid General Ulat and the heir to the Sultan marched into Cilicia at the head of over 59,000 troops and secured the region, waving to the terrified defenders cowering behind the walls of Tarsus.  Messengers were sent to warn the imperial army in Phrygia of this newest attack.  Unfortunately, by the time word got to the army (three months); and then army had gotten moving -- in annoyance, the Emperor ordered a march straight across the Taurus Mountains into Isauria, the trip would take about the same amount of time (three months) – the Fatamids had secured the region (save Tarsus), had pulled back into Aleppo, and the year was over.  Constantine resolved to liberate the region the following spring.  In Constantinople, the year ended with a bang, when the Scholae uncovered a group of heavily armed horsemen trying to sneak into the city posing as a Caravansary.  The 200 thugs lead the city watch on a merry chase along the Blachernae before being run to ground outside the Hippodrome and destroyed (and people say Constantinople has no night life).  At sea, the combined Byzantine/Verona fleet (over 800 ships) patrolled the Aegean waiting for the Fatamids to attack.  The Egyptians, for their part, stayed in the Gulf of Cyprus.

1188 A.D.:

Downright anti-climactic.  The great Christian host (over 114,000 troops) retakes Cilicia.  General Ulat, gets reinforced in Aleppo by another 69,000 Syrian and Adenite troops, but refuses to be drawn into battle.  The Christians, for their part seem content to maintain the status quo.

1189 A.D.:

Only in the early summer did activity occur, with the attempted Fatamid invasion of Cyprus.  Admiral Akbar led over 500 warships along with 15,000 troops on an invasion of the island.  Despite some initial dithering (and blowing a reaction roll), the Christians admirals managed to get their act together in a timely fashion and engaged the Saracen dogs off of the small harbor of Nicosia.  There, the naval balance in the eastern Med swung back in favor of the Christians as over two-thirds of the Fatamid fleet was sent to the bottom.  The Sultan wept when he heard the news.

1190 A.D.:

On land the stalemate continues.

West Afriqa

The Kingdom of Ghana

Kutukomla, Lord of Kumbi-Saleh

Diplomacy Takrur (f) 

        Kutukomla ordered a colony emplaced in Nupe, to ensure the good behavior of the locals.  The king also began to exploit the peace dividend by building three new port cities on the west coast: Banjul in Gambia; Conakry in Takrur; and Shenge, in Susu.

The Kingdom of Togo

Akintunde, King of Togo and Akan

Diplomacy Niete (f)

        Akintunde also benefited from a cessation of hostilities, building a new port city, Ikare, in Gurma and a postal road link between that region and Yoruba.  Finally Niete was put under cultivation.

The Kingdom of Kanem-Bornu

Susiseko II, King of Kanem and Bornu

Diplomacy Lakoja, in Kwararafa (nt)

        Did some diplomacy and that was about it.

South Afriqa

The Bakongo Kingdom

Ugo Wambolea, King of Bakongo

Diplomacy    Uige (f)

        A new port, Uakuna was raised on the coast of Uige and a city level of Cabwola was lost to the encroaching jungles of Matadi.  Jungle also reclaimed lands in Vili as well.

        But the big news was Wambolea’s announcement that Islam was to be the official religion of the Kingdom and all subjects must embrace the new faith, and they must do it faithfully.  Most of the old religion was thoroughly discredited within the Kingdom by this point and most of the regions and cities embraced the new religion peacefully.  There was resistance in the cities of Whydah and Kango, as well as the region of Nambe, but Ugo’s troops quickly put the incipient revolts down.  Only Fernando Po went independent.

The Kingdom of Nyasa

Asserate IV, Chief of the Nyasa

Diplomacy Lenje (nt)

        Asserate did some diplomacy and that was about it.

The Kingdom of Rozwi

Ntombhela, King of Rozwi, Lord of Zimbabwe

Diplomacy None

        New levels were added to Xai-Xai and Maputo, raising them both to size 6 ports.  And then the jungle returned in Gorongo and destroyed the new level there.

The Kingdom of Vaal

M’tesa III, King of Vaal and Mapungubwe

Diplomacy None

        A new port, Port Zulu, was raised on the shores of Transkei.

North America

The Tlingit People

Ka-Seen, Chief of the Tlingit, Lord of the Far North.

Diplomacy None

        Kwakiutl was colonized to a (2/7).



Obsidian Coyote III, Ruler of California

Diplomacy None

        Dark Coyote died in early 1187 and was duly succeeded.  Otherwise it was a fairly quiet turn with only two new cities being built, New Pomo, in Nez Perce and Miwok City in Mono.  A new road was also built between Yakima and Nez Perce.

The Anasazi Nation

Motega, Chief of the Anasazi, Lord of the Chaco

Diplomacy None

        Hunkered down, downright oozing paranoia.

The Mississippian Empire

Patamon, The Great Beaver of the Snake

Diplomacy None

               The Iroquois, as usual, did scads of stuff.  The cities of Ken-tah-ten, Ugakhpa, Minnetonka and Cahokia all grew in size (to sizes 2, 3, 2, and 7 respectively).  The postal road between Sangamon and Missouri was upgraded to Royal road status and a new postal link was built between Ogala and Cheyenne was built.  Finally there was another wave of settlers headed west into Quapaw (2/3), Missouri (2/6), Chickasaw (2/2), kansa (2/5), Oto (2/1) and Teton (-/7).

The Natchez Confederacy

Dancing Wolf, Great Sun of the Natchez

Diplomacy No effect

        A big party was had to celebrate dancing Wolf’s heir coming of age.  Caddo was colonized to a (2/7) and a nice new road was built between Tonkawa and Witchita.  Chief Bad Axe led a small flotilla of canoes into the northern waters where they encountered some truly strange people, who sometimes sprouted two heads and walked around on four legs.  They strangers had pale skin, almost corpse-like and had facial hair of strange colors, red and yellow.  Their great water-going temples, sprouting the heads of great snakes dwarfed the Atakapan rafts.  The strangers also seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time worshipping a symbol that doubtless represents the quartering of the Universe into active and passive principles.  Bad Axe left some nice gold trinkets and tired to communicate, but it was rather difficult, although the strangers seem nice enough…

The Yamasee People

Eagle’s Feather, Chief of the Yamasee

Diplomacy None

        Ocenee Harbor continued to grow (now at size 5).  Trade was opened up with the Toltecs to the south.


The Toltec Hegemony of Chichen Itza

Moya, Grand Hegemon of the Maya

Diplomacy    None

        Work began on a gigantic compound on the outskirts of Chichen Itza, intended to house the Imperial Family and court.  A royal road link was also built between Tamaulipec and the Atakapa region of Karankawa, thus easing trade between the two countries.  Four new ports were also raised: Ilyani, in Huave; Mali, in Nahuatl; Iz Haula, in Tepuztec; and Tahata, in Huastec.  Finally, a veritable Inca-level of city expansion occurred with Ednza growing to a size 9; Mitla and Tula to size 6; Copan, Comalcalco, and Texcoco to size 5; tres Zapotes, Xiclango; Tlatelolco to size 4 and Utxa, Itza Hatul, and Tapachula to size 2.  On the foreign front, trade with the Yamasee commenced and Mayan sailors explored the Carolina Sea

The Arawak of the Islands

Tizoc, Lord of the Islands

Diplomacy    None

        More colonists settled on Akawaio, bringing it to a (1/1).  The jungles of the place were also cleared.

Solar Empire of Chibchan

Rama, King of the Chibchan

Diplomacy None

        Development of the east continued with Caraca being colonized to a (2/4).  Work also began on putting Cumangoto and Camaracoto under cultivation as well as on roads between Guahibo and Yekuana as well as between Yaruro and Caraca.

South America

The Kingdom of Paraiba

Panib III, King of Paraiba

Diplomacy No effect

        Chifre and Sherente were put under cultivation. Torotapa was colonized to a (1/5) and Iguaca grew to a size 5 city.  To the south, the Arana remain recalcitrant.

The Mighty Incan Empire

Machicho, Emperor of the Incas

Diplomacy None

        Yet another gout of city building occurred, here’s how it panned out:

City (Region)

New Size

Hauri (Ataura)


Maranga (Chavin)


Pusharo (Chinu)


Paykikin (Choco)


Huexotla (Cuilino)


Cuatico (Huanco)


Cuzco (Inca)


Queros (Mashco)


Chanchan (Moche)


Arequipa (Moquequa)


Alta (Mura)


Ica (Nazca)


Abancay (Pucara)


Curva (Tacana)


Tiahuanacu (Uru)


Jauja (Wairajikira)


        The Emperor also ordered warships put on the northern trade routes in the event the pirates re-appeared.  They didn’t and everyone breathed a little easier.

The Kingdom of Karanga

Amaru III, Lord of the South

Diplomacy None

        Quillaca was colonized to a (1/7).  Work also began on cultivating the place

The Kingdom of Shokleng

Ake, King of Shokleng

Diplomacy None

        Expansion in the Southwest continued with Quaroi being colonized to a (2/2); Omacuaca to a (1/3); and Guarani to a (2/1).  A royal road was also built between Cari and Abipon via Quaroi and Guarani.  Shokleng sailors also spent the turn splashing around the Rio de Plata and Cabo Frio sea zones.

The Mapuche Empire

Bakari, Emperor of the Mapuche

Diplomacy None

        Lusting for more inhospitable wastes in which to build outr‚ religious monuments, Bakari ordered Prince Shale to occupy the Atacama, one of the driest places on the effing planet.  In addition, a new port, Quimbo, was built in Coquimbo and work also begun on a road lending hence.  Finally, a new postal road to the new Temple of the Sun in the middle of the deserts of Pehuenche was also built, allowing the hundreds of pilgrims going there the ability to die of thirst and heatstroke on a paved surface rather than in the rough.