Lords of the Earth

Campaign Nineteen

Turn 45

Anno Domini 1121 - 1125

Turn 46 Orders Due By      Friday, August 20th, 2004.  Orders will not be accepted after Midnight MST on Saturday, August 21st.  Please don’t ask for an extension.  Then I’ll just have to say “no” again.



Hello again, since LORDS 2 is either being put on ice or given to another ref, I will resume monthly processing on this game.

Contacting & Paying the Referee

I will no longer be taking money directly for turns.  Instead, players sending funds by mail should make all checks payable to Thomas Harlan and send them either to the 2nd Street address or to Thomas’ address, which is:

Thomas Harlan

3210 E. 23rd Street

Tucson, AZ 85713-2261

Below are my Email and Regular mail addresses:

4858 East 2nd Street

Tucson, AZ 85711

Email: ancaric@throneworld.com

Payment: When paying via Paypal, please send all funds to this account:


        Please do NOT send payments to my Paypal account, use the one listed above.

Zero and Negative Credit: Consequences

Players at zero or negative credit at the time of deadline will not have their orders processed, plain and simple.  Players with a balance between $1.00 and $4.00 will get their orders processed, but grudgingly.  So get your orders and payment in before processing starts or life will become very unfair very quickly.  Finally, players with a negative balance are liable to get their country reassigned without notice.  You have been warned.


Rules Stuff

        As mentioned above, I’m going to try to keep alterations to the rules to a minimum (a double “yeah, sure” regarding my chances).  Here are some things to keep in mind:

Hands Off Trade and the IMA action (clarification): here’s what you can and can’t do regarding moving MSps around.

ú        Inter-nation Trade Fleet: May be freely initiated, starting MSPs determined by computer.  To add or move MSPs requires an IMA action.

ú        Internal Trade/Fishing Fleets: May be freely initiated, starting MSPs are added by the player.  Additional new MSPs may be added to an existing fleet.  To move MSPs between existing fleets requires an IMA action.

Moving a fleet to a new port requires an IMA action, regardless of type.

        HBZ and Transports: please note that transports are mobile units for purposes of building within the HBZ, so if you want to build them in a port outside HBZ you’re out of luck most of the time.

        Allied Leaders: looking over some of the player-less countries, I’ve noticed a large percentage of troops under allied leaders, doubtless in an attempt to reduce support costs.  While I don’t want to disallow this practice, I will be making loyalty checks for any such “augmented” forces from here on out.  Failure indicates that feckless ally decides to carve a kingdom out of your Empire.  The chances of this increase if there are few non-allied troops about.  So don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.

        Female Leaders: while I don’t want to disallow them totally, the Dark Ages were a pretty male dominated time.  Consequently, a female Royalty member may only become Queen, Empress, Regent or Heir if they have a Charisma of AT LEAST 10.   A Princess will only become an active leader if her Charisma is at least 8 (eight) or greater.  Any Charisma statute less than this will result in no generation (although you can still marry them off).  Any existing Female Rulers, Heirs, Princesses may remain.   The only exception to this is if the sole available heir is a princess, in which case she becomes ruler regardless of Charisma (and the subsequent DF check gets an big bad negative modifier as the local nobility resents the presence of a female giving orders and intruding on their bailiwick).

        The Homeland Income Multiple: has decreased to one.

        Gold, NFP and Agro transfers: beginning immediately (well okay, next turn [41]), any inter-player transfers will only become available to the recipients the turn after they are sent.  So if someone sent you stuff on turn 41, you have to wait until turn 42 before you can use it.  Gold and NFP will be placed in their respective saved sections.  Agro will be placed in the reserves.  Note: players sending agro must spend gold to preserve it in transit.  Keep this in mind when deciding how much to charge for your surpluses.

        Entrophy, or Viagra hasn’t been invented yet: any male Royal personages attempting to begat kiddies after the age of 50 has a severely reduced chance of siring any new bundles of joy.  Just so you know.

        AP reminder:  please remember that it is the slowest unit of a given force that determines which unit modifiers apply to determining APs/year.  So if your army of light, elite cavalry includes even one heavy infantry unit, the footsloggers are slowing everyone down.  Also if a leader has a combat rating of four or less, he has a –1 AP per year modifier regardless of what he’s doing.  ADDITION & WARNING!!! Players who insist on not keeping track of AP expenditure in their orders run an excellent chance that their leaders will do nothing the entire turn, so grit your teeth and do the math!

        Shooting oneself in the foot:  Just so you all know, if your king continues to produces heirs after he has an established heir in place (i.e. one who has generated stats, it always goes to the eldest male by the way.) the possibility of something bad happening upon the death of the monarch is increased.

        INTEL STUFF: When performing Infiltration and Counter Infiltration Intel Operations, it is always best to specify which sector of your nation you are trying to protect or subvert.  The sectors are listed in rule 8.3.11 in the basic rulebook but I will repeat them here:  Espionage Service, Government, Royal Family, Military, Populace, University and Religion.  Players who order an op against an unspecified target will have a SEVERELY reduced chance of success.

        WARNING: According to the upcoming revised (yet again) Rulebook, several Government, Societal and Economic changes will be dependent on a nation’s Tech Level.  If you have a government, economic or society belonging to one of these types, you will be compensated for the gps and or nfp spent.  I strongly urge people to stop investing in these projects until more information becomes available.

        A QUESTION OF TIMING: Certain builds take an entire turn to perform (although for clerical reasons are usually done at the same time as the rest of the builds).  These are:

ú        City Construction (both new and additional levels)

ú        All Megalithic Construction Projects

ú        Colonies

What this means is that you may not take advantage of a given build of this type on the turn that it is constructed.  For example: you may not base MSPs or build PWBs at the increased city capacities until the turn after the construction is done.  Similarly, PWBs may not be built in excess of a region’s old terrain type the turn it becomes cultivated or colonized to a higher GPv.  So plan accordingly.

        YARD CAPACITY:  Starting next turn (t93), I will be assessing Yard Capacity costs for all heavy units as well as all ship units.  Below are the appropriate sections from the Modern rules supplement.

        The construction of all ship units as well as all heavy-prefix land units requires the use of (in addition to GP and NFP expenditures) Yard Capacity of the appropriate kind. Each ship or heavy prefix land unit type has a Yard Capacity (YrdC) cost listed below.  This is the Yard Capacity cost when constructing the unit.  For most types of nations Yard Capacity can only be used at a Friendly City within your Homeland Build Zone.   Each point of Yard Capacity provides one Yard Capacity point per turnYrdC may not be saved from turn to turn.  While Pre-Modern nations (nomads, barbarians, civilized, renaissance, etc.) cannot build the dedicated Yards that are prevalent in the Modern Era; pre-modern cities and trade centers have an intrinsic Yard capacity for the production of ship and heavy land units.

Intrinsic Yard Capacities

        Cities, Trade Centers and Port Cities have “generic” Yard Capacities, as noted in the following table.

Table 3‑9. Intrinsic Yard Capacity




Trade Center


Usable only by Nomads or Barbarians for the construction of Heavy units (including ships, if in a coastal region).


GPv × 5

Usable for the construction of Heavy land units.

Port City

GPv × 5

Usable for the construction of ships and heavy land units.

        Note: Port City capacity is not separated for ground unit and ship unit construction. There is only one Capacity, reflecting the specialization of port cities for ship construction.

Yard Capacities on the Stat Sheet

        The city-based Intrinsic Yard capacity is listed on your stat sheet as part of the City description, between the city PWB and the City Type like so:

Avalon [3+30i15p4]

        This city has a GPv of 3, 30 public works an intrinsic Yard capacity of 15, is a port city and has 4 wall points.

Increasing Intrinsic Industry

        The only way that intrinsic Yard Capacity may be increased is through city expansion.  Additional capacity gained through such expansion may not be used on the same turn that the city expansion occurs.

        Important: HBZ and primate construction restrictions are still in force, so just because you have the capacity to build something at a given site, doesn’t mean that you will be able to if the city is out of your HBZ.

Yard Capacity Costs

Unit Type

YrdC Cost



























P = may only be built at a port.

Map Stuff

Some discrepancies between the maps and the Stats program have cropped up:

NEW: Kush is Asiatic Pagan, not Hindic.

As a general rule, in discrepancies of this kind, the stats take precedence over the map.

Japan & the Pacific Rim

The Empire of Japan [DEAD]

Torohito Nobunaga, Daimyo of Yamato.

Diplomacy    None

        Torohito busily prepared for the next round of internecine warfare with the Taira, raising additional troops and so forth.  When the hated northerners failed to pour forth from Aichi into Yamato with the spring, the Daimyo was mystified but had little cause to complain and welcomed the respite.

        At least he did until his untimely death at the beginning the beginning of 1122 sans heir.  This was not good as the two generals left in command of the main army were a) not particularly bright, and b) vain and disloyal to boot.  Consequently, the subsequent four years of civil strife lead to the breakdown of Imperial control throughout Honshu.  By the end of 1125 both contenders for Torohito’s former position were dead; the army that the late Emperor had painstakingly rebuilt over the previous decade was thoroughly wrecked and the late Emperor’s remaining family members (two sisters) had been brutally murdered.  And the Taira didn’t even raise a finger (well not quite, see below).

The Taira Bakufu

Taira Shun, Daimyo of Kwanto.

Diplomacy    Kumamoto, in Saga (a)

        Shun, deciding that a break was in order, commanded his troops to stand down.  There would be no campaign this year.  Consequently there was complete and utter surprise when the Nobunaga faction completely imploded.  The only immediate benefit that Shun was able to gain was the surrender of the city of Kumamoto, in Saga, whose commander defected from the Nobunaga family in disgust.

The Moluccas Seahold

Gatumao II, Lord of the Spice Islands

Diplomacy    Luzon (t)

        Using a combination of diplomacy and brute force, Gatumao achieved the subjugation of the Philippine Islands.  While the diplomats Mananui and Sukarno used finesse on the ruler of Luzon, the hapless inhabitants of the Visayan Islands were crushed under the heels of over 6,000 Moluccan troops (supported by over 100 ships).  In other events, an attempt to figure out the route between the Marianas and Truk failed.

The Maree Tribes of Australia

Tuki, Prince of Maree

Diplomacy    None

        Maree expansion over the Great Dividing Range (yes, I know that’s not what the natives called it, but what can you do?) continued with the founding of a new city, Kurrara, in Paramata and the settling of Yaraka to a (-/4).  Tuki also spent a great deal of time addressing the spiritual matters of the realm.  This proved rather difficult as the collections of beliefs and rituals that made up the Acheringa (the Dreamtime) were many varied and not written down.  Still it’s not a bad way to spend one’s time.

The Arikat of Maaori

Kamut III, King of the Southern Islands

Diplomacy    Vanuatu (ea)

        Kamut’s fortunes were mixed.  On the plus side, the King conducted a census of his watery realm (successfully, I might add) and a new port, Pojemei, sprung up on the western coast of Te Wai Ponamu.  On the minus side, diplomatic trips to Bora-Bora and Hawaii became voyages of exploration when it was discovered that the navigators didn’t know the way.  Osalla’s outrigger managed to find Bora-Bora after some difficulty.  Sadly, Caddac’s was never seen again.


The Goreyo Kingdom

Syngman On Rhee, Prince of Koguryo

Diplomacy    Bandao (ea), Cheju’do (f)

        Syngman conducted a census of the population of the Hermit Kingdom and work was begun on a Royal Road link between Koguryo and Silla.  At sea, Admiral Kim landed on the uninhabited islands of Cheju’do and claimed them for his master.  Nothing more to tell really.

The Kingdom of Shan’si

Chao Ma Chen, King of Shan’si, Watcher of the Northern Marches

Diplomacy    Yanzhi (a), Wu Hai (f), Wuhu, in Wu Hai (f)

        Tsu Ma Chen died at the end of 1122 after writing his memoirs.  Wags suggested that the sheer boredom of the subject did him in.  The King’s death cut short his son’s diplomatic trip to Yanzhi (which had already been complicated by the death of a leader sent to assist him).  Despite these difficulties, Chao Ma Chen managed to have some success with the local prince before heading home and his coronation.  The new king also ordered that the maintenance on the Great Wall be stopped.  Nomadic herdsmen throughout the steppes rejoiced...

The Kingdom of the Yangtze

Cao Tse Tung, King of Hupei

Diplomacy  None

        No orders.

The Kingdom of Kwangsi

Chu Shen, Prince of Kwangsi

Diplomacy    None

        Chu Shen quietly continued to mind his own affairs.

Southeast Asia

The Kingdom of Champa

Bao Dai II, King of Champa, Lord of Vijaya

Diplomacy Korat (diplomat lynched), Guizhou (-3 to YfC number, oops)

        Guizhou was put under cultivation, an event that did nothing to soften the animosity of the natives to the blandishments of Bao Dai’s diplomats.  The emissary sent to Korat fared far worse, however.  On the plus side, another royal road link was built between Korat and Nan Chao.

The Kingdom of Kambuja

Chulalongkorn, Deveraja of the Kambuja

Diplomacy    No effect.

        Aside from building a royal road link between Siam and Surin, the Khemer where quiet.

The Kingdom of Ava

Shambramaba II, King of Ava

Diplomacy    Samatata (hostile!), Manipur (c)

         Diplomatically things just did not go well for Shambramaba.  The Rajah of Samatata sent him, his daughter (a prospective bride) and his entire diplomatic entourage packing amid dire threats of what he would do to the hapless king should he EVER return.  On the bright side, a new city, Panat, was built in Kedah, facing Penunjuk Wan; and Pakira grew a level.


The Kingdom of Maghada

Kassar, Raja of Bengal

Diplomacy    Kalinga (ea), Gtsang (f), Pundra (c)

        Well, as expected, the spies and traitors among the kitchen staff of the Royal Household were thoroughly purged in great show trials chaired by the head of the Central Committee and overseen by his head security apparachtnikSoon these Wreckers and Enemies of the People would be punished by the stern hand of Soviet Justice.  Long Live Comrade Stalin!  Long Live NKVD head Yazhov!

*Ahem* sorry about that.  Anyway, in other news, Gtsang was put under cultivation and Comrade Stal-, er, I mean, Raja Kassar continued to make friends among the Princely States to the southwest.

The Kingdom of Chola

Gagan, King of Chola, Lord of Tanjore

Diplomacy    Malabar (a)

        Rhama died at the beginning of 1122 and was replaced by his very young son, Gagan.  Other than some diplomacy on the western coast, the Cholans were quiet.

The Pratihara Empire of Kaunaj

Sachetan, Emperor of India

Diplomacy    Vengi (fa), Raipur, in Chela (f), Tripuri in Dahala (ea)

        Proving that he was still spry (despite being in his late eighties), Emperor Sachetan went on a five-year diplomatic junket in the various southern regions of his vast domain...with rather disappointing results, as he had hoped to do much better.  In other events, the postal road link between Sahis and Sukkur was upgraded to a royal road and a postal road were built into the heart of the old Punjabi lands from Sukkur to Edrosia via Sind.  All the old Punjabi regions were colonized again, this time to level 2.  Finally, Agra, Somantha and Benares all incresed in size.

Central Asia

The Kingdom of Jungaria

Kilij Arslen, Lord of Karakocho.

Diplomacy    None

        Karluk was put under the plow.

The Emirate of Samarkhand

Hamid, Emir of Samarkhnad

Diplomacy  Uzebek (ea), Kush (c), Khiva, in Khwarzim (f), Turkmen (t), Dzambul, in Turkman (nt) [Turkmani state dissolved].

        Hamid and his diplomats were very busy (as the results above indicate) making inroads to the south, west, and east.  The Turkmani Emirate (a former ally that had gone independent when Samarkand last had dynastic difficulties) itself fragmented under the cogent arguments and appeals of Hamid’s diplomatic corps.

        In other events, Kar-Kalanis, Herat, and Tokul all expanded in size.  The last named was incorrectly located on the map in Saginakh, it is actually in TadzikMy bad.

The Khazar Khanate

Alp, Kagan of Khazar and Saksiny

Diplomacy    Nogai (a), Polovotsy (ea), Torki (ea),

        Alp and his diplomats where also quite busy.

The Near East

The Hamadid Emirate

Omar Ibn Batutta, Emir of Damascus.

Diplomacy    None

         Aqaba and Beirut both increased in size and that was about it, actually...

The Buwayid Emirates

Ibriham ibn Ali, Emir of Emirs, Protector of the Caliph.

Diplomacy    Ahvaz (f), Tabaristan (ea)

        The Buwayids remained busy as beavers (busy Buwayid beavers, say it five times fast), founding new port cities in Kuwait (Carhaer) and Mand (Mandulis) and building a road link between Diyala and Persia via Media and two (count ‘em, two) type one mountain ranges.  All in all, life was good in the Land of the Two Rivers.

The Emirate of Aden

Ali ibn Muktair, Emir of Aden and S’ana.

Diplomacy    Berbera (ea)

        Emir Ali continued to make friends among his immediate neighbors, this time on the opposite side of the Red Sea.  Elsewhere, Yemen was put under cultivation.

Eastern Europe

The Eastern Roman Empire

Constantine Pophryogenitus, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, the Great Reformer

Diplomacy    Lazica (hostile, diplomat blew loyalty check and ran screaming out into the wilderness somewhere, doubtless to become a stylite or other such hermit-like person.)

        No payment, orders not processed.  Well okay, he got the payment in but only after the war was processed, so the Byzantine ships did nothing.  The only other events that occurred was Heraclea, Athens and Theodosiopolis increasing in size.  NOTE: this is the last time that I will grant such a dispensation for payment in mid-processing.  See the nice, evil yellow highlighted notice at the top of the fax.

The Principality of Muscovy

Igor II, Boyar of Muscovy

Diplomacy    Smolensk (+10 YfC), Courland (nt)

        Did some diplomacy and that was about it.

The High Republic of Hellreiger

Lore III, King of Poland

Diplomacy    None

        No orders.

The Duchy of Estonia

Verityn Viikberg, Duke of Estonia

Diplomacy    Sankt Petersburg, in Novgorod (nt)

        Rzehv was put under cultivation and some missionary work was done among the pagans of Petersburg.  The burghers of the city also agreed to recognize some sort of overall Estonian control...somewhat...sometimes...

        In other news an attempted census was botched.

Western Europe

The Duchy of Bohemia

Sabastian Govner I, Duke of Bohemia

Diplomacy    Friesland (f)

        Not much happening in the great Bohemian state.  Three cities, Trieste, Prague and Brunswick all increased in size.

        The Duke was shattered to learn of the death of his son and heir, Prince Bearnard, at the end of 1125.  The unfortunate apparently took a tumble on the ice and smashed his head wide open.  Sadly, Sabastian, designated his other son, Erich, to the throne.  The latter was tickled pink by the news, Sweet he exclaimed.  Through Mr. Kitty still didn’t get to have any...

The Vernonian Empire

Gaius Germanicus, Emperor of Italy

Diplomacy    None

        Veronese involvement in the Nubian War will be detailed below.  So you can just read through the rest of the mundane results to get there.  And no flipping forward to find out how it came out!

        Other than a lot of self-righteous blathering about “warmongering” (whatever that means in the 12th century), the only other noteworthy event was the completion of the Liguria – Provence road.

Le Royaume de France

Phillip Capet, King of the Franks

Diplomacy:   Avranches, in Normandy (f), Gascony (t following Allied leader death)

        Things were pretty quiet here as well.  The Frankish half of the royal road between Burgundy and Swabia was completed (to the satisfaction of merchants everywhere) and a slurry of cities expanded: Tours, Flushing, Bruges, Paris and Le Mans all went up a notch.

The El Reino De Navarre

Miguel, King of Navarre

Diplomacy    Corunna, in Galacia (f), Lisbon, in Portugal (f), Talavera (c)

        While Miguel did dispatch a detachment off to assist the Veronese in their war (again see below) his focus was on primarily internal matters.  Another spate of city expansions took place, with Seville, Corunna, Bilbao, Madiera and Valentia all growing apace.  All in all, life was reasonable tolerable.  This bucolic state of affairs was not bound to last however...

        For there was trouble afoot!  A sizable chunk of Miguel’s English subjects, particularly in Sussex and the cities to the northeast where thoroughly fed-up with Spanish rule and erupted into violent and bloody revolt.  The local garrisons of Sussex, Sutton and York, lacking leadership, where quickly overrun and the rebels quickly overrun or reduced the regions and cites that had remained loyal.  By 1125 almost all of Navarese Britain had been lost.

Northern Europe

The Kingdom of Wessex

Hareth Hamasson, King of the Angles and Saxons

Diplomacy:   None

        The Saxons control all the regions and cities of the old Navarese enclave (save Falmouth).

The Kingdom of the Svear

Drevs, King of the Swedes

Diplomacy    Agder (ea), Jutland (a)

        Nordmaling and Kalmar both bumped up a level and that was about it.

The Norse Kingdom of Iceland

Bjorn Haraldson, King of the Norse

Diplomacy    None

        Additional colonists were settled on the Hebrides, brining it to a (1/3) and in the depopulated Highlands, bringing that region to a (-/7).

North Afriqa

The Maghreb Emirate

Lashal ibn Umar, Emir of Morroco

Diplomacy    Gefara (nt), Awlil (a)

        The Maghreb remain busy as bees, settling the Cape Verdes to a (1/1) and adding levels to many cities (Fez, Cincart, Abyad, Imra and Yesil).  The Emir also kept a weather eye on the violent events transpiring to the east.

Al Fatamid Caliphate Al Qaira

Malik ibn Mohammad, Fatamid Caliph of Egypt

Diplomacy    None

        See the Nubia results for all the crunchy goodness!

West Afriqa

The Kingdom of Ghana

Wetelimba, Lord of Kumi-Saleh

Diplomacy None

        Minded his own business.

The Kingdom of Nupe

Surinama, King of Nupe and Oyo

Diplomacy Dendi, in Zerma (t)

        Things here were pretty quiet as well, although the king poured funds into expanded his assorted cities: Zamfara, Junkun, Dendi and Ayrou all increased in size.

The Kingdom of Ife-Benin

Senufo I, Lord of Ife and Benin

Diplomacy None

        The cultivation and urbanization of the kingdom continued with Yoruba being put under the plow and a new city, Lokoja, arising on the banks of the Niger river in Kwararafa.  Lagos also grew a level.  On a sadder note, Chtambo died in late 1124 without male issue.  His charismatic general Senufo quickly stepped in and took up the reins of power.  No one really objected.

The Kingdom of Kanem-Bornu

Susiseko, King of Kanem and Bornu

Diplomacy Kano (f), Ikego (nt)

        Susiseko was, as usual, quite busy.  New cities arose in Daza (Maiduguri) and Kano (N’Djamena).  In addition trade with Ghana was opened up via the Saharan oases and with Ife via Ikego.

East Afriqa

The Makuria Kingdom of Nubia

Arron, Regent for...

Akencheres II, King of Nubia

Diplomacy    Mahabo (nt)

The Nubian War

Fatamid Egypt vs. the Makuria Kingdom (with the latter receiving help from assorted Italians and Spaniards and attempted assistance from various Greeks).

Okay, the Ref has been at this for two days and he has a miserable summer cold, so you’re going to get a rather dilated version of events.

Initial skullduggery:  the Tribal chieftains of Ad’diffah and Lybia revolt against their Veronese masters...In Alexandria, a nest of Byzantine spies was discovered within the Fatamid government and ruthlessly destroyed.

A.D. 1121: knowing what’s coming, Malik, Qaboos and Ghasim begin collecting the various garrisons out of the Caliph’s recent conquests. The city of Jarrod is sacked and burned in the process.  Trade is cut with Verona and Constantinople.

           In the south, Arron’s force of 6000 infantry bestir themselves and begin marching into the wilderness of Sennar and AdowaLamech and Gugsa set sail from Dire Dawa to points west and south respectively. 

           In Italy, the Emperor Germanicus starts sailing down the Adriatic, gathering additional contingents of troops, by September, he’s still in Ravenna. 

           In Spain, Prince Carlos of Navarre begins collecting ships and troops for the Spanish contingent of this little party. 

           In North Africa, the Emperor’s brother Protus, suppresses the rebels in Ad’Diffah.  He ends the year in transit to Lybia.

A.D. 1122: by this years end, Malik’s defensive preparations are complete.  Qaboos mans the first line of defense; the fortresses of Egypt, while the Caliph and Ghasim are on react in Thebes.  Admiral Farouk, commanding the sizable Egyptian fleets is on patrol in the Gulf of Cyprus.  Of the Byzantine navy there is no sign. 

        In the south, Arron skulks into Adowa and skulks out again.  Lamech weighs anchor off of Aswan and off-loads 5,400 troops, managing to not get discovered by the locals in the process.  He shortly thereafter begins sneaking over the mountains into Nubia.

        In North Africa, Protus marches into Lybia and suppresses the uprising there, then begins marching back to Ad’Diffah

        In Spain, Carlos finally shakes things out and begins sailing south, ending the year in Gades.

        In Italy, Germanicus gathers more troops in Taranto and crosses the Med to the Gulf of Lybia.  While attempting to land troops off of Bardia, the 450 ship Veronese fleet is jumped by 320 Fatamid warships under admiral Farouk.  Half the warships on both sides wind up on the sea floor (not to mention roughly 8,000 Imperial troops) before the Veronese manage to break out of the Egyptian net and flee westward, making port at Tripoli.  Farouk falls back to Alexandria and both sides reorganize their depleted navies.

A.D. 1123: Malik and Company continue to wait for the enemy attack. 

        Aaron appears briefly in Lalibela before marching north into AdulisLamech arrives in Nubia and liberates it.  Malik is not tempted to react to this. Far, far to the south, Gugsa hoves to off of Mahabo (in Madagascar).

        In Tripoli, Germanicus gets his army in order and starts marching eastward to link up with Protus.  Admiral Dante is dispatched to patrol the Sea of Lybia

        Carlos arrives off Ad’Diffah and stats unloading the Navarrese troops.  After some hesitation, Farouk reacts, Dante attempts to react in turn and botches the die roll.  Again there is a sea fight off Bardia, again roughly half the navies involved go to the bottom, but Carlos is victorious and the Fatamids retreat.  The Navarrese disembark.

A.D. 1124: In the south, Arron liberates Adulis.  The Veronese/Navarrite host begins entering Egypt.  Malik reacts up from Thebes to meet it.  The irresistible force is about to meet the unstoppable object...

        In late 1125, a one-eyed traveler came out of the east and made his way to the Residence in Tripoli and asked to see that governor, claiming that he had news of events to the east, dire news.  As far as could be determined, the traveler was the sole survivor of the Veronese host that had departed Venice with such high hopes four years previously.  His account was brief, but grim.  No sooner had the 64,000-man army crossed into Egypt then assassins struck down the Navarrese commander, Prince Carlos.  The remaining Spaniards promptly deserted, returning to their ships and home.  Undaunted, Germanicus led the remaining 56,000 troops deeper into Egypt and into a veritable hornet’s nest of forts, towers and mile castles.  While the Europeans were trying to sort through this, Malik attacked them at the head of 56,000 troops of his own.  Caught between the hammer and anvil, the Veronese host dissolved and were swept up in a merciless pursuit (the Egyptian had far more cavalry than the invaders.  Germanicus was skewered on the lances of Malik’s Spahis and died screaming, his entrails pouring out of him in a bloody mess.  Caught hiding in a Qanat by a group of Akinjis on patrol, the traveler was brought to Malik who commanded that one of his eyes be removed and that he be released to tell others of what had befallen those who arrogantly sought to make war on me...

South Afriqa

The Bakongo Kingdom

Namodu III Wambolea, King of Bakongo

Diplomacy None

         In a fit of paranoia, Namodu ordered that the cities of his realm be walled and lo! It was done!  Aside from that, and a slaving expedition against the Etosha in the south, things were fairly quiet.

The Kingdom of Nyasa

Asserate, Chief of the Nyasa

Diplomacy None

        Saved his shekels for a rainy day...

The Kingdom of Rozwi

Shaka II, King of Rozwi, Lord of Zimbabwe

Diplomacy None

        Matopos became cultivated.

The Kingdom of Vaal

M’tesa, King of Vaal and Mapungubwe

Diplomacy Swazi (t)

        M’tesa continued to wheedle at the mountain tribes of Swazi.

The Xhosa Kingdom

Kreli-Sarhili, Chief of the Xhosa.

Diplomacy None

        Kreli-Sarhili was also content to sit quiet for the most part, although Tshwanne continued to grow.

North America

The Tlingit People

Blackhair, Chief of the Tlingit, Lord of the Far North.

Diplomacy None

        Blackhair gave a great feast to celebrate, to celebrate, well, nothing in particular.  The chief also dispatched several armed groups into Yakutat and Chehalis to get the lay of the land.


Obsidian Coyote, Ruler of California

Diplomacy Tuolumne, in Tipai (a)

        Ever busy, Obsidian Coyote ordered work on another road link, this one between Yurok and Tolowa.  Two new cities where also raised: Tula’ree, in Tolowa and San Francisco (odd, not a Spaniard in sight) in SalinanKettenpom also grew a level and both Salinan and Tolowa were colonized to (2/x) regions.

The Anasazi Nation

Manchuk II, Chief of the Anasazi, Lord of the Chaco

Diplomacy None

        Expeditions dispatched to the south continue to return minus ships and with no results.  On the domestic front, Leoti and Wakita were colonized to level (2/x) regions and a postal road link between Leoti and Chanute via Wakita was completed.  A link between Tiwa and Leoti was started but not finished yet as the cost was underestimated.

The Mississippian Empire

Leaping Crane, The Great Beaver of the Snake

Diplomacy None

               Chickasaw and Chippewa were both colonized to (1/x) regions and a new port, Ugakhpa, was built in Quapaw on the Missouri River.

The Natchez Confederacy

Circling Hawk, Great Sun of the Natchez

Diplomacy None

        Atakapa colonists continued to move hither and yon, settling Taposa to a (-/5); Okmulgee to a (1/x) and Witchita to a (2/x).  An expedition to the northern waters around Nantucket vanished without trace.

The Yamasee People

White Feather, Chief of the Yamasee

Diplomacy None

        White Feather’s people were also on the move, settling Muskogee to a (-/6) and allowing trade (at last) with the Mississippians to the north.


The Toltec Hegemony of Chichen Itza

Coatl, Grand Hegemon of the Maya

Diplomacy Copan, in Ulva (a), Naco, in Lenca (fa)

        Both Chichen Itza and Ednza grew in size.  And that was it actually...

The Kingdom of Tarascan

Tlacala, Warrior-King of the Tarascan and Cuyutec

Diplomacy None

        Cultivation of Cuyutec and Tepuztec continued.

The Arawak of the Islands

Awcom II, Lord of the Islands

Diplomacy    Carib (f)

        Aside from some diplomacy and a botched census, things where pretty quiet in the islands.

The Chibchan Kingdom

Cilan II, King of the Chibchan

Diplomacy None

        Things here where quiet as well.  Corazon bumped up a level and a (successful) census was made.

South America

The Kingdom of Paraiba

Panib II, King of Paraiba

Diplomacy None

         Panib ordered the construction of yet another royal road link, this one from Shucuru to Gueren.  In addition, waves of colonists headed for points south, settling Itacare to (-/2) and Camacan to (-/1).

The Mighty Incan Empire

Ozcoco, Emperor of the Incas

Diplomacy None

        Quiet as a mouse.

The Kingdom of Karanga

Amaru, Lord of the South

Diplomacy None

        The royal road between Cajamarca and Pacheco was completed.

The Kingdom of Shokleng

Urcon, King of Shokleng

Diplomacy None

        Sat quietly....

The Mapuche Nation

Obsidian IV, King of the Mapuche

Diplomacy None

        No orders.