Lords of the Earth

Campaign Nineteen

Turn 44

Anno Domini 1116 - 1120

Turn 45 Orders Due By      Friday, July 16th, 2004.  Orders will not be accepted after Midnight MST on Saturday, July 17th.



Hello again, since LORDS 2 is either being put on ice or given to another ref, I will resume monthly processing on this game.

Contacting & Paying the Referee

I will no longer be taking money directly for turns.  Instead, players sending funds by mail should make all checks payable to Thomas Harlan and send them either to the 2nd Street address or to Thomas’ address, which is:

Thomas Harlan

3210 E. 23rd Street

Tucson, AZ 85713-2261

Below are my Email and Regular mail addresses:

4858 East 2nd Street

Tucson, AZ 85711

Email: ancaric@throneworld.com

Payment: When paying via Paypal, please send all funds to this account:


        Please do NOT send payments to my Paypal account, use the one listed above.

        Warning: if your account falls into arrears for any amount your position will be declared open unless you make concrete arrangements with me to pay your balance.  (By “concrete” I mean, I’ll have x amount to you on or before y date).  Please don’t fall behind, I really don’t like being the heavy and I daresay you won’t like it either.  What follows is…

If You are in Arrears

Players in arrears will not have their orders processed, plain and simple.  Players in arrears should pay their balance as quickly as possible to avoid forfeiture of their position which can occur without notice.  You have been warned.


Rules Stuff

        As mentioned above, I’m going to try to keep alterations to the rules to a minimum (a double “yeah, sure” regarding my chances).  Here are some things to keep in mind:

Hands Off Trade and the IMA action (clarification): here’s what you can and can’t do regarding moving MSps around.

ú        Inter-nation Trade Fleet: May be freely initiated, starting MSPs determined by computer.  To add or move MSPs requires an IMA action.

ú        Internal Trade/Fishing Fleets: May be freely initiated, starting MSPs are added by the player.  Additional new MSPs may be added to an existing fleet.  To move MSPs between existing fleets requires an IMA action.

Moving a fleet to a new port requires an IMA action, regardless of type.

        HBZ and Transports: please note that transports are mobile units for purposes of building within the HBZ, so if you want to build them in a port outside HBZ you’re out of luck most of the time.

        Allied Leaders: looking over some of the player-less countries, I’ve noticed a large percentage of troops under allied leaders, doubtless in an attempt to reduce support costs.  While I don’t want to disallow this practice, I will be making loyalty checks for any such “augmented” forces from here on out.  Failure indicates that feckless ally decides to carve a kingdom out of your Empire.  The chances of this increase if there are few non-allied troops about.  So don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.

        Female Leaders: while I don’t want to disallow them totally, the Dark Ages were a pretty male dominated time.  Consequently, a female Royalty member may only become Queen, Empress, Regent or Heir if they have a Charisma of AT LEAST 10.   A Princess will only become an active leader if her Charisma is at least 8 (eight) or greater.  Any Charisma statute less than this will result in no generation (although you can still marry them off).  Any existing Female Rulers, Heirs, Princesses may remain.   The only exception to this is if the sole available heir is a princess, in which case she becomes ruler regardless of Charisma (and the subsequent DF check gets an big bad negative modifier as the local nobility resents the presence of a female giving orders and intruding on their bailiwick).

        The Homeland Income Multiple: has decreased to one.

        Gold, NFP and Agro transfers: beginning immediately (well okay, next turn [41]), any inter-player transfers will only become available to the recipients the turn after they are sent.  So if someone sent you stuff on turn 41, you have to wait until turn 42 before you can use it.  Gold and NFP will be placed in their respective saved sections.  Agro will be placed in the reserves.  Note: players sending agro must spend gold to preserve it in transit.  Keep this in mind when deciding how much to charge for your surpluses.

        Entrophy, or Viagra hasn’t been invented yet: any male Royal personages attempting to begat kiddies after the age of 50 has a severely reduced chance of siring any new bundles of joy.  Just so you know.

        AP reminder:  please remember that it is the slowest unit of a given force that determines which unit modifiers apply to determining APs/year.  So if your army of light, elite cavalry includes even one heavy infantry unit, the footsloggers are slowing everyone down.  Also if a leader has a combat rating of four or less, he has a –1 AP per year modifier regardless of what he’s doing.  ADDITION & WARNING!!! Players who insist on not keeping track of AP expenditure in their orders run an excellent chance that their leaders will do nothing the entire turn, so grit your teeth and do the math!

        Shooting oneself in the foot:  Just so you all know, if your king continues to produces heirs after he has an established heir in place (i.e. one who has generated stats, it always goes to the eldest male by the way.) the possibility of something bad happening upon the death of the monarch is increased.

        INTEL STUFF: When performing Infiltration and Counter Infiltration Intel Operations, it is always best to specify which sector of your nation you are trying to protect or subvert.  The sectors are listed in rule 8.3.11 in the basic rulebook but I will repeat them here:  Espionage Service, Government, Royal Family, Military, Populace, University and Religion.  Players who order an op against an unspecified target will have a SEVERELY reduced chance of success.

        WARNING: According to the upcoming revised (yet again) Rulebook, several Government, Societal and Economic changes will be dependent on a nation’s Tech Level.  If you have a government, economic or society belonging to one of these types, you will be compensated for the gps and or nfp spent.  I strongly urge people to stop investing in these projects until more information becomes available.

        A QUESTION OF TIMING: Certain builds take an entire turn to perform (although for clerical reasons are usually done at the same time as the rest of the builds).  These are:

ú        City Construction (both new and additional levels)

ú        All Megalithic Construction Projects

ú        Colonies

What this means is that you may not take advantage of a given build of this type on the turn that it is constructed.  For example: you may not base MSPs or build PWBs at the increased city capacities until the turn after the construction is done.  Similarly, PWBs may not be built in excess of a region’s old terrain type the turn it becomes cultivated or colonized to a higher GPv.  So plan accordingly.

        YARD CAPACITY:  Starting next turn (t93), I will be assessing Yard Capacity costs for all heavy units as well as all ship units.  Below are the appropriate sections from the Modern rules supplement.

        The construction of all ship units as well as all heavy-prefix land units requires the use of (in addition to GP and NFP expenditures) Yard Capacity of the appropriate kind. Each ship or heavy prefix land unit type has a Yard Capacity (YrdC) cost listed below.  This is the Yard Capacity cost when constructing the unit.  For most types of nations Yard Capacity can only be used at a Friendly City within your Homeland Build Zone.   Each point of Yard Capacity provides one Yard Capacity point per turn.  YrdC may not be saved from turn to turn.  While Pre-Modern nations (nomads, barbarians, civilized, renaissance, etc.) cannot build the dedicated Yards that are prevalent in the Modern Era; pre-modern cities and trade centers have an intrinsic Yard capacity for the production of ship and heavy land units.

Intrinsic Yard Capacities

        Cities, Trade Centers and Port Cities have “generic” Yard Capacities, as noted in the following table.

Table 3‑9. Intrinsic Yard Capacity




Trade Center


Usable only by Nomads or Barbarians for the construction of Heavy units (including ships, if in a coastal region).


GPv × 5

Usable for the construction of Heavy land units.

Port City

GPv × 5

Usable for the construction of ships and heavy land units.

        Note: Port City capacity is not separated for ground unit and ship unit construction. There is only one Capacity, reflecting the specialization of port cities for ship construction.

Yard Capacities on the Stat Sheet

        The city-based Intrinsic Yard capacity is listed on your stat sheet as part of the City description, between the city PWB and the City Type like so:

Avalon [3+30i15p4]

        This city has a GPv of 3, 30 public works an intrinsic Yard capacity of 15, is a port city and has 4 wall points.

Increasing Intrinsic Industry

        The only way that intrinsic Yard Capacity may be increased is through city expansion.  Additional capacity gained through such expansion may not be used on the same turn that the city expansion occurs.

        Important: HBZ and primate construction restrictions are still in force, so just because you have the capacity to build something at a given site, doesn’t mean that you will be able to if the city is out of your HBZ.

Yard Capacity Costs

Unit Type

YrdC Cost



























P = may only be built at a port.

Map Stuff

Some discrepancies between the maps and the Stats program have cropped up:

Gunzhou should be Guizhou.

Zealand is a cultivated region.

The island of Bubi is now Fernando Po

As a general rule, in discrepancies of this kind, the stats take precedence over the map.

Japan & the Pacific Rim

The Empire of Japan

Torohito Nobunaga, Daimyo of Yamato.

Diplomacy    None

        Kondo continued to raise new troops for the defense of the homeland.  See below for the anticlimactic results...

The Taira Bakufu

Taira Shun, Daimyo of Kwanto.

Diplomacy    None

        Attempting to end this desultory and futile war, the new Taira lord decided on a more subtle strategy.  While General Ishi’s veterans attempted an amphibious landing in Yamaguchi in an attempt to draw off Imperial troops, Shun would march into Yamato at the head of over 25,000 troops and deliver the coup de grace.

        At first, Shun’s plan worked well, Ishi’s forces landed in Yamaguchi and just as quickly re-embarked when Kondo’s son, Torohito marched south at the head of some 15,000 cavalry.  Unfortunately, the Taira invaders ran into fierce resistance from the 6,000 troops defending Yamato backed up by an extensive network of fortifications and commanded by the Emperor himself.  After reducing a handful of forts, Shun withdrew after receiving news that Torohito was marching back north, not wishing to be caught between the anvil of Kondo’s forts and the hammer of Torohito’s cavalry.  And so the stalemate continues.  The only significant casualty being Kondo, who died of exhaustion at the end of the turn.

The Moluccas Seahold

Gatumao II, Lord of the Spice Islands

Diplomacy    No effect

        Not much in the offing.  The Inter-island arrow between Palau and the Marianas was successfully explored.

The Maree Tribes of Australia

Tuki, Prince of Maree

Diplomacy    None

        Shaking of the lethargy that afflicted him of late, Tuki ordered the construction of a new Road link between Maree and Toowomba.  The king also shuffled some troops about and personally conducted a census of the realm.

The Arikat of Maaori

Kamut III, King of the Southern Islands

Diplomacy    Tekutea (f), Samoa (f), Vanuatu (ea)

        Kamut continued to urbanize his watery realm.  The new cites of Attara Su and Tatasara were built in Tonga and Hokitika respectively.  In addition, Wellington increased to size eight.  Finally, Maaori diplomacy was fairly successful.


The Goreyo Kingdom

Syngman On Rhee, Prince of Koguryo

Diplomacy    Bandao (fa)

        Prince Kim died and went to his eternal rest.  Inchon grew to a level two city.

The Kingdom of Shan’si

Tsu Ma Chen, King of Shan’si, Watcher of the Northern Marches

Diplomacy    Ordos (f), Yhanzi (t), Wuhu, in Wu Hai (t)

        A new postal road link was built between Shan’si and Ordos.  Shan’si diplomacy continues to make new friends in among the petty kingdoms to the west.

The Kingdom of the Yangtze

Cao Tse Tung, King of Hupei

Diplomacy  Hwai (t), Hunan (f), Funiu (ea), Pienching, in Hupei (c)

        Aside from engaging in a lot of diplomacy, the new King kept to himself.  The great Wall section in Shensi was allowed to fall into disrepair.

The Kingdom of Kwangsi

Chu Shen, Prince of Kwangsi

Diplomacy    None

        Shuffled troops around and that was it...

Southeast Asia

The Kingdom of Champa

Bao Dai II, King of Champa, Lord of Vijaya

Diplomacy None

        Bao Dai had a wild and wooly time of it to say the least, leading 18,000 troops into Dai Viet and smashing the locals into bloody submission.  The latter, knowing that the writing was on the wall, resisted furiously, exacting a heavy toll on the invaders, but in vain.  The King then spent several years settling thousands of Khemer colonists into this hostile environment.  A sympathy revolt in Korat was brutally put down by general Bin Lol, who was killed in the process.  The subjugated populace then spent the balance of the turn putting the region under cultivation, doubtless in preparation for the incoming Khemer scum-pukes who will then subsequently marginalize them.

The Kingdom of Kambuja

Chulalongkorn, Deveraja of the Kambuja

Diplomacy    No effect

        A new port city, Pattaya, was raised in Phan Rang, on the Mekong Sea.

The Kingdom of Ava

Shambramaba II, King of Ava

Diplomacy    None

         No Orders


The Kingdom of Maghada

Kassar, Raja of Bengal

Diplomacy    Gtsang (ea)

        Kassar was a mite peeved to discover that several prominent members of the Royal household were in the pay of the Pratiharans, let the purges begin!

        In other events, Maghadan urbanization continued at its usual pace with Karimganj, Patna and Parganas all increasing in size.

The Kingdom of Chola

Rhama, King of Chola, Lord of Tanjore

Diplomacy    Madurai (ea)

        Did some diplomacy and that was about it really.

The Pratihara Empire of Kaunaj

Sachetan, Emperor of India

Diplomacy    Kashmir (fa)

         The colonization of the former Punjabi regions continue apace with all of them being settled to (1/n) regions. (The resistance values are on the map).  In addition, Agra, Kuanaj, Somantha, Benares and Mandvi all increased in size.  In foreign affairs, the claim to Kalinga was relinquished and the Pratiharan government has egg on its face following the discovery of their spies in the Maghadan Royal household.

Central Asia

The Kingdom of Jungaria

Kilij Arslen, Lord of Karakocho.

Diplomacy    Karluk (fa)

        Kilij sent his diplomats out to make nice among his neighbors.

The Emirate of Samarkhand

Hamid, Emir of Samarkhnad

Diplomacy  Tadzik (f), Khwarzim (f), Singanakh (f), Transoxania (a)

        A new city, Tokul, was founded in Tadzik and Kar-Kalanis increased in size.  Hamid and his diplomats continued to consolidate his control of the surrounding regions.  Trade was also opened up with the Pratiharans.

The Khazar Khanate

Alp, Kagan of Khazar and Saksiny

Diplomacy    Polovotsy (fa), Nogai (ea)

        Proving that he can’t just take “No” for an answer, the Khazar general Simsam marched into Alan at the head of some 21,000 troops and smashed the locals into a bloody pulp.  In more domestic pursuits, Bolgar was put under cultivation.

The Near East

The Hamadid Emirate

Omar Ibn Batutta, Emir of Damascus.

Diplomacy    Carhae (f)

         Aside from a massive diplomatic effort to bring Carhae back into the fold, Omar did little.  Aqaba increased to a level 4 port.

The Buwayid Emirates

Ibriham ibn Ali, Emir of Emirs, Protector of the Caliph.

Diplomacy    None

        No orders.

The Emirate of Aden

Ali ibn Muktair, Emir of Aden and S’ana.

Diplomacy    Yemen (fa)

        Ali kicked his reign off by making friends with the Yemenese.

Eastern Europe

The Eastern Roman Empire

Constantine Pophryogenitus, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, the Great Reformer

Diplomacy    Galatia (f), Georgia (f)

        Great fun continued to be had in the court of the Eastern Empire where Constantine ordered the further expansion of many of its cities.  Heraclea, Thessaloniki, Nicomedia, Smyrna and Tarsus all increased in size.  In addition, Georgia was put under cultivation.  Finally, Roman diplomacy was highly effective as seen above.

The Principality of Muscovy

Igor II, Boyar of Muscovy

Diplomacy    Kur (f), Seversk (t)

        A new port city, Bryansk, was raised in Kirivitch.  Igor planned to name it something else, but a terrible dream warned of great misfortune and terrible destruction upon his kingdom should he do so.

The High Republic of Hellreiger

Lore III, King of Poland

Diplomacy    None

        No orders.

The Duchy of Estonia

Verityn Viikberg, Duke of Estonia

Diplomacy    Musa (nt)

        After much thought, Verityn decided to convert to Orthodox Christianity and ordered his servants, boyars, and subjects to follow suit.  For the most part, everyone complied.  Only the people of Petersburg, remained true to their ancestral faith and went independent as a result.

        In other events, the royal road between Latvia and Livonia was completed and a bridge was built spanning the Dvina between Latvia and Daugava.

Western Europe

The Duchy of Bohemia

Sabastian Govner I, Duke of Bohemia

Diplomacy    Lubeck, in Holstein, (ea), Freiburg, in Swabia (f)

        Trieste and Bamberg both expanded in size.  In co-operation with the Franks a combined bridge/royal road was built over the Rhine between Burgundy and Swabia (although the French haven’t built their part of the road yet).  To further cement the ties between the two kingdoms, a diplomatic wedding was arranged between the Frankish princess Adelade and the Bohemian prince Erich.  A gala affair indeed with enough Powdered Donut Pancake Surprise and Chocolate Chicken Pot Pies to satisfy everyone, although prince Erich wouldn’t let Mr. Kitty have any...(urge to give Bohemia massive DF rising, on second thought, too much work...Bohemia saved by referee cynicism and apathy).

The Vernonian Empire

Julius Caesar Germanicus, Emperor of Italy

Diplomacy    No effect

        Veronan fortunes were mixed:  On the plus side, new cities were built on Geb-Al-Tarik (Gibraltar) and Tripolitania (Tripoli) and work was begun on a new Royal Road segment between Ligurua and Provence.  In addition, Veronese troops continue to increase the Empire’s holdings in North Africa, browbeating the locals of Ad’diffah and Lybia into paying tribute.  On the negative side, diplomatic work in Switzerland was largely ineffectual and an attempt to explore the wastes of the Saharan Erg resulted in the loss of the entire expedition.

Le Royaume de France

Phillip Capet, King of the Franks

Diplomacy:   Hainaut (a)

        Phillip, as was his wont, had a full plate, what with cities expanding everywhere (Paris, Tours and Le Mans) plus more walls for them and on top of that a diplomatic trip to the Rhine.  Also on the banks of that mighty river, work was begun on a bridge between Burgundy and Swabia.  To the south, the Franks completed their half of the Provence-Liguria highway (now if only those #*%*# Italians would finish their half!).  In other diplomatic events, emissaries to Aachen and Avranches continue to have no success.  On the other hand, closer relations were achieved with the Germans when the French heir Robert married a Bohemian princess.  Finally, an expedition to plumb the depths of the Azores current vanished without trace.

The El Reino De Navarre

Miguel, King of Navarre

Diplomacy    Asturias (f), Valencia (f), Valentia, in Vanlencia (f), Corunna, in Galacia (a)

        In addition to butt-loads of diplomacy, Miguel oversaw the expansion of Seville (to a level 5 port) and the cultivation of Asturias and Galacia.  The later was also colonized back to it’s old value of (2/6).

Northern Europe

The Kingdom of the Svear

Drevs, King of the Swedes

Diplomacy    Fjordane (ea), Zealand (f)

        Drevs ordered a new port city, Alesund, built in Fjordane.  The King also sent his emissaries hither and yon, some met with success, others did not...

The Norse Kingdom of Iceland

Bjorn Haraldson, King of the Norse

Diplomacy    None

        Deciding that a much...firmer hand was necessary. Bjorn gathered up some 5,000 troops and nearly 100 ships and departed Haraldswick for points south.  Debarking in the Orkneys, the King led a military campaign against the Culdic community and converted the lot of them at the point of a sword.  Picking up additional troops, Bjorn then sailed for the Hebrides where the population there was subjected to similar treatment.  In addition, a new Catholic colony was established there as well.  Gathering yet more troops, Bjorn next landed on the northern coast of Scotland, where the locals were subjected to a much harsher treatment.  Over the next two years, the populace was systematically hunted down and slaughtered, none being spared in the bloody rampage of the Norse armies.

North Afriqa

The Maghreb Emirate

Lashal ibn Umar, Emir of Morroco

Diplomacy    Arguin (f), Rusicade, in Awlil (f)

        Mohammad died early in 1116 of a burst blood vessel (BLAM! Bleed, Bleed, Bleed...).  Undeterred by this, the late Emir’s son Lashal quickly took up his father’s responsibilities.  The royal road between Merrakesh and Idjil was completed.  At sea, Prince Mansour hove to off the Cape Verde Islands with a passel of colonists and city construction materials.  The islands were quickly settled to a (-/1) and the city of Yesil, was also built.

Al Fatamid Caliphate Al Qaira

Malik ibn Mohammad, Fatamid Caliph of Egypt

Diplomacy    None

        Will the blood of his enemies filling his nostrils, Malik closed for the kill.  See below for the Nubian War results.

West Afriqa

The Kingdom of Ghana

Wetelimba, Lord of Kumi-Saleh

Diplomacy None

        Khalem was put under cultivation.  Other than that, things were quiet.

The Kingdom of Nupe

Surinama, King of Nupe and Oyo

Diplomacy Dendi, in Zerma (fa)

        Zerma was put under cultivation and Jukun expanded to a level two city.  In addition, trade was opened up with the Kanem-Bornu, Fatamids and the Italians via the great Saharan Oasis trade routes.

The Kingdom of Ife-Benin

Chitambo II, Lord of Ife and Benin

Diplomacy None

        There was a veritable orgy of city expansion among the cities of the Kingdom.  Whydah, Lagos, Dahomey and Accra all increased in size.

The Kingdom of Kanem-Bornu

Susiseko, King of Kanem and Bornu

Diplomacy Kano (a), Daza (t)

        Having saved his money for many years, Susiseko blew the pile on putting both Kano and Daza under cultivation and adding new levels to the cities of Ngazargumu and Katsia.

East Afriqa

The Makuria Kingdom of Nubia

Arron, Regent for...

Akencheres II, King of Nubia

Diplomacy    None

The Nubian War

Fatamid Egypt vs. the Makuria Kingdom.

Initial skullduggery:  None, oddly enough....

A.D. 1116

March – April: Malik started the ball rolling by detaching 11,000 cavalry under General Qaboos and sending them back north.  The main Egyptian host, (50,000 strong) would conduct operations against the remaining centers of Makurite resistance on the Red Sea coast.  For their part, the Nubians shuffled generals:  Lamech moved south from Adulis into Danakil in March and was joined there by Gugsa, marching up from Zeila, a month later.  In Erkico, Lamech took command of the 4,800 infantry garrison there. 

        Back in Adulis, King Akencheres moved into the capital of Pwenet with his 4,600 troops and sent general Karlsruhe westward into Kassala by stealth. Finally, in Sennar, Prince Arron cut loose the slaves he’d been carting about and marched his 6,000 troops off into Gezira.

May – June: Malik marched into Adulis, arriving at the end of June.  While Qaboos marches north, arriving in Egypt at the end of June.  In Pwenet, Akencheres tries to convince the local populace to prepare to evacuate.  Gugsa, at the head of 200 heavy cavalry joins him in the city at then end of June and also assumes command of the small fleet of transports there as well.  To the west, Karlsruhe manages to sneak into Kassala without getting caught and begins trying to stir up trouble among the pacified inhabitants.  Arron continues marching through the wilderness.

July – August: Malik begins subjugating Adulis.  By the end of August, it’s clear to King Akencheres that none of the populace of Pwenet are willing to go anywhere.  The Fatamids have not exactly been brutal in their invasion and the locals are just as willing to pay taxes to Malik as to anyone else.  Gugsa loads the Makurian Royal Family into his ships and sails south.  In the south, Arron finally arrives in Gezira.

September – October: Akencheres now attempts to slip past the Fatamid army subjugating Adulis.  Sadly, the King blows his evasion roll and Malik’s great host (50,000 strong) utterly destroys him and his 4,600 man army.  There are no survivors.  Adulis is conquered.  To the south, Gugsa arrives at Erkico and Arron begins moving into Axum.

A.D. 1117

March – April: while March is fairly quiet, April sees a revolt in Kassala, which goes independent and Malik beginning his siege of Pwenet.  Gugsa sets sail across the Bab Al Mandab and Arron resumes moving into Axum.

May – June: Gugsa crosses the Gulf of Oman, arriving in the Nubian colony of Dire Dawa with the Royal Family in June.  Malik continues to besiege Pwenet, which falls in June.  The government officials are massacred although the populace as a whole is untouched.  To the south, Arron enters Axum and liberates it in June while Karlsruhe sneaks into Nubia itself.

July – August: Malik marches into Danakil (using the Nubian road there to speed movement somewhat) and begin pacifying the region.  Karlsruhe arrives in Nubia without getting caught and Arron begins stealthily moving into Alwa.

September – October: Malik continues to pacify Danakil.  Arron continues moving, Karlsruhe continues to try to stir up trouble.

A.D. 1118

March – April: Gugsa sets sail into the Gulf of Oman.  Arron arrives in Alwa.  Malik finishes pacifying Danakil.

May – June: Gugsa arrives in Erkico in June and Lamech begins loading his army while Malik lays siege to .the city.  Arron begins trying to spread the seeds of revolt among the Alwans.  Nubia revolts!  Qaboos blows his reaction roll and sits on his duff.

July – August: Lamech and Gugsa complete the evacuation of the formers army and sail into the Bab al Mandab just as Erkico falls.  Victorious here, Malik begins moving into Zeila.  In Nubia, Karlsruhe organizes the rebels into a semblance of an army (all 2,200 of them) while Qaboos finally makes a react roll, moves south to Thebes and begins crossing the Nile.

September – October: Malik enters Zeila.  Qaboos continues to ferry troops across the Nile.

A.D. 1119

March – April: Malik begins pacifying Zeila and the (un-walled) city of Beylul.  Qaboos finishes crossing the Nile.  In Alwa, Aaron finishes his IR action and makes a CHA check, he fails.  The locals remain indifferent.  He resolves to try again.

May – June:  badly outnumbered, Karlsruhe manages to evade Qaboos and slip back into Kassala and subsequently begins moving into Axum.  Qaboos begins re-pacifying Nubia.  Malik completes the pacification of Zeila/Beylul.

July – August: Karlsruhe arrives in Axum.  Malik moves into Danakil.  Qaboos finishes pacifying Nubia and begins moving into Kassala.

September – October: Malik begins moving into Kassala.  Qaboos arrives in Kassala.

A.D. 1120

March – April: Qaboos begins pacifying Kassala.  Malik arrives in Kassala.  In Alwa, Arron tries again to incite revolt and succeeds!  Alwa goes independent!  Karlsruhe begins moving into Alwa.

May – June: Qaboos finishes pacifying Kassala.  Malik begins moving into Axum.  Arron arrives in Axum.  Karlsruhe arrives in Alwa.

July – August:  Qaboos moves into Alwa.  Arron begins moving into Gezira.  Malik arrives in Axum.  Karlsruhe begins moving into Axum.

September – October: Arron arrives in Gezira. Qaboos reduces Alwa to PT status.  Malik catches Karlsruhe trying to slip through Axum to Gezira and obliterates him.  Axum is reduced to PT status.

South Afriqa

The Bakongo Kingdom

Namodu III, King of Bakongo

Diplomacy None

         Late orders and in arrears.  Not processed.

The Kingdom of Nyasa

Asserate, Chief of the Nyasa

Diplomacy Makura (nt)

        Asserate took time out from internal affairs to make nice with his southern neighbors.

The Kingdom of Rozwi

Shaka II, King of Rozwi, Lord of Zimbabwe

Diplomacy None

        Quietly continued to mind his own affairs...

The Kingdom of Vaal

M’tesa, King of Vaal and Mapungubwe

Diplomacy Swazi (fa)

        M’tesa continued his diplomatic work among the Swazi.

The Xhosa Kingdom

Kreli-Sarhili, Chief of the Xhosa.

Diplomacy None

        Tswhanne increased a level and that was about it.

North America

The Tlingit People

Blackhair, Chief of the Tlingit, Lord of the Far North.

Diplomacy None

        Concerned with the protection of his people, Blackhair ordered the construction of a fortress adjoining the capital of Ahwahnee.  A great feast was also had to celebrate the opening of trade with the mighty Californians to the south.


Obsidian Coyote, Ruler of California

Diplomacy None

        The Yokuts continued to expand.  More settlers arrived in Tolowa, raising it to a (1/1) region.  Another wave of colonists settled Kalapuya to a (-/6) region.  Both Tolowa and Salinan were put under cultivation and a new royal road was built between Yokuts and Serrano.  Finally Kettenpom and New Teotihuacan expanded to level two cities.

        At sea disaster struck when the Admiral Tohono and his men vanished into the mists and fog of the icy northern seas.  Obsidian Coyote’s advisors have begun to question his exploration policy and are arguing that such resources could be better spent at home (that’s a hint, by the way).

The Anasazi Nation

Manchuk II, Chief of the Anasazi, Lord of the Chaco

Diplomacy None

        Anasazi expansion continued at its usual frenetic pace.  More colonists were sent east and south, settling Leoti, Wakita, Chanute and Yampa to (1/1), (1/3), (2/3) and (2/5) regions respectively.  Leoti and Wakita were also put under the plow (or whatever passes for the plow in the New World).  The cities of Chaco, Navolato and Guaymas all increased in size.  Finally, Anasazi navigators successfully explored the Golfo de Nicoya sea zone (taking care to avoid the xenophobic Tarascans en route.

The Mississippian Empire

Leaping Crane, The Great Beaver of the Snake

Diplomacy None

               Leaping Crane’s people continue to spread to the four winds, colonizing great tracks of wilderness with hearty abandon (despite sometimes getting eaten by bears, hey no one said that the game of empire was pretty!).  Colonies in Quapaw and Scioto continued to grow, raising those places to a (1/3) and (2/5) respectively.  In addition, a new colony was founded in Chickasaw, raising it to a (-/2) region.  Finally, a great bridge was built across the Ohio between Michigamea and Kaskinapo.

The Natchez Confederacy

Circling Hawk, Great Sun of the Natchez

Diplomacy None

        Late orders, not processed.

The Yamasee People

White Feather, Chief of the Yamasee

Diplomacy None

        The cultivation of Creek was completed (to much rejoicing) and the cultivation of Cheraw begun.  White feather also started sending a small number of settlers west into Muskogee.  Finally, the chief ordered a census conducted. (Well, okay, he did it himself).


The Toltec Hegemony of Chichen Itza

Coatl, Grand Hegemon of the Maya

Diplomacy None

        No orders.

The Kingdom of Tarascan

Tlacala, Warrior-King of the Tarascan and Cuyutec

Diplomacy None

        Having gotten fed up with everyone using his neck of the woods as their private mini-mart for slaves, the King of Tarascan, Tlacala, decided to send out offers of alliances to his immediate neighbors.  The response was gratifyingly swift: the local rulers of Tepuztec, Cuyutec and Cora had also gotten tired of Anaszi mischief and Mayan indifference and decided that collective action was called for.  To this end union was achieved with Tepuztec, Cuyutec and Cora.  A new city, Tapachula, was founded in Tarascan to celebrate the alliance.  Finally, to prove he wasn’t hot air, Tlacala dispatched General Smoke Jaguar into Jonaz Pame with orders to round up and enslave the inhabitants.  After crushing the locals this was done.

The Arawak of the Islands

Awcom II, Lord of the Islands

Diplomacy    None

        Awcom ordered a great feast held to celebrate the marraige of his daughter Muanida and general Cozaar, brining the latter into the Royal family.  In other, less festive events, Taino was put under cultivation.

The Chibchan Kingdom

Cilan II, King of the Chibchan

Diplomacy None

        A new city, Corozan, was constructed in Caquetio, overlooking the Cariaco Sea and the Gulf of Venezuela.  Other then that, Cilan was content to shuffle troops about and begat more daughters (DOH!).

South America

The Kingdom of Paraiba

Panib II, King of Paraiba

Diplomacy None

         No orders.

The Mighty Incan Empire

Ozcoco, Emperor of the Incas

Diplomacy None

        Ozcoco ordered a census conducted and otherwise minded his own business.

The Kingdom of Karanga

Amaru, Lord of the South

Diplomacy None

        Amaru kicked off his reign by building two cities: Cajamarca, his capital and a port, Pacheco, in Arica.  Work was also begun on a royal road between the two cities and trade was opened up with his big neighbor to the north.

The Kingdom of Shokleng

Urcon, King of Shokleng

Diplomacy None

        No orders

The Mapuche Nation

Obsidian IV, King of the Mapuche

Diplomacy None

        No orders