Lords of the Earth

Campaign Nineteen

Turn 42

Anno Domini 1106 - 1110


Turn 41 Orders Due By       Friday, May14th, 2004.  Orders will not be accepted after Midnight MST on Saturday, May 15th.





Hello again, since LORDS 2 is either being put on ice or given to another ref, I will resume monthly processing on this game.


Contacting & Paying the Referee

I will no longer be taking money directly for turns.  Instead, players sending funds by mail should make all checks payable to Thomas Harlan and send them either to the 2nd Street address or to Thomas’ address, which is:


Thomas Harlan

3210 E. 23rd Street

Tucson, AZ 85713-2261


Below are my Email and Regular mail addresses:


4858 East 2nd Street

Tucson, AZ 85711

Email: ancaric@throneworld.com


Payment: When paying via Paypal, please send all funds to this account:




        Please do NOT send payments to my Paypal account, use the one listed above.


        Warning: if your account falls into arrears for any amount your position will be declared open unless you make concrete arrangements with me to pay your balance.  (By “concrete” I mean, I’ll have x amount to you on or before y date).  Please don’t fall behind, I really don’t like being the heavy and I daresay you won’t like it either.  What follows is…


A Handy Guide to Determine Your Ref’s Attitude Towards You if You are in Arrears

If you run up a negative account balance it can be difficult to determine the level of emotion the referee may have towards you.  What follow is a convenient guide to let you know exactly where you stand.


-$5.00 or Less: hey, it happens.  Please pay your balance as soon as possible.


-$5.00 -- -$10.00: c’mon, it’s not like this game is really expensive.  Please pay your balance.  Your kids will thank you for it someday.


-$15.00 or More: Urge to kill rising!


Modifiers: people who try to make arrangements with me regarding payment (or partial payment) will generally get a favorable hearing.  Generally, players who exceed two turns of debt without keeping me apprised of their situation will be dropped and word will be sent out to the other campaigns warning the refs of the offending player’s deadbeat proclivities.  Players who run up a negative balance and then drop w/o repayment, will have their names sent out to other referees as mentioned above and will have massive karmic debt for being a scoundrel and lout.


Rules Stuff


        As mentioned above, I’m going to try to keep alterations to the rules to a minimum (a double “yeah, sure” regarding my chances).  Here are some things to keep in mind:


Hands Off Trade and the IMA action (clarification): here’s what you can and can’t do regarding moving MSps around.  This applies to all merchant fleets, regardless of type.

ú        Inter-nation Trade Fleet: May be freely initiated, starting MSPs determined by computer.  To add or move MSPs requires an IMA action.

ú        Internal Trade/Fishing Fleets: May be freely initiated, starting MSPs are added by the player.  Additional new MSPs may be added to an existing fleet.  To move MSPs between existing fleets requires an IMA action.

Moving a fleet to a new port requires an IMA action, regardless of type.


Allied Leaders: looking over some of the player-less countries, I’ve noticed a large percentage of troops under allied leaders, doubtless in an attempt to reduce support costs.  While I don’t want to disallow this practice, I will be making loyalty checks for any such “augmented” forces from here on out.  Failure indicates that feckless ally decides to carve a kingdom out of your Empire.  The chances of this increase if there are few non-allied troops about.  So don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.


Female Leaders: while I don’t want to disallow them totally, the Dark Ages were a pretty male dominated time.  Consequently, a female Royalty member may only become Queen, Empress, Regent or Heir if they have a Charisma of AT LEAST 10.   A Princess will only become an active leader if her Charisma is at least 8 (eight) or greater.  Any Charisma statute less than this will result in no generation (although you can still marry them off).  Any existing Female Rulers, Heirs, Princesses may remain.   The only exception to this is if the sole available heir is a princess, in which case she becomes ruler regardless of Charisma (and the subsequent DF check gets an big bad negative modifier as the local nobility resents the presence of a female giving orders and intruding on their bailiwick).


The Homeland Income Multiple: has decreased to one.


Gold, NFP and Agro transfers: beginning immediately (well okay, next turn [41]), any inter-player transfers will only become available to the recipients the turn after they are sent.  So if someone sent you stuff on turn 41, you have to wait until turn 42 before you can use it.  Gold and NFP will be placed in their respective saved sections.  Agro will be placed in the reserves.  Note: players sending agro must spend gold to preserve it in transit.  Keep this in mind when deciding how much to charge for your surpluses.


Entrophy, or Viagra hasn’t been invented yet: any male Royal personages attempting to begat kiddies after the age of 50 has a severely reduced chance of siring any new bundles of joy.  Just so you know.


AP reminder:  please remember that it is the slowest unit of a given force that determines which unit modifiers apply to determining APs/year.  So if your army of light, elite cavalry includes even one heavy infantry unit, the footsloggers are slowing everyone down.  Also if a leader has a combat rating of four or less, he has a –1 AP per year modifier regardless of what he’s doing.


Shooting oneself in the foot:  Just so you all know, if your king continues to produces heirs after he has an established heir in place (i.e. one who has generated stats, it always goes to the eldest male by the way.) you are desperately begging for some sort of dynastic trouble when your monarch dies.


INTEL STUFF: When performing Infiltration and Counter Infiltration Intel Operations, it is always best to specify which sector of your nation you are trying to protect or subvert.  The sectors are listed in rule 8.3.11 in the basic rulebook but I will repeat them here:  Espionage Service, Government, Royal Family, Military, Populace, University and Religion.  Players who order an op against an unspecified target will have a SEVERELY reduced chance of success.


WARNING: According to the upcoming revised (yet again) Rulebook, several Government, Societal and Economic changes will be dependent on a nation’s Tech Level.  If you have a government, economic or society belonging to one of these types, you will be compensated for the gps and or nfp spent.  I strongly urge people to stop investing in these projects until more information becomes available.


YARD CAPACITY:  Starting next turn (t93), I will be assessing Yard Capacity costs for all heavy units as well as all ship units.  Below are the appropriate sections from the Modern rules supplement.


The construction of all ship units as well as all heavy-prefix land units requires the use of (in addition to GP and NFP expenditures) Yard Capacity of the appropriate kind. Each ship or heavy prefix land unit type has a Yard Capacity (YrdC) cost listed below.  This is the Yard Capacity cost when constructing the unit.  For most types of nations Yard Capacity can only be used at a Friendly City within your Homeland Build Zone.   Each point of Yard Capacity provides one Yard Capacity point per turn.  YrdC may not be saved from turn to turn.

        While Pre-Modern nations (nomads, barbarians, civilized, renaissance, etc.) cannot build the dedicated Yards that are prevalent in the Modern Era; pre-modern cities and trade centers have an intrinsic Yard capacity for the production of ship and heavy land units.


Intrinsic Yard Capacities

        Cities, Trade Centers and Port Cities have “generic” Yard Capacities, as noted in the following table.

Table 3‑9. Intrinsic Yard Capacity




Trade Center


Usable only by Nomads or Barbarians for the construction of Heavy units (including ships, if in a coastal region).


GPv × 5

Usable for the construction of Heavy land units.

Port City

GPv × 5

Usable for the construction of ships and heavy land units.


Note: Port City capacity is not separated for ground unit and ship unit construction. There is only one Capacity, reflecting the specialization of port cities for ship construction.


Yard Capacities on the Stat Sheet

        The city-based Intrinsic Yard capacity is listed on your stat sheet as part of the City description, between the city PWB and the City Type like so:


Avalon [3+30i15p4]


        This city has a GPv of 3, 30 public works an intrinsic Yard capacity of 15, is a port city and has 4 wall points.


Increasing Intrinsic Industry

        The only way that intrinsic Yard Capacity may be increased is through city expansion.  Additional capacity gained through such expansion may not be used on the same turn that the city expansion occurs.

Important: HBZ and primate construction restrictions are still in force, so just because you have the capacity to build something at a given site, doesn’t mean that you will be able to if the city is out of your HBZ.


Yard Capacity Costs

Unit Type

YrdC Cost



























P = may only be built at a port.



Map Discrepancies

Some discrepancies between the maps and the Stats program have cropped up:


Gunzhou should be Guizhou.


Zealand is a cultivated region.


The island of Bubi is now Fernando Po


As a general rule, in discrepancies of this kind, the stats take precedence over the map.


Japan & the Pacific Rim


The Empire of Japan

Kondo Nobunaga, Daimyo of Yamato.

Diplomacy    No effect




The Taira Bakufu

Taira Shun, Daimyo of Kwanto.

Diplomacy    Saga (fa), Kagoshima (un, oopsie!)




Initial knife-work and stuff: the usual attempt on Matsuoka’s life failed.

        This is going to be brief as I am heartily sick of processing this war:

        Both Kondo and his son were sitting around trying to begat children when word came that the Taira were on the attack yet again.  Mustering the troops, Kondo led them forth and got bitch-slapped.  Kondo fell back into Yamato, Matsuoka pursued, then fell back into Aichi rather than deal with the many field forts.

        At sea, Admiral Kurosawa was patrolling the Tsushima Straits when he encountered Taira Admiral Ishi’s fleet.  Again, the Taira marines and heavy warships bitch-slapped the Imperialists. 


We interrupt this fax for a note from the irritated and grumpy ref...


NOTE: players who attempt to micromanage their armies with petty conditional orders (e.g. don’t allow enemy marines to board your ships, as if you could prevent such a thing by merely ordering it so...) will in the future automatically incur a –5, yes that’s right, a MINUS FIVE on all their combats for the turn. 


We now return to the fax...


        Kurosawa retreated to Kumamoto, where he died at turn’s end.  Ishi attempted to translate his military success into diplomatic advantage among the southern daimyos, with mixed results.  Finally, the grand old Taira himself, Mitsuoka, target of so many assassination attempts, died of natural causes in camp at the end of 1110.


The Moluccas Seahold

Gatumao II, Lord of the Spice Islands

Diplomacy    No Effect

        Aside from engaging in some ineffective diplomacy among the northern Filipinos, Gatumao minded his own affairs.


The Maree Tribes of Australia

Tuki, Prince of Maree

Diplomacy    None

        No orders.


The Arikat of Maaori

Kamut III, King of the Southern Islands

Diplomacy    Tekutea (nt)

        Kamut the second died in mid 1108 at a fairly ripe old age.  His son and namesake ascended the Palm Throne without incident and completed the various projects begun by his late father.  Two new port cities, Tiakau and Aoteora where built in Taranika and Otago respectively and both Wellington and Maunukau both expanded to level seven ports.  Arikat diplomacy was less than spectacular, however.




The Goreyo Kingdom

Kim On Rhee, Prince of Koguryo

Diplomacy    Silla (a)

        Having saved his pennies, Kim found he had enough to found a new city.  So it was done!  Inchon was built in Anshan amid much rejoicing.


The Kingdom of Shan’si

Tsu Ma Chen, King of Shan’si, Watcher of the Northern Marches

Diplomacy    None

        No Orders.


The Kingdom of the Yangtze

Cao Jian, King of Hupei

Diplomacy  Hubei (a), Taiwan (ea)

        Urbanization continued in the Empire’s heartland with Chiangning increasing to a level 10 city; Chengdu grew to a level 5 and Hangzhou grew to a level 6.


The Kingdom of Kwangsi

Chu Lai, Prince of Kwangsi

Diplomacy    None

        Deciding to mix domestic and military pursuits, Chu Lai ordered the construction of a new port, Fuzhou, in Kwangtung.  The prince also led over 16,000 troops into Gouangxi and compelled the natives there to pay tribute.  To the east, general Yu Wuhong, led nearly 5,000 troops into Fujian (ignoring the Yangtze claim there) and Ganzhou and induced the locals to pay tribute as well.  Seems ole Chu Lai is feeling his oats (whatever that means).


Southeast Asia


The Kingdom of Champa

Bao Dai II, King of Champa, Lord of Vijaya

Diplomacy No effect.

        To the south, the Champans were also busy combining civic and military projects.  Whilst thousands of laborers worked on building a Royal Road between Champa and Cochin, thousands more slaved to put Mison under cultivation.  To the north, activities were decidedly more belligerent as generals Bin Lol and Duc Tho led over 7,000 troops into Guizhou and smashed the locals into submission.


The Kingdom of Kambuja

Chulalongkorn, Deveraja of the Kambuja

Diplomacy    Phan Rang (f)

        Shuffled troops around and minded his own business.


The Kingdom of Ava

Shambramaba II, King of Ava

Diplomacy    None

         No Orders.


India & Central Asia


The Kingdom of Maghada

Kassar, Raja of Bengal

Diplomacy    Nadavaria (a), Sikkim, (h, diplomat killed)

        Kasar’s fortunes were mixed.  On the plus side, the royal road between Maghada and the Kaunaj border was completed and an additional link was built between Nadavaria and Chandela.  On the negative side, plans to cede Samatata to the Avans failed when the latter failed to turn in orders and an emissary to the Sikkim was messily killed.


The Kingdom of Chola

Rhama, King of Chola, Lord of Tanjore

Diplomacy    Madurai (h)

        Rhama conducted a census to determine the number of inhabitants within his realm.


The Sultanate of Punjab [DEAD]

Mustafa, Sultan of Punjab, Lord of Afghanistan

Diplomacy    None

        Mustafa continued to hunker down in Mandvi, waiting for the scum-puke Hindus to attack.


The Pratihara Empire of Kaunaj

Sachetan, Emperor of India

Diplomacy    Vengi (h), Chela (ea following allied leader death)

         Determined to crush the Shi’a revolt once and for all, Sachetan marched into Sind at the head of over 69,000 troops and into a veritable hornet’s nest of resistance, the locals wanting absolutely nothing to do with the Pratiharans “paganism” and prepared to sell their lives dearly.  Sachetan’s troops spent nearly two years alternately trying to force the Vedas down the throats of the inhabitants and then slaughtering them when they had the temerity to refuse.  Areas would be declared secure, only to flare up in unrest again, entire towns were obliterated, it was all quite ugly, sectarian and vicious.  In the end the region was denuded of life.

        As bad as Sind was, the slaughter was worse in Edrosia, here the locals had the backing of Mustafa in Mandvi, who supplied them with equipment and experienced troops.  After another two and a half years of butchery, Sachetan’s army (now reduced to about 53,000) surrounded Mandvi and began preparations for a siege.

        Around the third month of the investment, reports from the blockading fleet of smoke rising from the waterfront, prompted Sachetan to send a scouting group towards the main gate to investigate.  As they approached, a terrible stench became apparent, a sickly sweet odor rising above the normal stink that accompanies any besieging army.  Coming up to the main gate and not being shot down by archers the scouts called up a battering ram.  Once a breach had been made, a wave of rot swept over the besiegers, who now found themselves in the middle of one huge abattoir.  Whole streets, mosques and houses were clogged with the dead, many dead of malnutrition, many more by their own hand.  So after ten years of ferocious warfare, Sachetan found himself lord of five depopulated provinces and a city stuffed full of corpses.  He created a wilderness and called it peace...


The Emirate of Samarkhand

Hamid, Emir of Samarkhnad

Diplomacy  Khiva, in Khwarzim (ea), Kar-Kalanis, in Bactria (ea), Ferghana (nt)

        Hamid continued to make nice among his neighbors.


The Khazar Khanate

Bulan II, Kagan of Khazar and Saksiny

Diplomacy    Nogai (c, down from nt, oopsie!), Levedia (a), Kuban (fa)

        Aside from some (more or less successful) diplomacy among his immediate neighbors, Bulan kept pretty much to himself.


The Near East


The Hamadid Emirate

Omar Ibn Batutta, Emir of Damascus.

Diplomacy    Jordan (f), Antioch, in Aleppo (f)

         The Emir continued to work on improving communications within his realm completing a new postal road link was completed between Syria and Jordan.  In addition, Aqaba and Beirut both expanded (to sizes 2 and 3 respectively).


The Buwayid Emirates

Ibriham ibn Ali, Emir of Emirs, Protector of the Caliph.

Diplomacy    Mand (c), Kuwait (c)

        In order to improve communications throughout his realm, Ibriham ordered construction of two road links; one from Mesopotamia to Hahmar; the other from Mesopotamia to Diyala.  In addition, a new city, Ecbatana, was built in Zagros.


Eastern Europe


The Eastern Roman Empire

Constantine Pophryogenitus, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, the Great Reformer

Diplomacy    Cyprus (f), Thessaly (f)

        As was his wont, the Emperor was very busy.  A new royal road was built between Bithnia and Paphlagonia.  In addition, a clutch of cities all expanded (Smyrna, Troy, Nicomedia, Heraclea, Thessaloniki, Volos and Troy).


The Principality of Muscovy

Igor II, Boyar of Muscovy

Diplomacy    None

        No Orders.


The High Republic of Hellreiger

Lore III, King of Poland

Diplomacy    Very Bad...

        An attempt to place a Polish colony of among the Balts of Prussia was a bloody fiasco with the colonists and garrison being slaughtered, the leader entrusted to the task killed, the region going independent and reverting to Europaganism...


The Duchy of Estonia

Verityn Viikberg, Duke of Estonia

Diplomacy    Yaroslavl’, in Yaroslav (f)

        Work on the Latvia/Livonia Royal Road continued and trade was opened up with the Norse.


Western Europe


The Duchy of Bohemia

Sabastian Govner I, Duke of Bohemia

Diplomacy    None

        No Orders.


The Vernonian Empire

Julius Caesar Germanicus, Emperor of Italy

Diplomacy    Switzerland (nt), Tyrol (c)

        Corsica was put under cultivation and both Naples and Genoa increased in size.


Le Royaume de France

Phillip Capet, King of the Franks

Diplomacy:   Limousin (nt), Wessex (t)

        Phillip consolidated control over his stake in southern England by constructing a new port city, Port de Saxon and giving it a generous allotment of wall points in case the Navaresse (a tricky and crafty people if ever there was one) got any ideas.


The El Reino De Navarre

Miguel, King of Navarre

Diplomacy    Asturias (ea)

        Things here were pretty quiet as well, with both Arles and Tortosa , expanding to level nine cities.  Sancho passed on at the start of the turn and his heir Miguel immediately started attempting to sire heirs on his hapless wife.  The poor woman gave birth to four kids in a space of five years (yay!), all girls (DOH!).


Northern Europe


The Kingdom of the Svear

Drevs, King of the Swedes

Diplomacy    Skane (f), Jutland (c)

        After a great deal of cogitation, Drevs decided to convert to Roman Catholicism, in order that he may be better received by his southern neighbors.  For the most part, the rest of the Kingdom followed along readily enough, save the Norwegians, who renounced any fealty to Drevs as a result.  In other events, in order to solidify his position among the Danes, the King ordered the construction of a new port city, Copenhagen, on Zealand.


The Norse Kingdom of Iceland

Bjorn Haraldson, King of the Norse

Diplomacy    No effect

        Also deciding that a change of religion would be a good thing, Bjorn also embraced the Catholic faith, an event that went fairly smoothly among his fellow pagans.  The Celtic Christian members of the kingdom where far less impressed, viewing it simply as the replacement of a bunch of godless pagans with a bunch of hegemonic heretics.

        In other news, Haraldswick increased to size three.


North Afriqa


The Maghreb Emirate

Mohammad ibn Umar, Emir of Morroco

Diplomacy    Canary Islands (nt), Baelerics (f), Arguin (a), Rusicade, in Awlil (ea)

        In a bout of paranoia, Mohammad ordered additional walls constructed around many of the Emirate’s cities and fortresses.  No one was going to catch him flat-footed!  In addition, work began on a new royal road link between Zirid and Morocco.  At sea Maghreb diplomats made overtures to the inhabitants of the Canary Islands and successfully plumbed the depths of the route to the Cape Verdes.


Al Fatamid Caliphate Al Qaira

Malik ibn Mohammad, Fatamid Caliph of Egypt

Diplomacy    None

        No Orders.


West Afriqa



The Kingdom of Timbuctu [DEAD]

Ajayi, True King of the Songhai

Diplomacy None

        No Orders.  Ajayi dodged an Assassin’s blade and braced for the next Ghanan onslaught...


The Kingdom of Ghana

Mugabwe, Lord of Kumi-Saleh

Diplomacy None

        Mustering another 10,000 troops to his already existing force of 17,000, Wetelimba waited for Ajayi to react to the Nupite invasion from the east, then he waited some more.  Finally, realizing that Ajayi wasn’t about to budge from his forts in the home region, Wetelimba stormed back into Songhai determined to finish the job.  The Ghanan host immediately ran smack into Ajayi at the head of over 15,000 defenders determined to sell their lives dearly.


The Kingdom of Nupe

Surinama, King of Nupe and Oyo

Diplomacy None

        Deciding to get in on his neighbor’s ill- fortune, Surinama dispatched his general M’tesa westward at the head of over 22,000 troops of his own...the Nupans quickly overran Sudan and reduced the rudimentary fortifications of Gao with little difficulty.  M’tesa then marched into Songhai itself, where he pitched in assisting Wetelimba in winkling the last of Ajayi’s troops out of the latter’s field forts.  This accomplished, Timbuctu itself was put under siege and after a few months, taken.  One of the contenders for the mantle of the old Songhai Empire was gone.


The Kingdom of Ife-Benin

Chitambo II, Lord of Ife and Benin

Diplomacy Kingdom of Benin (absorbed)

        The regions of Togo and Akan recovered from the devastation wrought by the hated Maracatu a decade ago.  The old Port of Togo was rebuilt and renamed Accra.  Finally, Chitambo and Abrija merged their two Kingdoms into one.


The Kingdom of Kanem-Bornu

Susiseko, King of Kanem and Bornu

Diplomacy Daza (fa)

        Pretty quiet, the K-B army under general Yukunah browbeat the chief of the Kano to pay tribute.


East Afriqa


The Makuria Kingdom of Nubia

Akencheres, King of Nubia

Diplomacy    No effect.

         Much of Akencheres’ plans were derailed by the death of at least three leaders in a single turn (including crown prince Sahmir, an event which filled the king with great sorrow).  On the other hand, the Emir of Djibouti wanted nothing to do with Copts in general, so it is unlikely that any amount of persuasion would have made a difference.  On the positive side of things, a new postal road was built between Nubia and Kassala, and the city of Erkico grew to a size seven port.


South Afriqa


The Bakongo Kingdom

Namodu II, King of Bakongo

Diplomacy Douala (a), Fernando Po (nt)

         Namodu personally conducted a census of the inhabitants of the realm and how much they were worth (the more efficiently to tax them).  In addition, the wilderness of Douala and the jungles of N’Gao were put under cultivation.


The Kingdom of Nyasa

Asserate, Chief of the Nyasa

Diplomacy None

        Asserate managed to save enough shekels enough to expand his capital to a level two city.  A nice party was held to celebrate the achievement.


The Kingdom of Rozwi

Shaka II, King of Rozwi, Lord of Zimbabwe

Diplomacy Matopos (ea)

        Did some diplomacy and minded his business.


The Kingdom of Vaal

M’tesa, King of Vaal and Mapungubwe

Diplomacy None

        M’tesa too kept his own counsel.


The Xhosa Kingdom

Kreli-Sarhili, Chief of the Xhosa.

Diplomacy None

        Kreli-Sarhili too looked forward to the day when he could build a city of his own.


North America


The Tlingit People

Blackhair, Chief of the Tlingit, Lord of the Far North.

Diplomacy None

        Work on the cultivation of Comox continued apace.  An attempt to plumb the depths of the southern seas was unsuccessful, though no lives were lost.



Obsidian Coyote, Ruler of California

Diplomacy None

        The Obsidian Coyote was, as usual, quite busy.  A new royal road link was built between Yokuts and Pomo and the latter region was colonized to a (2/9).  In addition, the King ordered a census conducted of the inhabitants of the realm.  In external affairs, Admiral Tohono continues to sally forth from Eureka, determined to plumb the mysteries of the great northern seas.


The Anasazi Nation

Manchuk II, Chief of the Anasazi, Lord of the Chaco

Diplomacy None

        Anasazi fortunes were mixed.  In the east, a new fortified port settlement, Xinaian, was constructed in Chanute[i].  To the west, Crown Prince Manchuk was dispatched by his father to the Yokuts court in Berkeley to wed the daughter of Obsidian Coyote, Wailaki.  The happily married couple arrived back in Chaco just in time to bury Manchuk’s father, who died at the end of 1110.  At sea, Admiral Happy Owl was having difficulty exploring the mysteries of Peuget Sound while in the south, a large Anasazi army (over 8,000 troops) got marooned in Cuyutec after the general in command expired after conquering the place.  What the Maya Emperor will do with this piece of information should prove interesting...


The Mississippian Empire

Leaping Crane, The Great Beaver of the Snake

Diplomacy  None

               The Great Beaver was fairly quiet.  A census was conducted and a diplomatic mission was sent to the Yamasee to encourage trade.


The Natchez Confederacy

Circling Hawk, Great Sun of the Natchez

Diplomacy None

        Flying Knife had the misfortune to kick off at the start of 1105 sans heir.  After some discussion, it was agreed that the late chief’s lieutenant, Circling Hawk should assume the mantle of Great Sun.  The new ruler immediately dispatched several thousand colonists into Wichita, colonizing the region to a (0/10).  Trade was also opened up with the Anasazi via their new city at Xinaian.


The Yamasee People

White Feather, Chief of the Yamasee

Diplomacy None

        The cultivation of Creek continued.  White Feather again entertained emissaries from the Michigamea, this time concerning trade.  While not dismissing the matter, the chief indicated that he had to finish this project first, then he would consider contacts with his mighty western neighbor.




The Toltec Hegemony of Chichen Itza

Itzamna, Grand Hegemon of the Maya

Diplomacy No effect.

        Desiring even more slaves to feed the bottomless pit of his tyranny, Itzamna dispatched Lord Marnog into Huastec at the head of over 12,000 troops with orders to enslave every last man, woman and child.  The locals, under no illusions over what lay in store for them, fought like mad, killing thousands of the invaders in their despair.  It was all in vain, thousands where dragged off, the men to slave under the Mayan lash, the women and children to be sacrificed in bloody rituals that stained the great pyramid complexes of Chichen Itza and Tikal with innocent blood...

        In other events, the Ulvans converted to the Mesoamerind faith (so thaey could get in on all the perks of mass human sacrifice).


The Arawak of the Islands

Awcom II, Lord of the Islands

Diplomacy    Carib (ea)

        Awcom died and was succeeded without incident by his son and namesake.  Guantanamo continued to grow like Topsey, reaching size six and Ciguayo was put under cultivation.  Finaly, a naval expedition into northern waters was scuppered (no pun intended) when the admiral in charge croaked before he could depart from Ciboney.


The Chibchan Kingdom

Cilan II, King of the Chibchan

Diplomacy Choque (f)

        Like several of his brethren, Cilan died and was succeeded by his son and namesake, but not before ordering another wave of colonists into Caqueito (raising it to a (2/4) region), as well as the cultivation of the jungle wastes of Yanomamo.


South America


The Kingdom of Paraiba

Panib II, King of Paraiba

Diplomacy None

         No orders.


The Mighty Incan Empire

Ozcoco, Emperor of the Incas

Diplomacy Nazca (f)

        Incan activities in the upper Amazon basin continued with a royal road link between Mashco to Huanco and a new city, Cuatico, in the latter region.


The Kingdom of Shokleng

Sewati, King of Shokleng

Diplomacy None

        The Shokleng continue to mind their little corner of the world.  Old King Nati died and was duly succeeded and a new city, Tikal arose in Heta.


The Mapuche Nation

Obsidian IV, King of the Mapuche

Diplomacy None

        Concentrating his efforts on Topocalma this time around.  Obsidian ordered the place colonized to a (2/1) region and cultivated to within an inch of its life.  In addition a road was built between the newly cultivated region and Pichunche.  All in all, things remain quiet in the sunny south.



[i] Please name your cities in the future, failure to do so, will result in stupid names with far less appeal than Xinaian.