Lords of the Earth, Campaign Lords 12

Turn 3

1011-1015 A.D.


Northern Europe

MERCENARY POOL:   5c,5i,2s,5w
MERCENARY AQRS:  c3,i5,s3,w5

Jarldom of Denmark (Viborg in Denmark)

(Roman Catholic Seafaring Open Empire)
Svien Forkbeard,
Diplomacy: none

Work progressed on cultivating Skane, but life was peaceful and quiet as the Dane's looked to their own affairs.

Jarldom of Norway (Trondheim in Trondheim)

(European Pagan Seafaring Open Empire)
Olaf Tryggvason,
Diplomacy: none

The Norse stayed at home and tried to put the treasury in order. Prince Haraldson came of age and was raised up and declared heir.

Jarldom of Sweden (Uppsala in Uppsala)

(European Pagan Seafaring Open Empire)
Olaf Skotkonung,
Diplomacy: Gotland (t)

No war this time as the Swedes settled down. Olaf talked with the Pagan Jarl of Gotland and tribute was arranged. In addition Olaf settled some of his veterans in a new city, called Visby, that was built in Gotland.

Kingdom of Albion (London in Sussex)

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Anglia (f), Mercia (ne), Northumbria (a), York (ea), Wessex (ne)

The King, determined to show that he ruled more than just the English but rather all the people of the Island, ordered the realm to henceforward becalled the Kingdom of Albion. Diplomacy was the main focus but also a war fleet under Prince Edmund was dispatched to make war with Cordoba (see Cordoba)

The Kingdom of Scotland (Edinburgh in Lothian)

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Malcolm II,


Western Europe



MERCENARY POOL:   6c,10i,2s,5w 15c,25i,5s,10w
MERCENARY AQRS:  c5,i4,s3,w4 c5,i4,s3,w4

Venice - 10w

Caliphate of Cordoba

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Valencia (pt), Granada (p), Andalusia (p then fa)

1011: The Caliph was forced to demobalize a fair number of troops do to budgetary concerns. But he still had a formidable army and marched it into Valencia and forced the locals to pay tribute. In the fall the army crossed into Granada. The navy of Venica arrived off the coast shortly after the Caliph's army had left Valencia and began slave raiding. The Caliph's navy, much shrunk from demobalization, sortied out to try and stop this. Venice outnumbered the Caliph's forces heavily and smashed the Cordoban fleet. There were no surviving muslims. The fall also brought a English force off the coast of Merrakesh. The men of 'Albion' began to unload as year ended.

1012: The Caliph's army pacified Granada and then marched into Andalusia toward the end of the year. The Venetians continued to slave raid and a uprising in Catalonia liberated that land from the control of the Caliph! The Men of Albion pacified Merrakesh and heavily looted it. As the year drew to a close they set up siege lines around Agadir.

1013: Agadir falls to Albion and is sacked, the army then marches into Zirid. The Caliph pacifies Andalusia and grants the land to Lord Tariq as a fief to reward his loyalty. The Caliph's men then march back into Granada and into Valencia where they meet a Venetian force about to begin a siege of the City of Valencia. The Venetians are forced to abandon the siege in the face of the large Cordoban army.

1014-1015: The men of Albion pacify and loot Zirid then board ships and begin the journey home. The Caliph's men repacify Catalonia and remain vigilant should venice try any further landings.

Duchy of Normandy ( Naples in Campania )

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Calabria (f), Spoleto (ea)

King Robert and his men traveled to Calabria where he married Anna Maria, the daughter of a prominent family. This marriage, along with other haggling, cemented strong ties and unified the realm. Lord John meanwhile was able to to secure a trade treaty with the baron of Spoleto.

Duchy of Venice

(Roman Catholic Seafaring Open Empire)
Pietro II Orseolo, Doge of Venice
The forces of Venice continue the war with Cordoba (see Cordoba) and send a gift of gold north to Sweden.

Kingdom of France

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Robert the Pious,
Diplomacy: Normandy (f), Maine (fa), Nivernais (ea)

King Robert continued to work to strengthen his realm's internal stability. To this end his son and heir, Henri, was married to a Norman princess and that land became fully tied to the French throne.

The Holy Roman Empire

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany, Italy and Burgundy, Duke of Saxony, Servant of the Apostles.


The Roman Catholic Papacy

(Roman Catholic Civilized Religious Primacy)
Gabriel I,


Eastern Europe

MERCENARY POOL:   5c,10i,2s,5w
MERCENARY AQRS:  c2,i5,s2,w3

Kievian Rus

(Eastern Orthodox Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Polovotsy (revolt), Taman (revolt), Polotsk (f), Smolensk (a)

Vladimir continued to solidify the central regions in the realm. His sons Yaroslav and Matislav were tasked with this chore. Matislav gained a wife in Smolensk as a result of their traveling embassy of good will.

In the south things could not be said to be going as well. The Khazar continued to raid at will in Levedia, Polovotsy, and Taman. The men of Polovotsy and Taman cursed Vladimir for a woman and decided they would look after their own defense in the future. 

Kingdom of Poland (Warszawa in Poland)

(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Pomerania (nt)

Some diplomacy with the heathen germans in Pomerania and small economic development, a quiet time in Poland...


(Roman Catholic Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Transylvania (a)

King Stephan gathered up some local garrisons and then returned to the capital to hold court and oversee a domesday book of his realm. He spent his days wenching with servent woman (having chosen to not remarry after his beloved wife passed years back) but no new bastards were sired. Prince Imre was able to establish an alliance with the Vlachs of Transylvania before returning to court.

The Eastern Orthodox Church

(Eastern Orthodox Civilized Religious Primacy)
Sergius II,
Diplomacy: Sofia (attempt Fab failed)

Gold was shipped off to the Roman and Rus and the usually missionary work was under taken. significant progress was made in Aleppo but it was a mixed bag with failures other places.

The Roman Empire ( Constantinople in Constantinople )

(Eastern Orthodox Civilized Open Empire)
Phocas I,
Diplomacy: Cappadocia (revolts), Cyprus (revolts), Lazica (revolts), Edessa (revolts)

see The Eastern War


The Kingdom of Bulgaria (Sofia in Bulgaria)

(Eastern Orthodox Civilized Open Empire)
Samuil, Tsar of the Bulgars


The Khazar Khanate

(Asiatic Pagan  Nomadic Open Empire)
Bulchan Khan,
Diplomacy: Sarai (f)

The Khazar continued to ride across the southern Ukraine slaving and plundering at will. The Heir to the Khan was able to convince the city of Sarai to fully join with the Khanate.

Volga Bulgar

(Asiatic Pagan Nomadic Open Empire)
Bolgar Khan,

Open for player

Middle East

MERCENARY POOL:   12c,20i,5s,5w
MERCENARY AQRS:  c6,i5,s5,w3

Buhwayids - 20i, 5s
Seljuks - 12c, (later 20i switch)

The Eastern War

1011: The allied force (ERE, Buwayid, and Fatamid) in mesopotamia march north west to Aleppo where the wait the year for reinforcements. The Seljuks march north expecting battle. Instead finding the main allied host gone the Seljuk's begin to pacify Mesopotamia, which is defended by some forts and mercenary inf. Seljuk agents bribe the mercenary infantry and they turn coat and attack the defending Bayawids. Even vastly outnumbered and betrayed they put up a good fight and inflict decent casualties before being broken. The Seljuks move and surround Baghdad in July, they begin a passive siege. The Ghaznavids send a general west to gather up their leaderless army and arrive to help siege Baghdad as the year ends.

1012: The siege of Baghdad continues as Roman and Fatamid reinforcements arrive at last to bolster the Allied forces in Aleppo, the host marches out to war in May with great fanfare. Basil makes a stirring speech reminding the army how they defeated their enemy in the past. "Victory and Glory shall be ours again!". But back in Baghdad things are dire, food has long run out and the citizens of the city are walking skeletons. In June the starved city surrenders and is occupied. In July the Allied host crosses into Mesopotamia and in August brings the Seljuk/Ghazanid force to battle. The battle is frightful in the carnage wrought upon both sides, back and forth the tide swings until at last the Roman Heavy Cavalry turn the tide and force the Seljuks/Ghaznavids from the field. Victory has a price as Emperor Basil is wounded in the fighting. The Seljuk/Ghaz forces regroup and come back in October. The hard fought battle proves to be a stalemate until Basil, already weakened from earlier wounds, is killed in the fighting. The Alliance force is forced to fall back and Mesopotamia is once again in Seljuk/Ghaznavid hands. Phocas, often called the grim, murders the loyal John in the Roman camp and proclaims himself Emperor. The Roman army begins to march west to secure the capital.

1013: The Roman army of Phocas continued to march west collecting the loyalty of the local govenors as they went. At years end they had arrived in Lydia.

The Seljuks and Ghaznavids defend in Mesopotamia waiting to see if the Roman army leaving is a trick or not. The Buhwayids and Fatamids sit in Aleppo uncertain what to do, with the Romans off on a dynastic struggle there was no chance to defeat the Seljuks and Ghaznavid forces.

1014:-1015: Convinced the Romans are not coming back any time soon the Ghaznavids march north and take mosul and the city. Loot both, leave garrisons and march back to Baghdad.

Phocas meets with Admiral Leo to try and arrange a conclusion to the Empire's succession. In the meeting Leo is murdered along with his top officers and Phocas takes the throne, now unchallenged.


Buhwayid Caliphate ( Baghdad in Mesopotamia )

(Shi'a Islam Civilized Open Empire)

Battered again, several regions revolt after the most recent loss of Baghdad (see The Eastern War)

The Seljuk Turks

(Sunni Islam Nomadic Open Empire)

see The Easern War

The Fatamid Caliphate ( Cairo in Faiyum )

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: none

The Caliph kept men at home on guard, but more reinforcements were raised and trained and sent off to the war (see The Eastern War)

Beautification works were built in Faiyum and the engineer corps continued work on a bridge over the Nile.

The Emirate of Sheba

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Rasad, Emir of Sheba
Diplomacy: none

Trade continued to grow as more routes were added and wealth poured in. The Emir's son, Khalid, took his place as heir.


West Africa

MERCENARY AQRS:  c0,i5,s0,w0

Kingdom of Takrur

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)

open for a player 

Kingdom of Aouquar

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)
Kwame, Soninke Kaya of Aouquar and Ghanas Ouagadou
Diplomacy: Susu (t)

Efforts to build a city were abandoned when the King's engineers explained that the niger didn't quite reach to where the King wanted the port built.

Kingdom of Songhai

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)

Strong economic growth was followed by a celebration as the King's son, Wulasa, came of age and was made heir. A embassy to Hausa was met with politeness and courtesy and sent home after a while.

The Hausa States

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)

open for a player

The Kingdom of Akan

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)
Akan King,

Open for player

The Kingdom of Ife

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)
Aren ,

Minor economic development and some paper shuffling as the King stayed home and saw to his realm.

The Kingdom of Kanem-Bornu

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Daza (nt)

Diplomacy in Daza resulted in the tribes of that land giving a grudging accemptance of the King's Lordship, though no taxes would be paid. A road began to be constructed from Soro to the Capital as well.

The Kingdom of Benin

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Kwararafa (a), Kafin (t), Kam (nt)

The King's son took a bride from the tribes in Kafin. Diplomatic efforts in general proved to be fruitful and closer ties were established which pleased the King.


East Africa

MERCENARY POOL:   5c,5i,0s,5w
MERCENARY AQRS:  c4,i4,s0,w4

Emirate of Zeila

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)

Open for a player

Kingdom of Zagwe ( Adefa in Sennar )

(Coptic Christian Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Axum (ea)

Prince Lalabela marched across the land establishing garrisons as he went. The young prince took a bride as well and spent time with his new love in the capital after finishing his task for his father.

South Africa

MERCENARY AQRS:  c0,i5,s0,w5

Eimirate of Zanzibar  ( Zanzibar in Zanzibar )

(Sunni Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Nyasa (ne), Berbera (nt)

The Emir used the carrot and stick approach with Nyasa but the efforts proved futile as the pagan tribes of Nyasa had no intention of ever agreeing to a higher status because of their religious differences.  

Zulu Empire ( Great Zimbabwe in Rozwi )

(African Pagan Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Kafue (f)

The King and his army marched home and dropped off slaves, they were put to use finishing the culitvation of Rozwi. The King then marched his army into Matabele and after a hard fight subdued the land. The people were then enslaved.


Central Asia

MERCENARY POOL:   10c,10xc,10i

The Kingdom of Tibet ( Lhasa in Tibet )

(Buddhist Civilized Open Empire)
Dhalai Lama,
Diplomacy: Sikkim (ea)

The Dhalai Lama sent diplomats to Sikkim to strenthen the realms ties to that land with the result that an economic treaty was signed. Buddhist priests were sent into Gtsand to spread the faith and a small number of converts were won over.

The Ghaznavid Empire ( Kabul in Afghanistan )

(Shi'a Islam Civilized Open Empire)
Ali Mohammad,
Diplomacy: Persia (t then p), Isfahan (t then p)

The war in the east consumed much of Shah Ali's thoughts, yet he had a mind to set his own house in order as well. So he dipatched troops off to Persia. General Mustapha had orders to outlaw the heretical sunni. Persia and Isfahan paid tribute willingly to the Shah and so were suprised when the troops fell upon them in a most brutal way. Soon the lands were pacified and the sunni mosques closed, there was some bloodshed from would be revolts but they were easily put down.


MERCENARY POOL:   5c,10i,5s,5w
MERCENARY AQRS:  c6,i5,s5,w2


Kingdom of Chola

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)
Rajaraja I,
Diplomacy: Pundra (p then enslaved), Kosala (p then enslaved)

The victorious army in Rajput split into two groups and set off for home. But on the way each group fell on a different land. Pundra and Kosala were those lands. The inhabitants put up a fight but were overwhelmed and then enslaved. The hapless civilians, men, women, and children, were all marched off in chains to Chola to be put to work in the fields for the Nobles of the realm.  

Rajputate of Dahala

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)
Dahala King,

Open for a Player

Rajputate of Maghada

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Jaunpur (nt), Gaur (nt)

The price of peace included a shipment of gold to Uttar Pradesh. But it was a small price. With Rajput gone there was room for all to expand their borders in peace now.

Rajputate of Punjab

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)
Punjab King,

Open for a Player!

Rajputate of Tarain

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)
Tarain King,

Open for a player!

Rajputate of Uttar Pradesh
UPflag.jpg (17370 bytes)

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Rajput (nt)

Peace had come at last. Maghada sent gold as well. The King marched into defeated Rajput. He took a bride from a family hostile to the former regime and colonist from his land rebuilt the city of Benares.

The Rajputate of Anhivarta

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)
Anhivarta King,

Open for a Player! 

The Rajputate of Gujerat

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)
Gujerati King,

Open for a Player!

South East Asia






Khemer Empire (Angkor Wat in Khemer)

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)

The Kingdom of Annam

(Buddhist Civilized Open Empire)
Trong Hoam,


The Kingdom of Burma

(Buddhist Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: none

Trade increased and the region of Burma was put under cultivation, but much work remains to finish the project.

Kingdom of Moluccas

(Oceanic Pagan Seafaring Open Empire)
Moluccas King,
Diplomacy: Truk (t)

The King and the Heir visited the islands of Truk and tribute was arranged in addition to a marriage for the Heir.

Srivijayan Empire ( Sirivjaya in Palembang )

(Hinduism Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Pajajaran (f)

Pajajaran joined fully with the realm. In addition trade continued to expand far and wide.

China & Manchuria

MERCENARY POOL:   10c,10i,5s,5w
MERCENARY AQRS:  c5,i6,s5,w3

The Kingdom of Korea

(Buddhist Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Mantap (ea)

Minor economic development was ordered by the crown, as well as continued negotiations with the nomads in Mantap. They agreed to a economic treaty. Further relations remain impossible as long as religious differences remain.

The Empire of the Sung

(Buddhist Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: none

Life  was good and the sun smiled on the Eastern lands. The economy improved and the people were content. A new port called Wuchang was built to serve the Empire's ever growing trade.

The Kingdom of Nan Chao

(Buddhist Civilized Open Empire)
Nanchao King,

Open for a player

The Liao Kingdom

(Buddhist Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: none

Queen Ch'eng-t'ien passed away in 1013 and was succeeded peacefully by her son Sheng-tsung. Quiet economic development passed the time in the realm.

The Kingdom of Hsi-Hsia

(Buddhist Civilized Open Empire)
Li Te-ming,
Diplomacy: Turfan (aw)

The King passed away early in 1011 while the prince was away on a diplomatic mission. The postal road system was finished never the less. The Heir's (now King) diplomatic overture however proved a disaster and the nomads of Turfan declared that a state of war now existed and booted the Prince out.


MERCENARY POOL:   5c,5i,5s,5w
MERCENARY AQRS:  c4,i5,s5,w4

Michinaga Japan

(Shinto Civilized Open Empire)
Diplomacy: Taiwan (ne), Toyama (+8yfc)

Diplomacy in Taiwan proved futile as the Taiwanese had no intention of ever agreeing to a higher lvl of commitment as long as religious differences remained. The Emperor conducted a census and sent his heir off to Taiwan to found the city of Taipai.