The dotted line that connect the stars are the legal commercial jump routes, and they are based on a jump capacity of 3 parsec per jump (max currently known), tentatively each parsec will take a full month for a ship to complete. Each game turn will preliminary be 1 year. 

The overview maps have gotten their final look, The sub-quad maps are getting there. I am still undecided regarding the solar system maps, basically deciding between two different looks (see the Somerfeld solar system for specifics).

The whole history bit is missing, I have a basic outline for it but it needs to be fleshed out a lot more and it will have to wait until I have worked out some other stuff. This part will explain why the maps look like they do. It will explain the political landscape, and the reason for granting independence to a select number of former colonies.

I am doing the rules as I am getting an epiphany every now and then :-)  (see, I do have a life outside LOTE.....I actually have watched a commercial and learned a new word :-)

Well, that was all for now, come back soon. :-)
