Are you interested in joining Distant Stars when it eventually gets started?

 Send me an e-mail and I will add you to my list of people whom I will contact when it becomes time to do the setups.

My e-mails:

I am aiming for a startup sometime this year, or so :-) but in all honesty this is a real monster that I have decided to tackle, and I don't want to rush things and make a half-assed job just to get it started. I reason it is better to be pessimistic in my time estimate than giving anyone a false hope for how quickly I can get ready.

Thanks for being interested and make sure to drop in sporadically, as this is very much a developing site. I do updates on the site every now and then, to see what things look like, to test out new ideas, and as I complete each section.

Here is a Tip: Click on the top left overview Starmap (as you see it), then click on the Osaka region, and finally click on any of the solar systems in this Sub-Quadrant. :-)

Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for improvements, send those too.
