Lords of the Earth

Wander Games


Campaign #7

Turn 9, 890AD

Turns Due: July 14


Lucky SOB Award: John Stephenson, Maya.

Who said plague’s hurt, eh?

Lord of turn 8: No one really had a GREAT turn

Peon of turn 8: Craig Harrison, Abbisids, when the dice don’t like you, they bloody hate you.

1) Welcome, all the misspellings, are planed.

2) PLEASE DO NOT CALL PHOENIX LOOKING FOR TURNS!!! From what I have been told, there have been many calls to Phoenix asking about this Lords game or another, and I was asked to tell players to call the people running the games. Thanks

3) I am going to start taking great poetic license ions with the newsfax, if you don’t like what I am doing, then give me some pre-made newsfax quotes.

4) Late turns… 50% of the turns were turned in later then the 9th this time, and the 9th was 2 days late. Need I say more? PLEASE get turns in on time

5) Musical titles for this turn were

The Cure - Mixed Up

Surprise your Pig - Various Artists

Jethro Tull - Broadsword & the Beast

Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick

Pulp Fiction - Sound Track

6) Sorry about the lag time on this turn, I have had really bad 2 weeks, between talking to lawyer’s, attorneys, and insurance adjusters, and some major family problems, my wits have been just shot.

7) A special thanks to Ryan, Autumn, John, and Neil, for listening to me rant and rave, and helping me keep some shreds of sanity around me.


$2.50 - Local Turns

$3.50 - Mailed

$0.50 - Per each additional BL

$0.50 - Additional Maps

Drop Policy:

Players will be dropped if they are delinquent in paying for two turns, unless OK’d by me, I am reasonable.

Troop Conversion:

Infantry, Cavalry, Siege: 500 Men

Warship: 5 Boats with 100 Men

Transports: 10 Boats with 50 Men

Field forts: 5 Forts 100 men garrisons

Citadels and Wall points: 20 feet of Stone and 500 men

Elephants: 100 men and 20 big beasties

Others Lords Games:

Lords #1: Thomas Harlan (602)323-8570

Lords #2: (ON HOLD) (612)377-8440

Lords #3: Colin Dunnigan (602)881-1402

Lords #4: Thomas Harlan (602)323-8570

Lords #5: Scott Chatham

Lords #6: Scott Michael (505)296-4454

Lords #7: What?!? That's me!

Lords #8: Niel Stolkes

Lords #9: Thad Plate (602)952-8929

Lords #14: Fernado Bellizzi

Lords #15: Jack Wagner

Lords #69: Chris Dorn














Western Europe

Mercenaries: 10HI, 2C, 2S Leader: A67


Loki the Wise, Raider from the North, Crusher of Brittian

DIPLOMACY: Western Franks (T[Kind of])

King Loki the wise, being very wise, or foolhardy, decided to move his home away from the mainland Europe. Some say it was because of the horrible stench of Mongol horsemen blown northwards by the winds, while others claim that Loki has a fetish for butter scones and tea, while others claim he wears high heels and skip and jump. Despite the tedious labor of the migrations, Loki made time to marry his younger sister to the fabled bachelor Rainulf. After the wedding they retired to the bedroom and have not been seen since. See the Western Franks for more details,.


Thorfinn Rognvaldson, Lord of Amlodhi’s Quern, Keeper of the Eye of Surtur


Thorfinn sent out his war machine to wreck havoc on the poor English and German souls to pay for his new hobby, government. The sailors, tired of their normal bawdy songs sang a new one

And It’s High Ho Hey

I am a bold marauder

and its high ho hey

I am the white destroyer

For I will show you silver and gold

and I will bring you treasure

and I will wave a widowing flag

and I will be your lover

and I will shoe you grotto and cave

and sacrificial altar

and I will show you blood on the stone

and I will be your mentor

and night will be our darling

and fear will be our names

Western Franks

Rainouf, King of France


When Rainouf married the nymph from the Danes, his two youngest sisters joined with the large rebellions that spread though the once proud Western Franks. Utter Chaos now rules what will be France,

Frankish Italy

Queen Selenia, Heir to Charlmeigns Thrown, leader of the Free Franks

DIPLOMACY: Lombardy (HM), Verona (F), Languedoc (EA), Savoy (A), Lyonnais (FA), Liguaria (F)

When Rainulf married a wench from the Danes, his younger sisters joined with the rebellions and got a country out of it.


King Mohammed, Destroyer of Christians


Schemes were hatched for a possible war, which never came to fruit. King Mohammed had many laughs when he heard about the Western Franks marriage and break up. Looks like nothing can go wrong for the Leader of the Ummyyads.

New Roman Empire

Arnie, The Insane


The end of their brief country came in 892AD when a large amount of Byzantine force’s parked outside and demanded them to surrender. They did.

Eastern Europe

Mercenaries: 6hi, 7hc, 2ms, Leader:987

Eastern Franks

Fabio, the Last Roman Catholic Kingdom, Heir to the Holy Roman Empire

DIPLOMACY :Saxony (FA), Thuringra (NE)

Fabio had an unfortunate accident in 891AD, he and his merry men han into the not-so-happy Buryat the battle was short and very one sided, Fabio managed to escape death, but his left arm was mauled to the point of uselessness. While he may not be as pretty as he was, people stare in admiration because he is still alive. His sister, Morgana, also had a battle with the same hoard, while she managed to make it at least for more then a week, she too had to make an escape, but on the bright side, she managed to capture Uzbek himself! He is currently in prison in Lorraine, while Fabio tries to figure out what to do with the smelly captive.

Bulgar Khanate

Vlad II, Khan of the Bulgars

DIPLOMACY: Ludgoria (F), Bosnia (F), Ochrdia (F), Epirus (FA), Illyria (NT), Croatia (Claim), Crimea (Claimed for Byzantine), Polovotsy (AW)

Vlad II, after a short 10 year rest did more for his nation then his father did in 35 years. The rusted military that had captured most of Northern Italy before those pesky Franks came, was put to use to pacify Transylvania, Walachia, and Banat.

Byzantine Empire

Emperor Alexius, Destroyer of the Catholics

DIPLOMACY: New Roman Empire (EA), Galatia (F), Konya (F), Attica (F), Kyklades (F), Rhodes (T)

Alexius continued in his fathers footprints, the goal, to make the largest empire the world has ever seen. Of course the government was not happy, since they the unpleasant job to trying to collect the taxes.

Orthodox Church

Father John, The forgetful,

DIPLOMACY: Epirus (AB), Naples (AB)

Father John finally managed to escape the prison of the Buryat’s and wondered home. His new heir, Peter was killed in a strange construction accident while the new Abby was being built in Naples.

Rus Vikings

Ivar, The River Raider

DIPLOMACY: Veposkava (FA), Kalinin (FA), Polovotsy (FA), Atelzuko (FA)

Sonja died, and Ivar took over. Much reorganizing was done, since no one seems to understand how government should work, they will have the same problem 1000 years later.


Uzbek One-Eye the Ugly; Terror of Mongol


Uzbek, who had a lot of fun running through the Rus, decided he wanted to romp around again, spilling blood everywhere. Unfortunately while smashing the heads of some Eastern Frankish Infantry, his hoarse was killed and he was captured. His brother took control of the hoard, and finished out his brothers plan, but all agree, they want Uzbek back.

North Africa

Mercenaries: 6mi, 9hc, 2s ,Leader 756


Redouan Ibn Idris


Rome, again, found itself under the control of yet another country, at this rate they will be held by over 40 different countries by the year 1300AD. While in Rome Redouan helped fight off the Byzantine’s who tried to take Rome (again)


Redouan Ibn Idriss , Terror of the Mediterranean


Not much happened here. A large force of ships were sent sailing into France, they came back latter with some really good wine.

Oghuzvid Empire

Edabalil, Thunder maker, Big man on the Nile

DIPLOMACY: None, well none by a diplomat

Unkell Grul continued his grand plan and pacified Faiyum, then they moved all the people and made them build pretty horse stables. Then he told some of his lot of people to take what ever homes they liked and make it theirs. He started to do the same in Thebes when a man in black appeared out of no where and struck him down. This assassin was killed quickly but the damage was done. Edabalil now is trying to find out the responsible party and extract revenge.




Can you say big nasty Ghuzz smash puny little faction country.


Kletel Fredick, Truth Seeker

DIPLOMACY: Kassala (F), Atbara (F), Adulis (F), Sennar (F)

Fredick oversaw the building of a new port city in Danakill, named Brandy, in hopes of luring some good brandy to be shipped in. Many messengers were sent around his country to strength ties, and they were very successful.

Heart of Africa

Mercenaries: 7mi, 4mc Leader 784


Zum-Zoopa, Chief of Africa, Crusher of the little countries, Him with the strange name

DIPLOMACY: Boure (F), Takrur (EA), Galem (EA)

GhanaZu stepped down in 890AD and handed over his beloved nation into the capable hands of his son Zum-Zoopa. Port Forts were built on both the Niger and the Atlantic to help with the increased trade.


Simba, War Chief of Africa

DIPLOMACY: Togo (EA), Daza (NT), Kanem-Bornu (T)

Simba continued his great expansion, he now reaches from the Gambian Sea to T’Chad Lake. In order to secure a long lasting peace with his neighbors the Ghana Empire, Simba sent his eldest daughter to Zum-Zoopa to marry one of his sons.


Lamika, Sister to Nympho


Lamika, now that Nympho wasn’t around, finally found that men found her somewhat attractive. In 893AD she had a beautiful daughter. She ordered her tribe to settle down, and made the cities of Buda Buda, New England, Monkey Tamers, and Reichtog. Now if only she could the kind of money her dear old dad Fung Dat did.

Middle East

Mercenaries:9li, 7lc Leader 7A5


Ali ad-Din


No Turn was received



DIPLOMACY: Aden (HM), Zelia (F), Zelial (EA), Socotra (F), Hadramuht (EA), Berbera (T)

When a female took over for the Abbisids the Allied leader and a lieutenant revolted forming a new nation on the tip of Africa and Arabian peninsula.



DIPLOMACY: Kuwait (HM), Dharan (F), As’Summan (FA), Ad’Dahna (FA), Selucia (A), Fars (F), Ahvaz (EA)

When Queen Fatima took over after the death of Aslan, the allied leader of Selucia and Kuwait joined together against a women ruling the might sword of Allah.


Queen Fatima Abbas, Defender of the Faithful, Sword of Allah

DIPLOMACY : Doesn’t really apply anymore

Ibrahim stepped down and started a journey to Mecca, before he got their he died of a heart attack. His Son, at the funerial was shot by an arrow from behind, no one has been caught at this time. When news that the new ruler of the Abbisids was Fatima, a women, many regions and leaders revolted. She has her work cut out for her.

Sunni Primate

Caliph Elijah-Ali, Disciple of Allah, Teacher of the five pillars, Commander of the faithful


No turn was received

Shi'a Primate


Open for a daring person to control their warring factions.

Shi’a Wars

Saffarids VS. Samanids, round #8


It appears that the Saffarids have won the war…


Shifobra, Allah’s chosen


Oebares, heir to Shifobra made a pilgrimage to Mecca, after stopping at Baghdad and meeting with the king, while there his heart was stolen by the princess Souljha, their wedding was blessed by both the Sunni Primate, and the Shi’a. Tired of the war, Shifobra gathered all his force’s and marched into the Samanids land. The night before the battle was to be fought, Shifobra sent a messenger to the Samanids camp, asking to speak with Al’Bib Rak-Mann to discuss peace. Shifobra discovered after 2 weeks of stalling at the peace table that we was not dealing with Emperor Rak-Mann. While this ally delayed him, Rak-Mann left with most of his nation into the mountains to the south east.


Al'Bib Rak-Mann, Lord of Northern Asia, Warlord of the Caspian Sea


Rak-Mann saw the writing on the wall and called it quits. While his trusted ally met with Shifobra, pretending to be Rak-Mann himself, and discussed the complete surrender of the Samanids to the Saffarids, the true Rak-Mann gathered his followers and left the area. When Shifobra hear of this treachery he killed Rak-Mann’s ally.

From the diary of Al’Bib Rak-Mann…

"I am, as a wise man in the year 890AD allowed to coin such a famous phrase as I will do so now. If you do not want to sink lots of time and resources into crushing the annoying pest on your shoulder, then move to a better place where the pests won’t bother you, and you’ll be better off. I think the idea is pure genius, and have decided to follow that advice"


Mercenaries: 6mi, 5mc Leader 886


Nympho, Heir to the Gupta Empire, She who has the insatiable sex drive, Reader of books


Nympho, spent much time in her bedroom, pouting about her sister, or just because she wanted lots of men to try to cheer her up, no one is really sure why. Despite her long time spent in the bed, no children have yet been born, many start to wonder if she is barren.


Khali, Peacelord of India, Finder of the Weird, Hindu Primate in training


The military was moved around on training exercises, not like that have ever truly been used. The City of Bombay was erected in Vengi.



Mercenaries 7mi, 4mc, 4s Leader 783


King Sid

DIPLOMACY: Zaysan (NT). Hentitin (A), Oriot (NT). Ugria (A), Turkestan (NT), Hsia-Hsia (NT), Ulgar (NT)

King Sid, decided that the slave idea, while a good and useful idea, was not going to work, since these pitiful civilized people sniffled, and would refuse to run all day, like any 4 year old Wudan child could. In the Mongrel games, the Sworhaffen clan won bragging rights, but they did not get a bath.



Emperor Palpatyn, Leader of the Champa


Emperor Palpatyn send out his trusted Lieutenant. Da’eth Fador, Lord of the Sythi, out to collect some workers, he went around to the surrounding regions and slave raided them.

Later Shu

Li Fang


No turn was received.


Chosun, General of the Heavens, Destroyer of Steps


Chosun finally managed to produce some children, three of them in fact, but alas they were all women. Mass construction of castles were built in all regions.


Hawwi Wu, Unenlightened of Human Reproduction



Emperor Oda Mitsuko, Light of Heaven

DIPLOMACY: Yamaguchi (F), Okinawa (NT). Cheju’Do (F)

Dreams of controlling the sea have been realized by Oda Mitsuko, all islands that he can see, have been taken. Of course there are very few people on these islands, so his tax collectors are not very pleased with this plan.




Take me home and play me!

South Pacific

Mercenaries: 4I, 3W Leader 955




Open for player.


G’me G’me, Ruler of the Big Island


G’me G’me continued his slow expansion of his nation. The city of Singhasari was expanded a level.




Open for a new player


King Dundee


Possible signs of life have shown themselves.

New World

Mercenaries: 8I Leader 773




Now open for some surfer to lead to greatness, man




Open for a brave soul.

Tiahuanaco or Auum

Maulaxlal, Ruler of South America


After the death and destruction brought by the plague , Maulaxla1 needed more people to command, so she and all her leaders went up to Moche and diplomacised it. Moche liked the idea, and joined Auum.


Cacaxtal, Ruler of Mexico


No turn was received


Chalco, Lord of the Sea, Trickster of the Ages, Reunifier of the Maya Tribes

DIPLOMACY: Huastec (EA), Achi (EA)

The plague hit, just after the Royal Medical Library was built. After a year the Medical Library and its staff managed to find a way to fight the sickness. While it did not cure it, it lowered the death rate by a decent amount.


Synxt'Pal, Master of the City States


After the plague, nothing seemed to matter, and when Auum offered to take over for him, and offered Synxt’Pal a beautiful wife, he could not refuse.