Lords 7

991AD - 995AD

"Time of Fire and Ash"

Turn 29 Orders Due Back By: April 5th, Midnight


Welcome to the resurgence of Lords 7. 

Great poetic license will be taken to amuse the GM. If you want to give me some tidbits to play with, please feel free to include them in your turns.

This Turn’s Music …

Queensryche – Empire
Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here
Counting Crows – This Desert Life
Metallica – Garage Inc.
Crash Test Dummies – The Ghosts that Haunt Me
Indigo Girls – Indigo Girls
Santana – Supernatural


As made traditional in other LOTE games.

Lord: Norse Vikings, The Old Goat, I mean Raven
Vagabond: Frankish Germany, Adam Routio.

Rules Errata and Reminders

Colonization: Any region that is cultivated and is less then 2 GPV can be increased up to 2 GPV for the cost of 15GP and 15NFP per GPV. NOTE, this is a change, and you can not colonize it above 2 GPV, unless it is your homeland, which can be colonized to 3GPV at tech level 6.

Regional Cultivation: It appears the rules have changed (and I agree with it). As SOON as your done paying for a Regional Cultivation the region goes cultivate. You no longer have to wait the 50 year's to realize the change.

Trading changes: Ok a few changes coming up that you should all know about. First off I have been a bit lenient on the rule that you can have up to 20x the GPV of the city. Which means in for have a level 1 city you can only have 20 MSP (total, not per trade route) of trade. The following list is of what type of transports and how many MSP they have, this is a change for some people

1LT has 2MSP
1T has 3MSP
1HT has 4MSP

Homelands: Homelands now produce double tax rate, (Yes this includes PW's in your homeland as well) as per the new LOTE 5.6 rule set.

Bowmen (Artillery QR): For the new players Lords 7 have a Bowman troop, which is using the Artilliery QR. As soon as a nation hits the Renaissance all bowmen will be changed into Infantry and the QR will revert to Artillery only. The Bow troop's get a first attack and deals damage before the enemy get's to smack them. However if they get involved in melee, well lets just say they suck.  Bowmen MAY be discontinued.

Tithe Income: If you're paying a tithe to a Religious Primate and the rate of the tithe is less than 5% then there is no effect to you; you do not lose any money. If the rate of the Tithe is greater than 5%, then you lose 1% of Tax Rate for each percentage point of the tithe over 5.

Elite troops: They are available to be built/trained when you achieve tech level 5 or greater, this represents how well your troops are versed in combat

Slaves on ships: After some thought and discussions there is a change on slaves and their movements. While on Transports or warships, the ships will move their normal BAC a turn, instead of the 2 BAC that slave’s get.

Gm’s Info and the Like

Eddie Hartwell
3945 Perry Ave
Robbinsdale, MN, 55422
(763) 504-9886
ICQ #: 116907051

Troop Conversions

Infantry (500 men = 1 point), Cavalry (500 men = 1 point), Siege Engineers (500 men = 1 point), Warships (5 ships = 1 point), Transports (5 ships = 1 point), Bowmen (500 bowmen = 1 point)

 Other Lords of the Earth Games

Lords One: Thomas Harlan, 4858 East Second Street, Tucson, AZ. 85711-1207. (520) 323-8570. Internet: thomash@rtd.com. Turn #210 is the latest.


Asia — -- / --  
Troops: 22c, 16i, 16w, 6t  
Aqrs: c5 s2 I3 w3  
Leaders: Chow Xi’Ping (MB85) 

Siberian Celtic Tribe - z
Valtrix, Cheiftan on the Lost Tribes, Taimer of Siberia
Diplomacy: None

Valtrix spent his time hugging trees and drinking beer now that his nation is out in the open again.

Valtrix heard rumor's of an argument between the Vikings over who makes the best beer, and laughed.

"Don't they know anything, us Celt's are the only people who can make a truly great beer"

Liang - [
LoPan, General of the Heavens, Destroyer of Steps, King of China
Diplomacy: None

LoPan continued to spend his days lost in meditation, searching for the peace and insight that Buddha had.

Szechwan - [
Xi-Chang, King of the noble Szechwan Empire.
Diplomacy: None

Xi-Chang spent his time in the palace garden and drank tea.

Open for new player

Yamato - {
Oda Heijo, Light of Heaven, Ruler of the Sea’s
Diplomacy: Silla (F)

Shinto priest went to Silla to try to convert the Buddhist, and were successful.

Oda Hasimi returns from sea, with wild stories of new lands with few if any humans living there.

Champa - u
Emperor Taowin, Leader of the Champa, Lord of the South Pacific
Diplomacy: Nan Chao (No Effect), Tai'Li (No Effect), Kedah (At War)

The merchants in charge of the internal trade fleet doubled their ships to try to bolster their income. A royal road was started connecting Mision and the region of Champa.

Prince Esan caused no ends of pain for Taowin when he was found in, well a compromising position with the ruler of Kedah's youngest daughter. Esan himself was flogger to death, and the local militia rose up and took control of the port city of Dakang.

Toowomba - n
Kanar of the Fishermen
Diplomacy: None

Open for new player

India And Trans-Asia — N  / N  
Troops: 16I, 19c, 7s, 5W, 7B  
Aqrs: c4 i5 w2 s3 B5  
Leaders: Raja Ifarr (M9B4) 

Gurjara - ¤
King Varunrajak, Ruler of the Ganges, Heir to the Gupta Empire, Protector of Knowledge
Diplomacy: None

Varunrajak took time to study in the library of Funk Dat. After a bizarre accident a lock of his hair turned white.

The nation's merchants demand that Varunrajak take action against the dirty Buryat for their attack, and capture of the ports in the Mediterranean.

Rastrakutas - ¤
The Grand Pooba, Finder of the Weird, Teacher of the Hindu Way, Savior of the Gurjara Nation
Diplomacy: None

The Grand Pooba avoided death and continued preaching to the world about the joy that is Hindu.

Samanids - ¤
Rakah King of the Turkish Hindu’s
Diplomacy: None

Open for a new player.

Bokhara Caliphate Z
Akdar Almas, Caliphate of Bokhara

Akdar and his son wondered the lands that where once the main battle grounds for the Saffarid and Saminind wars.

“Once these lands where rich in people and in goods, but now we are forgotten, neglected.  The Saminid cowards ran from the Saffarids and turned their backs on Allah,and now live on the ocean and place red dot’s on their daughters heads.  The Saffarids where betrayed by greedy servants eager to take the blood money from the Buryat.  This can not happen.  Together we shall build a nation to Allah, and show the world the light of Islam!”

Buryat - n
Ogozud, Terror of the Sunni’s, Sacker of Baghdad, Get of Satan.
Diplomacy: None

The regions of Mand, Bandar, and Carmania were enslaved and brought to Abadan.

Kuzudim was sent to the East to collect the land back from Gujara. They had agreed to pay his nation a tidy sum of gold, which was never received. In Mansura the Buryat army, consisting of; 50,000 Cavalry, 46,500 heavy Horsemen, 5,000 heavy elite knights, 3,000 light cavalry, 20,000 siege troops, and 25,000 bowmen had no problem taking control. The city of New Delhi fell quickly after the region did. Egypt was much the same, however Alexandria was far better defended. The city held 35,000 Infantry behind sturdy walls. They put of a valiant defense, but in the end they also were destroyed.

Alan Caliphate v
Ak-Keem, Caliphate of Alan
Diplomacy: Patzinak (T), Taman (F)

Ak-Keem send his men out to enlarge his nation. In Patzinak the diplomat nearly lost his head due to a slip of his tongue insinuated that the chief's daughter make a sheep look attractive. After many meetings the chief believed it was a linguistic mess up, but he only agreed to pay tribute. In Taman there was much better results.

New Player : Matthew Taylor

Mongolian Horde - n
Tagis Khan, Descendent of the Great Gingis Khan
Diplomacy: Patzinak (NT), Crimea (NE)

Tagis, after having a blast around the Caspian Sea headed east to the Black Sea.

In Polovoty his mighty army (54,000 Light Cavalry, 115,500 Cavalry, and 25,500 heavy cavalry) ran into a small army (4,500 Infantry) of well-entrenched Rus warriors. Due to sheer size the defenders were trampled. The region of Crimea was not impressed by the horsemen, and into Pechneg they road. There they found another1500 Heavy Pike, 1000 light infantry, and 1500 light cavalry entrenched and defending the Rus's turf. They also were decimated.

After these small battles Tagis longed for a real battle. In March of 994 Tagis and the Mongol's stormed into Thrace. Much to their surprise no troops were there to meet them. Thrace was pacified in March, and then the true blow was struck. Thrace was put to the torch. By October of 994 the region was a smoking ruin.

March of 995 Tagis and his band of men entered Macedon, and like before they found no sign of the fabled Byzantine army. By April they had pacified the region, and then they started the region on fire.

Europe — N / N N  
Troops: 9i, 11c, 8B, 11W, 3S  
Aqrs: c4, i4, s4, w3, B3  
Leaders: Sven Jarlson (M774) 

Norman Empire - T
Rorig, Prince of Wales, Enjoyer of many Soft, Pink, French Peasant Girls, Raider from the North, King of Britain, The Conceited
Diplomacy: Strathclyde (F) Ponthieu (F), Lowlands (EA)

Rorig, tired or war worked on building his nation with sweet words as opposed to hard steel, and managed to be rather successful.

Norse Christian Church - T
Father Elrich
Diplomacy: Lagoda (MN), Paris (AB), Sussex (CA)

Father Elrich finished building his great Library (using NFP 'donated' by the Rus and Norse) and through a large celebration.

Bishop's were sent out to preach the word, meeting with limited success. The Catholic peasants in Friesland, where so upset with the Bishop that they tried to burn him alive as a heretic, which in there minds they were correct, but he managed to escape.

Norse - T
Hrafnkell Hrolfgarson, Lord of Amlodhi’s Quern, Dragon of the North, Drinkers of "Genius" Beer, The Grim
Diplomacy: Holstien (FA), Hergelad (FA), Gotland (FA), Friesland (FA)

Hrafnkell kept looking for the mysterious assassin's who claimed his father's life but saw no sign of them. The Roman assistant that served his father so well came down with the flu for a few days, in his absence a Frenchman became Hrafnkell's favorite person to abuse.

The Slavic regions were again given the shake down for cash.

Hrafnkell was on the balcony, enjoying one of the few days of sun.

"You, Frenchie! Fetch me some of the new Rus Beer Ragnar sent us, let's see how it stands to my beer."

'Yes Sire, here you are."

Hrafnkell raised the mug into the air and drained it in one swallow, or at least that what he was going to do until he got a taste of the bile beer. Spitting it off the balcony (and on to a diplomat from the Eastern Franks, which caused another international incident), Hrafnkell shouted, "What is this swill water? This is not a beer, it’s a poison, or worse yet, a wine. By Oden, err God! Living that far away from the sea must be making them weak and feeble minded!"

Thus began the feud over who makes the best beer.

Frankish Kingdom of Germany - U
Sebatian, Duke of Verona, King of the Germans
Diplomacy: None

Sebatian and his royal court heard rumor's of the Catholic's return, and were not impressed. In a brief note sent to the Pope, Sebatian was reported to have said:

"Most holy,

Greetings from the only remaining original Roman Catholic nation. While many are glad to see you return, I for one am a bit unimpressed. Where were you when Austria revolted? Where were you when the Vikings sacked our capital? Where were you when the Wudan hoard was threatening us? Now you appear when we have over come all those obstacles, and now you want to tithe us? We need to talk before we send you gold. I'm not an unreasonable man, but I need some answers before I give money.

In Christ's blessed name,


Frankish Kingdom of Lyonnais - W
Cedric, Heir to Charlemagne’s Crown
Diplomacy: Lyonnais (HM), Champagne (F), Languedoc (F), Aquitaine (A), Burgundy (EA), Nivernais (EA), Orleans (T)

The charismatic Cedric begun in Lyonnais talking to the locals about how the mighty French Empire had become a joke in the eyes of the world.  Between the rumors of the Knights and the evil Norse Christians converting God fearing men into their bastardized religion soon all of France would be nothing more then lands for other nations to carve away at.  The locals asked, no pleaded with him to lead them out of the darkness and back into respectability once again.

Roman Republic - W
President Ricardo, Head of the Senate, Restorer of Glory
Diplomacy: Liguria (F)

The Republic saw the value in trade and expanded Kron and Florence to handle the flow of more goods and services. The Roman's have grown to enjoy the good life that the Italian peninsula has to offer.

Byzantine Empire - W
Emperor Alexander II, The Handsome, Defender of the Faith, Ordained head of the Orthodox Church
Diplomacy: Orthodox Church at 100%

Byzantine suffered a heavy blow from the Mongolian Horde. The regions of Thrace and Macedonia were scorched and looted. A letter from Herculia in Thrace said it best:

"The barbarian's came from the north, like flies to a dung heap, within a week all contact from the region was lost. The sheer numbers of these beasts rivaled the sand on the beaches along the shore of the Black Sea. Then did not seem interested in the city, we sent out negotiator's under a white flag of truce and they killed them in cold blood. Then there was smoke on the horizon, first patches all along the sky, then it grew to a wall of smoke, a sight that neither man, nor women should ever have to see. The flames slowly came into sight, and then we knew the awful truth; we were going to be burned alive."

They city of Herculea in Thrace lost a city level from the fire, so did Thessaloniki in Macedonia.

The royal navy, under the command of Iolis received word of the attack upon Thrace. He set sail for Herculea and pulled into port, but on land, against that many cavalry Iolis knew it would be suicide. The 600 warships watched helplessly as the region burned to ashes. However if they were not there, the fire would have breached the city walls.

Cyprus, the last bastion of Zoastrianism was finally converted to Easter Orthodox.

When Father Elias passed away, the church voted to reunite the Eastern Orthodox church and the Byzantine Empire under one roof.

Orthodox Church - W
Father Elias, Head of the Orthodox Church, Defender of Constantinople
Diplomacy: None

Father Elias died, and the church reverted back into the Byzantine crown.

Rus Vikings - T
Ragnar, The River Raider, Wolf of the North
Diplomacy: None

Ragnar received word that the regions of Novgorod, Latvia, and Estonia were finally fully cultivated. Now maybe the Rus could show those Norman's what a TRUE beer tastes like.

Ragnar heard the thundering passing of the Mongol's, but remembering how his nation suffered when the Buryat sacked his nation homeland almost 100 years ago he sat quietly, ready to repair the damage after the horsemen from the east passed.

Africa — N / N N  
Troops: 22I, 27c, 10B, 2S  
Aqrs: c5, I3, s2, w2, B4  
Leaders: Jub'Jub Spearhead (MA59) 

Idrisids - v
Akeem, King of the Western Sands, Allah’s holy arm, Immigrant headquarters of the world, Merchants of the West
Diplomacy: Baelerics (F), Aragon (F), Estremadara (F)

Akeem's house is starting to become full of children, he added to his collection with two daughters, one born in 992, and the other in 993. His little brother, Sidi Mohammamad was crowned heir to the throne on a rainy day in 992AD.

Spain slowly, yet surely has started to be pieced back together by the mighty Idrisids. Many merchant's who were getting rich off of trading with the Indian's were outraged to see that the horse lover's in Baghdad took over the city of New Delhi.

Sunni Primate - v
Ali, Allah’s chosen, Arm of the righteous
Diplomacy: None

Ali was in many meetings with Akeem discussing the future of the Muslim religion.

Open for new player

Boliafna - d
King Alex, Truth Seeker, Crossroad of the world, Chosen by God.
Diplomacy: None

The city Styx was expanded to a level 2 city, and was blessed by Alex as the holy city for all Coptic Christians. From the "Boliafna This Week";

King Alex fueled the religious fire that has been burning across our nation by announcing that he had been given a vision of the future. The relic he holds is in fact the weapon that released our lord from his earthly torture. "The Spear of Destiny".

Bahboo was sent south and west to collect more information about the mysterious Auum people, and also hoped to get some more recipes that use the unique roots and herbs that they are now trading to the Boliafna nation.

The regions of Aden, Shoa, and Zeila were converted to Coptic Christian.

Ghana - v
Chaka, Caliphate of Africa, Chosen of Allah
Diplomacy: Galam (EA)

Chaka shook off the apathy that had been taking hold of his nation. The cities of Takura, Gao, Timbuctu, and Dakar were all expanded. The regions of Khalem and Segu were cleared of tree's and cultivated.

Toby and Coby not only got the leaders of Galam to join their nation, they also managed to get the region to follow Allah.

New player Samuel Ullmann

Moli - U
Talen, King of the royal Ivory Throne, Knight of the Catholic Church
Diplomacy: None

Talen spent his day's in church and nights with his wife.

New Player:

Faya Marauders - U
Mathew, Bringer of Revenge, Lord of the Lake
Diplomacy: None

Isaac was sent forth to raid the heathens for extra gold. Mombassa was expanded for the increased trade fleet.

Jonah, crowned heir came down with a sickness in 994, and died withn the week. His eldest son was promoted to heir, and how helps his grandfather run the nation.

Catholic Church - U
Abraham, Bringer of Peace
Diplomacy: Nigeria (HC), Benin (CA)

Abraham came out of the deepest part of the Congo with bishops and scribes and declared Nigeria as the new catholic Holy city

The New World —  --/--  
Troops: 15w, 20I, 8B, 1C  
Aqrs: i3 w1 s2 B2 C1  
Leaders: Large Bull (M759) 

Timuca - ©
Innamed, Chief of the Timuca
Diplomacy: None

Open for a new player

Iroquois - ©
Chasing Hawk, Chief of the Sea
Diplomacy: None

Open for a new Player

Chippewa - ©
High Wind, Leader of the Chippewa Warriors
Diplomacy: None

When Raging Elk and his horde of Bison riders attacked, High Wind died in battle, his 3 eldest son's all tried to claim the tribe as their own, and in the end they all lost.

No turn was received.

Chickasaw - ©
Raging Elk, Trainer of Bison
Diplomacy: Yanktonai (A)

Raging Elk proved he was a man by destroying the Chippewa tribe, and securing an ally.

Cibola (formally Hopewell) - ©
Sequoyah, King of the Western Skies, Lord of the Surf Board
Diplomacy: None

Open for new player

Auum - u
Bubbles, Queen of South America, The Learned One
Diplomacy: None

The city of Bubblicious was expanded for the increased trade from the old world. Both Bab's and Bebe died in 992AD in Bubblicious from a sickness known as 'Blue Cough', which starts like a cold, but the nails on the victim turns slightly blue and then he or she dies.

No one died in the homeland, which was another surprise.

Maya - ©
Aztecas, Lord of the Sea, Reunify of the Maya Tribes
Diplomacy: Totonac (F), Nahuatl (F)

Aztecas continued his slow but steady growth, expanding the cities of; Oextla, Uxmal, Sonconusco, and Milta. The cultivating of Totonac was completed, the region was so impressed that they became fully integrated into the nation.


Banking for Turn 28

Auum National Bank of Auum



Bolianfna Empire Boliafna National Bank



Gurjara Empire Gurjara 1st National



Liang Empire Xi-Chou Banking



Maya Empire Maya Bank




ISI Rankings For Turn 28 Anno Domini 995 Lords of the Earth #7

# Nation Name MSI ESI Player Name Phone Number TV EMail Address
1 Buyat 472 3 Lee Foster None 23.8 Forester@hope.edu
2 Gurjara Empire 388.2 1 Jullian Page None 62.4 Julianop@u030.aone.net.au
3 Liang Empire 305.5 2 John Kuo None 33.5 Jkuo@spss.com
4 Idrisids 221 6 Jim Moffet 01-612-377-5181 21.3 Jmoffet@ghqmodels.com
5 Yamato Pirates 164.3 4 Ron Meinung None 16.6 Rsm4@northcoast.com
6 Auum 155.2 10 Zephalinda Baker None 17.2 Zephalinda@yahoo.com
7 Norse Vikings 154.4 23 The Old Raven 01-612-721-7302 6.3 Odrnand3smith@aol.com
8 Bolianfna Empire 152.5 7 Bob Chase 01-727-738-9805 25.6 Bchase@tampabay.rr.com
9 Byzantine 146.2 5 Geoff Hill None 23.3 m0rtaar@travel.to
10 Rus Vikings 129 27 Open None 6.3
11 Maya Empire 128.4 14 Martin Helsdon None 22.6 martin.helsdon@tesco.net
12 Champa Empire 126.8 9 David Adams None 17.9 davester@oz.net
13 Samanids 126.8 8 Charles Hurst None 13.4 Charlesh@teleport.com
14 Roman Republic 114.1 12 Les Nielsen None 11.1 room_20@hotmail.com
15 Norman England 106.8 16 Brit Murry None 8.9 Britten_murray@students.mcad.edu
16 Mongolian Horde 102.8 34 Ivan Mostinckx None 0 ivan.mostinckx@pandora.be
17 Norse Christian Church 91.6 25 Michael Callahan 01-651-699-3663 0.3 Eloya@webtv.com
18 Ghana Empire 90.7 15 Samuel Ullmann 01-703-779-8639 16 Sam.ullmann@lmco.com
19 Mali Empire 86.9 13 Dean Patterson None 16.3 Dpatterson@computertech.com
20 Frankish Germany 82.9 19 Adam Routio 01-612-240-4480 6.8 Adamisky@hotmail.com
21 Szechwan Empire 80.8 20 Open None 3 None
22 Cibola 80.1 28 Open None 4.4 None
23 Buyid 72.9 17 Mathew Taylor None 3.9 Mtaylor@hq.usra.edu
24 Siberian Druids 70.8 18 Open None 5


25 Faya Maurders 54.8 26 Donald Patterson None 5 Donald.Patterson@co.hennepin.mn.us
26 Holy Catholic Church 53.2 24 Open None 0 None
27 Bokhara Caliphate 50.7 29 Open None 4.2 None
28 Rastrakutas 50.4 11 Chris Dorn 01-612-496-3644 3.2 ChrisMDorn@AOL.COM
29 Toowomba 49.5 22 Open None 8.7 None
30 Oghuzvid Empire 42.3 21 Open None 0.3 None
31 Chickasaw 31.9 33 Ed Eastley 01-813-443-0305 0 Edeast@hotmail.com
32 Frankish Kingdom of Lyonnais 30.4 30 Open None 1.1 None
32 Iroquois 25.9 31 Open None 0.8 None
33 Timuca 13.7 32 Open None 0.8 None