TURN 19 
ANNO DOMINI 941-945 

Lords #7 now has its own web page, granted it not much at the moment, but hopefully it will have the supplements up there, and I am still working on scanning in the maps and get them up there too.


 Ok, there must be a little confusion on how to write up an intelligence/assassin/religious operations... Here it is...

 KL + 1 /Leader in Rome

First is the code, then + and how many bonus points you are using, the slash and the description or local, or what is being affected. If orders where written out like this more of them would go off (There IS* a negative modifier for miswritten orders)

 I have a new job during the turn, and part of the job is going to require me to attend some classes and take some test, so turns for the next 2 months or so may be slightly delayed.
As made traditional in Sean Harding's Lords Two or Thomas Harlan's Lords One ... I do not have a clue who started it...
Lord: Chris Dorn, The Peacelord discovers war.
Vagabond: Ludd Gaxson (Oghuzvid)
Lucky SOB: Ludd Gaxson (Oghuzvid)
Tithe Income: If you are paying a tithe to a Religious Primate and the rate of the tithe is less than 5% then there is no effect to you; you do not lose any money. If the rate of the Tithe is greater than 5%, then you lose 1% of Tax Rate for each percentage point of the tithe over 5.

Bidding on Mercs: When you are making a bid for mercenaries, please make separate bids for mercenary units and mercenary leaders.

New Ruling on the Rule action. After a talk with Thomas, I have found that yet again I was wrong. When your King/Queen/Heir Rules, their 4th stat (The all important hidden stat) is added to your Infra level. The 4th stat is between 1 and 10, so you do not get 100%.
Elite troops: They are available to be built/trained when you achieve tech level 5 or greater, this represents how well your troops are versed in combat
Holy Troop:. Holy troops must be used in combat with the target religion., they can not sit around.
Infantry (500 men = 1 point), Cavalry (500 men = 1 point), Siege Engineers (500 men = 1 point), Warships (5 ships = 1 point), Transports (5 ships = 1 point), Bowmen (50 guns = 1 point)
Lords of the Earth Homepage
GM Info
Eddie Hartwell
11517 23rd Ave
Burnsville, MN 55337
(612) 890-1095

  ASIA - -- / NNNN1/2  
TROOPS: 10C, 7I, 5W, 4T  
AQRS: C3 S2 I3 W1  
Liang -  
LoPan, General of the Heavens,Destroyer of Steps, King of China  
Diplomacy: None 
After the last few years of massive work, Liang seatled down and took a short vacation
Yamato -  
Oda Koza, Light of Heaven,Ruler of the Sea's  
Diplomacy: None 
No turn was received.  Oda Hiroyuki died in his sleep in 951AD.
Champa -  
Emperor Luikan, Leader of the Champa, Lord of the South Pacific  
Diplomacy: None 
Nothing happening here

Toowomba -  
Ahar of the Fishermen  
Diplomacy: None 
Open for a new player.
TROOPS: 16I, 7C, 5S  
AQRS: C3 I2 W1 S1  
Gurjara -  
Shiasta Queen, Ruler of the Ganges, Heir to the Gupta Empire, Reader of books, Protector of Knowledge  
Diplomacy: None
Shiasta watched the horsemen ravage her homeland from the walls of Kalajara, tears where welling up when a court attendant spoke up “My Queen?  We have received messages from the Holy Pooba, and from Queen Rok Mann in the past 20 minutes.”  Quickly she put her emotions behind and turned around, ready for the worst, “And what did they say?”  The attendant could not hide his smile, “My Queen all they had said is that they are on their way”

 Late in 951AD the Grand Pooba himself arrived leading 6,000 Siege troops and 43,500 Crusaders, which he gave to her and her nation in their attempt to oust the horde.
Kyraghz Khanate n  
Chief Arslan, Big chief  
Diplomacy: None 
All went well until Chief Arslan was killed from poison in May of 950.  His son lead the troops on a mad raiding scheme, hitting Vatsa and Jihjoti, there whipping out the Saminid force who was coming to help out the Gurjarian Empire.  After they had finished that they saw the Garajian army approaching.

 The Battle of Pujar as the ensuing battle is now called was a massacre in every sense of the word.  Gurjara had 95,000 Holy Crusaders, 40,500 Cavalry 50,000 Bow men, 20,500 Heavy Cavalry, 2500 Royal Guards, 6,500 Pikemen, and 10,000 Heavy Knights while the Kyraghz’s has only 54,000 Cavalry and 2,500 Heavy Cavalry. Timur Qutlugh knew right away that he was in trouble, just by the odds, so he arranged his men in a way where they could retreat if need be.  The Holy Crusaders ignored their commander and charged into the horsemen, killing most of themselves in the charge, but the charge overwhelemed the front flank of
the Kyraghz’s and the rest of the Gurjaran’s then charged.  Timur Qutlugh barily managed to sneak away, where as all his troops died in the battle, and 33,000 Crusaders died in that battle.
Rastrakutas -  
The Grand Pooba, Peacelord of India, Finder of the Weird, Teacher of the Hindu way  
Diplomacy: None 
Pooba received the cry for help from Queen Shiasta and leapt into action.  A holy war was called upon the heretic’s who threatened India, then he himself lead his holy troops to Vasta and gave to Shiasta a total of 3,000 Siege workers and 43,500 Crusaders to help in returning  all that had been lost.

 Batanawa was sent with 20,500 Infantry and 39,500 Cavalry to free Gaur and Maghada from their current owners and restore them to Gurjara’s hand, which he did without any major complications.
Samanids -  
Cassandra Rok Mann, Queen of the Turkish Hindu's  
Diplomacy: None 
Queen Rok Mann and her nation sprang to life after nearly 50 years building massive amounts of parks and the like in Nadavaria and tripling the size of their military.

 She then sent her son with the newly mobilized military, and all the peasants who took up arms, to help Gurjara in repayment for their help more then 60 years ago when they fled from the Saffarid’s.

 Her son ran into the Kyraghz’s army in Jijoti.  He lead his 48,000 Cavalry and 43,000 Holy troops against their 54,000 Cavalry, 11,500 Heavy Horsemen, and 9,000 Pikemen.  There the Saminid’s forces engaged the horde with hit and run tactics that worked for a short amount of time, but eventually he had to order a full fledged retreat to Chandela.  When he arrived he got word that his mother had died and he returned to his nation a King.
Buryat -  
Juchi the Harsh, Terror of the Sunni's, Sacker of Baghdad  
Diplomacy: None 
Bantu followed in his fathers footsteps well, sacking a holy city and causing the hated Oghuzvid’s to flee.  In 953AD many of the military who has involved in all the battles started to die from a strange sickness, many are calling this sickness the ‘Walking Death’ from the symptoms

 <See Egypt - Byzantine war>
Saffarid -  
Oebares, Allah's chosen, Follower of the truth, Grand Illuminator  
Diplomacy: None 
Oebares died and his son took over.

  EUROPE - N / NNN  
TROOPS: 7I, 3C, 5B, 8W  
AQRS: C2 I2 S1 W3 B1  
Norman Empire -  
Roland Prince of Wales, Enjoyer of many Soft, Pink, French Peasant Girls, Raider from the North, King of Britain, The Conceited  
Diplomacy: Mercia (F) 
Roland continued his help in crushing the Bear in Italy
Norse Christian Church 
Father Ortdeth
Diplomacy: Kaupang (HC), York (AB), Lund (AB), London (MN)

A simple shepherd for most of his life, Ortdeth felt stirred when  he heard the services held by the new priests, and in fact he joined them after the second sermon.  He quickly gathered more men to him and proclaimed himself as the head of the new religion.
Norse -  
Herjolf Hrolfgarson, Lord of Amlodhi's Quern, Keeper of the Eye of Surtur, Dragon of the North  
Diplomacy: None 
Herjolf was heard screaming for the Oath breakers to be found and beheaded when he entered the burning husk of the city of Wudan.  When he arrived home he found that every region he held sway over had proclaimed themselves behind the new church.  Being a wise man, he bowed to the new primate and was re-baptized.

 <See Italian War> 
Spanish Empire (Umayyads)   
King Juan, King of Spain, Finder of strange Caves, True Servant of God, and Saint of the Orthodox Church  
Diplomacy: None
King Juan attempted to continue putting his nation back together until the Ligurian army swept through his nation and homeland sacking everything worth any gold.  The nation teeters on the brink of destruction.
Frankish Kingdom of Germany   
Maxmillian, King of the Last Roman Catholic Kingdom, Heir to the Holy Roman Empire, and all around nice guy  
Diplomacy: None 
All was quite.
Byzantine Empire -  
Emperor Cartiphilus, Destroyer of the Catholics  
Diplomacy: None 
Emperor Cartiphilus lead the navy/army to get rid of the Oghuzvid’s from his nation, when they got to Create they found that they had already left.  He then follower to Mansuria where he found that all but a few peasants had left.  On the trip home Cartiphilus came down with the sickness now called ‘Walking Death’ and died within a month.
Orthodox Church -   
Father Andrew I, Head of the Orthodox church, Defender of Constantinople  
Diplomacy: None
Father Andrew oversaw the re-population of the regions that were first brutalized by the Oghuzvid, in response the Byzantine’s fed the troops that swear their loyalty to the church.  Missionaries were sent to the Rus to try to prevent the spread of the Norse religion.
Rus Vikings -   
Viga Brand, The River Raider  
Diplomacy: None 
Viga and his military continued the assault of the Ligurian Confederacy and when Wudan fell there was much rejoicing in the nation.

<See the Italian war>
Ligurian Confederacy -   
King Sid II, Oathbreaker, Khan of the Italian Peninsula   
DIPLOMACY: Switzerland (F) 
King Sid II and his men fought bravely, but in the end the sheer number of enemies over ran them

<See Italian War>
Italian War  
Spain, Norse, Rus, Norman, Idrisids,and Eastern Franks vs. Liguria  
March 951 AD
 Ligurian Prince, Sid IV enters Valencia and begins to passify it with 50,000 Cavalry, 12,000 Heavy Cavalry and 12,500 Infantry.

July 951AD
 With Valencia almost at his mercy Sid IV spots the Spanish Lieutenant Rodrigo and his band of 8,500 Infantry.  The Spanish army was destroyed, Rodrigo died, and a strange man escaped.

August 951AD
 Sid IVenters Granada and passifies it.

July  952 AD
 Sid IV enters Andalusia.  There the strange man who escaped a year ago is seen with King Juan.  The Spaniards had 1,500 Infantry, 5,000 Siege. 3,000 Bowmen, and 2,500 Cavalry.  The fighting was brutal, but King Juan could not overcome the sheer number of the Liguarian’s and barely managed to get himself into the city alive.

October 952 AD
 Sid IV finishes passifiying Andalusia and heads towards Moracco

November 952AD
 Allies enter Liguria with 350 Warships, 315 Light Warships, 69,500 Pike, 3,000 Light Pike, 1,500 Light Bow, 6,000 Siege Troops, 1,000 Cavalry, and 2,000 Light Horse, King Sid was in command of  11,500 Bow, 20,000 Heavy Spear, 42,500 Horsemen, and 5,00 Swords.  The battle started going very well for Liguria, making the Allies retreat slowly, but surely towards the sea,  Near the middle of the month Sid realized that the allies were near the cost and thinking victory was in his grasp ordered a charge to rid himself of these Vikings and Islamic heretics.  There on the cost the battle changed, with the massive fleet waiting the allies decimated the Ligurian Cavalry with bow fire from the boats.  Sid retreated his bow men and Infantry into Wudan.

March 953AD
 After camping in the region of Liguria during the harsh winter, the allies launched a siege on the city of Wudan.  Without any city walls much of the in suing battles happened inside the city itself, and making it much easier for the allies.  The ‘siege’ lasted one month and the result was the capture and execution of the entire family of Sid.

When Sid IV heard this he and his men went south to join the Faya Horde, hoping to sometime be able to extract revenge on the Vikings for the death of his family.


 The Long war is over.  Or is it?  ;>
  AFRICA - -- / N  
TROOPS: 10I, 14C, 4B  
AQRS: C3 I1 S1 W2 B3  
Idrisids -   
Issam Ibn Redou, King of the Western Sands, Allah's holy arm  
Diplomacy: None 
The immigrants from Spain were settled, some in the region of Morocco making the region a 3GPV, and others forming cities in Cheliff, named Mostuganm, and one in Algeria called Algiers.

Karim received the new Sunni primate with open arms, and in return he was give more then 70,000 Horsemen of various types, 305 boats, and 14,500 immigrants looking for new homes.
Oghuzvid Empire -   
Shamyl, Thunder maker, Big manon the Nile, Allah's Choosen  
Diplomacy: None 
Shamyl has given a vision from his most holy of holies, he was shown that he could not do everything to save everyone, he was given a choice as to what one thing would save his people..  When he awoke he know what must be done, he gathered all his people and freed the regions of Thebes and Faiyum from the foul clutches of the Copict Christians, and then declared to his people what was going to be done.

 “My People, here me, for I was granted a vision from Allah!  I have tried to do too many things at once, too many straws have been on my back.  Allah has made it clear that I must lead my people in worship and in teaching them of his ways.  We will move from this land and all who wish to join me, they will be now be loyal subjects to the Royal House of the Idrisids and from there we will grow together!”

 The regions of Faiyum, Egypt, Madina, Mansura, and Sinai and their cities followed him, the region of Levant flew into a massive civil war, when the dust settled there the Jewish people had taken over.  Thebes revolted and stayed pretty much the same, Jordan and Petra also revolted and stayed put.

 When they got to the Idrisids lands, Shamyl gave all military and all his people to the Idrisids, and proclaimed that, Bizertal was the new holy city.

<See Egypt - Byzantine War>
Axum -   
Phil II, Truth Seeker, Only man on the Nile  
Diplomacy: None 
King Phil II sent his generals both north and south to collect slaves and gold.  The forces to the north kept were not as successful due to the large forces of the Shamyl and his people who were packing up and moving.  Strange things were reported from the western region, of monsters and the bodies of cattle and horses found with no real damage, but all their blood missing.

<See Egypt - Byzantine War>
Egypt - Byzantine War  
Axum, Buryat, Byzantine Empire Vs Oghuzvid Empire  
941AD-951 (?)AD 
August 950 AD
Genghis, heir to the throne of Bantu and his generals Chagudai and Subodai enter Madina in order to sack Mecca.  When they got the smoking ruin they heard what had happened and speed to Mansuria.

February 951AD
 The mighty Buryat enter the homeland of the once mighty Oghuzvid’s and find a barren wasteland.  A sigh was found in the ruins of the city that said “Gone to a better land, too bad, you missed us again.”

 Oghuzvid’s have converted to a primacy only, given the Idrisids people to settle and gold.
Ghana -   
Tillabery, Caliphate of Africa, Chosen of Allah 
Diplomacy: None 
Tillabery after waiting for all his friends, ally, and generals to return to his capital to attend a meeting of utmost importance, finally receives word that all are waiting in the great hall.

 “My fellow countrymen I have thought long and hard over this, and have decided that in order to preserve and grow we must become Islamic and follow the Sunni teachings.”
 Tillabery’s son, Orica jumped to his feet and tried to stab his father, an Imperial Guard, jumped in front of Tillabery and after a brief fight Orica was dead.  Later Lieutenant Anrkrub tried to lead a unsuccessful revolt and was also killed for his treason.  The regions of Fernando Po, Galam, Tamarassot, and Terazza declared their independence.
Moli -  
Mandela, War Chief of Africa, Slave Trader extraordinary, The royal Ivory Throne  
Diplomacy: None 
No turn was recieved
Faya Marauders 
Muhammad Ak'law, The Humbeled One  
Diplomacy: None
The Faya's turned from the east and started drifting west, to what ends no one knows. Looking for a new player to lead the mighty horad.
  THE NEW WORLD - --/--  
TROOPS: 20W, 5I, 5B  
AQRS: I2 W1 S1 B2  
Timuca -  
Innamed, Chief of the Timuca  
Diplomacy: None 
Open for a new player
Iroquois -  
Diplomacy: None 
New Player this turn
Chippewa -  
High Wind, Leader of the Chippewa Warriors  
Diplomacy: None 
High Wind went forth with his army to shake down local regions for gold.  The capital and the country around it saw more work done on them.
Chickasaw -  
Dark Tree, Trainer of Bison  
Diplomacy: Tunica (NT) 
Bent Toe walked around his growing Kingdom and named his children, many people offered suggestions on how to improve the government, and some new ideas were implemented.  The Bison domestication projects continues.
Hopewell -  
Watkuweis, King of the Western Skies  
Diplomacy: None 
Open for New Player
Auum -  
Celeste, Queen of South America,The Learned One  
Diplomacy: None 
No turn was receieved
Maya -  
Tzextec, Lord of the Sea, Reunify of the Maya Tribes  
Diplomacy: None
Aztecas ascended the stairs to be crowned emperor, as has been custom for years, also per custom he was married after crowned and was sent of to make sure his line was secured.  His son was born 11 months later.
Rank Nation Name MSI ESI PlayerName Phone TR Email address and Notes 
1  Liang Empire                            259.3     1        John Parks                   01-612-437-5636       26.6
2 Buyat 246.0    4 Rick Rhinehart 01-612-823-1890 12.2 triplemuncher@isd.net
3  Gurjara Empire 140.8    2  (Todd Saint Pe')  Unknown  42.6 todd@mcia.com
4  Idrisids 151.8    14 Jim Moffet 01-612-377-5181 6.6 jmoffet@ghqgames.com
5 Auum 142.1    10 Zephalinda Baker 01-612-368-0337 12.8
6  Byzantine 141.1    6 (Les Nielsen) 01-218-739-0820 19.1 diadochi@hotmail.com
7 Champa Empire 139.5    8 (Charles Hurst) 01-503-653-1178 9.5 Charlesh@teleport.com
8 Rus Vikings 120.6    19 Bob Jacobson 01-612-699-4531 6.2 jacob076@tc.umn.edu
9 Yamato Pirates 103.0      7 Chris Riga 01-612-824-8661 10.6 riga0002@tc.umn.edu
10 Ghana Empire 97.5    13 Jim Cochran 01-612-892-6049 12.8 James_cochran@sostpaul.k12.mn.us
11 Saffarid 96.4    15 Neil Joice 01-813-531-5164 7.3
12 Norse Vikings 92.7    21 (The Old Raven) 01-612-721-7302 4.9
13 Spanish Empire 90.3    20 Rob Nicoles 01-704-648-4574 3.5
14 Rastrakutas 82.5    3 Chris Dorn 01-612-975-3923 13.4 ChrisMDorn@AOL.COM
15 Mali Empire 83.9    9 (Austin Williams) Unknown  10.8 caprycron@hotmail.com
16 Kingdom of Axum 82.3     9  Bob Chase 01-813-738-1451 11.5 bobchsr@aol.com
17 Maya Empire 81.6    16 Marc Branchi 01-813-391-1896 11.7 MBian777@aol.com
18 Eastern Orth 81.2    17 (Ken McGee) 01-360-687-0421 0.3 Keng@pacifier.com
19 Samanids 80.0     14 (Logan ???) Unknown     9.1 LOGANV@concentric.net
20 Norman Kingdom of England    77.0    18 Brit Murry 01-612-824-7493 7.4 Britten_murray@students.mcad.edu
21 Hopewell City States 67.0    27 Open for Player None  2.5
22 Frankish Kingdom of Germany 56.7    22 Adam Routio 01-612-533-4419 3.0
23 Toowomba 50.0    25 Open for player None  4.3
24 Faya Maunders 49.2    32 Open for Player None  0.0
25 Kyrghyz Khanate 46.2    5 Chris Cornuelle 01-612-379-1567 15.0 bob@isis.spa.umn.edu
26 Oghuzvid Empire 44.5     24 (Luud Gaxson) None                6.6
27 Norse Christian Church          35.3  26 Open for Player None  0.0
28 Chippewa 23.6    29 Jeff Dwyer 01-813-738-1451 1.4 jsdmm@aol.com
29 Iroquois 20.2    30 Tony Riga 01-612-455-7351 0.0
30 Chickasaw 19.5    28 Ed Eastley 01-813-443-0305 0.9 edeast@aol.com
31 Timuca 13.0    31 Open for Player None  0.0

Note: Players whose names are in parentheses owe me money, so pay up! NOW!