Lords of the Earth

Wander Games


Campaign #7

Turn 10, 895AD

Turns Due: September 25th


Lord of turn 10: Rick Rhineheart, Buryat

Peon of turn 10: Craig Harrison, the Ex-Abbasids

1) LOTE #7 Supplement #2 is out, read it for mass amusement. J

2) What a mess. Yuck.

3) Check out the Lords of the Earth homepage…


4) I am going to make some space on my own Internet provider and piece together a LOTE #7 page, I plan on keeping up-to-date supplements, MSI/ESI chart, and possibly semi-current maps. Any ideas on what else to have, drop a line. The page will be at…


5) Musical titles for this turn were

The Cure - Mixed Up

Various Artists - United Stance of Techno

Gallow Glass - No Irish Need Apply

Gallow Glass - Taking on Water

Various Artists - Celtic Odyssey

Loreena McKennitt - The Visit

$3.00 - Per Turn (NEW PRICE)

$0.50 - Per each additional BL

$0.50 - Additional Maps

Drop Policy:

Players will be dropped if they are delinquent in paying for two turns, unless OK’d by me, I am reasonable.

Troop Conversion:

Infantry, Cavalry, Siege: 500 Men

Warship: 5 Boats with 100 Men

Transports: 10 Boats with 50 Men

Field forts: 5 Forts 100 men garrisons

Citadels and Wall points: 20 feet of Stone and 500 men

Elephants: 100 men and 20 big beasties

Others Lords Games:

LORDS ONE: Thomas Harlan, 4858 East Second Street, Tucson, Arizona. 85711-1207. (520)323-8570. Call between 7pm and 10pm MST. INTERNET: tharlan@pima.gov. Turn #186 is the latest.

LORDS TWO: Sean Harding, 13224 Highview Drive, Burnsville, MN. 55337 (612)377-8440. INTERNET: sharding@mva.com. Turn #37 is the latest.

LORDS THREE - THE OLD WORLD: Colin Dunnigan, 5042 East Julia, Tucson, Arizona. 85711. (520)881-1402. INTERNET: cdunnigan@pima.gov. Turn #9 is the latest.

LORDS THREE - THE NEW WORLD: Richard Ketcham, 5223 Karenbeth, Houston, TX. 77084. (713)345-8246. INTERNET: 102667.2505@Compuserve.com. Turn #91 is the latest.

LORDS FOUR: Dave Salter, 7338 Rolling Oak Lane, Springfield, VA. 22153. (703)912-6076. Turn#36 is the latest. INTERNET: 102417.3444 @CompuServe.Com.

LORDS FIVE: Scott Chatham, 11030 SW Wilsonville Road, #117. Wilsonville, OR. 97070-9505. INTERNET: huntsman@teleport.com.

LORDS SEVEN - THE DARK AGES: Eddie Hartwell, 11517 23rd Ave, Burnsville, MN. 55337. (612)890-1151 - Tues & Thurs 7:00pm-10:30pm CST. Turn #10 is the latest.

LORDS EIGHT - THE DIADOCHI: Neil Stokes, 1674 Juliet Avenue, St.Paul, MN. 55105. (612) 698-9270. INTERNET: nstokes@iceworld.org. Turn #10 is the latest.

PLATE GAMES SUBEMPIRE: Thad Plate, 5333 East Thomas Road, #215, Phoenix, Az. 85018. (602)952-8929. INTERNET: thadplate@aol.com.

LORDS NINE: Turn #109 latest.

LORDS TEN: Turn #69 latest.

LORDS ELEVEN: Turn #28 latest.


LORDS THIRTEEN: Rich Sorensen, PO Box 779, Columbia Falls, MT. 59912. (406) 892-3752. INTERNET: khan@netrix.com Turn #3.

( NEW ) LORDS SEVENTEEN: Bob Gurley, (713)852-8866 or yuppyputze@aol.com

CRUENTI DEI: Thom & Beverly Ryng, 3815 North Pearl Street, Apt. C-1, Tacoma, WA. 98407. (206)752-3923 - No calls before 10am PST or after 9pm PST. INTERNET: darkpenguin @eworld.com.:


Western Europe

Mercenaries: 13I, 7LI, 11C Leader 897


Loki the Wise, Raider from the North, Crusher of Brittian

DIPLOMACY: Lowlands (NT), Strathclyde (EA), Highlands (NT), Orleans (T), Champagne (EA)

Loki, the wise, continued to try to grab everything in sight, dispite the cautions of his advisors, that thought it unwise to aggressively diplomacy every country near him. In the end Loki ended up with a large headache.


Thorfinn Rognvaldson, Lord of Amlodhi’s Quern, Keeper of the Eye of Surtur, terror of the North


"And it’s high ho hey

I am a bold marauder

and its a high ho hey

I am the white destroyer

For I will take you out by the hand

and lead you to the hunter

and I will show you thunder and steel

and I will be your teacher

and we will dress in helmet and sword

and dip our tongues in slaughter

and we will sing a warrior song

and lift the praise of murder

and Christ will be our darling

and fear will be our name

And it’s high ho hey

I am a bold marauder

and its a high ho hey

I am the white destroyer

and I will sour the winds on high

and I will soil the river

and I will burn the grain in the field

and I will be your mother

and we shall go to ravage and kill

and we shall go to plunder

and I will take a fury to wife

and I will be your father

and death will be our darling

and fear will be our name"

Thorfinn unleashed his massive army upon the main land of Europe looting Volhynia, Masuria, Prussia, Danzig, Pomerania, Lausatia, Poland, Little Poland, Silesia, Meissen, and Holstien. "Will none of the faithfull help us be rid of these heretics? This blow is struck for God, Christ, and the Universal Orthodox Church! This is no boast, ask the Slavs. Repent & Convert NOW Fabio. Otherwise you and your people will experience hell before and after your painful deaths. None can stand before the avalanche of faith." Bold words spoken by a new follower of the Orthodox faith, still a bit barbaric.


King Mohammed, Destroyer of Christians

DIPLOMACY: Limousine (FA), Aquitaine (FA)

Mohammed continued his slow movement northward into what was once the Western Franks. July 17th 897 was a sad day indeed, the heir Rahman, was found murdered by poison (his tongue had been turned green) in his summer home in Catalonian, also the trustworthy Lt. Bo’ab ibn Bo’ab was found dead (apparently from old age) in his bed that very same day. On a slightily better note, Mohammed’s favorite concubine boar him a son in 895, perhaps to fill the void that would come later, Allah works in strange ways.

Eastern Europe

Mercenaries: 22I. 7HC, 10S Leader A96

Eastern Franks

Fabio, the Last Roman Catholic Kingdom, Heir to the Holy Roman Empire


No turn was received.

Bulgar Empire

Ivan, Khan of the Bulgars

DIPLOMACY: Provence (F), Bavaria (EA for Eastern Franks), Swabia (T for Eastern Franks), Carpathia (NE), Austria (NT), Romangna (F)

Ivan and his new allies, familiar with war in the past, have started to enjoy this peace thing. Merchants were sent out to all nearby countries to start trading, since rumors are that if you trade with people, you just might make some money.

Byzantine Empire

Emperor Honorius, Destroyer of the Catholics

DIPLOMACY: Apulia (EA), Calabria (EA)

"By Imperial edict, his imperial majesty Honorius, Emperor of all Imperial lands, in fold, or rebellious give this message"

"First, Deunan, former sister of Alexius, is by holy and imperial order excommunicated and removed from the grace and salvation of God"

Of course the Eastern Orthodox ordered no such act, but hey, what the emperor of Byzantine wants to do, he just does. Deunan never heard this message, she was found after mass with a dagger through her heart, with this very message attached to it.

"… And finally to any nation which may hold designs towards Byzantine territory, while in her current state, be it known that she will strike back with the power of God at her side to preserve our nation and its citizens"

Kingdom of Psidia



When the Byzanties ordered the assassination of Deunan, and the attacked enmass, this small country crumbled, but not without killing close to half the military units attacking.

Orthodox Church



The unnamed and his advisors sat quietly in the shade and sipped lemon aid.

Rus Vikings

Ivar, The River Raider


Ivar ordered the regions of Psidia to be raided before the might of the Byzantine Empire smacked it. The regions of Paphlagonia, Galatia, and Abasigia were raided.

North Africa

Mercenaries: 13LC, 9HI, 11HI Leader B97


Redouan Ibn Idris


Redouan continued his beloved raiding and slave raiding of those of the Orthodox religion. The regions of Languedoc was again hit.


Hassen , Terror of the Mediterranean

DIPLOMACY: Kabilya (F)

Fatima was overjoyed, she was finally promoted to princess, unfortunately her horse was spooked by a snake and through her, breaking her neck. In Rome a strange book was found and returned to Bizerfal.

(Side note: All leaders named Fatima has so far brought bad luck in some sort in this game, its really amusing to me.)

Oghuzvid Empire

Edabalil, Thunder maker, Big man on the Nile


Edabalil finished settling down, the final people looking for homes found them, in Levant. The final members of the Tulinids fiasco were enslaved and sent to work on a royal road connecting Jerusalem to the new town in Petra called Erzinjam. Another port city was built in Faiyum, called Ezurum. The slavers were heard singing…

"I’ve been working on the royal road, all the live long day

I’ve been working on the royal road, I wish they’d put that whip away

Can’t you hear the horsemen callin’, ‘get up ya dirty heathen scum’

Can’t you hear the horsemen callin’, ’dirty heathen scum’

Sodom won’t you blow, Sodom won’t you blow, Sodom won’t you blow your…."


Kletel Fredick, Truth Seeker


No turn was received.

Heart of Africa

Mercenaries: 19HI, 16LI Leader 9A7


Zum-Zoopa, Chief of Africa, Crusher of the little countries, Him with the strange name

DIPLOMACY: Tamarasset (NT)

Zum-Zoopa held a major party for his son, Chokween, when he was promoted to heir. In other news not a whole lot happened, the continuing sea exploration towards the south continued, and more trade was sent north.


Simba, War Chief of Africa

DIPLOMACY: Zerma (T), Nupe (A), Jos (EA)

One day Simba was thinking how great his country was. So he decided to open up the Imperial Tourist Agency, to encourage tourism in Moli. The first aid hit the streets in 898AD….

No Hordes, just friendly Lords

No Strife, just a good life

Take your next trip in the beautiful Moli

Where the sun always shines.


Lamika, Sister to Nympho


Lamika spent her time lounging around, it was too hot to do anything.

Middle East

Mercenaries: 11LC, 9C, 16I, 6S Leader 889


Ali ad-Din


Jalal was found dead after a late religious ceremony in 896AD. A Lieutenant was sent into Carhea and was never seen alive again. Many were happy this was the only bad thing that happened, after seeing what happened to the Abbisids.




A new player could mean a glorious future.




Still open, and still alive from rebelling against the Abbisids.


Queen Fatima Abbas, Defender of the Faithful, Sword of Allah


The death of this mighty empire came in two assults, one internal, and the second external. Fatima married a strange man who took over the daily running of the government for 3 months, until the Buryat came. He the left the city, with whatever government there was left and was never seen again.

Sunni Primate

Caliph Elijah-Ali, Disciple of Allah, Teacher of the five pillars, Commander of the faithful


When Baghdad fell Elijah-Ali and his followers migrated to Mecca.


Juchi the Harsh, Terror of the Sunni’s

DIPLOMACY: Mesopotamia (HM), Mosul (F), Hahmar (F)

When the news of Uzbek’s death reached Juchi he stoped the assult of Baghdad for a week to mourn his death. After the week Baghdad was sacked, burned, and destroyed. A new city was built on the ruins and is now one of the largest in the world. A sign was placed on its gates proclaiming the rule of Juchi.

(Two settled hoards almost sharing boarders? Yuck)


Shifobra, Allah’s chosen

DIPLOMACY: Dasht Kavir (FA), Kophat Dagh (FA), Transoxania (EA), Tadzik (EA)

Shifobra continued strengthening his nation from the ravenous of the last 40 years of war. Much rejoicing was reported when they heard that they were not the goal of the Buryat.


Mercenaries:11HI, 9LC, 8HW Leader 7BA


Nympho, Heir to the Gupta Empire, She who has the insatiable sex drive, Reader of books

DIPLOMACY: Sinkiang (Cl)

"Ladies and Gentlemen… Boys and Girls as of this day forward the great library is open! The librarians have learned the rooms much faster then we expected. They have dedicated their lives to better educate you and the surrounding country. To those who wish it the library will train your children at a cost of 2 gold pieces every five years. My own daughter is going through this process to better lead you as your Queen. To the leaders of other nations this offer stands to you as well, at no price increase I swear it!!"

Other then this long winded statement things were quite, except for the leader known only as ‘Spiff’, who after sniffing some poppies went out and ignored all orders. Last heard of bringing the Hindu religion to the step region of Sinkiang.

(Looking where you shouldn’t can be hazardous to your health)


Khali, Peacelord of India, Finder of the Weird, Hindu Primate


Khali declared the city Manyakheta as the holy city of the Hindu’s, of course it is under his control. Two of his lieutenants were found dead, murdered in fact, after reporting finding some strange temples in a few cities in the empire.


Al'Bib Rak-Mann

DIPLOMACY: Pegu (EA), Kalinga (F), Assam (F), Ava (T), Burma (Cl)

Rok Mann continued running around trying to get people to like him, and did fairly well, He took 3,500 refugees to Kalinga to build a city, there he realized that he didn’t have the money to build all the houses he would need. Habib died while talking to the good folks in Burma, but they liked him enough to join the nation. Pegu was promised a city, which they now eagerly await. Cultivation were started in all surrounding wilderness, but no one has been paid for their work, thus far.


Mercenaries:13I, 11C, 7E Leader 798


King Sid

DIPLOMACY: Tanu (A), the rest NT Turfan, Tangut, Ayaguz, Shan, Zaysun

"King Sid drew a long breath, ‘What is that scent? It’s very faint, as if it came from very far away. It must be the smell of fear, the fear of a coward who is hiding behind the skirt of his mother.’ Thus speaks King Sid, Frightener of Europe"


Emperor Palpatyn, Leader of the Champa


Lord De’ath Fador again raided, and slave raided Surin, Siam, and Nakhon, making use of the newly expanded slave pins in Khemer. Princess Leya was informed that she may live her life as she wished and was relieved of any royal family obligations, much to her happiness.

Later Shu

Li Fang


When Li Fang died of old age, and his son Ki Loas was brutally murdered, by some unknown assassins, and an lacking government (thanks to the secret service of the Liang Empire), this once mighty empire crumbled away into nothingness.


Chosun, General of the Heavens, Destroyer of Steps

DIPLOMACY: Shentung (F)

Chosun learned that last turns diplomatic success meant some massive head aches this turn. He and three of his closest advisors (Mao Jie, Sun Jian, and Tao Qian) were locked up in the grand throne room trying to hold the massive empire together. A massive construction of public improvements was ordered in Honan, and is now rumored to be even more beautiful then the Gajaran’s legendary Rajput.


Su Sumozhu,


Su Sumozhu spent the time sitting on his butt, while his friends wander around strengthen his nation. A port city was built in Thaton, named Fung Xiu.


Emperor Oda Yashika, Light of Heaven


Oda’s father passed away peacfully one night in 896AD, other then that everything was silent, some say too silent.

South Pacific

Mercenaries: 13LI, 10W Leader A9A




Open for Player


Mai’ne, Ruler of the Big Island

DIPLOMACY: Palemburg (F)

G’me G’me died in 896AD while celebrating the day that Palemburg became friendly, they believe that he had a heart attack. The regions of Utara and Jambi were raided and slave raided to help fund the government.



DIPLOMACY: Papua (FA), Dolak (FA), Arukun (FA)

Ahar sent his tribe mates around to the islands around him to try to get them to join him. Economy is still kinda shaky, but they got themselves a semi-decent military now.

New World

Mercenaries: 9I, 12LI, 6LW Leader 858




A new player could give this nation what it needs.




A new player has been found

Tiahuanaco or Auum

Maulaxlal, Ruler of South America


"Scribes were assembled and sent to the Gurjaran Empire to gather and bring back knowledge and stories to improve the gret university that has been recentily named for one of the closest friends of the Royal Family - now known to all as the Great University of Odette. These scribes will trade all knowledge from Auum with all knowledge of Gurjara, thereby making everyone that much more knowledgeable. Besides, didn’t anyone ever tell you that you should share with others?" Unfortunately the method of transport to the Gurjaran Empire stopped working, stranding many scribes on the wrong side of the world. A strange statue was built, for no apparent reason, in Odette, looking like a man with a beard, yet clothed in women clothing.


Cacaxtal, Ruler of Mexico


Cacaxtal was lazy, she spent his time rolling around in the hay


Chalco, Lord of the Sea, Trickster of the Ages, Reunifier of the Maya Tribes


It was too hot to do anything, except sleep.