Lords of the Earth
Campaign Five

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Please do you GM a favor and put down points allocated to you actions.  I can live without movements point allocations from place to place but you need to put down points allocated to actions, don’t put down rest of the phase please.  The GM is getting tired of figuring out how many AP’s leaders have and have left.


If something happens you do not understand, email me.  I keep very good turn-by-turn notes and I can probably tell you why something happened. 


I like having lots of little states too.  Montenegro, Maylay Confederation, Baltic Trade Confederation, Bulgars, SFA’s, Chalukya, African states.  Some of these folks might actually evolve into nations of worth playing, I suspect that all the Africans will; Kanem is good right now, Bulgars probably will someday if they survive the Hordes, Maylay and BTC will both be viable as seafaring nations if bigger neighbors don’t get too hungry.


RO’s:  Am considering experimenting with this maybe.  Countries and Hordes will not turn into RO’s and I do the setups they will not be like in the rules.


SE’s and Hordes:                  Be warned …… they can start popping now.   I will say this about both, I do not expect that I will have an overly active Horde world, things seem to be active without there being one Horde active at all times.  I am not inclined to have freaky SE’s but historical ones yes.  I will set SE goals be warned. 


Don’t Forget  (I know this is hard to get used to) you can contact NPN’s and they just might be helpful.  NPN’s like making deals especially when it nets them money.    


Experimentation:  Decided to experiment a little bit for the fun of it.    Let me know what you think.  Haven’t quite figured out the PDF situation on the maps.



Switching to the latest rendition of the software this turn upcoming.  I am sure some minor modifications will have to be made but I think everyone will be a lot better off in the long run.  I may move to the hands off trade too we shall see since I do not look forward to programming all those routes in.


I am going to try to get a rule set together over the holiday.  This should help everyone know what is in vogue a little better.  There are some rules I really like that I rarely see used that I plan on using.  Restriction on control based on religion.  Megalithic Construct including cultivation and how those work, etc.



1030-1034:  The Age of Turmoil


Mercenary Pool: 

If a leader is listed you must hire the leader and his troops, leaders minimum is 5GP plus the minimum of .5gp for regular and 1gp for elite troops unit. 


Northern Europe:                                                   Jan Olavsen                 855                          1HI, 10I 

                                                                                Independent                                                        10W, 10XW

Mediterranean (Catholic)                              Zulicini                                   649                          2HC, 5C

                          (Catholic)                                              Buliceli                                   969                          5EW

                          (Orthodox)                            Karakus                                 822                          1EI, 10I                  

                                Independent                                                                5W, 10XW


France, Spain, Italy & Germany:                  Lord Bergen                   858                          1HEI, 5HI

England, Scotland, Eire

Independents                                                                15I, 5S

Independent                                                                3C, 5XC


Egypt, Morocco & Cordoba:                           Taureg Clan                        833                          2XEC, 10XC

Independents                                                                10XC


Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Poland                     Moldavian Lord                 689                          2EC, 3XEC

   (no REE contracts)

Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Poland                D’Kolner                                 914                                5HEC, 3EC               

Venice, REE

Independents                                                                3HI, 7I, 15XI

Independents                                                                5C, 10XC


Buhwayids, Egyptians, Kilwa, Copts                Horgan’s Free Co.                882                          3HEI, 6EI, 3S

Yemen & Shiraz                                 Independents                (Moslem)                               5C, 10XC                                     


Central Asia                                                         None


Buddhist & Lamanist Nations                                Monk Xain                        866                          5HEI, 10EI


India Proper                                                        Deccan Raiders                    857                          10XEC

Independents                                                                5I, 5XI

Independents                                                                5XC               


Asia (naval)                                                           Independents                                                      10XW


SE Asia &  China                                                Chou Yun                         888                          6EC

Independent                                                                20I, 40XI. 5S

Independent                                                                10C, 20XC


N China, Japan, Korea                                                Clan Wolf                                777                                40XC               

Clan Jaguar                                       852                                40XC

Clan Bear                                966                                40XC

                                                                                Independents                                                      20XC

No Red Monkey Contracts                                               Ju Jin                                      A55                         6EC, 6XEC




Taureg:  Tribes are growing with remarkable speed.


Shia:  Continued their work in Jerusalem


Egypt:  Thebes (NT), Petra (FA)  Bengazi, Damieta & Alexandria all increase in size

The Emperor of Egypt ruled over his domains until he passed at the end of the year 1034.  His rule was a little turbulent and caused the rise of the tribal clans of the Saudi peninsula and the loss of Mecca.  In retrospect though the Shia have settled in Jerusalem and the southeastern realms were not tax paying provinces anyway so the loss was only very minor.  Egypt in al-Hakim’s tenure did become a great trade nation and that was certainly something he could hang his hat on.


The lands were defend vigilantly by General Omar and Mohamed and there 30K angry Fatimids.  No one bothered The Fatimid Empire though so the played cards a lot.  al-Mofasa like all the leaders of the empire was kept busy.  Mofasa rooted around in the poorer districts of town pursuing loose women and dark secrets, nothing bad was discovered in the fair lands of the Fatimid Empire.


Diplomatic efforts in Petra secured a Feudal Ally and the relations with Thebes were improved as much as the could be with the hostile Coptic clergy refusing friendlier relations due to long standing anger of being booted out of Egypt by the Muslims.


Lastly the Sicilian Luigi traveled through out the Med. Searching for educators and reading materials for some project being considered in Egypt.  He made good progress and returned with a reasonable cache of reading materials and a couple of potential educators from Christian Europe.


Ghana:  Postal Road Galam to Kwame, Debu-Sevare grows, Sudan (EA), Gao (FA)

Emperor Mombega continued to develop his nation.  Communications were established with the coastal city of Kwame via a mail route, this would allow easier t manage the growing nation.  Clerks and administrators were added to the payroll but it did not seem to have much of an effect on the government yet.   The Diplomatic corp. continued to work feverishly to bring the Sudan fully under the banner of Mombega but they were not completely sold on the virtues of becoming a full-fledged member of this growing kingdom, cash incentives may be necessary.  


Morocco:  Big Economic Development, which included the addition of ships for additional trade


Sunni Church: building up rather than out.


Algeria: Cheliff Colonized to 2GPV


Tunisia:  Port of Gabes built on the Canary Is. 



The Hausa were expecting some great ill to befall them so all people of the kingdom braced for an impact that never occurred.  It was a great relief to the citizens when they could relax a bit at the end of the cycle.  The Hausa province is no by far the most beautiful province in the Kingdom.


Kanem:                  The people knew a ruler would soon take the throne and the kingdom would become active.


Kilwa:  Malindi grows

The king ordered the city of Malindi be expanded.   This met with some resentment in the royal court as the Capital would now be smaller than the city of Malindi but those full of discontent over this trivial matter were quickly subdued.  Trade goods started arriving from India and this was quite a wonderful thing as the people of Kilwa found out very quickly thing like spices really enhance the flavor of a Rhino Burger.     Everything else was moving along at its typical pace in this part of the world, slowly.


Zagwe:  Soba grows, Alwa (F)

The Queen decided that the only way to get relations where they needed to be with the Alwa is to marry the chieftain of this region.   Mera was not terribly attractive but she was one to be feared and respected.  The idea of marrying the Queen would pave the way for Alwa to be the second most prominent province in Zagwe and that was a VERY attractive proposition.  So it was done and the queen had a new man to boss around, King Solomon was all the Queen could handle in fact by the end of the cycle there was some question as to who might be in charge.  Solomon was exceptionally diplomatic and quite good looking and the Queen as hard as she tried to resist his wiles was smitten.  The Queen bore a son in 1031 that nearly killed her.  In 1033 and 1034 she followed with a daughter (the next queen?) and another son.   Outside of these activities things went smoothly, apparently they Ethiopians were content to remain on the plateau.


Ethiopia:  Built city of Debre in Shoa.  Worked on some economic development.


Coptics:  Gezira (T), Expansion into Ethiopia

Patriarch Mitsoutakis was pleased.  The Ethiopians had extended an invite to him and he was not going to pass up this opportunity.  He moved onto the Ethiopian plateau and was surprised to see that life here was pretty active.  The province of Shoa was actually cultivated and a city was being built.  The economy was not as bleak as he thought it would be either.  This was quite a coup for the Coptic Church securing these new lands to develop.


Zimbabwe:  Economic development.

Zulu Nation:  City of Sharik in Vaal Province and a university was expanded as part of the construction.





Kiev:  Lithuania (NT),

The work of the religiously diligent Rus is never done there are always Pagans to convert in the seemingly endless countryside of Russia.  Kostroma was the target this cycle and they were very receptive to the Orthodox teachings of Vlad II.  Ingmar II visited Estonia and attempted to sway the pagans there to the idea the Orthodox religion being the right religion for them.  Though they listened politely to the preaching the message really just turned them off to the idea of converting even more.  Bishop Alexander worked with some of the areas that shared borders with already Orthodox lands and made a little headway on converting the Estonians. 


Diplomatic efforts in Lithuania went as well as the King of the Rus wanted them too though Gregory died very early in the negotiations.   Ivan III traveled to Bialowesa a Polish province and somehow managed not to get killed though he was chased from the Roman Catholic province pretty promptly. 


The King was pleased that the Turkic Horde had made no attacks on his lands this cycle.



Bolgars:  Bolgar built some defensive positions and walled their city.  If the horde came there would be nothing they could do probably so they sent tribute to the Seljuk in hopes that showing them respect might get them to look elsewhere.  During this cycle that plan worked.      


Novgorod:  Novgorod has always had financial problems do to their poor tax base but they did manage to put into the field 1000 Chain mail clad Cavalry with swords, they were the best trained soldiers in the kingdom and though it was doubtful that they could match the speed and maneuverability of a nomad they were adept in the ways of mounted combat.


Galica:  Though not sure what instructions the King would give the Galician Lord ordered 600 Knights in full armor be mustered in preparation for the coming of the Horde though it wasn’t much it was what the barony could afford.


England:  London (CL10)

The King of England decided that the lands of Ireland should be friendly to him.  They were fellow Celtics and they needed a strong shoulder to support them should any ill befall them.  Athelstan traveled with Herewald and his fleet to Limerick and began negotiations.  During his stay in Limerick Athelstan was mesmerized by the Princess of the Emerald Isle, Molly Ryn.  The whirlwind romance culminated in a marriage in the palace of the Ryn Lord.  Relations were cozy but the Irish while cooperative were not ready to sign any agreements that bound them too tightly with the English.  Athelstan’s traveling companion and best man at the wedding, Herewald, died during the stay in Ireland and that did dampen spirits a bit.  Athelstan left the island feeling confident that in the very least some headway had been made with the Irish.


Celtic Church:  York Converted, Cathedral erected

All efforts were put into bringing York fully into the fold.   They succeeded, as the last Catholics of the north became Celtics.  While hitting the streets and converting the masses the Glen Ross discovered from disturbing symbols etched in several locations in the city.  They were markers of some sort pertaining to Lay Lines, maybe, and long dead Druidism?  Very puzzling.


Wales:    City of Caernarvon built in the province of Gwynned.  There was a tremendous amount of rejoicing.


Ireland:  Economic Development continued at a good pace.   The English came calling with their big fleet.  “See England”



A census was conducted and the coffers were fattened.


Orkney/Scotland:  Edinburgh grows

The King sent his son-in-law Vingar to the frosty north with heckle (Wargar) and jeckle (Hagnul).  Neither of the men accompanying Vingar had a clue what exploring entailed nor how dangerous it might be.  They soon found out.  At the end of the year Wargar (who was pretty old) died due to an illness, he was given a traditional burial he deserved for his long and loyal service to the King.   Though there were difficulties on the trip the party returned and everyone was happy.


Poland:  Courland (T), Obodoza (NT)

German Troops rolled into Poland but not on a mission of conquest.  There was growing concern over relations with the Russians and the Horde in the East so it was best to be prepared incase something bad did happen.   The Polish King struck a bargain with the Baltic Trade Coalition the terms were undisclosed but the BTC is now a Feudal ally of the Poles.  The Polish King also found a new ally in the Pope.  The Catholic Church had been slow to do any work in Poland, this cycle though they poured a good amount of money into the development of Krakow’s infrastructure.


Baltic Trade Coalition: With financial support of Denmark the City of Olav’s Hold was constructed on Saarema.


HRE:  Jutland (EA)

Queen Elizabeth and Fredrik of Lorraine had a shocking number of children this cycle as they spent A LOT of quality time together.  Three daughters and sons were added to the family.  Elizabeth at the end of the cycle about never having sex again but that may be just a rumor.


On to more serious matters.   The invincible Mathias was back in action again leading a combined army of Germany and Pisa against a mercenary army of Venice.  (SEE VENICE)


A grim specter rode through the country, his sons at his side.  Both were vigilant warriors of God like their father.  Von Ryan had for nearly 30 years pursued the information that would help him discover the darker side of the lands of Germany now his sons traveled with him, the bookish Gregory and the hearty William.   V.Ryan had lost his wife in a tough winter, Gregory was pulled from monastery in Friesland in 1031 and William who was already in a military detachment traveling with V. Ryan was pulled from his unit and given a special commission as a Witch Hunter (a generic term for someone who searches for that which wishes not to be found, in the German royal court).   



Diary Excerpts, V.Ryan Witch Hunter,

Hamburg 1033, February1:  The weather today is very bitter and my bone ache everyday but there is always God’s work to be done.  My children have been immensely helpful in my efforts and I suspect that shortly Gregory will have found some information that will be very useful to the Empire.  There are always dangers near the Pagan lands and it appears there may be some proof forthcoming of cultic activity.

Hamburg 1033, February 3:  Gregory has discovered what appears to be some documentation on an organization that worships the Norse Gods.  Apparently the local cults are Thor worshipers so I will drop the hammer on them before the drop it on me.

Hamburg 1033, February 5:  I have ignored the Queen’s order to assign the 1000 man detachment of heavy foot to the local garrison.  Since I answer only to the ruler this should not be a problem.  A warm wind has blown in from the south today making it so my knees don’t hurt quite so much.  Today would be a fine day to stamp out the pagans.  I have the men ready to move on a low building near the docks.  It appears that the facility is small so things should be completed without much of a disturbance.


Hamburg 1033, February 5th, Witch Hunter V. Ryan and a sizeable group of men rounded up about 50 suspected Pagans in a small house and underground facility in the harbor district of Hamburg.   Some of the “Thor” Cult escaped via a boat that was reached through the sewers.  Those captured were taken to the Monastery of St. Petri were they would be interrogated and given over to God.   


Hamburg 1033, March 13th:  Gregory finally finished with the investigation of the documentation found in the raid on what I would term a cell of Thor.    The information indicates that Jutland and more notably Viborg are very important locations for this cult so I am going travel there and see what can be done to take care of this problem.


Jutland 1033, May23rd:  The weather continues to get nicer, thankfully, I brought my personal contingent of troops with me sending apologies to the Queen but I am sure she will understand.  If this is the hotbed of Norse Cult activity Gregory says it is then I will need all the men I can get.


Viborg 1033, May30th:  Thought it would be easier to deal with the city location first, hoping to get a better idea on were the Great Temple is, the answers lie in Viborg of that I am certain.  I met Leopold and Conrad and told them to keep an eye out for suspicious activities.  They scoffed, so I kicked both of their arses back in line and hauled them to Asmild Kirke to be evaluated by the clergy there.  They turned white as ghost when I hauled them off but they needed a little of the fear of God put into their arse.  They should be good God fearing Germans from now on.  Least they will be more respectful.

Viborg 1033, June1:  Gregory and William are much better at this work than I am they tracked down what appears to be a large installation called Sortebrodre Kirke.  We will strike at dawn, I am thankful that I do not have to use the local militia since I doubt their heart would be into this task.

Viborg 1033, June 2nd: Someone tried to kill me today, the Holy Father should restrict the use of those damn crossbows I caught a bolt in my shield today, punched right through and nearly went through my breastplate, what a brutal weapon.  We smashed the “blackfriars” Church, though a large facility it was sparsely populated.  We did recover a good amount of information though and I am now certain where their stronghold is…Lindholm Hoje.


Lindholm Hoje 1033, July 15th:  We have been spying on the walled village for the better part of a week and have seen nothing grossly inordinate about the village.  I have my full contingent still in tow and have decided to send my sons in to check things out with a small detachment of troops pretending to be Queens’s men on patrol. 

Lindholm Hoje 1033, July 16th:  Boys returned and it appears the whole town reeks of the foul stench of pagans, rather than convert them we will raise the village and cart the children off to the Abbey in Viborg for a proper indoctrination in the all knowing ways of God.

Linholm Hoje 1033, July 17th:  The fighting was brutal in the town.  The disciples of Thor fought like savages and my men smote them with Gods righteous fury.  The village and all it’s occupants were either killed or captured.  We found what we were looking for as well.  Beneath one of the cellars was a stairwell that led to an underground grotto, which had a great many pagan symbols, paintings and books.  I have kept these for prosperity sake and in hopes that I, and those who follow me, will be able to better understand that which lurks in the shadows. 


The Army of the West was sent to Poland.  It was hoped that and additional 5000 men would make the Catholics of Poland feel a bit safer.


Carinthia:  More Trade.  Visit from Venice

Bohemia:  Prague Grows

Bavaria:  Large Economic investment in Nordgau


Roman Catholic Church (RCC):

The Branist uprising is over.  Pope Gregory met with Bran Jacobson in Marseille for a very long time trying to work out the differences between the RCC and Branist Movement.  After much deliberation and haggling it was determined that the Branist movement while a negative spiritually, since it caused divisions in the church, was of merit and would pave the way for a more unified church.  A Catholic religion that was more oriented toward all men and there was no way that could be bad.   The Pope gave Bran a charter as well, to carry the word of God throughout the land.   To the poor and the down trodden.  All men deserve to be saved and Bran now was quested to save all men of the Christian world.


On another note the Pope condemned the enslavement 20 years ago.  The King of Leon was given some tasks to carry out as in order to gain redemption for foul acts of enslavement on Moslems. 


Branist:   Peace with Rome and a Victory for mankind.  The Branist Order is formed to help bring God to the masses, the poor in the cities and the Peasants in the countryside rejoice as they can now find salvation just the same as the “landed” classes can.  Wealth no longer assures man a place in heaven.  This of course does not sit well with the aristocracy who of course consider themselves privileged but this should put an end to the practice of willing estates to the Papacy in order to assure entrance into heaven.


France:  Arras Burns, Paris and Tours Grow, Provence (F)

Continued effort to pull the former Burgundian lands into the fold went pretty well.   The Reunification of the Church paved the way for Provence to finally become friendly, the King was overjoyed as his vision for a unified France continues to develop.  Sadly the King died in 1031 and actually didn’t get to see Provence go friendly. 


Times were extremely trying in the post Robert the Pious years.  It was the consensus in France that Robert of Normandy should become King.  Henri was the named Heir but Robert of Normandy had a son, Robert II, and Henri had no heirs.  There was still the questionable disappearance of Henri’s wife 10 or so years ago and Henri’s remarrying even though his wife had never been found.  Robert II tried to persuade his father to push for the throne.  Robert of Normandy was a wise and respected man.  He sent a letter to Henri and once a reply was received he headed for Paris.

After feverish negotiations it was settled and Robert II was named heir to the throne and Robert would remain in his roll as the commander of the army.  This while satisfactory for some did not stop Gascony and Aquitaine from lowering their status.   Though they would still pay tithe still out of respect though they would not follow orders from the king.


In a tragic turn of events in Northern France the entire city of Arras burned to the ground.  No one is terribly sure what happened but the death toll was very high as the high coastal winds blew the flames from one thatched roof to another.


Gascony:    City of Toulouse in Armagnac, nation becomes independent

Aquitaine:  Built the city of Poitiers in the province of Anjou, nation becomes independent.


Leon:  Salamanca colonized to a zero

The gradual rebuilding of the army continues in Leon and the province of Salamanca is colonized with good Catholics.  Francis II becomes Heir.  He is every bit the general is uncle is and he is only 18.   Francis I received instructions from the Pope on how to absolve himself of the heinous act of slavery he ordered. 


Cordoba:  Palina, Valencia and Toledo all Grow, New City Zargosa in Aragon

Pursuing a course of internal development Cordoba built a road through the mountains to Aragon and improved the postal road to New Castile to a Royal Road. Many Urban centers grew this turn and 6000 men were added to the military as Cordoba continued to rebuild the military.



The economy was improving and the Catholic population that had come to the region from the Baltic and England was ecstatic about the conditions in the nation of Hungary.   Peace had pervaded throughout the tribes for longer than anyone could remember.  Maybe the nation was truly becoming civilized.  Alexander’s wife has now given birth to a total of seven children and 5 girls and 2 boys, Alexander, son of Saint Stephen, is a very proud father.



Bosnian Irrigation project nears completion as orthodox clergymen and Serbs join together to nearly complete the large project.  The army defended the land vigilantly and a close eye was kept on the Venetians.  Everyone knew the Italians were untrustworthy.


The Kings daughter, Former Croatian leader now the Serbo-Croatian leader after Dragomir’s death, marries his sister off to one of sons Gortan to close the bond between the two nations.  In an unfortunate turn of events Gortan’s new wife only survived a year before dying giving birth to a son.  The link was made and that was important but the nation was sad because such an event seemed to bode ill for the Union but the two men, Mikhail and Gortan seemed to be getting along fine.


Draz journeyed to get lands of Montenegro to determine whether relations could be mended.  He met with King Voislav.  The meeting was cordial and Draz a fine diplomat left impressed by Voislav and aware that Montenegro would remain independent as long as the highly skilled Voislav was on the throne.    


Montenegro:  Minding their own business


Venice & Tuscany:

Oreselo was really getting tired on these trips to the Prison.  It stank in there and there was always that constant racket of the tortured as the confessed their sins, whatever they might be.  This cycle there was another plot to kill the Doge by the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church.  Oreselo mused over the fact that such a “pious” institution like the Orthodox Church would be carrying out attacks intended to kill him.  Wasn’t murder a sin?  Oh well mattered not the Patriarch was the Byzantines lapdog and so he was just doing what he was told.


Diplomats were sent to Carinthia, Indalo was escorted to the border as soon as he was discovered in the country.

Abbaigio though persuasive was ineffective in Montenegro.  The Serbs were visiting at the same time, which didn’t help.  The Montenegro King apparently was enjoying his independence. 


On the war front the Ragusan’s thought about moving out of their city and immediately reconsidered.


In Verona a large force of mercenary cavalry gathered under the able leadership of Othello.  Othello struck out toward Romagna and the Tuscans immediately showed up with their whole army.  Pietro leading 14000 men came barreling down the road.  Othello with his approximately 5000 men withdrew immediately back to Verona.  Pietro was in hot pursuit.


Othello ordered the mercenary cavalry to run screening actions and use the newly built provincial Field Forts while the Infantry and siege engineers moved into Venice.  This action worked well and the remnants of the mercenary army fled the province their job done.  Othello on the Island of Venice just watched and waited as had always been done in Venice.


Malta has become a hot bed for activity unmarked ships coming and going disturbing rumors of secret meetings but nothing mote than that is known.


Tuscany:  Lombardy and Savoy (F)

Pietro had a new plan and so he requested that his “Liege” the Holy Roman Empress send forces to Italy to assist him in disposing of Venice once and for all.  Pietro traveled to Lombardy and waited for Mathias to arrive.  News came of the Venetians moving against Romagna!  Pietro was astounded at their boldness but well prepared to deal with such an event and responded by immediately moving into Romagna arriving shortly after the Venetians did due to the fact there was a road available.  “See Venice”


Once the Venetians where back on their island hiding Pietro order the province to be cleared of all vermin and he settled in and waited for Mathias to arrive.   Mathias arrived in July of 1031 and Pietro and Mathias began to formulate a plan.


1031:  At Sea

Meanwhile in the Adriatic and the Ionian Piracy actions by the Tuscans were happening on schedule.   Pietro had played it safe sending the Mercenaries into the Adriatic and holding the Tuscan fleet in to Ionian.  The plan had a flaw though……….


Venice:  News reached Oreselo while on Crete that the shipping lanes were being raided by the Tuscans.  Oreselo was very amused by this and with his job essentially done in Crete he moved his fleet out and onto the Ionian. 

Tuscany:  Unbeknownst to the Corsican who was having great fun being a pirate and Buliceli in the Adriatic who was expecting the Venetian fleet to show up at anytime from the north Oreselo was coming up from the south. 

Venice: Oreselo arrived in the Ionian and caught up with “the Corsican” pretty quickly and the “Corsican” did everything he could to get out of a VERY bad situation very quickly but he still got hammered pretty hard, Oreselo recovered much of the pirated loot and captured some of the Tuscan navy as well.

Tuscany:  Work begins on a land bridge to Venice Late in the year.

Venice:  Oreselo was a great seaman and he knew how to get everything out of his men he made it to the Adriatic before Buliceli could slip away.  

Tuscany:  Buliceli was no fool he was not about to lose his hard earned fleet.  Oreselo had surprised him by coming up from the south rather than coming down from the North.  Buliceli made a run for the Ionian he sacrificed his 10 light galleys so his higher priced galleys and their expensive crews could escape.

Venice:  Oreselo captured some of the mercenary ships and released their crews, understanding they were mercenaries after all.  He arrived in Venice and heard the news about the land bridge being constructed to the walls of the city. 

Tuscany:  With the arrival of the Venetian fleet the construction of the bridge was canceled.


Thus Verona once again was liberated but Venice was once again is unapproachable.  Pietro learned some valuable information about his enemy and that might prove very helpful in the future if this conflict was to continue.  The well decorated General Mathias passed of old age in 1034 his body was treated and sent back to Germany for proper burial.



King Baris decided he would wait for a little while to see what is nephew was up to before he took action against him.  In June 1030 the Doge of Venice arrived bearing gifts and making very generous offers of support.   Baris entertained Oreselo even though he was no friend of the Venetians; no right-minded Eastern Roman really was with the war dragging into its twentieth year.   The Venetians might make very good allies and was it a requirement to like your allies?


September 1030 Baris’s nephew arrives, this was quite a shock, the Greek fleet had intercepted the REE fleet in the Aegean but the REE were flying the flag of truce and so they were escorted to an area outside Faistos’s port.   The REE fleet got really nervous when they noticed a VERY large detachment of Venetian ships nearby.


Baris, Basil III and Oreselo in the court of Baris, King of the Greeks


Baris        Ah Basil, meet my newest friend

Basil III   What foul company you keep uncle

Oreselo    A pleasure to see you as well Basil III

Baris        We were just discussing the Venetian fleet assisting me in defending my new kingdom.

Oreselo    I was telling him Baras the REE fleet needn’t be a concern of his

Basil III   You were?  How very nice of you.   Baris may we speak in private?

Baris        You want to let Oreselo out of your sight?

Basil III   Probably not.  I will speak openly then.  I want you to return home with me.  This was all

                a simple misunderstanding and I am willing to make it right if you will allow me too.

Baris        How do you purpose to do that?

Basil III   I will issue a public apology that will be posted throughout the empire.

Baris        Well isn’t that interesting and intriguing.

Oreselo    Very nice, will he engrave his apology for being a complete bastard on your TOMB?

Basil III   Very clever Oreselo, I am sincere in my offer and my uncle knows it.

Baris        It is an entertaining and generous offer it is unacceptable however my brother began the downfall of the Empire by conspiring with the Germans to remove Venice.  All dealings with those counterfeit Romans should be scorned and my brother knew that but wouldn’t listen to me.

Basil III   Father was a great man.  He sought only to eliminate the treacherous Venetians and their trade cartel from the Mediterranean.

Oreselo    Our business benefited everyone.  His greed is was caused the conflict and it has taxed your kingdom greatly and the drain will continue as long as you insist on pursuing this conflict

Baris        He was a great man but in his later years he grew distracted his level of confusion caused the nation great harm

Oreselo I don’t think you will be leaving this Island Basil

Baris        He will be leaving Oreselo, he came in peace and if you want any relations at all you will let him leave in peace.  Basil you may go now and I suggest you do so promptly before I change my mind.


Basil III left the Kingdom of the Greeks cursing the Venetians more than he ever had before, they had spoiled his plans and he knew it. 


E. Roman:  Bulgaria (A), Aleppo (Revolt, Pacified), Dobruja (EA)

A huge amount heavy warships were built in Constantinople and armed with the best crews available.   So many ships were built in fact that the port facility at Athens also had to be used to accommodate the over flow.


Steady stream of Eastern Romans went to and from the Kingdom of Naples as all sorts of training was given by the Eastern Romans to the Capatanian nationals.


Huge amounts of Diplomatic activity this turn.

Bulgaria was brought most of the way into the fold due to the good works of Admiral Sixtus who was able to persuade the Feudal leader that being part of the empire is a good thing. 

Dobruja was pulled in more closely by a marriage to the Heir Valentin.  Czar Simeon was very pleased by this arrangement because it meant that soon Bulgarian blood would be flowing through the Emperor of the Roman Empire.


Aleppo:  It is unlikely that any province will ever be more of a lodestone on any country than Aleppo.  Jovian “Defender of Anatolia” felt finally things were going to straighten out in Aleppo.  In 1030 he married the daughter of a wealthy Greek merchant that coupled with the work he was doing elsewhere in the province seemed to be really helping.  Then long time Roman leader and newly appointed governor Mediocritis died and the province control wavered there was talk of becoming independent, requesting aid of the Greeks and the usual stories.  It all passed but the control over the province declined.  In 1031 Jovian’s wife died in a riding accident on the coast.  Nothing pointed at Jovian but the merchant class was up in arms over this.  The Son of Mediocritis, Iradicius lead the revolt and some of the long time local garrison followed suit.  The revolt failed because Jovian was not one to be trifled with.  By the end of the year Iradicus was hanging outside the gates to Antioch for all to see.  The empty sockets where his eyes once were was a reminder of the brutality that can be visited upon those who resist the Emperor’s will.


A plea for Peace:  Basil III was a wise man.  He knew that having his uncle (Mistake in the last Newsfax referring to Baras being Basil III brother) claiming to be Emperor of the Greeks could be a very bad thing.  Was not the Roman Empire of the East really just the Greek States of Rome?   Greek nationalism could be a powder keg and so Basil III decided to swallow his pride and formally apologize to his uncle and reinstate him if he would bring his fledgling nation back into the fold.  “SEE GREECE”



Maybe the curse has finally lifted.  The Patriarch of Constantinople went to Aleppo to rid the foul land of its curse and build a Cathedral.  Though the curse may still be in place the Cathedral FINALLY got built.  Many prayers of thanks were said inside the structure after it’s completion.  The EOC put a lot of effort into assisting the development of their patrons.  This made the nations of the Eastern Orthodox Church very happy.


There was some rumbling within the wall of the Hagia Sofia in regard to the use of underhanded and violent means against Venice.  Some within the church felt this kind of behavior was unbecoming men of the cloth and should not be continued.  The cries fell on deaf ears as this cycle more acts of violence were attempted against the Venetians.  “See Venice”


The Capitanata (Naples):   Catanzaro Grows

The Emperor is DEAD!  Long Live Rainulf!  A poisoned bottle of wine the trademark of all good Venetian assassins cut down another ruler.  This time it was the king of Naples.   The death while tragic did not have a devastating affect on the kingdom and everyone was thankful of that.  Rainulf assumed the throne peacefully.  Roger’s two sons waiting in the wings sat patiently by as the cycle rolled on.  All activities happened as they were supposed to.   In 1034 Rainulf died in his sleep and the eldest son of Roger’s assumed the throne also in a peaceful fashion.




Middle East: 


Buhwayids: Cedar +1CL

The King prepped for the possibility of invasion by the Seljuk’s as all leaders in the kingdom were put on alert.  There was a good amount of improvements carried out as well.  It was all really very peaceful and quite.


Persia:  Port City of Qazvin on the Caspian

A port city was a big feather in the king’s hat and he was pleased to have accomplished such a feat.  Now to build those defenses in preparation for the Seljuk’s.


Azerbaijan:  Economic Development


Yemen:  Himyar (FA), Zufar (C), City of Zabid built in Danakil

Diplomacy continues to be a primary function of the Kingdom of Yemen both Himyar and Zufar were approached about stronger ties with Yemen.  Zufar was not really terribly interested but the chieftains of Himyar thought it might be a really good idea so things improved there.  Al-Ben was dispatched to the dreadfully poor province of Adel and it was discovered that the people here were anxious to hear about Allah and the converted when the missionaries arrived.   

The King seems very fond of the African portion of his holdings and decided to build a winter Palace in Danakil just outside of Zabid. 


Ghazi:  Baluchistan (NT) 

The Heir to the throne drowns at the age of 29.

A large cultivation project was started in Hazarajat.

Ah, money the universal language.  D’Kashet was sent to Baluchistan, like he was last cycle.  This time however he was given some gold to help sway the desert mullahs.  Low and behold it worked.  Apparently the people of the desert like money and therefore agreed to become a non-taxpaying tributary.  Close attention was also paid to the border regions with Punjab.  There was some concern that the Shiva worshipping Hindus might try to move west but they did not. 


Edrosia:  City of Multan in Baluch

Edrosia went about business as normal.  They were perfectly content to be a Feudal Ally of the Ghazi and keep developing the country.                 


Chorasmia:  Heavily fortified the home province fearing that the tribute paid to the Seljuk would not be satisfactory.   The Seljuk was placated thus far and the Kingdom of Chorasmia would apparently survive another cycle.


The Turkic Horde: Kirgiz absorbed, Osmani absorbed, Scythians Allied

Toghril Beg's Seljuks passed the test of 20 years without war and now they reap the benefits.    His 30,000 horsemen entered the land of Khirgiz and quickly persuaded them to join since they barely had 3000 men to oppose the Seljuk’s.  Toghril then traveled to the lands of the powerful Osmani.  They too bowed to the immense size of the Seljuk host and committed 6000 more steppe cavalry to the army.  The Seljuk’s then visited the third tribe the Scythians.  Now the Scythians had also seen a long period of peace and so they had gathered a host of nearly 15000 men to oppose the intrusion into their lands prior to parley.  Toghril was inclined to parley and after much negotiation the Scythians agreed to allied status within the greater Turkic Horde.  The promise of loot so near by may have been the determining factor though no one knows for sure.


Attack on Otrar:  Though the 10FF took a little effort to dislodge there were no leaders here and a HUGE amount of nomads.  The province was looted and the Turks settled in for a passive siege.   Six months later the siege was over and Tashkent was sacked.


Attack on Kara Khitan:  All the leaders of the empire gathered for this battle and all troops were brought to bear as well, 12,000 brave men, brave men, who almost to a man fell under the hoof of the Seljuk Horde.  Well nearly all, they fight on the plains just outside the capital of Samarkhand and a few did manage to flee back into the city including the king.     Toghril Beg settled in for the winter and laid down a perimeter for the passive siege.    When spring came, it always came early for the horde, Toghril realized that the king had survived the battle and he knew that if the king was in the city it might not break at all in the 5th year of the cycle so he returned home with much loot and a much larger army than he left home with.



The army was destroyed and the fields in Otrar and Kara-Khitan were burning as was Tashkent but on the upside the nation still survived and the provinces had not been depopulated.  The King was hopeful this was a one-time occurrence.




Tibet:   Assam (P)

Tibet moved a large army into Assam and subjugated the province.   The people of the province put up very little resistance, it was well know how militant the Tibetans and their Lamanist religious arm could be and the people of Assam were not inclined to suffer the brutal oppression resistance might bring.


Lamanist Tibet: Increased the size of the Holy City

Converted Arakan to the Lamanist religion.



Waiting for the Horde that never came.   Like their neighbors to the North Kashmir, Punjab is very well fortified.


Shiva Church of Kashmir: Further expansion in Punjab

Kucha:  City of Quor in the province of Tuhnwhang

The Kucha continue you to grow at a very pleasant pace.  Some Economic Development and some military build up.  All eyes along the Silk Road were on the event in Samarkhand and the Seljuk’s.


Manichaeans:  Very large investment in the Holy City.


Uttar Pradesh:  War Continues


Paramara Alliance:  War Continues  - Avanti (NE)

Sub-Commander Vishy who was very skilled as a diplomat attempted to woo the people of Avanti into believing that the Paramara Princes were really good people.  The Avanti knew this to be a lie but since Vishy brought nice gifts they did not kill him.


Bengal:  War Continues & Tibetans take Assam

During the active siege of Kaunaj the dead were piling up and Raj Satish became ill.  He lived long enough to see the city of Kaunaj fall then passed of fever and vomiting.  Prince Jish was on the scene and had actually been leading the campaign so he had control of a vast majority of the army but he really liked his older brother and so he refrained from rushing to the capital and killing his brother and taking the throne for himself.



Financial assistance for the Bengal’s to help them stave off a potential intrusion by the Tibetans.


Kaunaj:  War continues Years 11-15      

Sometimes it isn’t that great being the center of attention.


Battle of Kaunaj:  Bengal Army rolled in took the province the people of the city fled while this was going on.  Rains were very heavy this summer and many of the people evacuating died trying to cross the river.


Battle of Jihjohti:  The intrepid Paramara King, Ambassador Neshvee, Prince Mridul bunch of Mercenaries and the depleted but persistent Paramara army.  This was has been all bad for the Paramara princes and it may be getting worse.  The Kaunaj Prince feeling the end was apparently near sent a large portion of his newly formed elite units south to Jihjhoti to aid the defense there.  The allied leader gladly accepted and with his army greatly reinforced he prepared once again to defend his lands from the Paramarans.


Lots of Elite troops on both sides the Paramara forces numbered 6000 men and the Mercenaries approximately 5000. 

The Kaunaj numbered nearly 5000 also about 50% elite.  Though the numbers favored Mrigia the terrain favored the Jihjhoti commander, he was prepared for the invasion from Avanti and his army was all infantry in the woodland terrain, which might weigh heavily on the outcome.


 1031 April/May & June:  The Paramarans had been on the fringes of the province throughout the winter and now were ready to move against the established defenses of the Jihjhoti commander.  The Cavalry being somewhat ineffective in the wilds of the province stumbled around trying to flank their enemy while the infantry tried frontal assaulting the defensive position.  Charge! The Prince Mridul did into the gapping maw of the enemies’ defenses as they moved forward they discovered the enemies spear pit traps and ankle breaking small holes that had been dug in front of the defensive position.   When they finally did make it to the battle the defenders on the barricades fought very fiercely.  Mean while elsewhere on the battlefield the Kings cavalry squadron that was putting around in the brush suddenly was assaulted by the enemy commander and a large contingent of royal guards.  They whacked the hell out of the king’s heavy cavalry and managed to wound the king before he had a chance to withdraw, barely saved by his elite cavalry.

With the cavalry forces in full retreat the prince had to pull back as well, he was not very happy.


Ambassador Neshvee dies in his sleep


1031 July/August & September:            Mridul was pissed; he had been making headway when his father blew it for him.  A second assault was called for against the provincial defenders.    This time the attackers tried to move their forces up a dried up creek bed.  The plan seemed pretty good the creek bed had water in it last time out and evil Jihjhoti leader might not be expecting such a bold move.  The plan was working pretty well till the column got noticed by some observant light infantry man and then all hell broke lose.  The Royal guard immediately set upon the Princes Royal guard detachment and a bloody melee issued.  The Deccan raiders seeing their financial beneficiary in trouble rode in and helped the prince and his army extract them from the tight spot.


Both armies settled in for the winter, the Paramaran army was hurting but the King and the Prince conferred and decided to give it one more go.  The numerical advantage that the Catamaran’s had once held was gone but the King knew that the Jihjhoti Commander would not hold the defensive advantage he once had held either.  The news came in early 1032 that the Jihjhoti commander had caught a cold over the winter and perished.   Maybe there was hope yet


1032 April/May & June The Paramaran’s luck may have changed.   This battle would be as even as it gets.

There were about 4000 men now on each side.  Yes, the defenders had exacted a heavy toll.  The Death of the Jihjhoti commander though was huge and Mridul wanted to strike while the Iron was hot.   ARGH!  Mridul was incensed a draw, how could the God’s hate his nation so much that the battle would be allowed to end in a stalemate.  Another 1000 men dead on each side as the forces were really getting depleted.  By now everyone was a veteran.


1032 July, August & September: Good Lord another push it just wasn’t fair certainly some alien force that feeds on the dead must be involved making it so every man in both armies perishes on the battlefield.


Both sides rested.  The “Warrior” King Mrigia passed due to wounds received over that last two years of fighting.  Mriful contemplated going and killing his brother and taking the throne but as depleted as his army was he might not succeed so he fought on.


1033 April, May & June:  Victory!   The Prince down to about 1500 Paramara troops and 600 or so Mercs finally caught the Jihjhotan’s off balance.  The provincial defenders while setting up camp one night didn’t realize the enemy was near by.  When they lit the fires for the cook pots the Prince Mridul sprung into action.  Carefully his ragtag band drew near the enemy then he sounded the attack and his entire army charged.  It wasn’t an overly impressive charge but it was enough to get the job done.  The enemy was routed and by the end of the cycle the city had surrendered too.  Finally Victory for the Paramara Princes though there army was a mere fraction of it’s original size, 1000 men of an original 7000, but the enemy was finally defeated.


Battle of Rajput:  Into the province came the rested Pradesh army.  Chased from the province a few years back after a humiliating defeat the Vasta Lord and sub-commander Ushnisin were determined to make sure that embarrassment was not repeated.  Along with the two commanders they brought 20,000 troops with them twice what the defenders had in the way of manpower.  The Kaunaj Raj had faced hard odds before many times this would be no different.  He had prepared for the assault and he knew the sledding would be tough as ever.


July, August & September 1030:

When you out number the enemy two to one Frontal assaults on defensive positions seem like aren’t always a good idea but Ushnisin had proposed that the Kaunaj army needed to be tested a bit to find a weakness.  The Vasta Lord thought it a good idea; besides he did not relish having to pay this huge army so losing a bunch of Infantry would be give him some financial relief.


All the Infantry was sent forward in mass.   They paced themselves and when they got close to the enemy lines they charged in.  It was a glorious slaughter.  The Pradesh army did create a gap for a brief time and a detachment of armored horse with sword rushed into the gap only to be totally destroyed.  When that happened the Pradesh forces broke and withdrew.   Five Thousand Pradesh Infantry including half of the Royal Foot Guard lay dead on the field at the end of the day along with 1000-armored horse.    On the Kaunaj side about 1600 men lay dead, all losses were costly though when outnumber by such a large margin, the victory was sweet though.


Second battle of Rajput   April, May & June 1031:

Ushnisin had seen what he needed to see at the first battle he schemed with the King all winter to formulate a brilliant plan to finally defeat this most tenacious of opponents.  As the troops rolled out of their camps for the new campaign season the Pradesh army struck quickly catching the Kaunaj Raj in a poor defensive position.  Ushnisin decided that it was time to strike as hard a blow as possible so he unleashed his entire cavalry army.  The cavalry maneuvered and swarmed around the Kaunaj host striking and withdrawing to strike again time after time this happened.  Time after time the enemy, Pradesh army was repulsed bloodied.  Night could not have come too soon for the Kaunaj army and when it finally did they withdrew leaving all but 1000 Royal guard on the battlefield.  The Pradesh army lost its entire mounted Royal Guards force in the exchange as well as a some Elite mounted archers that had gotten just a little too close and got nailed by the Raj’s personal cavalry detachment.  The defeat was complete and the Raj retreated to his city and waited.



In the first months of 1032 the Bengal Army arrives to aid their allies the U.Pradesh.


Siege of Kaunaj:  The combined Bengal/Pradesh was very large and the number of Siege Engineers was very large too, over 6000 engineers showed up for the party, 12000 mostly heavy infantry was on hand as well.  Inside those 50’ high walls were 800 Royal Guards and 1000 Heavy Infantry all that was left of the proud military.  The Kaunaj Raj urged his men to be strong and they were.


July 1032:  The Allies probed the defenses of the city defenses in force and the though some damage was done to the city walls nothing remarkable happened and the besides some siege engineers got toasted when moving under some burning oil, quite messy.  


August 1032:  A bit more serious push was made against the walls and some headway was made the enemy was wearing down a bit though they were definitely giving more than they were taking.


September 1032:  The Pradesh forces retired to winter quarters, which REALLY irked the Bengals.


Winter 1032:  Everyone rests some of the wall strength is restored.


April 1033:  The allies are refreshed and decide to make an all out push on the city, the assault is just about all the defenders can withstand several breaches in the walls and the allied forces were barely repulsed but they were.


June 1033:  The Fall of Kaunaj!

People had been fleeing across and down the river since the floodwaters had subsided.  The city was effectively a ghost town a mere shell of it’s former self.  All that remained were the 800 Royal Guards and some broke down walls.  The final push came, no siege engineers were really necessary it was an infantry free for all in the city and the Royal guard would fight till the last man the King dying with them in an intense bloodletting.  It was definitely a sad day for Kaunaj who had breathed it’s last breathe as a nation.  Great Victories over the Bengals in the first battle of Jaunpor 10 years ago, twice nearly 5 years ago against the Uttar Pradesh army and then the Bengal army in Rajput just wasn’t enough though the Kaunaj Raj sent a great many enemies to their grave but in the end he dies tragically as his city burns.


Kashmir:  Fortress Kashmir built up some on defenses and poured money into economic development.

W. Chalukya:  Economic Development, Road between the two great Chalukyan fortress cities is constructed.  

Chola:  Counting heads and saving money for a rainy day.


Sri Lanka: Ras Hafun (C), Zanzibar (A)

The King, who was getting on in years, so he stayed close to home.  He did go to the Island paradise of Nias and set up a port facility there to support exploration into Malaysia.   Cey Scarface the butcher of the Maldives also set up a port on this now desolate Island chain.   Then Cey went off exploring.  Cey however was only good at butchering helpless innocents.  Cey sailed to Zanzibar and refitted then he went on to the Gulf of Delgado.  After first failing to map it out he actually succeeded before the end of 1030.  Cey then feeling pretty excited about not being totally incompetent when it comes to exploration moved on to the Seychelles.  This was a DISMAL failure and he limped back into port with only one of his 4 ships remaining. 


A large group of Merchantmen on the island of Sri Lanka and made a donation to the National University.   The donation was for all the routes or potential route made available due to the kings explorations of the seas.    


Tripuri/Anhivarta:  Chera (FA), Kalinga (Revolts)

Vishnar was having some difficulty managing his provinces that were a distance from the capital so he moved the capital (where the GM should have put it at the beginning).  He sent his brother to Kalinga to rule over the province and the province revolted and his brother was killed.  Vishnar had hoped to gain improved relations with Pundra but his diplomat informed him that the people of Pundra felt the distance to the capital was too great and thus declined to consider such things at this time.   Vishnar considered sending troops to level Kalinga but as much trouble as the province has been up to this point reconsidered and decided to wait until next cycle.





Burma:  Port City of Akyab was built in Arakan.  Rangoon Grows

Cities were walled throughout the country.   The King did not obviously want to take any chances losing all the gains his father had secured.  A large number of transports were constructed and trade was enhanced, as was the ability to move goods within the nation.   The Lamanist were allowed to come into some Burmese provinces on the coast and they were very effective in converting the Hindu populations.


Champa:  Laos (NT), City of Sri Venccene in Cochin

The New King thought all was well with his relations with the Khemer so he headed to Laos to try to secure closer ties with the fierce jungle warriors.  While that was going on the foul Khemer attacked.


Khmer:  Mison (NT), Dia Viet (NT) 

War Against the Champans:  Mercenaries were hired and the troops were gathered and the Khemer crossed the border in April if 1031.  General Son Crou who had been aware of the Khemer coming for a couple of months hoped his message made it to the king of the Large Khemer force moving across the mountains.  He moved his force into Mison, which would be easier to defend.  His force adding Mison’s 2 thousand man Garrison would be a big boost to his confidence as well.


May 1031:  The Khemer rolled in and granted the region its freedom from Champan rule.  They were grateful that the Khemer did not seem as oppressive as the Champans had been.   King Namchao and VriLomo arrive in Annam and prepare for the coming of the Khemer.


The Khemer unsure of the size of the Champan force decides to dig in and see if they attack.  After waiting the rest of the year with no response the Khemer army moves out.


April & May 1032:  Khmer Move toward Annam.  Punareay and 2000 light troops stay in Dia Viet and Bun-Rong moves on Mison with his 2000 men.


June 1032:   Khemer in Annam and attempt to grant the province it’s independence from the Champans.  In this case however most of the population has become friendly with the Champans and this makes these efforts completely ineffective.  A decent sized army of Champan forces doesn’t help either.


Namchao                 Alright hear is the plan

VriLomo                  Why do I get a bad feeling about this?

Namchao                 Because I am leaving you to defend Tonkin?

VriLomo                  I knew you were going to say that

Namchao                 I know how much you like eating rat

VriLomo                  Ack!  The Khemer better not have a fleet

Namchao                 I think they all defected will the last Emperor died.

Vri Lomo                 Thank God that means active Siege, least I won’t be bored.

Namchao                 I wouldn’t want you to be bored.  Hold the city until I can get back North.

VriLomo                  I will try, I am glad the walls are fairly high looks like the have a big army

Namchao                 Their Hindus though, they have no fighting spirit.

VriLomo                  That is a comfort  


June 32’:  Anxious to get the Annam campaign underway the troops spread out across the province.  Minor skirmish occur but nothing substantial.  The Champan Cavalry makes a break for the South and the Infantry moves into Tonkin.


July 32’:  The Champan Cavalry which managed to evade the Khemer army in the north mainly due to an intimate knowledge of the terrain moves into Dia Vet.  Once again they try to avoid contact.  Punareay allows them to pass because he knows there is no way he will stop them but he does warn Bun-Rong.  Bun-Rong prepares to engage the Mison defensive forces under General Son Crou.  Bun-Rong is surprised to see the number of troops that are in this province 3000 Infantry to make his life difficult.  He does have the Cavalry advantage for what that is worth in a wilderness region.


Annam Pacified Tributary.  Champan Army reforms in Mison.  Annam Infantry force numbering 5000 plus men barricades themselves in the City of Tonkin.  


August 1032:

Prince You Ly and the mercenary Chou You discuss the situation and decide to forgo the attack on the city.  

They settle in for the winter.


Bun Rong withdraws immediately from Mison on hearing the news he has 4000 Cavalry bearing down on him.  Bun Rong with his light troops evades the large Cavalry force coming in from the North. 


April 1033:  Khemer main Army back in Dia Viet.  The entire army is in the province.  You Ly orders a full-scale invasion of Mison. 


June & July 1033:  Khemer moves into the province of Mison


August 1033:  Campaign begins:


You Ly, Chou Yun & Bun-Rong along with 35,000 men very evenly mixed.

Namchou and Son Chou along with 6000 mixed Infantry and Cavalry


Namchou general knew he had no choice but to defend Mison since falling back to the capital would be admitting defeat.


The attack into the province was two-pronged one push was along the coast (You Ly) the other was through the countryside (Mercs).  August 19th 1033 the forces of You Ly fell into a trap laid by the crafty Namchou.  While making camp near Quang Ngai.   At about 5:30 PM as meals were being cooked and most of the men were getting out of their armor and bathing in the river the Champans hit with everything they had.  Now there were many camps along the river because the army was large.  Namchao and his general rolled in and began the slaughter.   It was horrible to be caught off guard and the Khemer paid dearly.  The battle ran into the evening and resulted in the Khemer who at the time were unaware of the Champan forces size withdrew in disarray.  In the Interior the Mercenary commander met no resistance at all not surprisingly enough.


September 1033:  What very little remained of the Champan army was chased out of Mison and back to Champa.  Chou Yun secured the province and made camp for the winter.     You Ly now embarrassed by his hasty decision to withdraw made camp for the winter, least he had the satisfaction of knowing he had destroyed nearly the entire Champan army.


April & May 1034:  You Ly moves his army back into Mison


June 1034:  You Ly while preparing to move against Champa dies when his horse slips on a treacherous river bank and rolls over him crushing his spine.  Bun-Rong assumes control of the army and recamps them for the year awaiting orders from the king.  Chou Yun and his men depart for parts unknown and Champa manages to survive. 


July & August 1034:  Vri Lomo Liberates Annam from the Khemer regime.    


Vishnu of SE Asia:  More economic development in Khemer lands and building facilities.

Malay Confederation:  Built up some more.

Java:  Sirivjaya grows

Replak the Foul Tempered was sent to Palembang to improve Java’s standing among the citizens.  Shockingly he was actually a little bit effective.  The complete conversion of the population was also beneficial to the overall effectiveness of the action.  Ma’Dao was sent to Timor.  He was quite a good diplomat and as proof he brought the people of Timor fully into the fold. 


The King was very concerned with economic development and his nations growth and so he worked long nights seeing that his lands did prosper and for this his people loved him.    His beautiful young wife bore him a son and a daughter in the first couple of years of the cycle.  In 1033 Jo’sean the Uniter passed due to complications of the fever.  The people were saddened by this national loss but the kings lead court advisor stepped in quickly and the diplomatic corp. of Replak and Ma’Dao consented to follow Regent Fong’s from Taiwan’s instructions.





Sung: (Red Monkey Empire): 

Seven thousand men where added to the military rolls a vast majority of them were heavily armed cavalry units.  “See War in Northern China”


Jingji: (Shou Lung’s Kingdom) Large military build up but not enough


His Hsia:  Someone will die this turn it is only a matter of who. 



Liao:  Shansi & Taiyuan City (C), Houma, Hopei (P)

Diplomatic efforts in Shansi provinces were ineffective; a little coin might have been helpful.  Prince Liao-Tung could lay claim to the region at least and once the leaders saw the incredible might of the Liao army he was sure they would beg to become part of the kingdom.   





1030:  Opening moves

March       1030:  Shou Lung leaves Shansi

April         1030:  Tagnut army moves out of the capital province, as does the Liao Army

May          1030:  Shou Lung arrives in Houma, Tagnuts arrive in Yanzhi, and Liao arrives in Lu’an

June           1030:  Shou Lung begins the attack on Houma; Tagnuts head across the border, Liao arrive in Yen

July           1030:  Shou Lung pushes chases out the Red Monkey garrison of light Infantry, Liao head for Hopei

August      1030:  Sheng Lsung’s 18000 Liao troops and 8000 Merc horse archers arrive in Hopei and begin the attack.

September 1030:  Tagnut army arrives in Kansu, The Red Monkey and the Jingi wait.


1031:  Initial Skirmishes

March       1031:  Shou Lung hearing of the move from the west of the Tagnuts moves to Shensi

April         1031:  Tagnuts begin clearing Kansu, Liao wrap up the Hopei campaign the province is pacified.

May          1031:  Liao moves out for Houma, Shou Lung realizing he is best served staying at home.

June           1031:  Tagnuts finish securing Kansu

July           1031:  Liao arrives in Houma, Tagnuts move on to Shensi

August      1031:  Liao begins clearing out the minimal elements of the Jingji

September 1031:  Tagnuts arrive in Shensi and camp.



1032:  Jingji and Red Monkey armies badly beaten, Chang An falls.


April         1032:  Battle of Shensi,   Shou Lung had no idea all the tribes of the steppe had joined with the Tagnuts it

was a scary sight.  Twenty Four thousand horse bowmen, Li Ti Ming (Ming Dynasty?)  had an additional twenty thousand cavalry of his own and ten thousand foot soldiers.  It was a massive army to behold.  Shou Lung had only thirteen thousand men to defend with and only a smattering of cavalry; even a general with the skill of Ju Jin couldn’t salvage this battle.  It was over very quickly with a smattering of troops making it back to Chang An and Shou Lung dead on the battlefield his dreams shattered.  


Liao finish up in Houma, Sheng-Lsung cast a wary eye toward the West concerned about the possibility of the gigantic Tagnut force continuing along the river.

May        1032:  Tagnuts continue to mop up the province and Chang An is sealed.  Liao start crossing the river into                                                                     


June         1032:  Tagnuts finish pacifying Shensi.  Liao army continues to move it’s huge force across the river.  The

                             Red Monkey moves in the Shentung to oppose the Liao.

July          1032:  Tagnuts assault the city of Chang An and it surrenders quickly.  Jin Ju escapes with some troops and becomes a mercenary commander.  Everyone else dies.  Whole Liao army is across the river the Liao and Red monkey begin measuring each other up.

August     1032:  Tagnuts rest and wait to see what happens in the East.    The Liao and the Red Monkey battle in Shentung.  Prior to the battle an assassination attempt was made on Cao’s life it failed and by did it piss him off.     


                            BATTLE OF SHENTUNG:   

Chan Cao's with 5000 Red Armored Elite Guards and another 10000 regular heavy horse engage      Sheng-Lsung leads a contingent of 600 royal guards in all their finery, 5000 Heavy lancers and 3000 mixed cavalry.  Maybe most important of all though is that 8000 Steppe Horse archers from the Manchu and Jurchen clans are along for the ride. 


Cao is a brilliant general but he hated steppe nomads so he had not saved any money for a counter bribe, besides it was more fun killing them.   As soon as humanly possible Cao launched an attack against the Liao.  He did not want to give them the benefit of being organized and he wanted them in tight formations (organizing after crossing the river) so Liao would not be able to take advantage of the Horsebowmens maneuverability.    The horn sounded and the Red Monkey rode forth through screen after screen of light cavalry.   Charge after charge was launched by the Red Monkey and when the Shen-Lsung thought his enemy had exhausted himself Shen-Lsung counter attacked.  This maneuver was very effective and the exhausted Red Monkey Royal Guard buckled and broke the Red Monkey was routed.

September 1032: Tagnuts move against Chinling.  Cao enraged returns to Honan


 1033:  Jingji Destroyed, Red Monkey prepare for the Assault on Honan


April        1033:  Tagnuts still on the move.  Liao cleaning up Shentung.

May         1033:  Liao head to Tangchou

June          1033:  Tagnuts arrive in Chinling.  Liao arrives in Tangchou.

July          1033:  Tagnuts attack the Chinling province.    Liao attack Tangchou.

August & September 1033:  Both provinces fall.


1034:  Tagnuts attack one last province and Liao move against Honan


April        1034:  Liao on the move to the Red Monkey capital, Tagnuts move against Funiu

May         1034:  Liao arrives in Honan

June          1034:  Liao attacks though the provinces extensive field fort network was very daunting.

The Liao withdraw quickly realizing they have no chance of smashing the defenses of the Red Monkey home province Lin Hua the second command for the Liao army died in the brief attack.

Tagnuts attack Funiu and conquer it.

July         1034:  Liao settle in Shentung and wait till next cycle          

August     1034:  Quiet settles in Northern China.



Shanan – Zhou: 

Ghang’de was fortified and the army was reinforced in hopes that the Bandits biggest province could be taken out Hunan. 


Bandit Kingdoms of Hunan: Built all the heavy troops they could in hopes it would be enough to stop the Shanan-Zhou then they waited.


Jaingnan:  Troop build up


Battle for Central China: 


1030: Bandits lose Hunan, Zhou lose Kiangu


1030 March                6000 Men move south into Ghang’de, static defenses also put into place

1030 April                Troops arrive. Jaingnan troops march on Kiangu

1030 May                Some defenders left behind but army of nearly 16,000 heads for Hunan

1030 June                Jaingnan troops arrive in Kiangu.   Shana-Zhou army arrives in Hunan.  Bandits on move

1030 July                Battle of Hunan begins currently the Zhou are sweeping up the Province as the Bandit army is not in province yet. 


                                Battle of Kiangu:  The Jaingnan were trying to recapture one of their original provinces and secure their good defensive border with their hostile neighbor to the west.  The Chin King had commissioned a large contingent of light infantry well suited for the wilderness of Kiangu as well as some elite heavy swordsmen.   10000 men move on Kiangu Zou Ming Ki defends with his nearly 4500 Cavalry.  Unlike the last encounter in Kiangu this battle went the Jaingnan’s way.  Their infantry took full advantage of the terrain and the cavalry maneuvered well.  It also helped that the enemy was outnumbered two to one.  Zou barely made it out of the province tail intact. 


1030 August           Bandits arrive in Hunan the battle is engaged.  The Bandits had a good-sized force with a good mix of elite troops but things went bad from the get go.  The Zhou were well lead and apparently very ready for the coming of the Bandits.  The open terrain paved the way for the huge amount of Zhou light cavalry to tear up the bandits and the bandits fled back into the wilderness where the belong.

1030 September      Zhou divides the army.  The King moves to Jiangxi and meets up with Zou.


1031:  Zhou versus the Jaingnan


1031 March - May Beginning the long trek across the mountains to Kiangu

1031 June                Emperor Zhen and General Zuo and a force of 10000 Cavalry and 3000 Siege Engineers crossed the mountains into Kiangu, the enemy was waiting for the enemy and hoping their infantry that had fought so well in 1031 would come through again.

1031 July                The armies meet on the battlefield.  Zhen is pleased he has a large number of elite troops.  Zhen found some clear land so that he might be able to use his cavalry more effectively.  The Jaingnan accepted the battlefield of Zhen’s choosing and the forces engaged. This was a battle of skirmishes really.  The light Cavalry of Zhen and the light infantry of Kaigsi sparred for a long period of time.  Finally Kaigsi had turned to address the flanking attempts by the horsebowmen that he exposed his flank to the heavier cavalry units of the Zhou.  Zhen did not pass this opportunity up and his forces somewhat disorganized but effective smashed into the Jaingnan army.   The fighting was still fierce and because the maneuvering took all day the actual battle ended fairly quickly.  The Jaingnan withdrew from the province by the end of the month and back to their capital. 

1031 August                Zhou leaves Zou and a garrison to watch his flank and he moves on Taiping.

1031 September                Still crossing the mountains



1032:  Zhou close out the Cycle with the capture of Taiping

                                There was no battle for Taiping the Emperor occupied it and rested.


Clan Iiachi:    

Apparently the Tiger Clan holds no fondness for the Jaingnan and so they tried to use diplomacy to get their two southern most provinces away from them.  Both attempts failed but like they always say it is the thought that counts.

The defenses of this southernmost Chinese state were enhanced and more troops were built as well.  Unlike the rest of china there was no war here but how long would that last?


Buddhist Primacy:  Lots of facilities built

A pox on you and your religion the old shaman screamed as Xan Pu as he was hauled off to be burned for ensorcelment.  Pu thought nothing of this ridiculous pronouncement and went about his business of organizing the construction of facilities and converting the heathens.  After failing in attempts to expand facilities in Yen, Lu’an and Liao-Tung Xan Pu was beside himself.  He couldn’t understand how this could have happened; he had never met with such hardships in the past.  So he went to Mantap thinking that the converting of Pagans was the thing to do to prove his worth before Buddha.  In 1034 one cool October evening 4 men burst into Pu’s room.  They were all wearing the masks of pagan animal gods, allegedly, and the dragged Pu away.  Some days later he was found ritualistically slain a sacrifice to the Pagan gods he opposed.


On other fronts things went reasonably well though there was a pretty high failure rate among the construction projects for some reason.  The Buddhist leadership originally intended to begin construction on a huge structure the Honan province but that was canceled due to the war.  Apparently Chan Cao decided that the area where the purposed construction was to take place was a fine spot for some fortified positions. 


Tung Doh visited the Andaman Is. in 1034 in hopes of building a small facility there.  Sadly no one at all lived on the Islands so no project could be undertaken.  Chou Ding III visited Golden Gate at the end of the cycle and was rudely awakened by the fact that the Javans were Hindu’s not Buddhist.  He did get in some sight seeing and fishing while he was there.   



Nanchao:  Wanting nothing to do with the War in China the Nanchao continued the economic development.                            



Steady Economic development.  As the Emperor Mokchong says when asked about the actions in China “bah!  What do you expect they are Chinese!  There blood is so tainted with the blood of Nomads it is hard to believe the have any culture at all.  May Buddha watch over them.”   The conversion of Mantap went pretty well this cycle and the king was pleased to hear that on top of the efforts by Mong So II the Buddhist primate also did some work in the region. 


Japan:  Hokkaido (FA)

General Mashita’s army was extremely well suited for dealing with the wilderness provinces and Mashita though not terribly adept and lacking the Asian mercenaries he had last cycle still manages to get the job done, as the Minamato had nothing left to defend themselves with after the last cycle.


Everyone in the entire country traveled to Hokkaido to woo them back to the empire.   Princess Ishi while well suited for diplomatic endeavors, Princess Aka and the Emperors accountant were completely inept.  In fact they were damaging to the effort.  Also the typical lack of supporting gifts did nothing to assist the effort.


Death of the Emperor 1033, April 5th:  Mashita arrived at the capital with many banners captured during his wars with the Minamato Clans of the North.  He was given a hero’s parade though the Emperor is not in attendance.  On discovering Emperor Nito is very ill and near death he sends for the Princess and the Heiress.   The Emperor passes in his sleep with a brain fever.


The Heiress and the Princess arrive and are immediately shuttled off the palace.  Several days later it was discovered that the Heiress was dead too…..this double tragedy rocked the nations.  Rumors ran wild but no one dare question the ascension of Ishi.  In 1034 Ishi and General Mashito were married in a regal ceremony.  The nation was restored.  


Minamato:  Perish



All efforts of the nation were dedicated to the cultivation of Eha-Rana.  The Project is very nearly complete.  The visionary king passed and his son took the reins and elevated his two brothers to positions of authority. 


New Zealand:  City of Mangonui in province of Taranaki

A great city was built on the Cook Strait.  This the king felt would help further his people's goals of expanding to the rich southern Islands.  More exploration was done and though it was time consuming Kahu seemed to have a knack for it and returned in one peace.




                Available Regular positions:


Hsi-Hsia: Powerful kingdom, good economy


Nanchao: Good kingdom, well-defended, nice economy.


Tibet: Good Kingdom, decent economy, nice military.


Lamanist Primacy: Buddhist Tibetan based primacy. Good income and

large domain.





Free Positions: Free players get 4 turns for free in these positions. The situation will then be evaluated to see if it makes sense to move the nation off free status.


Red Monkey:  Good but hated leader, under assault from the Liao very strong economy and military.


Maylay Confederation: Indonesia

Once the Srivajaya a maritime nation with some potential since

apparently the Javan's have decided not to kill them.


Chorasmia: C. Asian nation with a C2 province and 10 more years of

guaranteed peace with Samarkhand.


Ethiopia: Plateau kingdom. Poor but pretty capable of defending

itself against it's neighbors.


Chalukya: Little Seafarer on the West Coast of India. These folks

have a decent economy and a decent defense.